Who can get an electronic signature. Electronic signature for individuals. To participate in electronic trading


  • The document on the appointment of the head to the position, if the signature key certificate is issued to the head of the organization.
  • Organization card: addresses (legal, actual, postal, electronic, including the electronic address and phone number of the EDS owner), bank details, taxation system (OSNO or SRNO), statistics codes (OKATO, OKPO, OKVED or a copy of statistics codes) .
  • A power of attorney confirming the authority of a person (potential certificate holder) who is not the head of the organization.

Individual entrepreneur

  • A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  • A copy of the identity document of the certificate holder, as well as the identity of the representative of the certificate holder (in the event that the signature key certificate is received by the representative of the holder) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - a passport with a photo and place of registration at the place of residence.
  • Bank details, taxation system (OSNO or SRNO), statistics codes (OKATO, OKPO, OKVED or a copy of statistics codes), email address and phone number of the EDS owner).
  • A power of attorney issued to the representative of the certificate owner (if the signature key certificate is received by the representative of the certificate owner).
  • SNILS - the insurance number of the individual personal account of the owner of the electronic signature certificate.

Obtaining a digital signature

To date, the main document flow - registration activities, signing of contracts, submission of reports to funds - is carried out in in electronic format. Therefore, to confirm the legality of electronic documents and guarantee the legality of the actions of officials, an electronic digital signature, in other words, an EDS, will be required. It carries encrypted information that confirms the responsibility of a particular person for the content of the document, therefore, it acts as a substitute for a conventional signature and seal.

EDS - easy and simple

On our website, you will find detailed information about the digital signature, describe the existing advantages of its use, as well as the opportunities that its presence guarantees. This means that in our certification center you will be able to obtain a digital signature for subsequent use in your commercial activities. The digital signature is valid for a year, and after the expiration of its validity, it is required to go through the procedure for obtaining an EDS again.

Obtaining an EDS

During the registration of the digital signature, the client is provided with a certificate. It has the right to receive an individual - an employee of the company, who has applied for a digital signature. It is important that this person has the authority to act on behalf of the enterprise. It is noteworthy that there may be several authorized persons. Therefore, each of them requires a separate EDS. Often it is given to the director. Although, if an employee has a power of attorney to perform all types of transactions, it will be enough for an organization to receive one EDS.

To work with EDS on a personal computer, a special program is installed, called a cryptographic provider. It is allowed to equip all machines with this software, on which the EDS key will be used in the future.

A digital signature for an individual is a means of cryptographic information protection that allows you to sign virtual documents directly on your computer.

What is an electronic signature

(abbreviated as CPU, ES or EDS) makes it possible to identify the identity of the signatory. Verification is a unique sequence of several characters that is generated using cryptographic transformation of information, in other words, it is a flash drive with a key fob to sign virtual documents. Just as a stroke of a pen is an essential attribute of using a paper document, so an EDS is an attribute of a document created on a computer. Just as your individual autograph is a unique symbol, a digital or electronic signature for an individual is also unique. A document on the Internet signed with an EDS has legal force, the same as the data on a paper document signed with one's own hand.

For several years now, "cloud" electronic signatures have also been issued - those that are stored on the server of the certification center, and the user gets access to them via the Internet. This is convenient so as not to carry a flash drive with you everywhere. This is how the site gosuslugi.ru works. But this type of EDS also has a minus - they are not suitable for working with portals of state bodies (for example, the website of the Federal Tax Service).

Who needs it and why

There is a certain category of people who do not need a digital signature. These people get a special, understandable only to them pleasure, choosing and visiting various institutions, jostling in lines, cursing the weather, and at the same time the authorities of all stripes. Other citizens who have access to the Internet will benefit from it.

Thus, the EDS for public services for individuals allows you to access the full range of electronic online services provided by a single portal of public services.

It will also help:

  • apply for admission to a higher education institution;
  • verify your identity;
  • participate in electronic auctions;
  • conclude contracts for remote work;
  • submit via the Internet.

What are EDS: comparison

: simple, qualified and unskilled.

Simple- this is usually the login and password for entering the site or codes in SMS messages.

