Investment projects list. The most reliable investment. Using online investments, you can get

In the article you will find a list that includes the best investment projects on the Internet.

Hello dear future investors. The number of World Wide Web users who are interested in making a profit by investing money in investment projects is growing exponentially every day.

This trend is not surprising, because HYIPs can bring super profits in a short time, no other way to make money on the Internet can boast of this.

Unfortunately, there is one significant problem - difficulties in finding a good, high-quality project with an adequate and experienced administration, which has a well-thought-out project development plan and is ready not to be greedy, but to let others earn money.

In this regard, we have prepared a subjective, since this is only our opinion, list of the best investment projects, which will be edited over time, since nothing in this world lasts forever and HYIP projects are no exception.

The best investment projects on the Internet in 2020

The best HYIP projects for making money Project overview: Deposit Bonus:
- medium-income project from an experienced administration and tariff plans for a period of 12-80 working days and a yield of 118%. At the helm of the project is an experienced administration, which always shows a good result. 5 %
- Self-written script, unique content, legend. It looks like the project has been worked on. + you can’t miss it and say it again about marketing - 3% indefinitely with the ability to return 34% and immediately break even. 10 %
- a high-quality medium-interest investment project with a range of work plans and a net yield of 3.9% in 3 days. Experienced administration, which has already shown just phenomenal work. 15 %
- HYIP project with a yield of 2.1% per day for 20 days. The project works only with cryptocurrency. 7 %
- a HYIP project that offers plans on an unlimited basis and a yield of 6% per day. Marketing is working, design and technical side are also at a high level. According to rumors, the admin is experienced here. 12 %
- A HYIP project from a foreign administration with a yield of 3% per day for 15 days. The project is based on the licensed Gold Coders script. Design and text are unique. 25 %
- an investment platform that provides a large number of ways to increase your capital 3 %
- An interesting investment project with a real yield of 24% net per month. We invested $200 in the project and have already earned a net 48% of net profit. 5 %
- an economic game that offers plans with a yield of 50% per month and a period of 75 days. 8 %
- A project that has been running for years and is still evolving. Stable and thoughtful marketing with 3 types of savings and a yield of 16% per month for a period of 1 to 200 weeks. 10 %

Instead of total

To make money on HYIPs, one must not only find good projects, but also adhere to strategies and rules that minimize the chances of failure. More about this in our other.

Also, not a few important factors are such concepts as and if you work with blogs or monitors. They will help to significantly reduce losses in cases of hype scam. Well, if the project works well, they will simply increase your total income, which is also very nice.

We, in turn, are also a blog that offers a very high refback for all the projects presented to us, for some we even provide 100% insurance. We invite you to cooperate.

We first of all publish all innovations and news in our telegram channel and in Push-mailing. So feel free to join in and remember, never, hear, never invest money that you can't afford to part with. Just announced the most important rule of investing.

That's all we have today. Good luck and fat profit!

Best regards, Money Hunters.

What is online investment and how to make money on investing? How to invest online with low risk? What Internet projects can increase your earnings?

Hello dear friends! Denis Kuderin, an investment specialist, is in touch.

Our new topic– profitable and reliable investments in the Internet. The material will be useful to anyone who wants to make money using the most relevant investment instruments today.

More and more people are investing in promising online projects and multiplying their income many times over without even leaving their homes.

Do you want to join their number? Then - go ahead!

1. Features of investing on the Internet

The Internet is a space of endless possibilities for enterprising, thinking and energetic people. On the Internet, you can not only have fun, communicate and receive information. Here you can earn and earn a lot.

Do you want the World Wide Web to become the source of your financial independence? Then invest your money online in promising investment instruments.

Having made competent investments, you will receive passive income - all reasonable people strive for this type of income. Money can be put into circulation and its quantity increased: as a result of such a maneuver, you will gain financial independence and freedom from hard hired work.

Competent investments in the Internet are:

  • earnings that do not depend on labor costs;
  • confidence in the future;
  • free time for life and implementation of their plans.

Time is the main asset of a person. If you do not have time for yourself, then life is wasted. Do you want to travel, communicate with your family, create, relax, improve yourself?

Then make sure that your income depends as little as possible on the man-hours spent on earnings. If you are not a rich heir, then investments are the most affordable and effective method creating passive income.

