Can you get infected in a swimming pool? Prevention of infections in the pool Is it possible to catch something in the pool?

Many diseases lie in wait for a person in water, both in a lake, river, and in a swimming pool. Each person comes to the pool with his own set of microbes and viruses that he can transmit to others, or diseases that quickly spread through water, towels, handrails, tiles. No matter how hard workers at a public bathing area try to clean and disinfect everything that could potentially serve as a carrier of disease, there are other factors that affect infection. Before signing up for the pool, carefully study the rules of behavior and the necessary precautions so as not to contract an infection and, instead of possible benefits, receive significant harm from swimming in the pool. In this article we will look at what you can get infected with in the pool and what to do to prevent this from happening.

Risk group for possible infection

Everyone must first start with themselves and analyze their trip to the pool from two sides: what can I catch and can I be a carrier of the disease. In the first case, it is difficult to predict the consequences of an hour's swimming in the pool, because you do not know who swam in the water before you. In the second case, think about whether you have hidden diseases that you can pass on to another person, for example, warts or fungus. Be responsible for your health and the well-being of other people.

Who is at risk and may immediately become a victim of infection:

  • children of any age, especially under 7 years old, who do not yet know how to swim and swallow water from the pool;
  • a person at any age after a recent illness of any nature - with a weakened immune system, the chances of developing an infection in the body increase;
  • people who have wounds, cracks, cuts, calluses, scratches - the fungus quickly penetrates through them and the person becomes infected.

What can you get infected from in the pool?

In water, through contact with a sick person, objects (shoes, towels), tiles or handrails in the pool, you can become infected with the following diseases:

  • deprive;
  • giardiasis;
  • dysentery;
  • fungal infection;
  • molluscum contagiosum.

What can you get infected with in the pool, besides the diseases listed? Warts may also appear on your fingers or toes after swimming. Moreover, a person may have an allergic reaction after swimming in the pool, most likely to chlorine in the water. Infection with molluscum contagiosum in adults is rare; children are most susceptible. Therefore, parents should examine the child’s body every time after swimming in the pool.

Important! It is impossible to catch urogenital infections such as trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis or chlamydia in the pool. The causative agents of these diseases die in chlorinated water and are not transmitted through water or contact with objects.

How to protect yourself from the risk of infection in the pool?

If the water in the pool is frequently changed, cleaned and disinfected, the risk of getting an infection is reduced to 1 case out of 10. Such a small, but still chance of getting sick is due to the fact that infection can occur not through the fault of the pool administration, but due to the fact that even a healthy person a person can be a carrier of the disease without even knowing it. If you remember about safety precautions in the pool, swimming will bring enormous benefits: weight loss, strengthening of the spine and muscle corset, and training of the cardiovascular system. After bathing, your mood improves and your performance increases.

Follow the rules of swimming and behavior in the pool:

  • carefully select the pool based on reviews and reputation;
  • swim in a pool cap;
  • do not visit the establishment if calluses, wounds or scratches appear;
  • do not walk barefoot on the tiles in the pool, wear slippers;
  • do not use public towels, use only your own washing items;
  • take a shower before and after going into the pool;
  • shower with antifungal agents;
  • Never swallow pool water.

Water is disinfected using: ozonation, chlorination and bromination. You cannot use only ozone for cleaning; this method is combined with the other two.

It is interesting that dangers await swimmers not only in the pool, but also while taking a jacuzzi in the spa. When bubbles form, an aerosol is formed, along with which pathogenic microbes enter the lungs when inhaled. The causative agents of Legionnaires' disease - Legionella - are especially dangerous. This disease is a type of pneumonia accompanied by fever and severe cough.

Don't wonder what you can get infected from in the pool, take all the necessary precautions right away and enjoy swimming.

Cold, slush, first snow, all that remains of a vacation by the sea are memories... It's time to go to the pool! The main thing is to remember to insure yourself against unpleasant surprises.

Some people avoid the pool altogether, for fear of catching some kind of disease; others are absolutely sure that nothing will happen to them... Both extremes are wrong. Precautionary measures in the pool are not at all superfluous, but if you follow them, you can swim without fear and to your heart’s content.

