Coconut oil refined deodorized bleached benefits. Refined coconut oil. Coconut oil is a handy oil for cooking

For skin and hair care. The perfect product. And yet… just as not all yogurts are the same, not every coconut oil has the same characteristics. Let's understand the types of coconut oil before the savvy producers start to fool us.

To begin with, a small educational program - oils are obtained in several ways:


Means that the oil was obtained by direct pressing bones, seeds, fruits, legumes or grains. The oil may have been extracted using high pressure, but in any case, no solvents were used in the process.


The oil was obtained by the previously described method, but everything happened at a temperature below 50 degrees.

heat extraction

Means that when receiving oil, the raw material was heated. This method increases the yield of a useful component.

Chemical extraction

It involves the use of chemicals, solvents in the process of obtaining oil. For example, hexane, which simplifies the process of extracting oil from raw materials.

Unrefined virgin coconut oil

An ideal product containing all the benefits of coconut oil. It is obtained from the pulp of coconuts pressed at low temperatures (up to 48 degrees Celsius). It is this oil that is recommended for food and cosmetic purposes. It is ideal for use raw. It can also be fried and used for baking (the smoke point, that is, the temperature above which the oil begins to form carcinogens, is 177 degrees Celsius).

If such an oil bears the international “organic” mark (not a fake, like on the Russian plagiarism of the Nutiva brand, but a real one, provided with a certificate), then this is the best version of coconut oil, better than which only bounty heavenly delight can be. Such oil necessarily has a delicately sweet coconut aroma, which means that dishes cooked with it will also smell a little bit of coconut. LookBio talked about organic coconut oils available in Russia,.

Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil

Like unrefined virgin coconut oil, this oil is obtained from the pulp of coconuts. However, the technology used is different - screw press machines. With this extraction, the raw material is heated up to 90-100 degrees Celsius, which provides a greater yield of oil. Therefore, the oil obtained by pressing is cheaper than the oil of the first cold pressing. Also, this oil has slightly fewer useful micronutrients, but it is slightly more resistant to heat (smoke point - 182 degrees). Coconut oil, obtained by pressing, has a more neutral taste. It already has less of the sweet aroma of coconut, but a light nutty flavor is added. Such oil is still a healthy product. It is ideal for cooking: for frying and use in the oven.

Expeller Pressed Refined Coconut Oil

The same as the previous version, only the oil is refined. Still a healthy product, perfect for roasting and frying as it has almost no taste. However, you need to be careful with this option. To be sure that the oil is obtained by pressing, it is safer to choose the organic version (there are many such oils on iHerb).

Refined coconut oil of unknown origin

Inexpensive refined coconut oil has already appeared in Russia and, as a rule, in this case, the oil production method is not indicated on the packaging. On the product under the Delicato brand (150 rubles per 450 g), which we found in HyperGlobus, it is indicated in small print that the oil is “refined bleached deodorized”. The last two words mean that this oil is obtained by extraction with hexane (or gasoline - this is also possible). Next, the oil is bleached using special clays and distilled for deodorization, which should remove all unpleasant odors.

As a rule, cheap refined coconut oil is not obtained from the flesh of the coconut, but from what is left after the cold pressing of the coconut. Or from coconut shells, which are usually dried on the street, in the sun, and then driven into extraction. Yes, the shells also give oil, but in this case we are talking about a completely different product, which in its composition is far from unrefined virgin coconut oil. It is also important that the extraction process takes place at very high temperatures (about 200 degrees), which impoverishes the initial micronutrient composition of the raw material. Such oil does withstand high temperatures, so it is recommended by the manufacturer for frying, however, healthy nutrition experts (in particular, a nutraceutical specialist, a specialist in holistic medicine and our

It's no secret that natural oils are one of the best ways to maintain health and beauty. Coconut oil has gained popularity not so long ago, but it already has many fans who have experienced the wonderful properties of the product. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the beneficial and harmful qualities of the oil, as well as on the areas of its application.


The history of coconut oil has more than one hundred years, it was successfully used in India and Asian countries, but only as an ingredient for dishes. When the product was brought to America, the scope expanded. Oil began to be added to various hair masks and shampoos, skin care creams were made on its basis. Today, the coconut product is known everywhere. This oil is made by pressing fresh coconut meat.

At room temperature, such pulp quickly becomes hard, it has a characteristic aroma for this nut. The unique property of the oil is the ability to foam well, so it is often used in the preparation of soap, the manufacture of various gels and shower foams. There are three types of coconut oil: technical, refined and unrefined.

  • Technical oil- a product that cannot be used as food, as some harmful particles remain in it during processing. Basically, this mixture is used for the manufacture of soap and other detergents.
  • Refined oil also called deodorized or bleached. Get it after processing technical. This product can be eaten and used externally. It is worth noting that the benefits of this variety are small, since most of the useful vitamins and elements disappear after heat treatment. This product is odorless.
  • Unrefined oilthe best choice for those who take care of their health. In its manufacture, high temperatures are not used that can destroy the natural composition of the product. This oil retains a unique woody-nutty smell and all the properties necessary for the human body. If the temperature is above 24 degrees, the oil becomes solid, and it can be stored for about two years.

