Yarina when menstruation comes. Bleeding when taking Yarin: norm or pathology? When you need an ambulance

Modern oral contraceptives are one of the most reliable ways to prevent pregnancy. Like any medicine, pharmacists constantly refine and improve them. Each new generation of contraceptives is becoming more effective and safer for health. Today, such a tool is Yarina. The drug not only excludes the possibility of conception, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on the nature of menstruation. But despite the popularity of the contraceptive and active use, it may not be clear to all women how Yarina and menstruation are related, what the features may be during and after the course of administration.

How does it affect menstruation

The drug to prevent pregnancy is recommended for women with a regular cycle who do not have gynecological problems. Its main task, like another similar remedy, is to ensure that the female reproductive system functions as if ovulation has already happened. Thanks to the mechanisms that trigger the active substances of Yarina, the maturation of the egg is blocked, it does not separate, and, accordingly, conception does not occur.

Many women note that Yarina has a positive effect on menstruation: the associated pain disappears, the abundance of bleeding decreases, their duration is reduced, which prevents the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia and further complications. Therefore, for women with severe manifestations of MC, gynecologists can prescribe a Yarina course for therapeutic purposes to change its quality.

In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on well-being and appearance: it reduces the fluid content in the body, which relieves swelling, counteracts weight gain. Plus, the contraceptive is that it has an antiandrogenic property: it regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair - acne is eliminated, the manifestation of seborrhea is reduced.

In patients who have not previously taken pills, there are mild intermenstrual discharge. This usually happens in the first months of taking, and then disappear. But just in case, you should still see your gynecologist in order to prevent undesirable consequences.

While taking the contraceptive, irregular spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur. This usually happens at the beginning of the course, and after a while they disappear as the body gets used to Yarina. Therefore, it is advisable to evaluate their character only after the end of the adaptation period - usually this happens three months after the start of the course.

If menstrual-like bleeding continues or they occur after previously regular cycles, then it will be necessary to be examined to exclude pregnancy (which is hardly possible under the conditions of admission) or oncological pathologies.

  • Why there is no menstruation after Yarina

If OK was taken according to all the rules: without gaps, with taking an additional pill after vomiting or diarrhea, then conception is hardly possible. But if the bleeding lasts for two cycles, then it is better to protect yourself - visit a gynecologist and find out the cause. In this case, Yarina is not taken until there is reliable evidence of the absence of pregnancy.

It also happens that the problem lies in the reaction of the reproductive system to the constituent components of the contraceptive. In this case, you will need to interrupt the reception in order to induce menstruation after the cancellation of Yarina. The irritant will be eliminated and the cycle will be restored.

How to drink the drug

To achieve a guaranteed effect of the pill, you need to drink one tablet every day, without skipping, for 21 days and always at the same time. After the tablets in the blister run out, you will need to take a seven-day break from taking. During such a respite, menstrual-like bleeding should occur. This usually happens on the 2nd or 3rd day of the break. A week later, they resume taking the pills from the next blister.

A woman who was first prescribed Yarina, and before that no oral contraceptives were used, can start the course on the first day of monthly bleeding. A delay of up to 2-5 days of menstruation is allowed, but then, if a woman is sexually active, she is recommended to insure herself with other means of protection in the first week of taking Yarina.

If, before the appointment, the woman used any OK, then it is allowed to start the course with Yarina's tablets on the next day after the completion (or cancellation) of the previous one.

If protective equipment such as an intrauterine ring, a spiral and other similar medical devices were used, then they go to Yarina on the day they are removed.

What to do in case of skipping Yarina

It happens that a woman forgot or could not, for some reason, take a pill on time. If less than 12 hours have passed since the last procedure, then she should make up for the omission as soon as possible. Moreover, if the forgotten pill coincides with the next pill (according to the established schedule), she will have to drink two at once.

If a woman realizes herself much later, and more than 12 hours have passed, then the contraceptive protection weakens, and she will have to use other means of protection within a week after the resumption of the course.

If less than 4 hours have passed since the ingestion, and the woman has developed vomiting or diarrhea, then the active substances will not have time to be absorbed, their concentration will decrease, which will negatively affect the contraceptive effect. To make up for the lack, you need to drink another pill of Yarina.

