The meaning of the tarot card is the page of cups, the school of magic. Tarot card Page of Cups - meaning, interpretation and layouts in divination. General state of finances and trends

The loss of the Tarot card of the Page of Cups in the layout is a positive sign. The surrounding people are friendly to the questioner, he has a chance to receive help, recognition, assertion of authority, victory. In relationships, it is a fresh stream of emotions, innovations, initiative. A pleasant streak of events is outlined, favorable circumstances, whatever it may concern. The fortuneteller expects happiness and fulfillment of desires.

The meaning of the Tarot Page of Cups (Bowls) is lightness, sincerity, dreams, the emergence of new feelings, a love message, positive changes. The card represents joy, harmony, positive; a young man or girl capable of evoking strong emotions, people under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Description: a page with a goblet in his hand is on the ocean shore; in the goblet - caught fish. Water is a way of thinking, dreams, emotions; fish is a symbol of the idea that has come.

Character cards mean a specific person in the life of a fortuneteller; character traits of the questioner or the roles he plays in life, qualities that need to be developed; the attitude of others; events in the future; Seasons. In an inverted position, these are the shadow sides of a person or actors in a particular situation.

The value of the card in a direct position:

  • reconciliation; conflict resolution;
  • reunion; meeting; Love;
  • new acquaintance; invitation; communication with a friend;
  • An offer of marriage;
  • new idea; enthusiasm; inspiration;
  • conception, childbirth;
  • news, prospects; development of creativity;
  • sensual personality, with a rich inner world;
  • high sensitivity; tenderness;
  • guidance of impulses and desires;
  • intuition, paranormal abilities;
  • versatility; education; training;
  • homosexuality; introversion; meditation;
  • enjoyment of working alone;
  • making talismans.

Situation and advice: news about a newborn, engagement, preparation for the wedding is likely. Expects a period of emotional rebirth, renewal of romance, meeting a nice person. With the transition to a new job, attention should be paid to colleagues and partners. Children can have a significant influence on the position of the questioner in the situation.

Reversed Page of Cups

The card indicates the unreliability of the situation, illusions leading nowhere. A person lives in dreams, unwillingness to realize plans, his qualities are infantilism, inability to adapt to reality.

Other values:

  • uncertainty, doubt;
  • wasted time, laziness;
  • wrong principles; deceit, flattery, falsehood; conversations behind the back;
  • narcissism, limited imagination; insulation;
  • selfishness; impudence;
  • reconciliation for a while; frivolity, infantilism; spoiled;
  • unhappy child;
  • drugs, alcohol.

Situation and advice: at present, the fortuneteller may be worried about the mental state of the child, his spoiledness, indiscipline, restlessness. Sometimes, in an attempt to cope with the problem, a desire to forget with the help of alcohol visits. Relationships can be in a fading state, the number of friends decreases.


The person in the description of the card is an actor by vocation or profession, playing in life and on stage. A person who reveals talents to the public, a character with an unsurpassed imagination; medium; harmonious inside. The people described by the card are: young; soft, artistic; artists, poets, teachers, inspirers; friendly, dreamy, passive; students; trainers; sometimes with homosexual inclinations. Those who prefer to achieve results alone.

In a different sense - a swindler, an amateur, dispersed in many directions, he will have to face many trials before he adequately evaluates himself.

Key meanings of the Page of Cups in the upright position:

  • messenger, news, gossip;
  • student, child;
  • innocence, youth, idealism;
  • admirer, nascent love;
  • creativity, creative talent, abilities, intuition.

Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:

  • disappointment in love, unrequited love;
  • disclosure of secrets;
  • emotional devastation, depression;
  • insincere compliments.

The Page of Cups, like the Pages of other suits in the Tarot deck, represents a kind of beginning or renewal. The card shows a young man. He stands alone on the seashore with a golden cup in his hand. Surprisingly, a fish has stuck its head out of the bowl and is looking at him.

The person just wants to drink from his cup or is waiting to make a toast. Instead, he runs into a fish that appears to be talking to him.

The Page of Cups indicates the amazing and unexpected nature of inspiration that comes to us from the realm of the unconscious. Inspiration is seen as something that comes upon us unexpectedly and often in a way we don't understand.

Often the card is a sign of good news. It can be news about the birth of a child, engagement, marriage, pregnancy, new relationships, travel, a declaration of love. Such news is unexpected, but pleasant and exciting.

This card is associated with the advent of something new. So new can be both replenishment in the family, and the beginning of a new project.

Page of Cups (Bowls) - personality characteristic

Creative, dreamy, romantic - this is how this Page appears. "Soaring in the clouds." Tends to escape from reality. Such an escape is accomplished through music and creativity, or through alcohol and drugs.

Possessing good intuition, he subtly feels the mood of another person, his emotional state. Therefore, he can find the exact moment when he needs to make a request. And he usually does not refuse.

He does not have a lot of money and is not distinguished by thrift. Works if there is inspiration. More often this applies to men. Women are more disciplined, so they perform their labor duties much more conscientiously.

To be more collected, disciplined and succeed, he needs a firm hand. He himself understands that he needs the right guidance, but he does not accept open dictate and tries to free himself from it.

He doesn't have much will power. Gives in to temptations, easily acquires bad habits, which he cannot get rid of later.

Philosopher and artist by nature, subtly feels beauty. He chooses for a long time activities to his liking. Can often change jobs or activities until he finds something that really inspires him.

Page of Cups (Bowls) - meaning and interpretation in the upright position

In a general sense, the Page of Cups is a friendly person who is sincerely disposed towards us, showing participation or wanting to charm.

In divination, it means the beginning of a creative project or a risky venture, an adventure. Inspiration, creative energy. Chance. Pulse.

You have a good intuition and it is currently worth trusting it. The advice of the card is to listen to what your heart, your inner voice says and follow it.

When the Page of Cups (Bowls) appears in a layout, we can say that this is a messenger. It is a symbol of the approach of good news. The news will inspire you, give you a feeling of emotional uplift.

Happy, positive news is expected. For example, about pregnancy or marriage. If you are waiting for news of an issue that concerns you, the card can be a positive sign that you will hear what you are dreaming about.

It can also mean an invitation to a party, wedding, holiday, meeting with friends.

Imaginative, this Page of Cups has a tendency to embellish or exaggerate news for greater effect. Therefore, they can have the character of gossip. Such chatter on the map in a straight position is harmless, even if the rumors are greatly exaggerated.

Since the Page of Cups is a lover of fashion, his appearance in divination may be related to style and fashion. News related to fashion, new clothes, hair, shoes, accessories. Wardrobe update. You need to treat yourself to shopping.

It may simply indicate the questioner's love for style, fashion, clothing. Cosmetic surgery or the desire to look younger.

Related to intuition, the lasso says that you have it, or that you are going to turn to a psychic or fortune teller. One interpretation is that you rely too much on psychics and cards when making decisions in your life.

Lend a helping hand to someone who needs it. It could be a friend of yours or a new person in your environment or at work who is feeling out of sorts.

