Viagra (medicine). Viagra tablets for men - instructions for use, indications for use, release form, dosages, contraindications, side effects, tips and customer reviews. How does Viagra work for men? What means

Viagra is a drug produced by the American company Pfizer. It is available in the form of tablets of 25, 50 and 100 mg, which contain 25, 50 and 100 mg of sildenafil citrate, respectively.

Viagra is a simple and convenient medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and impotence. Other methods involve injections into the penis or other medical procedures. When using Viagra, take 1 tablet immediately before sexual intercourse. Viagra can help many men suffering from erectile dysfunction and acts during sexual arousal. Without it, the drug will not show its effect.

When a man is aroused, the penis quickly fills with the necessary amount of blood for a natural erection. Viagra only works when a man experiences natural sexual arousal, and when sexual intercourse is over, the penis naturally returns to its normal relaxed state. In other words, sildenafil acts only on the natural mechanisms of erection, and this is its indisputable advantage, novelty and the secret of its great popularity. If an erection lasts for a long time (more than 6 hours), it can harm the penis. You should see a doctor immediately if your erection lasts more than 4 hours. Some medications interfere with the natural erection process.

If the penis cannot fill with enough blood, the person will not get an erection. This is called erectile dysfunction and many men suffer from this problem. During sex, the heart rate increases, so sexual intercourse is undesirable for people with heart disease. Before taking any measures to restore potency, ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough. If you experience chest pain, dizziness, or nausea during sexual intercourse, stop having sex and tell your doctor.


Viagra helps many men with erectile dysfunction respond to sexual stimulation with penile tension. When a person is aroused, Viagra helps the penis fill with enough blood to cause an erection.

Viagra is a selective (selective) inhibitor of the activity of the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE). This enzyme inhibits the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (CGMP) in smooth muscle tissue, which is formed from guanosine monophosphate (GMP) under the influence of nitric oxide (NO). The main function of CGMP is to relax the smooth muscles of the cavernous (cavernous) bodies of the penis. When the action of PDE is inhibited, a significantly larger amount of CGMP accumulates in the corpora cavernosa, their smooth muscles relax much better and more blood flows to the penis, thereby causing an erection.

Even if a man does not have sexual problems, he clearly has at least once a desire to find out and try for himself how Viagra works. There are many reasons for using this drug, from sexual impotence to banal interest, but the effect of its use pleases everyone. How to diversify your sex life without harming your health, how to gain confidence in your abilities in love and feel like a man again? More on all this later in this topic.

How does Viagra work?

With the help of this drug, blood flow to the penis increases, because the reason for insufficient erection or its absence is precisely poor blood circulation, this is the secret of this remedy. Some people are mistaken that Viagra has an effect on the male psyche. As mentioned earlier, it stimulates blood circulation.

Some people think that if they drink this remedy, the erection will last for hours. There is truth in this, but it is worth clarifying. The thing is that if a man experiences sexual arousal, then Viagra will immediately start working. If previously a man experienced arousal, but an erection did not occur or it was insufficient, and the penis was not ready for action, then if the medicine is used, the penis will reach the maximum possible size, and will also be guaranteed to be hard and strong. A bonus for men is the opportunity to have long sexual intercourse, thanks to the action of the drug Viagra, but after the end of sexual intercourse, the erection will stop, and only with subsequent arousal will the drug work again. The total effect of Viagra is a little more than 4 hours. These are several full-fledged sexual acts. Conclusion: Sexual stimulation is necessary for the pills to work effectively.

It should be noted that an integral advantage is that Viagra is effective during natural sexual arousal, thus, it is a kind of insurance for men. The effect of Viagra will not begin at an inconvenient moment and will not put a man in an awkward situation, for example, during a business meeting. Viagra does not work this way; it only works naturally, and not unexpectedly. The positive thing is that the woman will not suspect the man of using this drug, everything will go as usual, but only better.