Purified pool water (chlorinated, ozonated or treated with ultraviolet rays) can dry out even healthy normal skin. And for dry, sensitive and allergy-prone people, it is certainly not a gift. In autumn and winter, the problem worsens: during the cold season, the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands decreases, which means the skin is deprived of its natural protective barrier. Add the drying effect of soap, as well as dry heated indoor air.
Even sea water and the burning southern sun do not destroy the natural protection of the skin as intensely as purified pool water.
The solution is simple : Let a moisturizing shower gel and nourishing body lotion take up residence in your gym bag. Don't forget to use them not only after training, but also every time you take a shower.

Pool sides, handrails, shower stalls are the habitats of our invisible enemies.
* Skin fungus is transmitted by contact or through clothing and shoes. Many people do not even suspect that they suffer from a latent fungal infection: the pathogen lives in their body, but there is no clear picture of the disease, only occasionally a slight peeling is felt between the fingers and armpits. Of course, the doctor will not give such a friend a certificate for the swimming pool, but those who like to buy medical certificates will never cease...
* After visiting the pool, warts may appear on the skin of the feet and hands. They become infected not only through contact with a sick person, but even by stepping on the place where he was standing - say, at the edge or at the bottom of the pool.
* Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin disease; Children from 1 to 10 years old are especially vulnerable to it. The virus can be contracted through contact with inflatable rings or “noodles” for water aerobics that were used by the patient. Dense pinkish nodules, similar to pimples, appear on the skin. They are harmless in themselves and can be easily removed by a dermatologist.

* Water purified by ozone is not as harmful to the skin as water treated with chlorine.
Although ozone is considered more gentle than chlorine, nevertheless, both of these elements loosen the skin, making it easier for various microorganisms to access it.

* You can catch a sexually transmitted disease in the pool.
Contrary to fears, urogenital infections (chlamydia, trichomonas and others) are not transmitted either through water or through contact with tiles or handrails. All pathogens of sexually transmitted infections die in chlorinated and ozonated water, and if something survives, the amount diluted in the entire volume of pool water is not enough to infect a person.

* Anyone can get fungus in the pool.
This is wrong. A healthy body will always benefit from protective forces. The ability to catch an infection depends on your immunity: the weaker it is, the easier it is for microorganisms to settle on your skin.

At sea, when there is sand under your feet, the risk of catching a fungus, wart, or molluscum contagiosum is minimal. But tiled and especially wooden coverings (sun loungers by the water, shields under the shower and the floor in the dressing room in front of the sauna) are the most suitable environment for the proliferation of skin infections.
You can protect yourself by strictly following the simple rules that are indicated when entering any pool. Oddly enough, they are known, but not everyone follows them. There are other useful little things.
* Having chosen a pool, ask whether they take regular sanitary tests, how often the water is changed, the pool and showers are cleaned - in other words, whether SES standards are observed.
* Bring your own towel: those offered at the pool are usually washed after use without being thoroughly disinfected. Pathogenic fungi not only survive washing, but also settle on other towels.
* From the locker room to the water's edge, wear flip-flops brought from home.
* Remember to rinse off in the shower before entering the pool, even if you washed in your own bathtub.
* Immediately after swimming, take a shower with antifungal gel; Rinse skin folds and interdigital spaces especially thoroughly.
* If there are wounds, pimples, calluses and cracks on the skin, after a shower, apply an antifungal cream or spray to the towel-dried skin of the damaged areas and feet.

Doctors believe that swimming has no contraindications, and the benefits for the body from visiting the pool are invaluable. Exercising in water gives a good load on the muscles, helps correct posture, has a positive effect on the figure and relieves stress. And relaxing in a sauna or steam bath allows the body to free itself from toxins. But when visiting a pool or aquatic center, there is always a danger of contracting infectious diseases.

The greatest danger comes from all kinds of fungal diseases. You can pick them up when using other people's things and hygiene items (towel, flip-flops or slippers, cosmetics) during personal contact with the patient. It's easy to get infected in a pool if you walk on the wet floor barefoot.

