Nutrition of a climber, speleologist, tourist in extreme conditions. You are not yourself when you're hungry! Let's talk about mountains of food and food in the mountains! What do climbers eat?

In order to adapt to altitude, it is necessary to consume large amounts of water and to carry out proper nutrition in the mountains. The human body needs to give it energy. Calories and nutrients enter the body through food, where they are absorbed by cells to produce and store energy, maintain life, and ensure growth processes in the human body.

When talking about nutrition, energy is usually measured in kilocalories (kcal is a unit of heat). At complete rest, a person consumes about 1 kcal per hour for every kilogram of body weight. The average adult consumes about 2200 calories daily. In the mountains, this amount can be doubled (up to 4400 calories) or even tripled, depending on the conditions (weather, altitude) and the intensity of the exercise.

Nutrient components of food.

In the body, food undergoes complex biochemical metabolic processes. Under influence gastric juice it breaks down into components. Some of them are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach. The other part is absorbed after processing. The third is not absorbed and excreted from the body. Food components, getting into the blood and cells, are partially oxidized and release energy. Partially go to the formation of cellular structures or are processed into fat and reserved.

The main components of food that are absorbed by the body.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy obtained in the oxidation process. Therefore, it is precisely that that prevails in the daily diet of a person. For a climber, the main sources of carbohydrates from food are: bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes. The net carbohydrate is sugar. Carbohydrates can also be found in fruits, honey, and sweets.

This food is the best "fuel" for climbers in the mountains and is used to provide energy during constant activity. Carbohydrates are divided into fast and slow. depending on the rate of absorption.

Fast carbs.

- Products from flour of the highest grade (bun, pizza).
- Sugar.
— Confectionery.
— Med.
- Some fruits (bananas, grapes).
- Pasta.

Slow carbs.

Meals in the mountains on the example of a menu for altitudes of 2000-5000 meters.


- 250 grams of porridge (hercules / rice / buckwheat) + sugar + milk (including condensed).
- Three pancakes with butter or ghee.
— Sausage/bacon.
— Two cups of tea/coffee/cocoa + sugar + lemon. 500 ml.
- 3-4 cookies / waffles / gingerbread.

Lunch / snack during the ascent in the mountains.

- 125 grams (1/2 cup): dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates) + nuts (forest / walnuts, almonds, peanuts). Remember, nuts can be an allergen.
- Bread / biscuits + + cheese (1 sandwich).
- 2 chocolate / fruit bars.
- Fruits (1-2 pieces of bananas / apples).
- Water / tea / isotonic. 500-1000 ml.


- 250 ml: vegetable soup or salad (cabbage, potatoes, carrots, herbs, garlic, etc.).
- 250 ml: rice / pasta + meat + cheese.
- Bread / biscuits.
— Two teas + sugar + lemon. 500 ml.
- 3-4 cookies / waffles / gingerbread.

Total: 4400 kcal (2500 carbohydrates, 1340 fats, 560 proteins).

dehydration in the mountains.

Even a slight organism in the mountains reduces your strength. Light thirst is a sign that your body is already dehydrated to a certain extent. Therefore, it is important to drink a little, but often enough, to fill the body with water even before you feel thirsty.

Due to sweating and dry mountain air, you need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. As a rule, at altitudes up to 5000 meters. At high altitudes in the mountains, you lose approximately 0.3 liters of water on average through breathing alone.

Preferred drinks in the mountains.

— Water.
- Tea.
- Isotonics containing vitamins and minerals: magnesium, calcium and potassium.

While in the mountains, try to drink boiled water and do not eat snow, as water from streams and mountain rivers can be contaminated by animals, and snow does not quench your thirst and can cause a cold.

Based on the materials of the book "School of mountaineering, textbook".

