Cough from an esoteric point of view. Psychology of diseases: Throat (pain). Blood, veins, arteries: diseases

Everything happens for a reason: find out why something hurts. A completely unpredictable explanation!

Pain is an alarming signal to the body that something is wrong with it. If parts of your body hurt for no apparent reason, but there are no diseases or injuries, most likely the problem lies in the body’s psychosomatic reaction to what is happening in your life.

Psychosomatics - a science that studies the relationship between the human psyche and the physiological processes occurring in the body. When the psyche suffers, the whole body reacts sharply to this not only with illnesses, but also with pain of a different nature. Find out why this or that organ bothers you, and understand yourself. The human body is an amazing system in which everything is connected...

1. Headache
If you are constantly stressed and experience serious overload, do not be surprised that you have a headache. The best way to overcome a headache is to engage in relaxing practices, such as meditation or yoga. Dr. Christian Peterson insists that you need to monitor the harmony of your emotional state, and the headache will subside.

2. Neck
A person who cannot forgive himself for something complains of pain in the neck. The burden of guilt paralyzes this place; self-criticism and remorse need to be gotten rid of urgently. For neck pain to go away, you need to learn to accept the world as it is, in all its manifestations. Laurie D'Ascenzo, a chiropractic kinesiologist, recommends forgiving yourself and others - it will benefit your well-being.

3. Shoulders
Chiropractor Ros Kitson explains that the shoulders are the area where all the responsibilities and concerns that accompany a person fall. The best remedy for shoulder pain is to share the burden of worries with loved ones and stop carrying everything on yourself.

4. Pain in the upper back
This zone is responsible for love, receiving or giving it. Rhonda Degast, a trainer and practitioner in self-development, believes that if you have pain in this area, it’s time to take care of your relationships with people, try to balance the process of energy exchange. You need to receive love and give it equally.

5. Lower back
The lower back is responsible for financial affairs, so if you are dissatisfied with your financial situation, do not be surprised that your lower back often hurts. Dr. Mark W. Tong warns that if money haunts you day and night, you earn little or spend a lot, this is fraught with serious health problems. Try to manage your relationship with money wisely.

6. Elbows
Alan Vogel in Psychology Today states that your elbows are a reflection of how harsh you are with the outside world. Be kinder, make compromises, and this area will not hurt you.

7. Hands
Most interactions with the outside world occur through our hands. Laurie D'Ascenzo argues that pain in the hands indicates a lack of communication with people or its excess. Everything should be in moderation, remember this.

8. Hips
The hips are responsible for moving forward into the future, says chiropractor Barbara Clark. Don't be afraid of change, look into the eyes of the events that await you, and pain in your hips will not bother you. Being flexible and open to everything new is the key to good mental and physical health.

9. Knees
Knees reflect problems with self-esteem. If a person undeservedly belittles himself or elevates his ego above others, he cannot avoid trouble with his knees. Lawrence Michel, a specialist in alternative oriental medicine, suggests treating yourself with humor and loving your ego.

10. Calf muscle
Resentment and envy are concentrated in this place. Dr. Laura Perry advises to give up experiencing these negative emotions and live with peace in your soul, then no muscle tension will cause you discomfort.

11. Ankles
Pleasure conquers pain! Ankles are just such a case. Pain in this part of the body indicates that you do not know how to relax and enjoy the moment. Julie Douglas, author of many books on self-knowledge, recommends not depriving yourself of well-deserved rewards and enjoying life to the maximum.

12. Feet
If your feet hurt, it’s time to learn to let go of negativity and problems, and stop focusing on the bad. Psychologist from California Adaobi Anyjay believes that you need to appreciate every positive little thing, and pay less attention to serious problems, and they will dissolve.

When you endure emotional pain, your body suffers greatly. Why harm yourself? It depends only on you how to react to certain circumstances. To make life comfortable, it is enough not to accumulate evil in yourself and concentrate on something positive. Try to think differently than you are used to, you will succeed! The body and psyche will be healthier, and this is so important...


Illness is a conversation between God and Man. Here is what Ayurveda says about the psychosomatic causes of diseases: “An illness occurs when a person does the wrong thing, neglecting the laws of the Cosmos, the laws of God. You can find the cause of your illness, be cured, and then try to live correctly so as not to get sick.”

This is interesting! There is a special computer program that allows you to quickly determine the causes of diseases at a subtle level and work effectively with them. It contains all the psychosomatics of most human diseases.

Finding the cause of a disease involves several different techniques. When a person knows why a given disease is given, the search spectrum narrows noticeably, and if the cause of the disease is unknown, then the first thing to do is to remember and carefully analyze all the events that happened to the person during the day before the first signs of pain or malaise appeared. The fact is that according to natural laws, punishment overtakes a person within 24 hours after he violates any law. Example: at five o'clock in the evening you have a sore throat.

Methods for determining the causes of diseases

Determining the cause of the disease - 1 way:

To find the reason, you need to look for some conflicts with people that have happened since last night. Remember who was offended by you, who was dissatisfied with something, indignant, with whom there was a struggle on a subtle level.

How to determine the cause of the disease - 2nd method:

If you can’t find anything, you can try the following technique: sit alone in a room, in a calm state, and mentally call up images of all the people you encountered during the day. Mentally ask everyone: "Is it because of you that you get sick?" What usually happens is that the person from whom you received punishment will flash brighter than the others on your mental screen. Then ask him what he was offended by, what his complaint is. If he does not answer, try to understand your violation yourself.

Determining the causes of the disease - 3rd method:

Let's say you couldn't find the reason. You can mentally turn to higher powers and ask them to show the reason in a dream. In a dream, you will find yourself in situations similar to the one that caused the disease, but there the violation of laws will be more visible.

Psychosomatic causes of diseases - 4th method:

This is one of the main ways to determine the causes of diseases, based on the law of similars. It often happens that a disease in its form, appearance, nature of pain and location on the body resembles our disorder.

If you have a headache, then pay immediate attention to the nature of the pain. Very often it is oppressive, and this may be due to the fact that you put psychological pressure on someone and got change.

If your heart pounded, then most likely you “stabbed someone in the heart.”

Psychological causes of stomach and intestinal ulcers directly related to causticity in communication.

Toothache associated with criticism, which can be figuratively imagined as if we are biting someone.

When your throat hurts and you have a cough, then it often looks like barking, but isn’t the energy with which we condemn our loved ones and acquaintances if we argue and prove something similar to barking? There is an expression in Russian that describes this behavior: “they bark like dogs.”

There is another key to finding the causes of diseases, also based on the law of similars. Someone's knee joints hurt. The key question is posed: “What does this pain prevent a person from doing?” The answer is that it prevents him from walking and being flexible. This means that he himself prevents someone from going their own way through life and being flexible, that is, free in their desires, decisions, choices.

On the physical level, what we do to people psychologically and energetically comes back to us in the form of illness. In this case, an example was considered from healing practice, when a husband taught his wife how to act in different situations. These teachings were categorical, authoritarian in nature; the husband had great confidence in his own rightness and inner pride. The wife, trusting her husband’s authority, at first tried to do as he said, but then discovered that this did not correspond to her nature, became indignant, rejected his teachings and began to act in her own way. Just at the time when she was indignant, her husband’s knees began to hurt (polyarthritis).

