Open a sales company. Own company: how to open your own business? What is the easiest business to open

In this article, I told in detail how to become an entrepreneur and open your own company from scratch (IP and LLC), and what kind of business you can do without experience

Hello dear friend! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

Today, more and more people want to become entrepreneurs and open their own company. Friends often turn to me for advice on such matters.

This article is a simple and accessible instruction that will help all aspiring entrepreneurs register their company and conduct official commercial activities.

Let's go in order!

1. What is a firm and what firms are there?

Before I tell you how to open your own company, I will define this term and briefly describe what companies are and how they differ.

Firm- is an officially registered independent business unit that realizes its commercial goals in the interests of its participants by selling goods and services.

Such a concept as a firm has synonyms: company, enterprise.

Usually, a firm means a legal entity of one of the organizational and legal forms - LLC, CJSC, OJSC. These types of firms have both similarities and differences. We will also consider them below.

So the company is sometimes called individual entrepreneurs. However, this is not entirely true, since an individual entrepreneur is an individual registered in the prescribed manner for the purpose of conducting commercial (entrepreneurial) activities.

According to the current legislation, firms include only legal entities (Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

And when the question arises of how to create a company, it means the opening of a legal entity.

In modern society, the word "firm" acquires a colloquial connotation.

For example, “Vasya, did you hear that Petrovich opened his own company?”. Almost all people who are engaged in business, they say "he has his own company". This word was especially popular in Russia in the 90s and 2000s.

At that time, the market economy was just emerging in our country, and even in various advertising messages one could see phrases like: "The company offers Construction Materials Wholesale and Retail".

Let's now look at what firms are. I won't give an economics lesson here, and will only look at the types of business ventures that are worth doing if you want to be an entrepreneur.

2. Types of firms and enterprises

1. OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company)- a legal entity, a form of organization of a public company, whose shareholders can sell their shares (stakes) in the company, and other individuals and legal entities can acquire these shares.

Open joint-stock companies are usually opened when it is necessary to quickly and without lengthy procedures attract investment in their business. All participants in such a joint-stock company receive dividends (profit) from existing shares.

The more shares a participant (shareholder) of an LLC owns, the more money he will receive in the form of dividends (earnings per share) for the period of holding shares.

JSC is obliged to publish a statement of its profits and losses. Examples of OJSCs include such giant companies as Gazprom, Sberbank and Lukoil.

2. CJSC (Closed Joint Stock Company)- a form of organization of a non-public company, with a predetermined circle of shareholders (founders).

Unlike an LLC, a CJSC is not required to publish its financial statements.

The current shareholders have the pre-emptive right to purchase shares in such a company.

CJSC is opened in the following cases:

  • The need to attract external investment;
  • The total volume of the company's capital is calculated in large amounts;
  • The founders of this legal entity are going to sell their business some time later.

3. LLC (Limited Liability Company)- a legal entity, a feature of which is the limited financial risk of its participants.

In an LLC, all debt obligations cannot exceed the volume of its authorized capital.

This means that the members of the company are liable for the company's debts only to the extent of their share in the authorized capital.

Today LLC is the most popular form of business organization in Russia among legal entities.

Separately, we consider IP (individual entrepreneurship) as a subject of commercial activity.

IP- an individual registered in the manner prescribed by law as an entrepreneur.

This form of business has its advantages and disadvantages. Along with LLC, IP is opened by many aspiring entrepreneurs.

It is worth saying that it is ideal when you have both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC open at the same time.

Moreover, you can register for yourself both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. The legislation allows this.

For example, you can be an individual entrepreneur, while being the founder (co-founder) of an LLC, and even at the same time be an employee in any other company, and be registered there under an employment contract.

3. How to open your own company - choose the form of business organization

When a person begins to think about formalizing an existing business or wants to immediately open a company and officially become an entrepreneur, the question arises, what is better to open - an individual entrepreneur or an LLC?

There is no definite answer to it. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

It remains only to compare these forms of doing business and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

What is better to open - IP or LLC?

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of opening an IP and LLC.

