The best raw smoked sausage in Italy. Meat Italy: the most delicious sausages and delicacies. Low-fat cured ham

Sausage products occupy an honorable place in Italian cuisine. Over the centuries, Italians have created many varieties and recipes that have survived to this day and are the hallmark of many cities and regions, because even by their names you can determine where this or that sausage comes from.

For the production of high quality Italian sausages, selected pork and beef are used, but meat cutting and spices can vary significantly.

After a period of ripening, Italian cured sausages are eaten as a snack, thinly sliced ​​using a special machine (affettatrice), they are also used in the preparation of hot dishes - pasta sauces, soups, risotto, stews, etc.

Shop or department in a supermarket selling Italian sausage called Salumeria.

I have presented to your attention a list of the most common Italian sausages with names and photos:

1. Prosciutto Cotto.

Prosciutto Cotto is made from the thigh of a pork carcass. The entire production process lasts about a week, during which time the meat goes through several levels of preparation, and is cooked in special forms at a temperature of 70 ° C. The taste of Italian prosciutto cotto is very similar to ordinary ham.

2. Capicollo (capicollo, cappocollo or cappicola).

Capicollo is a traditional Italian sausage, its name may change depending on the region, since each of them has its own dialect. This sausage product is a dried neck and shoulder muscle. Capicollo has a very delicate texture, with small layers of fat, has a delicate aroma peculiar only to itself. Usually a little more expensive than other sausages. It is dried for 6 months, in a natural casing, pre-marinated in salt, wine and spices.

3. Speck.

It is a piece of dried pork meat with leather, smoked during production. Before being dried, it is marinated in salt, herbs and spices (juniper, rosemary, bay leaf). Speck ripens for about half a year.

4. Salsiccia Stadzhonata (Salsiccia Stagionata).

This Italian sausage has the shape of a ring in a natural casing. For its manufacture, pig meat, lard, salt and pepper are used. The drying process is approximately 2 months, while the temperature should not exceed +13 °C.

5. Bresaola (Bresaola).

Bresaola is an Italian sausage made from whole beef muscle. At the same time, it practically does not have fatty streaks. In the process of cooking, it is salted, seasoned with spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, juniper berries), after pickling, the bresaola is dried for 1 to 3 months. The final product has an intense maroon color.

6. Prosciutto Crudo (Prosciutto Crudo).

In Italy, there are several types of Prosciutto Crudo, it can be with or without a bone, smoked or not, spicy (picante) and sweet (dolce). Taste qualities may differ depending on the production technology, but the constant is that it is obtained from a whole pork ham. The most delicious is Prosciutto di Parma (Parma Ham).

7. Guanciale.

Guanciale is pork cheek. As a rule, this is a small triangular piece of fat with a streak of meat. The maturation period is 3 - 4 months. Traditionally marinated guanciale with salt, pepper and herbs (sage and rosemary). In Italy, this product is widely used for preparing various dishes and sauces, due to its characteristic aroma. But those who follow the figure should be careful, there are 600 calories per 100 g of cheek.

8. Ventricina (Ventricina).

The birthplace of this Italian sausage is Abruzzo. It consists of 80% meat and 20% fat, which is cut rather large (2 - 3 cm). Other ingredients included in the composition are chili pepper, rosemary, black pepper, white pepper and fennel, and of course salt. A feature in its production is that the finished stuffing is stuffed into a processed, pork stomach or bladder. Ripening lasts 4 - 5 months. Modern manufacturers pack ventricina in artificial casings.

9. Pancetta Tesa.

For this type of pancetta, meat from the belly portion of lean pork is used. Salt and spices are essential ingredients in cooking. On a cut of a ready-made pancetta, layers of meat and fat should be clearly visible. It is dried during the cold season or in special chambers, the temperature in which should not exceed 13 ° C, this will allow all the spices to be evenly distributed in the pancetta. The drying period lasts about two months.