Another example: a woman comes for healing because she has developed severe skin irritation in the groin area. We pose the question: “What is stopping her from doing?” It prevents you from making love. So she's stopping someone from making love? Not so literally. Let's try to expand the question - this sore prevents her from being a woman in some sense. This means that she is interfering with someone in this way. Soon, from further conversation, it turns out that her husband recently showed qualities in his communication with her that she cannot consider masculine, worthy of a knight. His behavior did not correspond to her idea of ​​what a man should be and she began to be offended, indignant, her thoughts were of a contemptuous nature: " Fi! This is not like a man... This is not a man!” The husband felt this energy and was offended in turn. His resentment caused his wife to become ill, because she had a violation of natural law - an attack by contempt.

They may ask: “Why isn’t your husband sick?” We do not know whether he violated natural laws with his actions. A wife came to us for healing, and the fact is that his behavior did not correspond to her ideas about masculine qualities, but her idea was formed under the influence of the environment where she was brought up, and this environment could have its own laws that do not correspond to natural ones. The woman apologized in the astral plane, and a day later the inflammation disappeared.

Determining the causes of the disease - 5th method:

To find the psychological cause of the disease, you can ask your Higher powers to bring to you people who have the same disorder as you. From the outside, violations are more visible; they are striking, especially if they are directed at you. Ask to be exposed to such people for a period of time, such as a week. This week you need to be very sensitive and attentive to everything that happens around you. Each event can be a sign, a hint. If, nevertheless, you have forgotten yourself in the bustle of the day, then sit down in the evening before going to bed and look through the whole day to see if anyone has behaved similar to yours.

Causes of diseases and their definition - 6th method:

It is used for chronic diseases, the cause of which a person cannot find in himself. Ask your strength to slightly aggravate the disease immediately after or even during a situation where you break the law.

Let's say you have a stomach ulcer. It is sometimes felt, sometimes not felt. It depends on both behavior and nutrition. Make your meals a dietary one for a week so that there are no side irritants. Communicate actively and uninhibitedly with people, let your irony, sarcasm, and causticism manifest themselves in full. Where the pain in the stomach will stick is your violation of the laws.

Causes of diseases. Psychosomatics of diseases

Almost all diseases are psychosomatic in nature. Below is a large list of causes of the most common diseases. Having fully understood the psychological causes of diseases and changed their behavior or attitude towards life, a person almost always manages to overcome the disease.


Cause of arrhythmia- uneven, episodic supply of heart energy and warmth to close people, alternating with closedness, alienation, and anger.

Example . Mom comes home from work and gives heartfelt energy to the children: “Oh, you are my family! You’ve been waiting for too long! Look what I brought you.”. The same thing the next day: “I’m so tired of you all! Have you done your homework? Go to bed.”.

Mom’s mood fluctuates, and she allows herself to behave this way towards her loved ones.

Myopia - psychosomatics

Cause of myopia- criticism by vision.

Example . A well-read, intelligent young man, 10 years old, with great pride wants to assert himself in the eyes of others and gain authority for himself. He begins, without good reason, only to attract attention, to criticize the shortcomings of the world around him. A couple of years later, the young man developed severe myopia. People were offended by such criticism, and the energy of their offense hit the boy on Ajna, the chakra responsible for vision. The less he will see, the less he will judge.

Varicose veins - cause

Psychological cause of varicose veins as a disease- suppression of anger, discontent within oneself. A person is angry at someone, at life, at difficult situations, and at this time Manipura produces a lot of negative destructive energy. If a person immediately dumps it through swearing, screaming, complaints, then there may be other diseases, and varicose veins occur when he suppresses this energy within himself with the help of will. The anger suppressed by the will is discharged through the legs, because There are channels in the legs through which the body removes unnecessary energy.

If dissatisfaction with something manifests itself for a long time, then the channels cannot cope with the release of destructive energy, and this is reflected in the tissues of the physical body. The energy of anger and chronic irritation resembles billowing black smoke. Pay attention to the pattern of swollen veins on the legs - that’s exactly what it looks like. The law of similarity is also evident here. A person does not want to dump such energy on others, so as not to spoil relationships, and suppresses it within himself. The energetic mechanism of this disease is not the same as in the case of myopia. There the energy blow is delivered by the people around him, but here the person destroys himself.

Causes of sexually transmitted diseases

Cause of venereal diseases - disgust and contempt in sexual relations. This usually manifests itself in general disrespect of partners, when using someone to satisfy sexual desires. First, a person breaks the law, the partner is offended, and this offense goes into space as a request demanding that the offender be punished. After a couple of days, the one who was squeamish ends up in bed with a new partner who already has a sexually transmitted disease. As for AIDS, it is apparently associated with inoculating other people, especially young people, with sexual perversions. The strength of the punishment is proportional to the strength of the violation. The question arises: “What about the infection of infants with AIDS in maternity hospitals?” All diseases of this kind from any infections, as well as miscarriages and abortions, are associated with the karma of past lives. When a creature is in space and is about to be born, it knows very well what it is doing. From there, destinies are visible, and the task of such an incarnation is to burn one’s negative karma through suffering in the process of illness.

Causes of diseases. Inflammation of the appendages

Causeinflammation of the appendages - coquetry with the release of sexual energy, teasing men with reluctance to enter into intimate relationships with them.

This is a very common disorder - and the disease that naturally follows it. Women flirt in order to gather energy, to attract attention, and sometimes to get some kind of service or help. At the same time, sexual energy goes beyond the woman’s aura and penetrates the man’s field, and this, according to natural laws, is an invitation to bed. When a “warmed up” man comes up with proposals, the lady “turns him off”. If he is offended, then the appendages or other organs of the genitourinary system will hurt; if he is not offended, then nothing will hurt.

Gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers

Causes of stomach diseases - causticity, irony, sarcasm, barbed ridicule.

This type of behavior occurs a lot in today's world. Why doesn't everyone have ulcers? The energetic mechanism of communication, in which both interlocutors are internally closed, ready to be sarcastic and exchange barbs, resembles a duel between two knights. Both have put on armor and are trying to reach each other with swords. In this case, they do not take offense at each other, because they play by the same rules of communication, they were taught this way by their upbringing, they live by it and accept causticity as the norm.

Diseases arise when sarcasm is directed at a person who lives according to different laws, who is open, vulnerable, and who does not accept a fight as a form of communication. He has the right to be offended if such energy was directed at him, but he gave no reason for this. The natural laws of our planet are on his side.

Hemorrhoids - causes according to Ayurveda

Psychosomatic causehemorrhoids - reluctance to let go of what should go according to natural laws. Greed.

Example of a cause of illness. A woman had to undergo surgery for hemorrhoids only because she did not want to throw away a large amount of canned vegetables that had already spoiled in her pantry. She walked around and felt sorry for her jars and worried that they needed to be thrown away. From strong emotions of this kind, the energy inside the body begins to circulate incorrectly, and this is expressed on the physical level in the form of hemorrhoids. Here, too, the law of similarity is manifested - feces must leave the body, and letting them out is painful if the anus is not in order. It may be a pity to let go of things, money or even energy - something that belongs to the navel chakra.

Hepatitis (jaundice) - psychosomatics of the disease

Cause of hepatitis. This disease also belongs to Manipura, but the nature of the energy released by a person is different from causticity. Acrimony hits, pricks, and bile oozes, while those around them or their vision of the world are also attacked, but of a slightly different nature. When they fight back, the bilious person begins to get sick.

Headaches - Ayurveda. Causes of diseases.

