What medicine can be made from aloe. Aloe. Rules for the preparation of drugs from aloe. How to cook aloe with honey - basic recipes

Aloe with honey is a healing product that strengthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, rejuvenating and regenerating properties. The mixture contains a large number of useful elements: phytoncides, antioxidants, mucopolysaccharides, bioflavonoids, enzymes, resinous substances. One tablespoon of aloe juice mixed with honey allows you to fill the daily need of the human body for vitamins. Such properties and composition of the product make it possible to use it for the treatment of many chronic pathologies and their prevention.

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    The medicinal properties of the plant

    A mixture of aloe juice with honey has many medicinal properties for the healing of various systems of the human body. Regular use of this remedy allows you to:

    • improve appetite;
    • cure trophic ulcers;
    • eliminate constipation;
    • regenerate mucous membranes in gastritis and ulcerative pathologies;
    • eliminate conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis;
    • cure influenza, SARS, bronchitis;
    • minimize the risk of complications after skin irradiation, radiotherapy;
    • get rid of eczema, dermatitis;
    • relieve pain after sunburn;
    • cure cataract, ensure the prevention of this pathology;
    • cure thrush;
    • eliminate abscesses, boils;
    • reduce the depth of the lesion during cervical erosion;
    • reduce the activity of symptoms of chronic adnexitis.

    In addition to the treatment of many pathologies, aloe with honey is recommended to take:

    • to maintain the body during diets and after illness;
    • to fight anemia;
    • to ensure choleretic action;
    • to strengthen immunity, especially in winter;
    • for speedy recovery in the postoperative period;
    • to accelerate the rehabilitation of patients suffering from various chronic pathologies;
    • to increase potency.

    To get the maximum benefit from taking this remedy, you need to properly prepare the aloe leaves.

    Preparation of leaves for preparation of medicine

    In order to maximize the healing properties of aloe with honey, in the process of preparing the product, it is necessary to use only certain leaves of the plant. The most useful of them will be the fleshy leaves collected at the bottom of the flower.

    Squeezing juice from cut material is required, taking into account the following instructions:

    1. 1. The age of the plant must be at least 3 years old.
    2. 2. Before collecting leaves, the plant cannot be watered for 7 days.
    3. 3. After cutting the aloe, you need to put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
    4. 4. Cut chilled leaves should be cut with a ceramic knife.
    5. 5. The resulting pieces must be transferred to gauze and squeezed.

    Juice prepared using this technology can be used for the preparation of medicinal products.

    Preparation of remedies: the best recipes

    There are many recipes for the preparation of medicines based on aloe juice and honey. They differ from each other in the presence of additional elements that enhance one or another healing quality of aloe and honey. The advantage of this remedy is that it has a pleasant taste, because the bitterness of the medicinal plant is neutralized by the honey sweetness.

    It is required to prepare a folk remedy strictly according to the instructions, observing all the proportions of the ingredients. Otherwise, the prepared medicine may not have a strengthening or therapeutic effect on the body.

    For flu and colds

    This recipe allows you to prepare a remedy that helps with flu and cold symptoms. It effectively fights a runny nose, cough, helps to increase the body's resistance to viruses. In addition, the prepared medicine relieves sore throat, and also relieves tracheitis, pharyngitis. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

    • 2 leaves of agave 15 cm long;
    • 200 grams of honey.

    How to cook:

      1. 1. Cut the agave into pieces, transfer to a blender and chop.
      2. 2. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass with honey.

    When using a remedy for the treatment of a cold, it must be half diluted with water. The prepared solution should be used as nasal drops. For the treatment of other diseases, as well as strengthening the immune system, it is necessary to take a mixture of 1 large spoon three times a day.

    For cough and bronchitis

    To cope with a cough, you need to add oil to the aloe-honey mass. This ingredient will help moisturize irritated mucous membranes and speed up their regeneration. Required Ingredients:

    • 100 grams of melted butter;
    • 100 grams of agave;
    • 100 grams of honey.

    How to make medicine:

      1. 1. Make puree from agave leaves in a blender.
      2. 2. Mix the resulting slurry with honey.
      3. 3. Add butter to the mixture, actively kneading it with a fork.
      4. 4. After reaching a homogeneous consistency of the product, leave it for 2 hours in a cool place.

    It is necessary to take medicine for cough and bronchitis three times a day, 1 teaspoon. It can also be used for pneumonia. In this case, the butter mass should be washed down with hot milk. Reception is carried out at a slow pace, the medicine is required to be eaten in small portions, carefully dissolving it.