The main condition for success is the correct (I would even say academic) approach to the investment process. You can not invest money "at random".

To create passive income tomorrow, you need to actively work today. All financial transactions must be thoughtful, calculated and as safe as possible.

Although the risk remains in any case - such is the specificity of any transactions with money, including bank deposits.

Read more about the mechanisms and principles of investing in the article "".

2. How to start investing on the Internet - 5 requirements for a novice investor

The main goal of a novice investor is to achieve financial freedom with the least material (and moral) losses. Making profitable investments requires some preparation.

The point is not even the availability of a sufficient amount for investment: basic knowledge and skills are needed. The network is full of scammers and scammers who are ready to profit from other people's money. You need to be able to recognize deception and bypass such offers a mile away.

In addition, not all investment areas are suitable for beginners - some of them require certain experience in the financial sector.

And now - the basic requirements for novice investors.

Requirement 1. Availability of Internet access

The first condition for successful financial transactions is the availability of a stable and, if possible, fast Internet. It was possible not to talk about this requirement, but the fate of your money often depends on the quality of communication and its constancy.

In addition to the Internet itself, investors actively use electronic payment systems, as well as any other reliable methods of money transfers on the network. And remember that any unsecured account poses a threat to your finances.

Requirement 2. Basic economic knowledge

Investing without basic economic training is like diving into water without knowing how to swim. You should not invest in the first project that comes across without having studied the basics of competent investment.

Engage in self-education. It will take a little time, but you will understand the principles and mechanisms of profitable investments.

Start with thematic blogs and forums, then move on to reading specialized literature. There are a lot of useful books written in an accessible language that will help you figure out what's what within a week or two.

Requirement 3. Stress tolerance

The right mental attitude and stress resistance are essential qualities of a successful investor.

Parting with your money and not worrying about it is extremely difficult for a normal person. But it is necessary that this anxiety does not prevent you from making sober and balanced decisions.

And be prepared for the fact that investments are not momentary profits. You should set yourself up for a long-term wait. Real results will appear only in a few months, or even years. The longer the investment period, the higher the income.

Requirement 4. Readiness for financial losses

Financial risk management - difficult task. Any newcomer can lose some money, this is an inevitable side effect of the investment process.

Remember: luck is not permanent. Even experienced investors face financial losses. The main thing is not to lose your cool in such situations and make any decisions only after a comprehensive analysis.

Requirement 5. Objectivity

This refers to a sober assessment of their capabilities. It is impossible to make a profit in excess of what a particular financial instrument can give.

Determine in advance for yourself the timing and goals of investing, and only after that begin a gradual, measured movement forward.

3. Where to invest online - the most reliable options

Let's move on to practice. I bring to the attention of readers the most reliable directions for investing funds via the Internet.

Some options have been tested in our own practice, others are included in the review based on the recommendations of professional experts.

Option 1. Forex

Everyone has heard the word "Forex", but few understand how this investment tool works.

In a nutshell, Forex is an international currency market (exchange). Anyone who has the time, money and desire can earn on the difference in exchange rates. The potential income from trading is not limited. You can get from 25% to 50% per annum and more.

The safest and most affordable way to work on Forex for neophytes is to use brokers. The most reliable forex brokers Alpari, InstaForex, AlfaForex.

If you want details about this type of passive income, read the article in our magazine "".

Option 2. PAMM accounts

The abbreviation PAMM comes from the English phrase Percent Allocation Management Module, which means “percentage allocation management module”. It sounds complicated, but if you explain it, everything will fall into place.

A PAMM account is a mechanism that allows you to transfer money accounts to trust management for conducting profitable transactions in financial markets. That is, you give your money into the hands of professionals, they are engaged in their multiplication for a certain fee.

One option is to transfer funds for trading on the Forex market mentioned above. Money is also invested in stock markets and other profitable areas. Your task is to correctly choose an intermediary and wait until profits from successful financial transactions begin to “drop” into your accounts.

To the best projects, offering hundreds of verified PAMM accounts, is the company. Take a look at the site - in the "investment" section provides comprehensive information and a list of accounts for investing money.

Read also on the site a detailed article about.

Option 3. Investing in precious metals through compulsory medical insurance

Gold and other precious metals (silver, platinum, palladium) can also be purchased virtually. An Impersonal Metal Account (OMA) is tax-free and guarantees a reliable income, since the price of precious metals always rises over time.

