Vegetarian's main assistant in the kitchen. My helpers in the kitchen (to the question of vegetarian food). Why an oil press is convenient

Vegetarian restaurant chef Yevgeny Onufrienko: left work with meat and everything connected with it

Each of us has visited a restaurant at least once. But what is behind this? Who prepares the meals? What kind of people put their soul and imagination into what is then served on the table? Chef of the Kyiv vegetarian restaurant - Evgeniy Onufrienko, told about himself and shared some secrets of vegetarian cuisine.

Eugene, tell us something about yourself, about your lifestyle

I am 31 years old. Originally from Yakutia, but lived most of his life in Ukraine. Now I am professionally engaged in culinary business, specializing in lacto-vegetarian cooking. Since the age of 23 I have been leading a completely vegetarian lifestyle. This applies not only to food, but also to the things around me! My wife and my children are also lacto-vegetarians, and this does not prevent them from developing physically and spiritually. Vegetarianism for me and my family is not a diet, but a way of life.

I know that now you are working as a chef at the Ginger vegetarian restaurant in Kyiv. How did your passion for cooking start?

Yes it is. Since the eighth grade. I always enjoyed watching my mom cook, I was always on the hook. This is how my passion for the profession was born.

You became a vegetarian at 23, and apparently started working much earlier. Probably had to cook meat. When did you realize that it was not yours and mastered vegetarian cooking?

I can talk about my career for a long time, but I want to say one thing right away: the turning point was a big banquet, where many meat dishes were served. At the sight of a lying mountain of butchered carcasses, he immediately rethought his way of life and nutrition. I realized the full extent of the hypocrisy of people in relation to animals. We love some, feel sorry for them, and even go to bed with them, and we eat others for lunch or dinner.

Although by that time he managed to reach certain heights as a cook who prepares meat food. But he left work with meat and everything connected with it. I had to develop all the culinary skills in a vegetarian way. Which is quite successful. I have been working for a year in the vegetarian literary cafe "Ginger", and before that for several years I cooked for visitors to other veg catering establishments. With my life example, I show people that it is possible to live, work, develop and raise children without the cost of someone's life. Now I am a vegetarian cook.

What difficulties did you have to face? How did the family take it?

At the time when I began to practice a vegetarian lifestyle, there were no people in my close circle who voluntarily gave up meat. Of course, there were many questions from them. Relatives tried to convince that if you don’t eat meat, you won’t eat, or that life without meat is certain death. Every vegan has probably experienced something like this. But time put everything in its place. Now all relatives and relatives understand that it is possible to live without meat, but not everyone is ready to apply this in their lives. The stereotype that the proteins contained in meat cannot be found anywhere else, and if you want it or not, but you need to eat meat and seafood, this cannot be knocked out of their minds.

What philosophy do you follow?

I have been a Vedic believer for many years. As I studied vegetarianism, became interested in this system of nutrition, I began to come across the sources of Vedic knowledge. And I realized that this particular philosophy is the closest to my own worldview.

What do you mean by "development"?

I believe that development is, first of all, the spiritual, moral perfection of a person. My development is harmonious. The sequence of events is built in such a way that there is a constant movement forward. Now I work in a dynamically developing organization. Constant trainings, seminars, business trips, respectively - the knowledge of something new.

Zhenya, tell us something about the peculiarities of your work in a vegetarian restaurant.

A restaurant starts with a team. I myself recruit a team of chefs with whom I work in the future. Now there are five people and I am the sixth. All chefs are creative people with positive energy, many of them are musicians. Most of the guys are vegetarians, with the exception of one who recently joined the team. But I think that his way of eating is a temporary phenomenon, as the atmosphere affects. Without any pressure, we all eventually become vegetarians).

I tried dishes from your restaurant. They are amazing! In fact, my mood improved and I felt a surge of strength. What's the secret?

AT positive energy cooks. In the mood in which we prepare dishes. Only a positive, blissful attitude. This is all transmitted to people, which you yourself felt.

In general, we strive to cook in a new way. I had a chance to work in many cafes and restaurants, including meat-eating ones. Not only do the usual catering serve a killer product - meat, people cook food often - just to get rid of it. All the negativity, all the bad thoughts they "invest" in the dishes. There is no such thing as “tuning in to work”, throwing away bad thoughts, cooking with love. We practice it, put our soul into what we do, fantasize, experiment, come up with something new. The result is worth it!