The effectiveness of the drug will be slightly lower with excessive consumption of alcohol, which in itself can prevent an erection, after a heavy dinner. If you think about it, what kind of high-quality and pleasant sexual intercourse can we talk about if the stomach is full of fatty foods, and the only desire is to lie down. A stronger effect can be expected with moderate food intake. The drug can be taken during meals. If a man has had too much alcohol, then in many cases, without using Viagra tablets, things will be bad, an erection will be either weak or completely absent. If you take the drug while intoxicated, you will have an erection, but not as powerful.

Viagra does not protect you from contracting sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, so in this case you must use a condom and not lose your head from excitement.

This remedy can make life easier for men with urethral disease, since it is directly related to impaired blood supply, and the symptoms of the disease are also reduced. The drug improves potency and reduces painful symptoms of urethral diseases.

If there is deformation of the penis, Viagra will not play a big role; in this case, more radical measures are necessary. This remedy increases blood circulation, but in case of damage to the penis, the problem lies elsewhere.

Duration of action of the medicine

How long does it take for the drug to start working? This question is asked by many men who are interested in this drug. Viagra is an ideal drug for both planned and spontaneous sex. So how long does it take for this drug to work? Viagra works within 15-60 minutes after taking the tablets; in some men the drug begins to work earlier, in others a little later. Thus, knowing how long the drug takes to act, you can plan successful sex. There is no need to take pills again, since the body can get used to the action of this drug, and the effect of Viagra will decrease the next time it is abused. Some men drink the drug immediately before sex, so they have time for foreplay, which is important for a woman, and then the drug begins to take effect.

Indications before use

As already mentioned, this drug should not be abused; the maximum dose should not exceed 100 mg per day. In some cases (previous myocardial infarction, age over 65 years, or liver and kidney disease), this dose will not exceed 25 mg.

Since this drug increases blood circulation, people with high blood pressure are not recommended to use more than 25 mg of the drug.

Often, 50 mg of this remedy is enough for men to achieve the maximum effect, so it is beneficial to purchase tablets with a dosage of 200 mg and divide them into several parts. You should not abuse this drug, thinking that it is designed for a person’s body weight. This is a misconception, so you need to use exactly as much of the drug as prescribed by your doctor.

There are reviews about Viagra that it does not help. In this case, the doctors’ recommendation is as follows: in some cases, the pills may not begin to work the first time or even the second, so such people are advised to try again. Men with erectile dysfunction get such a slow effect from the drug.

Give preference to pills during periods of fatigue, stress, when the fact is that you don’t want sex, but your partner needs it. And during rest, you can stop taking this drug, because in this case the erection should be better and stronger.

If there are side effects (and they exist with every drug), for example, redness of certain areas of the skin, most often the neck, nausea, headache and other tolerable painful symptoms, the drug can be used, but only with caution. If you have more serious side effects, you should consult your doctor or stop using this medicine altogether.

If nitrites enter your body, then the use of Viagra tablets is strictly prohibited, otherwise very undesirable consequences are possible.

Age restrictions for use

The main age group of men for whom Viagra is recommended are men over 40 years of age. Guys under 18 years of age are highly discouraged from using these pills, because at this age everything should work as it should, and the use of the drug will still not benefit the young person’s body. It can even cause psychological dependence if you start using the medicine at such an early age, and the guy will subsequently not be able to have an erection without the miracle pills.

Women with low libido are also interested in the effect of Viagra, but for them it is powerless, since the drug only affects men.

It is necessary to adhere to the principle of safety, therefore, before actively using this drug, it is recommended to consult with a specialist; without consultation, the use of Viagra is not recommended.

Psychological self-confidence

Viagra gives you confidence that sexual intercourse will take place, that it will be high-quality sex with a good erection and long lasting (which is necessary in order to satisfy both partners). A clear advantage of such tablets is the real effect after use. If you remember the pills that doctors prescribe to treat any disease, the effect is not always visible, and sometimes it is not there at all. In the case of Viagra, everything works unconditionally (in 9 cases out of 10).

Do not think that this remedy is only for those men who do not have erect penises. If you want to diversify your sex and enhance sensations during the process, then even a completely healthy man can take Viagra, because the size of the penis will be larger than usual, and sex will last longer than usual.