  • Pressure of will on people.
  • Imposing your vision and opinion.
  • "Breaking through" under someone else's will.
  • Allowing other people to impose their vision on themselves.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of headaches:

  1. Pressure from the will with the desire to force a person to do something does not cause headaches until the person becomes indignant. From this moment on, the person pressing begins to have a headache. These people usually have high blood pressure. Teachers, military commanders, and directors of organizations do not always have a headache - society partially covers for them this violation, since they are in the service and are, to a certain extent, “automata” of the societies for which they work. If you look at natural laws, then the influence of wills is an attack, since the laws “don’t interfere”, “don’t ask, don’t interfere” are violated.
  2. Imposing your vision. A husband and wife came to visit a friend. While they were sitting drinking tea, the husband said that he wanted to buy a new tape recorder, and his wife began to dissuade him. Then a friend intervened without asking and began to assure that this was an excellent tape recorder and that it was necessary to buy it urgently. When the guests left, the owner had a headache. The wife fell in love because she wanted to spend the money on buying a washing machine, not a tape recorder.
  3. Crushing under someone else's will. Those who allow themselves to be “ridden” often have low blood pressure. These are oppressed people, accustomed to obey. They have no desire to argue, fight for their energy, and the reason may be fear and lack of faith in their strength. This usually begins in childhood - strong suppression on the part of parents creates submissive “automata” who, losing one psychological battle after another, turn into executors of someone else’s will. Your head may hurt from loss of energy - it goes to the one who commands you.
  4. Allowing others to force their opinions on you. Living in someone else's mind is a characteristic of insecure people. They also give a lot of energy to those on whose advice, experience, and authority they live. They lack energy.

Umbilical hernia

Psychological reasonumbilical hernia - attraction to hoarding and pride.

Often people develop a hernia after purchasing a summer house. Finally, you can accumulate some valuables, and in addition to valuables, all the old, unnecessary trash is also piled up at the dacha. If pride is also involved, then the owner’s thoughts take on the following character: “Now I have a lot of things. I will have more than my neighbors! Relatives will come - I’ll show them how to live, let them envy” etc.

All this can live in a person’s subconscious, and the energy obeys subconscious impulses - this is a sufficient reason for the occurrence of illness.

Example. There is a specific case of a hernia. In one family, the father earned a lot, ran a lot of business, and a lot of valuables accumulated in the house. The owner himself took this quite calmly, but the son was proud of his father and the security of the whole family. A poor neighbor came to visit, not dressed well. And it was the son who began to look down on him, as if he were “unfinished,” showing pride. The neighbor was offended, sensing the attitude of the owner’s son, although there was no talk about this in words - they were talking about completely different topics. The son developed a hernia, and then his child, because the child lived on the energy of the father.

Diabetes and its psychosomatic causes

Cause - contempt for inferiors while admiration for superiors.

If a person exhibits only one of these qualities, then diabetes will not occur. This is a disease of people who are hierarchical in their vision of the world. Diabetes is the scourge of India. In the 20th century, India ranked first in the world for this disease. This is the only country where casteism is still so strongly manifested in our time. The untouchables are despised there - this is the norm, but they are worshiped before the owners, which creates fertile ground for diabetes. It is interesting that in different societies the hierarchy is built according to different laws - wealth will not always be the main thing. Somewhere they value strength, somewhere they value intelligence, creativity, etc. Take a chess club - the ability to play chess is valued there. If a club member despises those who play worse than him and worships the best players, he may well develop diabetes. Resentment often comes from those who are despised, from those who are stamped with inferiority.

Toothache - psychological causes according to Ayurveda

Cause of toothache - criticism of society, any societies.

This may include both criticism of the government, reforms, laws, and condemnation of doctors, police, merchants - any societies that make up the social structure. If someone criticizes another person or the activities of an entire organization with the goal of improving it, helping to understand something, then this may not cause a toothache. But when we sit in the kitchen, drink tea and scold the state, our emotional energy flies out and hits this structure in the astral plane. This is an attack from our side and the astral society has the right to fight back, which returns to us in the form of a disease. The reason is in ourselves, as always. :)

Causes of skin diseases

Cause of skin diseases - disrespect for people.

Disrespect is expressed in arrogance, neglect, placing oneself above others, considering oneself chosen, significant, and others - inferior, low. The cause of skin diseases can be disrespect for people when they have sharply manifested shortcomings: self-interest, greed, stupidity, etc. According to natural laws, any creature is worthy of respect, since there is a particle of the Divine in it. One must respect not for the set of qualities of a person, but for the fact that he has an immortal soul. We prevent her from developing by imposing disrespectful cliches. Do not confuse it with respect - this is a completely different type of energy, which is given to parents for giving us a physical body, and to Teachers.

Oncology. Causes of cancer

Cause of cancer - unintentional deception, deception by behavior.

Example. A ndrey has long wanted to buy winter shoes so that they would be of high quality and inexpensive. At work he was offered a pair of good shoes for $40. He didn’t have any money with him, and he asked Vasya to lend it to him. Vasya replied that, of course, he would give the money, he would just go home for it during lunch. He went home and took the money, but on the way to work he saw in the store a blouse that his wife had been looking for for a long time. Having bought it for $20, he brought Andrey only half the money. While Andrei was looking for the amount he was missing, the owner of the shoes had already sold them to someone. Then Andrei, when he saw good shoes on someone, remembered Vasya... And a couple of months later, Vasya was diagnosed with a tumor. This is a simple example of unintentional deception.

Behavioral deception is somewhat more complex. There are many of them in sexual relationships. For example, the causes of all tumors in the genital area are associated with these deceptions. The causes of the disease are the same as those described for inflammation of the appendages: it all starts with inflammation, then benign tumors form, sometimes turning into malignant ones. Here people do not talk about what they will do, but promise through their behavior and the energy they emit. Remember how a woman lives with one man, and “keeps another or even several in reserve.” After all, in order to keep it in reserve, you need to promise something energetically, to lure a person with something. And she doesn’t go to bed with those others, and that’s why tumors form.

Baldness - psychosomatic causes

Cause of baldness - preoccupation, heavy depressing thoughts for a long time.

Hair simply cannot withstand such energy on the head. (We are not considering reasons such as radiation or calcium deficiency here).

Ayurveda. Causes of diseases. Periodontal disease

Reason - criticism, shaking of foundations.

Again we find the action of the law of similarity. Gums are the foundation for teeth. When a person condemns the foundations of a family, clan, clan, people, or some society, then by doing so he undermines them. The foundations may be imperfect, they may contain violations of natural laws, but some people still need them and there is no point in criticizing them - society will fight for its foundations, laws, moral principles developed over centuries. Jews have one foundation, Ukrainians have another. A Ukrainian married a Jewish woman, ended up in her family and cannot resist criticism, as a result this was the cause of the disease - periodontal disease.

Fractures, injuries, bruises

Cause - deliberate deception.

This is a deliberate deception when a person already knows that what he is saying is not true.

Liver diseases

Cause of liver disease- our manifestation of malice, anger, gloating.

Example. For some reason, one student at the institute was not transferred to the next year. Whether the administration was right or not is an obscure question, because the institution lives not according to natural, but according to social laws. But the student was offended, and when something did not work out for the administration in the educational process, he rejoiced, or rather, gloated, in general, he took out his offense in conversations with representatives of this very administration. His liver started to hurt a few hours after the conversation. This is a simple example of the manifestation of a cause, but it is taken from real life.