If you are involved in a conflict, the appearance of this tarot card speaks of the need for reconciliation. It is worth taking the first step to end the quarrel. Desire to smooth out contradictions. Settlement of disagreements.

If the conflict situation is not connected with you, you can act as a peacemaker and reconcile the warring parties.

On this card, the Page is depicted as if he is offering his goblet to someone. This indicates that you may be offered a relationship, job, or opportunity that will bring you emotional fulfillment.

In addition, one of the possible meanings is the strong love that you experience. The feeling has seized you so that you cannot sleep and think about the object of your desire. Can't wait for the next meeting. Long phone calls and long messages.

The negative side of such a Page of Cups is importunity. Over time, passionate confessions, hugs and kisses in public, constant being together, calls and messages can tire and the partner wants a little time for himself.

Like all Pages denotes children. The fish in his goblet can be a symbol of pregnancy or the appearance of a newborn.

Page of Cups (Bowls) - meaning and interpretation in an inverted position

The reversed Page of Cups represents a person with emotional problems, emotionally unstable. His unbridled emotions can hurt the feelings of others for no reason.

This is a person living in his own world, running away from reality, suppressing emotions. Including drugs or alcohol. Especially in combination with the Devil card.

The Page of Cups in the reverse position brings distressing news. It can be an unpleasant email, a message, a call, or gossip that has reached your ears.

At the event level, according to such a Tarot card, one can assume the cancellation of planned events, meetings, weddings, and trips. News of death or illness (if confirmed by other spread cards). Regardless of the nature of the news, it can cause emotional upheaval, tears, or despair.

Destruction of illusions. Rose-colored glasses fell and the situation or person appeared in its true form.

Often indicates disappointment in love. Perhaps you thought you had found the right partner. Relations began beautifully, there were feelings and tenderness. But something went wrong. Relationships have ended. And now you are tormented by guesses why it happened, because everything was fine. Trying to figure out what's wrong with you.

You loved so much, and you were treated so unfairly. Sometimes it's hard to understand that love alone is not enough. The Reverse Page of Cups thinks that if he loves, then the partner will automatically reciprocate. It can be hard for him to accept that after all the love he has given, his partner doesn't feel the same way, is tired of it, has changed his mind, or found someone else.

Since Cups in Tarot cards is the suit of emotions and love, the Page of this suit in an inverted position may suggest a transition from an innocent relationship to sexual experience, loss of virginity.

Traditionally, this lasso represents a young boy or girl. If the reversed Page represents a person much older than the traditional age associated with this card, a different aspect of it appears. In this case, the card probably shows the emotional immaturity of this person.

Or he is “younger”: he dresses and behaves beyond his age, trying to appear younger than his years. It can also point to such an “aging Romeo” running after young girls.

An unwanted suitor that is hard to get rid of. Obsession.

Since issues of appearance and fashion are associated with the direct Page of Cups, the reverse position of this card can be interpreted in two opposite directions. Neglect of one's appearance or excessive preoccupation with one's appearance.

One of the meanings is gossip. Depicts friendliness, and discusses you behind your back or blurts out all your secrets. Egoist. Flattery and falsehood.

Page of Cups (Bowls) - relationships and love

The Page of Cups can lead to the early stages of love. attraction. A fan who openly shows his interest. First date. "Candy-bouquet" period in a relationship. Declaration of love. Conception (for example, in combination with the Empress) or childbirth.

If the card describes the character - this is a generous, friendly, romantic person, does not hesitate to talk about his feelings. Sensitive, subtly feels the mood and condition of the partner. Easily hurt. If his feelings are not reciprocated or his romantic efforts are not appreciated, it will cause him distress.

Your desire to have your own personal space or your own personal time may be perceived by him as ignoring, neglecting his feelings or refusal. He may think that you no longer love him, and you will have to assure him that this is not so.

He prefers a stable serious relationship. Often from an early age looking for a partner for life. She takes breakups very seriously. If the partner at the time of parting shows softness, it is easier for the Page of Cups to survive the breakup. If cruelty is shown to him, he can become emotionally cold and take revenge.

In an inverted position, it can indicate insecurity in a relationship. You or your partner (depending on who is indicated in divination by this card) needs constant confirmation of love. Capriciousness, tantrums with or without reason, frequent mood swings, resentment.

The reversed Page of Cups is not so pleasant. One of the interpretations is a seducer. He can shower compliments, talk about pure and eternal love, but only in order to put you to bed. He will aggressively court you until he gets what he wants. After that, it can become cold and move away.

Windiness, suffering because of love, promiscuity in love. Relationship instability or an attempt to return past feelings. Deception. Expectations will not come true.

Work and career

The appearance of the Page of Cups in divination for professional activity speaks of great creative abilities. The person is artistic and creative, has natural talents that need to be realized. This lasso represents a young artist, actor, aspiring musician or fashion designer.

Since the suit of Cups is distinguished by compassion and generosity, the card can mean activities related to caring for people.

Cooperation, help and support of colleagues. Praise, recognition of merit or talent. Such recognition may take the form of a promotion.

In an inverted position - unsuccessful undertakings, futility of projects, career growth is now impossible.

Slander, intrigue, lack of support. Laziness, lack of interest in work.

Page of Cups - Minor Arcana

According to astrology, the Page of Cups corresponds to Venus in the 1st House, which symbolizes reconciliation. In addition, it can be Venus in the 5th House, as a messenger of the pleasure of the game, and regardless of its result. This is a situation where the game is played solely for the sake of the game, and not at all for winning.

Other names for the Page of Cups: Page of Cups, Jack of Cups.

A brief description of the Page of Cups: Pleasure, Fulfillment of desire, Reconciliation, Initiative from others.

Description of the Page of Cups

The classic deck is represented by the Arcana, which depicts a young man in a good mood. His relaxed posture speaks of his carelessness. He is dressed in bright clothes, in which the blue color predominates, symbolizing the purity of thoughts, mind and desires. His head is covered with a blue cap.

In the hands of a young man is a filled goblet, in which a fish is splashing - a symbol of a dream come true. Around it is a beautiful landscape and blooming nature. Behind it is a pond with clean water.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, we also see a carefree page, but his goblet is filled with a foaming liquid. The young man is covered in a luxurious blue cloak. He is also cheerful and exudes cheerfulness.

The sacred meaning of the Page of Cups

The deep meaning of the Arcana is determined by the image of the page itself. His posture shows that this person is cheerful, happy and carefree. He is in high spirits, even a little overly playful. This indicates that the desire is fulfilled only for someone who is not obsessed with it, but allows the desire to enter his life. In fact, it gives a chance for the fulfillment of desires, this is the meaning of this Arcana.

His headdress is blue. This means that doubts will not cloud the mind of that person. In any case, this is how Rider White implements this idea in his image. All his clothes are also blue. She points to the purity of intentions: he does not wish harm to anyone, he will never stoop to unseemly deeds for the sake of fulfilling his desire. At the same time, he also has red colors in his clothes - this is a passion that he is always ready to direct to the fulfillment of desire.