IP advantages (+):

  1. Easy and cheap registration. It is very easy to open an IP, and the whole procedure will take you from 2000 to 5000 thousand rubles (this already includes payment of the state fee for registering an IP in the amount of 800 rubles, making a seal and opening a current account).
  2. Low fines and taxes. Sole proprietors usually pay lower taxes than legal entities. All fines for an entrepreneur are 10-50 times less than for legal entities (LLC).
  3. Flexibility of activity. An entrepreneur can work without a current account, often he also does not need a cash register, which complicates the control of real income by the state. Therefore, it is easier for an individual entrepreneur to optimize (minimize) taxes, and he also has less chance of getting sanctions from regulatory authorities.
  4. Easy reporting. For individual entrepreneurs, reporting is much easier than for an LLC, its volume is also smaller. If you want to independently maintain and submit reports for your IP, then after spending a couple of days on this issue, you can do it without any problems.
  5. Free disposal of your own money. All the money of an individual entrepreneur received as a result of conducting commercial activities is his property. So, for example, the money received by an LLC as a result of its commercial activities is the property of this company. You can’t withdraw them just like that, for example, to your card in a bank, or you can’t withdraw them in the form of cash.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 861 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, all transactions between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are carried out by bank transfer. Here we will not consider how to withdraw money from the current account of LLC. This is the topic of a separate article.

IP cons (-):

  1. An individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations (debts) with all his property. That is, if you signed any contract, did not fulfill your obligations properly, and you have debts to your clients or partners, then you can be deprived of any property in court. Among them may be: real estate, vehicles, securities, bank deposits, equipment. This is the main disadvantage of IP. The next minus is rather subjective, but it is also present.
  2. Restrictions on certain types of activities. An individual entrepreneur, for example, cannot sell alcoholic beverages and engage in certain other activities. Keep this in mind before starting your own business.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs are required to pay contributions to the Pension Fund. An individual entrepreneur must pay money to the FIU, regardless of whether he conducts business or not. In the FSS (Social Insurance Fund), the IP makes contributions if there are employees.
  4. "Insolidity" IP. With an individual entrepreneur, you will not always be able to participate in the state. purchases (competitions, quotations), that is, to fulfill government contracts. In most cases, individual entrepreneurs are not allowed to participate in such auctions. Also, large companies are reluctant to cooperate with IP. Here the image or in another way the psychological moment plays a role. For "business tycoons", unfortunately, a private entrepreneur is associated with a small stall in the market, where they sell socks or jeans. Although, by law, no one forbids a person registered as an individual entrepreneur to open a plant with hundreds of employees.

For example, I myself often pay attention to the following interesting fact and even share these observations with friends.

Real life examples

Once I go to a large Adidas brand store, I buy sneakers, and on the check it says “IP Babayan”.

I also recently dined at the famous Subway fast food chain and what do you think? Same situation! The seller's inscription "IP Petrov" on the check.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple!

These entrepreneurs have opened their own franchise business, and accordingly, no one forbids them to be an individual entrepreneur and conduct their business under the brand name of a promoted brand.

Information on how to become an entrepreneur and open a franchise business can be found below in the "" section. This is one of the best ways to start your own business when you have already opened a company.

There are other disadvantages of IP, they are more related to the accounting side of the issue.

Therefore, when you register your company, contact an accountant and he will tell you what is better to open: an LLC or an individual entrepreneur.

This concludes a brief analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of IP.

Let's move on to the analysis of LLC.

Advantages of LLC (+):

  1. Limited liability of participants (founders) of the company. How do you personally to an individual there is no risk of being left without money and property if your LLC cannot fulfill its obligations and is left with debts. According to the law, you only risk losing that part of the authorized capital that you own in the company.
  2. Solidity and the ability to carry out any type of activity (with licenses). LLC is a full-fledged company that is trusted. The company can easily carry out any type of activity not prohibited by law, participate in tenders and quotations (public procurement).
  3. An LLC can be sold or bought a company, unlike a sole proprietorship. If you have a need for additional investments or the sale of a business, then an LLC will suit you more than an individual entrepreneur.
  4. A limited liability company does not pay contributions to the Pension Fund if it does not operate. This is very convenient if you are doing business "from time to time". At the same time, the LLC can cover the losses of previous years at the expense of the profit of the current year. Using this, the society reduces the income tax.