Polyarthritis. Causes of polyarthritis

Cause - pride with integrity.

There have been many cases where one person taught another how to live, planted his principles down on him and suffered from polyarthritis. It doesn’t matter how true the principles are, but this form of teaching turns the student into an “automaton”, deprives him of flexibility and forces him to accept someone else’s experience in a ready-made form, rather than grow himself, reaching the truth, albeit more slowly, but with his own mind. Nature and its laws are flexible, fluid, changeable, they fight dogma and authoritarianism.

Kidney diseases from the point of view of Ayurveda

Cause of kidney disease:

  1. Sexual causes are similar to all inflammations, i.e. the use of sexual energy is not for the purpose, which has already been discussed.
  2. Fear. It is dumped in the body on the kidneys, which can immediately cause children to wet their pants. It is through urine that the destructive energy of fear for the body is released. Adults don’t allow themselves to do this and they have a lot of accumulating chronic fear - it destroys the kidneys.

Cold. Causes of colds

Cause of colds- condemnation and criticism, most often in relation to family. Chronic tonsillitis is often observed in people who judge their loved ones.

Radiculitis. Psychosomatics of radiculitis

Psychosomatic causes of radiculitis:

  1. Fear. The mother was very afraid for her two adult daughters. She loved them, but she was so worried about their personal lives and financial situation that she shrouded them in a dark field of fear. This distorted the girls’ real picture of their lives and prevented them from moving along the path of development. The mother began to have an attack of radiculitis. They began to look at what he was stopping her from doing - sciatica was preventing her from moving freely physically. As soon as the mother apologized and forbade herself to be afraid, the pain went away. In this situation, she violated the “do not interfere” law in relation to her daughters.
  2. Pride. The young man often went hiking, and if the nights were cold, he gave the girls a sleeping bag, and he slept in a tent right on the ground. I've never been sick. One evening a situation arose where the guys were arguing and showing off, apparently proving to each other and the girls their intelligence, strength, etc. He again gave him the sleeping bag, but this time with pride, saying, “You can’t do that.” Some of the guys fell in love, probably were in poor health and were really afraid of catching a cold. That night our tourist developed this rare disease for young people - radiculitis.
  3. Sexual disorders. In one company, relationships developed in such a way that flirting became the norm, a game, a way of communication. Everyone was flirting, that is, both men and women radiated sexual energy, teasing each other. As long as none of them got upset or offended, everything was fine. But one lady greatly desired some man. He didn’t pay attention to it, ignored it (maybe he didn’t like her too much). So he got radiculitis. Why? If he had not given a reason, had not flirted with everyone, including her, he would have avoided such a situation. But he played this game, and according to natural laws it has a continuation - bed, and there is nowhere to dodge.

Muscle strains

Deep causes of sprains - almost always associated with pride.

One lady could not freely move her arm in the shoulder joint for six months and could not sleep normally or do yoga exercises because of this. During the healing session they helped her find the reason, she apologized, and everything went away on its own. One morning she went to do gymnastics at the stadium. There a man was mowing the grass, and she wanted to try mowing - she had never had to before. It turned out well. Then she did gymnastics and went home. The next day everything was repeated, but with one small difference - next to the man stood another lady, as it turned out later - his wife. And our heroine, of course, showed herself while mowing the grass. On the first day everything was fine, but on the second she suffered a muscle strain and joint pain.

Heart failure

Causes of heart failure - a person does not give enough heart energy to loved ones.

If you are in a friendly or social relationship with someone, then it hardly makes sense to look for the cause of heart failure among these people. Usually this disease manifests itself where the relationship on your part was warm and close at the beginning, and then changed, becoming cooler and closed. But the person remained open to you. In this case, it would be necessary to warn him, apologize, explain something. But it's not always easy. People are vulnerable, it is difficult to speak frankly with them. Many people try to avoid open explanations. And here fertile ground is created for this disease.

Blindness. Causes of eye diseases

Causes of eye diseases - may be different, but related to the vision. Let's look at one example. The girl was dating a guy. She became pregnant and had an abortion. Then they got married, she became pregnant a second time and gave birth to a healthy child, but she herself became 95% blind by the end of the pregnancy and had a detached retina. During the healing session, it turned out that the reason for the abortion was “so that they wouldn’t see the belly at the wedding.”

Tuberculosis and its causes

The cause of tuberculosis as a disease- integrity in cordial relationships.

When we want to act in one way according to our hearts, but we do differently, guided by some reasons, and this hurts people, then there is a chance of getting tuberculosis. Why is tuberculosis common in prisons? Not only because of sanitary conditions. There people live according to developed principles that are far from natural laws.

It became psychologically difficult for one person - sadness, melancholy, depression, this is not uncommon in prison. Another would be happy to help him, give him heartfelt energy, encourage him, but he does not do this, because they may treat him with contempt: they say that you are messing around with him. They were comrades and received a sentence together for one case. The first one became despised in prison, but the second one was accepted normally, and he would be happy to help a friend, but according to the principles of the local hierarchy he should not do this. If the friend gets offended, which is very likely, the other one may get tuberculosis.

Insect bites with severe swelling

Cause - pride.

When the body's defense systems are functioning normally, normal bites do not swell much.

Example. The company went on vacation to Crimea. Everyone gets bitten by mosquitoes and some other midges. But some people's arms and legs swell, while others don't. Allergy? Yes, it’s an allergy, but it has a reason, in this case it’s pride. Pride swells and the body swells. Again, you can calculate the reason using the law of similarity.

Cystitis - psychosomatics of the disease

Cause of cystitis- pride with integrity and pretensions in relations between men and women.

Cases of cystitis were observed by healers. To successfully treat an illness, it was enough to remove the cause with a ritual of apology. When the wife began to make claims to her husband with pressure, demand, resentment that he was not behaving like a man, she had attacks of cystitis. In this example, unlike the example with inflammation on the skin, the woman does not have contempt, but she has a claim.

Schizophrenia - psychosomatic causes of the disease

Cause of schizophrenia - mishandling of information and knowledge.

One of the common causes of schizophrenia is the accumulation of a large amount of information without its practical development and application. This usually applies to people who learn not simple information from books and newspapers, but esoteric information that greatly influences their worldview. Most often this happens when a person is suspicious, suggestible, falls for information and, without making the acquired knowledge his experience, skill, ability, grabs more and more new knowledge from various occult sources.

There is another example of the cause of the disease schizophrenia, when a woman violated the law “Do not transmit information without making it your own.” She gave large lectures in Moscow, encouraged people to go hungry, but she herself only starved for three days. One of her listeners, inspired by these sermons, began a multi-day fast. On the 15th day, mercury began to leave her body. Mercury accumulates in bones, and this woman had a lot of it. Mercury came out in balls from the anus. The woman and her family were very frightened, and at three o’clock in the morning they called the lady who was giving the lectures. She couldn’t figure out how to talk from her sleep, and she told the truth: “Actually, I only fasted for three days, and I don’t know what to do in such cases.” And soon she went crazy.

If we pass on knowledge to someone, especially one that affects the psyche and health, then we bear serious responsibility for this.

Diseases in children and pets

When a child is born, for the first year of his life he is connected with the energy of the mother and is highly dependent on her state of health and psyche. Since the mother’s body is energetically stronger, if it breaks the laws, the child may get sick. This is called dumping the disease on the weak. After a year, the child either remains on the mother’s energy or is transferred to the father’s energy. This is how he lives until he is 8-10 years old and suffers for his parents’ violations, and begins to suffer for his own violations after 8-10 years, switching to his own energy.