Reinforced unskilled- issued by certification centers, but does not work everywhere. It is more reliable than a simple one, but less reliable than an enhanced qualified signature.

Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature- this is the one that was obtained from a special accredited institution, has full legal force and is used in courts and other government agencies. A qualified digital signature completely replaces the traditional handwritten one.

Both enhanced digital signatures are obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using an electronic signature key - according to the principle of information encryption.

How to get an EDS for an individual for the State Services website

To obtain a qualified electronic signature, contact a specialized certification center that has state accreditation for this type of activity. A list of such centers in your region can be found on the public services portal or on the website of the Ministry of Communications. The easiest way is to choose one of the Rostelecom service offices.

To do this, you must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance certificate of the State Pension Fund ();
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority ().

You will also need an application and an e-mail address.

Register in advance for public services

In any Certification Authority, you must receive a private key with an electronic signature on a USB drive, a public key and a certificate.

In order to reduce the time for issuing a media with a digital / electronic signature, and in order to be able to immediately check the operation of the device, it is advisable to register on the public services portal before receiving the electronic signature of the EDS.

What is ESIA and why is it needed

When you register on the gosuslugi.ru portal or on another government website, a universal account is created for you, and you no longer need to register again every time.

The number of resources connected to the ESIA is growing. Already now it is:

  1. Gosuslugi.ru.
  2. PFR RF website.
  3. Website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
  4. Website of the Mayor of Moscow.
  5. GIS system for housing and communal services
  6. Sites of schools and universities.
  7. and much more

How to recover EDS

Are you afraid of losing your electronic signature? Most importantly, do not give your PIN to anyone. In this case, no one except you will get access to the electronic signature. If the key is lost or stolen, contact the certification center. There you will receive a new key and certificate.

Electronic signature for individuals: free or for money

How much does it cost, how to make an EDS for individuals for free, and do citizens have a legal opportunity not to pay for an EDS?

For submission to the tax authorities tax documents (declarations, applications and other information), an enhanced unqualified electronic signature is used. It is obtained free of charge, without visiting the Certification Center, directly in the "Personal Account of the Taxpayer for Individuals" on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The electronic documents signed by her are recognized by the tax service as equivalent to documents on paper. In this case, your EDS electronic signature key is stored on your computer or in the "cloud", in the secure storage of the Federal Tax Service.

For basic work on the public services portal the third type of ES is used - the so-called simple one - this is the login and password for entering the system. You receive them when registering on the portal after receiving the confirmation code. Here, too, you do not need to pay money, all registration is free.

To send documents through public services and applications to government agencies (for a passport, declarations, etc.), you will have to obtain a qualified EDS - through the office of Rostelecom or another CA (we wrote about this above). It's free.

If an EDS is needed for other tasks (participation in public procurement, exchange of contracts and acts with partners and customers), then a qualified electronic signature is no longer provided for individuals for free - you will have to pay in any case, since the USB drive itself, which you will be given , costs money - about 500-700 rubles.

Some Certification Authorities charge higher amounts for the service. In such cases, the cost usually includes the provision of special program for using the CPU (you don't have to search for it yourself and download it from the Internet), detailed instructions, or even training on how to work with a new device.

Validity period of the electronic signature

The signature is valid for 1 year from the date of its manufacture, after this period it is renewed. To do this, you will have to go through all the above procedures again.

For public services, the electronic signature of an individual is renewed free of charge, similar to the initial issuance, only without a personal visit to identify the person.

Hello dear colleague! In this article, we will talk in detail about how to obtain an electronic signature and what is required of you for this. This is most likely not an article, but a step-by-step algorithm in which I tried to answer all the most important questions on this topic. Now I will not tell you about what a digital signature is and why it is needed. I talked about this in sufficient detail in my . You can go and read it, and then return to the study of this article. So, let's get started...

Algorithm for obtaining an electronic signature

I decided to start my article with a description of the sequence of steps that you need to complete in order to obtain an EDS.

  1. Choose which electronic signature (ES) you need.
  2. Select a Certification Authority (CA).
  3. Fill out and send the application to the UC.
  4. Get an invoice and pay it.
  5. Submit all necessary documents (scans) to the CA.
  6. Arrive at the CA with the original documents to receive the ES.