Cons of LLC (-):

  1. Relatively expensive and more complicated registration procedure. To open an LLC, you need to collect more documents and the registration of a company itself costs several times more than registration of an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Share capital required. The authorized capital acts as a monetary security for the guarantee obligations of the company to creditors.
  3. Difficulties with the withdrawal of earned funds. The LLC distributes profits among the participants no more than once a quarter, all earned funds after receipt to the LLC's settlement account belong to the company and cannot be withdrawn without special procedures.
  4. The need for accounting and more complex reporting. To maintain an LLC, a full-time or "incoming" accountant is usually hired, since there are subtleties that only a person with special education or experience can understand.
  5. High fines for violations of the law in the field of commercial activity. Some penalties for LLCs are ten times higher than those for individual entrepreneurs. In addition, individual entrepreneurs are less controlled by the state. It is more difficult for a limited liability company to apply "gray" schemes of work and legally evade taxes.

Dear readers, we have conducted a comparative analysis of the two most popular organizational and legal forms of a commercial enterprise for a novice entrepreneur.

How to open an IP

I have covered this topic in detail in a separate article on our website: "".

How to open an LLC

I described all the details of creating my own LLC in the article: "".

Now you just have to work, and you can keep accounts and submit reports of your company via the Internet.

4. How to Become an Entrepreneur - 5 Proven Ways to Start Your Business

Method 1. We start our own business from scratch

This method is not the easiest for beginners, but it allows you to go all the way to organizing your business - from finding an idea to officially registering your company and making the first profit.

If you decide that you absolutely want to start your own business, but do not have the necessary knowledge and capital to do this, check out the best articles on our website for start-up entrepreneurs on this topic.

For example, if you want to organize your business and not invest money in it, read the article "". Always strive not to invest in your business if you have no experience.

With the right knowledge, you can always open your business from scratch, and read how to do it right.

Aerobatics in the future, after you have opened a company and become an entrepreneur, will be to receive passive income from your activities. What is it and how to create passive income, read in.

Method 2. We buy a ready-made company

Buying a ready-made company is another option for starting your own business.

Today on the market, various legal and consulting companies offer to buy a ready-made company from 20,000 rubles.

In this case, you can buy a so-called "pure" company - just registered, which has never been in business and does not have any history.

This method has its pros and cons.

Advantages of buying a ready-made company:

  1. You get a turnkey company. Specialists have already done everything for you and handed over your brainchild to you. You just have to grow it and develop it.
  2. Low risks of "surprises". You have a guarantee that you will not run into lawsuits or debts of the company, as it does not have a commercial history, including a negative one.
  3. Complete freedom of creativity. Now you are the boss and have the right to decide for yourself in which direction to develop your business. You have your company documents in your hands, and you can create all commercial activities and business processes from scratch, based on your business vision.

Cons of buying a ready-made company:

  1. The lack of a "name" in the market. The new company is one of thousands of its kind, without the trust of customers and business partners. You will not be able to use the positive reputation of the company as your asset, you will have to work on it and create a good reputation for the company yourself. You can also buy a ready-made company with equipment, employees and a solid history of existence. In this case, you will need an expert business appraiser and an auditor. These specialists will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your future enterprise and give their opinion on the appropriateness of buying such a business.

I had the experience of buying a ready-made business with 9 employees who worked in shifts (the establishment functioned around the clock). It was a gaming computer club with 17 seats (seventeen gaming computers and one server).

This experience allowed me to evaluate in practice all the advantages and disadvantages of buying a ready-made business, which I wrote about above.

Method 3. We create a business on the Internet

Business on the Internet is a great opportunity to start your own business without investments, for example, by educating people and selling your knowledge in the form of information goods.

Here are some ways to make money online:

  1. Provide paid services (freelance). If you know how to design, write texts or program, you can sell your services on the Internet at and - these are the most popular exchanges for freelancers.
  2. Set up for remote work. You can also find a permanent employer and work from home, for example, in a call center as an operator or an online store manager.
  3. Create your own website (blog) and organize your own information business. If you are computer savvy and a fast learner, then try setting up your online business. To create a successful business on the Internet, you will need to create your own website, attract visitors to it, collect your subscriber base, and then competently monetize it. For example, the site, where you are now, brings a good income. By creating such a project, you can not work anywhere else and provide for yourself by doing what you love. You can learn more about how to create such projects from Konstantin Rudnev's course "".
  4. Sell ​​goods over the Internet. The easiest way to sell products on the Internet is with the help of electronic bulletin boards. The most popular and effective platform for selling goods today is You can find out how to earn on from 2000 rubles a day.
  5. Open your online store. How to do it right and what you need to know, I already wrote in the article "".