    Cough for children

    In order for the child to take the prepared medicine more willingly, its taste must be made more pleasant. Therefore, the following ingredients are used in the preparation process:

    • 100 grams of honey;
    • 100 grams of lard;
    • 100 grams of aloe juice;
    • 100 grams of butter;
    • 50 grams of cocoa.

    How to do:

      1. 1. Melt the fat in a water bath, mix with honey.
      2. 2. Heat the mass over low heat with constant stirring. So that honey does not lose its healing properties, the mixture should not be brought to a boil.
      3. 3. After the mass acquires a uniform consistency, remove the container from the heat, pour aloe juice into it and add cocoa powder.
      4. 4. Mix everything thoroughly and cool.

    To treat a child, add 1 teaspoon of the oil mass to a glass of heated portage or dilute it with warm water. Children should take this drink three times a day. This medicine is good for treating coughs and adults, but in this case it is necessary to increase the dosage of the healing mass to 1 tablespoon.

    To strengthen immunity

    This tool can be used to strengthen immunity only in adults, since it contains alcohol. For cooking you need:

    • 250 grams of agave;
    • 300 milliliters of honey;
    • 0.5 liters of Cahors;
    • 150 grams of crushed walnuts.

    How to cook:

      1. 1. Transfer the agave to a blender and grind to a puree consistency.
      2. 2. Add honey to the mushy mass, mix and dilute the mixture with cahors.
      3. 3. Add crushed nuts to the resulting liquid, mix everything and leave for 5 days.

    The mixture is taken three times a day for half an hour before meals for 10 days, 1 teaspoon. Then a 20-day break is made, after which the course of treatment is repeated. You need to take the remedy monthly from November to March.

    To activate the digestive function

    The remedy prepared according to this recipe is used for stomach ulcers and gastritis. It must be made from the following ingredients:

    • 5 cm aloe leaf;
    • 2 teaspoons of honey.


      1. 1. Cut the agave into pieces, place in a blender and chop.
      2. 2. Transfer the puree to cheesecloth and squeeze until all the juice stands out from the pulp.
      3. 3. Mix the resulting liquid with honey.

    In order to get rid of gastritis, you must take the remedy every time before eating 1 teaspoon for 30 days. Then a monthly break is made, after which the treatment course is repeated.

    For constipation

    This recipe allows you to soften the feces, eliminate increased gas formation, promotes regular intestinal emptying. To prepare the medicine you need:

    • 100 grams of agave;
    • 100 grams of honey.

    Preparation and application:

      1. 1. Mix both ingredients thoroughly.
      2. 2. Place the mass in the refrigerator and insist for a day.
      3. 3. Take medicine before meals, 1 tablespoon.

    The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 4 doses of 1 tablespoon.

    To speed up regeneration processes

    To eliminate boils, heal purulent wounds, it is necessary to use aloe-honey lotions. They are made according to the following instructions:

      1. 1. Juice is squeezed out of aloe.
      2. 2. The liquid is mixed with an equal amount of honey.
      3. 3. Fresh agent is applied to the gauze lotion and applied to the affected area.

    You need to do such compresses two or three times a day.

    With cervical erosion

    The combination of aloe and honey allows you to activate the healing process of the cervix. To prepare the product, you must follow the recommendations:

    1. 1. Peel a small piece of aloe.
    2. 2. Wrap the treated piece of the plant in a piece of sterile bandage so that a tampon is formed.
    3. 3. Moisten a swab in a small amount of honey and place in the vagina all night.

    The course of treatment is 10 days.

    With anemia

    Aloe honey medicine allows you to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. To prepare it you will need:

    • 100 grams of aloe;
    • 100 milliliters of honey;
    • 1 lemon;
    • 100 grams of crushed walnuts.

    How to cook:

      1. 1. Grind aloe in a blender, mix with honey mass.
      2. 2. Squeeze lemon juice into the resulting liquid.
      3. 3. Mix everything and season with walnuts.

    The mixture should be drunk before each meal, 1 teaspoon. You need to drink the mass with a glass of water. With increased acidity, it is necessary to reduce the amount of lemon used by half.

    To increase potency

    In order to cope with reduced potency in men, it is necessary to prepare a medicine from the following ingredients:

    • 300 grams of aloe;
    • 500 milliliters of honey;
    • 250 grams of walnut;
    • 500 milliliters of red wine;
    • 3 garlic heads.

    How to make medicine:

      1. 1. Grind aloe in a blender, mix with honey.
      2. 2. Add crushed walnuts to the mass, squeeze out the garlic juice.
      3. 3. Pour red wine into the liquid, mix everything and let it brew in a dark, cool place for 10 days.