Interviewed by: Margarita

Of course, the audience of an ordinary cafe is much wider than that of a vegetarian establishment. We relied on a special approach to the menu, so that it was non-standard and aroused interest. The menu and excellent service can already ensure good attendance, even if the cafe is not located in the center. People go to places where there is a good, inviting atmosphere, and, most importantly, high-quality and tasty food, because it is for this reason that they come to the cafe.

It is equally important to tell people about the existence of the institution through social media channels. People come to Flacon different ages but they are all interested in art, modern culture, music, they like beautiful clothes, many of them adhere to a certain system and philosophy of nutrition - this is our audience.

Alena Zlobina

How does your kitchen differ from existing cafes of the same format? How can you describe a gastronomic concept?

We care not only about the quality of the products, but also about their origin. In our space, the basic commandments are observed healthy eating: minimum salt, no refined sugar, artificial spices and animal products. Our gastronomic concept fits into one phrase: "Tasty can be healthy" - and vice versa.

What unique dishes and products do you offer?

We have a variety of nut cheeses. We have reimagined the usual dishes in a healthy way: for example, we make a tofu omelette with vegetables, a green burger with a quinoa patty and salad instead of a bun.

We offer many unprocessed sauces, such as tzatziki, and we also produce them ourselves. nut milk, kefir, rajevulak.

What are the most popular dishes and drinks on the menu?

The most popular with us is falafel (on the menu - “The Same F”). We tried to make it juicy, tender and rich with sauces and excellent meatballs. From drinks - smoothies and teas, such as sea buckthorn and ginger.

Has Chef Marat Fadanov already worked with vegetarian cuisine or is this his first experience?

Our chef has previously worked in a vegetarian establishment, moreover, he himself adheres to this type of food.

It is important for us that people who come to the cafe be sure that like-minded people prepare food for them, creating a special atmosphere.

Vegetarian and raw foods can be very high in calories and cause allergies. Did you involve a nutritionist or a doctor in the development of the menu?

Doctors were not involved, but we developed each dish based on the compatibility of various ingredients. In addition, our team has vast experience and knowledge in raw food and vegetarianism.

As for allergies, every person who comes to a cafe can read the composition of the dishes and not order something that can cause discomfort in his body.

Are there any difficulties with vegan and vegetarian products, or is there no problem on the Russian market?

Of course, for our dishes we have to look for quite rare products: tempeh, kale, ripe avocado, coconut nectar... Such positions can not always be found in decent quality, and sometimes the search turns into a quest, but this makes the game even more interesting.

Burger with quinoa cutlet and Olivier with raw mayonnaise - are such compromises necessary, can meat-eaters be interested in such replacements?

I am sure that such alternatives may well attract meat-eaters. And our dishes will help people who want to switch to a conscious type of nutrition, to do it gently and without stress to the body.

What difficulties did you encounter during your work, what tasks will you have to solve in the near future?

We officially opened in November 2016; during this time, it came to the realization that we have a shortage of specialized kitchen specialists - there are not so many qualified personnel in our industry.

Most of all, I want to assemble the perfect team, polish the service to perfection, maintain the atmosphere of our space and replenish the menu with new interesting positions.

Once upon a time there was only Jagannat in vegetarian Moscow, now everything has changed and vegetarian cafes are beginning to appear in the city, not only without an esoteric bias, but also with a gastronomic one. The Village, as a publication about food in general, is looking for cafes and restaurants where it's really tasty, and they will be vegetarian, Korean or meat - it doesn't matter. We are convinced that a limited list of products - the refusal to use meat, fish and whatever - cannot be an excuse for bland dishes. Vegetarian food, like any other, should be tasty and interesting. To find just such, The Village decided to explore everything that is on the green Moscow market. We found about 20 cafes and restaurants: vegetarian, vegan and raw food. Today, the top ten: Fruits & Veges, Moscow-Delhi, Pico-co Café, Fresh, What the Food?, Lifestyle, Jagannath, Raw Lunch, Receptor and a cafe at the NYM Yoga studio.

Fruits & Veges

Vegan cafe with a short menu

A new vegan cafe on the territory of Artplay was opened by Muscovite Anton Lubny. Anton is a vegan, not a fan of esotericism, but he understands that lentil soup should cost no more than 100 rubles - it was with this thought that he decided to open his own place. In the implementation of his plan, he was actively helped not by investors, but by friends. In particular, the interior of the new cafe, built in the form of an amphitheater with transforming tables, was made by the architectural bureau Yunaya, headed by Misha Antonov (this agency was recently written about on Furfur).