10. Pancetta Arrotolata (Pancetta Arrotolata).

This type of pancetta is prepared from the belly of a pork carcass, which is salted in layers, after 8-10 days, washed well in cold water, and rolled up into a roll tied with twine, and placed in a shell. After that, in this form, it is dried for 6-12 months at a temperature of 12 ° C.

11. Pancetta Coppata (Pancetta Coppata).

It is prepared from the breast of a pork carcass, while salting it with the addition of herbs and spices (nutmeg, cloves, pepper). After a few days, they are washed and folded, tied with twine and placed in a shell. Drying lasts 2 - 4 months, depending on the size.

12. Salsiccia Fresco (Salsiccia Fresca).

Salsiccia Fresca is a sausage in a natural casing filled with raw minced meat with spices, it is not cured, but simply boiled or fried. For its filling, pork, lamb, chicken or turkey are used. The recipe for such sausages may also include - bacon, salt, coriander, fennel, black and red pepper, sugar, nutmeg, wine.

13. Soppressata (Soppressata).

This salami is a typical Calabrian product. In the manufacture, several parts of the pork carcass are used - ham, shoulder and sirloin parts.

Soppressate Ingredients and Recipe:

meat cleaned from tendons 4 kg
lard 600 g
red wine 80 ml
salt 115 g
red pepper or paprika 150 g
black pepper not ground
prepared guts

Finely chop the meat and lard, add all the ingredients, mix thoroughly, leave for several hours. Then you can start filling the shell. When the shell is filled, it is necessary to make holes in it with a needle and rewind it with twine cross over. Then wrap the sausage in kitchen towels and leave in a bowl for 24 hours. Then the soppressate is hung in a well-ventilated room for 5 days. After it needs to be put under a press, placed between the boards and pressed down with a heavy weight, this is necessary to remove excess air. After 2-3 days, hang out again for 2.5 - 3 months. White mold is normal, if black mold appears, it must be carefully removed with a damp cloth.

14. Salame Milano

Milano Italian sausage consists of equal parts of pork, beef and lard, salt and spices (pepper, garlic, etc.) are necessarily added. Like salami, Napoli is very popular with buyers throughout the country, but in Milano the minced meat is minced very finely. The birthplace of origin is the region of Lombardy. This sausage is packaged in a casing of 2.5 - 3 kg, the curing process is 2 months.

15. Salame Napoli

One of the most bought Italian sausages. It has a cylindrical shape, about 7 cm in diameter, about 40 cm long, and usually weighs about 1 kg. A distinctive feature is a rather large grinding of meat. Ideal salame Napoli contains 70% meat (pork), 30% lard, 2% salt, spices (unground black pepper, wine, cloves, nutmeg, etc.), the drying period is approximately 2 months, at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C .

16. Salame Campagnolo.

The recipe for this sausage includes pork meat and fat, as well as spices and herbs. The ingredients are crushed in a meat grinder with a large nozzle, seasoned and stuffed into natural casings 50 cm long. The first week it is dried at a temperature of 16 - 23 ° C, the rest of the period at a temperature of 12 - 14 ° C, in general, about 1.5 months.

17. Salame Ungherese

The main ingredient is pork and lard, which in the process are finely chopped, salted, peppered with red pepper and lightly smoked. The maturation period is 4 months. By appearance this sausage is very similar to Milano salame, they are often confused.

18. Mortadella (Mortadella).

The only boiled Italian sausage. Mortadella consists of chopped pork (I would even say grated) with the addition of large pieces of lard. Other Ingredients: Salt, black pepper, pistachios, other spices may be used. Its weight can be from 100 g to several tens of kilograms. The standard and quality mark is Mortadella Bologna (Bologna).