    You need to drink a healing agent for 3 months, 1 tablespoon three times a day.

    With eye pathologies

    Most often in ophthalmology, aloe-honey mass is used to treat cataracts. The product is made from boiled water, honey and crushed aloe. All ingredients are taken in 1 tablespoon and mixed until smooth.

    The prepared mixture should be stored only in the refrigerator.

    For 2-3 months, the liquid must be instilled into the eyes three times a day, 1 drop. For the treatment of conjunctivitis, you need to make lotions on the eyelids. To do this, a cotton pad should be moistened in the prepared solution and applied to the affected area.


    Despite the fact that the mixture of aloe with honey has a pronounced medicinal effect, it should be used with caution. This folk medicine has the following contraindications:

    • period of pregnancy;
    • menstrual period;
    • the presence of hemorrhoidal, uterine or gastric bleeding;
    • exacerbation of pathologies of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder;
    • the presence of tumors of a benign or malignant nature;
    • individual intolerance to any of the components of the recipe.

    If there are contraindications, it is necessary to refuse to use the remedy. Otherwise, instead of the expected benefits, the treatment may harm the body.

    A mixture of aloe and honey is a useful tool that helps to cope with many pathologies. Its benefits are due to the combination of the healing properties of the components, which, when interacting, enhance each other. However, this drug should be taken with caution, and if any allergic reactions occur, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of the drug and consult a doctor.

The great Avicenna and the ancient Sumerians used and wrote about the unique properties of aloe three thousand years ago. Modern scientists have found in it vitamins B, C, E, beta-carotene (vitamin A), allantoin and more. about 200 trace elements useful for humans.

For more than one century, Russians have been pleased with an alien from the African tropics with prickly fleshy leaves. Russified, acquired a new name. Whether it lives for a hundred years without flowers and fruits, or because it has medicinal properties and prolongs a person’s life up to a hundred years, but we call it not the beautiful name of Aloe, but a simple native unpretentious agave.

Doctor on the windowsill

Living aloe is already a medicine. A plant planted in a pot at the age of 2 years cleans the air around it on an area of ​​4 m 2 from bacteria, pathogens and toxins. A person who breathes air, which contains aloe “breathing” enzymes, receives invisible stimulants of activity and immunity. It has been proven that a child who has an agave in the bedroom makes decisions faster and gets sick less.

How to make an infusion of aloe for the stomach

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis and colds, it helps tincture of aloe leaves on vodka and honey.

  • aloe leaves - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • honey - 0.5 kg.

How to do
At the time of cutting centennial must be at least three years old. The older he is, the more useful the medicine from him will bring.

  1. Cut the leaves of the plant, rinse them with warm water, wipe dry with a napkin and put in the refrigerator for two weeks, wrapped in a tight bag or paper. At this stage, the cells of a plant in trouble intensively produce biogenic stimulants, which are very useful for a person for a better therapeutic effect. This property of aloe leaves was discovered many years ago by Academician Filatov.
  2. Grind the leaves first with a knife, then with a blender and pour vodka (alcohol).
  3. Let it brew for a day, squeeze and add honey to the liquid.
  4. Cover tightly and leave for a month in a dark place.

At diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, asthma drink the infusion should be an hour before eating a tablespoon, seizing a piece of butter (1/2 tsp)

With chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and others diseases of the nasopharynx dilute the tincture ½ with hot water and slowly rinse and drink 2 tablespoons every three hours. warm medicine.

Sinusitis can be cured by rinsing the nose twice a day with a tincture diluted ¼ with warm water.

To protect yourself and loved ones from viral diseases and colds, boost immunity, to increase physical activity after a severe prolonged illness, it is enough to take 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. tincture with warm water. You can also stir a spoonful of the tincture into 1/2 cup of warm water and drink it every morning before meals.

You can store this medicine at room temperature, but not more than 8 months. After a year of storage, only vodka and honey remain active in the drug.

Aloe infusion for joints

This medicine is used exclusively externally for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Use it as rubbing and warming compresses.
You will need:

  • agave leaves - 1 kg;
  • 70% alcohol - 0.5 l.

How to do

  1. Cut the leaves, wash, dry and put in the cold for 14 days in a closed dark package.
  2. Grind and pour alcohol. Place in a dark place for a month, tightly closing the lid.
  3. Strain, squeeze out the green pulp and discard. Liquid to use for treatment.

For joint pain it is necessary to moisten the gauze folded 8 times in tincture, squeeze it slightly and put it on the sore spot. Next, compress paper is laid, which can be successfully replaced by plastic wrap. The film should be 1-2 cm larger than the gauze. In the same way, it is necessary to place cotton wool or other insulation. It should completely cover the film. Only in this case, the compress will have a warming therapeutic effect.