I wrote in more detail about these and other ways of earning money in the article "".

Method 4. Opening a franchise business

If you have a decent amount of money, but do not have enough experience in business, then starting a franchise business is the best option for you.

Usually to buy good franchise, an amount from several hundred thousand to several million rubles is required.

If you are not yet familiar with the concepts of franchising and franchise, I will briefly talk about them:

Franchising is a way to organize your business under the brand name of a well-known brand using its technologies and trademark.

Franchise is the right to use the franchisor's brand and use its business model.

How to start a franchise business

To do this, you find a company that grants the right to franchise on its own behalf. On its terms, you acquire a franchise and work by paying royalties*.

Royalty- the type of license fee paid by the franchisee (franchisee) to the franchisor (franchisor).

The advantages of starting a franchise business are obvious: you do not need to "reinvent the wheel", but only need to develop your business using a well-known brand and proven technology.

At the same time, you must strictly comply with all the requirements of your franchisor, otherwise, he will have the right to withdraw the franchise from you. This is the disadvantage of opening a franchise business, since you cannot deviate from the rules and engage in “amateur activities”.

Method 5. We develop the skill of direct sales and become a partner of a reliable company

If you want to gain experience in business, I advise you to develop the main business skill - direct sales.

Recently, I became convinced that you can really sell anything.

Let me briefly describe my experiment.

Real life example

A few months ago I took a personal training in sales and negotiation. It lasted 5 days. Finally, the coach gave me the task of selling his business cards.

Can you imagine?! Business cards are distributed for free and who will buy them?

However, despite this, in 2 hours in the park of our city (Stavropol) I sold 7 business cards at 100 rubles apiece and earned 700 rubles. It's practically money out of thin air.

It is curious that the average salary in Russia is slightly more than 20,000 rubles.


Even selling business cards on the street in a provincial town, you can earn an average salary.

By developing direct selling skills, you can build a successful business with a network marketing company or open a branch of a well-known firm in your city.

You can also become a freelance seller in any commercial organization and sell real estate, cars or computers.

After all, every business is interested in getting new customers and its owners will be happy to share with you part of the profit if you bring it.

5. Convenient service for registering a company (IP and LLC) via the Internet

I myself use some of the functions of this accounting department and recommend it to my friends who want to open a company and start their own business.

Service benefits:

  1. Availability of free options
  2. Full management of all transactions via the Internet
  3. Help consultation: lawyers and accountants

The My Business service also has an affiliate program with which you can earn.

6. Conclusion

Dear friend, summing up, I want to tell you honestly that becoming an entrepreneur from scratch and opening your own company is the path that strong and courageous people choose, it is not the easiest if you want to make money.

Most people choose a standard job, stability and clarity; a measured life is important to them. This is not bad and not good, just everyone is different and everyone does as he sees fit.

The path of the entrepreneur is a risky step that can lead you to depression and inner emptiness. It often happens when you don’t succeed and everything falls out of your hands.

This state is familiar to me firsthand, when you can lie for weeks, look at one point and think, how could such a “priest” happen to me ?! At this moment, there is no strength to rise ...

This happens when you miscalculated in your plans, lost a large amount of money and so on.

But, as you know, everything in life is cyclical and every fall is followed by an even greater rise.

Remember that a businessman is a high-flying bird.

Therefore, if you are sure that the business is yours and you are destined to become an entrepreneur, go ahead!

Learn, meet people from the business area in which you plan to start your project and sooner or later you will succeed, I promise!

That's all for me.

P.S. Do not forget to like, ask your questions on the topic in the comments and visit more often

Good luck in business!

After reading this article, you will learn how to open a company for a novice entrepreneur. We will tell you about the nuances that you will have to face. Consider several options for business ideas and much more.

A firm or company is a corporate entity that is officially registered as a separate entity. The company is a legal entity, but its members are not.