19. Porchetta.

This is one sausage product that can be bought in salumeria. Porchetta is a typical dish of the central regions of Italy. Porqueta is prepared from a whole carcass of a pig or a pig, at home it can be prepared from a piece of loin and the abdominal part with skin. Porchetta is seasoned with salt and spices, the main of which is rosemary, sage and pepper are also added. A very popular dish in Italian street eateries is the porchetta bun.

20. Kotekino (Cotechino).

Traditional Italian sausage, which appears on the shelves on the eve of the New Year, and is the main dish on New Year's table"lentils and kotekino".

21. Spianata.

The appearance of Spianata is slightly different from regular Italian salami in that it is flattened and has a distinctive red color. For its preparation, lean pork and bacon are used, everything is carefully chopped into pieces, seasoned with salt and red pepper. The ripening period is about 4 months.

In industrial production, various ingredients can be added to Italian sausages. nutritional supplements and preservatives:

ascorbic acid (E300)
sodium ascorbate (E301)
sodium nitrite (E250)
potassium nitrate (E252)
potassium sorbate (E202)
lemon acid(E330)
sodium citrate (E331)
glucono delta lactone (E575)

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Article: 74264
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Sausage "Burgundy" is an exquisite meat delicacy made from selected pork with the addition of fragrant mustard and spicy spices. The product has a dense texture and a beautiful cut, which shows large inclusions of bacon, pieces of meat and whole green peppercorns. Due to the high quality of the ingredients and strict observance of the cooking technology, the sausage acquires a rich meat taste and an appetizing spicy aroma.

The composition of the product: Ingredients: pork, nitrite salt (salt, sodium nitrite color fixer, sugar, spices (green peppercorns, mustard), flavor and aroma enhancer monosodium glutamate, antioxidant ascorbic acid, starter cultures. Produced in a facility that also uses mustard, milk, Nuts, wheat, celery, soybeans and eggs A white salt coating may appear on the surface of the product, which is not a sign of deterioration.

The energy value: Food and the energy value per 100 g of product (average value): proteins - 32 g, fats - 16 g, calories - 270 kcal / 1140 kJ. Vacuum packed.

Shelf life: Shelf life at t from 0°С to +12°С no more than 120 days. Shelf life after opening at t from 0°С to +6°С and rel. humidity 75-78% no more than 20 days within the expiration date.

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12/15/2019 / Sellania
Another sausage that I want to talk about is the Burgundy sausage from Remit. I bought everything in the same "Globus". First of all, it attracted attention by the fact that it looks very nice, in cutting it is generally delicious. Nice wine color and...
Pros: Beautiful, Delicious, Exquisite

12/29/2016 / NataF
I recently bought a new product from the manufacturer "Remit" - a sausage called "Burgundy". Have you been to Burgundy? Me not. Well then, at least try their French sausage ... The sausage is sold in individual packaging, easily opened behind ...
Advantages: Sausage in individual packaging, easy to open. Very thin cut, sour, pleasant to the taste.

Assortment of salami sausages of Italian types online catalog

Salami (ital. Salame) - a number of types of dry-cured sausage with spices of historical Italian origin. The classic salami recipe includes high quality lean pork or beef meat, freshly ground black pepper, white pepper, paprika, garlic and other spices. Initially, donkey fat was added to the recipe, which was later replaced with pork fat. Some producers also add cognac or wine.

Cleaned intestines are stuffed with minced meat, after which the sausage is sent for shrinkage, then for drying and drying in basements with certain climatic conditions: the air temperature should be cool, about +15 C, and humidity 60-70%. The longer the salami matures, the firmer its texture becomes. Important in the manufacture is the process of natural ripening of the sausage, which can last up to a month and a half. There are also Italian varieties that are prepared for 2.5 - 3 months, due to the need for a long process of dehydration and drying of the sausage.

For the first time, salami was prepared in ancient times by Hungarian peasants, a little later, according to their recipes, Italians began to dry sausage. Forced long storage meat products without the use of refrigerators room temperature in those days, it dictated the peculiarities of salting and curing sausages and hams.