The same compress is placed on a patient with bronchitis (on the back), tonsillitis (on the throat), and also with dislocations and sprains in the second stage of recovery.

As a rub, the tincture can be used for asymptomatic pain, rheumatism, sprain, dislocation, and thrombophlebitis.

Agave juice

Indications for use
The substances contained in the plant help to remove toxins from the body several times faster, have a healing effect, which contributes to a speedy recovery in a number of diseases.

  1. Acute rhinitis. Bury in the nose 5 drops of juice 3 times a day.
  2. Hypertension. Drink on an empty stomach 1 tsp. water with 3-4 drops of juice.
  3. Gastritis. Half an hour before meals, drink 2 tsp. juice twice a day for a month.
  4. Constipation. A dessert spoon of juice, drunk half an hour before a meal, will help you recover in 5-8 hours.
  5. Cervical erosion. Insert into the vagina once a day a swab moistened with aloe juice.
  6. Skin damage. Apply a compress from the juice of the plant to the affected area.
  7. Angina. Mix 2 tsp. juice from 2 tbsp. warm milk and drink slowly.
  8. Wart, herpes. Lubricate the problem area with fresh juice several times a day.

The concentrated agave juice in medicine is called sobur and is used in various medicines. But using it at home, you need to remember about the contraindications and features of this natural potion.

  1. Aloe contains the substance aloin, which in large quantities can cause cancer, turning into a carcinogen.
  2. Poisoning with improper use (overdose) of the drug is characterized by nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  3. It is not recommended to take agave juice in general for pregnant women and children under three years of age.

plant leaves

Of course, when using only juice, many important useful components are lost. Therefore, for any skin diseases in an adult, a compress of freshly squeezed juice can be replaced with a leaf of a plant. For the delicate skin of a child, a large concentration of active substances can become an irritating factor.

A fresh fleshy aloe leaf is cut at the base from the first plant layer from the ground. Then it must be washed with warm water, wiped dry and cut off the thorns.

The leaf is cut lengthwise with a sharp knife and applied to problem areas with the fleshy side skin up. Then it is necessary to put compress paper or plastic film on it, which will create an additional "greenhouse effect". Attach cotton wool or a napkin and tie, leaving for 10-12 hours.

This compress is great. helps with boils, ulcers, lichen, burns, eczema and festering wounds. The leaf draws out the dying substance, pus, and the juice disinfects and promotes wound healing. The same property of a green leaf can be used to relieve inflammation of the gums by chewing an agave leaf every day after breakfast.

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Each of the species of this plant has certain healing properties. Traditional, folk medicine and cosmetology uses several types: aloe vera, real aloe and tree. Thanks to its juice, which contains many useful substances, the plant was named - green pharmacy, ambulance on the windowsill.

Healing properties of aloe
The juice of this popular indoor plant contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, as well as nicotinamide, beta-carotene. Dense leaves contain a large amount of natural fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines.

Plant-based preparations have laxative, choleretic properties. They are able to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands, improve appetite. Due to their qualities, these drugs are used in traditional, folk medicine. They are used in the treatment of chronic forms of gastritis, peptic ulcer, and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They are widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder, as well as food poisoning.

There are aloe recipes that produce a healing substance called sabur. To do this, the juice of the plant is thickened in a special way, made solid. It is part of drugs with laxative properties.

Since the juice of this indoor evergreen flower has anti-inflammatory, anti-burn properties, it is often used in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns of various degrees, as well as from sunlight. Juice treats trophic ulcers, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases. After diluting the juice with water, gargle with angina, wash the nasopharynx with tonsillitis. Relieve the painful condition of inflammation of the gums.

A pharmaceutical aqueous extract based on green leaves is used in ophthalmology. They treat blepharitis, conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma. Also, the extract will help in the treatment of bronchial asthma and some gynecological diseases. Regular use normalizes the function of the urinary system of the body, helps to alleviate the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Folk recipes for medicines from aloe
In the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, including peptic ulcer, catarrh of the stomach, ailments of the liver, and gallbladder, take 1 tsp. fresh aloe juice at least 3 times before meals (for half an hour).

For herpes rash, treat damaged skin with fresh or concentrated juice. Also take it inside for 1 tsp. 3-4 times per day.

Freshly squeezed juice of green leaves is instilled with a cold, 2-3 drops for each nostril. For cataracts, juice diluted with pure water (1:10) is used. Place a few drops of the solution in each eye.