There are men who have erectile dysfunction after prolonged sex or during repeated sexual intercourse, that is, men cannot have sex more than 1 full time, despite a strong desire. Viagra in this case will help prolong the pleasure, because usually both parties want this process.


93% accuracy

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Remember that this is not only your problem, some men also live with this problem. This is why Viagra is so popular among men. The effect of Viagra has already been proven over the years, by the experience of men who have already used it, and many continue to do so regularly. You should not condemn yourself if you lack potency. With the help of Viagra, the problem will be defeated and forgotten once and for all.

Sooner or later, there comes a time in every man’s life when his sexual activity decreases. The quality of sex is influenced by a large number of factors. In case of obvious erectile dysfunction, treatment is required. Impotence is treated with selective inhibitors, dietary supplements, and injections. The drug Viagra is very popular in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. How to take Viagra and how does it work? After all, failure to follow the dosage and recommendations can cause adverse reactions.

What is Viagra?

Refers to medications for the treatment of impotence in men. Taking Viagra is required in case of absence or loss of erection directly during sexual intercourse. Most often, the drug is prescribed for organic impotence. The medicine is available in the form of blue tablets.

The main active ingredient of the drug is sildenafil. On one side of the tablet the designation “VG 100” or “VG50” is applied. This means how much active ingredient the tablet contains. This makes it easier to calculate the dosage. A positive result from taking the drug is achieved due to the release of nitric oxide, vasodilation, and an active rush of blood to the penis.

Also, thanks to the action of Viagra, libido levels increase, and a full erection is maintained for a long period of time (4-5 hours). The medicine allows you to maintain the physical ability to have sexual intercourse. It is important to remember that Viagra does not treat impotence, but only temporarily eliminates the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Before each sexual intercourse, a man will need to take a pill. Also, the medicine does not have a protective effect against sexually transmitted diseases.

How to take Viagra for men?

Before you learn how to take Viagra, you should understand the dosage. After all, an overdose of medication can cause multiple complications. Including such pathology as priapism. Initially, Viagra is available in two dosages: 100 mg and 50 mg. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate dose. Self-prescribing medication is strictly prohibited.

If Viagra has been prescribed, a specialist will tell you how to take it for the first time. You should start taking it with minimal doses, gradually increasing them (if necessary). As soon as a man feels the maximum effect of the drug, the optimal dosage is achieved. If a man has severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver, it is prohibited to use more than 25 milligrams of Viagra. The same applies to men over 65 years of age.

If a representative of the stronger sex takes protease inhibitor medications, 25 mg is the maximum allowable dose. In this case, taking the drug is allowed no more than once every 2 days. A Viagra tablet is taken 30-40 minutes before intended sexual intercourse. During this period of time, the drug will begin to take effect. The positive effect of taking it will last for 4-5 hours.

It is important to remember that one dose of Viagra is not enough. It is important to get in the mood for sex and stimulate arousal. How often can you take Viagra? In the absence of strict contraindications, the optimal dose of Viagra can be taken once every 24 hours. And in order for the medicine to have maximum results, you need to follow these recommendations for use:

  1. Positive attitude. In order for full sexual intercourse to take place, the guy must tune in to the result. Viagra has an effect only if it stimulates an erection.
  2. Waiting for the result. A man should remember that the drug exerts its effect half an hour after administration. If there is no lightning effect, there is no need to worry. Sometimes, an erection appears earlier. And thanks to the long period of exposure, a man can completely relax and tune in to receive maximum pleasure.
  3. Diet. While taking Viagra, you should limit your consumption of certain foods. Thus, fatty foods will prolong the absorption period of sildenafil. An erection will come much later. But a romantic seafood dinner will only improve the quality of sex.
  4. The effectiveness of Viagra. If the first dose of medication did not give the desired result, do not despair. Some individual characteristics of the body require longer therapy. But, numerous studies show that in 80% of cases the effect occurs from the first dose. Even with the most severe deviations.

To whom is it contraindicated?

