Millerman, Alexander Samuilovich - theory and practice of insurance in construction. Millerman Alexander - personal blog about insurance

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Born on October 12, 1965. In 1987 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers (MIIT) with a degree in Bridges and Tunnels. In 1993 - postgraduate study at the All-Union Research Institute of Transport Construction, having received the degree of candidate of technical sciences. In 2000, he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit. In 2006 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Methodological and organizational foundations of insurance in the construction industry". Since 2008, he has been the head of the Department of Finance and Insurance at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Author of more than 60 scientific articles and monographs on the topic of construction risk insurance, including the books "Theory and risk management in insurance" (2002), "Insurance of construction risks" (2004), "Theory and practice of insurance in construction" (2005) and etc. He is one of the founders of the development of methodological and organizational foundations for insurance and risk management of the largest investment and construction projects in our country.
For 17 years, he has been the head of the GEFEST Insurance Joint Stock Company, which specializes in insuring corporate technical and property risks in the construction, transport and energy industries and is one of the three leaders in insurance of construction and installation works in Russia.
Full member of the Russian Academy of Transport, member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, head of the working group for interaction with construction SROs.
In 2007, he was awarded a departmental badge of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing "Honorary Builder of Russia" for his contribution to the development of the construction industry. In 2008 he was awarded the Order of the Russian Union of Builders "For Merit in Construction".


1.1 Features of insurance in the construction industry

1.2 Risk: nature and methods of assessment

1.3 General classification of risks of a construction company

1.4 Task and methods of enterprise risk management

1.5 Risk spectrum of the enterprise

1.6 Specific risks of construction companies 79 and their insurance


2.1 Development of the concept of insurance in the construction sector

2.2 Methodological foundations of insurance support 104 for the construction of complex and unique objects

2.3 Justification of the organizational structure and functions of 113 insurance companies in the construction sector

2.4 Determining the economic efficiency of insurance 116 in construction

2.5 Methodological foundations of comprehensive insurance 123 in construction


3.1 Basic methods of construction risk insurance theory

3.2 Organization of reinsurance in construction

3.3 Construction risk reinsurance models

3.4 Basic principles for calculating the tariff rate of insurance 174 construction risks

3.5 Development of risk management programs in construction


4.1 Classification of insurance policies in construction

4.2 Objects and object of property insurance

4.3 Civil liability insurance in construction

4.4 Mutual liability in construction insurance

4.5 Insurance and control



5.1 Features of the implementation of corporate insurance

5.2 Parametric description of the insurance subsystem 289 in the structure of a corporation

5.3 Organization of interaction between insurance companies 295 and construction departments at large and unique transport facilities

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Finance, money circulation and credit", 08.00.10 VAK code

  • Insurance of construction and installation risks in the implementation of complex projects 2010, candidate of economic sciences Shukalovich, Lyudmila Valerievna

  • Improving the management of investment projects in the context of construction, installation and operational risks 1998, candidate of economic sciences Gabrin, Konstantin Eduardovich

  • Insurance coverage in construction using a credit default swap model 2010, candidate of economic sciences Gumenyuk, Oleg Yurievich

  • Insurance of construction and installation risks in modern conditions 2001, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kuksinsky, Dmitry Viktorovich

  • Insurance of industrial enterprises: theory, methodology, practice 2008, Doctor of Economic Sciences Kirillova, Nadezhda Viktorovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Methodological and organizational foundations of insurance in the construction complex"

Structural adjustment and the development of the Russian economy stimulated the growth of capital construction, especially in the areas of housing, industry and transport infrastructure (highways, bridges, tunnels, subways, etc.). Construction activity has caused a significant increase in demand for insurance services and the response development of insurance. There is a steady trend towards an increase in the volume of insurance, a regulatory and legal framework for insurance activities is being created, which determines the relationship of insurance companies with objects and subjects of insurance.