If the trouble happened towards the end of the course, and the contents of the blister are over, the pill is taken from a new plate. And after a 21-day course, a weekly interval is observed.

How to drink pills after an abortion or miscarriage

It all depends on the period at which the abortion happened. If this happened for a short period (in the first three months of gestation), then the pills begin to be drunk immediately - on the day of the abortion. In this case, the need for additional barrier means is eliminated.

If a woman decides to use protection after childbirth or an interruption occurs in the second term of pregnancy, then the pills begin to be drunk after 3-4 weeks. If you take it later, you will need to use condoms for a week after the first pill you take. But if during these 3-4 weeks there were unprotected sex, you will either have to wait for your period, or get checked by a doctor to make sure that you are not pregnant.

How to change the beginning of the MC with pills

With the help of Yarin, a woman can change the day of the onset of menstruation. To delay them, they do not observe a week break, but continue to take the drug from the next package immediately after the end of the previous one. Moreover, it is allowed to drink the remedy until the second pack is over, and if necessary, stop the course when necessary. Then the bleeding will start. If a woman continuously takes Yarina, then during the second cycle of administration, spotting or scanty bleeding may occur.

When interrupting the course, you will need to observe a weekly interval and then continue to drink Yarina as usual.

When a woman needs to shift the usual schedule of the MC, she can independently postpone it for as many days as she wishes. To do this, you need to reduce the weekly break by this number of days. Moreover, the more the interval is reduced, the less likely the onset of menstruation during this period. That is, if the break is less than three days, then bleeding may not occur, but appear during the next cycle.

  • Delay after the cancellation of Yarina

Refusal of a contraceptive can provoke a failure in the MC in the form of a lack of menstruation on time. You should not panic right away, since the delay can be caused by a restructuring of the body after the cancellation of an external source of hormones. It will take him some time to return to their independent development. How many days or weeks this will take depends only on the individual characteristics of the female body. But if the period of absence is delayed, you will need to visit your gynecologist to understand the reason for what is happening.

Possible side effects during the course of Yarina

The drug is not in vain considered one of the most effective: in addition to a strong effect, it is very well tolerated. However, the possibility of side effects cannot be ruled out. Therefore, a woman needs to be prepared that the body will react negatively to the pills. The most common complaints include nausea and vomiting, discomfort in the chest - soreness and tension. Unwanted states are also in the form:

  • Frequent mood swings, depression, loss of libido
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Thromboembolism of arteries or veins
  • Bleeding of unknown origin
  • Acne, skin rashes.

In addition to these side effects, other negative manifestations are possible. Thus, there is evidence that after OK, tumors of the mammary gland or liver are more often diagnosed. In addition, other undesirable actions of Yarina are not excluded:

  • The occurrence of erythema nodosum
  • Hypertension
  • Pancreatitis
  • Angioedema
  • Impaired glucose tolerance
  • Liver or kidney disorders
  • Pigmentation on the face.

If you feel unwell and have uncharacteristic symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. It is possible that Yarina simply does not fit, and the drug will have to be replaced with a similar remedy. But it may turn out that the contraceptive has nothing to do with it, and the negative symptoms simply coincided with the time of the course. Then you need to find out what affected your health, and eliminate the cause of the malaise.

Who is not allowed to take contraceptives

You can take a contraceptive for women who do not have health problems. Therefore, before you start taking Yarina, you will need to undergo an examination. The reason for the prohibition of contraception may be:

  • Current presence of thrombosis or conditions preceding it, predisposition to it (including mention in anamnesis)
  • Migraines (at the time of appointment or in the past)
  • Complications of blood vessels in diabetes mellitus
  • Pancreatitis
  • Pathologies of the liver or violations of its work, tumors of the organ
  • The presence of hormone-dependent neoplasms
  • Pregnancy (confirmed or possible), GV
  • Individual susceptibility of OK components.

When you need an ambulance

When taking Yarina, like any drug, unforeseen reactions of the body can occur. Therefore, you should not hesitate to get medical help if a woman has symptoms:

  • Chest pain radiating to left arm
  • Unexplained bout of severe coughing, dyspnea
  • Unnaturally severe head pain
  • Acute hearing/vision impairment, diplopia
  • Speech dysfunction
  • Disorder of smell, taste
  • Fainting
  • Numbness of body parts
  • Pain and swelling in the legs.