To determine which parent needs to monitor their behavior, you can leave the baby to play in the room alone for 20 minutes. Then mom and dad enter the room and stand in different corners. Whoever the child rushes to first, presses him to his feet, hugs him, is the one who needs to look for his own violations - the baby lives on his energy.

After the child switches to his own energy, which is usually accompanied by changes in his character and some distance from his parents, he can be taught to track his violations, analyze situations and use the ritual of apology.

Domestic animals also transfer diseases from their owners. A dog usually has one owner in the family, whom he chooses himself, and cats live on the energy of the entire house.

The ritual of apology as a way to eliminate the causes of illness.

When the cause of the illness is found, you need to sit down and think about your behavior in the future. Having found a new form of behavior without violating natural law, it is necessary to lay it on the subconscious in meditation. To do this, they vividly imagine themselves in situations similar to the one where the violation was made and mentally act in a new way. It would be good to work out 10-15 situations, and the more varied they are, the better. Then they do the ritual:

  1. Mentally evoke the face of the person in relation to whom the violation occurred. Greet him and thank him for his science.
  2. Tell him what law you broke.
  3. Show that in future you will act differently, that you have fulfilled the law.
  4. Sincerely ask for an apology, without harboring anger or resentment towards him in your soul.

Cases where illnesses arise for other reasons

There are exceptions to every rule. In healing there are many situations where illnesses occur for reasons other than those described above.

  1. If someone practices yoga or any energy gymnastics, he constantly pumps energy into the organs of the physical body, ether and chakras. It happens to such people that when the law is broken and the heart should ache, suddenly the head hurts. This happens because in any structure there is the weakest and the strongest point. The weak becomes a release point for destructive energies. Every organ of the body tries to throw off negative influences, and it goes to the weakest. Everyone has their own.
  2. It also happens that people relieve illnesses from their loved ones. This happens if they love them very much or feel sorry for them. Then the one from whom the disease was removed needs to apologize. Sometimes even healers who have not worked out pity take the disease off their patients onto themselves. There was even a case when a woman felt sorry for a completely unfamiliar young handsome guy whom she met by chance at the station. He was deaf and began to hear in two days, but the woman’s seven-year-old son became deaf. The healers had to work to restore the boy's hearing, but the guy was left with normal hearing.
  3. Sometimes a person gets sick of his own free will. Since childhood, he was accustomed to receiving a lot of energy, warmth, care, and sometimes pity from his family during illness. He was relieved of all household responsibilities and the need to prepare homework. A subconscious mechanism has developed, and when such a person wants to take a break from worries, he himself gets sick.
  4. Magic, curses, spells also do not belong to ordinary diseases and proceed according to their own laws. A person will dry out, or be childless, or the organ on which the magician has transferred his sore will become ill - all these cases are dealt with separately in healing, and their classification is not part of the purpose of this work. One thing is certain: magical attacks happen for a reason, but mainly against those people who themselves meddle in the world of magic. For example, they begin to hold a husband, bewitch a lady, dump illnesses on someone, hypnotize for their own purposes. To get out of such cause-and-effect relationships, rituals of apology and exchange are used with internal refusal to influence people.
  5. There are also cases when people behave against their nature and get sick because of this.

Once upon a time there lived an official. I never did anything selflessly to anyone. By the age of 60, I had tried everything in my life, “ate enough” and calmed down. A girl came to him and expressed a sincere request to him - she asked him to help her go to college. And he thought: “What should I take from her? I have plenty of money, I’ve also had enough of a bed. I’ll arrange it for her just like that, let her live and be happy.”. He acted not according to the nature of his astral body, in which the element of self-interest dominated, but according to his soul - according to a deeper part of his nature, according to which he had never lived before. The girl entered the institute and all the time remembered with gratitude his selfless act. And his heart chakra (the astral body consists of chakras) is not used to receiving such energy, because people have always given it the energy of envy, self-interest, and fear. So it was from this pure energy that he had a heart attack - the chakra could not process it.

And in the film “Time of Desires” the opposite situation is shown, and also for the heart chakra. There, the wife promotes her new husband in his career, making him a successful official. Previously, he sat in his free time at his favorite dacha, and natural energies flowed through his heart chakra - air, wood, water, etc. The wife sold the dacha, promoted her husband so that he already went to work in a black Volga with a driver. He became increasingly overwhelmed by the energy of envy and flattery, and he also had a heart attack. You cannot force other people to live by your own laws. Similar situations can occur at any chakra.

Conclusion. Ahimsa (non-violence)

When someone breaks the law, and we get upset (offended); he may get sick. Most often this happens to family, friends, acquaintances, that is, those people whom you did not want to force to get sick. But if you don’t react at all to violations of laws, people will continue to do the same, and sooner or later they will get sick from resentment towards someone else.

There is a good way to help a person understand his disorders without shocking him with energy and without causing illness. You need to tell him out loud that he is violating, but not be offended at all inside. This is the most evolutionary method - it is used by “gray” teachers. It does not cause illness, but it does not condone the violation of laws. It should be remembered that this can be done in cases where the violation concerns you specifically, and if it is done in relation to someone else, pointing it out may be interference in the affairs of others.

If you learn not to resent violations against yourself, although it is difficult, you will be able to teach people a lot without harming them, that is, by observing Ahimsa.

Alcoholism, narkomania.

  1. Not being able to cope with something. Terrible fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. Not wanting to be here.
  2. Feelings of futility, inadequacy. Rejection of one's own personality.


  1. Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power.
  2. A protest against something that cannot be expressed.
  3. It often happens that the parents of an allergic person often argued and had completely different views on life.
Appendicitis. Fear. Fear of life. Blocking out all the good stuff.


  1. Fear. Distrust in the life process. Guilt.
  2. Escape from life, unwillingness to acknowledge its shadow sides.

Vegetative dystonia.

Weight: problems.

Excessive appetite. Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. Feverish overflow and release of feelings of self-hatred.


  1. Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive. Trust in yourself, in the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts - these are the ways to lose weight.
  2. Obesity is a manifestation of the tendency to protect ourselves from something. The feeling of inner emptiness often awakens the appetite. Eating provides many people with a sense of acquisition. But mental deficiency cannot be filled with food. Lack of trust in life and fear of life’s circumstances plunge a person into trying to fill the spiritual emptiness with external means.
Lack of appetite. Denial of privacy. Strong feelings of fear, self-hatred and self-denial.
Thin. Such people do not like themselves, feel insignificant compared to others, and are afraid of being rejected. And that's why they try to be very kind.

Cellulite (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue). Accumulated anger and self-punishment. Forces herself to believe that nothing bothers her.

Inflammatory processes. Fear. Fury. Inflamed consciousness. The conditions you see in life cause anger and frustration.

Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in women). Hidden anger. The cover commonly used is fear. The desire to blame. Often: reluctance to engage in self-education.

Eye diseases. The eyes symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, and future. Perhaps you don't like what you see in your own life.

Astigmatism. Rejection of one's own self. Fear of seeing yourself in your true light.

Myopia. Fear of the future.

Glaucoma. The most persistent unwillingness to forgive. Old grievances are pressing. Overwhelmed by it all.

Farsightedness. Feeling out of this world.

Cataract. Inability to look forward with joy. Foggy future.