The instructions for use indicate that taking the drug is contraindicated in case of increased sensitivity of the body to sildenafil. Also, you should not combine the drug with other drugs to increase erection. Among the strict contraindications are the following:

  • Hypertension;
  • Age under 18 years;
  • Retinitis pigmentosa;
  • Anemia;
  • Priapism;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • Suffered a stroke or heart attack in the last six months.

Sometimes, some adverse reactions are observed. As a rule, they occur only with an overdose. In general, Viagra is a safe drug. Side effects include arrhythmia, facial flushing, nausea, visual disturbances, headaches, and eating disorders. Nosebleeds and fainting are extremely rare. The medication may harm the gastrointestinal tract if there is a duodenal or gastric ulcer.

Can a woman take male Viagra?

Having noted the high effectiveness of Viagra for men, the question arises: can a woman take this medication? After all, after passing a certain age, women also experience a decrease in libido, a lack of pleasure and orgasm. Even a young girl can face such problems. A new drug has appeared on pharmacy shelves - female Viagra. How is it different from men's? And can women take the male equivalent?

It is worth noting that these two products are absolutely identical in composition. They both have the active ingredient sildenafil. The only difference is the color. The female counterpart is presented in pink. Both options increase blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system. As you know, with normal blood circulation in the pelvic area, a woman will not experience discomfort during sex.

What effect does female Viagra have? Same as men's. But, a medicine pill often has an effect on a girl on a psychological level (placebo effect). Thus, it can be noted:

  • A surge of strength and energy;
  • Excitation;
  • Increased sensitivity;
  • Orgasm;
  • Active release of lubricant.

In general, the production of a female analogue is a successful move by marketers, nothing more. Therefore, women can safely take male Viagra. Of course, after a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Generics of Viagra

Many people think that generics are cheaper analogues of drugs. This is not entirely true. Generics contain the same active ingredients as the original product. But the difference is the production process, the amount of fragrances, dyes, preservatives, and additional substances. Yes, generic Viagra is a little cheaper than the original.

At the moment, generics of drugs to stimulate erection (Cialis, Viagra, Levitra) occupy more than 85% of the pharmacological market. Such analogues of Viagra are based on the same sildenafil, which has a positive effect. They are accepted in the same way as the original. The following medications in this group can increase potency:

  • Anaconda 120;
  • Women's Viagra;
  • Dynamic;
  • Viagra 200;
  • Sildigra;
  • Kamagra;
  • Viagra soft.


Since the drug has some side effects and contraindications, men are tormented by various questions. Having concomitant diseases, representatives of the stronger sex have to take medications from other groups. This is especially true for older people. Is Viagra compatible with them? Is it possible to drink alcohol along with this stimulant?

Can you take Viagra with alcohol or food?

Large doses of alcoholic beverages may interfere with the absorption and distribution of sildenafil. Therefore, large amounts of alcohol cannot be combined with Viagra. But drinking a couple of glasses of wine will only increase the flow of blood to the penis, relax the man, and help him get maximum pleasure. And sildenafil will act for a long time. There are no food restrictions, except for heavy fatty foods. In this case, the effect will come much later. Moreover, such food is generally unhealthy.

What pills can't be combined with Viagra?

Before taking Viagra, you should consult your doctor. Taking a selective inhibitor together with nitrate medications and other nitric oxide donors is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, blood pressure will rarely drop, which can lead to a heart attack. Also, this stimulant should not be used simultaneously with such medications.

The tablets contain: active substance: sildenafil (in the form of sildenafil citrate) 50 or 100 mg; excipients: microcrystalline cellulose (E460), calcium hydrogen phosphate (anhydrous) (E341), croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate (E470), film coating Opadry* blue OY-LS-20921 (hypromellose (E464), lactose monohydrate, titanium dioxide (E171 ), triacetin (E1518), aluminum varnish based on indigo carmine (E132)) and Opadry* transparent YS-2-19114-A (hypromellose (E464), triacetin (E1518)).


VIAGRA is available in the form of blue, diamond-shaped tablets with rounded edges, marked with “Ryager” on one side and “VGR 50” or “VGR 100” on the other, depending on the content of the active substance.