With such symptoms, an ambulance should be called immediately to prevent tragic consequences.

Yarina's modern contraceptive is of higher quality than other predecessors. The drug not only protects women from unnecessary pregnancy, but also has a positive effect on the monthly cycle: it normalizes and eliminates painful syndromes. But in order for Yarina to help, all the conditions for admission must be observed.

Yarina is a monophasic oral contraceptive. This means that all tablets in a package contain the same dose of hormones. One tablet of Yarina contains 30 micrograms (0.03 mg) of Ethinylestradiol and 3 mg of Drospirenone.

One package contains one blister (plate) of Yarina to be taken within one month.

WARNING: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first talking to your doctor.


What reduces the contraceptive effect of Yarina?

The contraceptive effect of Yarina can be reduced by vomiting, diarrhea, taking large doses of alcohol, and taking certain medications. Read more about it here:

How to delay menstruation with Yarin?

If you need to delay your period, then after finishing one pack of Yarin the next day, start a new blister without taking a 7-day break. In this case, menstruation will be delayed by 2-4 weeks, but there may be slight bloody spotting around the middle of the next package.

Please note: you can postpone your period only if you took Yarin at least one month before unwanted menstruation.

Do I need to take long breaks while taking Yarina?

If you have been taking Yarina for more than 6-12 months, you may want to consider taking a break for a few months. You can read about how useful such breaks are by clicking on the link:

What to do if there is no menstruation during a 7-day break in taking Yarin?

Carefully remember whether you took all the pills correctly in the past month.

    If last month you had errors in taking pills (misses, delays), then stop taking Yarin's pills until you are sure that you are not pregnant.

What should I do if I become pregnant while taking Yarina?

Pregnancy in the case of proper administration of Yarin tablets is extremely rare. It is more likely that the pregnancy came as a result of the errors that you made in the previous month.

So, what to do if the test unexpectedly showed 2 strips? First of all, stop taking the pills and consult a gynecologist.

Taking Yarina in the early stages of pregnancy cannot harm the health of your unborn child, so you can safely leave the pregnancy. In this case, start taking as soon as possible.

Yarina's reception before surgery

If you have a planned operation, then taking Yarin tablets should be stopped a month (4 weeks) before surgery. This will reduce the risk of blood clots in the vessels. If the operation is required urgently, then be sure to tell the surgeon that you are taking birth control pills. In this case, the doctor will take additional measures to prevent the formation of blood clots (with the help of drugs).

You will be able to start taking Yarin 2 weeks after you can walk on your own after surgery.

How often do you need to visit a gynecologist while taking Yarin?

Even if nothing bothers you, then you need to visit a gynecologist prophylactically at least once a year.

One of the most common side effects while taking contraceptives is the appearance of bleeding at the wrong phase of the cycle. They can be released in different volumes and have a different consistency, ranging from liquid and translucent to dark blood clots.

pharmachologic effect
Contraceptive and estrogen-gestagenic action.

Yarina tablets are no exception: every third woman taking this low-dose drug has experienced unusual bleeding in the middle or end of the cycle. In what situations is this symptom normal, and when should you sound the alarm?

Why does spotting occur?

Spotting discharge with blood impurities, which in everyday life is often called "daub", occurs in about half of women taking oral contraceptives. Most of them forget about this problem after one or two months, but in some cases, these discharges can remain for six months or more. The appearance of spotting bleeding is associated with the amount of hormones in a woman's body, and it is quite natural during the period of adaptation.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels are constantly in motion, rising in the initial phase and falling in the middle. Unlike the natural level of estrogen in the blood, its amount in modern oral contraceptives is constant and low throughout the entire cycle. Since the body believes that there is not enough estrogen, it begins the process of rejection of the endometrium ahead of time - hence the pink, bloody or brown discharge.

Allocations of this type can not only “smear”: sometimes they resemble ordinary menstruation, scanty and quickly ending. Regardless of the consistency, bleeding during adaptation to the drug cannot be too profuse, and also does not last longer than two or three days.