Of course, you will carry all the products, gas cylinders, burners, so you should think about weight loss in advance. Somehow, lying in a tent on a glacier, resting after soup with potatoes, onions, carrots, stew and other ingredients that had previously been carefully dragged along the Bezengi glacier and lifted to the Tsanner pass, we thought about how to reduce the weight of products that have to bear.
Meat. Nutritious, delicious, essential. You can start with stew - in tins, in addition to meat, there is also fat and jelly, which also have weight. Meat can be dried. Saving weight and volume - they say every 5 times. In addition, you can see at home what you will eat at the most crucial moments of ascents.
Potato. if you really want to, you can be patient and get by with sublimated purees a couple of times. But dragging tubers... if you have so much health, you better unload your comrades' backpacks
Lemons - tasty of course and vitamins, but! Often a circle of lemon or a peel from it is thrown away (and the garbage also needs to be carried). The way out - the lemon is ground in a meat grinder with sugar and dragged in a plastic container (bottle) - an excellent dressing for tea, waste-free.
Nuts and dried fruits for climbing. If they are purchased for a group: gentlemen, do not skimp on nuts! Peanuts, of course, are 4 times cheaper, but firstly, this is not a nut, but a legume (there is a scientific classification on the right), and secondly, it is not for everyone. Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews go well. Of the dried fruits, raisins are indispensable, dried apricots, dates and dried apples are good, in addition, this food must be divided into bags for each participant and distributed before going to the mountain or in the base camp (not later). You can buy pocket food individually, but most likely, everyone will eat anyway
Canned food. If we are to drag canned fish. And preferably in a tomato.
Powdered milk sounds amazing. But almost everything is demolished. It is better to take a jar of condensed milk - it will bring disproportionately more joy.
Soups. If you decide to cook soup, dry greens, carrots at home, and perhaps you can dry onions. In short, everything that does not rot during drying - dry! Do not forget the meat, which is instead of stew. In general, dry soups are the way out - such in small bags that can be steamed in a cup.
Pasta - there is nothing to be done here, the main thing is not to take those that turn into a homogeneous opaque mass, similar to a paste, when wet. Animals living around will undoubtedly be happy, and you will have to wash your hunger down with tea.
Tea! As a rule: 70% black tea, the rest at the discretion of the group members. If you know for sure that the ratio of drinkers green tea and a variety of exotics compared to black tea lovers in your group other - change the proportion. But if you don’t know, take at least 70% black tea. And with a margin - tea is not as hard as stew, and its value and importance in mountaineering culture cannot be underestimated. It will warm you in the evening, on long days of forced rest, invigorate comrades who have come from the mountain, you can wash the eyes of friends who saved on glasses with black tea ... and tea will do a lot of other useful things.
Sugar and salt. Difficult, but necessary. Moreover, they are eaten 2 times more actively than during a quiet city life.
Cereals and cereals. Cereals are tastier (although sometimes you can’t really distinguish the taste from fatigue), cereals save gas in cylinders. Carry comfortably in plastic bottles.
Salo is a very valuable product. You can take a special mixture of lard with garlic, you can just lard - it does not deteriorate for a long time, it is very nutritious, you can eat it with bread, you can fry it on it, you can add it to porridge, and in some cases, lard can serve as a currency (you can exchange for it other food).
Sausage. Sometimes, some fastidious non-alpinists do not eat lard. They can take their own sausage. The most desiccated. You can try to dry it at home.
Canned vegetables - they have a lot of water. It is irrational and inhumane to drag up in tin cans.
Garlic is a must.
Cheese is nutritious and delicious.
Chocolate is essential.
Bread, crackers - everything crumbles, but small crackers are better - they are lighter. Crumbs can be in the soup.
Cookies - better tasty, for tea :)
Honey is hard and all, but it's very tasty and healthy. Sometimes you can take.
Always Consider

The question of food on a hike excites the minds of more than one novice tourist. Indeed, the importance of a correct and balanced layout of food products is difficult to overestimate. But first, it is important to understand the criteria by which a mountain diet is selected and planned. After all, our health and well-being depend on it.

Calorie daily rations on a hike

An ordinary man who leads a sedentary or moderately active lifestyle spends 2500-3000 Kcal per day, a woman - 2000 Kcal. In the mountains, this figure increases to 3500 Kcal for men and 2500 Kcal for women. It would seem that you will have to eat more and the food should be more satisfying. But in practice this is not always the case.

Muscles that are not accustomed to exercise require additional oxygen in order to completely break down sugar (glucose) in the blood and get energy for movement. If the muscles do not have enough oxygen, lactic acid is formed from sugar, which accumulates there. It is she who is responsible for pain after excessive stress (krepatura). In order to get enough oxygen, blood circulation in the working muscles increases. But the volume of human blood is a constant value, and the more blood circulates in the legs and back, the less it remains for everything else. One of the first to suffer from this is the digestive system.

In practice, this means that it is not able to perform its functions to the fullest, especially in the first days of trekking and during difficult transitions. Fatty heavy foods are not normally digested and absorbed. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is dulled.

This process is completely natural. If you do not listen to the body and throw half a centner of food into it, the blood in the muscles will decrease and the next day the pain will intensify, but the food will still not be fully absorbed. But the feeling will not be forgotten;)

What does the body eat in such situations? Uses reserves.

>> Will you lose weight while hiking? Yes:). But not for long and for a couple of kilograms.

>> Did you know that climbers lose 14-16 kg while climbing Everest? If this seems like a lot, here's another fact: to cross the English Channel, swimmers burn 6-9 kg of fat.

When the tourist has “acclimatized”, got used to the movement and the weight of the backpack, the appetite returns (sometimes with a vengeance :). This takes 2-4 days. But the load has not gone away and the digestive system still cannot effectively resist heavy food. How to properly meet the needs of the body?

What to eat on a hike

    Carbohydrates— a beloved friend and comrade of the tourist. They are easily and quickly digested, fully filling the need for energy. There are simple(or “quick”: sugar, chocolate, raisins, cookies, fruit…) and complex(oatmeal, multigrain biscuits, bran bread, brown rice…). Simple ones instantly give sugar to the blood, and complex ones break down for several hours, dulling the feeling of hunger. Some sources of carbohydrates weigh little, for which they are highly valued among tourists (oatmeal, cookies, biscuits, bread, raisins).

    Squirrels are essential for muscle function. But you should not overdo it, because their excess leads to an increase in blood pH (acidity), which complicates its saturation with oxygen. But tourists rarely get protein from meat because it is heavy and spoils quickly. The alternative is raw smoked sausages, dried meat (basturma, jamon) and legumes (peas, lentils).

