Independent project of the house online. How to make an architectural project at home yourself. How to design a house yourself without the help of specialists. An example of a two-room house layout

AT recent times many people ask the question "how to make a project at home"? And this is understandable. Information on the construction of residential buildings is available more than ever, building technologies are known, and building materials can be bought in any volume even tomorrow. But when it comes to construction, it becomes clear that a house cannot be built without blueprints.

Things to consider before developing a project

Even the most experienced builder needs plans with dimensions, facades, sections, etc. The set of drawings is called a "project". You can make a project at home in the program yourself. To do this, you need to know 3 things:

  1. Program for creating a project.
  2. Understanding what kind of house to design.
  3. Fundamentals of architectural design.

These are 3 successful components of any project. Without knowledge of the program, it cannot be done. Without an idea of ​​​​what the house will be - the same. And without the basics of architectural design, you run the risk of making a project that you can’t build anything on.

Why does knowledge of a computer program come before understanding what a house will be like? Because often the idea of ​​a country house is born in the program. Therefore, how convenient and understandable the program is, the better the result of working in it will be. This article will be devoted to the most popular computer programs for creating country house projects.

Programs for creating a project

Today, without much effort, you can find several options for programs in which you can make a project. Conventionally, I will divide them into 2 groups: online and offline. Online - where you can create a project directly in the browser. Offline - where you need to install the program on your PC.

Online programs

I will say right away that there are no full-fledged project programs in this format. There are sites where you can make a house layout, and even look at it in 3D. But everything related to volumetric modeling of the house is not yet available. I believe that such programs will appear soon. Moreover, there are already attempts to create such a thing. They are primitive, and allow you to create only monotonous "birdhouses". There is no modeling of the shape of the roof, windows, decorative elements of facades, etc.

If you only need the layout of your future home, then the following online programs will help:

Pioneers of online design. This startup appeared before the hyped Autodesk Homestyler and quickly gained popularity on the Internet. The program compares favorably with a convenient and beautiful interface. There is a demo version and a pro version. The pro version allows you to add a description, photo and video to the project, make multi-storey layouts and, in general, is intended more for realtors who create presentations of houses. Also, the program can be downloaded and installed on your PC for offline work on the project.

Autodesk Homestyler is the most famous program in the online design software series from Autodesk. It is not only a program for planning, but also an online store for finishing materials and furniture, as well as the ability to make a 3D visualization of the resulting interior. I like Homestyler more than floorplanner for its features. For example, in it you can enter dimensions from the keyboard and adjust the thickness of the walls of the future home.

Other programs such as room sketcher or Planner 5D do not offer anything new, but simply copy the leaders of this market.

Non-professional offline programs

The main difference from the online version is the installation of such programs on the computer's hard drive. Those. you don't need internet to design your house. This option is a little outdated, because you, for example, cannot design on mobile device(smartphone or tablet).

Floor Plan 3D- probably the most convenient software at the amateur level. After opening the program, you immediately find yourself in a simple and intuitive interface. By the way, at the moment, the graphics are a bit outdated. But it doesn't spoil general impression from this software. The work environment is fully interactive. There are 2D and 3D views. Suitable for unprepared users who design their house and site.

In the program, you can calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, design a staircase, apply textures and pick up furniture from a rather large library. There are good architectural opportunities in terms of designing broken roofs and protruding elements. Also in the package there are examples of projects of country houses and a good block with 3D visualization.

Home Plan Pro- higher engineering level program. The focus on engineering graphics will immediately catch your eye. Therefore, the program can create plans for country houses for construction at a qualitative level. This is facilitated by various metric systems, saving in several popular formats, as well as a wide library of elements for creating projects.

Envisioneer Express- a program designed more for creating interior design projects. However, it does not exclude the possibility of modeling architectural objects. Easy to learn does not require high system requirements your PC. The authors of this software position it as the simplest BIM tool. In addition, the program has a good 3D visualization.

3D Home Architect- a popular program for a long time, once set the tone for amateur design of interiors and private residential buildings. In addition to everything that is in the previous programs, I will note the following points. Built-in recognition and warning system for design errors. A powerful CAD core that allows you to quickly draw plans with furniture and translate them into 3D. This adjustment is possible, both from 2D and 3D modes. Ability to work with free-form elements. Automated creation of the roof of a country house. Automated creation of plans and sections from a 3D model. I can't point out forte programs for creating a landscape around a country house.

This is probably one of the most successful amateur programs, bringing the result of everyone's work closer to the level of professional programs.