Most often, spotting bleeding occurs while taking microdosed drugs, such as Jess, Novinet, Mercilon and others. These contraceptives contain the lowest dose of estrogen, and sometimes the body may consider their amount insufficient even after the adaptation period is over. Low-dose drugs with a higher dose of estrogen are less likely to show this effect, so many women while taking Yarina may not notice spotting in themselves.

When else is spotting normal?

Uncharacteristic bleeding while taking oral contraceptives can speak not only about the adaptation of the body to a new level of estrogen. There are a number of other normal causes for spotting bleeding that don't require you to see a doctor!

At the start of a new package

When the break or placebo pill ends and the cycle starts again, the body can get rid of unnecessary endometrium for a few more days. After menstrual bleeding, part of the discharge may remain in the uterus, and leave it a little later: this phenomenon explains the bleeding two to three days after the end of menstruation.

During ovulation

Toward the middle of a pack of birth control pills, when ovulation should begin in the body, various types of bleeding may appear. In this phase of the cycle, the body requires the highest level of estrogen, and its lack can lead to premature rejection of the endometrium. It can be spotting or regular bleeding that resembles menstruation, but regardless of consistency, it never lasts longer than three days and is never too heavy.

With no break between packs

Birth control pills can be taken continuously to avoid menstruation at an inconvenient moment. Many women adjust their cycles in this way, removing periods from their schedule during vacations or important holidays. However, often with this administration of the drug, spotting, bloody or brown, occurs.

Such an effect can manifest itself both when taking Yarina, and while taking any other oral contraceptive: the specific drug is not important, this reaction depends on the body of a particular woman who is not ready to continue the cycle. This symptom can ruin a woman's plans, but it is not dangerous.

When is spotting dangerous?

In addition to natural, there are also pathological causes of bleeding while taking Yarina and other contraceptives. Some of them may not be dangerous to health, but they create the risk of unwanted pregnancy and even hormonal failure.

What could be the cause of pathological bleeding when taking OK?

Inappropriate drug

The most common cause of abnormal spotting is the wrong drug. If a woman has been taking pills for more than six months, but the unpleasant symptom has not disappeared, most likely, the dosage of the hormone in this remedy is not suitable for her, and a new contraceptive must be selected. Depending on the phase in which the spotting appears, the cause may lie in different hormones: discharge at the beginning of the cycle indicates a lack of estrogen, and at the end - a lack of progestogen in the body.

Decreased contraceptive effect

Bloody discharge when taking Yarina, which occurs at the wrong phase of the cycle, may indicate an insufficient level of contraception. Most often, it decreases due to missing pills: if a day or more has passed since the required moment of administration, and the pill has not been drunk, brown spotting bleeding may begin. If this symptom occurs, it is necessary to take care of additional contraception before starting a new cycle.

Also, the intake of alcohol and certain drugs can reduce the contraceptive effect, a complete list of which can be found in the instructions for oral contraceptives.


The appearance of bleeding while taking oral contraceptives may not be related to the drug in any way: often spotting occurs for completely different reasons associated with various diseases. The case may be in endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammatory and infectious diseases of various origins. Any of these diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, burning, itching, or an unpleasant odor.


If you start spotting in the middle of your cycle but don't have menstrual-like bleeding at the right time, the cause may be early in your pregnancy. In addition to the absence of menstruation, this condition is characterized by swelling and pain in the chest, increased drowsiness, nausea, and general weakness. Taking oral contraceptives during pregnancy is very dangerous, so if you suspect that it could still come, you should do a test as soon as possible.

Most often, spotting while taking Yarina and other OKs is a completely natural phenomenon for the female body. But, if you suspect a pathological cause, immediately consult a gynecologist: you can’t joke with the health of the reproductive system.

One of the most popular contraceptives among women are drugs containing synthetic hormones tinylestradiol and drospirenone, which suppress ovarian function and prevent pregnancy. Among these funds is Yarina. This drug is now common among women, as its use is rarely accompanied by side effects. However, vaginal discharge when taking Yarina changes its character. And the reason for this can be both pathological processes caused by changes in the hormonal background, and the natural reaction of the body to the introduction of a new substance into it. And which discharges are considered normal, and which ones require an immediate appeal to a gynecologist, you will now find out.