Today, almost every region of Italy has its own type of salami. The assortment of this dry-cured sausage is divided into groups according to the following characteristics: types of inclusions of fat (fine, pink, white or large), the degree of grinding of meat for minced meat (large, medium or small) and the spices used (garlic, wine, greens, pepper, etc. ). The most popular type of sausage in Italy is Milano salami (Italian: Milano), in which minced meat consists only of pork. Another equally well-known variety of dry-cured sausage is Felino salami (Italian Felino), which is distinguished by a delicate garlic taste, and the sausage itself is not so salty. That is why Felino salami is served as an independent cold dish on a meat plate. Pepperoni (Italian: Pepperoni) - salami comes from Calabria, and this type of sausage is very popular in the United States. Salami Napoli (ital. Napoli) - Neapolitan sausage with small pink fat, sweetish in taste, not spicy and with a smell of smoke. Usually this sausage is eaten with Italian focaccia bread or white pizza.

In Italy, as well as abroad, salami is widely used in Italian cuisine both for making pizza and as an ingredient in pasta, soups, sauces and as a separate dish - cold cuts.

Delivery of goods is carried out directly from manufacturers and wholesale warehouses of official importers, which guarantees availability of all documents confirming the legality of origin and import into Russia , as well as maximum freshness and cost savings in relation to traditional stores.

The information is not a public offer and part of it, as well as the goods presented, can be for reference only. To get acquainted with a detailed description of the product of interest and obtain information about its availability, you must go to its page. To buy a salami available for order, just add the relevant product to the basket and place an order.

This time we will again talk about the Italian product, which is firmly rooted on domestic tables. Salami (Salame) is a kind of hard sausage with bacon, appreciated all over the world. Once in Italy it was enjoyed only by the privileged classes of the population. Today, almost everyone can afford salami at least for a holiday. “You had two pieces of sausage on the table!” - sung in a popular song of the 90s. But we will not tell you fairy tales like a hit hero, but we will present the most truthful story about salami.

Many people love salami, and therefore they produce it in most civilized countries of the world. But, as you know, sausage is different, and in order to appreciate the original taste, you definitely need to go to its homeland - to Italy. The Republic also has huge number manufacturers. However, only some products are awarded special marks -. These abbreviations in the name indicate the devotion to the tradition of manufacturing and the high quality of Italian salami.

Salama da sugo IGP

Salami da sugo is a sausage typical of the province (Ferrara), but completely extraordinary in appearance. It contains pork meat, tongue and liver, wine, salt and spices (nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, pepper). It is shaped like a melon and tied with twine. May be covered with a white mold that appears naturally during maturation. The weight of the heads ranges from 0.7 to 1.4 kg. The color is dark brown, the aroma is intense, the texture is soft and grainy. Minimum term exposure 6 months.

The peculiarity of salami da sugo is that it is most often additionally cooked before use. Soak in cold water to soften plaque, gently wash with brushes, and then boil for at least 4 hours. It is important that the skin of the sausage is not damaged. The finished product is eaten warm with mashed potatoes or pumpkin, cut into portions.

Salame Cremona IGP

Salami Cremona is made from pig meat grown in the territory of the production of Parma ham (Prosciutto di Parma) and (Prosciutto di San Daniele). It is a mixture of fresh pork with salt and crushed garlic stuffed into the intestines of pigs, cattle, sheep or horses.

Ripening period from 5 weeks to more than 4 months. Salami has the shape of a cylinder with a diameter of 65 mm and a length of 150 mm. The weight of the finished product is 500 g. The sausage is softly cut even after a long exposure. The color is intense red, the aroma is rich, the taste is spicy. Cremona goes well with vegetables, fruits, breads and cheeses.