The essence of such an operation is as follows: the client opens a bank account, which contains a certain amount of gold (or other metal) in cash. The account is opened for a year and extended at your request.

Profitability depends on changes in prices for precious metals in the domestic and international markets. Long-term investments in gold in the form of OMS almost guarantee capital multiplication. Precious metals rarely fall in price.


Over the past 5 years, the cost of 1 g of gold has increased by 25%, silver - by 26%. Characteristically, the economic crisis does not reduce the cost of metals, but vice versa.

Specialists advise investors from Russia to use the services of one of the 2 companies specializing in working with compulsory medical insurance.

is a brand known on the Russian market since 1996. A huge range of investment products, including investments in gold, the best trading and exchange platforms. All customer deposits are insured without fail.

The company has access to Russian and world markets, provides information and analytical support to investors, guarantees complete transparency of financial transactions and provides reports on deposits at any time.

SotsAgroFinance- production and financial organization. The profile of the company is investments in precious metals and the gold mining industry. The firm offers investors deposits with a fixed rate of annual return.

It develops its own highly profitable projects, attracting investors' money to real production industries. A young but promising player in the financial market of the Russian Federation.

Option 4.

The word "HYIP" comes from the English abbreviation HYIP: High Yield Investment Program - a highly profitable investment program. These are projects with a high risk ratio, but promising their investors attractive net profit percentages.

Many consider pure HYIPs to be a scam, but this does not prevent thousands of investors from getting real profits from their investments. The main thing is to choose from hundreds of different projects the most open company with a transparent mechanism for the turnover of funds received.

The life of the HYIP is limited, and the most honest companies directly declare this immediately after they start working on the network.

A few tips for those who want to get rich quickly and for a large amount:

  • invest in HYIPs at the initial stage of their existence;
  • do not invest all free money in one project, divide it into at least three parts;
  • withdraw profit in portions;
  • carefully study the principles of the company's work.

Making money on HYIPs is quite realistic, the main thing is to play by certain rules.

Option 5. Microloans

Microcredit is a popular financial service used by thousands of people every day. However, MFIs need capital to satisfy the appetites of borrowers, otherwise their income will decline.

Therefore, companies of this type offer everyone who wants to open a deposit and receive interest for using their funds as a current asset. The interest here is higher than in the bank, but the risks are quite high.

Option 6. Online shopping

Today, you can trade anything on the Internet - goods, services, websites, intellectual and information products.

Many owners of online sites do not have enough funds to promote and promote their resource. Such people (or companies) raise funds from investors in order to launch their product and receive trading income from it. The owners pay good interest to their investors.

There is a separate article on the topic on the site.

For clarity, we present the popular financial instruments in the form of a table:

Investment options Estimated return Peculiarities
1 Forex 20% to 50%Basic market knowledge required
2 PAMM accounts From 20%You need a smart approach to choosing an account
3 Impersonal metal accounts Depends on the type of depositReliability, low risks
4 From 15% to 30% and aboveAre risky investments
5 Microloans From 15-20% and aboveHigh income in a short time
6 Online shopping Determined within the framework of an individual contractWhat matters is the profile of the company and the current situation on the market

4. 6 main mistakes of a novice Internet investor

We list the main mistakes of novice investors. By knowing how NOT to act, you will reduce the risk of losing capital and save your own nerves along the way.

Mistake 1. Investing large sums in one project

Popular wisdom says - do not put all your eggs in one basket. With regard to investments, this is especially true: the division of savings in several directions reduces financial risks by an order of magnitude.

Mistake 2. Negligent attitude to security

Forgetting about security, beginners risk not only profit, but also the capital itself. Account hacks with a low level of reliability are very common.

In addition, insurance will help protect your deposits, which is often offered to clients by investment companies themselves.

Mistake 3. Greed

Greed in financial matters has never done anyone any good. Do not strive for maximum profit immediately, be patient, reasonable and consistent.

For a novice investor, the main thing is not to get everything at once, but to understand the mechanisms and prospects of investment areas. Experience and knowledge are investments with the highest return on investment.

Mistake 4. Investing in untested projects

Everything is clear here - you cannot invest in a project about which you do not have reliable information.