    Fats- it is better to use unsaturated (vegetable: nuts, seeds). Animal fats are almost not absorbed during physical activity.

    vitamins are absolutely necessary for wellness and maintaining health. Vitamin C plays a special role, without which the immune, muscular and cardiovascular systems do not function normally. They are the ones who get the most stress during the trip. Every climber knows that the best cure for altitude sickness is sweet tea with lemon :).

    Water plays an even more important steering wheel than food. It maintains blood pressure at a stable level, serves as a medium for the flow of all those violent chemical reactions that are triggered in stressful conditions. Without 2-3 liters of water a day, the trekker loses the ability to think clearly and assess the situation, and even fainting may occur.

Diet variety

In addition to satisfying physiological needs, a person also has psychological ones - the desire to eat. NOTsame everyday. But, given all the criteria, the list of tourist supplies is rather meager. Therefore, when planning a diet, they make up several options for dishes (an example of dinner: buckwheat with canned food, pasta with cheese and tuna, soup with lentils and sausages) and alternate them so that each is repeated as rarely as possible.

Cooking on the go

In nature, food is cooked on fires or burners. This must be taken into account when choosing products: if it rains or there is no firewood nearby (this happens in the highlands or in popular parking lots), it will not work to make a fire. In the reserves, by the way, it is forbidden to do this in any weather. The volume of gas and gasoline that fits in a backpack is quite limited. And who wants to cook, for example, peas for three hours after the transition? Therefore, for a trip, they make up a menu that is quick to cook, and ideally, you can just pour boiling water over it: oatmeal (yes, it’s again;), noodles, couscous, rice, buckwheat.

WithModern Jet boilies(JETBOIL)or Reactors (MSRReactor) allow you to boil water in seconds with a minimum weight of the gas cylinder and the equipment itself. Therefore, more and more climbers and experienced trekkers are inclining their choice in favor of dishes, which for cookingenoughboiling water mugs.As the saying goes: - Why drag more? ;)

Weight of food in a backpack

When we figured out what to eat and how to cook it, the question arises: how to carry it all? Autonomous trekking can last up to two weeks and the entire layout will have to be purchased before the start. In a commercial trip, the optimal weight is 800-900g of food per person per day (~ 12 kg for 14 days). As you can see, it is physically impossible to go far with such a burden. We must look for a compromise. Eating oatmeal alone is not an option: where can you get such important vitamins, proteins, unsaturated fats, fast carbohydrates? The solution to this problem is offered by manufacturers of sublimated products, in the common people of sublimates.


This is the transition of a solid substance directly into a gaseous state (bypassing the liquid state). Sublimated food- those from which water was removed by its sublimation. First, the product is subjected to rapid deep freezing, and then - vacuum drying. At the same time, the cell walls and the vast majority of useful substances are not destroyed.

Sublimated Products: Pros and Cons

Sublimated Products

Classic layout

Weigh little

Get ready fast



Do not deteriorate


No need to wash dishes ;)

Are sublimated foods harmful?

There is an opinion that sublimates, if not harmful, then at least not as useful as ordinary products. But think about this: is instant oatmeal harmful? Or, perhaps, raisins, dried apricots are not useful? Humanity has been drying and eating mushrooms, nuts, meat, seeds, medicinal herbs and even grape juice for centuries! If we are sick, the doctor advises drinking uzvar - from dried fruits, mind you. It has been proven that sublimation preserves more nutrients, vitamins and minerals in food than drying. This is because the substances do not go outside with water, and the process itself occurs without the use of high temperatures.

Berries: freeze-dried (left) and dried (right)

“Harm from sublimates” is more a reaction to an innovation than a real fact.

Sublimates on hikes with Pohod V Gory

Considering the advantages, in our commercial tours we have decided to include sublimates in the layout. Our instructors switched to them a long time ago;).

We tried a lot of freeze-dried products from different companies and found worthy dishes there.

Sublimates, which are produced by our order, are distinguished by a balanced composition, a wide choice of options and excellent taste. Using only proven natural ingredients, we are confident in the safety and usefulness of dishes for our customers.

Constantly e experimenting with interesting compositions, we expand the club's menu as much as possible. Therefore, when hiking with Pohod V Gory, the layout will definitely not bother you and will not seem monotonous.

The experience of communicating with tourists allows us to understand well what products a person usually prefers in the mountains. The menu of instructors is the same as that of the group, so after the trip we and our producers listen to detailed reports;) What stimulates development and improvement.

Own production gives a real opportunity it is easy to take into account the needs of vegetarians, vegans, children, people with chronic diseases, diabetics, allergy sufferers. For them, the appropriate bags are always in store :).

H Our sublimates are a mixture of dried ready meals. Potatoes, noodles, some cereals, cheeses, mushrooms not sublimated, but dried after cooking.

Contains sublimated vegetablesgreen peas, sweet corn and similar products that cannot be dried.

On breakfast we have: sweet cereals (wheat with cranberries, corn with pumpkin, oatmeal with dates and cinnamon, with apples, nuts and dried fruits...)