In the cup, which he holds in his hands, a fish is shown. It denotes a desire that has already come true - a successful result.

The page stands on a sandy beach with its back to the water. This suggests that at the moment, in order to achieve desire, you need to push the emotional side of desire into the background. No need to rush, you just need to choose the right moment. Judgment will help the result, but emotions can affect it negatively.

Mythological correspondence of the Page of Cups

In mythology, the Page of Cups corresponds to the biblical myth of Esau, who forgave Joakov for his deceit. Here he shows a gesture of reconciliation.

The meaning of the direct Page of Cups in the layout

The Page of Cups, like all Pages, has a dual meaning in the layout. When a Page stands next to a picture card (with a King or with a Lady), he will only characterize this figure. We can say that he only describes the character of this person.

An interesting option when the Page falls between two figures. In this case, he will talk about the nature of the relationship between these two figures. As a rule, we are talking about love relationships, and more specifically, about reconciliation.

When the Page of Cups falls out without figures at all, or is removed from it by 2-3 cards, it means exactly a chance, an impulse, an impetus to achieve what a person wants. Pictures in this situation will indicate the person with the help of whom the desire will be achieved. It is from this person that the initiative will come.

In some layouts, the Page shows a dark-haired child, a girl under 16 years old. This is explained by the fact that the Cups belong to the female element - the Element of Water.

The meaning of the reversed Page of Cups in the layout

The inverted Page of Cups, just like the straight one in different positions, gives a different interpretation. When it drops next to a piece, it will also give its characteristics. If without a figure or away from it, this will indicate that there was some chance, but it was missed. Moreover, in the near future such chances are no longer foreseen.

The card says that all situations are affected by the increased emotionality of a person, which becomes his enemy. In this case, a person needs to cope with his emotions and then he will again get a chance to achieve what he wants.

The lasso means that the events taking place in a person’s life require him to make informed decisions, and when the card falls on a child, we can say that events make him grow up very early.

Arkan also says that a person’s problems arise due to a loss of trust. This can be caused by strange behavior that is not perceived by others. They consider it inadequate.

Direction of self-development

If this card falls on self-development, then a person needs to pay attention to what signs come to him from the outside. Most often, this comes from people who are friendly towards him, who voluntarily or involuntarily help him figure out all the problems.

This card also indicates that a person needs to learn how to open up to people. He must learn to communicate about his problems without holding back or hiding them.

Very often, the Page of Cups says that a person is in the state of a child, and in order to move along the path, he needs to find an authoritative teacher, guide, mentor.

Another point is the need for meditative work. He must learn to enter into a state of bliss, pleasure.

The inverted Arkan shows that a person is not in the best position now: he has closed himself off from society and from problems. He tries to solve problems with the help of lies, but, as a rule, he begins to lie to himself. In order to follow the path of self-development, a person must realize his true essence and try to turn the Arkan over - open up to people, become honest and friendly towards them.

Arkan indicates that a person leaves childhood, becoming more cunning and sophisticated: if he used to fantasize, now he is openly lying.


In the layouts for working moments, Arkan says that a person has some chances, he just needs to see who takes the initiative and helps him achieve some results.

The work itself in the case of the Page of Cups brings pleasure, he likes what he does, fully satisfies the relationship in the team. He goes to work like a holiday, sometimes even more to entertain himself: work for him is an interesting pastime.

Another thing is if the Page of Cups falls on a potential employer or boss. The card means that they trust a person, participate in his fate, try to advance in his career or allow him to earn more. They do this for the reason that they experience some kind of attraction, most often of a sexual nature.

For the team, the Page of Cups means a friendly, cheerful, strong team. As a rule, relations are maintained not only business, but also friendly. In such a team, joint trips are most often found, holidays are celebrated brightly, loudly and cheerfully.

An inverted Page of Cups indicates a complete lack of satisfaction from one's work. It does not bring money, there are no achievements. This, in fact, is sitting out your pants in an unloved and low-paid job.

In a team characterized by the Page of Cups, deceit, set-ups, and intrigues flourish. Employees live on their own, and everyone hid in his impenetrable shell. The only thing that can unite this team at some point is joint drinking: they only like to drink together, but as soon as the dose is exceeded, disassembly will immediately begin.

If relationships with superiors are considered, what can we say about some nit-picking on his part, unwillingness to find a compromise, lack of trust. All this is aggravated by excessive emotionality, which often causes scandals and stormy proceedings.

Personal relationships

The Page of Cups in personal relationships portends reconciliation after some kind of quarrel, a pleasant pastime, a fun walk in each other's company. We can say that the map says that people do not care where to go, as long as they are together.

Next to the Ace of Wands, this Arcana will indicate a marriage proposal, and this may be associated with pregnancy.

In personal relationships, the Page of Cups very often denotes a child who is the cause of these relationships. For example, people can not disperse, worrying about the fact that they have a joint child. This is typical for all Pages.

If a Jester (XII Arcana) falls next to the Page of Cups, then we can talk about frivolous relationships, love adventures, intrigues. Such a bunch falls, for example, on a holiday romance. In fact, it means a novel without far-reaching consequences.

The reversed Page of Cups characterizes complex relationships. He points to deep quarrels, irreconcilable differences, increased emotionality of both partners. As a rule, such quarrels are very violent and quite often accompanied by flooding problems with alcohol.

If the alignment is done on one of the partners, then Arkan indicates his emotional immaturity, adventurism in relationships. Relations with him seem strange due to the strangeness of his character. He often deceives a partner, cheats on him, behaves disrespectfully.

Personality characteristic

The Page of Cups characterizes a very gentle sensitive nature, very vulnerable and romantic. Such a person is an optimist in life, overly trusting and open. He never leaves gaiety, a good mood is a frequent occurrence for him.

He plays and enjoys the game. And in everything. Even in gambling. At the same time, he does not care about winning, but only about the process itself.

The person described by the Page of Cups is very sociable, he has a huge circle of friends who are always friendly to him. He knows how to listen, so close people and friends easily initiate him into various secrets.

In such a person, adulthood and childishness easily coexist. He is easy-going, hospitable in receiving friends. This is the soul of the company and its core. The problem for a person is his naivety, which others can take advantage of.

Most often, such people are the first to go to reconciliation, it is they who make a gesture of goodwill in order to resolve any conflict.

The inverted Page of Cups characterizes a person who is closed on himself. He is an instigator in any quarrels and conflicts, irreconcilable and quarrelsome. A distinctive feature of his character is vulgarity and frivolity.

Such a person is afraid of sensual manifestations and love, he is careful not to present his emotional vulnerability to others. Often, to hide it, he resorts to lies.

In fact, the inverted Page of Cups is a pessimist, a whiner, a fatalist. For him, the glass will always be half empty. He is often annoyed by people, he tries to retire, and often he is accompanied by a bottle of alcohol.

His behavior may be inappropriate. Everyone sees him as a weirdo. He disregards rules and etiquette. For example, he can wear jeans to a business meeting, and come to an entertainment party in a business suit.