Salame d'Oca di Mortara IGP

Salami di Mortara is produced in the province of Pavia. It is prepared from pork and goose meat. Geese in the last 3 months of life should eat exclusively green fodder and grain and weigh at least 4 kg before slaughter. The casing for the sausage is goose skin. The texture is uniform, does not crumble. The color of the cut is dark red with patches of fat. The smell is spicy, the taste is delicate and soft. The size of the sausage ranges from 0.3 to 4 kg. Salami di Mortara goes well with fresh and stewed vegetables.

Salame Sant'Angelo IGP

Salami Sant'Angelo is a sausage made from pig meat grown in the territory of Nebrodi. It has an elongated cylindrical shape and a natural white coating. Soft compact texture. The color of the meat is ruby ​​red, the fat is white. The smell is delicate, the taste is spicy, fragrant, obtained due to the special microclimate of the valley. The exposure time ranges from 30 to 90 days. The size of fatty inclusions is larger in comparison with other varieties. Salami Sant'Angelo is eaten as an appetizer or aperitif.

Salame Felino IGP

Felino salami is a product from the town of the same name in the province (Parma). The composition of the sausage, in addition to meat and spices, includes dry white wine, which distinguishes it from other varieties. The weight of a sausage stick varies from 0.2 to 4.5 kg, the shape is cylindrical. The texture is compact, not elastic. The color is ruby ​​red. The aroma is delicate, the taste is sweet. Minimum time maturation - 25 days. The size of the slices is very important for consumption. Traditionally, Felino salami is cut quite thick (7 mm) and long (the cut is made diagonally). It is served with bread and Parma ham.

Salame Piemonte IGP

The production area of ​​Salami Piemonte is limited to the territory of the region of the same name. In addition to spices, the sausage is flavored with red wines from Nebiollo, Barbera and Dolcetto grapes. The salami stick has a cylindrical shape and weighs at least 300 g. The cut is ruby ​​red, the texture is compact and uniform, interspersed with lard and pepper grains. The taste is sweet and delicate due to the short exposure (10-50 days depending on weight). Salami Piemonte is distinguished by the aroma of aged wine and garlic. Slice it just before serving. Eat with fresh bread, mustard, cheeses and salads. Sausage is also served with various cereals and mashed potatoes.

Salame di Varzi DOP

Salami di Varzi comes from the municipality of Varzi in the province of Pavia. Sausage is a mixture of fresh meat and large-cut lard. The content of the fatty part is approximately 30-33% of the total mass of the product. The shape of the product is cylindrical, the color of the cut is bright red with white patches of fat. Elastic consistency, compact texture. Aging time depends on weight and variety: Varzi-Filzetta (0.5-0.7 kg, aging 45 days), Varzi-Filzettone (0.5-1 kg, aging 60 days), Varzi-Sottocrespone (1-2 kg , ripening 120 days), Varzi-Cucito (1-2 kg, ripening 180 days). The taste is sweet and delicate. Salami di Varzi is cut into thick slices and topped with vegetable salads with vegetable oil, cheeses and wines.

Salame Brianza DOP

Brianza salami is made from the meat of pigs grown in the regions (Emilia-Romagna), (Lombardia) and Piedmont. In addition to salt, pepper, garlic and wine, sugar can be added to the product. The shape is cylindrical, the consistency is compact and not elastic. The cut color is ruby ​​red. The smell is delicate, the taste is very sweet. The ripening time depends on the size and varies from 15 days to more than 5 months. Salami Brianza served as an appetizer alcoholic beverages. It is used in many recipes.

For example, the salad that we call "Olivier" in Italy is called "Russian salad" (Insalata Russa) and they put salami in it.

Salame Piacentino DOP

Piacentino salami is made from the meat and fat of pigs in the province of Piacenza. The content of the fat component is from 10 to 30%. The finished product has a cylindrical shape and weighs from 400 g to 1 kg. The texture is compact. The color of the cut is bright red with well-defined inclusions of fat. The smell is characterized by a delicate aroma of meat with a slight hint of spices. The taste is delicate, almost unsweetened, more intense with age. Exposure depends on weight and is at least 45 days. Piacentino salami is eaten as an appetizer and used in recipes.