Dry weight per serving - 85g, yield - 200 ml. Calorie content: 400 - 500 Kcal.

Soups: chicken with noodles, peas, borscht with pork, lentils with mushrooms or chicken, buckwheat with meat or mushrooms(vegetarian). Each has carrots, onions, herbs, spices.

Dry serving weight: 55g. Yield: 350-370 ml. Calorie content - 220-320 Kcal.

On tosecond:

  • Pasta - vegetarian (with mushrooms, vegetables, with cheese and cream sauce) and meat (with chicken, meat);
  • mashed potatoes with pork, potato slices with meat and lean,
  • buckwheat and rice with meat and/or vegetables;
  • banosh with meat and cheese;
  • porridge with mushrooms, vegetables and meat.
  • Each bag contains carrots, onions, herbs and spices (pepper, basil, coriander, paprika).

Dry weight: 85g. Yield: 250 ml. Calorie content: 350-500 Kcal depending on the dish.

Three packets per day contain about 1500 kcal. This is an almost complete norm of calories for women and more than half for men (more satisfying meals together give from 2000 Kcal).

>> The weight of the daily menu is 240-300g.

>> The weight of the daily menu with snacks is about 500-600g.

Much better than the classic layout with its 800-900g per person, isn't it;).

And most importantly, you will always have a plate of delicious hot soup at hand, which will take a couple of minutes to prepare;).

PVG sublimates in Patagonia, Carpathians, Madeira

Meal plan for the trip

We have three meals a day. Thanks to sublimates, hot dishes will be at every meal.

Sample daily layout





    Sublimate (sweet porridge or second course)

    Tea coffee



    Freeze-dried soup

    Bread or biscuits

    hard cheese


    Sublimated second course



    Mixes of nuts and dried fruits

    Energy bars

    Oatmeal bars


Diversify the travel menu

If it seems to you that such a menu is boring, we will please you :). If possible, we always buy local products on the route and prepare "holiday" dinners. We visit restaurants and cafes (instructors know where it is tastier) and taste the delights of national cuisine.

Photos from our trips to Norway (yes, the first))) and Uzbekistan

On the trail we pick berries, mushrooms, herbs, fruits (sometimes vegetables :), we are treated to honey, homemade bread, (wine), cheeses on meadows and other goodies.

The mountains are by no means as severe as it is commonly believed. Especially if you know where to look for food. And we know ;)

Trust us, NOBODY will go hungry with us!

Whole-piece pork shoulder Net weight: 325 g colored paprika, black pepper), table salt Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of the product: Proteins - not less than 15.0 g Fats - not more than 11.0 g Calorie content -257.0 kcal / 1079 kJ Store at a temperature from 0 ° to +25 °C and relative air humidity not more than 75% -12 months from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 4°C Attention! The product is sold with a colored label. Without use cardboard box DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 12 months

IRP-Z (individual diet - winter) dry ration, designed to feed one person for more than one day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks between meals). For whom: used in providing food to law enforcement officers; is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; used by fishermen, hunters, tourists, truckers and many others; perfect for a gift for February 23, May 9, birthday colleagues and friends. Advantages: it is one of the flagships of the entire IRP line, there are no analogues in the Russian Federation; in terms of calories and composition, it has a clear advantage over all types of dry rations (IRP-P, IRP-B, etc.); long shelf life (usually 12 months); contains products that do not require special storage conditions; is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; Name Quantity Army biscuits 200 g Canned meat 250 g Canned meat and vegetable 250 g Canned meat and vegetable 250 g Canned vegetable snacks 100 g Liver pate 100 g Chocolate-nut paste 50 g Tonic drink concentrate 50 g Dry milk drink 30 g Fruit jam 45 g Natural instant coffee 2 g Black tea 4 g Sugar 60 g Salt 5 g Pepper 1 g Portable warmer 1 set Matches water and wind resistant 6 pcs. Multivitamins 1 pc. Water disinfectant 3 pcs. Disposable plastic spoon 3 pcs. Disinfectant wipes 3 pcs. Paper napkins 3 pcs. Chewing gum 3 pcs. Condensed milk 100 g Fruit stick 50 g Tomato sauce 60 g Second lunch course (instant) 1 portion First dinner course (instant) 1 portion Breakfast dish (instant) 1 portion Sterilized processed cheese 80 g Nuts 30 g Autonomous heat source for heating a person 3 pcs. Fats 256 g Proteins 164 g Carbohydrates 572 g Energy value 5037 kcal Shelf life 12 months. Weight (gross) 2.4 kg