Capital construction insurance has a number of features, namely: large amounts of potential damage due to the high cost of the facilities being built; an increase in the cost of the object as the project is implemented; the complexity of the relationship of construction participants within the framework of contracts and subcontracts (general contractor, contractors, subcontractors, etc.), generating a high level of uncertainty and risk; significant influence of natural factors on the pace and quality of construction production, etc. This requires the development of the theory and practice of risk insurance for the construction of large structures.

Russian insurance companies successfully solve many practical problems of insurance. At the same time, the complexity of the modern construction industry and the imperfection of the existing methodological approach to insuring the construction of large and unique industrial and infrastructure facilities do not allow solving a number of the most important scientific and methodological problems of insurance at a practical level, which reduces its effectiveness. The modern approach to risk management by economic methods is to organize interaction between insurance and production structures in the implementation of large-scale innovative construction projects. An important condition for the construction of large facilities is the insurance of complex and often unique equipment, as well as the systemic protection of builders from many types of risk. In many areas of the construction industry and in a number of regions, insurance is an integral part of contractual requirements for construction companies and a guarantee of the timely and high-quality implementation of the production program. In addition, insurance makes it possible to increase the financial stability of construction companies, despite their dependence on natural and man-made factors that affect the timing and cost of construction.

Construction risks are often associated with serious consequences already at the construction and installation stage of the project. A significant part of all risks and, accordingly, insurance conditions are constantly changing during the construction process due to the fact that:

The cost of the object under construction increases and, accordingly, the potential amount of possible damages;

As construction progresses, design and technological solutions can be refined and improved;

The organizational structure of production is constantly changing, co-executors of individual works appear and change;

Production facilities (mechanisms and workers) move to the facilities under construction, often at very considerable distances;

After completion of construction at the stage of post-commissioning warranty obligations, the risk of damage from exceeding operational loads and impacts increases.

All of the above factors, on the one hand, necessitate constant monitoring of the state of the facility and the risks associated with it; and on the other hand, they require building such an insurance mechanism, inherent only in capital construction, which would take into account the key features of the industry.

The listed features of construction must be taken into account when assessing risks, setting tariffs and determining insurance conditions: sums insured, liability limits, deductibles, etc. An insurance company must be proficient in the scientific method of risk assessment, have its own reference and information database of statistics on incidents at similar construction sites and related damage, conduct a pre-insurance examination, promptly investigate the causes of damage in order to make informed decisions on the payment of insurance compensation.

The solution of the whole complex of problems of insurance of construction risks is possible only on the basis of a deep knowledge of the features of the construction industry, which requires the insurance company to specialize precisely in construction risks.

Despite the obvious demand, the insurance methodology in managing innovation processes in the capital construction industry lags behind the needs of real insurance; there are not enough science-based concepts, programs and methods to solve specific industry-specific problems of economic risk management. A separate problem is the distribution of existing methods of organizing insurance of large construction projects for linear-extended complexes (road and railway lines, tunnels, bridges, etc.), where natural and technical conditions of construction are the decisive risk factors. All this determines the relevance of the dissertation research.

The object of research is the organizational and economic relations arising in the field of insurance of enterprises of the construction complex. The subject of the research is the processes of insurance of construction risks; legal relationship between the insurer and the policyholder when concluding an insurance contract; economic relations in compensation for damage from natural disasters and other negative events, as well as relations between a group of insurance companies for reinsurance of risks as a condition for the financial stability of insurance companies and guarantees for the fulfillment of their obligations to policyholders.

The hypothesis of the dissertation research is the assumption that organizational and economic methods can increase the financial stability of construction and insurance companies, increase guarantees for the fulfillment of their contractual obligations, which will help improve the quality and timeliness of the commissioning of industrial facilities and infrastructure, and thereby accelerate the innovative development of the national economy.

The main problem solved in the dissertation is the development of methodological and organizational foundations for insurance in the construction industry when insuring large and unique construction projects, as well as construction companies against financial losses that threaten their financial stability. The purpose of the study is to develop a concept and methodology for comprehensive insurance of construction risks based on the creation of an organizational system for the interaction of insurance and contracting organizations in capital construction. To achieve this goal, the dissertation solved a set of tasks that determine the logic and structure of the study:

Based on the economic essence and functions of insurance and taking into account the formulated features of the construction of large and unique objects, the concept of insurance in construction has been developed;

An analysis of the features of insurance of construction and installation risks is given;

A classification of risks accompanying construction and installation work has been developed;

A schematic diagram of the organization of interaction between insurance companies and construction firms has been developed;

The organizational structure of the insurance subsystem of the construction industry is proposed;

A methodology has been developed for insuring the construction of large and unique objects using the reinsurance of large risks.