Let's now take a closer look at each step.

Step 1. Selecting an ES

At this stage, you must determine for what purposes and tasks you need an ES. This may be the key to work with EPGU (Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services); key for reporting to Rosalkogolregulirovanie, Rosfinmonitoring, Pension Fund, tax authorities, etc.; or a key to work on electronic platforms and participate in electronic auctions.

Step 2. Selecting a Certification Authority

The current list of Certification Authorities for obtaining an EDS is always available on the official website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation - www.minsvyaz.ru .

To do this, you need to go to this site, and on the main page in the "Important" column, find the "Accreditation of certification centers" section.

This format is opened using Microsoft excel or another spreadsheet editor. As of May 26, 2015, 361 CAs were included in this list.

One of these CAs is the Certification Center of Internet Technologies and Communications LLC.

This is the certifying authority that I know personally and whose quality of services I can vouch for. A good team, excellent and high-quality service, the use of modern technologies, as well as the speed of service and reasonable prices.

Step 3. Filling out the application

After you have chosen a suitable CA, you must fill out and send an application for issuing an electronic signature. This can be done remotely - on the center's website, or directly at the office.

In this form, you need to specify your name, e-mail address (e-mail), contact phone number and comment: "I need an electronic signature", as well as enter the "captcha" - an alphabetic code located to the left of the input field. After that, click on the "Submit Application for EDS" button.

Within one hour from the moment of submitting the application, the manager of the center will contact you to clarify the details, and will advise you on all available questions.

Step 4. Paying the bill

I think this step will not cause you any difficulties. Pay the bill and send the supporting document to the CA.

Step 5. Submission of documents to the CA

When submitting an application for the production of an ES key certificate to a certification center, the applicant must provide the necessary package of documents.

Documents for obtaining an EDS

List of documents for individuals:

- an application for the issuance of an ES;

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS).

List of documents for legal entities:

- an application for the issuance of an ES;

— certificate of state registration of a legal entity (OGRN);

- certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);

- extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for a period of not more than six months from the date of its receipt (original or notarized copy);

Note: Requirements for the expiration date of an extract may differ for different CAs.

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of the future owner of the electronic signature (copies of the page with a photo and a page with a registration);

- insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS) of the owner of the electronic signature;

If the ES is made in the name of the head of the organization, then it is also necessary to provide a document on the appointment of the head with his signature and seal of the organization;

If the owner of the ES is not the first person, but an employee of the organization (its authorized representative), then it is necessary to provide as part of the documents a power of attorney to transfer powers to such an employee with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization;

If the documents are submitted or received by an electronic signature not by the owner of the electronic signature, but by an authorized representative of a legal entity, then it is necessary to provide a power of attorney to transfer functions to him with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization, as well as an identity card (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) of such a representative.

List of documents for individual entrepreneurs (IP):

- an application for the issuance of an ES;

- certificate of state registration of IP;

- certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);

– extract from the USRIP, for a period of not more than six months from the date of its receipt (original or notarized copy);

Note: Requirements for the expiration date of an extract may differ for different CAs.

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (copies of the page with a photo and a page with a residence permit);

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS);

If the documents are submitted or received by an electronic signature not by the owner of the ES, but by his authorized representative, then it is necessary to provide a power of attorney certified by a notary for this representative.

If the owner of the ES transfers all the functions of obtaining it to his authorized representative, then the list of required documentation also includes an identity card (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) of this authorized representative.

Step 6. Obtaining an ES

You can get an electronic signature at any CA issuing point convenient for you, providing the originals of all necessary documents. The originals will only be needed to verify the information and will then be returned to you.

So we have considered the whole procedure for obtaining an EDS, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it.

How much does an electronic signature cost?

It is rather difficult to answer this question precisely, since the cost of an EP depends on the following parameters:

- type and scope of EP;

— CA pricing policy;

- the region of issue of the EP.

It is also worth clearly understanding what this cost consists of:

— execution and issue of the ES key certificate;

— granting rights to work with specialized software;

– issuance of software tools necessary for working with ES;

— transfer of the security key of the electronic signature carrier;

- technical support.