ArCon (Arkon)- almost a complete program for CAD-design. We are approaching the professional software block and end this block review with a strong design program. The software can be downloaded from the official website for free as an educational version. To date, more than 15 versions have been released. The history of the program includes long term refinements and improvements.

The powerful software package includes everything from creating layouts and 3D modeling to calculating bills of materials. Terrain, room and roof assistants help you quickly deal with challenging tasks. The possibility of designing multi-storey buildings significantly expands the range of designed objects.

Project details such as skylights, railings, balconies, beams, columns, windows and doors all have individual settings that can be customized. In addition, the program allows you to create videos based on the project, as well as work with formats from other project programs. All in all, this is an affordable powerful program for creating draft designs country houses with elements of a working project.

sketchup This program stands apart. Recently, it has become so comfortable that it has won the love of numerous fans around the world. Easy download from the official site and installation, integration with numerous Google services, simple interface and millions of library elements available on the official site - all this attracted the attention of even professional designers. Well, the presence of numerous video lessons on the Internet contribute to almost instantaneous study of this program.

There is a version of SketchUP Pro for professional work on projects. Thus, the well-known VRay plug-in, developed by the Bulgarian Chaos Group specifically for SketchUP Pro, shocked the audience with its high quality. Now, even from a simple 3D model, it was possible to make a photorealistic picture with shadows and reflected light. And thanks to a wide library of elements, add a picturesque and realistic environment to it.

See how a model of a country house is created,

And what does the result look like after working with the VRay plugin.

Professional offline programs

Graphisoft ArchiCAD- this is “our everything” or the most suitable tool for creating a complete project for the construction of a country house from scratch. It has long been the market leader in BIM design, until Autodesk promoted Revit, which significantly supplanted ArchiCAD. BIM stands for Building Information Model. Simply put, this is a digital 3D model of the building, from which plans, sections and facades are automatically “removed”. This approach eliminates the need to create each drawing separately, and also speeds up the process of making adjustments to the project.

Unlike all previous programs, ArchiCAD is a design complex in which you can do absolutely all parts of the project. There is no need to use additional programs for visualization, calculation of estimates or project design. This is a powerful professional tool. Unlike, for example, Autocad, it is easy to learn and is accompanied by a large number of training lessons in the public domain. But for full-fledged work in this program, you must pass special course, and to create a project for a country house - to be trained under the guidance of an experienced mentor. All this is in the main training course on our website. Step-by-step training in designing country houses. In the process of learning, each of the students receives examples of projects in this program and albums technical solutions with the necessary nodes "for all occasions."

Every year, our design bureau releases more than 20 complete projects for the construction of country houses. All of them are done in the ArchiCAD program. Some of them are posted on this page.

Look at the possibilities of this program (click to enlarge).

Also see the work of our students in Graphisoft ArchiCAD at this link.

Autodesk Revit- the same program that supplanted ArchiCAD. Its main advantage is good integration with other Autodesk products, which have managed to conquer many aspects of design activities. To date, this is the most promising program for BIM design, which allows you to completely replace the cumbersome designer's tools. After all, in one information model, you can combine architecture, structures and all engineering networks.

Good engineering graphics, automation of most processes, custom project standardization, automatic calculation of all indicators required by the project, etc. - such powerful features, most likely, an amateur will not need. But, if there is a desire to delve into the topic of design and become a professional in it, then studying Revit will be a good start for the future.

In addition, many Western design bureaus switched to this program a long time ago. Therefore, it contains the latest developments from the fields of energy saving and Western engineering standards. She is valued and respected in the professional community. Rumor has it that Russia will soon introduce a BIM standard for development and approval project documentation. If this happens, then, most likely, Autodesk Revit will be taken as the basis.

In the training center, the site is being developed by the course "Autodesk Revit for creating projects of country houses." Soon you will be able to not only study this powerful program, but also immediately make a country house project in it.

Many of us dream of our own country house, where one could come for the weekend and take a break from the annoying and noisy city life. And if we talk about the independent construction of such a house, then the most difficult step will be, perhaps, the selection of a suitable project that fully meets the requirements and wishes of the future owner. Designing a house on your own is quite difficult, this procedure requires certain knowledge and skills.

First you need to figure out what a country cottage should be like. There can be quite a lot of requirements, but they all boil down to three important points:

  • polyfunctionality;
  • simplicity of design;
  • aesthetics.

There are a lot of ready-made projects on the Internet, both standard and individual. But when choosing one or another of them, you should not rush, first of all, you should decide - is it really an individual project that is really needed?

Important! Such projects are used mainly for non-standard sites, where the construction of a typical house is problematic or even impossible.