The purpose of creating a company as a legal entity, first of all, is to extract maximum profit by selling any goods or providing services. The organizational legal form of the company can be different - LLC, PJSC.

An individual entrepreneur, from a legal point of view, is not a company. IP is an individual who is registered as individual entrepreneur for the purpose of doing business and making a profit.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, companies include only legal entities. There are many types of legal entities, but we will not consider them all, but will focus only on the main ones.

Before you open your company from scratch, you need to decide on the legal form of the legal entity. What type of organization you choose depends on what you need to open a company.


PJSC (public joint stock company) is a legal entity whose founders can be individuals and legal entities - shareholders. The number of shareholders is not limited.

The authorized capital is measured in shares. Shareholders receive profit from the company's activities in the form of dividends. The more shares you own, the more dividends you can receive from the company's profits.

A PJSC maintains a register of shareholders on a mandatory basis, and also publishes financial statements in the form of balance sheets, profit and loss statements on official websites. Thus, on the Internet you can find reports for the past period of activity of any PJSC.

An example of a PJSC is VTB, Sberbank. Gazprom, etc.


The main feature of an LLC is limited financial risk, i.e. the company is liable for its debts to the maximum extent possible with its authorized capital. Individuals - the founders of the company are not liable for its debts with their personal property.

LLC can, having a license, engage in the sale of strong alcohol, participate in any tenders and state. procurement. The organizational legal form of an LLC is more impressive for partners than an individual entrepreneur. An LLC is an independent company that can be sold, if necessary, an individual entrepreneur is not for sale.

Disadvantages of an LLC:

  1. A large package of documents for registration.
  2. It is necessary to immediately contribute the authorized capital of the company in the form of cash or expensive property, which is mandatory prescribed in the decision on the creation and the Charter of the company.
  3. An LLC has a more complex accounting and reporting system. Without certain knowledge and skills, accounting will be very problematic. Most likely you will have to contact the accounting service or hire an accountant (accountant).
  4. The profit earned by the participants of the company in the course of the introduction of entrepreneurial activity is the property of the company. It is not always legal to withdraw it from the accounts of society. The legislation provides for the payment of dividends from profits to participants once a quarter and with the payment of taxes. Before opening a business, carefully study these aspects of the activity and preferably consult a competent accountant in order to exclude problems with the tax authorities.


IP (individual entrepreneur) - an individual who is registered as an entrepreneur in the manner prescribed by law.

If you are planning to seriously engage in business, then the best option would be to register an LLC and an individual entrepreneur at the same time. This is not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. You can simultaneously be an individual entrepreneur, be the founder or co-founder of an LLC, and at the same time be employed by a third-party organization.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you need only 4 documents according to the model. You do not need any special skills during registration.

Entrepreneurial activity as an individual entrepreneur can be carried out without a bank account, without cash register, as well as without printing and stamps, which significantly saves your costs for the current activities of the company.

Individual entrepreneurs have a simplified reporting and taxation system. Even if you do not have an accounting education, you will be able to independently submit reports to the tax authorities.

One of the main advantages of an IP is that all funds received as a result of entrepreneurial activity are the property of an individual, which means that you can immediately dispose of them at your discretion.

Now let's look at the disadvantages of IP:

  1. Limited activities. For example, an individual entrepreneur cannot sell strong alcoholic beverages. Please take this into account before registering.
  2. The biggest disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is that the entrepreneur is liable for his debts with his personal property;
  3. The state very often does not allow the participation of individual entrepreneurs in tenders and competitions for state. procurement;
  4. Very often, large customers do not want to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs, considering this type of entrepreneurship to be frivolous. For example, large tour operators do not cooperate as intermediaries with tour companies whose legal form is IP. The exception is entrepreneurs who work on a franchise.

Business Ideas

Have you decided "I want to open a company" but don't know where to start? Start with an idea. The most important thing in any activity is to imagine what exactly you want and can do.

The most popular business today is trade and services. For example, you are fluent in a foreign language and love to teach others. This knowledge can be the backbone of your business. You can become a tutor, an online teacher, and also open your own language school. Depends on your ambitions and scale of investment.

An individual entrepreneur is suitable for a tutor (minimum cash investment), for opening a language school it is better to have an LLC and a certain starting capital.