The range of prices for issuing an electronic signature for participation in electronic auctions ranges from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.

Time limit for making an electronic signature

The production time of the EP is completely up to you, i.e. on how quickly the necessary package of documents is prepared and submitted to the CA and payment for this service is made. Someone can get an EDS in 1 hour, and for someone it can take from several days to one week. But the average time for issuing an EDS for most CAs is 2-3 business days. The term for making an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP in the Federal Tax Service is 5 working days. Therefore, take care of receiving it in advance.

EDS validity period

Keep in mind that the EDS is valid for exactly 1 year. Those. EDS must be reissued every year. You can renew the EDS at the same CA where you received it, or apply for issuance at another CA.

What does an electronic signature look like?

Most of us are used to the fact that an electronic signature looks like a regular flash drive. This is the so-called key carrier (ruToken or eToken). Inside, this flash drive consists of a crypto program (CryptoPro CSP), a private key and a public key. You can read about this in more detail.

Electronic signature verification

Verifying the authenticity of an electronic signature is quite simple. To do this, you need to follow a simple sequence of actions, which is described in this video tutorial:

EDS pin code

Key carriers or USB keys (eToken, ruToken, ruToken EDS) are issued with standard passwords (pin codes) already installed:

- for eToken this password is 1234567890;

- for ruToken and ruToken EDS these are: user - 12345678; administrator - 87654321.

After receiving this key carrier and installing the drivers on your computer, you can change these pin codes.

This concludes my article. I hope I was able to answer all your questions. If not, then ask them below in the comments. Like and share information with your friends and colleagues.

P. S.: If you need an electronic signature at a great price from a trusted Certification Authority, then leave your request.

Electronic digital signature for legal entities

According to Art. 2 of the Law "On Electronic Signature" dated 06.04.2011 No. 63, an electronic signature is information submitted in electronic form and attached to documents submitted in the same form (i.e. electronic documentation), and serving for the subsequent identification of the person who signed them . In other words, an electronic signature serves to certify electronic documentation; in terms of its legal force, it is identical to the usual signature of a person affixed to documents generated in paper form.

The production of EDS for individuals and enterprises is carried out by specialized organizations that have the status of certification centers (CAs). You can select a CA by referring to the list provided on the unified EDS portal, which is located at: http://iecp.ru/juristic/companies/cert-a/ca-list/ .

The legislator does not limit the number of representatives of one enterprise who can receive a personal electronic signature and use it when approving working documentation. In the event that a person has the authority to sign certain papers, he can sell them by signing both in the usual way and using an EDS.

How to order an electronic signature for a legal entity

The procedure for obtaining an EDS by legal entities includes the following steps:

  1. Choice of certification authority. At this stage, the representative should pay attention to the following points:
    • the presence of an organization offering services for the creation of an EDS, accreditation in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;
    • the availability of technical support and the level of professionalism of its employees;
    • service cost;
    • terms of service provision;
    • the territorial proximity of the CA office, since the applicant will have to receive the signature personally;
    • the possibility of issuing a signature with different functionality.
  2. Formation of an application for the issuance of a signature. The application, depending on the chosen CA, can be accepted by phone, via the Internet or when the applicant personally visits the company's office.
  3. Payment for the services of the CA for the production of EDS.
  4. Submission of a package of necessary documents to the CA.
  5. Obtaining a set of EDS, which includes:
    • a certificate confirming that the key belongs to the person using it;
    • licensed software that allows you to use the signature on the user's computer;
    • electronic key recorded on a USB-drive.

The term for producing a signature, as a rule, varies from 3 to 5 days, depending on the chosen CA, as well as the degree of workload of its specialists. The sequence of actions required for issuing a signature may also vary depending on the policy of the organization issuing it, therefore, complete information on how to obtain an EDS for legal entities can only be obtained by contacting the selected CA in person.

Don't know your rights?

What documents are needed to make an EDS?