The cafe is designed for 30 seats, but many take food here to go. At the very bottom there is a bar counter and an open kitchen. Freshly squeezed juices (80 rubles) and smoothies (150 rubles) are prepared behind the bar. Next to the counter is a temporary coffee shop of the Cherny cooperative. The presence of coffee enthusiasts in the fruit and vegetable house is not surprising: the projects have the same pricing principles. There are eight people on the team. According to the organizers, these are “initiative guys, most of whom combine work with studies on the territory of Artplay”: at the BHSAD, the Moscow School of New Cinema and the MARCH School of Architecture.

From the suppliers of Fruits & Veges, they choose not farmers and markets, but the usual Auchan, Metro and a couple of places discovered empirically by the owner himself. There is no permanent menu - they talk about it carefully, since the declared one may not be. A more or less stable menu usually includes falafel (150 rubles) and soups (borscht, hodgepodge, lentil) made from seasonal vegetables. They plan to introduce breakfasts with pancakes and porridge. Falafel is cooked by a guy from Sevastopol - Yura Us. They say in the cafe that he specially came to Moscow to cook it here according to a certain recipe. It looks like an injection of unjustified importance: falafel is not bad, but not at all the kind to go for it on purpose. The falafel balls themselves are fried in advance, and not after receiving the order; tomatoes from the conventional "Auchan" in winter in a decent cafe should simply be banned: there is definitely no health in this. You can temporarily replace them, for example, with a trade wind.

Two chefs work alternately, but not regularly, in the kitchen. Bartender Kostya from the now closed Vegabar is experimenting behind the bar. In the evenings, one of the tables downstairs is occupied by a DJ. In the future, they want to make a separate cabin in the wall above the bar for the DJ. While the cafe in a van with a bomb shelter (this is no joke: below the bar you can see two impressive gateways - behind one of them there is a wardrobe for employees) looks more like a student house than an institution aimed at business. The owner himself says that his main desire is to "create his own atmosphere" so that "it is comfortable on one side of the counter and on the other."


Indian vegetarian food
in a tiny room

Vegetarian workshop "Moscow-Delhi" was opened by a young couple with no experience in the restaurant business: Galina Efimovna Kalinina, who used to be engaged in film production, and Bott Johan Michael, a Frenchman who previously worked as a theater director. Sumit Reva Raguvanshi is the head chef at Cafe Sumit, a chef from Delhi. There are only three small tables in the room, at the same time up to 15 people can fit here. They use mostly organic products (half are imported from India), they do not use electric tools when cooking - everything is done by hand.

Food is prepared during the day for dinner all together: Sumit, Galya, Johan and a couple of helpers. The restaurant opens for guests at six o'clock, on weekends you can arrange and come earlier. As such, there is no menu - dishes are changed every day, sometimes repeating. Meat, fish, poultry and eggs are not here. The food is simple: whole grain organic flour tortillas, dal, vegetables.

On weekends they make thali - a dish of rice, curdled milk and sabja with a lot of spices and spices. For sweets, traditional Indian desserts burfi, baked milk gulabjamun and carrot halva are served. But with all the simplicity here, like nowhere else on our list, it is the gastronomic approach that is felt. Unlike most Indian restaurants in Moscow, where they use ready-made spice mixes and other store-bought items for cooking, in Moscow-Delhi they do everything from scratch on their own.

It happens that there is nowhere to sit in Moscow-Delhi, and at other times almost no one. Therefore, of course, you can try to come without an appointment, and if you're lucky, you are guaranteed a delicious dinner. But it’s better to sign up, because during the day they cook for exactly the number of people who are expected by the evening. Dinner costs one thousand rubles, along with drinks. There is no alcohol, perhaps biodynamic wine will appear later.

Pico-co Cafe

Vegan food at car wash and delivery

Getting into Pico-co from the street is not easy, so few people know about this vegetarian cafe. It is located on the second floor of the car wash on Yauzskaya Embankment, a four-minute walk from the Artplay main entrance. The idea of ​​the project belongs to yoga astrologer Nikita Kitin, snowboarder traveler Artyom Dikanov and architect and part-time Ayurveda consultant Anastasia Nechiporenko.