In the process of developing the concept and methodological provisions of insurance of construction risks at large and unique objects, the results of scientific research by domestic and foreign experts in the field of construction, finance and insurance, the works of Russian scientific institutions and international organizations on industry insurance were analyzed. The analysis of the development of insurance in the construction complex of Russia made it possible to identify its strengths and weaknesses, to assess the quality of legislative and regulatory acts regulating the insurance of construction and installation risks and related areas of activity, to summarize the statistical, methodological and instructional materials of insurance, financial and tax departments and on this basis to propose methods that develop Russian insurance.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research is the works of domestic and foreign economists in the field of insurance, reinsurance and state regulation of the insurance business, strategic management and strategic marketing in insurance, the Civil and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation, legal acts regulating insurance relations and the activities of insurance organizations in the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. The work uses methods of comparative analysis, expert assessments, probabilistic and statistical methods, as well as methods of optimization theory. The dissertation discusses various aspects of market reproduction associated with uncertainty and risks of a natural, man-made, social and other nature.

The degree of development of the problem. M.Yu. Abelev, M.S. Atlas, Yu.T. Akhvlediani, G. Bader, L.V. Besfamilnaya, A.M. Birman, B.G. Boldyrev, E .A.Voznesensky, A.G.Gryaznova, L.A.Drobozina, V.P.Dyachenko,

E.T.Kagalovskaya, E.Sh.Kachalova, E.V.Kolomin, I.B.Kotlobovsky, M.A.Krykin, S.I.Lushin, L.A.Motylev, L.A.Orlanyuk-Malitskaya, K.N. Plotnikov, V.K. Raikher, V.M. Rodionova, L.I. Reitman, V.I. Ryabikin, I.G. Sychev, K.E. Turbina, E.R. K. Shermenev, V. V. Shakhov, R. T. Yuldashev and others, who gave a solution to the key problems of insurance in the conditions of the formation and development of a market economy in Russia. However, insurance of capital construction projects, especially large industrial and infrastructure facilities, taking into account the complex geological, seismic and climatic conditions of our country, requires a special approach. Firstly, due to the impossibility of directly transferring the experience of classical property insurance to the construction industry. Secondly, due to the special importance of infrastructure facilities for the national and regional economy. Thirdly, the scale and consequences of damages in capital construction often turn out to be disproportionately higher than the own retention standards of an individual, even the largest insurance company, which dictates the need for reinsurance of such risks. Finally, the non-simultaneous commissioning of construction projects that form a complex engineering complex leads to the need to insure interdependent risks, which is a difficult problem when calculating insurance rates. Therefore, in order to insure the risks of construction of large and unique objects in the interests of both the insured and the insurer, the general insurance methodology requires adaptation and development in the conditions of the construction industry.

Scientific novelty of the research. The dissertation developed a methodology for insurance in construction, in which special attention is paid to the insurance of large and unique industrial facilities and transport infrastructure; organizational bases for insurance of construction companies have been developed to maintain their financial stability at a safe level. The main results of the dissertation containing scientific novelty:

1. The concept of insurance in the construction industry has been formulated and substantiated, which consists in organizing the interaction of insurance companies and construction enterprises at all stages of the investment and construction cycle, from pre-project survey to commissioning; at the initial stage, insurance companies specializing in construction risk insurance and having the experience and statistics of such insurance help construction companies develop a construction risk management program; at the subsequent stages of the investment and construction cycle, insurance companies accompany the project, modifying the risk management program in accordance with the phased change in the risk spectrum of construction. Such interaction provides maximum protection against construction risks within the allocated funds, which has a positive effect on the cost and timing of construction, as well as on the financial performance of the construction company.

