How to instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. What to read to preschoolers? What to read to children in the summer

Many parents ask the question "What to read to a child of 6 years old?" I have compiled a list of books for a child of 6 years. The list got big. Of course, you don't have to read all the books. You need to listen to the interests of the child. For example, my children did not like fairy tales with fairies, wizards, flying carpets, etc. But they loved fairy tales about Dunno and Carlson. So choose!
1. Nikolay Nosov.
Stories, Adventures of Dunno and his friends (all parts).
2. Victor Dragunsky.
Denis' stories.
3. Jan Larry.
Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali
4. Dick King-Smith.
Fairy tales about animals.
5. Andrey Uschev.
Smart dog Sonya
Once upon a time there were hedgehogs
Snowman school
Miracles in Dedmorozovka

33 cats
Smart dog Sonya
Miracles in Ded Morozovka
6. Sofya Prokofieva.
The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
Patchwork and Cloud
While the clock is striking
Detective in a shoe
plush tiger adventure
7. Selma Lagerlöf
Wonderful journey of Niels with wild geese.
8. A. Volkov:
"The Wizard of Oz",
Oorfene Deuce and his Wooden Soldiers,
"Seven Underground Kings"
"The fiery god of the Marrans",
"Yellow Fog"
"The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle"
9. Astrid Lindgren
Kid and Carlson (3 parts),
The adventures of Emil from Lenneberga,
Emil and baby Ida,
Pippi Longstocking.
10. Alan M
"Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" (all parts).
11. Jan-Olav Ekholm

Ludwig the Fourteenth and others.
12. Yuri Druzhkov
Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin.
13. Anne-Catherine Westley.
Dad, mom, grandma, eight kids and a truck
A small gift from Anton.
14. Grigory Oster.
38 parrots,
Bad advice.
15. Lyman Baum.
The Wizard of Oz.
16. Alexei Tolstoy.
The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.
17. Carlo Collodi.
The Adventures of Pinocchio.
18. Diana Sabitova.
Mouse Glyceria
Colored and striped days
19. Tove Janson.
All about Moomin
20. Tokmakova
Alya, Klyaksich and the letter "A"
Maybe Zero is not to blame?
M21. Sergey Georgiev
Fyfriki and bubriki
22. V. Bianchi:
“Forest were also fables”,
"Ant" and others.
23. Sergey Georgiev.
The main secret
Best friend,
sad tree
24. Lyubov Voronkova
Masha the confused
25. Lebedeva.
How Masha quarreled with a pillow,
The Adventure of the Cucumber Horse
26. G. H. Andersen "Tales":
"Ugly duck"
"The Snow Queen"
"The Steadfast Tin Soldier",
"Magic Hill"
"The King's New Outfit"
"Road Comrade"
"Princess on the Pea",
"The Swamp King's Daughter"
"Galoshes of happiness"
"Little Klaus and Big Klaus"
"The little Mermaid",
"Airplane Chest",
"Old house",
"Sausage Stick Soup"
"darning needle"
"Wild Swans" and others.
27. P. Ershov
The Little Humpbacked Horse.
28. R. Kipling "Tales".
29. Sergey Aksakov
The Scarlet Flower.
30. V. Kataev
31. Joel C. Harris:
Tales of Uncle Remus:
How to revive a fairy tale
Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit
32. Jan Ekholm
Tutta Karlsson the first and only,
Ludwig the Fourteenth, and others.
33. Brothers Grimm:
The Bremen Town Musicians,
pot of porridge,
Grandma Metelitsa,
Frog King or Iron Henry,
Thumb boy
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,
Bluebeard" and others.
34. J. Rodari:
Adventures of Cipollino,
Journey of the Blue Arrow
Tales on the phone
35. D. Kharms:
Poems for children,
Plikh and Plyukh.
36. V. Mayakovsky
What is good and what is bad.
37. E.T.A. Hoffman
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.
38. E. Schwartz
A story about lost time.
39. Charles Perrault "Tales":
Puss in Boots,
Red Riding Hood,
Sleeping Beauty,
Cinderella, or the glass slipper.
40. Sasha Black
Diary Fox Mickey.
41. A. Balint
Dwarf Gnomych and Izyumka
42. L. Panteleev:
The letter "you"
Two frogs. and etc.
43. B. Zhitkov
What I saw, stories
44. V. Garshin
Frog traveler. and other fairy tales
45. K. Graham
Wind in the willows
46. ​​V. Chaplin
zoo pets
47. I. Babich
My familiar animals
48. V. Golyavkin
Notebooks in the rain
49. Yuri Sotnik
How I was independent
50. Mira Lobe
Town around - yes - around
51. Tomin Yuri:
A magician walked through the city
Carousels over the city
To these books, you can add encyclopedias and educational books by age. Maybe Zero is not to blame?

At the age of six or seven, children become more independent, and it is sometimes difficult for parents to influence their behavior. Therefore, it is so important at this stage to support and instill universal human values ​​and principles of morality. About what to read to children 6-7 years old, we will tell in this review.

How to read with a child 6-7 years old?

If you used to read aloud to your baby a lot, now it's time to switch roles. At the age of 6-7 years, the child should read most of the books on his own. Often ask the baby to voice the text for you so that you can evaluate the reading technique. Remember that a first grader should not break long words into syllables. It is important to remind about the need for pauses at the end of sentences and at punctuation marks.

To develop the ability to expressive reading, choose works with a lot of dialogue and ask the baby to voice different roles.

This will develop acting skills and help the book reader better imagine the plot of the story. Invite the baby to independently come up with a continuation of the story or continue the rhymes of the poem. This will activate creative inclinations and increase interest in reading.