Indications for use

VIAGRA belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group “Medicines for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, phosphodiesterase (PDE)-5 inhibitors”, Code ATC: G04BE03.
VIAGRA is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. VIAGRA helps most men with impaired erectile function achieve an erection and maintain it during sexual arousal.
You will not get an erection if you simply take this drug. VIAGRA helps a man achieve an erection only when sexually aroused.


If you are allergic to sildenafil or any of the ingredients in this drug.

If you are taking drugs called nitrates, combining these drugs with sildenafil can cause your blood pressure to drop dangerously. Tell your doctor if you are currently taking any of these drugs (these drugs are often prescribed to treat angina (or "chest pain")). If you are unsure, check this information with your doctor or pharmacist.

If you are taking nitric oxide-releasing drugs such as amyl nitrite (called "poppers"), combining these drugs with sildenafil may cause a dangerous drop in your blood pressure.

If you have serious heart or liver problems.

If you have recently had a stroke or heart attack, or have low blood pressure.

If you suffer from rare hereditary eye diseases (such as retinitis pigmentosa).

If you have ever lost your vision due to non-arteritis anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION).

You should not take VIAGRA with any other drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction for oral or external use.

You should not take VIAGRA if you do not suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Women should not take VIAGRA.

VIAGRA should not be taken by persons under 18 years of age.

Directions for use and doses

VIAGRA is available in several dosages (50 mg and 100 mg). If you do not get the expected result after taking a dose, consult your doctor. Together with your doctor, you will determine the dose that will provide you with the maximum effect.

Do not take VIAGRA in a dose greater than what your doctor prescribed.

If, in your opinion, you need to increase the dose of VIAGRA, check with your doctor.

VIAGRA should be taken no more than once a day.

The doctor may prescribe a smaller dose of VIAGRA, for example:

If you have severe kidney or liver disease, your doctor will recommend starting with the lowest dose (25 mg) of VIAGRA.

If you are taking protease inhibitors used to treat HIV infection, your doctor may recommend a dose of 25 mg and may limit your use of VIAGRA to a maximum single dose of 25 mg over 48 hours.

If you have prostate problems or high blood pressure and are taking alpha-blockers for this reason, your doctor may recommend starting VIAGRA with a lower dose.

If you are taking CYP3A4 isoenzyme inhibitors, your doctor may recommend starting VIAGRA with a lower dose.

Take a VIAGRA tablet of your dosage approximately 1 hour before planned sex. About 30 minutes after taking the pill and for up to 4 hours, VIAGRA will help you achieve an erection during sexual arousal. VIAGRA can be taken regardless of food intake. If you take VIAGRA after eating a meal containing a lot of fat, the drug will take effect a little later. Alcohol consumption may
temporarily impair the ability to have an erection. To get the maximum effect from taking the medicine, it is not recommended to drink large amounts of alcohol before taking Viagra. VIAGRA will help you achieve an erection only when sexually aroused. Viagra is ineffective in the absence of sexual stimulation.

Side effect

This drug, like all medicines, can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them. Typically, side effects when taking sildenafil are mild or moderate and are transient.

If you experience any of the following serious side effects, stop taking VIAGRA and seek medical help immediately:

Allergic reaction (rare)

Symptoms: sudden hoarseness, difficulty breathing or dizziness, swelling of the eyelids, face, lips or throat.

Chest pain (occurs infrequently):

If this symptom appears during or after sexual intercourse

Take a semi-sitting position and try to relax.

Do not use nitrates for treatment.

Prolonged and sometimes painful erections (frequency unknown)

If an erection lasts more than 4 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sudden decrease or loss of vision (frequency unknown)

Serious skin reactions (frequency unknown)

Symptoms may include: severe peeling and swelling of the skin, blistering in the mouth, genitals and around the eyes, and fever.

Convulsions or seizures (frequency unknown)

Other side effects:

Very common (may occur in > 1 in 10 people): headache.