The best option (in terms of time and finances) would be to purchase a standard project with subsequent binding to a specific site by an experienced architect. But this is on condition that only a slight adjustment is required, and if you need to completely change the project, then it is better to immediately order an individual version.

If plannedDIY house design, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a qualified specialist, since when drawing up, problems may arise with numerous technical details - the number and location of lamps, sewerage, wall thickness / height, etc. Based on this, there are only two possible (read: inexpensive) options.

  1. You can turn to designers who will make a sketch of the house, but without any technical details. With such a sketch, you can easily build a small country house, but only the most primitive layout.
  2. Another way to save money is to ask for help from design students who are already familiar with the basics of the profession.

Important! Regardless of who and how drafted the project, the construction must be entrusted to a qualified foreman who is able to determine “by eye” what exactly needs to be done to implement this or that detail.

If this is not done, then in the event of the destruction of the house there will be no one to blame, since according to the law the foreman cannot be responsible for the compliance of the house project with safety requirements.

If an architect was involved in the design of the house, then you need to remember the basic requirements and, if possible, fulfill them.

  1. It is necessary to provide the architect with a site plan, the results of geological studies, a detailed description of all available landscape elements (forests, country roads, reservoirs, etc.) that can affect the location of the house.
  2. You also need to notify the contractor about all the restrictions imposed by the management company or the legislation m. This may be, for example, a ban on construction in a water protection zone, requirements for the strength of the facade, the height of the house.
  3. In most cases, communication inputs must be connected at your own expense. This also applies to gas supply, which should be handled exclusively by specialized companies.
  4. Before starting work, the architect will offer the customer to fill out the so-called questionnaire, which will indicate the main requirements for the project. All these points are mutually agreed upon in writing.
  5. Sometimes the architect himself suggests making certain adjustments. A prime example such adjustments can be a bedroom for elderly family members, which is transferred from the second to the first floor so that you do not have to often move up the stairs.
  6. Customers often neglect documents, which is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to carefully study and fill out the questionnaire - this will significantly reduce the time for drafting the project.
  7. Creating an individual project takes a lot of time - on average, it takes three months. This moment is an additional incentive to independently draw up a project.

Important! Sometimes the customer, after reviewing the finished project, wants to make adjustments or additions. Of course, this will also increase the compilation time.

DIY project

As mentioned earlier, a house project with a primitive layout can be made by hand. To create a sketch of a “dream house”, you only need paper and a pencil, no specific skills or an architect’s diploma are needed. Below is the sequence of basic steps.

Stage 1. Geological exploration

Design should begin with geo-prospecting of the site. This will provide accurate information about the properties of the soil and the depth of groundwater (the latter is necessary when planning the foundation and basement). It is desirable to carry out exploration in the spring, when groundwater rises to the highest level.

Stage 2. Scaling

First, a sheet of paper is taken in a box. Let's say one meter of the plot is two cells. In this case, the scale will be 1:100, that is, 1 mm in the project will equal 10 cm in life.

Stage 3. Marking the contour of the site

Next, you need to draw the outline of the site with all adjacent buildings in order to correctly determine the location of the house. At the same stage, the number of floors and whether there will be other structures in the yard is determined. If there are already some objects on the site that will not be removed (for example, a pool), then they are applied first. So the design will be carried out taking into account free space.

Important! You need to be prepared for repeated use of the tape measure, because everything needs to be done in accordance with the scale.

Stage 4. Start planning

Let's say the house will have two floors, two bedrooms, two toilets, a living room, a kitchen and a basement.

If there are any structures nearby, then it is necessary that there be at least three meters between them and the house - this is necessary for fire safety.

Stage 5. Basement

Next, you need to start planning the basement. If the groundwater level is high enough, then building a basement will increase the total cost by about a third. Therefore, it is desirable to simply make an additional room instead, but on the condition that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows it.

Stage 6. First floor

After determining the height and type of foundation, the issue is resolved with the building material that will be used to build the house. Next, a hall is drawn, a living room with a kitchen are joined to it, and a toilet is placed in the formed “pocket”.

Then you need to see what happened. We’ll make a reservation right away that you shouldn’t get upset at the same time, because this is just a rough sketch.

It turned out quite well, but some things can be corrected.

  1. The kitchen and toilet should be located next door - this will facilitate the planning of communications. In the first version of the project, these premises are located far from each other.
  2. A lot of people usually gather in the living room, so its area should be appropriate. The hall should be somewhat reduced and thereby expand the living room.
  3. You also need a staircase to the second floor, so you need to find a place for it.
  4. On the first sketch, there were no auxiliary premises, such as, for example, a boiler room.