Conjunctivitis. Some event happened in life that caused strong anger, and this anger is intensified by the fear of experiencing this event again.

Blindness, retinal detachment, severe head injury. A harsh assessment of another person’s behavior, jealousy coupled with contempt, arrogance and rigidity.

Dry eyes. Evil eyes. Reluctance to look with love. I would rather die than forgive. Sometimes a manifestation of malevolence.


  1. Occurs in a very emotional person who cannot get along with what he sees.
  2. And who feels anger and irritation when he realizes that other people look at the world differently.
Head: diseases. Jealousy, envy, hatred and resentment.


  1. Underestimating yourself. Self-criticism. Fear. Headaches occur when we feel inferior and humiliated. Forgive yourself and your headache will go away on its own.
  2. Headaches often occur from low self-esteem, as well as from low resistance to even minor stress. A person complaining of constant headaches is literally all psychological and physical pressure and tension. The usual state of the nervous system is to always be at the limit of its capabilities. And the first symptom of future illnesses is a headache. Therefore, doctors working with such patients first teach them to relax.
  3. Loss of contact with your true self. The desire to meet the high expectations of others.
  4. Trying to avoid any mistakes.


  1. Hatred of coercion. Resistance to the course of life.
  2. Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as by those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.
  3. Sexual fears.
  4. Hostile envy.
  5. Migraine develops in a person who does not give himself the right to be himself.

Throat: diseases.

  1. Inability to stand up for yourself. Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Reluctance to change. Throat problems arise from the feeling that we “don’t have a right” and from a feeling of inadequacy.
  2. The throat, in addition, is a part of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. When we resist change, we often develop throat problems.
  3. You need to give yourself the right to do what you want, without blaming yourself and without fear of disturbing others.
  4. A sore throat is always an irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition to this, there is also confusion.
  1. You refrain from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
  2. You feel angry because you cannot cope with a situation.
Laryngitis. Anger makes it difficult to speak. Fear prevents you from speaking out. I am being dominated.
Tonsillitis. Fear. Suppressed emotions. Stifled creativity. Belief in one's inability to speak up for oneself and seek satisfaction of one's needs on one's own.
Hernia. Broken relationships. Tension, burden, improper creative self-expression.

Childhood diseases. Belief in calendars, social concepts and made-up rules. The adults around us act like children.

Adenoids. A child who feels unwanted.

Asthma in children. Fear of life. Not wanting to be here.

Eye diseases. Reluctance to see what is happening in the family.

Otitis(inflammation of the external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear). Anger. Reluctance to listen. There is noise in the house. Parents are quarreling.

Habit of biting nails. Hopelessness. Self-criticism. Hatred towards one of the parents.

Staphylococcus in children. An irreconcilable attitude towards the world and towards people in parents or ancestors.

Rickets. Emotional hunger. The need for love and protection.

Childbirth: deviations. Karmic.


  1. Longing for something unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep grief. There is nothing pleasant left.
  2. Diabetes can be caused by a need for control, sadness, and an inability to accept and process love. A diabetic cannot tolerate affection and love, although he craves it. He unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that at a deep level he experiences a strong need for it. Being in conflict with himself, in self-rejection, he is unable to accept love from others. Finding inner peace of mind, openness to accept love and the ability to love is the beginning of recovery from illness.
  3. Attempts to control, unrealistic expectations of universal happiness and sadness to the point of hopelessness that this is not possible. Inability to live your life, because it does not allow (does not know how) to rejoice and enjoy your life events.

Respiratory tract: diseases.

  1. Fear or refusal to breathe life deeply. You don’t recognize your right to occupy space or exist at all.
  2. Fear. Resistance to change. Lack of trust in the process of change.
  1. Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs. Fear of life. Not wanting to be here.
  2. A person with asthma feels like they have no right to breathe on their own. Asthmatic children are, as a rule, children with a highly developed conscience. They take the blame for everything.
  3. Asthma occurs when there are suppressed feelings of love in the family, suppressed crying, the child experiences fear of life and does not want to live anymore.
  4. Asthmatics express more negative emotions, are more likely to be angry, offended, harbor anger and a thirst for revenge compared to healthy people.
  5. Asthma and lung problems are caused by the inability (or unwillingness) to live independently, as well as a lack of living space. Asthma, convulsively holding back air currents entering from the outside world, indicates a fear of frankness, sincerity, of the need to accept what new things bring every day. Gaining trust in people is an important psychological component that promotes recovery.
  6. Repressed sexual desires.
  7. Wants too much; takes more than he should and gives with great difficulty. He wants to appear stronger than he is and thereby arouse love for himself.


  1. Suppressed self-pity.
  2. A prolonged situation of “everyone is against me” and an inability to cope with it.
Runny nose. Request for help. Internal crying. You are a victim. Lack of recognition of one's own value.

Nasopharyngeal discharge. Children's crying, internal tears, the feeling of victimhood.

Nosebleeds. The need for recognition, the desire for love.

Sinusitis. Irritation caused by one of your loved ones.


  1. Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Curses. Pride.
  2. They look for bad things and find them, scold someone.

Stomach diseases.

  1. Horror. Fear of new things. Inability to learn new things. We don’t know how to assimilate the new life situation.
  2. The stomach reacts sensitively to our problems, fears, hatred of others and ourselves, dissatisfaction with ourselves and our fate. Suppressing these feelings, unwillingness to admit them to oneself, an attempt to ignore and “forget” them instead of comprehending, realizing and resolving them can cause various gastric disorders.
  3. Gastric functions are upset in people who bashfully react to their desire to receive help or a manifestation of love from another person, the desire to lean on someone. In other cases, the conflict is expressed in a feeling of guilt due to the desire to take something by force from another. The reason why the gastric functions are so vulnerable to such conflict is that food represents the first obvious gratification of the receptive-collective desire. In a child's mind, the desire to be loved and the desire to be fed are very deeply connected. When, at a more mature age, the desire to receive help from another causes shame or shyness, which is often in a society whose main value is independence, this desire finds regressive satisfaction in an increased craving for food. This craving stimulates gastric secretions, and chronic increased secretion in a predisposed individual can lead to the formation of ulcers.


  1. Prolonged uncertainty. Feeling of doom.
  2. Irritation.
  3. A strong outburst of anger in the near past.
  1. Fear. The grip of fear.
  2. Heartburn and excess gastric juice indicate repressed aggressiveness. The solution to the problem at the psychosomatic level is seen to be the transformation of the forces of suppressed aggression into the action of an active attitude towards life and circumstances.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

  1. Fear. A firm belief that you are flawed. We fear that we are not good enough for our parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can't stomach what we are. We constantly try to please others. No matter what position you hold at work, you may have a complete lack of self-esteem.
  2. Almost all patients suffering from ulcers have a deep internal conflict between the desire for independence, which they highly value, and the need for protection, support and care, inherent in childhood.
  3. These are people trying to prove to everyone that they are needed and irreplaceable.
  4. Envy.
  5. People with peptic ulcer disease are characterized by anxiety, irritability, increased efficiency and a heightened sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, touchiness, self-doubt and, at the same time, increased demands on themselves and suspiciousness. It has been noticed that these people strive to do much more than they really can. A typical tendency for them is to actively overcome difficulties combined with strong internal anxiety.
  6. Anxiety, hypochondria.
  7. Suppressed feeling of dependence.
  8. Irritation, indignation and at the same time helplessness from trying to change oneself by adjusting to someone else's expectations.