With pulmonary tuberculosis, this plant is also used. Its fresh juice with honey is taken orally. It is also used to regulate menstruation. In this case, you should drink no more than 10 drops at a time.

To improve immunity, weakened people are also recommended a recipe for aloe with honey: Mix 100 ml of freshly squeezed juice, 1/3 cup of chopped walnut kernels, with only bee honey, juice of half a lemon. Remove the mixture for a day to infuse. Then eat each time before meals, 1 tbsp. l. (for adults). Children can eat 1 tsp before meals. mixtures.

Aloe leaves are used to effectively cleanse the body of toxins. To do this, grind 1 kg of fresh leaves of perennial aloe (wash thoroughly beforehand), add 1 kg of butter and natural bee honey. Transfer the mixture to an enamel saucepan, boil, then simmer in a water bath for about 20 minutes. After that, wait until the product has cooled down, take 1 tsp. three times a day, before meals, drinking 1/4 cup of fresh milk.

For colds, flu, bronchitis, and also to cleanse the blood, use the recipe for aloe tincture with Cahors: Pass 0.5 kg of fresh leaves through a meat grinder, add 3/4 cups of bee honey. Close the lid, put in a dark place for 3 days. After that, add 750 g of Cahors wine, mix well, put in a dark place for another day. Then take 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day, before meals.

Before using aloe for medical purposes, be sure to follow these guidelines:

Keep the cut leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for several days before use. During this time, biogenic stimulants are produced that give the plant medicinal properties.

For medicinal use, use a perennial plant older than one and a half years.

Leaves can be used throughout the year. The active properties of the plant do not change from this. Cut with a sharp knife the lower leaves, which have dried tips, at least 15 cm long. It is these leaves that contain the greatest amount of nutrients. After cutting, rinse the leaves well, dry with a towel and put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (where it is not very cold) for a week. After that, the leaves can be crushed by passing through a meat grinder, using gauze to squeeze out the healing juice. You can mix it with alcohol (8:2) and store it in the refrigerator for a long time.

Since the use of aloe for the treatment of diseases on its own can cause allergies, first consult your doctor. And also remember that aloe preparations should not be taken for cancer, uterine bleeding and pregnancy. Such drugs are contraindicated in case of severe cardiovascular diseases, as well as in cystitis and hemorrhoids. Be healthy!

aloe based remedies

Aloe is one of the oldest medicinal plants known to man. As in past centuries, today it is used for the prevention and treatment of many ailments. You will learn how to prepare healing remedies from aloe at home by reading this article.

Effective healing remedies based on aloe :

1. To improve metabolism:
It is necessary to thoroughly mix liquid honey (three hundred grams), red wine (four hundred grams) and twenty grams of aloe juice (fresh). After that, you need to put the container with the mixture to infuse in the refrigerator (preferably on the door or bottom shelf). Take the medicine in a tablespoon twice a day before meals.

2. With beriberi and to strengthen the body:
Twist aloe leaves, peeled walnuts, one medium lemon in a meat grinder. After that, add a little butter, liquid honey to the twisted mixture, mix the whole mass again and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Take the remedy one teaspoon three times a day before meals.

3. To strengthen immunity:
To strengthen the immune system, you need to prepare an infusion of aloe with sage. To do this, mix fresh aloe juice and sage infusion (pour a tablespoon of leaves with two cups of boiling water and wait half an hour) in a ratio of 1: 2. Use the infusion in a warm form three times a day. There is another folk remedy for strengthening immunity: mix chopped fresh lemon with melted (steamed in a water bath) honey and add one tablespoon of aloe juice and St. John's wort to the mixture.

4. For diseases of the oral cavity:
Prepare a slurry of aloe by grinding its leaves in a meat grinder or in a blender, then let the mass stand for about two hours so that all the juice can drain. Then it is necessary to squeeze out the remaining juice through two or three layers of gauze and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Rinse your mouth with juice daily for bleeding gums, sores, etc. You can also use fresh juice while diluting it with purified water.

5. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
To prepare this folk remedy, you need to thoroughly mix the following ingredients in a glass container: fresh aloe juice, olive oil and liquid honey (all in equal parts). After that, you need to slightly warm the entire mixture in a water bath. The composition prepared according to this recipe is stored on the shelf of the refrigerator door and used for gastritis and ulcers, one tablespoon per day.

6. For acne:
Soak a gauze pad with aloe juice and apply it on your face for twenty minutes. The duration of the treatment course is from seven to fifteen days.