The dominant element in the composition of the product is fat, it accounts for 99%. This fat includes various types of acids, the most famous are palmitic, caproic, oleic, omega 6 and 3. The calorie content of the product is impressive - just over 900 calories.

Useful qualities

The beneficial properties of this product can hardly be overestimated, thousands of people have tried it on themselves, including those who are on a diet. Despite the huge calorie content, the properties of oil are close to olive oil, which is often added to salads. A coconut product can be eaten moderately by those who lose weight, because the fats of the oil are not deposited in extra centimeters at the waist, but are quickly processed by the body.

Other useful features include:

  • strengthening immunity, supporting the body during viral and bacterial infections;
  • improvement of the brain, blood circulation;
  • improvement of memory, concentration of attention;
  • help in getting rid of problems with the stomach and intestines - the fats in the composition envelop the mucous membranes and contribute to the rapid digestion of even heavy foods;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In addition, coconut oil is actively used in cosmetology, it will help not only smooth and rejuvenate the skin, but also restore the natural shine to the hair.

Harmful properties

Of course, such a fatty product as butter can be harmful if consumed excessively. Those who are allergic to nuts are at risk. At the slightest negative reactions of the body, use should be stopped immediately. Also, don't overeat. The daily norm per day is two teaspoons. Like olive oil, coconut oil aids in digestion and doesn't build up around the waist, but only when consumed properly.

If you exceed the norm, the hated kilograms will not keep you waiting long. And along with them will come diarrhea, indigestion, pain and cramps in the abdomen.


Coconut oil is used both in cooking and in cosmetology.

In cooking

The product can be eaten as a substitute for ordinary sunflower or olive oil. If you are tired of standard oils, try coconut as a salad dressing, many reviews say that it turns out tasty and healthy. In general, the product is used:

  • as a replacement for conventional frying oils;
  • for cooking side dishes such as vegetables, mashed potatoes, pasta;
  • as a basis for baking in the oven, slow cooker, deep fryer;
  • as an additive to different types of cereals.

In cosmetology

Coconut oil is a great alternative to expensive and not always high-quality creams. It is suitable for both dry and oily skin. Due to the presence of a whole spectrum of acids, the skin of the face and body will always be moisturized and protected from the penetration of harmful organisms from environment. Also, the oil is a good remedy for the treatment of acne, acne. It can be used alone or in combination with other creams and oils.

If you prefer the first option, slightly heat a piece of the product and evenly distribute it over the skin of the face. It is best to carry out this procedure at night. In the second case, coconut oil must be melted in a water bath. Then it is mixed with the main cream in a ratio of 1: 2. It is not recommended to store such a product for a long time, The best option would be to make a cream at a time.

Important! If your skin is dry, the oil should be applied for several hours, with oily skin, the duration of application should not be more than half an hour.

A good option would be to prepare not only a mask and cream, but also a scrub. For example, you can mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with one tablespoon of coffee grounds. This scrub is applied to the face with light movements, washed off after ten minutes. Sugar, honey, sea salt are often used as additional ingredients for scrubs. In addition, coconut product in cosmetology:

  • add to shampoos and conditioners;
  • used as a means to combat stretch marks after weight loss or childbirth;
  • used after shaving and depilation, laser hair removal;
  • applied to irritated and sunburned skin;
  • used during massage.

As you may already know, many Asian countries have been using coconut oil for long history. According to research, coconut oil has been used to treat a variety of ailments due to its antimicrobial properties, and it is also used in cosmetics and cooking. However, not all coconut oil is the same. There are different types for different purposes.

Kinds coconut oils.

There are 3 main types of coconut oil.

1. (Crude)Technical coconut butter.

It is an oil that is obtained from copra, the dried flesh of the coconut. Commercial coconut oil is not suitable for human consumption because the flesh becomes contaminated and infected during drying. Technical Coconut Oil can be used for some technical purposes such as soap making or candle making. It can also be processed in different ways depending on the end goal. As the name suggests, this is the most basic of the oils derived from the coconut.

2. refined, bleached and deodorized coconut butter

Commercial coconut oil undergoes processing, after which a product suitable for human consumption is obtained. This is the most common type of coconut oil currently used in the culinary and food industries. However, due to the use of chemicals and high temperatures in the production of R.O.D. coconut oil nutritional value of this oil is very, very low. In the case of poor processing, there is a danger that some chemicals may remain in the product and cause harm when it is consumed. There have also been cases of mixing R.O.D. coconut oil with cheaper oils to increase volume and therefore increase profits. Because R.O.D. coconut oil is odorless and tasteless, it is very difficult to determine the content of foreign oils. Such processing contributes to mass production and, accordingly, to the achievement of a low price. Unfortunately, although it remains relatively safe for culinary use, it has lost its nutritional value. After hydrogenation, as is usually the case with R.O.D. oils, it becomes even more dangerous.