Teeth: diseases.

  1. Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision making. Loss of the ability to confidently plunge into life.
  2. Fear.
  3. Fear of failure, to the point of losing faith in yourself.
  4. Instability of desires, uncertainty in achieving the chosen goal, awareness of the insurmountability of life's difficulties.
  5. A problem with your teeth tells you that it’s time to take action, specify your desires and begin to implement them.
Gums: diseases. Inability to carry out decisions. Lack of a clearly expressed attitude towards life.

Bleeding gums. Lack of joy about decisions made in life.

Infectious diseases. Weakness of immunity.

  1. Irritation, anger, frustration. Lack of joy in life. Bitterness.
  2. Triggers are irritation, anger, frustration. Any infection indicates an ongoing mental disorder. Weak resistance of the body, which is superimposed by infection, is associated with a violation of mental balance.
  3. Weakness of the immune system is caused by the following reasons:
    - Dislike for yourself;
    - Low self-esteem;
    - Self-deception, self-betrayal, therefore lack of peace of mind;
    - Hopelessness, despondency, lack of taste for life, suicidal tendencies;
    - Internal discord, contradictions between desires and deeds;
    - The immune system is associated with self-identity - our ability to distinguish ours from someone else’s, to separate “I” from “not I.”

Stones. They can form in the gallbladder, kidneys, and prostate. As a rule, they appear in people who have been harboring for a long time some difficult thoughts and feelings associated with dissatisfaction, aggression, envy, jealousy, etc. The person is afraid that others will guess about these thoughts. A person is rigidly focused on his ego, will, desires, perfection, abilities and intelligence.

Cyst. Constantly replaying past grievances in your head. Incorrect development.

Intestines: problems.

  1. Fear of getting rid of everything that is outdated and unnecessary.
  2. A person makes hasty conclusions about reality, rejecting it all if he is not satisfied with only a part.
  3. Irritability due to an inability to integrate contradictory aspects of reality.
Anorectal bleeding (the presence of blood in the stool). Anger and disappointment. Apathy. Resistance to feelings. Suppression of emotions. Fear.


  1. Fear of not meeting the allotted time.
  2. Anger is in the past. Burdened feelings. Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, grievances and emotions. The joy of life is drowned in anger and sadness.
  3. Fear of separation.
  4. Suppressed fear. Must do a job you don't like. Something urgently needs to be completed in order to receive certain material benefits.
  1. Reluctance to part with outdated thoughts. Getting stuck in the past. Sometimes in a sarcastic way.
  2. Constipation indicates an excess of accumulated feelings, ideas and experiences that a person cannot or does not want to part with and cannot make room for new ones.
  3. Tendency to dramatize some event in one’s past, inability to resolve that situation (complete the gestalt)

Irritable bowel syndrome.

  1. Infantility, low self-esteem, tendency to doubt and self-blame.
  2. Anxiety, hypochondria.

Colic. Irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

Colitis. Uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past. Fear of letting something go. Unreliability.


  1. Tightness.
  2. Fear of losing something important or being in a hopeless situation. Worry about the future.
  3. Unrealized ideas.

Indigestion. Animal fear, horror, restless state. Grumbling and complaining.

Belching. Fear. Too greedy attitude towards life.

Diarrhea. Fear. Refusal. Running away.

Colon mucosa. A layer of outdated, confused thoughts clog the channels for removing toxins. You are trampling in the viscous quagmire of the past.

Skin: diseases. Reflects what a person thinks about himself, the ability to value himself in the face of the world around him. A person is ashamed of himself and attaches too much importance to the opinions of others. Rejects himself, just as others reject him.

  1. Anxiety. Fear. An old sediment in the soul. I'm being threatened. Fear that you will be offended.
  2. Loss of sense of self. Refusal to take responsibility for one's own feelings.
Abscess (ulcer). Disturbing thoughts of resentment, neglect and revenge.
Herpes simplex. A strong desire to do everything badly. Unspoken bitterness.

Fungus. Retarded beliefs. Reluctance to part with the past. Your past dominates your present.

Itching. Desires that go against character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

Neurodermatitis. A patient with neurodermatitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, suppressed by the restraint of his parents, so he has disturbances in the organs of contact.

Burns. Anger. Internal boiling.


  1. Fear of being offended, wounded.
  2. Mortification of feelings and self. Refusal to accept responsibility for one's own feelings.

Acne (pimples).

  1. Disagreement with yourself. Lack of self-love;
  2. A sign of a subconscious desire to push others away and not allow oneself to be considered. (i.e. not enough self-respect and acceptance of yourself and your inner beauty)
Furuncle. A particular situation poisons a person’s life, causing intense feelings of anger, anxiety and fear.

Neck: diseases.

  1. Reluctance to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.
  2. Pretends that the disturbing situation does not bother him at all.
  1. Irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.
  2. Uncertainty about your future.

Bones, skeleton: problems. A person values ​​himself only for being useful to others.

  1. The feeling of not being loved. Criticism, resentment.
  2. They cannot say “no” and blame others for exploiting them. For such people, it is important to learn to say “no” if necessary.
  3. An arthritic is someone who is always ready to attack, but suppresses this desire within himself. There is a significant emotional influence on the muscular expression of feelings, which is extremely controlled.
  4. Desire for punishment, self-blame. State of the victim.
  5. A person is too strict with himself, does not allow himself to relax, and does not know how to express his desires and needs. The “inner critic” is too well developed.
Herniated intervertebral discs. The feeling that life has completely deprived you of support.
Rachiocampsis. Inability to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts. Distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No courage of conviction.

Low back pain. Unfulfilled expectations in the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

Radiculitis. Hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.

Rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Extremely critical attitude towards the manifestation of force. Feeling like too much is being put on you.
  2. In childhood, these patients have a certain upbringing style aimed at suppressing the expression of emotions with an emphasis on high moral principles; it can be assumed that the constantly suppressed inhibition of aggressive and sexual impulses since childhood, as well as the presence of an overdeveloped superego, forms a poorly adaptive protective mental mechanism - repression. This protective mechanism involves the conscious displacement of disturbing material (negative emotions, including anxiety, aggression) into the subconscious, which in turn contributes to the emergence and increase of anhedonia and depression. The predominant ones in the psycho-emotional state are: anhedonia - a chronic deficiency of the sense of pleasure, depression - a whole complex of sensations and feelings, of which low self-esteem and guilt, a feeling of constant tension are most characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. the suppression mechanism prevents the free release of psychic energy, the growth of internal, hidden aggressiveness or hostility. All these negative emotional states, when present for a long time, can cause dysfunction in the limbic system and other emotiogenic zones of the hypothalamus, changes in activity in the serotonergic and dopaminergic neurotransmitter systems, which in turn leads to certain changes in the immune system, and together with the emotionally dependent state found in these patients tension in the periarticular muscles (due to constantly suppressed psychomotor excitation) can serve as a mental component of the entire mechanism of development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Back: diseases of the lower part.

  1. Fear about money. Lack of financial support.
  2. Fear of poverty, material disadvantage. Forced to do everything myself.
  3. Fear of being used and not getting anything in return.

Back: diseases of the middle part.

  1. Guilt. Attention is focused on everything that is in the past. "Leave me alone".
  2. The conviction that no one can be trusted.

Back: diseases of the upper part. Lack of moral support. The feeling of not being loved. Containing feelings of love.

Blood, veins, arteries: diseases.