Quite often, this card depicts a person who had to grow up early, but the circumstances that led to this made him rather cynical and affected. This is a map of a broken person with a distorted psyche.

He is overly emotional, but emotions are negative.


In the upright position, Arkan indicates the presence of childhood illnesses, but this is if negative cards fall next to it or if it is necessary to find out the cause of the current condition.

In an inverted position, the card denotes mental illness, emotional breakdowns, alcoholism.

Situation breakdown

The straight page of Cups means that there is some chance that the situation will be decided in favor of the person. Moreover, this decision will come to him from the outside, from third-party people. If pictures (Kings, Ladies) fell out nearby, then they will tell you who can help in realizing this chance.

The card denotes favorable news that may somehow affect the development of the situation. Arkan also says that you should not make any serious efforts to resolve the situation, a way out will be found with the help of other people.

If there have been conflicts that aggravate the situation, then they will be resolved and reconciliation can benefit everyone.

The card also speaks of the appearance of something new in a person’s life, and this can be both emotional, spiritual, and at the everyday level. As a rule, this will be unexpected for a person, since the initiative for such appearances does not come from him. Especially with the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcana).

With the Chariot (XII Arcana), the Page of Cups says that the time has come to act, you need to follow the conduct. With the Hierophant (V Arcana), this card speaks of a tempting offer.

The inverted Page of Cups shows that at present a person is in absent-mindedness and illusion, placing unreasonable hopes on something. The very same situation with such an Arcana is more like a gamble. It was started out of emotion, was not planned or well thought out, and now you have to get out because of your stupidity.

The outcome of the situation will be shown by the nearby Arcana. If there are “heavy” Major Arcana nearby, then we can safely say that this adventure will cost a lot for a person.

Next to the picture cards, you can say that people who lie or give incorrect information take part in the situation, and not always with malicious intent. To correct the situation, it is necessary to exclude these people from participation in it, only then there will be chances to get the desired result.

Quite often, with such an Arcana, drunkenness affects the situation. This suggests that it could be both the cause that led to such a situation and the way to solve it. For example, pour wine over grief.

Map of the day

This Arkan predicts a cheerful, good day. She can talk about parties, meeting friends. There will be no appropriate mood for solving business things on such a day. The mood is playful and playful. This is an exceptionally entertaining day, and it is best not to even think about work.

The inverted Page of Cups indicates a gloomy mood, he does not want to appear in society. He tries to be alone. He cannot find the motivation to work in himself. Parties on this day will be canceled, which is good, because on such a day there is a great threat of quarrels and scandals.

Card of the year

On the map of the year, the Page of Cups shows a very favorable year in general, with many chances for something new. It will be accompanied by entertainment. It will give you the opportunity to make new friends, useful acquaintances. There may be a love relationship in this. This is the year of carefree existence.

The reversed Arkan indicates a gloomy year, associated with scandals and quarrels, illusory decisions, unfounded hopes, failures and pessimism. This is the year when others will find a person very strange and try to stay away from him.

Arcana Council

Arkan advises to give an opportunity to open up your inner child: to look at the world with kindness and hope, not to overload yourself with problems. You need to let go of situations, forgive insults, give a helping hand and accept it yourself.

Only an easy attitude to life will allow you to be on a horse and get everything you want. You need to be open to people and then people will help in every possible way.

Good news. A chance to build relationships, show your feelings, enjoy something (society, conversation, place). Creative imagination. Intuition. Inspiration. New creative projects. The conception of a child. A kind, educated, lively, artistic, sympathetic teenage child.

Use the offered chance, agree to a compromise or go for reconciliation.

Do not believe flattering praises and promises.

Map of the day
Today fate plays into your hands. Either you get emotional support who will support you, or in front of you new opportunities will open up that you didn't expect. Be open to them, accept the gift of fate when you suddenly receive a compliment, declare your love, or offer an honorable compromise in a difficult situation.

flipped card
Bad news. Expectations are not destined to come true. Problems with pregnancy. Lack of imagination. Wasted talent. Frivolity. Spoiled child. Infantilism. Selfishness. Whims. Laziness. Deception. Cunning. Drugs, alcohol.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners"

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The page in the picture is looking at the fish.
Fish is a symbol of fertility and new beginnings.
The Page of Cups shows the creative potential waiting to be realized.
Perhaps you are discovering a new talent in yourself or starting to study a new subject.

This card also means that you must first love yourself in order to be able to love others.
The person this card represents is kind, loving and helpful.
The card shows that you are a receptive and artistic person who is now emotionally vulnerable and in need of love.

The danger here is an overactive imagination and a tendency to be in the clouds.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Page of Cups
  • Are your feelings unbridled?
  • Are you suffering from emotional pain?
  • Do you live in an imaginary world?
  • Do you want to be carefree?
Key Ideas
Your creativity is waiting to be realized.

You will find a way to rise above suffering and frustration.
Life is not easy, it's unfair and sometimes ugly, and it's not right, but it's true.
You can moan about problems, or solve them.
Life acquires meaning only in the process of understanding and solving problems.

The only way to develop is to accept the challenge and prove yourself.
We learn and grow through the pain of hardship.
Problems are a source of suffering and disappointment, but also courage, joy of overcoming and wisdom.

Divination in half a minute
Steve is a fan of computer games.
This card appeared in his spread as a warning that he was spending too much time in the fictional world and not enough time in the real world.

There is nothing reprehensible in the fact that he likes computer games.
He just needs to make sure that he does some actions in the real world too, and if at times he forgets about reality, then games need to be pushed into the background.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The fish is a symbol of creative imagination.
Light pink and blue tones express the softness and tenderness of the suit of Cups.
New beginnings.
New relationships.
All Pages are messengers of news, and the Page of Cups heralds a birth, either the birth of a child or the emergence of a new situation.

This card predicts renewal on an emotional level after a difficult period in life.
The Page of Cups is often depicted as carrying a bowl of water with a fish swimming in it, a symbol of creative imagination.
As soon as the Page looks at the bowl, the fish floats to the surface, indicating the birth of creative imagination and new life.

In the Tarot, Thoth Page is known as the Princess of Cups, who appears before us in a whirlwind of energy.

Pages of all stripes symbolize the presence of potential opportunities, and the Page of Cups - opportunities in the emotional sphere.

He points to the awakening of self-love, especially if we have been humiliated, and predicts the revival of our faith in ourselves, although it will take a certain period of time for this feeling to develop and strengthen.

The catalyst for this process can be the birth of a child or the establishment of a new relationship.
If the Page of Cups informs us about the appearance of a new person in our life, then he or she will most likely be a sincere, kind and charming person.

The page can also portend the appearance in our life of a young man or girl with artistic inclinations, who are characterized by such qualities as the ability to love, thoughtfulness, impressionability and altruism.
Or these qualities may be in an embryonic state within ourselves, and the Page of Cups informs us of their readiness to manifest themselves.

All the qualities predicted by the Pages of different stripes need careful and caring education and development.

When the Page of Cups appears in your layout, it means that you are ready to revive the inner world of your emotions and manifest your best feelings.