There is nothing memorable inside: two halls - a large and a small one with a counter, a couple of TVs on the walls - in general, as it should be in a cafe, where visitors wait until their car is washed. With one exception: all food, including desserts, is vegan.

The menu includes salads and snacks, three pita sandwiches for 150 rubles each - Vostochny, Lobio and Chili. There are also soups that change depending on the day of the week, while miso with seaweed is always available. Initially, the owners themselves prepared the food, but now they have hired and trained staff.

In far-reaching plans, the team has a chef from Syria or India to prepare truly authentic national dishes. Owners find suppliers themselves.

For those who do not want to wander along the Yauzskaya embankment and make close acquaintance with the car wash staff, delivery is available in the cafe, however, now it covers only the territories of Artplay, Winzavod and Arma. In addition, Pico-co provides some Moscow yoga studios with snacks, including its own Yoga.Tochka. Another activity of Pico-co is catering for parties and holidays. For events, mostly meze is prepared. There are no restrictions on the geography of delivery. In the future, the guys want to develop a network of vegetarian fast foods in the south of Russia.

Cafe Fresh

Huge selection of drinks from fruits, berries
and vegetables with strange names

Fresh is a vegetarian cafe imported from Canada, part of a chain that was created in the late 90s by Ruth Tal. From the Russian side, spouses Dmitry and Irina Azarov are responsible for the cafe on Bolshaya Dmitrovka. Both are adherents of vegetarianism and a healthy lifestyle. Before the opening, Irina traveled to Toronto for an internship, and Ruth, in turn, came to Moscow during the launch of the cafe. As a result, the Moscow Fresh turned out to be more modern and fresher than the Canadian ones, whose interiors have already become outdated. The Moscow interior was designed by the sisters Olga and Irina Sundukov. But the menu in restaurants in both countries is similar.

The easiest way to check the menu is by cocktails: Ruth came up with some of the recipes 15 years ago. All drinks are prepared in front of the guests, behind a small bar. In addition to mixtures of fruits, berries and vegetables, Fresh makes Wheatgrass shots (100 rubles shot, double - 200 rubles) from young shoots of wheat, and also adds nutritious protein to some cocktails.

There is an option to create juice according to your own recipe - three ingredients from the list will cost 275 rubles for 250 milliliters. Food suppliers are different, there are quite a lot of them, as the institution tries to keep high level food quality.

The kitchen at Moscow's Fresh was set up by Ruth's friend, chef and vegan surfer Ricardo Morales. Now he opens with her new restaurant in his native Mexico. The owners promise that by the summer Morales will definitely visit the establishment and, possibly, update the menu. Home in the kitchen in his absence - Ekaterina Agapova. She prepares salads, hot dishes with basmati rice, buckwheat or noodles, seasoning them with tofu and chickpeas. The menu has five types of burgers (400 rubles) made from legumes, grains and vegetables, which the vegetarians who go here say can confuse meat-eaters. Prices correspond to the location: a large portion of a hot dish is 550 rubles, a small portion is 200 rubles cheaper, salads are 450 rubles. There are lunches for 400 rubles. Fresh falafel (450 rubles), deep-fried onion rings (250 rubles) and sweet potato fries (300 rubles) are also prepared at Fresh.

The menu has alcohol, but unusual: organic wines (Kalis Chardonnay Grillo Sicilia Igt 2011 and Kalis Nero D "avola Shiraz Sicilia Igt 2011), biodynamic wines (Mongrana 2009, San Pietro Nero 2011 and San Pietro Gavi Docg 2011 ) and organic unfiltered beer Brunehaut.In the spring, it is planned to open another full-fledged institution under the sign of Fresh.

What's the food?

Delivery service "sudden lunches"

What is the food? - this is not a cafe, but a service whose subscribers receive a different lunch each time from the ingredients listed on the Facebook page. The service for the delivery of "sudden lunches" was invented by friends Masha Fedorova and Natasha Shashkova, who previously worked in the capital's advertising agencies. The girls raised money for the project using the Boomstarter crowdsourcing platform. The debut of WTF took place at the New Year's festival "Form" in Artplay. Those who wished were offered to buy intriguing boxes with secret contents.

Natasha and Masha are vegetarians, so now they cook only vegetable dinners, although they use cheese and milk. The girls publish colorful photos with the ingredients of the future lunch on the WTF Facebook page, where customers can evaluate the composition and place an order. The girls also take photos themselves, put on the light and arrange photo shoots at home.