Salamini Italiani alla Cacciatora DOP

Italian salami Caciatore is produced in 11 regions of Italy.

Its name translates as "hunter". This is due to the tradition of people taking salami hunting for a snack.

Sausage differs from other varieties with a rich history. The shape of the product is cylindrical, about 20 cm long and 6 cm in diameter. It weighs an average of 350 g. The texture is dense, not elastic. The cut is ruby ​​red with evenly distributed grains of fat. The aroma is delicate, the taste is sweet and delicate without sourness. The minimum maturation time is 10 days. Caciatore is eaten with unsalted bread, it is complemented by good sparkling wine, cheeses, fruits and vegetables. Fits great in salads.

Salame di Milano

Salami Milano is not included in the product lines of the DOP and IGP categories. However, it is one of the most famous varieties among Italian salami. It is made from a mixture of finely chopped pork and beef, which is seasoned with salt and a small amount seasonings and stuffed in a natural or synthetic shell. Holding time is about 3 months. The color of the cut is bright red, almost ruby. The taste is delicate. Milano salami is served as part of a meat plate. Milanese eat it with traditional michetta bread.


The history of salami in the territory of modern Italy began in the period. The name of the product comes from the Latin word salumen, but it appears only in the Middle Ages and means that the product is stored with salt. So they called not only meat, but also fish. However, over time, the term "salami" has become more and more associated with pork.

Mass production of salami begins in the Middle Ages, when the first large pigsties appeared in the immediate vicinity of milk processing sites. Waste from the production of cheese and cottage cheese is ideal for pig feed. The birth of such an industry and Italy's unique microclimate creates ideal conditions for the spread of the art of meat preservation. The minced pork was mixed with wine and spices. Such salami was sent to the ceremonial tables of nobles and feudal lords.

In the 12th century, at the court of the Malaspina family, a “new” sausage was served, aged in wine cellars and “flavored” with smoke. And in 1581, the word "salame" is first found in a cookbook and refers to pork sausage. Prior to this, sausages were designated by the term insicia. Later, salami also made its way to the tables of rural residents, when raising pigs became an indispensable resource for survival.
The art of making salami has evolved in different ways depending on the region of Italy. Which inevitably led to a variety of varieties of Italian salame, even in the same region.


The quality of Italian salami is maintained not only in the production hall. Even the territory and feed for growing pigs, whose meat is used in the preparation of sausages, are regulated. Animals weighing 160-180 kg are slaughtered. The basis of their diet is cereals and by-products milk processing. As a result of this nutrition, the raw material is rich in saturated fatty acids and has a low cholesterol level.

Salami, however, may contain not only pork, but also the meat of sheep, goats, horses, geese, donkeys, wild boars and their offal. Although the fat part is taken only from pigs due to its organoleptic properties.

Before cooking, sinewy areas and adipose tissue are removed from the meat. It is thoroughly cleaned and cooled to a temperature of 7 degrees. What parts of the carcass are used to prepare salami, as well as the fineness of grinding, depend on the type of sausage.

Salt and spices are added to the minced meat, the presence of which is determined by the type of product. From spices, garlic, black and white pepper (ground or in grains), dill, nutmeg, cloves and others are used. In some regions of Italy, unusual salamis are found. For example, with walnuts or pistachios. Adding milk or wine to raw materials can also be called a non-standard method. The use of sodium nitrite as a colorant and mild preservative is permitted by law.

Sausage dough is stuffed with natural (guts of pigs, sheep, cattle and horses) or synthetic (cellulose) casing. For preliminary drying, the sausage is sent to warm rooms for 3-7 days. Further ripening occurs at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. Aging times vary depending on the variety. The final stage of preparation for certain types of salami may be slight smoking to give a specific flavor.