The basement may need to be modified. In the second version of the sketch, there were some changes.

  1. The dining room was swapped with the kitchen, because the exit from the living room should lead to the dining room, where the family will gather.
  2. The size of the bathroom has changed. It was decided to place the bathroom on the second floor, so the free space on the first floor was saved in favor of the boiler room.
  3. A staircase appeared.
  4. The living room has been enlarged.

Stage 7. Second floor

Everything is much easier on the second floor. The toilet is located in the same place so that there are no problems when making communications. The wall between the bedroom and the recreation room moves somewhat in favor of the bedrooms.

It is also necessary to plan all the windows and the front door.

Stage 8. Roof

One thing to keep in mind when designing a roof simple rule: the more bends and connections, the higher the cost of the house. In addition, a roof that is too complex will be unreliable and over time, leaks will form at the bends.

Stage 9. Thermal insulation

In order to reduce heat loss, all non-residential premises should be placed in the northern part of the house. In addition, thermal insulation largely depends on the quality of the materials used for insulation, as well as on the location of the windows.

Important! Despite the fact that the house looks perfect on paper, once it is built, it may no longer be to your liking. At the same time, according to an unfinished and “raw” sketch, you can build a quite decent cottage that will last for more than a decade.

Step 10: Approvals

So, the project is almost ready, it remains to take it to the architecture for approval. Most likely, the department will offer to modify it somewhat - you should not refuse. In addition to the project itself, the architecture must be provided with:

Important! Risu nk must be accompanied by a real estimate for building materials.


Designing a house, like any other important event, should be thought out in advance, because the future may depend on it. The above project has already taken into account the possibility of increasing the size of the family (there are two bedrooms on the second floor - one of them is for children).

Video - DIY house design

The modern world uses a huge amount of computer technology, with which it is very easy to draw a plan of a private house. A large number of multifunctional programs have been developed specifically for design.

It looks like the layout and interior of the house

However, these programs have a complex interface. For work, they use a large number of very different tools, and only designers can understand how to use them. Therefore, you can use another method to create a house plan. The simplest option is considered Word with its own set of tools.

Drawing a house plan is not for everyone, for many it becomes a problem. If a person has never dealt with such a problem, he may face a lot of difficulties. To be correct, certain provisions must be observed.

The plan of the house shows:

  • Ventilation system;
  • Door numbers;
  • floor height;
  • Window numbers.

The drawing shows the measurements taken earlier. The general dimensions of the building must be indicated without fail. In addition, the binding must be drawn:

  • Partitions;
  • window openings;
  • door niches.

The plan is drawn on a certain scale, usually 1:100, in other words, one meter corresponds to a 10 mm line. In principle, the scale of the drawing is selected depending on the dimensions of the building. It can be: 1:50; 1:200. The resulting drawing is given the name "First Floor Plan".

Then the explication of the premises is performed, summarized in a table consisting of several columns:

  • The first is the explication number;
  • The second is the name of the room;
  • The third is the area of ​​the building.

The table is drawn on a sheet, framed by a frame, with a drawn stamp.

Several popular design programs

Of course, today the design of buildings and the drawing of a house plan is done with the help of computer programs. All of them have different complexity and interface.

Google Sketch Up

This program will allow you to easily according to the given parameters. She is able to view the projects of buildings made in 3D, as well as edit them.

The program is versatile: in addition to design, you can add various details to your own project.

Google SketchUp is more about design work. There are no GOSTs in it, there are no standardized sizes. In the program, it will be possible to quite realistically see a building built from building materials included in the plan.

The process of creating a project and planning a cottage in Google SketchUp

To facilitate the work with the program, a large amount of training material is built into it. For modern design, it is possible to add a base of elements designed by other users, such as an exclusive sofa or a vintage chair.


With the help of such a development, it is possible. It is possible to see the project of the future building in three dimensions.

The program allows, in addition to creating a plan, to develop, taking into account all the little things.

With its help, it will be possible to make a calculation of the necessary material for repair. It will show exactly how much you need:

  • paints;
  • wallpaper;
  • putties.

You will even be able to calculate the financial costs that will be spent on repairing the premises.
This program can be successfully used by a simple amateur and a professional with experience. The fact is that it is distinguished by a very accessible and easy interface. The main advantages of this program are:

  • Possibility of designing houses of any height;
  • All calculations of the required areas occur automatically;
  • Absolute accuracy;
  • A wide range of building materials, a variety of textures;
  • Landscaping design;
  • Adding decorative details;
  • Modern design of rooms;
  • Generic Libraries;
  • Interactive tips.