The cost of one serving weighing 450 grams is 350 rubles. Delivery is carried out by the Smartomato service, from two lunches it is free, for one you will have to pay 200 rubles. Masha and Natasha cook together, they do it either in their own equipped kitchen or with friends in a cafe. Recipes and combinations come up with themselves at weekly meetings. Products are now bought in the markets and hypermarkets like "Ashana". In the future, fish will be added as a new ingredient, but they promise to leave a completely vegetarian set to choose from.

Now aspiring entrepreneurs are actively engaged in processing all the documents necessary for working with food, and by the summer they dream of opening their own cafe or a small kiosk on the territory of some creative cluster or park.


Vegetarian Israeli cuisine

The Way of Life restaurant on Prechistenka is not entirely vegetarian, but its menu contains vegetarian dishes in almost every section. Founders Julia Gurevich and Katya Volgina were passionate about a healthy lifestyle, from this passion four and a half years ago the concept, name and the place itself appeared. Before "Lifestyle" they tried their hand at a small cafe on the territory of the Yug business center.

According to Julia's calculations, vegetarian positions in the cafe make up a quarter of the menu. Everything is prepared by Israeli chef Oleg Valdman. Oleg graduated from the Tel Aviv Cooking School, worked in the Israeli army, and then in the restaurant of the Crowne Plaza hotel on the Mediterranean Sea. He also came to Moscow at the invitation of the Crowne Plaza chain.

The chef's roots can be traced in the menu, there is a whole section with Israeli dishes: shakshuka - Israeli scrambled eggs (229 rubles), falafel with tahini (399 rubles), hummus, tabuleh, various pickles. The products are bought from small trusted suppliers - the Standard of Taste farming chain and the Zdorovenkovo ​​farm, Gurevich herself regularly brings spices from Israel.

The restaurant is reminiscent of a living room in a dacha with lamps under lampshades and Soviet-designed wooden chairs. Music plays in the background from Elvis Presley to Lana Del Rey. The restaurant is designed for 60 seats. Cafés oppose televisions and also give a discount if guests at the same table turn off their phones and put them aside.


Vegetarian dining

The oldest Moscow vegetarian cafe, opened by businessman and yogi Georgy Aistov. Aistov is one of the organizers of the Etnomir vegetarian festival, and is currently involved in the Samurai: 47 Ronin exhibition project. In its fourteen years of existence, Jagannath has evolved from an esoteric restaurant into a vegan fast food restaurant. Now, in addition to the main cafe on Kuznetsky Most, there are three more establishments on Kurskaya, Taganskaya and Maroseyka

Yaroslav Smirnov is responsible for the chain's new cafes. He is also the ideologue of the Vegetarian magazine, which is distributed in all cafes. The menu of all four is handled by chief technologist Anatoly Vedensky. He has been working at Jagannath for more than ten years and monitors compliance with all technologies and recipes. Products for cafes are collected from all over the world: spices are brought from India and Thailand, tofu and soy milk are ordered from Europe, some ingredients from Mexico. Vegetables are ordered from the same supplier for many years in a row.

On the menu: vegetarian snacks, salads, soups and Indian sweets made from saffron, sesame seeds, macrobiotic desserts. Everything costs ridiculous money by Moscow standards, but Jagannath tastes more like a canteen. There are options for vegans. Also under the roof of "Jagannath" they sell vegetarian and diet foods(cereals, soy products, sprouting grains, tofu) and hold various events, from ethnic music concerts to culinary master classes.

"Raw Lunch"

Raw food cafe on Gilyarovskogo

The raw food cafe has grown this summer to the store of the same name, opened by Svetlana Zemtsova a couple of years ago. The founder of the project has come a long way from vegetarianism to a raw food diet. Started with what she began to do chocolate candies from raw ingredients. Now this technology is actively used in cafes. According to Aleksey, assistant manager, they don't look for suppliers in cafes and shops - they come on their own. After that, their products are checked for compliance with the requirements and the presence of the necessary certification. They are checked in the laboratory by raw food biologist Yuri Frolov, who also owns his own ecovillage in the Tver region and supplies herbs, vegetables and fruits. Raw Lunch employees adhere to the principles of a raw food diet. True, they admit that they sometimes break down into vegetarianism.

The cafe prepares a raw food olivier of avocados, zucchini, mung bean and cucumbers, seasoned with raw mayonnaise (a large portion is 100 rubles, a small one is 50 rubles), pizza on a raw food crust (100 rubles per slice). There are several types of rolls - almond, from pumpkin seeds and with wakame seaweed (six pieces - 150 rubles).