In addition to fungus, you can also become infected with salmonellosis through pool water. Once in the body, salmonella settle in the small intestine and release a toxin that promotes water loss through the intestines, impaired vascular tone and damage to the nervous system. The disease develops 6-72 hours after Salmonella enters the body.

First hand

What else can you get infected with in swimming pools and aquatic centres, said Aune Annus-Umet, chief specialist of the Health Board.

- How likely is it to become infected with legionellosis in a swimming pool?
- The probability is very low, since the water is disinfected, and it is impossible to get infected through the mouth. Infection occurs through inhalation of small particles of water. Therefore, it is more likely to occur in the shower, where a warm, moist environment is suitable for Legionnaires' disease. The disease causes inflammation of the lungs and is dangerous for people with weakened immune systems and chronic illnesses.

- Is it possible to get sexually transmitted diseases in the pool?
- Venereal diseases are very sensitive to external factors. Pathogens die when temperature changes. Therefore, it is impossible to become infected with them by sitting in a sauna, in the toilet or in any other similar way (including swimming in a pool - editor's note)

Are there any restrictions on visiting the pool now? For example, previously a health certificate was required.
- No, now the law does not provide any restrictions on who can visit the pool and who cannot.

- In what cases is it better to refuse to visit the pool so as not to harm yourself and others?
- You should not go to the pool if a person feels unwell, has a cough, runny nose, fever, diarrhea, nausea. And, of course, if there is any infectious or fungal disease. Also if there are open wounds through which infection can enter.

- Is chlorinated water harmful to health or, on the contrary, does it protect those swimming in it?
- Untreated pool water is an ideal place for the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae. They multiply quickly, the water becomes cloudy, and the danger of infectious diseases increases. Therefore, the water in the pool must be cleaned and disinfected. This helps destroy microorganisms, algae and organic debris. Chlorine is the most common disinfectant. In a certain amount it is not dangerous to the body. The chlorine standard established for swimming pools effectively cleans the pool and does not harm swimmers.

- Where is it safer to swim, in a pool or in an open body of water? Where are you less likely to get infected?
- A natural reservoir and a swimming pool cannot be compared. A swimming pool is a closed system where the water is continuously filled with microbes and inorganic contaminants. And first of all, pollution comes from the people themselves. A natural body of water is an ecosystem where the water cycle constantly occurs, and the proliferation of bacteria is prevented by natural factors - water flow, wind, sunlight, waves, etc. From this point of view, the likelihood of becoming infected in a natural body of water is slightly less.


If one of the swimmers breaks down and relieves himself in the pool, how dangerous is this for those swimming nearby?
- It all depends on the size of the pool, its load, water temperature and the health of those who swim in it. Urine dissolves in water, and chlorine kills its microorganisms. But urine also increases the content of nitrogen compounds in water. They create a reaction with chlorine, reducing its effectiveness. This means there may not be enough chlorine to kill other microorganisms. There are still no known cases of solid feces in swimming pools. But if this happens, you must inform the administrator, who must immediately take measures to restore water quality. The quality of water in the pool is checked regularly and adjusted if necessary.

- Does the Health Department establish cleaning and disinfection rules for water and spa centers?
- Yes. The requirements were established by government decree of 2007.

Certificates are of no use

According to the press secretary of the Health Department, Iris Saluri, in recent years, not a single case of infectious disease has been recorded after visiting aquatic centers.

Saluri also noted that the medical certificates that were required to enter the pool “sometime in the early 90s” were not actually helpful, so they were cancelled.

“The certificate was issued for a certain period. It did not guarantee to other visitors to the pool that its owner was absolutely healthy, since many viral diseases overtake a person unexpectedly. Swimming pools have regulations that every visitor must familiarize themselves with. And the owners of swimming pools must ensure constant cleaning of the premises and purification of the water,” says the press secretary of the Department of Health.

Pools are safe

“Based on nine years of experience, we can confirm that the water in our pool is microbiologically safe for visitors,” says KalevSpa Chief Engineer Walter Pärn. - Water is disinfected with chlorine. Purification and monitoring of water quality occurs continuously for 24 hours using automatic stations. The operation of the stations is monitored by technicians three times a day. Also, a monthly water sample is tested in the laboratory, including for the presence of legionellosis bacteria. In our pool, ventilation standards, regular water exchange and acidity levels are observed. But we don’t use special urine indicators in water.”