  1. Lack of joy. Lack of movement of thought.
  2. Inability to listen to one's own needs.

Anemia. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Believing in your own inferiority deprives you of the joy of life.

Arteries (problems). Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. He does not know how to listen to his heart and create situations associated with joy and fun.


  1. Resistance. Tension. Refusal to see the good.
  2. Frequent upset due to sharp criticism.


  1. Staying in a situation you hate. Disapproval.
  2. Feeling overloaded and overwhelmed by work. Exaggerating the severity of problems.
  3. Inability to relax due to feelings of guilt when receiving pleasure.

Hypertension, or hypertension (high blood pressure).

  1. Self-confidence - in the sense that you are ready to take on too much. As much as you can't stand.
  2. There is a direct connection between anxiety, impatience, suspicion and the risk of hypertension.
  3. Due to the self-confident desire to take on an unbearable load, to work without rest, the need to meet the expectations of the people around them, to remain significant and respected in their person, and due to this, the repression of one’s deepest feelings and needs. All this creates corresponding internal tension. It is advisable for a hypertensive person to give up the pursuit of the opinions of people around him and learn to live and love people, first of all, in accordance with the deep needs of his own heart.
  4. Emotion, not reactively expressed and deeply hidden, gradually destroys the body. Patients with high blood pressure suppress mainly emotions such as anger, hostility and rage.
  5. Hypertension can be caused by situations that do not give a person the opportunity to successfully fight for recognition of his own personality by others, excluding a feeling of satisfaction in the process of self-affirmation. A person who is suppressed and ignored develops a feeling of constant dissatisfaction with himself, which finds no way out and forces him to “swallow resentment” every day.
  6. Hypertensive patients who are chronically ready to fight have dysfunction of the circulatory system. They suppress free expression of hostility towards other people out of a desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions seethe but have no outlet. In their youth they can be bullies, but as they get older they notice that they push people away with their vindictiveness and begin to suppress their emotions.

Hypotension, or hypotension (low blood pressure).

  1. Dejection, uncertainty.
  2. They killed your ability to independently create your life and influence the world.
  3. Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: “Nothing will work out anyway.”

Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose). Depressed by the hardships of life. “Who needs this?”

Almost every person has a headache and most people solve this problem with the help of pills.

But pills and medications can only temporarily relieve a headache.

But to remove the causes themselves, especially if the headache is chronic, pills will not work.

According to statistics, those who suffer from headaches, constantly taking various medications, most often do not solve this problem throughout their lives.

And medicine in most cases turns out to be powerless, despite the fact that the physiological causes are correctly determined by it.

Let us consider in this article the spiritual or esoteric causes of headaches.

For me personally, this topic is relevant; in childhood, after a traumatic brain injury, I had headaches constantly, and nothing helped.

From time to time I took pills in bulk, and I swallowed them without even drinking them, I was so used to it, but no medications really helped me. Until I began my spiritual search, until I believed in God and opened my consciousness to spiritual and esoteric knowledge. And now for more than 15 years everything is fine with me, during this time I have not taken a single tablet except activated carbon (a couple of times :)).

Esoteric causes of headaches

I’ll get straight to the point—directly to the root causes why people have headaches. Here I will provide recommendations with links to relevant articles, which say: what you need to change in yourself, what to work on in order to remove the true causes of the problem.

The head is the main consciousness of a person, it is needed not only to eat:) The main consciousness of a person is Intelligence (think, understand, make decisions), Perception (attention, perception of information, discrimination), Will (conscious control of oneself, influence , willpower) and Connection with God (Faith in God, etc.).

All these four most important functions, which are described very briefly in this article, are responsible for 4 chakras located directly in the head, these are the Intellect chakra (back of the head), Spiritual chakra (center), Ajna (forehead) and Sahasrara (crown). Accordingly, pain in one or another part of the head is associated with disturbances in these chakras. Knowing the principles of the chakras, you can go to the causes of the disease.

But there are a number of the most common causes of headaches, which we will list.:

Chronic headaches are most often associated with an incorrect attitude towards the Higher Powers, towards God.

The root cause of various types of traumatic brain injuries is also related to the attitude towards God.

These violations are manifested in a person in the form of very specific negative qualities and shortcomings.

1. Closedness. When a person’s consciousness is closed to the entry of energy from above. Esoterically, this means that the flow of the Spirit does not enter a person through the crown. A person closes himself for various reasons, read more in the article - Closed and withdrawn Person. The problem of closure.

Most often, a headache goes away when a person opens up to new knowledge, energy from above, begins to trust the Higher Powers more, admits that he is not the smartest in this world and not everything depends only on him. More details in the article - Quality “Openness” or how to become a more open Person?

2. Pride. This is when a person considers himself smarter than God and everyone else, the main programs are: “I am the smartest,” “I know better,” “they will teach me more,” “I myself know everything,” etc.

Pride is a program of struggle with God, subconscious or conscious resistance to Fate and the Will of God, when the program known to many “and Baba Yaga is against” works in a person. Such people have difficulty learning new things, do not admit their mistakes, do not know how to apologize, show disrespect for others and, as a result, make a lot of mistakes, regularly suffering from headaches.

In order for headaches to go away, you need to remove pride, subordinate it to the Light principle in yourself, so to speak, put it under your heel.

3. Violence. People who are accustomed to violence against themselves and others, especially psychological violence, also suffer from headaches, especially in the frontal region of the head and in the temporal lobes.

Such people have an inherent desire to control and subjugate everything, and if someone does not obey, they strive to break it and rebuild it for themselves. These are powerful people, they have too much love for power.

Such people also have a harsh attitude towards themselves, towards their Soul, with violence. They do not strive to hear their soul and its needs; they follow their line, or rather the line of their ego, for which the main thing is to dominate and get what they want at any cost.

I would say that such a person needs to learn true kindness - read more in the article Kindness and Benevolence - the qualities of a truly spiritual person, as well as humility before the Higher Powers.

4. Negative attitude towards yourself. Low self-esteem, a destructive feeling of guilt, a small person complex and a bunch of dependencies that are wound around the core of smallness and inferiority.

In this case, the negative impact falls on the center of the head, the Spiritual chakra is oppressed and compressed. The main programs are “I am insignificant and small”, “nothing will come of me”, “therefore I am doomed to suffer”, etc.

To say goodbye to the problem, a person must realize himself as an Immortal Soul, bright and strong in nature, and free himself from the perception of himself as a filthy worm, a nonentity and an unworthy, eternally guilty creature.

5. Negative attitude towards God, Unbelief. Negative programs aimed at God hit a person on the top of the head, on the Sahasrara: the connection with God is blocked, the ability to receive the light stream entering through the top of the head.

Energetically, as a rule, such a person carries a bunch of rubbish on his head. This makes the head heavy and gives rise to constant headaches.

Such people, with negative thinking, are characterized by constant kicking of fate and God, blaming other people and circumstances for all their failures. They constantly grumble, grumble, complain, swear and get angry, and for this they get problems on their heads. They throw stones upward at God, but these stones will always fly back, falling on their crowns.

The attitude towards God and one’s destiny, the ability to accept God’s Will with joy in the heart and at the same time not break, no matter how difficult the circumstances are - this is a great art, and these are the primary issues for every person.

Of course, there are other reasons why a person may have a headache, including physiological ones. The reasons listed above are approximately 80%. The remaining 20% ​​are individual problems that need to be studied separately.

Best regards, Vasily Vasilenko

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