Or do you prefer to sell? Then you should think about the business in the field of sales. The main thing here is to figure out what exactly you want to sell. For example, goods for children are always in demand, children are born, grow up and every parent buys goods for their child. Think of it as a line of business.

When operating a franchise, you must strictly follow the requirements of the company. For example, you bought a franchise of a well-known clothing brand "Guess", in a store under this logo you can only sell the brand of this clothing and no other. If you decide to expand the range of products from other manufacturers not under this franchise, this will be a violation of the contract. That is, a franchise business limits you in independent actions.

Purchase of an operating business

Have ideas, cash, but something is missing? Then consider buying a ready-made business. Businesses are often sold for various reasons.

When buying a ready-made business, you get an already functioning company (sometimes even with staff). One of the frequently sold businesses is a beer store. Many entrepreneurs refer to it as a seasonal business, and therefore they work themselves in the summer, and sell it in the winter - during the season of low trade.

When buying a ready-made operating business, involve an expert and an auditor to evaluate its activities. Only after a complete analysis of the activity consider the purchase option. And also pay attention to the reputation of this company in the market, work with suppliers and customers. After all, in the future you will work with them.

Internet business

Nowadays, almost everything can be done on the Internet. Previously, the Internet was an information platform, but now, in addition to various kinds of information, you can earn money on the network.

There are many Internet projects. Many network companies have switched to online business. Business on the Internet is very common among students, mothers on maternity leave and not only.

You can get hired and earn money all the time. By becoming a remote employee, you will not be tied to the office, but you will also receive a monthly salary.

To start making money on the Internet, you need to create your own website or become a blogger. By gaining the required number of subscribers, you can bring yourself to a constant passive income from advertising placed on your blog.

Everything is bought and sold on the Internet, so you can open your own online store of goods or services. Business on the Internet is less expensive in terms of resources, but it takes just as much time to maintain it, and sometimes even more. You are not tied to the office and can work sitting at home in front of the computer, the main thing here is self-discipline and high-speed Internet access.


Business is an occupation for determined people. By managing your own company, you take full responsibility for making decisions. There are ups and downs in business, be prepared for that.

In theory, everything can be much simpler and easier than in practice. But becoming a businessman is only possible by trial and error. And it does not matter if you will work on a franchise or open your company from scratch, choose the position of a remote employee or blogger. You will definitely succeed. Good luck in your endeavors!


Author of the financial magazine "", former head of a well-known SMM agency. Currently a coach, Internet entrepreneur and marketer, investor. I tell you how to effectively manage personal finances, how to increase them profitably and earn more.

On the pages of the site you will find a lot of useful information.

Owning a business is the dream of many Russians who are tired or not ready to be employees. Having a promising business plan, you should determine in which organizational and legal form to register your enterprise, choose the optimal taxation system and solve a number of other issues. You can learn how to open a company in Russia from experienced lawyers who are well acquainted with the procedure for registering legal entities.

Optimal legal form

The most profitable and optimal organizational and legal form in terms of taxation and the complexity of accounting and reporting is LLC. Most entrepreneurs who want to start their own business without extra costs come to this conclusion. You can cope with this task on your own, following the step-by-step instructions of an experienced lawyer.

The owner (or owners) will have to:

  • - prepare the necessary package of documents;
  • - determine the types of activities;
  • - form the authorized capital;
  • - choose the optimal taxation system;
  • - go through the registration procedure;
  • - open a bank account;
  • - make a seal;
  • - choose an office;
  • - hire staff.

To organize and register a company with this form of ownership, one founder is enough, but the total number of participants cannot exceed 50 people.

Registration documents

To create your own company in the form of a limited liability company, you need to prepare a package of documents in which in addition to the application form P11001 must include:

  1. the decision of the founder (taken solely) or the minutes of the meeting of the founders (if there are several of them);
  2. company charter;
  3. memorandum of association (subject to the creation of a company by 2 or more persons);
  4. a document confirming the payment of the state fee;
  5. a duly executed power of attorney (if a representative is engaged in registration);
  6. application for the transition to an acceptable taxation system.

Before submitting documents, you need to take care of the legal address. The registration authority will require a document, will require confirmation of its availability. If this is a rented or own premises, you will have to provide a letter of guarantee signed by the owner if the company is registered at CEO or the founder will need his written consent.