In the first grade, daily reading becomes boring homework, so it is important to maintain a love of literature. Explain the difference between reading according to the school curriculum and for pleasure and entertainment, and most importantly - choose the right works for the baby.

What books to read to children 6-7 years old?

Even if it seems to you that your student is already quite an adult, you should not torment him with adult books with small print. Choose children's editions with colorful illustrations that will help you vividly represent the characters in the story and the events taking place. Let your child choose books in the bookstore and on the shelf at home to understand what genres he is interested in.

Six-year-old children are already well acquainted with small forms of literature: stories and poems, so their library can be diversified with new genres: fables, stories, plays and even novels.

It is important that children's literature for children 6-7 years old consists of several chapters and its reading can be stretched over several days.

This will simultaneously awaken in the child the desire to know the continuation, and develop patience and perseverance.

Books for children 6-7 years old should not be too complicated and serious; when choosing books, be guided by the horizons of your child. The kid should not only read, but also understand all the plot twists, otherwise he will quickly get bored with reading. Choose popular works, because at the age of seven, it is important for children to easily join the team, and discussing what they have read will be a great start to a conversation.

When choosing non-fiction, look for children's encyclopedias and educational publications that match the interests of your bookworm. Boys always like colorful albums about cars, technology and sports, while girls will love encyclopedias about outfits or pets. Horror films for children are also currently in special demand.

The most obvious answer to the question of what books to read to children aged 6-7 is this. If you have already exhausted the repertoire of Russian folk tales, you can move on to more serious works, such as The Scarlet Flower by S. Aksakov, The Malachite Box and Silver Hoof by P. Bazhov, The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, The Tale of the Fisherman and fish” and other works by A. Pushkin.

Andersen occupies a special place among storytellers, whose works are very popular with children. The story of Gerda from The Snow Queen cannot but touch the hearts of both boys and girls, and the misadventures of the ugly duckling help the kids survive the difficulties of moving to a new team.

Diversify the repertoire of fairy tales with the stories of the peoples of the world, choosing the best from English, French and German literature. Do not forget about the indescribable atmosphere of the East in the stories of Aladdin's magic lamp, Sinbad, Ali Baba and the forty thieves.

Legends and myths of ancient Greece and ancient Rome adapted for children can also be attributed to this category. Among them are many instructive stories and tales of brave heroes and terrible monsters that no young adventurer can resist.

Most literary works have been screened, films, fairy tales, clips for children have been created based on them.

Russian writers have created many fascinating and instructive stories for young readers. Classics of children's literature have long been recognized:

  • "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" by A. Nekrasov
  • "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by A. Volkov
  • "Humpbacked Horse" by P. Ershov
  • "Old Man Hottabych" L. Lagin
  • "Twelve months" by S. Marshak
  • "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" by N. Nosov
  • "Three fat men" Y. Olesha
  • "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by A. Tolstoy
  • "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali" Larry Yan
  • "38 parrots" G. Oster
  • "The Adventures of Alice" by K. Bulychev
  • "Adventures of Electronics" by E. Veltisova
  • "Deniska's stories" by V. Dragunsky

Foreign literature, qualitatively translated into Russian, also deserves attention. Children of six or seven years old read with pleasure:

  • "Gulliver's Travels" by J. Stift
  • "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" by M. Twain
  • "The Adventures of Chippolino" and "Journey of the Blue Arrow" by G. Rodari
  • "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" R. E. Raspe
  • The Chronicles of Narnia by L. Clive
  • "Arthur and the Invisibles" by L. Besson
  • "The Little Prince" A. Saint-Exupery
  • "Mary Poppins" P. Travers
  • "The Endless Book" by M. Ende
  • "The Wizard of Oz" Fr. Baume
  • "Mowgli" R. Kipling
  • "Alice in Wonderland" by L. Carroll
  • "Pippi Longstocking" and "The Tale of the Kid and Karlsson" A. Lindgren
  • "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" A. Milne
  • the first books of the Harry Potter series by J. Rowling

This is just a short list of books that are suitable for children aged 6-7 years. You can change and supplement it at your own discretion, depending on the tastes and preferences of your own child.

In addition, we note that the method of children's books is now very popular. Reading foreign books, the child learns a foreign language faster and easier.

What books do you read to your children?

1. Stories for the little ones (for children from about 1.5-2 to 3-4 years old)

"Turnip", "Kurochka-Ryaba", "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man" - all these tales can be told to a child from the age of one and a half to two years, showing him pictures and examining them with him. You can add Russian folk rhymes to them, Agnia Barto's poems for kids ("A bull is walking, swinging ...", "Our Tanya is crying bitterly ..." and others), "Chicken" by Korney Chukovsky and "Chicken and duckling" by Vladimir Suteev .

These are very short stories, either describing a single event (Ryaba Hen laid a golden egg, Tanya dropped a ball into the river, etc.), or lined up as a chain of episodes of the same type (first one grandfather pulls the turnip, then the grandfather along with the grandmother, and so on). Further). They are told in simple sentences, they have a lot of repetition and rhymes, and a relatively small vocabulary is enough to understand them. Many of them are, as it were, transitional forms from nursery rhymes (such as "A magpie-crow cooked porridge ...") to fairy tales.

As a rule, young children enjoy listening to these fairy tales and poems many times. When the kid already knows this or that fairy tale well enough, invite him to tell it himself, using pictures and relying on your help. If the kid likes to listen to fairy tales and poems from the first section, try to gradually add a few books from the second section (but always with pictures).

For very young children (one and a half, two and even three years old), it is best not to read these fairy tales, but to tell them by showing them pictures and looking at them together. It is always easier for a kid to perceive text based on pictures, therefore, when telling or reading the first fairy tales and poems to him, be sure to show him all the characters in the pictures and look at the pictures with him.