Prepared sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: beef (37.7% bookmarked), buckwheat, drinking water, vegetable oil, fresh onion, fresh carrot, table salt, dried garlic, bay leaf Nutritional and energy value 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 6.0 g Fats - not more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 17.0 g Calories -290.0 kcal/1212.2 kJ relative air humidity not more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2 ° to 6 ° C DO NOT PUT THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: beef (30% bookmark), beans, drinking water, fresh onion, fresh carrot, tomato paste, table salt, dried garlic, spices Nutritional and energy value of 100 gr of product: Proteins - not less than 10 g Fat - not more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 16.5 g % - two years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: Cutlet: pork, beef, white bread, fresh onion, powdered milk, salt, spices Garnish: rice groats, drinking water, fresh onion, vegetable oil, fresh carrots, salt cooking food, ground black pepper Nutritional and energy value of 100g of the product: Proteins - not less than 6.0 g Fats - not more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 16.0 g Calorie content -338.0 kcal / 1412.8 kJ Store at temperature from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity not more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature from 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: Cutlet: pork, beef, white bread, fresh onion, dried milk, salt, spices Garnish: buckwheat, drinking water, vegetable oil, fresh onion, fresh carrot, salt cooking food, dried garlic, bay leaf. Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of the product: Proteins - not less than 6.0 g Fats - not more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 14.0 g Calorie content -332.0 kcal/1387.7 kJ +25°C and relative air humidity not more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: dried peas, drinking water, raw-smoked bacon, fresh onion, fresh carrots, table salt, spices, bay leaf 0 g Fat - no more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 17.0 g Calorie content -225.0 kcal/940.5 kJ year from the date of manufacture. Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (37.7% bookmark), buckwheat, drinking water, vegetable oil, fresh onion, fresh carrot, table salt, dried garlic, bay leaf Nutritional and energy value 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 6.0 g Fats - not more than 28.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 15.0 g Calories -336.0 kcal/1404.48 kJ relative air humidity not more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2 ° to 6 ° C DO NOT PUT THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Dry ration IRP-MG (small) is designed for two meals, has a compact size and weight. Advantages: long shelf life (usually 22-24 months); contains products that do not require special storage conditions; Name Quantity Army biscuits 50 g Canned meat 250 g Canned meat and vegetable 250 g Tonic drink concentrate 25 g Fruit stick 50 g Fruit jam 45 g Natural instant instant coffee 2 g Black long leaf tea 2 g Sugar 40 g Food salt 5 g Pepper 1 g Plastic spoon disposable 2 pcs. Disinfectant wipes 2 pcs. Paper napkins 2 pcs. Fats 103 g Proteins 59 g Carbohydrates 180 g Energy value 1880 kcal Shelf life 22 months. Weight (gross) 0.9 kg

IRP-U (individual diet - enhanced) dry ration, designed to feed one person for more than one day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks between meals). Own development of SpetsPit LLC, which has no analogues. For whom: -used in providing food to law enforcement officers; -is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; - used by fishermen, hunters, tourists, truckers and many others; -Ideal for a gift for February 23rd, May 9th, birthday to colleagues and friends. Advantages: - is one of the flagships of the entire IRP line, there are no analogues in the Russian Federation; - in terms of calories and composition, it has a clear advantage over all types of dry rations (IRP-P, IRP-B, etc.); -long term shelf life (usually 12 months (if condensed milk is excluded, then the shelf life increases to 22-24 months)); - contains products that do not require special storage conditions; -is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; Composition: № Name Quantity 1 Army biscuits 200 g 2 Canned meat 250 g 3 Canned meat and vegetable 250 g 4 Canned meat and vegetable 250 g 5 Canned vegetable snacks 100 g 6 Liver pate 100 g 7 Chocolate-nut paste 50 g 8 Tonic drink concentrate 50 g 9 Dry milk drink 30 g 10 Fruit jam 45 g 11 Natural instant coffee 2 g 12 Long leaf black tea 4 g 13 Sugar 60 g 14 Salt 5 g 15 Pepper 1 g 16 Portable heater 1 set 17 Water and wind resistant matches 6 pcs 18 Multivitamins 1 pcs 19 Means for disinfecting water 3 pcs 20 Disposable plastic spoon 3 pcs 21 Disinfecting wipes 3 pcs 22 Paper napkins 3 pcs 23 Chewing gum 3 pcs 24 Condensed milk 100 g 25 Fruit stick 50 g 26 Tomato sauce 60 g 27 The second dinner dish ( fast food) 60 g 28 First lunch course (fast food) 40 g 29 Breakfast dish (quick food) 60 g 30 Sterilized processed cheese 80 g 31 Arach is 30 g Fats 239 g Proteins 159 g Carbohydrates 560 g Energy value 4981 kcal Shelf life 12 months Weight (gross) 2.3 kg

IRP-P (individual diet - everyday) dry ration, designed to feed one person during the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner). It is produced according to the norms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For whom: -used in alarm suitcases of law enforcement agencies; - it is used in providing food for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; -is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; -used by fishermen, hunters and tourists; -Ideal for a gift for February 23, May 9, colleagues and friends. Advantages: - long shelf life (usually 22-24 months); - contains products that do not require special storage conditions; Composition: № Name Quantity 1 Army biscuits 200 g 2 Canned meat 250 g 3 Canned meat and vegetable 250 g 4 Canned meat and vegetables 250 g 5 Canned vegetable snacks 100 g 6 Liver pate 100 g 7 Chocolate-nut paste 50 g 8 Tonic drink concentrate 25 g 9 Dry milk drink 30 g 10 Fruit jam 45 g 11 Natural instant coffee 2 g 12 Long leaf black tea 4 g 13 Sugar 60 g 14 Salt 5 g 15 Pepper 1 g 16 Portable heater 1 set 17 Water and wind resistant matches 6 pcs 18 Multivitamins 1 pcs 19 Water disinfectant 3 pcs 20 Disposable plastic spoon 3 pcs 21 Disinfecting wipes 3 pcs 22 Paper napkins 3 pcs Fats 189 g Proteins 115 g Carbohydrates 346 g Energy value 3582 Kcal Shelf life 22 months Weight (gross) 1.8 kg * some components are subject to change without prior notice