Recipes for homemade cosmetics based on healing aloe vera gel

Aloe Vera Nourishing Face Gel
For 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel 6 - 7 drops of essential oil, whatever you want ½ teaspoon of vegetable glycerin 3 drops of jojoba, olive, grape seed, any base oil.
Mix everything thoroughly, and pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Apply the gel every day after cleansing.
Moisturizing facial gel can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

Nourishing mask based on aloe vera gel
1 tablespoon dried ground seaweed (available at pharmacies)
1 vitamin E capsule
½ spoon of honey
½ aloe vera gel
Any essential oil
Mix everything thoroughly, add vitamin E from the capsule. Apply the mask not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Keep for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water only. Seaweed draws out toxins, deeply cleansing the skin, activating blood circulation, giving the skin health and freshness.

Aloe vera gel mask for oily skin
1 teaspoon green clay, dry
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon witch hazel extract
A little bit of water Mix everything and add water to make a thick paste-like mixture.
Apply the mask on the face, neck, décolleté, hold for 15-30 minutes.
Green clay, effective specifically for oily skin - effectively cleanses, removes the stratum corneum, making the skin smooth and soft. For this type of skin, it is best to use aloe vera juice without additives as a toner. Wipe your face with it after applying masks.

Mask for dry skin with aloe vera
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 beaten egg yolk
Mix everything and apply the mask on the face and neck, hold for 15-25 minutes, then wash with warm water. Then apply a moisturizer to the skin, as the egg white tightens the skin.

Soothing mask with aloe vera gel, for sensitive skin.
1 tbsp aloe vera gel
3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
2 drops of rose essential oil
Half tablespoon of honey
Mix everything, apply the mask on the face, neck and décolleté, hold for 10-15 minutes, then wash with warm water. Rose oil, soothes, stops inflammation, perfect for fading, dry and sensitive skin.

Moisturizing Aloe Vera Gel Lip Gloss
1 teaspoon Vaseline
1 teaspoon aloe vera gel
Half a teaspoon of coconut oil.
Essential oil of your choice.
In a microwave safe bowl, mix coconut oil, petroleum jelly, add gel and mix again. Put in the microwave and heat for 2-3 minutes. Pour the still hot mixture into a wide-mouth bottle. Coconut oil moisturizes, aloe vera nourishes, and petroleum jelly forms a protective layer to prevent chapping.

Aftershave gel that soothes the skin
2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
From half a tablespoon of gemamalis extract, separate another half and add it to the gel.
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (natural)
5 drops essential oil of your favorite
Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply to the skin with a cotton pad, store in the refrigerator.

Biostimulated aloe juice, for hair, youth and immunity
Biostimulated aloe juice is especially effective - it activates regeneration and nourishes the skin.
Leaves must be at least 3 years old
Aloe vera or aloe is not watered for two weeks, then cut off at the root, wrapped in dark paper and placed in the refrigerator for 2 weeks on the bottom shelf.
What activates the formation of special substances - biogenic biostimulants that activate cellular activity. This is the best remedy for rejuvenation and early aging prevention. Benefits of biostimulated aloe juice:
Gets rid of dandruff
Heals hair, giving it shine, silkiness
Stimulates hair growth
Soothes irritations, relieves redness, moisturizes, tones the skin
Promotes the speedy healing of wounds, burns
Prevents the formation of wrinkles
Bio-stimulated aloe vera juice can be used undiluted or added to face, body or hair masks.
Then we take out the aloe leaves, rinse with boiled water at room temperature and grind in a meat grinder (you can squeeze the juice in a screw juicer) or grind the leaves into cheesecloth and squeeze through cheesecloth and apply as needed. Extra juice can be frozen, stored in the freezer, and thawed as needed.
You can prepare an immunostimulating mixture:
Requires 100 grams of juice
500 gr walnuts 300 gr honey
Juice of 3-4 medium lemons.
Combine all components and mix well. Take a dessert spoon every day 3 times, half an hour before meals.

Hair mask recipes based on aloe juice or aloe vera

stimulate hair growth
Mask with aloe vera juice and oils
Mix: ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp aloe 1 lemon juice
Half a teaspoon of orange and lavender essential oil
Rub the mask into the hair roots, put on a shower cap, wrap it with a terry towel, keep it for half an hour, wash your hair.

Mask with serum, aloe juice and castor oil.
Just 1 teaspoon of Aloe Juice
castor oil
milk whey
Vitamins A and E capsules, one each
one yolk
Mix everything and rub into the hair roots, leave for 40 minutes.