Note: if you can find a slide projector and filmstrips with these tales, be sure to show them to your baby - filmstrips are much better perceived than cartoons, they make your eyes less tired, and they help to understand the text (and do not replace it with action, as happens in cartoons) .

It is very important for the kid that the story ends well. A good ending gives him a sense of the security of the world, while a bad (including realistic) ending gives rise to all sorts of fears. Therefore, "Teremok" is better to tell in the version when, after the teremok fell apart, the animals built a new one, even better than the previous one. With a good ending, it is worth initially telling "Gingerbread Man" - for example, having figured out how Gingerbread Man at the last moment managed to outwit the Fox and run away from her.

If you talk and play a lot with the baby and start telling and reading fairy tales to him early, then at two and a half or three years old you can move on to the books of the next section. However, children with whom they talk little and to whom they tell and read fairy tales little can “grow up” to the books of the next section only by the age of five or six, or even later, especially if they watch TV a lot and are not used to listening to the story.

2. Stories are a little more complicated (for children from about 2.5-3 to 6-7 years old)

On the second "step of complexity" you can put numerous books by Vladimir Suteev ("Under the Mushroom", "The Magic Wand", "Apple" and others), many poetic tales by Korney Chukovsky ("Telephone", "Fedorino's grief", "Moidodyr", "Aibolit"), Samuil Marshak's poems ("Mustache-striped", "Where did you dine, sparrow?", "That's how absent-minded" and others), as well as his translations of children's English rhymes (for example, "Gloves", "Visiting Queen", "Ship", "Humpty Dumpty"). This also includes folk tales about animals ("Tails", "Cat and Fox", "Fox with a rolling pin", "Zayushkina hut" and others), fables by Sergei Mikhalkov ("Who wins?", "Helpful Hare", "Friends in hike") and many other stories.

Note: some of the fairy tales by K. Chukovsky are scary enough for kids, and it is better to read them no earlier than five or six years old - they are included in section 3.

These stories are already a bit longer; as a rule, they consist of several separate episodes connected in meaning. The relationship of their heroes becomes a little more complex, the dialogues become more complicated; to understand these stories, the baby needs a larger vocabulary.

A good ending and the absence of too scary events (even if they end well) are still important. Therefore, acquaintance with most fairy tales is better to postpone at least six or seven years. Even "Little Red Riding Hood" often scares young children. Children who begin to tell or read fairy tales early (at four or five years old), at best, then simply do not like them, at worst, they may develop all sorts of fears and nightmares. So if you read a lot to your baby and he quickly mastered this section, choose from the books of the next section those where nothing terrible happens - for example, Nosov's stories, Nikolai Gribachev's stories about the hare Koska and his friends, or Astrid Lindgren's stories.

If you talk and play a lot with the baby and started telling him stories and reading books early enough, then the stories of this section will be most interesting to him at the age of three or four, and at the age of five he will be able to supplement them with books of the next section. The child will be willing to listen and read the stories he loves and later, with pleasure again and again living the situations in which his favorite characters find themselves.

And starting to read on their own (whether at five, six, seven or even eight years old), the child should return to the fairy tales and stories of this section again - they are short and simple, they are accompanied by numerous bright pictures that help overcome the difficulties of independent reading. It is also better to start learning to retell using fairly simple texts, so some of the stories in this section are often included in textbooks and anthologies for reading for elementary school.

If a child watches TV and videos a lot and listens to fairy tales and books a little, it may be difficult for him to perceive the stories of this section at four or five years old (not counting, of course, the cartoons based on them). In this case, you can stay on the books in this section for up to six or seven years, gradually adding fairy tales and stories of the next level to them.

1. Vladimir Suteev. Under the mushroom Apple. Uncle Misha. Christmas tree. Angler cat. A bag of apples. Different wheels. Lifesaver. Capricious cat.

2. Korney Chukovsky. Telephone. Fedorino grief. Moidodyr. Fly Tsokotukha. Aibolit. Aibolit and sparrow. Confusion. Dr. Aibolit (according to Gyu Lofting).

3. Samuil Marshak. Mustachioed - Striped. Where did you dine, sparrow? Baggage. Here's how scattered. A lesson in courtesy. About everything in the world. Other.

4. Samuil Marshak. Translations of children's English songs: Gloves. Nail and horseshoe. Three wise men. Visiting the Queen. Ship. King Pinin. The house that Jack built. Kittens. Three hunters. Humpty Dumpty. Other.

5. Folk tales about animals: Tails. Fox and crane. Crane and heron. Fox and jug. Cat and fox. Fox with a rock. Zayushkin's hut. Sister fox and gray wolf. Cockerel - Golden Scallop. Masha and the Bear. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Brave sheep. Hare-boast. Zimovye. Polkan and the bear. Cockerel - Golden scallop and miracle chalk. The man and the bear. Tale about ruff. Fox and goat. Other.

6. Alf Preussen. About a kid who could count to ten. Happy New Year.

7. Lillian Moore. Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond.

8. Agnes Balint. Dwarf Gnomych and Izyumka.

9. Enid Blyton. The famous duck Tim.

10. Nikolay Nosov. Living hat.

11. Nicholas Sweet. The hedgehog ran along the path. Sparrow spring. And other stories.

12. Hayden McAllister. Multicolor travel.

13. Zdenek Miler. Mole and magic flower.

14. Sergei Mikhalkov. Fables: Who wins? Helpful rabbit. Friends on a hike. Poetry: What do you have? Friends song. Thomas. Picture. My puppy. And other verses.

15. Vitaly Bianchi. First hunt. Like an ant hurried home. Whose nose is better. Forest houses. Owl. Who sings what? And other stories.