Frequent (can develop< 1 из 10 человек): покраснение лица, расстройство пищеварения, нарушения зрения (включая нарушение восприятия цвета, чувствительность к свету, нечеткое зрение или снижение остроты зрения), заложенность носа и головокружение.

Uncommon (may develop< 1 из 100 человек): рвота, кожная сыпь, кровоизлияние в задней части глаза, раздражение глаз, гиперемия/покраснение глаз, боль в глазах, двоение в глазах, необычное ощущение в глазах, слезотечение, сильное сердцебиение, учащенное сердцебиение, боль в мышцах, сонливость, снижение тактильного восприятия,
dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea, dry mouth, bleeding from the penis, blood in semen and/or urine, chest pain and feeling tired.

Rare (can develop< 1 из 1000 человек): высокое артериальное давление, низкое артериальное давление, обморок, инсульт, инфаркт, аритмия, кровотечение из носа и внезапное снижение или потеря слуха.

The frequency of side effects is unknown (the frequency cannot be determined from the available data):

Additional side effects reported during post-marketing surveillance:

Unstable angina (heart disease), sudden death, temporary deterioration of blood supply to parts of the brain. Most (but not all) men who experience these side effects had heart problems before taking sildenafil. In this regard, it is not possible to establish a direct connection between the development of these phenomena and the use of sildenafil.

Providing information about the development of side effects

If you experience any side effects, including those not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. By reporting side effects, you are helping to provide more information about the safety of this medicine.


In case of overdose, consult a doctor immediately.

Interaction with other drugs

Some medications can change the effect of VIAGRA. Tell your doctor about any medicines you are taking. Do not start or stop taking any medicines without consulting your doctor or pharmacist. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Viagra may interfere with some medications, especially drugs used to treat chest pain. In the event of a medical emergency, you should tell your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse that you took Viagra and when you took it. Do not take Viagra with other medications unless your doctor tells you to do so.

Remember that VIAGRA should never be taken together with drugs containing nitrates.

If you take alpha-blocker medications to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) or prostate problems, your blood pressure may drop sharply. You may feel weak or dizzy.

If you are taking protease inhibitors, CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, erythromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole), your dose may need to be adjusted (please read the section FINDING THE RIGHT DOSE FOR YOU).

VIAGRA should not be used in conjunction with any other drugs that cause an erection. These are tablets or injections; medications that are injected into the penis; implants or vacuum pumps.

Now almost everyone knows what Viagra is and what it is intended for, but not everyone knows how it works and what side effects can be expected from it.

A product for increasing potency in men with the active substance Sildenafil has been helping since 1998 to fight unwanted helplessness in bed. Many men, mostly older men, cannot do without it, so as not to look sexually powerless in front of their lady.

But many of them do not think about why doctors recommend consulting with them before deciding to use them, since this drug is not as harmless as it seems. But, unfortunately, excessive self-confidence and reluctance to tell anyone else about their sexual problems prevents them from doing this.

So, what is Viagra?

The active substance Sildenafil increases male potency and helps improve erection. A drug with this active ingredient was launched on the market by Pfizer in 1998 and was called Viagra. Today there are numerous analogue drugs, as well as products with similar active substances and comparable effects. Unfortunately, many people believe that the higher the dose, the stronger the erection will be, which is fundamentally wrong: those who exceed the recommended dose risk getting very strong side effects.

Accidental discovery.

Initially, Pfizer researchers did not plan to develop a treatment for erectile dysfunction in their UK studies. Instead, they were looking for a drug against vascular heart disease that would dilate the heart vessels and thereby relieve sudden chest pain.

Although the researchers did not achieve the desired effects, they found that they had undesirably found a solution to another ailment - erectile dysfunction. In a study published in 1996, British scientists explained: Sildenafil shows promise for improving erectile dysfunction.

How does Viagra work?

After the peak of sexual arousal, the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE-5 for short) ensures that the penis weakens again. It is counteracted by guanosine monophosphate molecules, which make the male penis hard again and increases blood flow to it.

At the same time, sexual stimulation is also primarily necessary; without it, Sildenafil may not have its effect.

Correct dosage.