No matter how attractive the investment conditions may seem to you, you need to spend time checking a partner. Evaluate the level of site security, read online reviews, check licenses and certificates, and only then transfer your money to your accounts.

Mistake 5. Desire to withdraw a large amount at once

Not all projects (this is especially true for HYIPs) are enthusiastic about the withdrawal of large sums of money by clients. It is better to withdraw deposits from the accounts of high-risk companies in installments, at regular intervals.

Mistake 6. Lack of investment strategy

Without a strategic plan, investing is like a roller coaster. The falls are more painful than the rises. A well-thought-out strategy is driving on a flat freeway: minimum risk, maximum reliability.

There are common myths that prevent contributors from starting their projects. Fears and stereotypes prevent a sober view of investing and do not allow a reasonable assessment of personal financial prospects.

Myth 1. Investing is available only to the rich.

Perhaps, 100 years ago, only the owners of solid fortunes could really receive passive income. Nowadays, investing can be done with the most modest savings. You just need to correctly approach the issue of redistribution of funds.

Investments on the Internet have recently gained particular popularity, because Internet investing makes it possible, without leaving your home, without any extra effort to receive a passive stable income. At the same time, the size of this profit can reach very impressive sizes. Yes, that's how, sitting on the couch, you can earn a prosperous life. In this article, we will try to understand what online investing is and what its essence is.

One of the reasons why online investing is considered popular and in demand is the abundance of choice and a fairly high percentage, if we talk about more traditional methods. Not being tied to a place, independently choosing the number of projects and the amount of investments, enjoying life and earning income - all these are significant advantages of this type of investment. As a rule, to start working, you need to register online wallets and start choosing projects. And in order to bring this moment closer, as well as to explain the intricacies of the process - my new material.

Many people have heard about Internet investing, but sometimes they don’t even realize that various “forex”, “pamms”, “online projects” are real tools that allow you to earn money on investments. There is also that category of people who, with the global network on “you”, are skeptical about not only reliable investments on the Internet, but also the World Wide Web itself. So where to invest in the Internet to earn income?

In this article, we will deliberately not talk about HYIPs, mutual funds and other funds - this is material for a separate article. Let's talk about those types of earnings on investments that fit well within the framework of the law and carry minimal risk. Internet investments - investing in various Internet projects, which after a certain period of time should generate income. If we talk about the areas of such investment, then these can be a variety of areas, which we will describe in more detail below.

There is no such person who would not dream of big money without much effort. Internet investing is just that path of human activity that allows you not only to receive funds, but also to enjoy the process, because in order to receive income there is no need to attend work and obey your boss - money will make money itself, without distracting you from the process of enjoying life .

Money without much effort is available to anyone who owns a PC and is connected to the global network and has at least a little knowledge of investing on the Internet, moreover, there are many ways to invest money profitably with the prospect of a good income.

In addition, online investments have other key features that distinguish them from any other income and from investing "on the ground". If traditionally we are accustomed to presenting under the common noun "investor" a business person who owns millions of capitals, then absolutely everyone can afford investments on the Internet from 100 rubles. Of course, millions are also turned here - the larger the amount, the greater the income, but even minimal amounts open up great prospects for investors.

Among distinguishing features online investments can also be noted that they are associated with a certain risk. If, investing in real life, we receive at least some guarantees in the form of official documents, then online investing often does not involve any formalities. At the same time, it is worth noting that there are also low-risk investments on the Internet that allow you to earn money without putting your money at risk.

Starting any business can be quite difficult (how to start investing in your business). A beginner who does not know the basic nuances of investing on the Internet, does not know about the pitfalls and investment strategies, can sometimes become a victim of his own ignorance and lose his capital. We will try to shed light on how to start investing on the Internet, what you need to know and what to be prepared for.

Budget allocation

Inspired by the fact that investing on the Internet brings a lot of income from large investments, do not rush to invest your entire salary in any online project. You should not rush to borrow and take loans - you can invest only free funds. What do we mean by "free money"?

These are the funds that completely belong to you (not to the bank and not to the neighbor), and which do not represent a vital necessity for you. That is, all your income should be divided into three categories:

  • The main part is the spending money that you use to buy food, clothes, medicines, pay bills;
  • The funded part - or simply "stash", the funds that you save for a "rainy day" / car / real estate;
  • The investment part is free money that can be involved in the process of making money, that is, to invest.