To do this, it is necessary to carefully nurture the sprouts of your new feelings, because at this stage they are still very fragile.
Perhaps you are close to revealing hidden opportunities and talents in yourself in the field of spiritual development or art.

You are in harmony with your inner world and strive to develop your creative potential.
The Page of Cups indicates the need for reflection and contemplation.
You may want to take a new course of study, or you may develop new interests or hobbies that both fascinate and inspire you and bring you into contact with the world of the unconscious.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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The zealous and serious Page of Cups holds a huge cup in his right hand, raising it in front of him.
He is a loyal and helpful person.
In his left hand he clutches his hat, a symbol of obedience.
Value for divination
A hardworking and determined person.

prone to contemplation.
Eager to offer services and make efforts to achieve a specific goal.
Helpful person.
Trustworthy worker.

Reversed value

Temporary distraction.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Page of Cups is a person who will do you an important service, perhaps news or the appearance of a newborn.

A young man, smartly dressed, stands in a relaxed pose and holds a goblet in one hand.

In some decks, he seems to be giving someone a goblet.
In other decks, he is clearly fascinated by the goblet, holding it in his hand and admiring it.
Often he smiles and almost always looks at the goblet.

inner meaning
A young man or woman, perhaps your son or daughter (or someone who matches this image), brother or sister (usually the younger ones).

A sensitive young person who has the qualities of his parents, but to a much lesser extent.
The appearance of this card in the layout indicates that there is a person with whom you are now connected and who will serve you in important service.

If this card does not represent a certain person, then take it as news, the appearance of a new person, possibly a newborn.

Value in the layout
Direct or Positive: A sensitive young person, man or woman, closely related to you, such as a son or daughter, brother, sister, old friend or classmate, childhood love.

He or she can be of service to you.
Educated, educated young man.
News, news, the appearance of someone or something new.
The birth, either of a child, or of an idea or enterprise.

A promising start.
Reversed or Negative: Deception, temptation, false flattery, cheating.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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The Page of Cups is a romantic dreamer, or a child, or a young person who has the qualities of the water signs of the zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): sympathetic, sensitive, approachable and charming.
Now you are occupied with voices from dreams, you listen to your own intuition and the unconscious.

You know how to listen, and for this reason friends often confide their sorrows to you.
You readily help others, care for them and show a sincere interest in both the process and its results.

You may be asked to keep something confidential.
Perhaps you are open to new love.
It could be a childhood crush, a first date, or a new feeling after the end of a long-term relationship.
You may be emotionally vulnerable or naive right now.

There is a tendency to idealize relationships or desire for a new romance.
You are able to bring joy and pleasure to the lives of others - your light heart, playfulness, friendliness and desire to be useful serve as their source.

Now you avoid conflicts and everything unpleasant and spread around you harmony and a sense of well-being.
Perhaps you are looking for advice or asking for compliments.
In some cases, the card speaks of outfits, cosmetics - or cosmetic improvements.

If you are learning something, it is most convenient for you to do it in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and passion, when your emotions are involved in the process of work.
If the card is interpreted as a message, then it can be an invitation to some event, a love letter, news of an engagement, marriage, pregnancy or the birth of a child.

If other cards support such an interpretation, then the Page of Cups speaks of childbearing.
It also means gossip and reading romance novels.
In addition, the Page of Cups can mean some kind of sensitive, loving and imaginative child.

Traditional meanings: a child or young person with blond hair.
Pupil, student.
Faithful, devoted.
Zeal, diligence.
Work, occupation.
Reflection, observation, reasoning, contemplation.

Honesty, incorruptibility.
Caution, discretion.
Willingness to be useful or to render a service.

Reversed Page (or Princess) of Cups
The reversed Page of Cups may be afraid of or resistant to love, as well as denying their emotional vulnerability.

Sometimes this card indicates loss of innocence and loss of trust.
On the other hand, it could be a sexual experience, an obsession with boys or girls, or a need for constant confirmation that you are loved.

You may suffer from a strong attraction to someone or use seduction and flattery to win him over.
Perhaps you have become an over-the-top foppish and poofy, dressed in an evening suit when everyone around you is wearing jeans, or fell in love with a man from the bottom.

Also, the card can talk about hypersensitivity or feelings that have become too refined to function normally.
On the other hand, you can be completely devoid of romanticism or be rude and insensitive in the face of love and passion.

You may have made the decision that you will never be vulnerable again.
It is also possible that you have decided to leave the person or situation.
You may refuse to listen to advice, a story, or news.
There is a possibility that right now your intuition is trying to convey to you something that you do not want or cannot hear.

Perhaps you are under hypnosis, engrossed in communication with spirits and spirit guides, or overly carried away by séances, divination and fortune telling.
Maybe you've drifted headlong into daydreaming or falling in love, or retreated into a private inner kingdom populated by imaginary friends and slammed the door behind you.

Perhaps the card denotes a child who once tried to show love to someone in the past, but was rejected or ridiculed.
Such a person often hesitates, is easily influenced and very vulnerable.

On the inner plane, this means the ability to listen to your dreams, even when their imagery disturbs or frightens, as well as the ability to hear the voice of your inner child, love and comfort him.
In terms of health, the card means that you are wasting away from love and can even become seriously ill - nausea, fainting and indigestion are likely.

If interpreted as news, then this may be a letter with a message about the breakup of an engagement or relationship, the cancellation of an invitation or a social event.
Sentiment is at work now, not reason.
Spiritual messages and insights can be false.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, these are rituals of growing up, ending adolescence and gaining the status of a full member of the community.
In one tradition, the Page of Cups means "corn chrysalis", used in initiation rites and probably symbolizing the annual renewal of the fertile strength of the tribe.

Traditional inverted meanings: weak lad, easily succumbing to other people's influences.
Inclinations, inclinations, predispositions.
Attractiveness, taste, style.
Sympathy, passion, affection.

Heartache, jealousy, envy.
Charm, charm, seduction.
Invitation, consent.
To flatter, to suck up, to kowtow.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
This nice person appeared, and everything around seemed to be illuminated by sunlight.
Description of the card and its inner meaning
This card depicts a smartly dressed young man holding a goblet in one hand.

He admires the goblet and is clearly fascinated by it.
In some decks, this person seems to be giving someone a goblet, in others, he is trying to drink birds from it.
Almost always he is depicted smiling, and, unlike the Page of Swords, the Page of Cups is sympathetic.

It seems that this is clearly a friendly, kind and endearing personality.
The Page of Cups can symbolize both a boy and a girl.
But in both cases, this card characterizes a person "mature in his feelings.

Despite his youth, the Page of Cups is used to analyzing his own actions, and indeed everything that happens around him, so it will not be difficult for him to figure out his own desires and, if necessary, give advice to someone else, including the Questioner.

One way or another, the Page of Cups is able to radically change the life of the Questioner, to significantly affect it.
If the card does not describe a specific person, but speaks of a situation, then you should prepare to receive important news.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - L, number - 11, Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 41 hexagrams ("Decrease").
Card meaning
Direct position
As already mentioned, the Page of Cups can describe a young man (girl) associated with the Questioner by kindred feelings.