To obtain an EDS, the person in whose name it will be issued, or his representative, must submit to the selected certification center a package of documents, which includes:

  • copies of passport pages with a photo of the person in whose name the EDS is issued, as well as information about his registration at the place of residence and the date of issue of the document;
  • copies of SNILS and TIN of the same person;
  • a copy of the certificate of registration of the organization in the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service;
  • a copy of the document confirming the appointment of the person in whose name the digital signature is being issued to the position held by him (for example, a copy of the order appointing the applicant as the head of the organization);
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities received no earlier than 30 days before the day the applicant applied to the certification center;
  • a power of attorney for the right to obtain a signature (if a representative of its future owner applies with an application);
  • organization card containing its main details (TIN, OGRN, KPP, etc.);
  • application for the issuance of an EDS;
  • a document confirming the transfer of powers by the management company to this legal entity, as well as registration documents of the management company (if the application for a signature is submitted by a representative of a legal entity that is part of the management company).

All copies of documents submitted by the applicant to the CA must be notarized.

Power of Attorney for EDS

The EDS certificate contains information about its owner, and, accordingly, can only be used by him. That is why the applicant for the creation of a signature issued to a specific person and its recipient can only be the person to whom it belongs. In the event that, for some reason, he cannot perform such actions on his own, they can be carried out by his authorized representative, who has a notarized power of attorney to grant the right to issue and receive a digital signature.

A power of attorney to obtain a signature is drawn up in any form, while it must indicate:

  • name, legal address and TIN of the company receiving the EDS;
  • Full name, passport data and a sample signature of an individual who acquires the right to apply for the issuance of an EDS and its receipt;
  • the scope of powers acquired by an individual;
  • validity period of the power of attorney;
  • date of issue.

How much does an EDS cost

The cost of an EDS for legal entities varies depending on many factors:

  • type of signature (simple or qualified);
  • scope of its application;
  • type of USB token;
  • the region where the CA is located;
  • UC pricing policy, etc.

In addition to the basic certificate, which provides the ability to encrypt documents transmitted via the Internet and electronic media, the user can purchase extensions that allow working in various information systems, including electronic trading platforms. The more such sites allow you to use the functionality of the acquired signature, the higher its price becomes. As a rule, CAs provide their clients with the opportunity to independently determine the scope of functions, including in it exactly those sites and portals on which they plan to carry out their activities. On average, the cost of an EDS for legal entities varies from 4 to 20 thousand rubles.

So, EDS allows you to certify documents generated in electronic form and transmitted through telecommunication channels. The use of such a signature ensures the safety of the reliability and confidentiality of the information being processed, and also gives legal force to the documentation encrypted with its help. To obtain an EDS, an authorized representative of a legal entity must apply to a certification center with a relevant application. The application must be accompanied by a package of registration documents, the exact composition of which is determined by the specific CA chosen by the applicant.

An electronic digital signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature applied to an electronic document. The introduction and use of electronic document management systems in organizations of any form of ownership entails the need to use EDS to guarantee the authenticity of the transmitted data.

What is an ECP?

EDS is a parameter of an electronic document that has a digital representation. EDS is applicable only in the context of electronic data interchange and can have the same legal value as a handwritten signature on a paper document, if conditions are met that guarantee the authenticity and validity of the signed documents. The legal force of the EDS is legislated by the Federal Law No. 1 of January 10, 2002 and the Federal Law No. 63 of April 6, 2011, as amended on June 28, 2014.

Both federal law on electronic digital signature regulate the mechanisms for the use of electronic signatures when making transactions within the framework of civil law relations, the functioning of state and municipal services.

Significance of EDS

EDS provides a digital analogue of a signature and seal associated with the content of a signed document and used in the organization of electronic data exchange to confirm the authenticity of sent and received documents.

The functioning of the EDS allows:

  • increase the security and confidentiality of electronic document management, protect the document from forgery;
  • to give electronic data the legal force equivalent to paper documents with a signature and seal;
  • optimize workflow processes by simplifying and reducing the cost of processing and storing documents;
  • use a single signature in electronic trading, when submitting various types of reports to state and tax authorities, when approving and working with financial documents;
  • guarantee the authenticity of electronic documentation;
  • ensure the possibility of harmonization with international document management systems.