3. coconut butterVirgin

This is the oil that is pressed from the fresh flesh of the coconut. Generally recognized, Virgin Coconut Oil is the most nutritious, healthiest and safest of all coconut oils, and perhaps the healthiest of all oils used in cooking today. In order to classify coconut oil as virgin, no high heat, no chemicals, and no further processing must be applied to the pomace. Humidity should not exceed 0.2%. Due to the fact that the moisture and free fatty acids are so low, the shelf life is very long, at least 2 years. The end result is a completely natural, pure oil that retains as much of the fresh coconut's nutrients as possible. Virgin Coconut Oil is liquid when warm, and when cooled below 24°C it solidifies, in moderate climates it is usually solid throughout the year. Virgin Coconut Oil also retains the wonderful aroma and exquisite taste of coconut. Any coconut oil that does not retain its smell and taste has been processed in one way or another and is not virgin.

Baraka Organic Coconut Oil is of the latter type, moreover, it is certified Organic by the European Union. This means that the coconuts used to extract the oils come from plantations that do not use chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, genetically modified organisms.

Coconut Oil Baraka Organic Bio

Refined oils are oils that have undergone several stages of purification. As a rule, they have no smell, no color, no taste. Therefore, you should not count on the pleasant aroma of Bounty sweets when buying refined coconut oil. But coconut oil is not valuable for the smell alone. In this article, we will figure out what the benefits of refined coconut oil are, is there any harm from it, and also talk about how to use it.

Benefits of Refined Coconut Oil

More than 90% of the composition of coconut oil is saturated fatty acids, including such beneficial medium chain triglycerides (more than 60%). The refining process does not destroy these fats, so they are present in the same composition in refined coconut oil.

Yes, refined coconut oil, when ingested, will not impress you with a pleasant taste and aroma (it simply does not have them), but you will be surprised when you soon find that the result was worth it. After all:

  • in relation to this oil, the formula “fats is not equal to fat” is correct, because. coconut fats are easily digestible, are not deposited in the form of reserves in adipose tissue and energize for a long time;
  • medium chain triglycerides speed up metabolism, thanks to which the body spends 5% more energy (120 calories). This also contributes to faster weight loss. In addition, refined coconut oil reduces appetite, allowing you to eat less;
  • fatty acids increase the number of ketone bodies in the body. They are known to serve as reserve fuel for the brain, nerve fibers, heart and muscles in extreme situations. So, studies show that medium chain triglycerides, which are so rich in coconut oil, significantly improve the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease;
  • saturated fatty acids of coconut reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of "good", which is the prevention of heart and vascular diseases;
  • lauric acid, the content of which in the oil can reach 50%, helps in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Therefore, the use of oil is a good prevention of various infections, including Staphylococcus aureus.

Everyone knows how effective it is in general, but few know what is remarkable about purified. Refined cold pressed coconut oil great helper in face and hair care, and is considered almost the most popular component of care products. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, gives the skin radiance, prevents stretch marks.

The oil showed itself perfectly in the care of hands. So, it nourishes the skin of the hands, protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight, wind, cold, softens the cuticle.

The use of oil in the form of masks, indelible balms and hair sprays makes them silky and manageable, seals split ends, and gives the hair a well-groomed look.

The high smoke point of refined coconut oil (higher than unrefined) makes it one of the best vegetable oils for frying.

Harm of refined coconut oil

Like any other product, refined coconut oil can be harmful in the form of allergies, indigestion and intestinal disorders if consumed in moderation. Therefore, before you begin its full use, check your skin for an allergic reaction to the oil, and also carefully monitor the reaction of the body during the whole day when ingesting the oil.

People with diseases of the stomach and intestines should be especially careful and consult their doctor.

How to use refined coconut oil?

Refined coconut oil is useful to use inside 1-2 tablespoons a day for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diseases caused by various viruses.
Replacing sunflower oil with it will not only make food healthier, but also help to reduce weight.

Daily oil rinsing is excellent oral hygiene with effective teeth whitening. Plaque does not dissolve in water, but in fats.

Purified is used in the form of creams, both in pure form and mixed with the usual daily cream or other essential and base oils.

Useful use. You won't recognize your hair in the morning if you put a coconut oil mask on it all night. And the oil applied to dry, clean hair will instantly give a well-groomed look to your curls, remove fluffiness, and improve the condition of split ends.

During pregnancy, daily application of oil to the skin will prevent unnecessary stretch marks.
Using purified coconut oil as a foot cream will soften your feet and get rid of cracks and corns.

With this article, we wanted to show that not only unrefined oil can be useful. Purified coconut oil in terms of the main indicators of usefulness (in coconut oil these are medium-chain fatty acids) is not inferior to it. Therefore, this is just the case when there is no need to chase the high cost.

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