High-quality beef Net weight: 250 g or 325 g Ingredients: beef (92% bookmarked), fresh onion, table salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf - no more than 17.0 g Calorie content -213.0 kcal Store at a temperature of 0° to +25°C and relative humidity of no more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° up to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

High-quality stewed pork Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (92% bookmarked), fresh onion, table salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 13.0 g not more than 33.0 g Calorie content -349.0 kcal/1458.8 kJ Shelf life: 24 months no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE BAG IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (30% bookmarked), beans, drinking water, fresh onions, fresh carrots, tomato paste, table salt, dried garlic, spices Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of the product: Proteins - not less than 10.0 g Fat - not more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 16 g Calorie content -183.0 kcal/764.94 kJ % -2 years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (37.7% bookmark), rice groats, drinking water, fresh onion, vegetable oil, fresh carrots, table salt, ground black pepper Nutritional and energy value of 100g of product: Proteins - not less than 6.0 g Fats - not more than 28.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 16.0 g Calories -340.0 kcal/1421.2 kJ no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PUT THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

High-quality stewed pork Net weight: 250 g or 325 g Ingredients: pork (92% bookmark), fresh onion, table salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of the product: Proteins - not less than 13.0 g Fat - no more than 33.0 g Calorie content -349.0 kcal / 1458.8 kJ Shelf life: 24 months Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: beef (37.7% bookmark), rice groats, drinking water, fresh onion, vegetable oil, fresh carrots, table salt, ground black pepper Nutritional and energy value of 100 gr of product : Proteins - not less than 6.0 g Fats - not more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - not more than 16.0 g Calories -286.0 kcal/1195.5 kJ air no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2 ° to 6 ° C DO NOT PUT THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 325 g Ingredients: broiler chicken meat (40% bookmark), rice groats, drinking water, onions, fresh carrots, vegetable oil, table salt, dried garlic, ground black pepper Nutritional and energy value 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 7.5 g Fats - not more than 5.5 g Carbohydrates - not more than 20.0 g Calorie content -160.0 kcal/670.0 kJ and relative air humidity of not more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2 ° to 4 ° C DO NOT PUT THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 12 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (30% bookmark), frozen sweet pepper, fresh onion, fresh carrot, tomato paste, table salt, ground black pepper less than 3.5 g Fats - no more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 5.0 g Calories -133.0 kcal/556 kJ two years from the date of manufacture Store the opened package for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

IRP-TR (individual ration - for emergency suitcases) dry rations, designed specifically for use in emergency suitcases. The size and weight of dry rations for emergency suitcases are 1.5 times smaller and lighter than the standard daily ration of IRP-P. For whom: -used in alarm suitcases of law enforcement agencies; - it is used in providing food for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; -Ideal for a gift to law enforcement officers. Advantages: - long shelf life (usually 22-24 months); - contains products that do not require special storage conditions; For dry soldering IRP-TR, "economy" packaging is used (a box covered with shrink film), which allows to reduce the cost. Composition: No. Name Quantity 1 Army biscuits 50 g 2 Canned meat 250 g 3 Canned meat and vegetable 500 g 4 Liver pate 100 g 5 Fruit jam 90 g 6 Long leaf black tea 6 g 7 Sugar 60 g 8 Water and wind-resistant matches 6 pcs 9 Portable heater 1 set Fats 154 g Proteins 83 g Carbohydrates 207 g Energy value 2531 Kcal Shelf life 22 months Weight (gross) 1.25 kg

Tips and Instructions

Summer is the time for travel and hiking. After choosing and discussing the details of the route, the question of what kind of food to take with you naturally pops up.

In order to follow the route, carry a backpack, chop wood and still have time to admire the surrounding nature, a person constantly has to expend energy. Our body gets it, as you know, from food. At home, we hardly think about proper nutrition- If only there was something to eat. It’s a completely different matter on a hike, where there are no shops, no refrigerators, no cafe-restaurants, and the loads have to be endured quite rather big. And here the question inevitably arises: how much and what products to take with you on a hike.

How much energy does a tourist spend on a hike? AT Everyday life men who are mainly engaged in mental activity, but at the same time periodically paying attention to physical training, spend up to 3500 kcal per day, women - up to 2500. Participants in weekend hikes and simple hiking trips along middle lane spend 2500-3000 kcal per day. In category hikes for adult athletes, the weight of the backpack ranges from 25 to 30 kg, you have to go off-road, steep slopes, wade through the thicket ... As a result, energy consumption for hiking trips of I-III category of difficulty for adults and children is 3000-3500 kcal per day. In skiing and mountain hiking, they reach 3500-5000 kcal.