16. Mikhail Plyatskovsky. The sun for memory (stories).

17. Mikhail Zoshchenko. Smart animals (stories). Demonstrative child (stories).

18. Pif's adventures in drawings by V. Suteev and retelling by G. Oster.

19. Viktor Krotov. How Ignatius played hide and seek. Like a worm, Ignatius almost became a dragon.

20. George Yudin. Primer. Mustachioed Surprise (poems and stories).

21. Donald Bisset. Everything is upside down (stories).

22. Fedor Khitruk. Toptyzhka.

23. Agniya Barto. Ignorant bear. We are with Tamara. Lyubochka. Amateur fisherman. Flashlight. I am growing. And other verses.

24. Valentina Oseeva. Magic word.

25. Emma Moshkovskaya. Zoo. And other verses.

26. Boris Zakhoder. Hook on the tree. What was the Indian thinking?

3. Funny stories and exciting adventures (for children from about 5-6 to 8-9 years old)

The books in this section are very different. There are stories for all tastes: scary tales (for example, fairy tales of different nations in a retelling for children), and funny and funny adventures (for example, the adventures of Dunno and Mafin the donkey, Pinocchio and the Moomin trolls, Koska the hare and Pippi Longstocking) , and ironic narratives by Gregory Auster and Alan Milne. There are short fables and long stories, poetry and prose.

What unites them is that all these are stories for preschoolers who love to listen and read books; "TV" kids usually don't understand them - they can't concentrate on listening to long enough stories, and they lack the imagination to imagine the events described in them.

Some of these books are published in different versions - with a large number of bright pictures or in a more "adult" form, where there are few or no pictures at all. It is better for preschoolers, even the oldest and smartest, to buy books in a bright and colorful design, pictures help them to imagine the characters of the book and the events that happen to them.

If a child was read very little before school, it may be difficult for him to perceive these stories even at eight or nine years old. In this case, simply reading to a child is often no longer enough for him to learn to understand literary texts. With such children, it is necessary to conduct special correctional training sessions - otherwise they will not be able to cope with the school curriculum, and their inner world will remain undeveloped and primitive.

Children who are read a lot may well fall in love with some of the books in the next section before school (they are somewhat more complicated in language and plot, and are usually read by schoolchildren of 7-11 years old).

1. Korney Chukovsky. Barmaley. Cockroach. Crocodile. Stolen sun. Adventures of Bibigon.

2. Nikolay Nosov. Adventures of Dunno and his friends.

3. Nikolay Nosov. Mishka's porridge. Telephone. Buddy. Dreamers. Our ice rink. Underground. Fedya's task. And other stories.

4. Alexey Tolstoy. The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.

5. Alexey Tolstoy. Fairy tales.

6. Carlo Collodi. The Adventures of Pinocchio.

7. Nikolay Gribachev. Forest stories.

8. Ann Hogarth. Donkey Mafia and his friends.

9. Hans Christian Andersen. Thumbelina. Ugly duck. Princess on the Pea. Flowers of little Ida. And other tales.

10. Enid Blyton. Adventures of Noddy. Yellow Fairy Book.

11. Tove Jansson. Little trolls and a terrible flood. The comet is flying! (in another translation - Moomintroll and a comet). Wizard hat. Memoirs of Papa Moomintroll. Dangerous summer. Magic winter.

12. Otfried Preusler. Little Baba Yaga. Little Water. Little Ghost. How to catch a robber.

13. D.N. Mamin-Siberian. Alyonushka's Tales: About Komar Komarovich. Tale of a brave hare Long ears - Slanting eyes - Short tail. Parable about milk, oatmeal and gray cat Murka. Other.

14. Astrid Lindgren. Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof. Adventures of Emil from Lönneberga. Pippi Longstocking.

15. Lucy and Eric Kincaid. Forest stories with Willy the Mole and his friends.

16. Tony Wolf. Fairy tales of the magical forest. Giants. Gnomes. Elves. Fairies. Dragons.

17. Evgeny Kolkotin. About the bear cub Proshka.

18. Valentin Kataev. A pipe and a jug. Semi-flower.

19. Pavel Bazhov. Silver hoof.

20. Tatyana Aleksandrova. Kuzka. Tales of an old rag doll.

21. Irina Tokmakova. Alya, Klyaksich and the letter "A". Maybe it's not Null's fault. And a happy morning will come. Marusya will be back. Happy Ivushkin!

22. Gianni Rodari. Adventures of Cipollino. Journey of the Blue Arrow.

23. Joel Harris. Tales of Uncle Remus.

24. Boris Zakhoder. Poems and poetic tales (Martyshkin house, Letter "I" and others). On the horizon islands (poems). Ma-Tari-Kari.

25. Edward Uspensky. Uncle Fedor, dog and cat. Holidays in Prostokvashino. Fur boarding school.

26. Grigory Oster. Kitten named Woof. Tail charger. Underground crossing. Hello monkey. And suddenly it works!!! Spoiled weather. Inhabited island. This is me crawling. Boa grandmother. Great closure. Where is the elephant going? How to treat a boa constrictor. Legends and myths of Lavrov lane. Story with details.

28. Renato Rachel. Renatino does not fly on Sundays.

29. Valery Medvedev. Barankin, be a man! Adventures of sunbeams.

30. Konstantin Ushinsky. Blind horse.

31. Fairy tales of different nations in retelling for children:

Russians: Sivka-Burka. Princess Frog. bird language. Morozko. Finist is a clear falcon. Maria Morevna. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. By magic. Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf. Tale of a silver saucer and a pouring apple. Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water. Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what. Ivan is a widow's son. Great berries. Lipunyushka. Vasilisa the Beautiful. Khavroshechka. The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise. Three sons-in-law. Snow Maiden.