A few words about the remedy and the mechanism of its action

Yarina is a hormonal drug containing ethinylestradiol and drospirenone. These substances have an androgenic effect and prevent the synthesis of androgen, as a result of which ovulation is suppressed, during which eggs are released from the follicles that form each menstrual cycle on the ovaries.

Most women do not take birth control because they are afraid of gaining weight. Indeed, some contraceptive drugs lead to the appearance of a few extra pounds, but not Yarin. It has been scientifically proven that this remedy does not contain substances that help retain fluid in the body or increase appetite, therefore, weight gain when taking it does not threaten.

However, this does not mean that you can take the remedy on your own without consulting with your doctor. The fact is that the hormones contained in its composition change the functioning of the reproductive organs and can cause certain conditions in them, which result in various diseases.

Ethinylestradiol and drospirenone have the following effect on the body:

  • They slow down the process of maturation of the endometrium of the uterus, thereby preventing the egg from attaching to the walls of the organ, even if it is fertilized.
  • They reduce the production of natural hormones that ensure the maturation of the egg, exit from the follicle and support its vital activity after.
  • They thicken cervical mucus, thus forming a kind of plug that prevents sperm from entering the uterus.

But Yarina is prescribed not only as a contraceptive, which can be taken continuously for more than one year. Doctors also prescribe this drug for menstrual irregularities, hormonal disorders and diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, etc.

What discharge is normal?

As already mentioned, Yarina is a hormonal drug, the intake of which affects the hormonal background of a woman. Ideally, when using it, the vaginal discharge should be clear or whitish, have a mucous consistency, not exhaust an unpleasant odor, and not be accompanied by pain in the abdomen or congestion of the external genital organs. However, this picture is observed only in those who have already passed the so-called adaptation period, and in women for whom this drug is suitable.

In other cases, spotting is common. Moreover, they can be observed not only during menstruation, but also on any other day of the menstrual cycle.

So, if the drug has been taken recently, then the occurrence of spotting at the beginning, middle or end of the cycle is quite natural. This is due to the adaptation of the body to new working conditions for it. This period ends, as a rule, 2-3 months after taking the first pill. After the expiration of the period, the woman should stop intermenstrual discharge, and the cycle should return to normal.

It is worth noting that at the time of adaptation of the body, menstruation itself may change. The discharge during it is copious and bloody, or scanty and brown. At the same time, smearing can be much longer than usual - up to 10 or more days.

Important! There is an opinion that in order to speed up the process of adaptation of the body, it is necessary to drink a double dose of the drug, that is, 2 tablets at a time. And it is recommended to do this until the daub completely stops. But! Do not do this without the knowledge of the doctor! Taking the drug at a double dosage can lead to the discovery of severe bleeding!

If the adaptation period is over, and the woman also has a long daub or atypical discharge outside of menstruation, she needs to go to the doctor. In this case, it is necessary to be examined and make sure that the drug did not cause any complications. If during the diagnostic measures no complications were detected, then the appearance of brown discharge may be associated with prolonged adaptation, and therefore it is not worth stopping taking the pills.

If, during the diagnosis, serious hormonal disruptions or accelerated atrophy of the uterine epithelium were detected, then it is imperative to replace the drug with a more gentle contraceptive.

Important! It is impossible to stop drinking Yarina abruptly. This can provoke the opening of severe bleeding, which can only be stopped by doctors and only in a hospital setting. To get away from taking this remedy, you will need to choose another drug.

Pathological discharge

If the adaptation of the body is over, and the woman continues to have bloody, pink, yellow with blood impurities or dark discharge outside of menstruation, then you should definitely visit a doctor. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and more often in this case, hormonal disruptions in the body are considered a provocateur of the occurrence of atypical secretions.

As already mentioned, each tablet contains the hormones ethinylestradiol and drospirenone, which affect the synthesis of natural hormones and the maturation of the endometrium of the uterus. This, in turn, can lead to the development of diseases such as:

  • Organ hypoplasia.
  • Ovarian cyst (formed as a result of an untimely rupture of the follicle membranes).
  • Adenometriosis.
  • Uterine cancer.

These diseases pose a serious threat to a woman's life and must be treated immediately. With their development, not only a brownish small daub appears, but pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies after sexual contact, nausea, weakness, etc.