As for the size of the authorized capital, it cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles, and must be paid in full within 4 months after the registration procedure.

Tax system: what to choose?

Current legislature Russian Federation allows you to select the following types:

  • - simplified (USN);
  • - general (OSNO);
  • - single tax on temporary tax (UTII);
  • - unified agricultural tax (ESKhN);
  • - patent system (PSN).

Most owners of modern companies prefer "simplified". This system is best option for small business owners. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. you will have to pay one tax regularly, instead of three;
  2. contributions to the budget are made once a quarter;
  3. reporting is submitted once a year.

The system allows you to choose taxation at 2 rates:

  • - 6% (all profit received by the enterprise is taxed);
  • - 15%, which are levied on the company's income (this takes into account the expenses that the company had in the process of work).

Enterprises that have chosen the common system pay property tax, income tax and VAT and are required to submit reports on them regularly.

Companies operating on UTII pay a deduction to the budget, the amount of which depends on the type of activity, the size of the area on which it is carried out, the presence and number of employees.

ESHN can choose an enterprise, 70% of whose income is received from the sale of agricultural products.

The patent system is designed for firms whose line of business requires obtaining permits (patents).

Choice of activities

Any enterprise is created only when its founders know what they want to do and have a business plan for the development of their company. However, you should think about the fact that in the process of work, related areas may appear that will make the business even more successful. When registering documents, you will have to indicate one main type of activity and any number of additional ones.

It is not a problem if the company needs to add additional activities in the process of work. This can be easily done by writing a relevant application to the tax authority.

Registration procedure

Having prepared Required documents, having chosen the types of activity and the optimal taxation system, you can proceed to the final stage - the submission of documents. Modern legislation allows you to do this in several ways:

  1. personally or through a representative;
  2. by mail;
  3. using the Internet.

Having chosen the first option, you should contact the registering authority of the Federal Tax Service at the location of the company's legal address. In large cities, this function has been transferred to multifunctional centers. If the submission of documents is carried out by a representative, you must take care of the presence of a notarized power of attorney. In case of personal transfer of documents, the presence of all the founders is necessary (in the same composition, you will have to pick up the documents). Consideration of the application and the adoption of a decision is carried out within three working days from the date of their submission.

When applying by mail, you should be aware that you do not need to visit the registration authority to receive ready-made documents. They will be sent to the legal address of the company. The disadvantage of this method is the mandatory notarization of the signatures of all the founders, and these are significant costs, to which the payment of postal services is added.

Online applications are the most popular. A special service is simple and easy to use, which allows you to fill out the necessary forms effortlessly even for people who are not confident Internet users. In addition, the program is configured in such a way that the applicant will not be able to send forms filled with errors, and this greatly simplifies the procedure for accepting documents.

Also on the topic of starting your own company, see:

The growing number of vehicles on the roads of Russia directly stimulates an increase in demand for their components. Entrepreneurial people know this feature and successfully strive to implement it. We will talk in detail about how to make a business on auto parts in today's article.

general information

Every car needs repairs sooner or later. The older the car gets, the more investment it requires. And as the number of vehicles on our roads increases from year to year, the need for components is growing. The auto parts business, if properly organized, will become a stable source of income.

In addition to spare parts, the company can supply and sell consumables. These include oils, filters, auto accessories and more. When creating your own business, you need to focus on the focus of the region where you plan to open a company.

Perhaps, spare parts will be in great demand not only for passenger cars, but also for trucks, buses or agricultural machinery. Signing a contract for the supply of goods to any auto company will be of great help. In this case, the percentage of the probability of a successful outcome of the case increases many times over.

Market and competitors

The auto parts market is quite large these days. Before thinking about starting a business, analyze it and study the competitors. You may be able to find auto parts business ideas that haven't caught on yet and be the first in the field. Analysis can be done in several ways.

The first, and it is considered the simplest and most inexpensive, is employment in a specialized auto parts store. In a short time, you will be able to thoroughly study the running positions, understand the features that are characteristic of this issue.

If you have no desire to work for hire, you can do an analysis of cars in the region. Find out their age, models, take an interest in problems in auto repair shops. The last way you can resort to before opening an auto parts business is to order an analysis from professionals. In this case, you will receive detailed and detailed information about how the situation has developed at a certain moment.