Calorie content and benefits

The calorie content of salami, like other products, directly depends on its variety. It is not possible to consider everything, so we will focus on Salami Milano - the most famous and bought Italian sausage in the world. The number of calories per 100 g is 384 kcal, which consists of:

  • Proteins 25.4 g (101.4 kcal);
  • Fat 31 g (278.4 kcal);
  • Carbohydrates 1.1 g (4.2 kcal).

Salami Milano is a product with a high energy value. However, the fat in it is easily digested due to the development of beneficial microflora during the ripening of the sausage.

Pork meat is very rich in protein, which is necessary as a building component for the human body. In addition, the fermentation of proteins during the aging of the product leads to their better assimilation.

In addition, sausages are one of the important sources of bioavailable iron, zinc and other minerals. Salami is rich in vitamins B1 and B3. They are involved in metabolism, ensure the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems as well as the digestive organs.

Salami is recommended for nutrition for people with reduced weight and lack of appetite, during periods of mental and physiological stress, during recovery. If you do not belong to any category, but at the same time love salami, you should know that you can spend calories from 100 g of salami:

  1. Cleaning the house 2.5 hours;
  2. brisk walking 1 hour;
  3. Running at an average speed of 27 minutes;
  4. Playing football 34 minutes;
  5. Swimming 40 minutes.

The minus of the product can also be called a high content of sodium chloride (salt), the excessive use of which contributes to the formation of arterial hypertension.

Recipe at home

Often home lovers of culinary exploits stop at the most exotic and irresistible options. One of them is salami. If you search for her recipe at home on Italian sites, then at best you will find a way to prepare a sweet sausage for dessert.

We share with you a simple recipe. homemade sausage. But, in fairness, we note that to cook a real Italian salami impossible. So, we will need:

  • Pork - 850 g;
  • Salo - 150 g;
  • Salt - 25 g;
  • Dry wine - 10 ml;
  • Pepper - 5 g;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Pig intestines.

You can use a variety of spices in the recipe (cloves, nutmeg, ginger, etc.). It all depends on your taste. The intestines are usually sold clean, but still, they should be additionally washed under running water. Why do we take pork? They are optimal in diameter.

Grind lard (slices 10 mm thick) and meat (small cubes). We send the pork to the freezer for a while until it slightly freezes (but does not freeze). We twist the meat in a meat grinder with a large hole diameter, and finely chop the bacon by hand.

Add salt, wine and spices to the mass, mix thoroughly. Using a sausage attachment, fill the intestines with minced meat. We make constrictions along the length to form sausages. Carefully inspect the resulting sausage for the presence of air bubbles. If there are any, then they must be pierced.

We wrap the sausages with twine and hang them in a cool room with low humidity for about 7 days. During this time, the product will lose some of the moisture and acquire the desired consistency.

Cooked sausage "ala salami" should be stored in the refrigerator. It will be a great snack for alcoholic drinks. You can also prepare salami pizza by adding cheese, tomatoes, olives, bell pepper, onions and slices of your homemade masterpiece.


Conquering Italy and acquiring salami at the same time is a rather interesting option for a holiday. Moreover, you can easily find it, with almost no effort. The famous Milano salami in its homeland can be purchased at a price of 12 to 25 euros per 1 kg.

Domestic stores offer 1 kg of Italian product for 3000-3500 rubles. Products Russian production with the name "Salami Milano" are estimated at 1500 rubles per 1 kg.

Not at all a sad story about salami came to an end. Eating a piece of sausage with crispy bread and then running around seems like the perfect start to the day. Live brightly, love secretly, travel deliciously and remember: “You don’t go to Italy with your salami!”


Italian sausages are always highly valued all over the world for their unique taste. However, there is an opinion that the excessive consumption of deli meats is a real "attack" on one's own health and proper diet? Is it so? Absolutely not! It is enough to know the most "healthy" varieties and not to abuse the quantities.