Sometimes this Arcana symbolizes a childhood friend.
Often the Page of Cups is identified with a newborn.
This person will positively affect the life of the Questioner.
At the same time, the Princess of Cups can personify a sweet young lady who will turn to the Questioner for help.

If this Arcana speaks of a situation, then the Questioner should prepare to receive good news, to important changes in his life, to increase his family.
Sometimes this Arkan promises a person a meeting with his first love.

It can also symbolize a proposal to marry, but not made according to the classical canons.

Reversed position
In this case, the card will describe a meeting with a capricious young man (or girl) capable of flattery and betrayal.

Often this Arcana characterizes a person who can experience a deep feeling.
However, this person is not inclined to concentrate on one thing.
When describing the situation, one can assume deception, fraud, tricks on the part of other people.

The Page of Cups also warns that old habits and obligations can hinder the Inquirer's progress along the path of career growth or creative pursuits.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Page of Cups is a very good card, embodying an emotionally mature person with a soft character, responsive, sensitive, and imaginative.
As a rule, the cases she takes on require a lot of effort, time and imagination, but they are interesting, and smaller ones are boring.

Symbolizes the birth of a creative idea or inspiring news.
In love affairs, however, one cannot rely on such a person: there are many interests in his life and it is difficult for him to focus on one thing.

Inverted - a person lives in a fictional world, an unsociable loner, tightly closed from others.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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PAGE. Page - courteous, helpful; somewhat pampered (effeminate) boy; with an expression of diligence and attentiveness, he contemplates the fish rising from the goblet to look at him.

Direct position: a suave young man forced to render services with whom the Querent will have a connection; diligent young man; news, message; petition, reflection, meditation; also these funds directed to the management of the enterprise.

Reverse position: addiction, inclination, affection, temptation (seduction), deceit, cunning.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Venus in the 1st house for reconciliation, or in the 5th house for the pleasure of play.
Jack of Cups Like the other three jacks, the Jack of Cups represents a certain impulse, push, chance.

In this case, it may be an invitation to participate in a pleasant deed or a gesture of love and reconciliation.
One way or another, it is an initiative coming from others that appeals to our feelings, and we accept it with joy and gratitude.

The card represents the beginning of the world after a quarrel or conflict, sympathy shown to us in difficult times, and sometimes someone's spiritual outburst, which turns into love for us.
This impulse, as a rule, is pure and sincere, and only if other cards say otherwise, it should be treated with caution.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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The Page of Cups symbolizes a persistent person, greedy for knowledge.
This person is very serious about everything that happens around.
He is thoughtful and thoughtful.
Possibly very sensitive.

Often this card indicates a person with a poetic mindset, or a person prone to meditation, contemplation, practicing one way or another of spiritual self-improvement.
Direct position: Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces, planets Venus and Neptune.

Usually this is a person who is loyal to you.
He is always ready to offer you his help and services when it comes to a particular task.
This person is very hardworking, diligent, it is quite possible to rely on him.

Reversed position: Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces and Venus in Virgo.
The inverted Page of Cups indicates a scattered person, incapable of concentration, perseverance, hard and monotonous work.

Or, on the contrary, this person is overly concentrated on one thing and is a fan of it.
An inverted Page of Cups may indicate a person with oddities, with some kind of deviation.
His social position can sometimes be uncertain.

In an extreme case, this card can symbolize an ordinary vulgar person, very far from spirituality.
If the card means action.
A. Straight Card The emotion, the feeling represented by the following cards, is fully formed and ready for expression.

It's just a matter of expressing them.
If it comes to intuition, certain forms of foresight, then the Page of Cups can symbolize confirmation of assumptions based on premonitions.
B. Reversed Card There is a tendency to view the reversed Page of Cups as the opposite of the upright.

Emotions are not conscious.
Everything is very shaky and foggy.

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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Also Herald, Page or Slave of Cups.
This is an actor by vocation, and often by profession.
He always feels "on stage".
A poet eager for public recognition, a charming swindler, generally a person with a rich imagination.

However, there is a danger that he will remain an amateur in all his activities, unable to concentrate on one thing.
He will have to endure many tests before he learns to properly evaluate himself.

In a direct position means the possibility of resolving any conflict, reconciliation.
Inverted: Also reconciliation, but short ("armed truce").

Vitaly Zaichenko. "Tarot Waite and more, wise instructions sent by cards."

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The pleasure of the game

Discover a new talent and start a new course of study

Symbolic image:
The Water element, here represented, is painted blue on the Page's clothes.
In a friendly way, the Page makes a request to a goldfish leaning out of the goblet.

Astrological correspondence:
Elements: Water and Air.

Traditional meaning:
Fun, joy, pleasure, warmth, falling in love, friendship, sympathy, courtesy, charm, readiness to make contact, harmony, beauty and grace.

What are we talking about?
About the start of something new. About impulses, idea, stimulus and important message from outside.
About a friendly, conciliatory gesture.

What needs to be done?
Examine your own hidden needs.
Listen to the suggestions of others, accept their good advice or gestures of peacefulness.

Enjoy life and make others happy.

Communicating with others:
Be open, show understanding and support.
Be grateful if you go to a meeting.

In love, in matters of the heart:
Open your heart to the impulse of love.
The key to success is in your hands.

There is nothing more important than love for you right now.
Every cell of your gut requires location from the opposite sex, energy and attention.

If a conflict or resentment arises, you will be able to find a way to harmony, reconciliation and mutual forgiveness.

In professional activity:
Take on new, exciting challenges.
Feel free to get down to business.

You will be understood and supported.
There comes a period of new proposals and in general, something new that will be useful and enjoyable.

At a difficult moment in life:
You will always receive help and emotional support.
Listen to the suggestions and words of others, accept their good advice.

Show that you are ready to accept the help of others, and be grateful to them for the fact that they went to meet you.

Personality card:
- a sensitive, romantic or artistic person.
The bowls correspond to the element of Water, and this connection is very clearly illustrated in this map, since the ocean and fish directly indicate the symbolism of the Pisces sign.

This Page has typically aquatic characteristics: creative imagination, emotionality and extreme receptivity.
There may be some naivety or a tendency to over-dream in him, as this person still needs to learn how to cope with the reality of this world or materialize his dreams.

What should be avoided?
Narcissism, optionality, superficiality, delusions, selfishness, lethargy, slowness, inertia, laziness, creating uncomfortable conditions, getting lost in dreams.

What surprises does the future hold?
"Page of Cups" can mean something that is in its infancy.
Water signs, one way or another, are associated with fertility or reproduction.

The fish protruding from the Cup can be a symbol of birth, indicating pregnancy or the birth of an idea that will be extremely productive if developed.
The fish can also be a symbol of rebirth for someone who is starting a new relationship and learning to return to the world of feelings and human connection.

If you don’t know what to do today, how to console yourself, Arkan whispers in a low whisper: Today you will be overcome by an incomprehensible passionate desire, or you will be filled with tender feelings of love.
Be prepared for temptation and temptation of any kind.