Konstantin Smirnov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist at the St. Petersburg “SM-Clinic”.

The traditional method remains chlorination of water, although bromine is significantly superior in quality to chlorine. The disinfecting effect of bromine is more than twice as effective as chlorine.

In addition, it does not leave a specific odor or toxic substances and does not irritate the mucous membranes and skin. Both products destroy bacteria and viruses both in the water and on pool surfaces and have a long-lasting effect. Due to this and their relatively low cost, they are superior to ozonation and the use of active oxygen in water disinfection.

Reagent-free methods include ultraviolet and ultrasonic treatment, ionization and disinfection by salt electrolysis. All methods are modern, effective and expensive. Their common drawback is the inability to treat pool surfaces. Therefore, you still can’t do without bleach.

The combination of reagent and non-reagent methods is called a combined method of water disinfection. Today, this treatment can be considered the most effective, and pools using chlorine or bromine together with ultrasound or ionization are safe.

Before our first visit to the pool, we are usually examined by a local doctor, issued a certificate and told to put on a cap. Konstantin, tell me, is a visual examination enough to identify diseases that are dangerous to others?

I would like to point out right away that if the pool administration follows all the rules for its maintenance, the risk of becoming infected with something is extremely small. The process of water preparation, disinfection of premises (down to lockers with clothes), as well as the availability of special medical certificates for visitors must be clearly monitored.

A standard pre-swimming examination includes stool testing for worms, blood testing, and a visual inspection. If everything is fine, the doctor gives the patient a certificate. If the doctor detects deformation of the skin or nails, he prescribes an in-depth examination, on the basis of which he decides whether to allow the person to visit the pool or not.

What can you get infected from in the pool?

Unfortunately, not all swimming pools and clubs meet hygiene standards. Therefore, there is a risk of contracting various diseases. Most often in the pool you can “meet” fungal infections of the skin and nails: ringworm and onychomycosis (nail fungus).

The second most “popular” disease is. It can be easily picked up if the rules for caring for clothing lockers are not followed at the sports club. In children, the most common are pustular skin lesions caused by streptococci and staphylococci.

Recently, the risk of infection with the Coxsackie virus has also increased. This is the so-called “Turkish virus”, which in addition to general symptoms (fever, chills, vomiting, malaise) causes blistering rashes on the palms of the feet and the oral mucosa.

But as for infection with sexually transmitted diseases, this is a myth. Their pathogens are extremely unstable in the environment and quickly die under the influence of disinfectants.

Tell us about the first symptoms, after which you need to see a doctor. What could be the consequences of not receiving treatment or not starting it on time?

For any discomfort on the skin or nails, it is recommended to consult a dermatovenerologist. Symptoms of incipient diseases may include itching, redness, and peeling.

If we are talking about ringworm, then these are round pinkish or red spots. When fungus occurs, the color of the nails changes, and the skin next to them may turn red and itch.

If left untreated, skin diseases can become chronic. The consequences of neglected nail fungus can be the spread of infection throughout the body (the fungus will appear on the fingers, scalp, etc.), decreased immunity, and purulent infection of the skin around the nails.

How to avoid these diseases without giving up swimming?

One of the main means of prevention is a hygienic shower. Be sure to take it with antiseptic gels, which are sold at the pharmacy. When you get out of the shower, dry yourself thoroughly; you can also lubricate the skin of your feet with an antifungal cream.

Lose excess weight, straighten your posture, become more cheerful and energetic, improve your mood - there are many pleasant expectations from swimming in the pool. At the same time, many who want to swim admit that they are afraid of catching some kind of infection there. After all, you have to share a large “bathtub” with dozens and hundreds of strangers. Doctors told GO.TUT.BY whether these fears were justified.

Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY. Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

“It’s not the water in the pools that you’re afraid of, but other people’s towels.”