At the same time, keep in mind that there is always a risk of losing the money invested when investing online, so in order to avoid strong heart shocks, try to disengage from your own money and say goodbye to them. Successful investing in this case will be a pleasant bonus for you, and failure will not bring deep disappointment.

Before you rush into battle and start investing on the Internet, you need to decide and realize for yourself why you want to invest. The object of investment you need, the terms of the investment and the methods that will be used directly depend on this. After all, if you set yourself the goal of cutting down a certain amount and go the distance, then long-term investment projects are completely irrelevant for you.

On the other hand, an investor who is ready to get serious about investing and wants to devote most of his time to it has absolutely no reason to go into short-term projects if he can get more significant profits in a grander and longer-term project.

Another thing follows from the goal of investing: if you are not in a hurry, you can give preference to less risky types of investment, and slowly but surely move forward. At the same time, the timing of the exit from projects, that is, the termination of investment, depends entirely on the originally set goal - someone will collect the cream and forget about the investment object, and an experienced investor will be able to think about longer-term prospects that can bring super profits.

Registration of electronic wallets for working on the Internet

Investing on the Internet differs from the real one in that all financial transactions are carried out in a non-cash form, through electronic payment systems. Therefore, an online investor is required to have wallets, if not in all payment services, then at least register in a few of the most common ones.

EPS electronic wallets will give you a lot of advantages and make the investment process pleasant and comfortable, and you can spend the money received directly from the electronic wallet when making online purchases, or withdraw profits to special cards issued by the payment system and operating almost all over the world. In addition, today there are a huge number of exchangers that will allow you to withdraw money to a card of any bank in a matter of seconds.

Create additional emails

Take into account the fact that, having embarked on the path of online investing, you will definitely have to have an email, moreover, this is far from the lot of progressive representatives of society, but an urgent need for every active person who wants to be informed.

But be prepared for the fact that an online investor will have to create several additional mailboxes, because after registering in many projects and communicating in an investor environment, your mail may be inundated with spam. It's best to have personal mail, business mail for important correspondence, and one account for various garbage, the address of which you will indicate in various dubious places.

The main question, the answer to which we saved for dessert, is where you can still invest on the Internet. We note right away that there are a huge number of investment objects, but we will tell you about the most popular, profitable and best investments.


Only the deaf have not heard about Forex, because this direction has both good promotion and mass popularity. The market for interbank currency trading allows you to increase your initial capital well, but it implies significant investor enthusiasm for the process and at least minimal knowledge in this matter. On the other hand, Forex is a powerful investment tool that was previously available only to large banks, and today any PC user with an Internet connection can become a trader.

Investing in precious metals

Gold is always rising in price, which is due to its limited amount in nature and increased demand. But in order to make money on it, it is not at all necessary to buy gold bars - it is enough to open an impersonal metal account. You simply transfer a certain amount to a bank account and this financial institution will purchase precious metals for the amount provided. When you decide to return the money and close the bank deposit, the bank will sell your gold reserves, and you will receive your capital plus the difference between the purchase and sale price.

Online store

A large number of online stores open daily, but not all of them have money for their promotion. You can act as an investor in such a project - just find a promising trading site that is interested in working with an investor. This type of investment involves more voluminous amounts of cash injections than 100 rubles, but you can also get quite significant income from an online store. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful that your sponsorship fee is not stolen, leaving you with a nose.

Online investing in startups

There are a lot of interesting ideas floating around on the Internet for something new and unusual, which can bring good money in the long run. Therefore, investing in startups is one of the most popular areas today, which can bring good profits to the investor. Most often, investing in startups is an investment in Internet technology, but these can be ideas from a wide variety of fields.

There are two disadvantages for a novice investor, which lead to the idea that it is better to fill the bumps in another type of investment: as a rule, a rather large amount of money is needed to bring the project to life, and besides this, startups that are not sufficiently developed and presented to consumers turn into unprofitable idea that did not find its embodiment.

Online investing is a promising direction of making money on the Internet, which can give the investor a good income with minimal involvement in the process. At the same time, even a beginner, without any knowledge and large capital, is able to become an investor and achieve success and material well-being in this field.