2. A methodology for pre-insurance examination has been developed, which makes it possible to identify the factors influencing the insurance assessment of risks of various categories. It is shown that insurance can almost completely compensate for the financial losses of a construction company from construction risks, compensating for unforeseen expenses to cover emergency losses through regular and acceptable insurance premiums for the company, as well as expenses for preventive measures.

3. A basic scheme of interaction between insurance companies and construction companies is proposed, which ensures that the financial stability of a construction company is maintained at a safe level; the organizational structure of the insurance subsystem in the construction industry was determined, including, at the top level, risk management and insurance divisions in the staff of the construction companies themselves (hereinafter referred to as the Insurance Departments), which determine the need, financial resources, goals, methods and restrictions in solving insurance problems, at the middle level there is a specialized broker (or a parent insurance company) that develops, upon request and in cooperation with the Insurance Department, a risk management program by insurance methods, provides insurance and reinsurance, organizes a community of insurance companies at the third level and distributes insurance tasks between them as part of a common management program construction company risks.

4. The effectiveness of a three-level risk management structure in a large construction organization is substantiated on the basis of the theory of risk exchange in a group of insurance companies when concluding insurance contracts. The broker or parent insurance company coordinates the activities of third-tier insurance companies and ensures the application of uniform rules and criteria for assessing the quality of risk distribution by all insurance companies of the group. This allows achieving an optimal distribution of risk portfolios, and thereby maximizing the overall financial result for the entire group of insurance companies.

5. The methodology for insuring construction risks of large and unique objects is substantiated, which consists in dividing the entire object into start-up complexes, taking into account their technological isolation and insurance categories (possible risks, the amount and devastation of damages, possible technologies and the cost of restoration, etc. ); within the start-up complex, engineering structures with their characteristic risk spectrum are identified, and at the lower level, construction work on the construction of these engineering structures is identified with the most detailed risk characteristics. When assessing risks, not only the composition of the construction site (start-up complex, engineering structure) and the content of the work are taken into account, but also external conditions (natural, geological, hydrological, etc.), as well as the characteristics of the performers. The parameters of an insurance contract for a large and unique construction object are compiled by combining the insurance parameters of its constituent objects and processes. This methodology for insuring large and unique objects ensures the safety of construction investments in conditions of high uncertainty and risks, not only for start-up complexes, but also for technological stages up to the commissioning of an object.

6. The concept of insurance support for construction organizations is proposed, which consists in the fact that insurance in the construction complex should correspond to the economics of the production activities of contracting units, as well as to the complex natural, technical and technological conditions for the construction of facilities. In this regard, construction insurance should be organized as a subsystem of the construction industry, the structure and functional relationships of which most effectively correspond to the goal - the comprehensive protection of construction organizations and facilities from risks. At the same time, the consistency of the insurance industry consists in integrating the insurance subsystem into the organizational structure of the industry and managing risks in cooperation with all levels of industry management.

7. Introduced and justified insurance for the construction and commissioning of large and unique facilities (term 7), because financially, the term T is connected with the schedule for attracting and distributing large budgetary or private appropriations; in organizational terms, it is an important parameter of the construction industry, which determines its needs for financial, material, technical and labor resources; in economic terms, the term T determines the commissioning of new production capacities and the payback of capital investments. The economic efficiency of T term insurance is to reduce the lost profit from the delay in the commissioning of large facilities due to random and unforeseen events (primarily industrial accidents).

8. A methodology has been developed for implementing a comprehensive reinsurance program for large construction and installation risks under a non-proportional reinsurance agreement based on an excess of loss, with two-level reinsurance. This contract establishes a deductible for the reinsurer of the first level, and part of the major damage that goes beyond the deductible is compensated by the second reinsurer. Such an agreement guarantees compensation for the largest damages, which has a positive effect on the financial stability of construction companies implementing large and unique investment and construction projects.