Well, it seems that there is very little left: knowing the energy value of the products and the upcoming energy costs, you can calculate the amount of food needed for the trip. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Firstly, not all products are suitable for hiking, and secondly, for multi-day difficult hikes, they will need so much that the group will not be able to budge. And in very difficult hikes, tourists, especially those who are not well trained, exhausted under the weight of a backpack, will not get any pleasure. But we go on a hike in the first place precisely in order to have fun.

So, you have to reduce the number of products to reasonable limits. Of course, in this case, it will not be possible to cover all energy costs, but many years of tourism practice has shown that this is not necessary. In simple hikes, it is quite possible to limit yourself to one kilogram of food per person per day, and in complex ones, where the use of expensive concentrates and freeze-dried products is justified, 700-850 g will be enough.

A special role is played by food in the mountains, at altitudes of more than 3000 meters. Here, the lack of oxygen in the air leads to various changes in the body's work that occur in the process of acclimatization. At the same time, an aversion to certain types of food appears, the digestibility of fats decreases, and many biochemical processes become more difficult.

Hiking Products

What food to take with you on a hike? For weekend hikes, any food that does not deteriorate until the end of the route is suitable. The main thing is not to take products in glass jars and in containers with an unreliable lid. It makes no sense to take concentrates and cereals on short trips - fresh vegetables and fruits are much tastier. Passion for cereals and soups from their bags is justified only in winter, when it is difficult to peel and cut vegetables.

When choosing products for a long summer hike, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the products do not deteriorate in the heat. Milk, sour cream, boiled sausage will go bad on the second day, and boiled eggs will go rotten on the third day, especially if you store them in a plastic bag. Various foods that we usually take on the road (soups in plastic cups, instant noodles, etc.) are also not the best. the best choice for a long hike. It is better to take a variety of meat, fish and canned vegetables. On short trips, you can take fresh vegetables and fruits.

In sports trips, starting from III cat. complexity, it is very important to reduce the weight of the backpack. In mountain tourism, this problem is typical for all trips lasting more than 7-8 days. Therefore, tourists-athletes impose rather stringent requirements on products.

Now specifically about some products:

  • Dry soups (in bags). Now on sale there is a wide variety of dry soups, from which you need to choose 3-4 types to diversify the menu.
  • Stew. The purchase of stew must be approached very carefully, because. Recently, there has been a large number of fakes of very poor quality. Before buying a large batch of stew for the entire trip, it is necessary to conduct a test purchase - purchase several cans from different manufacturers, open them and evaluate the quality of the product. Pay attention to the fact that the stew was produced in accordance with GOST.
  • The meat is sublimated and dried. For challenging hikes, this is the perfect product. True, here it is also necessary to carefully consider the assessment of the quality of the product.
  • Chocolate. You should not take aerated chocolate with you. Otherwise, anyone will do. It must be remembered that chocolate melts quickly in hot weather, so you should carefully consider its storage.
  • Cheese. In summer, it is better to choose hard cheeses, and in winter, processed cheeses will be a good alternative.
  • Pasta. Hardwood horns are preferred.
  • Dry greens. Greens (parsley, dill, basil) can be dried in advance by yourself.
  • Sweets (lollipops and caramel). Take a few different varieties. And, of course, sweets must be in wrappers, otherwise they will stick together into one big candy.
  • Halva. It is more convenient if it is in packs or jars. Weighted is more difficult to store and share.
  • Egg powder. An important source of protein.
  • Black crackers. You should prepare yourself. Cut into slices 1 cm thick. A loaf of black bread. Whole slices or halves are dried in the air, and then put in the oven and kept at a temperature not exceeding 150 ° C. Crackers can be salted and soaked in vegetable oil. Cutting bread into small pieces (croutons) is unprofitable because they take up a lot of space and crumble.
  • Dried foods (meat, vegetables) you can buy ready-made. Some vegetables can be dried in ovens below 100°C or on central heating radiators.

Product layout

The layout is the number and range of products for each day. Of course, if you are going to take a walk in the forest for one day, you can get by with sandwiches and other snacks without any layout. For a multi-day uncomplicated trip, they usually use a simplified method of compiling a layout: first they sign a menu for 3-4 days, then they figure out how many and what products are needed for each dish for 1 person, and finally, the number of products is multiplied by the number of participants in the trip. These 3-4 menu options will be repeated cyclically throughout the trip. This means that we need to calculate how many times each dish will be cooked and, thus, determine the amount of food for the entire trip.

Here is an example of such a layout:

Figure 60-80 Buckwheat 60-80 Millet 60—80
Milk powder 20 Meat filling 30 Milk powder 20
Oil 15 Oil 15 Oil 15
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Tea Tea Tea
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Sugar 50
Candies 30 Candies 30 Candies 30
Bagels 50 Cookies 50 Wafers 50
Lunch (snack)
Smoked sausage 60 Loin 60 Salo 50
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Sherbet 50 Halva 50 Kozinaki 50
Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50
Cookies 50 Gingerbread 50 Bagels 50
Horns 60-80 Vegetable soup 60-80 Rice soup 60-80
Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30
Oil 15
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Tomato 5 Cheese 50 Tea
Tea Tea Sugar 50
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Wafers 50
Total: 640-680 Total: 680-720 Total: 660-700

And finally, some useful recipes:

These recipes are for 10 servings. All soups are boiled in 6-7 liters of water.