Perhaps you will spend a long period of today in dreams and daydreams ...

When meditating on this Arcana, ask yourself a question
Will my openness hurt me? What touching offer will I get?

The following statements will inspire you, help you to tune in optimistically and easily walk along the road of life:
I am glad for any person.
I wholeheartedly accept the help of others.

I am open to love and emotional impulses.

The meaning of the symbolism of the Page of Cups or Chalices is not difficult to remember. Look carefully at the image of the card - we see a young man with a goblet in his hand. He is richly dressed, with an intricate turban on his head, and a bowl in his hand. He offers to join in the fun, to drink from the goblet of joy and delight. This is how the classic Ryder-Waite sees the Page of Cups.

In this article

The meaning of the Page of Cups in a broad sense

Most often, the picture depicts a young man, but some authors draw a page in the form of a girl. Such symbolism has the right to exist and does not change the sacred meaning of the card at all.

Page of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck

When Cups appear in the layouts, I consider this a good sign. A positive shift is planned in the life of the questioner. Neighboring cards can be anything, even very gloomy, but the Cups give hope, promise joy and emotional upsurge, regardless of the severity of the situation.

The suit of Cups is responsible for the sensual side of being, gifts, good news, good news. The appearance of the Page of Cups in the layout guarantees a positive outcome. Depending on the question, he promises sensual pleasures, material wealth, exciting moments. But all events are with a plus sign.

The page stands on the seashore, we see that the water is restless, but this is not a formidable storm, but a breeze that will bring amazing and wonderful changes to life. The young man is easy-going, does not know how to be sad for a long time, he does not know grief and sadness.

Depending on the purpose of divination and the question, the card means:

  • boy or girl;
  • joyful emotions, experiences, pleasant excitement;
  • good news;
  • love adventure;
  • valuable gift;
  • marriage proposal for a woman;
  • positive response for a man;
  • friendship, support, empathy.

In the Tarot-93 deck of Nikolai Kolesov, published at the beginning of the 20th century, the card is called the Herald of Cups.

Herald from the deck of Nikolai Kolesov

In modern versions, you will see different pictures, it all depends on the imagination of the artist who worked on creating the image, his esoteric views, attitude.

Be sure to study the instructions for the deck, because each author puts his own experience into the symbolism. For beginners, I advise you to use the classic tarology - the Waite deck.

Meaning of the Page of Cups upright

The upright position of the Page of Cups is always positive. It means new emotions, feelings, good mood, love of life, interesting acquaintances.

The Messenger of Cups promises the fulfillment of cherished desires, the help of loved ones, and positive changes.

If the question concerned the implementation of creative plans, be calm - your ideas will come true. We dreamed of meeting a person according to our hearts, you know, he is already close.

Reversed meaning of the Page of Cups

If the card fell out in a reverse position, don't be alarmed, it does not carry a negative charge. Remember that everything is changing very quickly, nothing is stable - this is what the inverted Messenger of Cups will tell you.

Unfinished action, abandoned cases, petty quarrels, resentments and troubles. Postponed dates, unfulfilled hopes for a new job, thwarted vacation plans.

But don't take them to heart, says the Reversed Page of Cups. And also look at the neighboring cards - they will tell you what will not go according to plan. For example, you proposed to a girl, but you didn’t get married, this also happens in life. Make an effort and switch your attention to something else, get distracted.

Clients ask me if it is possible to make a new alignment if they are not satisfied with the answer. Understand that if you are told the result, then it is final. Take it for granted, learn a lesson, reconsider your attitude to the situation. A new alignment is made no earlier than in a month (depending on the issue).

The meaning of the Page of Cups when divining for business, work, finances

In the upright position, Arkan symbolizes an emotional approach to business. The work inspires the fortuneteller, he creatively fulfills his duties, avoids routine and boredom.

If the question concerns mutually beneficial cooperation and support, then feel free to get down to business, do not hesitate. In this case, the cards guarantee the green light for any undertakings and projects. The Page of Cups is an enthusiastic, creative nature. He is a source of non-standard solutions, easily settles conflicts and quarrels, deftly bypasses obstacles, gets along with colleagues and superiors.

In financial matters, the card promises prosperity. But only if the work is to the liking of the questioner. Otherwise, he will be disappointed, uncertain about the future, painful thoughts about the future. The Page of Cups does not know how to make money in the truest sense of the word, he is not a financier, but a creator, a generator of ideas. Such people are contraindicated in leadership positions. Lack of business acumen will destroy and bankrupt the entrepreneur.

In matters of professional orientation, the Herald of Cups means people working with beauty. These are stylists, compilers of flower arrangements, bouquets of sweets and toys. They love and know how to work with their hands, but at the same time they have an artistic flair.

In the reverse position, the card warns of emotional problems. Probably, the fortuneteller has exhausted his reserves of fantasy, he needs rest. The inability to manage money in the inverted position of the Arcanum takes on the proportions of a disaster. A person spends more than he receives.

Under the inverted card, there are also failures to meet deadlines, burnout, apathy, quarrels due to broken promises.

Informative video to fix the topic of the meaning of the card in the upright and inverted position:

Regardless of the purpose of the alignment and the wording of the question, I always look at the predominance of one or another suit. In general, the Cups paint a positive picture of the future, but, for example, in a reverse position, they increase the negative influence of the Moon. She makes us sad, cry, miss.

The meaning of the card in relationships

In a direct position, the Page of Cups means a connection that brings mutual pleasure, affection, tenderness, spiritual unity.

Modern interpretation of the image of the Page of Cups from the Witches Tarot deck

In the presence of favorable cards, the appearance of the Herald promises long meetings. A partner may offer to live in the same territory and legalize relations (most often after the birth of a joint child).

In the reverse position, it means flirting, a frivolous, but very pleasant relationship between a man and a woman. Do not expect far-reaching consequences from the union, it is unlikely that it will end in a full-fledged marriage, but you will have a good time with a new partner.

Under the inverted card, only casual acquaintances pass, which quickly get bored, do not stand the test of time. If the fortuneteller wants to know the character of the person he is in love with, and the Messenger of Cups falls out to him, then you should not count on sincere feelings. A partner easily changes his attitude towards a loved one under the influence of emotions or the opinions of others.

A master class for beginner tarologists is dedicated to the meaning of the card in relationships:

People and places of the Page of Cups

Joyful, resilient, impulsive and open - that's what they say about the person to whom this Arcana fell out as a significator.

This is a creative nature that does not tolerate encroachments on its own freedom; he is constantly bombarded with new ideas.

He is a true connoisseur of beauty, sensual pleasures, good food and wine.

Objects that pass under the map:

  • art workshop, jewelry salon;
  • flower and gift shops;
  • chic restaurant;
  • antique shop;
  • a boutique selling expensive alcohol.

Psychological state and Page of Cups

In the upright position, the card speaks of the unstable emotional state of the questioner. Outwardly, he looks like an adult, but in his soul he remains a child, capricious, stubborn, wayward.