9. A methodology for risk management and strategic planning of the activities of an insurance company engaged in insurance of construction and installation risks is proposed. The economic efficiency of insurance at construction sites was determined by reducing the reserve funds for unforeseen expenses by the construction company. It is shown that even in the case of large and unique objects, the costs of the developed insurance system on average do not exceed 1 - 1.5% of the estimated cost of construction, which makes it possible to refuse from the formation of most of the contingency fund (up to 10% of the estimated cost of the object) when solving technical problems. the same tasks.

The scientific and practical significance of the research results lies in the developed methods for implementing the insurance system in construction, especially large and unique industrial and infrastructure facilities, as well as the developed organizational foundations for insurance in the activities of construction companies to maintain their financial stability at a safe level in conditions of high and specific capital risks. construction.

The conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation research can be used by insurance companies and construction companies: - when preparing proposals for developing a strategy and tactics for the company's insurance activities in the construction complex;

When preparing new and improving existing types and products of insurance, calculating optimal insurance rates;

When solving the problems of managing insurance activities at the enterprises of the construction complex;

When solving problems of classification and risk management;

When developing methods of pre-insurance examination;

When organizing the work of surveyors at enterprises and insurance companies.

Approbation of the material. The main provisions and results of the dissertation research are set out in scientific publications of the applicant with a total volume of more than 45 printed sheets, were reported at the Fifth and Sixth All-Russian Symposium on Strategic Planning and Enterprise Development (Moscow, April 2004 and April 2005), the Second All-Russian Conference on Insurance of Construction Risks (Moscow, October 2004), the All-Russian Symposium on Mini-Economy (Ekaterinburg, May 2002), were repeatedly discussed at the joint meetings of the departments "Organization Management" and "Finance, Credit and Insurance" of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion; the total volume of the main text was 331 pages, including 12 figures and 15 tables. The list of used literature contains more than 200 titles.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Finance, monetary circulation and credit", Millerman, Alexander Samuilovich


1. The economic security of capital construction organizations with its long investment cycle, significant resource intensity and constant dependence on natural and man-made impacts can be ensured under the condition of continuous and comprehensive insurance support. Complex organizational and technical features and natural conditions for the implementation of construction production make it difficult to solve the most important scientific and methodological problems of insurance and hinder its development.

The conceptual approach to insurance in construction developed and implemented by the author is aimed at insurance support for the production and economic activities of construction companies, the program of which includes a number of dispersed objects; and insurance support for the construction of complex and unique facilities, which employ several contractors and subcontractors.

2. The concept of insurance support for construction organizations is that insurance in the construction complex should correspond to the economic features of the production activities of contracting units; take into account the complex natural, technical and technological conditions for the construction of facilities. In this regard, insurance activities should be organized as a subsystem of the industry, the structure and functional relationships of which correspond to the comprehensive protection of construction organizations and facilities from risks. The insurance subsystem should be integrated into the organizational structure of the industry and risk management in cooperation with all levels of industry management.

3. The concept of insurance support for a new facility provides for insurance of risks at all stages of the life cycle, including pre-project research and design of the facility, construction, testing and acceptance, operation and maintenance in the post-warranty period. Risks arise, accumulate and manifest themselves at all stages. Stage 1 refers to the stage of scientific support, design and development work carried out to create a new object. The risk arises when choosing a technical solution - safe in technical and technological terms, and efficient in economic terms. Preventive measures consist in monitoring the safety and compliance of the technical solution with the international quality certification system. These measures are related to the forecast of insurance actions, including their advance payment. Stage 2: Construction of the facility. This is the main part of the insurance methodology, including the definition of construction risks, measures for their prevention and insurance in a comprehensive CAR system.