In addition, do not forget that contraceptives, including Yarina, do not provide 100% protection. Even when taken, pregnancy is possible. Moreover, more often in women against their background, an ectopic pregnancy is observed, in which the fetal egg is attached to the walls of the fallopian tube. This condition is dangerous, as it can lead to rupture of the tube and the opening of internal bleeding. Therefore, it is important to know what symptoms are characteristic of this pathology. With the development of an ectopic pregnancy, the lower abdomen can be pulled, nausea develops into vomiting, the temperature rises, a brown daub is observed, weakness is observed. If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an ultrasound scan. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to have an abortion.

Other causes of discharge

Even when the adaptation of the body to the drug was successful, the woman does not experience hormonal disorders or the development of any pathological processes in the body while taking the contraceptive, and the daub still appears periodically, this may be the result of a violation of the medication regimen.

Remember that all contraceptives, including Yarin, must be taken every day at the same time. It is impossible to skip doses or drink only half of the konvalyu, and then stop taking the drug! Once everything can end well - a small daub will go, which will soon stop. But at another time, this can lead to the discovery of severe bleeding and serious hormonal disruptions, followed by the development of diseases. Therefore, if you decide to take Yarina as a contraceptive, then do it correctly, following the doctor's recommendations.

In addition, to provoke the occurrence of intermenstrual daubing or heavy periods can:

  • Stress.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Physical or mental fatigue.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • A sharp change in climatic conditions.
  • Smoking.

There are many reasons why a woman may begin to have discharge that is atypical for her. Do not try to figure out why this is happening on your own. You must immediately go to the doctor. Since only he will be able to determine the true cause of the discharge and give recommendations that will help to quickly get rid of them, while maintaining the functionality of the reproductive system.

Taking oral contraceptives has a direct impact on the menstrual cycle and female reproductive function. Currently, OCs have replaced more traditional methods of contraception, so many drugs have appeared on the market. One of the most popular is Yarina, in connection with which many women and girls are interested in the question of how Yarina and menstruation interact with each other, what effect does the combined contraceptive have on the cycle that began with noticeable changes and is it reliable? One way or another, before you start taking such funds, you need to consult a specialist who will determine whether the body is ready to use OK. In the future, this will help to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

Oral contraceptives are recommended for women with regular cycles and healthy reproductive systems. The main task of such drugs is to mislead the body. , makes the organs work as if ovulation has already passed. After the received signal, the mature egg does not come out. Accordingly, conception is impossible.

For many women, while taking Yarina, the periods are not so painful, they become more regular, and their duration decreases. In this regard, for many patients whose menstruation is very painful, gynecologists recommend taking hormonal drugs, since they somewhat reduce unpleasant symptoms and sensations. Thus, menstruation with Yarin should go as usual, with only minor changes.

So, in girls and women who started taking pills for the first time, slight bleeding may begin in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Usually they go in the first or second month, and then stop. To protect yourself from undesirable consequences, you need to consult a specialist if there is no menstruation for a long time.

If menstruation does not start the next month, you should visit a gynecologist. In cases where menstruation does not begin for two cycles, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test.

Perhaps such a cycle reaction to the drug is associated with some individual characteristics of the reproductive system. Then the course should be interrupted, and after the abolition of Yarina, menstruation will go as usual. One of the patients previously said that after she stopped drinking pills, the cycle returned to normal. This reaction was caused by the body's hypersensitivity to some components of the drug, so after Yarina the cycle was not normalized.

How to use the drug correctly

On what day of the cycle should I take the pills, can my period start earlier, do I need to take them for a whole month and in what doses? The answers to these questions are of interest to many women.

Stopping pills for 7 days does not reduce their level of action, but only if other factors have not reduced the effectiveness of the drug. These factors include certain incompatible medications or gastrointestinal disturbances.

Taking the drug on the twenty-first day after childbirth is indicated for women who, for some reason, have refused breastfeeding. The drug can be taken after a miscarriage or abortion. However, you can resort to this method of contraception only in cases where the pregnancy has not lasted more than twenty-four weeks.

How to use Yarina for the first time

You need to start the reception at a certain time. No additional precautions are needed if you start the course in the first five days of the cycle or on the first day of menstruation. It is best to take the remedy every day at the same time. This will make it easier because there is less chance of missing an appointment.