One of the most common fears of the average person is related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Like, it’s easy to catch household syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia in the pool. Associate Professor, Department of Dermatovenereology, BSMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences Alexander Navrotsky I don’t agree: it’s impossible to get an STI in the pool itself. And jokes:

“Unless you try really hard and have sex in the water.” The fact is that the water in swimming pools is disinfected with chlorine or other methods; STI pathogens quickly die in it. In addition, for a person to become infected, a certain number of pathogenic microorganisms must reach him. It is quite difficult to say exactly how many, but it is not one or two pathogens, but rather hundreds and thousands. When, along with the secretions of a sick person, microbes end up in the water, their concentration decreases sharply, and even if a small number enters the body of a healthy person, in particular, on the mucous membranes of his genital organs, the immune system will easily neutralize the “enemy.”

The risk of contracting an STI is much more likely, according to a dermatovenerologist, if you share hygiene items with a sick person.

“A washcloth or towel with wet secretions, where the pathogen retains its viability longer, can become a transmitter of any STI - from household syphilis to chlamydia,” says the doctor. — Also, most STIs (except trichomoniasis) can actually be contracted by sharing utensils or cosmetics. Therefore, those who like to drink mineral water after the pool should not demonstrate their friendliness by handing their bottle or glass to a friend, much less a stranger. And a woman putting on her beauty after bathing should not “help out” someone with her lipstick. Healthy disgust in this case will be a guarantee of maintaining health.

“You can get foot fungus if you walk barefoot on the floor.”

Photo: Evgeniy Erchak, TUT.BY. Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

Concerns about fungal pathology are not unfounded, says Alexander Navrotsky. Today, mycoses are a pressing problem: according to statistics, every third person after 50 years suffers from fungal infection of the feet, which is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin, discoloration and deformation of the nails. And the humid and warm environment of swimming pools is very favorable for the habitat and reproduction of pathogenic fungi.

The causative agent of mycosis of the feet can be “picked up” in areas near the pool, in showers and locker rooms, by touching your bare foot with the floor, side or other surface contaminated with fungal spores. To prevent this, you should only walk in the listed areas in rubber or plastic slippers, which should be washed frequently.

— Some visitors, in order to avoid contracting fungal diseases, use antifungal ointment. What do you say about this precaution? - I’m asking a specialist.

“To prevent fungal infections, it is enough to follow normal personal hygiene measures,” says Alexander Navrotsky. - But if someone wants to play it safe, then let them use it. After the pool, you need to rinse your feet, wipe them dry and treat them with an antifungal agent (optionally - miconazole, terbinafine, formidron solution, etc.). Particular attention should be paid to the spaces between the fingers, where the skin sweats more, creating suitable conditions for the proliferation of the pathogen.

“A swimming pool is not much more dangerous than other crowded places.”

Photo: Alexander Chuguev, TUT.BY. Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

Therapist of the first qualification category at the Sante treatment and consultation center Elena Poklad believes that treating the pool as an object of increased health hazard is overkill.

— Diseases such as scabies, pediculosis, and various viral pathologies can also be contracted in other public places—in the subway, at school, in a store. This does not mean that you need to stop visiting them. In the pool, a person is more vulnerable only from the position that almost all of his skin is open, and if there are microdamages on it, it is easier for the pathogen to “catch on.”

For those who are afraid of infections, the specialist recommends focusing on personal safety measures - be sure to take a shower before and after swimming, use only your own slippers, cap, washcloth, and pumice stone. He also advises against swimming during periods when the immune system is weakened.

“If you have even a simple runny nose without fever, it is better to postpone swimming in the pool until you have completely recovered,” says the doctor. - For the same reasons, you should not visit the pool during menstruation. Some women break this rule by using tampons, and in vain: on critical days, the cervix is ​​slightly open, the uterine mucosa is a wound surface, the likelihood of infection increases significantly, and the body as a whole is more vulnerable during menstruation.

Is it possible to “purchase” worms, for example, pinworms, in the pool? Elena Poklad says no:

IN Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health GO.TUT.BY assured that “ a set of preventive measures carried out in swimming pools in accordance with the requirements of sanitary legislation reduces the risk of disease to a minimum».

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