Stage 3 is implemented at the stage of operation and maintenance of the facility. Here, the risks laid down in the previous stages are manifested. The insurance support system thus implies a causal relationship between the stages of the life cycle and ensuring their technical, technological, economic and environmental safety. 4. The analysis of the state of the problem showed that the methodological support of the sectoral insurance in the management of innovative processes has not been sufficiently developed. To solve specific intra-industry tasks of insurance and risk management in construction, there are not enough scientific and methodological developments. The thesis reveals the features of the methodological support of insurance in the construction industry: a) the impossibility of extending the existing methods of organizing insurance to large facilities and complexes (highways, tunnels, etc.), where the decisive risk factors are natural and man-made conditions of construction; b) the lack of methods for substantiating the parameters of insurance contracts, taking into account the specifics of the construction industry:

Continuous change in space and time of engineering and geological characteristics of objects and conditions for the production of construction and installation works;

A large number of contractors and subcontractors interacting in production and, accordingly, in the area of ​​risk;

Fundamentally different technologies for the construction and restoration of an object in the event of an insured event, which determine its cost, the necessary financial reserve for the reproduction of a damaged object and the economic security of contractors; c) insufficient legislative and regulatory support for insurance of complex investment projects that do not take into account:

3. long-term investment cycle and change in the capital intensity of the object over time;

4. the need to insure objects by technologically completed stages and start-up complexes (the parameters of which are not precisely determined in advance in time), and not by years, as is customary in classical property insurance.

5. Modern construction is characterized by the emergence of new structural and technological schemes, the complication of the equipment used, new materials, growing requirements for the quality and timing of construction and installation work. At the facilities located in the areas of new economic development of Siberia and the Far East, difficult natural conditions are added to these features. Because of this, the risk of accidents, failure of machines and mechanisms increases, which causes significant material damage to construction contractors and reduces their competitiveness. The dissertation developed a methodology for establishing the parametric correspondence between the production and insurance subsystems for the construction of large and unique facilities.

6. One of the modern economic approaches to solving the problem of risk reduction is the organization of interaction between insurance and economic structures in the implementation of large-scale innovative construction projects. The dissertation developed the functions of the insurance sub-sector, which should ensure the economic security of capital construction organizations in the following areas: 1) risk forecast; 2) timely compensation of financial losses; 3) formation of economic funds to prevent and eliminate the consequences of risks; 4) minimizing the cost of eliminating catastrophic losses; 5) improving the technological discipline of construction production and monitoring.

7. The most important area of ​​activity of the insurance sub-sector is the insurance of fixed assets of construction companies. In the course of structural adjustment and transition to a market economy, the condition of fixed assets and the risk of putting objects into operation are of increasing importance. The need for insurance and improvement of the methodology for its application is growing in the construction of large and unique facilities, including in connection with contractual conditions for the acquisition of complex and unique equipment, as well as the formation of machine complexes. Insurance funds for the restoration of equipment make it possible to ensure the world level of quality and reliability of facilities with the timely implementation of the production program.

8. To substantiate insurance contracts, the dissertation establishes and systematically uses the relationship between organizational and insurance parameters. When implementing a large-scale investment project, a significant part of the risks falls on the stage of construction and installation works. During the construction process, the cost of the object being built changes from zero at the beginning of work to the full cost when the object is handed over to the customer. Accordingly, the severity of the possible damage also changes. At the same time, as construction progresses, mounting loads and impacts are reduced, as well as the risk of damage from exceeding their calculated values.

As construction is completed, the risk of damage from exceeding operational loads and impacts increases. The timing of the introduction of technological stages and launch complexes is proposed to be taken into account when assessing risks and setting tariffs. The methodology developed and implemented in transport construction makes it possible to determine the parameters of insurance: sums insured, liability limits, deductibles, tariffs, etc. To assess the risks, our own statistical database of insurance parameters has been created, which is used for pre-insurance examination, prompt investigation of the causes of damages and calculation of insurance indemnities.

9. In the construction industry, one of the main conditions for the quality of objects is warranty insurance. To this end, the dissertation developed an organizational scheme for post-launch guarantee insurance, which includes the interests of the general contractor and customers of the operated completed facility in the contractual terms. The implementation of the insurance scheme developed by the author of objects at all stages of the investment cycle has shown the possibility of combining the interests of construction and operating organizations. Analysis of the influence and connection of contract parameters with the actual results of insured events made it possible to identify significant parameters that require legislative support. In particular, restrictions on the interest rate and the amount of deductions from the cost to the insurance fund are the prerogative of the contracting parties and may be self-regulating parameters, while the “set of responsibility” parameter belongs to the category of security and must be determined by law.