The manufacturer recommends taking 50 mg approximately 1 hour before sexual intercourse. Sometimes users increase the dose to 100 mg at most and take Viagra no more than once a day. Patients with severe renal or hepatic impairment should initially take 25 mg per day, gradually increasing the dose as required to a maximum of 100 mg.

A higher dose does not lead to better effectiveness, the manufacturer emphasizes. Instead, taking too much dosage may increase unwanted side effects, which may not stop some men.

Viagra: Side effects.

Many men with erectile dysfunction willingly refuse to visit a doctor in order to avoid an unpleasant conversation about their sexual problems. They buy Viagra without a prescription at the pharmacy, without thinking about whether they can use it at all. Some countries dispense this drug by prescription, and for a good reason: before use, the buyer must visit a doctor to find out about the possibility of its use, side effects and interactions with other drugs. The following are the most common side effects according to Pfizer:


Redness of the skin,


Dyspepsia (epigastric pain, vomiting, heartburn, bloating),

Nasal congestion,

Nausea, feeling of thirst,

Visual or hearing impairment.

Sometimes men have reported erections lasting more than 4 hours after taking Viagra. If you do not seek help in time in this case, irreversible changes in the penis may develop.

If you develop similar side effects after taking Viagra, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Viagra and the cardiovascular system.

Very often there is information that taking Viagra is undesirable for severe cardiovascular diseases and can lead to their complications, such as unstable angina, myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, sudden cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmia, hypertensive crisis or hypotension.

It is worth noting that most of these patients had predisposing risk factors for cardiovascular complications, and many of these events occurred immediately after sexual intercourse, which in itself, even without Viagra, can lead to such complications. And only some of them experienced side complications without sexual activity.

Since it is impossible to determine the exact relationship between taking Viagra and cardiovascular complications, the manufacturer does not recommend taking Viagra for people with severe cardiovascular diseases or risk factors for this!

At the same time, it is worth noting that Sildenafil has no effect on a healthy heart and can be safely taken.

Viagra and other drugs.

Before taking Viagra, you need to know that it can affect the effect of other medications:

It cannot be combined with nitrates (this is very important! in combination, for example, with nitroglycerin, the consequences can be the most tragic!),

Does not combine well with alpha-blockers (phentolamine, prazosin, etc.) used to treat hypertension or prostate problems,

Taking proteases to treat HIV infection may require a change in dosage, and doctors usually recommend starting with a dose of 25 mg in such cases.

You cannot combine simultaneous use with other drugs that increase erection; this can lead to irreversible changes in the penis, as well as various side effects and cardiovascular complications.

The answer why Viagra does not combine well with alpha-blockers and does not combine with nitrates is simple: Viagra, like these drugs, causes vasodilation not only in the penis, but also systemically in other organs and in itself can cause a decrease in blood pressure, which in most patients there is no particular clinical significance. But simultaneous use with the above drugs can cause severe hypotension, including loss of consciousness. Therefore, such issues should be resolved by a doctor.

Who should not take Viagra?

Viagra copes well with its task, but it is still not recommended for everyone:

  • - teenagers under 18 years old,
  • - in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance Sildenafil,
  • - when taken simultaneously with the drugs that we wrote about above,
  • - for severe cardiovascular diseases.

Use with caution:

  • - with anatomical deformation of the penis,
  • - for diseases of the hematopoietic system: leukemia, thrombocytopenia, myeloma, sickle cell anemia, as they can lead to priapism - an involuntary erection that can last more than 4-6 hours. This is accompanied by pain and discoloration of the penis. Priapism can also be caused by multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, brain tumors, taking drugs and excessive doses of alcohol, diseases of the genital organs, and diabetes.
  • -for bleeding, since Viagra aggravates it due to vasodilation,
  • In contact with
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The nature of the diet for Crohn's disease depends on the location and extent of intestinal damage, the phase of the disease, as well as tolerability...
Plan: 1. Psychopathy 2. Personality disorders. 3. Neuroses. 4. Reactive psychoses 5. Anxiety and somatoform disorders....