German fairy tales collected by the brothers Grimm: The Hare and the Hedgehog. Straw, charcoal and bean. Brave tailor. Three brothers. Three lazybones. Little people. A pot of porridge. Grandmother Metelitsa. Tom Thumb. The Bremen Town Musicians. Rosehip color (in another translation - Rosehip). Other.

French: Gnomes. Restless rooster. The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Rogue baby. The lumberjack's daughter. How did the animals keep their secrets. "Got it, Cricket!" Sun. The whitebird, the lame mule, and the golden-haired beauty. Jean is happy. Where did owls come from. The return of La Ramé. Other.

English: Three pigs. Mr Mike. How Jack went to look for happiness. Source at the end of the world. Three smart heads. Little brownie. Who-all-will overcome. The water was closed. Cane hat. The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Tom Tit Tot. Other.

Arabic: Magic lamp of Aladdin. Sinbad the Sailor. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Other.

Also fairy tales Danish, Scottish, Irish, Indian, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese, Japanese, Estonian, Tatar and many, many other nations.

32. Household tales of different nations (i.e. tales of ingenuity and ingenuity):

Porridge from an ax. Gorshenya. Who will speak first? Miser. Wise wife. Barin and carpenter. Tablecloth, ram and bag. Seven-year-old daughter (Russians). Golden jug (Adyghe). King John and the Abbot of Canterbury (English). sexton dog. Fox and partridge. Biron. "Bernik, Bernak!" Carpenter from Arles. Magic whistle and golden apples. Old pot with golden ecu (French). And many, many others.

33. Tales of Charles Perrault in a retelling for children: Little Red Riding Hood. Puss in Boots. Cinderella. Sleeping Beauty (ending with the wedding).

Note: other fairy tales by Charles Perrault - such as "Thumbnail", the full version of "Sleeping Beauty" or "Bluebeard" - are scarier, there are more cannibals, children abandoned by their parents in the forest, and other horrors. If you do not want to scare your children, then it is better to postpone acquaintance with these fairy tales at least until elementary school, up to eight or nine years old.

34. Hugh Lofting. The Story of Doctor Doolittle.

35. A. Volkov. The Wizard of Oz. Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers. And other stories.

36.A.B. Khvolson. The kingdom of the little ones (Adventures of Murzilka and the forest men).

37. Palmer Cox. New Murzilka (Amazing adventures of forest men).

38. Evgeny Charushin. Bear cub. Bear cubs. Volchishko. And other stories.

39. Vitaly Bianchi. Where do crayfish hibernate?

40. Mikhail Prishvin. Fox bread. Forest Doctor. Hedgehog. golden meadow.

41. Konstantin Paustovsky. Farewell to summer.

42. Rudyard Kipling. Baby elephant. Rikki-tikki-tavi. How the leopard became spotted.

43. Alan A. Milne. Winnie the Pooh and everything.

44. Mikhail Zoshchenko. A cycle of stories about Lelya and Minka: Christmas Tree. Grandma's gift. Galoshes and ice cream. Do not lie. In thirty years. Find. Great travelers. Gold words.

45. Galina Demykina. House on a pine tree (novels and poems).

46. Viktor Golyavkin. Stories.

47. Boris Zhitkov. Pudya. How do I catch people.

48. Yuri Kazakov. Why do mice have a tail?

49. Vladimir Odoevsky. Town in a snuffbox.

50. I.A. Krylov. Dragonfly and ant. Swan, Cancer and Pike. A Crow and a fox. Elephant and Moska. Monkey and glasses. Fox and grapes. Quartet.

51. A.S. Pushkin. Tale and the fisherman and the fish. Tale of the Golden Cockerel. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs. Tale of the priest and his worker Balda.

52. Poems: Elena Blaginina, Yunna Moritz, Sergei Mikhalkov, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak.

53. Poems about nature(Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Blok, Tyutchev, Fet, Maikov and others).

54. Peter Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse.

55. Efim Shklovsky. How Mishka was cured.

56. Alexander and Natalia Krymsky. Tales of the green sofa.

4. More complex stories, interesting for older preschoolers who love to listen and read books and have already read most of the stories from the previous section (usually these books are read by schoolchildren of 7-11 years old, and often - and with pleasure - by adults)

"The Scarlet Flower" and "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Mowgli" and "Niels' Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese" - these and many other books, usually included in reading lists for schoolchildren, are quite accessible to many preschoolers if they like to listen and read books and have already read most of the stories from the last section. In the books of this group, the semantic picture of the world becomes more complex and dissected. Their characters experience moral conflicts, learn to understand other people and build relationships with them, their relationships become more complex and can change along the way. The text itself becomes more complicated: the plot lengthens and becomes more branched, the description of the characters’ feelings and experiences begins to occupy a large place, descriptions, author’s digressions and reflections of the characters are added, the same situation can be shown from the positions of different characters.

It is not at all necessary to switch to the books of this group before school; this should be done only if you have already re-read most of the books in the third section with your child. And one more thing: since these books are more difficult both in language and in content, it is better for a child to read them with you - even if he already reads pretty well on his own.

1. Sergei Aksakov. The Scarlet Flower.

2. Hans Christian Andersen. The king's new dress. Nightingale. Flint. The Snow Queen. The Steadfast Tin Soldier. And other tales.

3. Selma Lagerlöf. Wonderful journey of Niels with wild geese.

4. Vitaly Gubarev. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.

5. Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice in the Wonderland.