Scope of EDS

In any areas where data exchange is regulated by information technology:

  • internal electronic document management between divisions of one organization, as well as branches;
  • document flow in interorganizational systems of B2B and B2C class;
  • access to specialized information resources, for example, systems of the "Client-bank" class;
  • transfer of tax and accounting reports to the tax authorities;
  • reporting to the Pension Fund;
  • transfer of customs declarations;
  • participation in electronic auctions.

How does the ECP work?

The functional use of the EDS allows you to sign an electronic document, check the signature of the owner for authenticity, and the content of the signed electronic document for changes after signing.

Signing and authentication are based on encryption and decryption keys. The sender, using special software and a key, generates a sequence of characters that becomes part of the data being sent. The recipient uses the same software and decryption key to decrypt the received data and perform a series of checks. If the checks were successful, then the received data is identical to the sent data, i.e. not changed after signing. The sequence of characters generated in this process is the electronic digital signature.

To forge such a digital signature would require either stealing the sender's encryption key, or spending many years going through key options until a suitable one is found.

How and where to get an EDS?

So, let's look at the question of where to get an EDS for an individual and a legal entity. face. EDS key certificates are produced and issued by a specialized organization - a certification center (CA). The functions of the CA also include user registration, cancellation, renewal and termination of key certificates. UC provides the necessary technical support EDS work. To obtain an EDS, a participant in electronic document management must contact any authorized certification center.

The current list of authorized CAs is available on the website of the unified EDS portal in Russia.

The procedure for obtaining an electronic digital signature

The procedure for obtaining an EDS involves the following steps:

  • fill out an application form on the website of the selected certification center or leave an application by the specified phone number and wait for a connection with a specialist - the method depends on the specific CA;
  • collect all the documents necessary for issuing an ES certificate and send copies to the CA. The CA, on the basis of the completed application form and a set of documents, prepares an ES certificate;
  • obtain an EDS certificate by providing original documents.

The terms for producing key certificates depend on the certification authority, but on average they are 3-5 days.

What documents are needed to obtain an EDS?

A digital signature can be obtained by both a legal entity, regardless of the organization's form of ownership, and an individual entrepreneur. Individuals can also obtain an EDS (for example, to participate in electronic trading).

An electronic digital signature certificate contains information about the owner of the signature, so only the person in whose name this certificate is issued can request and receive an EDS. In other cases, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney for the right to issue and receive an EDS, certified by a notary. The authorized representative, in whose name the power of attorney is issued, provides a passport of the Russian Federation and copies of the 2nd, 3rd pages and the registration page.

Package of documents of a legal entity

  1. A copy of the registration certificate certified by a notary.
  2. Original or certified copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The statute of limitations for an extract must be no more than 30 days;
  3. Application for the issuance of an EDS (the application form depends on the CA).
  4. A copy of the order on appointment to the position of the head, if the EDS certificate is made in his name, with the signature and seal of the organization.

If the authority to manage the organization is transferred to another management company or manager, then all the documents listed in paragraphs. 1-3 relating to the management company.

In addition, it is necessary to attach a notarized copy of the decision of the board of directors on the transfer of powers, if the form of ownership is OJSC or CJSC. If the form of ownership of the organization is LLC, then copies of the first and second sheets of the charter certified by a notary, a sheet indicating the possibility of transferring control to a third-party organization and a sheet with a tax authority mark are provided.

How to get an EDS for an individual entrepreneur: a package of necessary documents

  1. A copy and original of an extract from the USRIP, the limitation period of which is no more than 30 days from the date of issue.
  2. A copy of the TIN certificate, certified by a notary.
  3. A copy of the certificate of state registration of IP, certified by a notary.
  4. Application for the issuance of an EDS.

What documents are needed to obtain an EDS for individuals?

  1. Copy of TIN certificate.
  2. Copies of the 2nd, 3rd pages of the Russian passport and the registration page. The passport of the Russian Federation must be provided when submitting a package of documents.
  3. Application for the issuance of an EDS.

The procedure for obtaining and applying an electronic digital signature is simplified as the legal culture in this area develops and information technologies improve. Electronic document management using EDS no longer causes mistrust both on the part of business partners and on the part of state and tax authorities.

Questions, where to get an electronic digital signature, what is the scope of its use, become a forced necessity if the business goes international.

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