PsychoTarot - an innovative approach to cards

The Messenger of Cups takes all problems to heart, does not filter information, and suffers losses and defeats hard.

Such people do not know how to pretend, this is the main trouble, they do not wear a mask, their nerves are bare, anyone can offend with an unkind word or look.

In the reverse position, the Page of Cups does not know how to focus on the main thing, it is distracted from the goal. Easily suggestible, so he gets into unpleasant stories.

In love relationships, the reversed Page of Cups behaves cautiously. Probably, he has already burned himself and is afraid that the unpleasant situation will happen again.

Classic combination with Major Arcana

Using simple examples, let's consider how the appearance of the Major Arcana next to it affects the value of the Page of Cups.

Page of Cups with Major Arcana

  • The jester announces a frivolous offer that should not be accepted.
  • The magician is a good idea, it is worth taking note and putting it into practice. Option: the creativity of the questioner is great, take advantage of the moment.
  • The High Priestess advises sharing knowledge. Option: improve your skills, sign up for courses, learn a new specialty.
  • The Empress means pregnancy for a woman.
  • The emperor advises to legitimize relations with a partner.
  • The Hierophant guarantees that the offer of cooperation will be profitable. Don't miss the opportunity that will be presented to you.
  • Lovers - a new life begins, you are on the verge of happy change.
  • The chariot symbolizes a project to be completed, but a lot of effort will have to be made. The cards say that you should take control of the situation.
  • Strength - show perseverance, patience, diligence. You will work hard, but the result will meet expectations.
  • Hermit - refuse the offer.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a new project, the implementation of plans. Option: the result is unpredictable, rely on the will of providence.
  • Justice is litigation.
  • The Hanged Man predicts strange incidents, dubious situations. Literally: between heaven and earth.
  • The Death card advises you to reconsider your attitude to life. Option: It's time for a change.
  • Moderation - do not rush, approach the solution of the problem with the mind, discard emotions. Act rationally.
  • Devil - they want to deceive you, set you up. Do not fall for deception, even if the business promises huge dividends.
  • The tower predicts failure in business and in love.
  • The star traditionally symbolizes hope. How real it is, you will be shown neighboring cards.
  • Moon - delusions, illusions, painful fantasies. You are wishful thinking.
  • The sun literally means the birth of a new life, the appearance of a child in the family. In an allegorical sense, Arkan portends the end of a difficult stage in fate, the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Peace is a well-deserved, hard-won reward.

From my own experience I know that there are layouts where not a single picture from the Major Arcana falls out. Do not try to spread the cards again. Work with what has been presented to you from above. The absence of high characters does not affect the prediction accuracy.

The video is dedicated to the meaning of the Page of Cups card from the point of view of socionics:

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Herald of Cups and cards of a similar suit: what do semantic pairs mean. Consider examples.

Page of Cups with cards of their own suit

  • Ace and Page of Cups is a great combination that every woman is waiting for. If the question was about marriage, be prepared for a marriage proposal. Option: cohabitation and serious plans.
  • Two of Cups - mutual love, harmony, a happy life.
  • Troika - a celebration, a feast (most often on a family occasion).
  • Four is not a very pleasant offer from a friend or girlfriend.
  • Five - an insult that you have to come to terms with.
  • Six advises to offer help to those in need.
  • Seven - empty words, not supported by deeds. Don't believe what they say.
  • Eight means categorical refusal.
  • Nine - a gift awaits you.
  • Ten advises to take part in a common holiday.
  • Knight - an offer of cohabitation.
  • Queen for women means pregnancy.
  • King - believe what you are told.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

Pentacles and Page of Cups - how the cards of these Arcana interact.

Page of Cups with cards of the suit of Pentacles

  • The Ace of Coins portends a good profit. The main thing is that the partners clearly discuss the terms of participation in the transaction.
  • Two means a precarious financial situation.
  • Three - good cash prospects.
  • Fourth - consider the proposed.
  • Five - spending, expenses.
  • Six - charity.
  • Seven - do not believe empty promises.
  • The Eight of Pentacles promises a business proposal.
  • Nine - feel free to invest money, they will bring income.
  • Ten - share interests with family members.
  • Page of Pentacles and Page of Cups - research the market carefully before you start.
  • Knight of the Denarius - the plan will come true, but not as soon as you want.
  • Queen - your ideas are promising and will bear fruit.
  • King - money that you have to part with without regret.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Water and Air - what does the synergy of these elements promise the questioner.

Page of Cups with cards of the suit of Swords

  • The Ace of Swords says that your idea is interesting, but you will have to work hard on the implementation.
  • Two promises discord. It can be disagreements in the family or conflicts at work. Depends on neighboring cards.
  • Three - love failures, losses, depression, an oppressed state of mind associated with an unhappy life. Option: news that will bring sadness.
  • The Four of Swords signifies a temporary truce.
  • Five - admit defeat, abandon current plans.
  • Six - you have to travel, you may have to move to another country.
  • Seven is a bad offer.
  • Eight - forced consent under the pressure of circumstances.
  • Nine - bad news, take heart.
  • Ten - give up your dreams, do not have illusions, they are useless.
  • Page is a dubious alternative.
  • Knight - plans are not destined to come true.
  • Queen means divorce, breakup, painful separation.
  • King - complaints, squabbles, paperwork. Cards do not advise arguing with the powers that be. You will still lose.

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

How Staves influence the interpretation of the meaning of the Page of Cups.

Page of Cups with cards of the suit of Wands

  • The Ace of Wands promises a tempting offer that should be accepted without delay.
  • Two - think carefully before you get down to business. You have many opportunities, but do not miss the main thing.
  • Three - it's time to start decisive action.
  • Four promises an addition to the family.
  • Five advises the questioner to seek help from knowledgeable people.
  • Six guarantees success in business, career advancement, when it comes to work. In love matters, he promises a positive answer from his beloved.
  • Seven - dubious adventures, treason, mutual claims and insults, cunning on the part of a partner. Be careful, you are being misled.
  • Eight - quick marriage, marriage.
  • Nine - unclear prospects.
  • Ten - the plan will not be realized. Postpone things until better times.
  • Page of Staves - carefully calculate each step.
  • Knight - plans will change, the usual course of events will be disrupted.
  • Queen of Wands - female happiness.
  • King is a creative project.

The combinations of cards above are relevant for the classic Waite deck. This is not a complete list of possible values. Each master creates his own decoding system, which is close and understandable to him.

The meaning of the Page of Cups when divining for health

In the upright position, the card does not carry a negative semantic load if it falls in the layout for a state of health.

The maximum that the questioner complains about is a lack of appetite and a headache.

In an inverted position, the card symbolizes depression and apathy. There are problems with the heart and blood vessels.

The appearance of the Page of Cups in the layout is an occasion to think about how dependent a person is on emotions. Perhaps it is worth looking at things realistically, not worrying about trifles, not thinking about the past, but boldly moving forward.

Reflection is not bad, but excessive sensitivity gets in the way. Turn on your mind as soon as you feel that you are losing control of your life.

A little about the author:

Esoteric tarot reader for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

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