6. Michael Ende. Jim Button-Bright and Engineer Lucas. Jim Button and the Devil's Dozen.

7. Rudyard Kipling. Mowgli. That's how fairy tales are!

8. Jan Ekholm. Tutta the First and Ludwig the Fourteenth. THAT and THAT from the city ABOS yes NEBS.

9. James Barry. Peter Pan and Wendy.

10. Ernest Hoffman. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. And other tales.

11. Clive S. Lewis. The Chronicles of Narnia.

12. Kenneth Graham. Wind in the willows.

13. Anthony Pogorelsky. Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants.

14. Wilhelm Hauff. Little Muck. Caliph-stork. Adventures of Said. And other tales.

15. D.I Mamin-Sibiryak. Gray Neck. A fairy tale about the glorious Tsar Pea and his beautiful daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Goroshinka. Fireflies. Fairy tale about Grandfather Vodyanoy. Golden brother. The rich man and Eremka. And other stories.

16. Felix Salten. Bambi. There lived fifteen hares.

17. Pavel Bazhov. Stone Flower. Mountain master. Golden hair.

18. Andrey Nekrasov. Adventures of Captain Vrungel.

19. Pierre Gripari. The story of Prince Remy, a horse named Remy and Princess Mirei. Little sister. And other tales.

20. Georgy Rusafov. Vaklin and his faithful horse. And other tales.

21. Sofia Prokofieva. While the clock strikes. Captains Island.

22. Anatoly Aleksin. In the country of eternal holidays.

23. Evgeny Charushin. Stories about animals (Schur. -Yashka. Stupid monkeys. And others).

24. Adventures of Robin Hood.

25. D "Erville. The adventures of a prehistoric boy (in the retelling of BM Engelhardt).

26. A.P. Chekhov. Horse name.

27. Boris Shergin. Poiga and fox.

28. Alexey Tolstoy. Fofka.

29. Alexander Kuprin. Yu-yu.

30. Nina Artyukhova. Ice cream.

31. Viktor Golyavkin. Stories.

32. Viktor Dragunsky. Denis' stories.

33. Radiy Pogodin. Brick Islands.

34. Ernest Seton-Thompson. Chink.

35. Jack London. The story of Kish.

36. J.R.R. Tolkien. Hobbit.

37. Yuri Olesha. Three fat men.

38. Lazar Lagin. Old man Hottabych.

39. Albert Ivanov. Lilliput is the son of a giant.

40. Robert Louis Stevenson. Treasure Island.

41. Daniel Defoe. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

42. Mark Twain. Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

43. Yuri Koval. Underdog.

44. Evgeny Veltistov. Electronics - a boy from a suitcase. Rassy is an elusive friend. A million and one days of vacation.

45. Kir Bulychev. The girl that nothing will happen to. Alice's journey. The secret of the third planet. Alice's birthday. Preserve of fairy tales. Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich Lilac ball.

46. Vladislav Krapivin. Shadow of a caravel. Three from the Place Carronade.

The utility factor from reading together with a child is very high: the benefits are disproportionately high in relation to the time spent, though with the obligatory condition that these costs be systematic.

And the benefit is not only in the formation and development of the mental and emotional potential of the child, but also in laying the basic principles for building the child's relationship with society in general, and with various representatives of society in particular.

Using the examples of book characters, it is easier to explain what good and evil, bad and good deeds are.

Where else can you find so many examples?

Only books should correspond to the age interests and needs of the child. After all, they develop imagination, horizons, the ability to fantasize, teach to make friends, love, empathize, dream, joke.

Books should not be empty and, moreover, harmful.

You can, of course, limit yourself to showing cartoons and films, but this way you will introduce the child to the director's fantasy. Through reading books, you pave the way for the development of his own fantasy, and then offer to compare with the director's fantasy.

The meaning of fairy tales

Start introducing your child to reading with folk tales. The concepts of good and evil, bad and good are clearly separated in them, they are not confused, but clearly expressed and clearly drawn, which corresponds to the level of development of the consciousness of children 3-4 years old.

In folk tales, the worldly wisdom of our ancestors is, as it were, conserved, they teach that good and evil necessarily get what they deserve.

Of course, in life everything is more complicated, evil does not manifest itself so clearly, but often hides under the guise of good. But the understanding of this should come in time, do not rush the time. Do not ignore fairy tales, even if they seem outdated to you. They lay the basics of concepts for the child, on which the basic ideas about human feelings, about the principles of building relationships between people are based.

Choose fairy tales with high-quality presentation: with beautiful literary translation and literary processing.

For example, Andersen's fairy tales without processing are not adapted to the perception of modern children. His instructive deep fairy tale stories without processing are suitable for older children, if the child himself can look at history through the prism of modern reality, and if he is interested.

Be sure to take note of:

Some of the best and famous translators of children's books:

  • Korney Chukovsky.
  • Nikolai Chukovsky (son of Korney Chukovsky).
  • Boris Zakhoder.
  • Samuil Marshak (translations of children's, and not only, poetry).

One of the most famous retelling of fairy tales is Alexei Tolstoy.

They are classic writers. Their works and translations belong to the last century. But the concepts of good and evil can also be attributed to the classics, they do not age. Their works will introduce the child to the classical literary language and figurative artistic style of writing.

And remember: books, like any knowledge, must be age appropriate.

Folk tales

Folk Russian fairy tales in the processing of Alexei Tolstoy.

There are many, the most famous are:

  • "According to the command of the pike."
  • "Princess Frog".
  • "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what."
  • Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.
  • "Frost".
  • "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".
  • "Bubble, straw and bast shoes".
  • "The Man and the Bear"
  • "Swan geese".

Epics about heroes.

In the literary processing of Alexander Afanasiev:

  • "Alesha Popovich".
  • Ilya Muromets and the Serpent.
  • "The story of the glorious hero Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber."
  • "Nikita Kozhemyaka".
  • Feather Finist clear falcon.
  • "Pokatigoroshek".