Indications and contraindications

There is only one indication for taking pills - if a woman wants to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy. There are much more contraindications to Yarina. It should not be taken if the patient has previously been diagnosed with:

In addition, you should not take pills for women who have previously experienced or continue to this day severe migraine attacks, acute renal failure, high susceptibility to one of the components of the drug. Do not take the drug to pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

Some components of the tablets can have a strong effect on breast milk, so it must be excluded during the feeding period. So, doctors say that pills can reduce the amount of milk, as well as affect its properties.

Side effects

Like any other medication, OC can also cause a number of side effects. At one of the women's forums, a reader wrote: “I have been taking Yarina for a long time. However, over the entire period, headaches have become more frequent, mood swings are observed. Advise what to do?”

And here are the comments about this by other visitors to the site: “I have been drinking Yarina for a month now. Gained two kilograms in weight. What to do in such cases? Should I stop taking the drug? Who had similar problems after Yarina and how do you get your period after the pills? Were there any failures? Or: “I accept Yarina plus four months. In the first month, menstruation was supposed to come, but after Yarina they were not. Then everything returned to normal. Tell me, how long can I take Yarina plus, since I plan to become pregnant in the future?”

Such changes are side effects. In each instruction to tablets there is a complete list of them.

The most common side effect is irregular bleeding of a different nature. And they go for more than one month. Some women go to the doctor and with the fact that menstruation does not come on time.

In rare cases, but still there is an individual intolerance to contact lenses. It becomes very uncomfortable to wear them.

Weight gain is caused by changes in the metabolic system. Most often, body weight increases, in rare cases it decreases. This happens due to the fact that fluid is retained in the body.

Other side effects:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug manifests itself in the form of skin rashes;
  • periodic headaches may begin;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

In the case of vomiting and diarrhea, one should take into account the fact that the effectiveness of the tablets will be much reduced. Under such circumstances, the following recommendations for skipping pills should be followed.

The effect of the drug is reduced if the pill was missed for more than twelve hours. If the drug was not taken on time during the first seven days (that is, the first week), you must immediately take a pill, even when another immediately follows it. At the same time, additional protective measures will need to be taken over the next seven days.

The missed tablet in the second week must be taken immediately. It will be possible to save the effectiveness of the drug only if it was taken on time the previous week.

If in the second week of taking all the tablets were taken at the correct time, then in the event of a pass in the third week, the drug will not lose its effectiveness. But if mistakes were made earlier, then two scenarios are possible.

The pill is taken immediately, and when the package is over, you need to immediately start the next one, without making a seven-day pause.

The second option involves a temporary discontinuation of the drug. The pause can last up to seven days, and then the use of tablets must be resumed. During this break, withdrawal bleeding should occur. If not, pregnancy should be ruled out.

Young girls can take pills only after the onset of menstruation and under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Women after menopause do not need to take the drug.


Today, taking oral contraceptives is very popular, but few people think about the side effect. However, what effect do such drugs, in particular, Yarin tablets, have on the menstrual cycle? On what day after taking should menstruation begin?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. So, in some women, the drug does not cause any changes, in others, on the contrary. Yarina refers to safe means. At the same time, before starting the course, you should consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions for the medication in order to take into account all the factors and exclude undesirable consequences after taking. You need to constantly monitor your health in order to control possible changes occurring in the body.

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Intrauterine contraception immediately became popular among women, because it gives a high result and is very convenient to use. One of...

Modern oral contraceptives are one of the most reliable ways to prevent pregnancy. Like any medicine...

The active components of the Mirena spiral are the hormones gestagen and levonorgestrel. The spiral is inserted directly into the uterine cavity. For...

Pharmacodynamics. combined estrogen-gestagen preparation. Estradiol Estradiol is chemically and biologically identical to natural ...
Femoston belongs to the list of drugs with combined action used in the case of replacement therapy during menopause....
The uterus, the main organ of the female reproductive system, is connected to the external environment through the vagina, and air enters through it.
If doctors offer a woman to remove the uterus, then she is forced to weigh the pros and cons. In recent years, the need for this operation ...
Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive used for planned contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, ...
Plan of the article Regulon is an oral contraceptive used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, to treat hormonal ...