Financial instruments for online investment:

# Yield opportunity Note
Forex from 20% Minimum market knowledge required
Precious metals Depends on the type of deposit Minimal risks (taxed)
Internet shop Depends on the contract Risks depend on the choice of store profile
Depends on the idea The risks are medium, it is necessary to take into account the demand in the market

How to properly check an investment company? What does the rating of the most reliable investment companies in Moscow look like? What are the features of an international investment company?

Hello readers of the HeatherBober online magazine! This is Denis Kuderin, investment expert.

We continue the theme of profitable investments. The question that will be discussed in detail and thoroughly in a new article is how to choose an investment company.

The material will be useful for both novice investors and those who already have some experience in financial investments.

So, let's begin!

1. What is an investment company and what does it do?

Remember the main postulate of business - "money must work"? So, profitable investing is the most affordable and at the same time the most effective way to make finances work for you.

Money that is kept "in a stocking" is lost money. Even in a month, their real value decreases by several percent, and over the year, inflation often reaches 10-12%.


According to Rosstat (the main department of statistics in Russia), in 2015 the inflation rate in the Russian Federation amounted to 12.9%. And the cost of essential products increased by 15-17%.

Conclusion: capital should be invested in profitable investment instruments. Skillful investments create passive income - this type of income is ultimately sought not only by professional businessmen, but by all reasonable people.

4. Rating of TOP-7 investment companies in Moscow

To make it easier for our readers to navigate the boundless financial ocean, we have compiled our rating of investment companies for them.

The offices of the organizations below are located in Moscow, but this does not mean that residents of other cities cannot use the services of these companies.

Thanks to the Internet and the use of modern payment systems, you can make deposits from anywhere in Russia, as well as withdraw them to your accounts.

So, TOP-7 main players of the Russian financial market.

1) TeleTrade

A group of companies focused on various investment areas. Investors' money is managed by professional analysts, traders and brokers, making long-term and short-term investments in stocks, Forex market, futures, precious metals.

Among the advantages are 20 years of successful work in the investment market, training programs for clients (video tutorials and traditional training), information support for investors.

2) Simex

is an investment platform focused on online deposits. Not only residents of the Russian Federation, but also citizens of other countries can become investors. A wide range of investment projects - investments in shares, existing businesses and promising start-ups.

The list of the company's advantages includes the minimum amount of initial investment, the possibility of investing "in two clicks", earnings through an affiliate program with zero initial capital. Users can sell their shares to other members.


The company was founded in 1994. It is a member of the National Stock Association, provides users with trading and brokerage services, as well as annual and current financial reports.

Clients have access to a unique service on the Russian market - individual investment accounts. There is also the possibility of buying / selling shares to individuals on the over-the-counter market.

- profitable investments in developing sectors of the Russian economy. Cooperation with legal and individuals, advice to investors, constant search for promising investment areas.

A course towards a stable income of depositors and direct participation in improving the economic situation in Russia. Full responsibility for development and implementation financial strategies investors, insurance assistance to improve customer safety.

A diversified investment company operating since 1992. It is included in the TOP-6 largest organizations of the Russian Federation in terms of the amount of capital raised. Laureate Russian Prize"Financial Olympus".

The list of investment products is extensive - brokerage services, online trading, trust management of capital, trading in the foreign exchange markets, venture capital investments, financial consulting.

- the company is part of the investment and construction holding E3 Group, founded in 2009. The main profile is investment in real estate. Holds a course for long-term deposits (due to the specifics of the investment instrument).

Among the advantages of the company are the ability to start with a small (for the real estate market) amount (from 100,000 rubles), three types of insurance for each deposit, and collective investments.

7) Golden Hills

Professional management and increase of private capital. Guarantee 15% per annum with minimal risks for the investor. A new look at profitable investment and a new approach to financial management.

The company adopts the experience of Western investment companies and uses it in the Russian market. The list of directions for deposits includes stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, art objects, direct investments.

For clarity, we present the main characteristics of investment companies in the form of a table:

Companies Estimated Profit Features of working with deposits
1 teletrade not fixedThe possibility of trading on Forex through intermediaries
2 Simex From 24%Focus on modern online technologies
3 From 20%Individual investment accounts for investors
4 Depends on the size and type of depositFocus on investment in the Russian economy
5 Depends on the choice of investment productLarge list of investment areas
6 25%-45% Investments in liquid real estate
7 From 15%Deposits in Russia and abroad

5. How to check an investment company - 5 signs that you are collaborating with scammers

In times of crisis, investors' risks increase. The point is not only in economic instability, but also in the increase in the number of various kinds of scammers.