From drinks make cocktails from guarana, acai, wheatgrass, chia seeds and other ingredients advertised now with the addition of apples, bananas or oranges. Depending on the amount of fruit, the price ranges from 150 to 200 rubles per 200 milliliters. There are freshly squeezed juices (200 milliliters - 100 rubles) and raw cocoa from almonds (100 rubles).

Prepare food and drinks right there, controlled with a blender. Here you can buy packaged unsweetened breads and raw food goats - 120 and 130 rubles, respectively. This menu ends. But the newly arrived management team promises to soon make a revolution: to introduce a full menu with new interesting dishes and, perhaps, to hire a chef. In the plans, the team is equal to the St. Petersburg raw food cafe "Ukrop".

Now “Raw Lunch” also works according to the “anti-cafe” system - for 100 rubles per hour you get tea (it will be warmed up if you wish, but there are also cold herbal infusions), raw food sweets and working Wi-Fi.

The interior of the cafe in the basement is raw-food modest. To get inside, you must take off your shoes - there is carpet on the floor. In general, the room is designed for 60 seats, which are easily filled during events - raw food and environmental seminars.


Korean and European Vegetarian Cuisine

The first institution with the name "Receptor" started working on Bolshaya Nikitskaya in 2010. Spouses Alexander Brailovsky and Nadezhda Pak opened their second cafe nearby, in Bolshoi Kozikhinsky, a year ago. Alexander is a vegetarian with fourteen years of experience, Nadezhda adheres to a pescatarian diet (that is, eats fish). The spouses themselves cook in the cafe according to homemade recipes. The menu is a mixture of Korean and European cuisines. The origin of the hostess influenced the formation of such a combination: Nadezhda Pak is Korean, she has been cooking since the age of five and knows a lot traditional recipes and family culinary secrets. Both restaurants promote healthy lifestyle life, do not use dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers in cooking.

The menu has a large selection of vegetarian rolls, several vegetarian soups: lentil (370 rubles), pumpkin "Receptor" (350 rubles) and Korean "Tendyantige" with a bowl of rice for 390 rubles. Hot vegetarian dishes include, for example, beet cutlets with spinach leaves and pumpkin seeds (280 rubles). Buns are made from chickpea flour, and in desserts, agar-agar is used instead of gelatin. They cook their own pastries, and they also make jam and smoke fish.

From suppliers choose Dorogomilovsky and Kuntsevsky markets, as well as small farms. The menu of the establishments seems to be predominantly fish and vegetarian dishes.

The capacity of the cafe on Nikitskaya is 50 seats, the second - 80. The design tried to reflect the concept of a cozy home cafe - chairs made of raw wood, many lamps with warm light, reproductions of paintings by Larionov and other artists on the walls. We did the interior ourselves: Alexander Brailovsky was assisted by designer Alexei Petrov. On Friday and Saturday evenings, musical evenings are arranged - live music is played.

Cafe at NYM Yoga studio

Vegan cafe at the yoga studio

The yoga studio is hidden in the alleys of the Arbat, the entrance to it is located at the end of the house 4/5 on Plotnikov lane. The establishment occupies the entire basement floor. You can get to the cafe without attending classes, but there are usually no random guests here.

NYM Yoga, founded by Ekaterina Kushner, is the only center in Moscow that teaches jivamukti yoga, a direction of yoga founded by Western ideologists. For employees, in addition to the practice of vinyasas, meditations and mantras, an ethical attitude to the world around is important. The studio supports within its walls special program Greenpeace Green Office.

The cafe is run by a woman with an exotic appearance and Armenian-Jewish roots. Aida is a vegetarian and has been cooking and inventing recipes here since the very beginning. The cafe began with a small tea bar, where food from vegetarian shops was periodically ordered. The kitchen is now equipped household appliances, there are even small ovens for baking. The menu is vegan. In the presence of dishes from buckwheat, legumes, bulgur, couscous, quinoa, rice. There is hummus (250 rubles) and avocado rolls (250 rubles). Freshly squeezed juices (180-200 rubles), fruit cocktails and lassi (from 210 rubles), hot teas, infusions (rosehip infusion - 150 rubles) and masala are prepared from drinks. There are also desserts: a vegetarian muffin (150 rubles) and carrot cake(160 rubles). You can eat and drink all this either at the bar or in a separate room - a relaxation room. There are several tables, including one large communal table with benches.