Borsch- the most favorite of the first courses in the campaign. The mixture for borscht is prepared before the trip as follows. The following components are poured into liter glass jars (according to the number of preparations):
  • dried cabbage 10 tbsp. l.,
  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried beets 3 tbsp. l.,
  • greens (mixture) 2 tbsp. l.,
  • dried leeks 1 tbsp. l.,
  • oat flakes "Hercules" 10 tbsp. l. (can be substituted with potatoes)
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (black pepper, white root, bay leaf, paprika) to taste,
  • ascorbic acid 1 g,
  • dry tomato paste 10 y.
After picking, soup mixtures from cans are carefully poured into plastic bags.

During preparation, the contents of the bag are poured into boiling water with continuous stirring. Borscht is boiled over low heat for 12 minutes and insisted for another 10. Half a tablespoon of butter can be added to the finished dish per serving. Crackers are served with borscht.

Vermicelli Soup:

  • small vermicelli 10-15 st. l.,
  • soy meat 50 g,
  • dried carrots 5-7 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 7 tbsp. l.,
  • dried herbs 2 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • cumin 1 tsp,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • black pepper to taste.
Before cooking, vegetable oil is slightly calcined in the cauldron, and then water is carefully poured into it, in which the soup will be cooked (refined oil can be left uncalcined and added to the soup at the end of cooking). When the water boils, pour the contents of the bag into it and boil for 10 minutes. As with all soups, 7 liters of water are taken for 10 servings.

Onions, sorrel, rhubarb, wild garlic and other edible plants grow in many areas. They are a wonderful addition to these soups.

Various mixtures of spices and dried herbs can be added to soups to give them a piquant taste.

Pea soup. To prepare this high-calorie soup, there are two recipes. The first is when the peas are not pre-treated. Before cooking, 0.5 kg of peas are soaked for 2-3 hours and boiled for 30-40 minutes. Then a mixture of the following composition is poured into the water:

  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (white root, dill seed, bay leaf, black pepper) to taste,
  • roasted flour 2 tbsp. l.,
  • ascorbic acid 1 g.
All cook for another 10 minutes. Add 0.5 tbsp to each serving. l. butter or vegetable oil.

You can soak peas in field conditions directly in a plastic bag. It is enough to pour 200-300 ml of water into a bag with a portion of peas and tie it tightly. This can be done in the morning. Peas will be ready for dinner.

In the second option, the peas are prepared in advance and added to the mixture. This soup is cooked on the fire for less than 10 minutes.

To prepare 0.5 kg of peas for the mixture, they must be washed and soaked in warm water for 1-2 hours. After soaking, the peas are washed again and boiled until tender for 30-40 minutes. Then they are thrown into a colander, allowing the water to drain. Boiled peas are mixed with 1 tsp of salt and 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil, and spread on a baking sheet for drying in the oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees.

Bean soup. Beans are a valuable food product. It contains a lot of protein and trace elements important for life support. But to cook this healthy product on a hike, you need to soak the beans in warm water for at least 4-6 hours, and then cook for more than an hour.

For quick preparation of dishes with beans, it can be processed at home. It is advisable to use white beans. After sorting and washing, 0.5 kg of grains are placed in a jar and poured with warm water. After 6 hours, the beans are washed and boiled in water with the addition of 1/3 tsp. baking soda. Soda makes the shell of the grains soft and promotes faster cooking. Instead of an hour of boiling in ordinary water, beans are boiled in alkalized water for 20-30 minutes. When the beans are ready, they are thrown into a colander and allowed to drain. Then dried in the oven or in the air. Then the dried beans are mixed with the following ingredients:

  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (dried garlic, bay leaf, black pepper) to taste,
  • roasted flour 2 tbsp. l.,
  • beans 0.5 kg.
In the campaign, the mixture is poured into boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and insisted for another 10 minutes. In portions add 0.5 tbsp. l. butter.

Kulesh "Marching". In terms of density, this dish resembles a cross between soup and porridge. It is useful to cook it for dinner, especially when, due to unforeseen circumstances, the preparation of dinner was missed.

  • rice 0.6 kg,
  • dried carrots 5-7 tablespoons,
  • dried onion 2 tbsp. l.,
  • paprika 1 tbsp. l.,
  • dry tomato paste 10 g,
  • soy meat 100 g,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • red pepper to taste
  • dried herbs 2 tbsp. l.,
  • bay leaf 3 sheets.
Pour rice into 7 liters of boiling water and cook for 20-25 minutes. Then the mixture is added, and the cauldron is left on low heat for another 10 minutes. In the finished dish put butter in 0.5 tbsp. l. per serving.

Instead of rice, you can use millet or buckwheat.

If for some reason lunch was missed, then any soup and half of the cereal prepared for evening porridge can be used for kulesh.

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