Many swindlers are eager to cash in on the trust of depositors and invest their money not in profitable projects, but in their own pocket.

To protect your savings, act with the utmost caution. There are signs by which one can easily distinguish dishonest "merchants" from conscientious participants in the financial market.

Sign 1. Absence of open financial statements and other constituent documents

About certificates, licenses and other documentation, without which the existence of an official legal entity already mentioned above. I will add that self-respecting organizations are always ready to provide users with financial reports for the past and current period.

If a company claims to have a department of traders who earn money for investors in the currency / stock markets, it is obliged to present trading reports and trading certificates upon request.

Sign 2. There was no agreement between the investor and the company

Relations formalized in the form of an official contract are the basis of security and a long-term mutually beneficial partnership.

Often on sites it is offered simply to issue an offer - to put a tick in an electronic document. More reputable companies conclude real contracts with signatures and seals. Such a document, whatever one may say, inspires more confidence.

Symptom 3: There is no management photo on the company website

Without a photo of the head or members of the board of directors, the company's website looks somehow inferior, as if hiding something.

Greetings to all those who are now on this page. Today I want to tell you about investment projects on the Internet. I will not once again write a huge introduction, in which I usually convince readers of the relevance of a particular topic, because if you are here now, it means that you are interested.

Investment projects on the Internet

To begin with, I would like to define this concept, why did I decide to write a separate article about this? After all, the topic has already been covered on the blog more than once. The thing is that the projects that will be discussed further are largely different from everything that has been written. All of them have their own unique system of profitability.

I do not exclude the possibility that many of them, if not all, tend to suddenly stop their work activities. The reasons for this may be:

  • The desire of the creator to take his money;
  • Incorrect calculation of the marketing plan, as a result of which - bankruptcy.

It is also important to note that there are really working investment projects on the Internet, and they work for years and bring thousands of dollars to their participants.

For a person who has been engaged in this type of activity for a long time, it is not so difficult to determine whether the project will work for a long time and stably or will collapse overnight. Even despite the occasional errors and miscalculations, such people, by and large, remain in the black. And it seems to me that in order to make money here, it is absolutely not necessary for a beginner to understand dozens of little things himself, although we will talk about them in future articles. It is enough just to find a mentor and repeat after him. Eventually experience will come with time.

Reviews of investment projects on the Internet can be found on my blog, but here it will only be the best of the best, only what could convince me and invest, despite the extremely skeptical attitude, you can familiarize yourself with the main areas of investing money on the Internet in this article: "".

Investment projects on the Internet list

Also, in order not to miss the release of new reliable projects, subscribe to the blog newsletter.

Just go to it, search for a topic and look at the reviews, and if you have any additional questions, register and ask. There are dozens of people ready to respond promptly.

Investment Internet projects that have been working for a long time usually have a large number of views and messages, so they can also be easily detected thousands.

Personally, I invest in such projects only on the advice of one friend (this information is secret), who seems to know everything in advance. Apparently, you can really learn how to earn money on this craft. But I want to warn you that most invest. projects designed to raise funds from suckers. Therefore, always be careful and even more so do not invest money without first consulting with people who have been doing this for more than a day. At a minimum, visit the forum and look at the reviews.

Actually, that's all I have, thank you all for your attention.

Editor's Choice
Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were famous American robbers active during the...

4.3 / 5 ( 30 votes ) Of all the existing signs of the zodiac, the most mysterious is Cancer. If a guy is passionate, then he changes ...

A childhood memory - the song *White Roses* and the super-popular group *Tender May*, which blew up the post-Soviet stage and collected ...

No one wants to grow old and see ugly wrinkles on their face, indicating that age is inexorably increasing, ...
A Russian prison is not the most rosy place, where strict local rules and the provisions of the criminal code apply. But not...
Live a century, learn a century Live a century, learn a century - completely the phrase of the Roman philosopher and statesman Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC - ...
I present to you the TOP 15 female bodybuilders Brooke Holladay, a blonde with blue eyes, was also involved in dancing and ...
A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...