Hair loss masks
1 tablespoon garlic juice
Aloe juice
onion juice
1 teaspoon mustard powder
1 ampoule of vitamins B1 and B6
1 egg yolk
Rub the mixture into the roots, apply the rest to the strands of hair along the entire length. Wrap your head and keep for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Honey-yolk mask with aloe vera juice
One yolk 3 tbsp aloe juice
Tablespoon of honey
Mix everything well, rub into the roots, hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Also, aloe vera juice can be frozen in special molds for ice and wipe the face every morning to rejuvenate and prevent fine wrinkles.
On the picture:
1 Agave
2 Aloe Vera

Aloe is an important and beneficial plant that is often called the doctor on the windowsill. Indeed, many diseases are much easier if you know how to prepare a home remedy from aloe. Recipes for such drugs have been tested many times in traditional medicine, and their effectiveness has been proven by the successful experience of many generations.

Benefits of aloe medicine

Today, aloe is less and less common on home windowsills. Not everyone likes the ascetic, slightly stern look of this prickly plant. And absolutely in vain.

It was not in vain that our grandmothers always kept several pots of aloe at home, or, as it is often called, agave. Scuffs on the leg, accidental burns, bruises, toothache, runny nose - all this can be cured with aloe juice, so it is very convenient to have such a useful "doctor" on hand.

Aloe successfully heals wounds, treats skin irritations, diseases of the digestive system. The juice of this plant contains a natural antibiotic that is effective against various pathogens - diphtheria and dysentery bacilli, streptococcus and staphylococcus, it is very useful to take it internally for stomach pain or intestinal disorders. Aloe juice is practically indispensable for the treatment of purulent ulcers, boils, it effectively treats inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and eliminates toothache.

Aloe juice is often used in cosmetology for the preparation of nourishing masks and skin creams, strengthening shampoos and hair balms.

Homemade aloe medicine - how to cook

  • To treat a cold, you can prepare and take the following remedy. Take fresh pouring aloe - 100 g, chop them finely - you can use a blender or meat grinder. Add honey - 1 tablespoon and the same amount of pure medical alcohol. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • To treat a runny nose, you need to squeeze juice from aloe leaves, dilute it with water 1: 1 and instill 2-3 drops into each nostril several times a day.
  • For the treatment of sinusitis, you need to prepare a mixture of aloe juice, honey and celandine broth taken in equal parts. Mix well and instill 10 drops several times a day in each nostril. What will come out through the throat, you need to spit.
  • For the treatment of dry cough with a cold, you can prepare the following remedy. Mix fresh aloe juice - 100 ml, butter - 50 g and honey - 3 tablespoons. Mix everything thoroughly until completely homogeneous and take 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.

For sciatica and rheumatism, mix aloe juice - 3 tablespoons, with the same amount of honey and add warm boiled water - 100 ml, put in a water bath for 5 minutes, then remove, cool and apply compresses to the affected areas.

  • To treat a sore throat, freshly squeezed aloe juice is mixed in equal parts with water and rinsed several times a day.
  • In case of inflammation of the ear, it is recommended to instill freshly squeezed aloe juice into the ear canal several times a day - 3-3 drops each.
  • With inflammation of the eyes and a feeling of "sand in the eyes", it is recommended to wash them with aloe juice diluted in equal parts with boiled water.
  • For the treatment of barley, an aloe leaf is crushed with a knife or in a blender into a gruel, poured with cold boiled water - 250 ml, let it brew overnight, then filter and make lotions.
  • For the treatment of burns, aloe leaves are washed, finely chopped with a knife, poured with honey and insisted in a dark, cool place for a month. After that, filter and lubricate the sore spot with this composition or make compresses.
  • To treat tuberculosis, grind fresh aloe leaves into a pulp and mix them with honey in equal amounts. Dilute the mixture with a small amount of water in a ratio of 4: 1, put in a water bath and heat for 2 hours under the lid, then remove from heat and infuse for 24 hours. Take this remedy once a day, in the morning or at night, 1 tablespoon.
  • For diseases of the digestive system, aloe leaves should be finely chopped with a blender and mixed with honey at the rate of 500 g of leaves per 300 g of honey. Let it brew for 3 days in a dark, cool place, then pour 500 ml of Cahors into the mixture. Steep for another 3 days, and then you can take 1 tablespoon of this aloe medicine 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. You need to store the medicine in the refrigerator.
  • With inflamed facial skin, it is recommended to wipe with aloe juice instead of lotion before going to bed. And you can make just such a nourishing mask: grind oatmeal into flour, mix it in equal parts with aloe juice and honey. Apply to pre-cleansed face, and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

When medicines rise in price, it is worth remembering "grandmother's" recipes.