Also, many well-known Russian folk tales: about Elena the Beautiful, and about Koshchei the Immortal, and about Ivanushka the Fool - were retold by Alexander Afanasiev.

In literary processing by Irina Karnaukhova:

  • Volga Vseslavevich.
  • Mikula Selyaninovich.
  • Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich.
  • "About Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych."
  • How Ilya from Murom Became a Bogatyr.
  • "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber".
  • "About the beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna."
  • "Svyatogor-hero".

In this processing, the epics are presented in a simple and accessible language for children's perception.

Tales of the peoples of the world.

  • Tales of the Slavic peoples:
  1. Ukrainian;
  2. Belarusian;
  3. Moldovan.
  • Tales of the peoples of the north.
  • Tales of the peoples of the East, the most famous of which are presented in the series of fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights".
  • Scandinavian tales.

Finish your acquaintance with folk tales by watching cartoons. For example, cartoon fairy tales from the "Mountain of Gems" cycle will introduce the child to the modern interpretation of not only Russian fairy tales, but also fairy tales of other peoples.

Stories in verse

Poems are easily perceived and recorded in children's memory. Try to memorize the most interesting passages with your child.

  • For younger children.

Korney Chukovsky. Tales in verse:

  1. "Aibolit".
  2. "Fly Tsokotukha".
  3. "Cockroach".
  4. "Stolen Sun"
  5. "Moydodyr".
  6. "Fedorino grief".

Samuil Marshak. Children's poems:

  1. "Children in a Cage"
  2. "That's how absent-minded."
  3. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".
  4. "Baggage".
  5. "Funny alphabet"
  6. "Merry Account".
  7. "Lesson of politeness".
  8. English and Scottish ballads and poetry. One of the most famous is The House That Jack Built.

Sergei Mikhalkov. Children's poems and fables:

  1. "What do you have?"
  2. "Uncle Styopa".
  3. How an old man sold a cow.

Alexander Pushkin. Fairy tales:

  1. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs".
  2. "The Tale of Tsar Soltan".
  3. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".
  4. "The Tale of the Goldfish"
  5. "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda".
  6. "Lukomorye has a green oak."

Prolong the pleasure of getting to know Pushkin's work with animated adaptations of these fairy tales, and then they will remain in the child's memory for life.

world classic

  • For younger children.

Charles Perrot. Fairy tales:

  1. "Cinderella or the glass slipper".
  2. "Puss in Boots".
  3. "Sleeping Beauty".
  4. "Tom Thumb".
  5. "Donkey skin".
  6. "Red Riding Hood".

Brothers Grimm. German folk tales in the literary processing of the Brothers Grimm:

  1. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
  2. "The Bremen Town Musicians".
  3. "Brave tailor".
  4. "Miss Metelitsa".
  5. "King Thrushbeard".
  6. "Rapunzel".
  7. "The wolf and the seven Young goats".
  8. "Pot of porridge".
  • For preschool children.

Hans Christian Andersen. The most famous fairy tales:

  1. "The Snow Queen".
  2. "Thumbelina".
  3. "Wild Swans".
  4. "The little Mermaid".
  5. "Princess on the Pea".
  6. "Flint".
  7. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".
  8. "Swineherd".
  9. "Ugly duck".

Carlo Collodi The Adventures of Pinocchio. The story of a wooden doll "in the literary adaptation of Alexei Tolstoy:

  1. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".

Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino".

Rudyard Kipling. Fairy tales:

  1. "Rikki Tikki Tavi".
  2. "Baby elephant".
  3. "The cat that walked by itself."
  4. "Where does a rhinoceros skin come from?"
  5. "Where did the armadillos come from."
  6. Why does a camel have a hump?
  7. "Where does a whale get such a throat."

Many of these fairy tales have not only animated adaptations, but also their film versions. Interest in the fairy tales of world classics does not disappear, and modern adaptations appear, for example, a fairly new cartoon "Rapunzel".

adventure stories

Begin to introduce the child to the cycles of adventure stories closer to 5 years, when the level of perception, the ability to remember and analyze, are already more developed. With them, you can start teaching your child to read independently.

These fabulous adventures will give the child a long journey into the fictional world of fascinating stories from the lives of heroes.

Some of the stories could well have happened in his childhood world, and it is easy to pick up a prototype for each hero from the environment of the child, including himself.

During the reading of all the stories from one cycle, the child will definitely become attached to some favorite character, whom he will both empathize with and rejoice with him.

It is very similar to friendship. The child will want to return to the world of adventures of his favorite characters again and again, and this will help to give rise to another desire - to quickly master independent reading (from personal experience).

  1. Yurie Genevieve. A series of adventures "Once upon a time there were rabbits" with very "lively" illustrations by Loic Joannigo. Therefore, it is suitable for teaching a child to read independently.
  2. Edward Uspensky. A series of adventures "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka".
  3. Alan Milne. Fairy tales "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" with the translation of Boris Zakhoder.
  4. Astrid Lindgren. "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."
  5. Joel Harris. A series of adventures of Brer Rabbit "Tales of Uncle Remus" - collected and literary processed Negro folklore.
  6. Rudyard Kipling. A series of stories about Mowgli from the Jungle Book.
  7. Tove Jansson. A series of adventures "All about the Moomin trolls."

After reading books, do not forget to introduce your child to their animated adaptations.

Russian classics

Acquaintance with the works of Russian classics for your child will be very informative and instructive. Through their works, as through a “window”, a child will be able to look into past centuries, get acquainted with the life of people of that time and hear fabulous, and not only, stories told in classical artistic language. He will plunge into the atmosphere of those times, imbued with the same feelings as the children of many generations. After all, the main feelings and concepts do not change over the years, or even over the centuries, they are understandable even to the children of our time.