10. The main objective of the applied part of the dissertation was the comprehensive integration of the parent insurance company CJSC GEFEST into the structure of the Transstroy corporation, organizing the interaction of insurance departments with departments, JSCs and industry divisions. To solve this problem, the author developed and over a ten-year period adapted the organizational structure of CJSC "GEFEST" and its branches in order to fully interact with production subsystems. In accordance with the concept diagram of the organizational structure of corporate insurance, three levels of insurance management are defined and implemented in specific forms: 1st level - Risk Management Department; 2nd level - Head insurance company; 3rd level - insurance and reinsurance partner companies.

11. The main provisions and conclusions on the methodology of complex insurance of the industry have been implemented in CJSC "GEFEST" since 1993. The theoretically substantiated decisions by the author regarding the structure and functions of the insurance company provided high-quality insurance protection for transport facilities and transport construction enterprises. The main area of ​​activity is the development and implementation of comprehensive insurance programs integrated into business across the national economy and throughout the country. In this field of activity, the company is a leader in Russian insurance.

12. Developed under the methodological guidance and with the direct participation of the author, the principles of organizing insurance activities in the construction complex and insurance products have been implemented and operated for more than 10 years in the implementation of major projects, such as:

Construction of the transport tunnel Lefortovo. The sum insured for property risks is 8.79 billion rubles. The sum insured for liability is 2 billion rubles.

Overhaul of the Luzhnikovsky metro bridge in Moscow. The sum insured for property risks is 2.21 billion rubles.

The construction of a monorail in Moscow. The sum insured for property risks is 1.28 billion rubles.

Construction of the Moscow Ring Road, the third transport ring in Moscow.

The objects of practical implementation of the research results also include a number of large facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular the Ring Road and the water regulation dam in St. Petersburg, the Novosibirsk automobile bypass, and the development of transport infrastructure on the island. Sakhalin and others.

13. The implementation of the organizational structures and methods of insurance developed in the thesis showed that the main condition for the construction of large transport facilities (tunnels, subways, bridges, highways) is comprehensive insurance. In regions with difficult construction production conditions, only insurance allows construction firms to meet the requirements for taking into account the risk in the implementation of the production program. The successful implementation of a construction and investment project depends on the insurance of all necessary production resources (machinery, equipment, vehicles, building materials), as well as contracts for contract and subcontract work (construction, installation and commissioning).

14. The effectiveness of insurance in capital construction is due to the possibility of saving money by refusing to create reserve funds for unforeseen expenses, which reach 10% of the estimated cost, while insurance costs do not exceed 1-1.5% on average. The concept of corporate insurance in construction proposed and implemented by the author allows:

Forecast and record the costs of preventing and eliminating the consequences of risks in order to include them in the corporation's balance sheet;

Minimize the costs of eliminating the consequences of catastrophic losses;

Eliminate most of the unforeseen contingencies and smooth out the movement of financial flows;

To increase the economic security of construction organizations during the construction of large and unique facilities.

List of references for dissertation research Doctor of Economic Sciences Millerman, Alexander Samuilovich, 2006

1. Legislative and regulatory acts

3. Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2003 N 32-F3 "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Licensing Certain Types of Activities ".

4. Law of the Russian Federation No. 164-FZ dated October 29, 1998 “On financial lease (leasing)” (as amended by Federal Law No. 10-FZ dated January 29, 2002).

5. Law of the Russian Federation No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" of December 27, 2002.

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.10.2002 No. 737 “On tenders among insurers for the implementation of insurance at the expense of the relevant budget”.

7. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1361-R of September 25, 2002 “On Approval of the Concept for the Development of Insurance in the Russian Federation”.

8. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 54 dated February 1, 2006 “On State Construction Supervision in the Russian Federation”.

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General Director of CJSC "GEFEST"

He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, Faculty of Bridges and Tunnels and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in insurance. Full member of the Russian Academy of Transport, member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, head of the VSS working group for interaction with construction SROs.

Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, author of more than 60 scientific articles and monographs, including the books "Theory and Risk Management in Insurance", "Insurance of Construction Risks", "Theory and Practice of Insurance in Construction", etc. Head of the Department "Finance" and Insurance" Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2007 he was awarded the title of "Honorary Builder of Russia" for his contribution to the development of the construction industry.

In 2008 he was awarded the Order of the Russian Union of Builders "For Merit in Construction".

Experience in insurance - more than 20 years.

The main challenge is the general decrease in money in the economy caused by the current crisis

As the main challenge, I see the general decrease in money in the economy caused by the current crisis and the related reduction in costs both for corporate insurance, which was previously one of the drivers for the entire market, and for other traditional types. Accordingly, there can be no talk of developing new types of insurance. Even before the crisis, Russia was one of the most "underinsured" among the largest countries in the world; we still do not have many of the types of insurance that have already taken their rightful place in the economies of other states. What can we say about the present times, when non-core expenses are cut first of all. In a normal market, any business tries to direct at least a small part of its income to development. For the insurance sector, this share was already small, and in a crisis, it generally tends to zero.

Category: Challenges of the Year - 2015 Publication date: 03.08.2015

From January 28, the Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in the Gefest IC. The company improperly executed the plan to restore solvency, the regulator said, the powers of the company's management were suspended.

As a rule, the regulator in the insurance market suspends the license and then introduces a temporary administration. “Probably, the Central Bank wants to keep abreast and directly control the company,” says Alexei Yanin, managing director for insurance ratings at RAEX, and the provisional administration is an organizationally faster process.

The plan for restoring the solvency of Gefest provides for correcting the situation with assets and replenishing capital, a company representative said earlier. It also involves an additional capitalization of almost 300 million rubles. through investments from existing shareholders and a strategic investor. Another point of the plan is to "optimize the ratio of income and expenses."

Entering the temporary administration is due to the fact that the company's shareholders failed to agree on the agreed candidacy of the new general director, according to the representative of the insurer. “The company continues to take measures to fulfill the plan, and negotiations with a new investor continue,” he assured.

The previous CEO of Gefest, Alexander Millerman (who founded the company in 1993 and has been its CEO since), left the company at the end of 2015, a spokesman said. Millerman wrote a letter of resignation back in November 2015, two people close to the company say, but shareholders did not accept him, as other top managers of the insurer were not ready to take responsibility "for the results of his work." Now Millerman is still a shareholder of the company - he owns 12.3%. Millerman did not answer Vedomosti's call.

After Millerman's departure, Vladimir Chubukov, the first deputy general director, was appointed acting in his capacity, a spokesman for the insurer points out. True, since January 22, Sergey Milovanov has been listed as the new CEO of the company, follows from an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Milovanov is a representative of new potential investors, says a Gefest employee. His candidacy was proposed by new investors, he even took office, he continues, but the general meeting of shareholders did not approve this appointment. But an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities dated January 31 still shows that Milovanov is the company's CEO. The representative of the insurer does not comment on this.

Milovanov has experience as the head of small and little-known insurers - among them the insurance broker Komstrakhrezerv (liquidated in 2008), the Transnational Insurance Company, according to SPARK-Interfax.

Potential investors are "not a very large financial group," says an insurer employee. The company is being eyed by a group of small investors - former executives of small insurers with a controversial reputation, said another person close to the company and its current shareholders. Among them, he names Mikhail Grishin (previously a top manager of the small insurer Granit, F-polis broker) and adds that there are only "3-4 of them."

Since the end of 2014, Gefest has not complied with the Central Bank's standards for covering its own funds and reserves, indicated in June-July RAEX, and the amount of net assets is insufficient.

The insurer's fees have been falling for several years already - after the Ministry of Construction excluded the item "insurance costs" from construction estimates in 2014. “The company tried to improve the situation by reorienting to auto insurance, but only faced a high loss ratio - about 150%, which only ate away capital,” says a person close to the company. This is not denied by the representative of the insurer. The insurer has been talking about the search for a new investor for half a year already, but back in September, RAEX analysts assessed the likelihood that the company will receive the necessary additional capitalization as low.

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