Who doesn't love a delicious sandwich or, as they say in Italy, panino with salami or ! Italian sausages and meat delicacies have long been highly valued for their unique and unforgettable taste. Bresaola and coppa, culatello and pancetta, mortadella and all kinds of salami, prosciutto and speck - over the centuries Italians have developed a special technology for the production of gourmet meat delicacies and are recognized leaders all over the world.

One of the most famous and popular meat products is the Italian dry-cured sausage or "salame". According to archaeological finds, the first masters in the production of homemade sausages were (ancient Greeks compete with them: researchers discovered a similar recipe during excavations on the island of Salamina, but the Italians claim that their recipe is more ancient). The method of preparation has been perfected for centuries. They were especially successful in sausage craftsmanship in and, and already from Italy the recipe spread to almost all countries of the world. Of course, no one has yet been able to copy an authentic Italian sausage, despite the simplicity of the ingredients: good pork, lard, salt and spices (sometimes some other types of meat are added to the salam - beef, turkey and even meat of wild animals, such as venison). Italians love to use sausages and other meat delicacies not only as a filling for "panini"; they are served as antipasti appetizers, put on pizza, added to salads and pasta.

Talk about Italian deli meats and their palatability possible indefinitely. However, in this article we will pay attention only to those varieties that, according to Italian nutritionists, will not harm healthy lifestyle life and will not negatively affect their consumer. So, let's get acquainted with the 5 types of the healthiest meat delicacies "Bel Paese"

1. Bresaola

(energy value - 175 kcal)

Bresaola is made from whole beef muscle, which has virtually no fatty inclusions. The process of preparing this meat delicacy takes place in the following way: the muscle is salted, seasoned fragrant spices, and after the completion of the salting process, they are dried for 1 - 3 months.

Bresaola is a low-calorie delicacy suitable for those who want to keep fit. In combination with shavings of aged hard cheese"Grana Padano" and a few drops of bresaol balsamic vinegar becomes a delicious and very healthy snack.

2. Low-fat cured ham

(prosciutto crudo magro; energy value - 159 kcal)

Prosciutto crudo is a famous cured ham that is produced in many regions of the country, but every gourmet knows that the reference prosciutto is also made in the provinces. To produce an exquisite delicacy, excellent pork hams are specially selected, obtained from pigs raised exclusively in the green hills of the Emilia-Romagna region. Selected hams are salted and dried in a special way for a long time - from 14 to 24 months.

For those who care about health, fat-free raw ham, which ranks second among the lowest-calorie meat products. Accompanied with a slice of whole grain bread, salad and prosciutto tomatoes, it is perfect for a quick and healthy snack.

3. Culatello

(energy value - 198 kcal)

Culatello, located in third place in the ranking, is a meat delicacy very similar to prosciutto crudo. However, the similarity here is only superficial. Culatello is a dry-cured ham of the highest quality, which is usually made on private farms according to old recipes. Culatello is produced in two types: black and white, depending on the type of pork. And if white culatello can be purchased almost everywhere, the black variety will have to be looked for well, and it is produced in limited quantities at all, and the ripening process lasts as long as 36 months.

4. Boiled ham

(prosciutto cotto; energy value - 215 kcal)

Versatile, easily digestible, with a delicate taste, boiled ham is a dietary delicacy obtained from the thigh part of a pork carcass. The whole process of making prosciutto cotto lasts only about a week: the meat is first prepared and then cooked in special forms at a temperature of 70 ° C.

Prosciutto cotto is an excellent lean boiled meat substitute used in many Italian dishes, suitable for children as well as pregnant women. On a sandwich or paired with vegetables, prosciutto cotto is a healthy and nutritious meal.

5. Lonzino

(energy value - 234 kcal)

Lonzino is a unique Italian specialty, the result of processing the most noble parts of the pork carcass. The meat is very tender, light in color, with a delicate taste and aroma.

Lonzino is ideal as a light and healthy dish along with raw or roasted vegetables.


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