The proposed works are designed for preschool children, so start introducing them to your child from the age of 5.

Lev Tolstoy. Parables, fables and fairy tales. Notable stories:

  • "The Lion and the Dog"
  • "Two brothers".
  • "Shark".
  • "Kitty".

Sergei Aksakov. "The Scarlet Flower".

Vsevolod Garshin. most famous fairy tale - "Frog traveler".

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak. most famous fairy tale - "Grey neck".

And your joint warm literary evenings will remain a kind and bright memory in his heart. This is the main magic of books.

You don't need a college degree to understand that reading and child development are inextricably linked. All intellectual activity of a person depends on what his first experiences with books were.

It doesn't have to be thick encyclopedias and novels, and it's not just about literal texts. Modern books for children are whole works of art with many illustrations, interactive tasks, and even sound accompaniment.

In this article we will talk with you about what you can read to a child at 5 years old.

What books are interesting for children at 5 years old

Five year olds are very curious. This is the age of "why". They are interested in literally everything. Don't be surprised if your five-year-old asks you how the universe came to be or why the hour hand moves from right to left - even this is interesting to the child. And at this age it is good to explain to the little researcher that not only mom and dad know the answers to many questions that interest him - most of the information can be gleaned from books. But in order for the child to have a craving for finding answers to his questions, you need to open the book world to him. So where to start, what books will be interesting for a 5-year-old child?

Stories from plot

Children of this age are very good at remembering stories with a plot. Therefore, it is better to give preference to fairy tales, fables and stories with a small number of characters understandable to the child.

Remember that books must be illustrated. It is better that the drawings are colorful and multi-colored, rather than black and white. Before buying a book, scroll through the edition and check if the illustrations correspond to the content and logic of the text.


You are mistaken if you think that a five-year-old child may not understand or remember a lot. Just the same, this age is the most favorable for absorbing information about the world around us, including encyclopedic information. Therefore, along with story books, you can buy children's educational encyclopedias.

Magazines and comics

In our opinion, this is the best way to present information to a child. Firstly, they are well suited for entertaining reading, and secondly, they have games, all kinds of developmental tasks and quick-witted questions.

Another feature of magazines and comics is that they are periodicals, that is, the child does not have to say goodbye to his favorite characters - adventures continue in each new issue.

In addition to the internal content of publications for children, pay attention to the formal aspects:

  • paper should be light and dense, preferably matte, so that it does not shine under lamp lighting;
  • The font must be large enough and printed only in black ink. Only headings can be colored;
  • A4 pages are ideal. Do not buy bulky and heavy editions.

For example, consider several magazines of different formats that a mother can look through with her child before going to bed.

"Far Far Away kingdom"

The main genre of literature for children 4-5 years is a fairy tale. One has only to hear the phrase “In a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state ...”, and now he, wide-eyed, freezes in anticipation of magical adventures.

- a place where real miracles live. The characters were created on the basis of Russian folk tales: the beautiful Vasilisa, the clever Lyubava, the brave Ivan. This bias is not accidental. Today, children watch a lot of cartoons, including foreign ones. They know who the Fixies and Peppa Pig are, but they have not heard of the Serpent Gorynych and the Bayun cat, but nevertheless it is very important to instill in kids a love for national culture from an early age.

Most of the plot stories in the Kingdom of Far Far Away are presented in the form of comics. So, the mother can leaf through the magazine with the child and voice the characters' lines, and the baby can follow the plot from the illustrations.

Stories and adventures not only entertain, but also teach the child new things, expand his knowledge of the world. For example, one of the numbers tells how Lyubava planted flowers. The child gets acquainted with the word "front garden" and learns that planting is a whole science: you need to dig up a garden, plant seeds, water them, shelter from the cold.

In the process of getting to know the stories of the characters, the child is asked to complete several tasks. Puzzles, varying in difficulty, are inscribed in the plot of the story. For example, in one of the rooms, Lyubava and her friends are planting flowers, and in order to help her, the kid must find an ax, a watering can, a bucket in the picture. Thus, he develops the ability to establish associative links between objects and gets an idea about garden tools.

Tasks are presented in different forms: riddles, coloring pages, logic puzzles. They are aimed at developing the child's perseverance, attention, imagination. Some tasks unobtrusively teach the baby to write and count.


The main characters of the magazine are simple guys: Nastya, Kolya and Vova. These characters constantly find adventure (or they do!) and find themselves in funny situations. The parrot Krendel and the cat Sandwich always tell instructive tales, the characters of which, after reading, can be colored with pencils or felt-tip pens. Stories are not only entertaining, but also teach to distinguish between good and evil, honor parents, not be afraid of difficulties, be faithful, brave and friendly.

The magazine is fully interactive: the child performs tasks together with the main characters, makes decisions, gets out of the intricate labyrinths. Kind and instructive stories tell about natural phenomena, animal life, the history of the appearance of objects, etc. Little inquisitive will find answers to all his questions!


Children from an early age beg their parents for phones and tablets in order to play. Five-year-olds are already well versed in mobile applications, and it is not so easy to distract them with a book. Thanks to Fidget, a child can use gadgets to good use.

It is important that the magazine uses augmented reality technology. Imagine: you decide to read to your child before bed. Read a story, show an illustration, point your phone at it, and the picture comes to life! This format will interest the kid and make him turn over the pages of the magazine again and again.

The magazine will be a good help in preparing the child for school. By the first grade, the child should know letters, be able to add simple numbers. Finding time for classes and seating a child at a desk in order to learn some basics is not an easy task. With training will take place by itself. The stories, fairy tales and stories of the magazine will entertain the child, while the accompanying tasks will teach him something new.

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