After studying the data obtained, you must draw up a business plan, on which you will rely not only on organizational issues, but also when planning financial investments. In addition, the project will allow, if necessary, to attract additional funds.

Contracts with suppliers

Thinking about how to organize the sale of auto parts, you need to decide on the range. At the initial stage, preference should be given to the most popular positions. After the list of nomenclature has been identified, it is required to find suppliers and conclude contracts with them.

Some entrepreneurs, taking their first steps in this business, buy goods in wholesale markets or in stores. good option it will be possible to take auto parts for sale. It is possible to ensure the full-fledged operation of the company without a shortage of goods (especially in the off-season) if you find and conclude written agreements with several suppliers at once.

Don't lose sight of your competitors. Conduct price monitoring. Look for better offers from suppliers. By doing this, you can reduce the cost of goods in your store and make it attractive to customers. Business development will also require tracking trends in the regional car market. Do not disregard the release of new models and modifications of cars.

Start-up capital

To start a business selling auto parts, you need about 30 thousand dollars. With an average turnover of 10 thousand dollars per month and a trade margin of about 20-25%, its profitability will be 20-25%. If you follow all the subtleties and features of the auto business, the store will be able to fully pay for itself in 9-12 months. This figure is considered quite high.

Legal aspects

When choosing auto parts as a business, you should carry out the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a limited liability company (LLC). This can be done by submitting the appropriate application form to the local tax authority. You will receive a certificate of registration, assignment of a TIN, registration with the Tax Inspectorate, and you will receive the codes of the State Statistics Committee.

In addition, you must register a company in a medical, pension funds and the social security fund. The final moment will be the choice of a taxation system, the opening of a current account and the production of a seal. For novice businessmen, given the low turnover, it is best to give preference to individual entrepreneurship. Thus, you can save on taxes and reduce the amount of paperwork.


In parallel with the development of the project and registration with the tax service, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the store. This largely determines the success with which your business will develop. The sale of auto parts will bring big profits if the outlet is located near the stations Maintenance, garages, highways. This should be done taking into account the traffic of people: the higher it is, the more customers will notice your store.

The premises can be rented or built from scratch. The first method is simpler for beginner entrepreneurs, since the construction of a building will require considerable investments. In addition, it is worth creating a website. With it, you can sell the most popular items, order spare parts and consumables via the Internet.

Arrangement of the premises, organizational moments

When opening your own auto parts business, you need to come up with a sonorous name for the store. It should reflect the essence of your company and be easy to remember. Make sure your sign is bright and easy to read. Internal and appearance the store must arrange customers to visit it. Install high-quality lighting so that the product is clearly visible. An important point is the presence of a parking lot or convenient access to the outlet.

It is best to adjust the store's work schedule in such a way that the client has the opportunity to purchase goods at the end of the working day and on weekends. This time is convenient for those who repair the car on their own.

Make the store open 24/7 if possible. This is especially true in those cities where federal highways pass. Drivers, "broken" on the road, will certainly look for a store that works around the clock. This will bring additional profit to your company.


As such, equipment for a company selling auto parts is not required. Like any point of sale, the store needs to be equipped with racks, showcases, racks and shelves, on which goods can be conveniently and freely placed. Today, for such a business, access to the Internet is important. With it, you can easily and quickly identify and select spare parts by VIN code. This opportunity is especially relevant for owners of foreign cars.


Having experience in selling auto parts and good knowledge in this industry, you can start working in a store on your own for the first time. With a favorable set of circumstances, the business will begin to develop and grow, there will be a need for additional staff. In this case, it makes sense to involve sales consultants with experience in the automotive industry.

Not being able to do bookkeeping on your own, you need to hire a permanent or visiting accountant. An additional advantage will be the service of an independent master who will be able to assess the breakdown of the car and give an answer to the motorist on the question of what parts will fit his car. His duties may include small minor repairs, which are carried out on the spot.


After going through all the organizational stages, you will get a ready-made business. Auto parts will be in demand until cars stop breaking down. And modern technology has not yet been able to achieve this. Focus on the quality of the products sold, track the company's pricing policy - and success will surely accompany your business.

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