Recently, in the "Garden and Garden" section, we talked about how to grow a home pharmacy on our windowsill (see) - aloe, kalanchoe, golden mustache - powerful natural biostimulants that effectively help with many diseases. Today we will talk about how to prepare medicines from these plants.

1 With a cold. Take 300 g of aloe leaves, 3 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of medical alcohol. Pass aloe leaves through a meat grinder, mix the resulting mass thoroughly with honey and alcohol. Take one teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

2 With a runny nose. Dilute fresh aloe juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Bury drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.

Rinse the nose with a decoction of the golden mustache, instilling it 3-4 times a day with a full pipette.

Dilute Kalanchoe juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 and draw the solution through the nose. Or drip three to five drops of juice from a fresh Kalanchoe leaf.

3 With sinusitis. Mix in equal parts by volume aloe juice, celandine herb decoction and honey. Bury 3-5 times a day from 5 to 10 drops of the mixture in each nostril. Spit the mixture.

4 When coughing. Mix half a glass of aloe juice, 3 tablespoons of honey and 50 g of butter (unsalted) butter. Take the mixture in a tablespoon 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is at least a week.

5 With a sore throat. The juice of the Kalanchoe plant is mixed in half with water and gargled several times a day - and the pain will quickly stop.

6 With inflammation of the ears. Drip 1-2 drops of Kalanchoe juice into the affected ear 3-4 times a day.

You can moisten a cotton swab with freshly squeezed juice of a golden mustache and place it in your ear for 20 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days.

7 With barley. Grind one medium leaf of aloe (5 g) and insist in a glass of cold boiled water for 6-8 hours. Strain. Make lotions to barley in front of your eyes.

8 With inflammation of the eyelids. For those who work a lot on the computer, the eyes and eyelids turn red, there is a feeling of irritation, heaviness, and sometimes a foreign body. Kalanchoe juice helps - drip 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

9 For wounds. Cut an aloe leaf and glue the cut side to the wound with a band-aid. After a few hours, the wound will begin to heal. Leaves are changed several times a day.

On the affected parts of the body several times a day, drip 2-3 drops of Kalanchoe juice, the wound heals quickly and disappears. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.

10 For burns. Pour cut aloe leaves with honey, insist in a dark, cool place for 30 days. Then grind the leaves, mix again with honey and strain. Apply in the form of compresses.

Prepare juice from fresh aloe leaves. To do this, cut off the lower leaves of aloe and squeeze the juice out of them. The juice is impregnated with gauze swabs and applied to the affected areas of the skin.

50 g of Kalanchoe leaves are passed through a meat grinder, the slurry is placed on gauze folded in half and applied to the burnt (frostbitten) skin area. The bandage is changed every 8-10 hours. Kalanchoe juice is mixed with egg white and smeared on the affected areas.

Effect on the face

Aloe growing in your pot has not only healing, but also high cosmetic qualities.

The fact is that the leaves of this plant contain essential oils, about 20 amino acids, vitamins B, C, E, beta-carotene, fiber and other nutrient enzymes and microelements, and also have a bactericidal effect. In cosmetology, aloe is used as a wound healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent for healing sunburn and psoriasis, preventing and treating acne, boils, dermatitis and other skin diseases. Aloe juice opens and cleanses pores, moisturizes and tightens the skin, as it is able to penetrate deep into tissues, restore metabolism, and stimulate cell regeneration.

An aloe face mask that refreshes the skin and improves its color can be prepared as follows: mix the fresh juice of the plant and cream in a 1: 1 ratio. The mask can be applied both in the morning and in the evening after washing. When applying, it is better to use cotton or gauze napkins.

Remember that aloe juice loses its properties within a few hours after collecting the leaves, so it must be prepared immediately before use.


Aloe can be used as a general tonic, for diseases of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, sprains and bruises, various skin diseases...

Kalanchoe juice has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It is practically non-toxic, quickly cleans wounds and ulcers from necrotic tissues.


Apply with caution!

You should always remember that any medications (even from your windowsill) should be taken carefully. Especially when taken orally. Like any medical remedy, under certain conditions they can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, one must always remember in what cases these plants are contraindicated.

  • Aloe preparations are not recommended to be taken orally after 19 pm, as they can cause insomnia.
  • Preparations from aloe cause a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, so they can not be used for bleeding of any etiology, for diseases of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the bladder.
  • For the same reason, aloe is contraindicated in pregnancy, especially in the later stages.
  • Aloe should be used with caution in hypertension and severe cardiovascular disease.
  • Contraindications to the use of aloe are also acute forms of gastrointestinal disorders.
  • In oncological diseases, aloe should be treated with great care and only under the supervision of a doctor.
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