Fruits and vegetables are purchased from the Fruit Company, spices and Coconut oil- in "Indian spices". Many are brought from the nearby Happy Vegan Shop.

Photos: Olya Eikhenbaum, Lena Grusitskaya, Mark Boyarsky, Gleb Leonov, Semyon Katz, What The Food /

The number of vacancies "chef of vegetarian cuisine" on the site for 2 months

Companies hiring Vegetarian Chefs:

The number of vacancies "chef of vegetarian cuisine" on the site in the cities of Russia
  • "Restaurant Fresh";
  • "TD SARMA";
  • "Urgently Naym.rf search service";
Median salary for the vacancy "vegetarian chef" for 2 months

At the moment, in Russia for the specified vacancy, the popular salary value is 40,000 rubles per month. The vacancy of a vegetarian cook is popular in the country. The maximum salary indicator reaches 70,000 rubles. In most cases, this position requires a full form of employment. The category to which specialization belongs in the reference book of professions is called "". Employers currently posted 3 full-time vacancies. The minimum value of the monthly wages on this request- 16500 rubles. On the issue in the Internet search engine for the query "vegetarian chef" the page is at 0 positions. Employment of workers in the category "vegetarian cook" can be as follows: "full", "full time", "Part-time". Data on vacancies in the specialization of a vegetarian cook in Russia. In the current month, the average salary for all vacancies in Russia is 41,000. The value of the median salary per month for the current query is 40,000 rubles. The specified vacancy is in demand in the regions:

Vegetarian cook job distribution schedule by salary

My helpers in the kitchen (to the question of vegetarian diet).

Many of my friends are not averse to, if not completely switching to a vegetarian diet, then at least cooking more dishes from fruits and vegetables, but they simply believe that this takes a lot of time, some special kitchen equipment, if we are talking about "live", that is, not thermally processed food. They feel like they can't do it.

In fact, there is nothing difficult here. The equipment is necessary, I do not argue. But after all, everyone equips the kitchen with various assistants - a microwave, a bread machine, a deep fryer, a double boiler, a slow cooker, a coffee maker ... This is all in order to spoil food, you can't say otherwise ... So in order not to spoil food, but to use it in that form , in which the Creator conceived it for us, you will also need something, but not much.))

I'll tell you about my three main and biggest assistants that I use regularly, that is, daily.

This is a juicer, blender and electric grater. As you can see, nothing overcomplicated. These three "heroes" are stationary, that is, I do not put them in any lockers. When designing the kitchen, I conceived a special place for them, sockets are also located there, since these are all electrical appliances.

Above - shelves on which the spices I need, nuts, grains, seeds for sprouting, dried fruits are located - so to speak, a set for creativity. The shelves are open, everything is at hand, and I think that they decorate my kitchen.)))

In the corner on the left you can see the so-called submersible blender, a very handy thing!..

The second question I heard is that many people are reluctant to wash this additional “equipment”.

Well, what can I say? Of course you need to wash the dishes. But I find it much easier and more pleasant to wash a juicer than a greasy frying pan. Moreover, it does not take much time - the case stands still, only removable parts are washed, just with cool water with a special brush. No detergents, no grease - no problem!))) In addition, the juicer does not need to be washed after each use. Its design is such that after use, you can simply spill the water in the switched on state and use it again, so many times during the day. And I wash it at the end of the day once in total. For me this is no problem!

The blender is simply rinsed with warm or cold water. You can even pour water, turn it on and it will wash itself, all that remains is to pour out the water and rinse - everything is very simple and fast!

The electric grater is also washed instantly - it is disassembled into 3 parts, the body remains standing, and these parts are also washed in a matter of seconds.

So I don’t spend any extra time washing my pets and helpers, because I don’t have any greasy dishes. Of course, I have a frying pan (it’s somewhere in the closet)), but the more you eat “live” food, the less you want boiled (stewed, baked, fried). This is a natural process for us - a gradual decrease in the amount of "dumpling" in favor of "live" food.

For example, I used to cook zucchini caviar by baking vegetables in the oven and then chopping them in a blender, but after we tasted the taste of “live” caviar, I don’t even want to bother with all this baking ... and it makes no sense - “ kill” live foods, and even spend time and energy on it ... I just don’t want to do this.

I have other little helpers, I'll tell you about them another time.)))

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