With the help of such a program, you can plan the installation of each part, and then see what happened in three-dimensional space. The program can:

  • Draw a plan of the house;
  • Show its internal structure;
  • Define interior design;
  • Create .

For normal operation, the program is provided with a huge library, which has more than 3000 different interior details. Thousands of finishing materials were used for the show. The appearance of the building is very realistic.


Perhaps this is the most famous program of its kind. It is used by most designers and hobbyists. Among all such programs, it occupies a leading position. It features an intuitive interface that allows you to work with two or three files at once.

An example of a house layout made in AutodeskAutoCad

The most important positive quality it is considered the ability to create arbitrary shapes, in accordance with one's own imagination. Moreover, the created object can be immediately viewed in three-dimensional space.

Who among us has not dreamed of embodying our own design solutions in our home, thus expressing our individual style and preferences? Do you want to design a private house with your own hands, but at the same time make it look like the work of a professional designer? In this article, you will learn how to make the interior of a private house fabulous and functional without resorting to ordering expensive services.

Our following tips, complete with inspirational photos and private home designs, will help you make your dream a reality. But first, let's collect the necessary tools.

Do-it-yourself private house design tools:

  1. Sketch paper. It can be either a blank sheet of A3 format, or tracing paper with millimeter divisions, if you want to not only estimate the placement of objects, but also calculate all the parameters to the smallest detail.
  2. Board for drawing. It is convenient in that it has a stand and fixed rulers.
  3. Set of transparent rulers and triangles.
  4. A simple pencil and eraser.

For those who use computers with confidence, there is also a wide range of interior design software and online applications: FloorPlan, Apartama, Sweet Home, etc. Right now you can try the English-language online application homestyler, which does not require money or registration to create detailed plan dwellings.

For inspiration on the exterior design of private houses, read:

Do-it-yourself design of a private house: we design a house updated: November 7, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

Working with professional designers is a guarantee of balanced architectural solutions. And how to make the layout of the house, avoiding the extra costs of paying for expensive services for drafting a project? Basic skills, knowledge of the needs of your family, as well as mastery will allow you to develop a comfortable country house project on your own, saving time and money on paying for the services of professional specialists.

  • Draw a house plan with dimensions by hand on a sheet with a checker line or graph paper;
  • Draw a house plan on a computer using a special design program;
  • Make house plans online in 3D web editors.

Each method allows you to independently make a drawing of a house and distribute the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits living rooms and premises for domestic and household needs.

The most accessible is with your own hands, however, this path does not exclude the risk of errors when scaling. In addition, an inexperienced person will not immediately guess how to properly plan a house in his drawing.

You can also make a house plan in a specially designed computer program, but you should make sure that the version used is licensed in order to avoid errors in the calculations. You can work in the program yourself if it is not particularly complicated and does not require weeks of mastering.

Online editors allow you to make a house layout both in a drawing and in a 3D format, they are also accompanied by detailed lessons and blocks of advice on how to draw a house plan and make the most efficient use of its area.

Why do you need a house plan?

Often, the ease of abandoning a professional project for many is explained by the seeming simplicity of the task of dividing the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house into rooms. However, at the same time, there is no understanding of what to make a house plan - it is not only to determine the area and place of future premises.

So, let's see how the layout of the house differs from its project.

Read also

How to design a house on a computer

The project of a country house - a comprehensive calculation and detailed description all parameters of the future construction, taking into account the characteristics of building materials and house systems:

  1. Architectural description (drawing of the building plan, dimensions of the interior with designation of doors and windows, layout of living rooms and utility rooms).
  2. Calculation of structural elements (foundation, box of a one-story house, truss structures, roofing are shown schematically in drawings with detailed markings and calculations).
  3. The electrical part (a detailed description of connecting the house to the power grid with a schematic representation of the wiring and wiring of sockets).
  4. Engineering component (plan for laying vital communications - ventilation, sewerage, gas, water supply, heating).

As can be seen from the structure of the project, the layout of a country house is one of its parts included in the architectural component, which approves the area and location of the interior and main structures (stairs in the house, partitions, windows, doors, arches).

Thus, even if you decide to reduce the budget for building a house by refusing the services of a professional designer, this does not mean that it is permissible to skip the stage of planning a house or consider it without taking into account the rest of the project. In this case, the preparation of project documentation before the start of construction will be your responsibility.

Algorithm for drawing a house plan

The basis for the layout of the house are handwritten or electronic drawings for each floor (including and). Consider the sequence of actions in order to correctly make a drawing at home.

  1. Setting the scale on graph paper or checkered paper;
  2. Drawing axes of the house;
  3. Binding walls to the axes of the house;
  4. Application of internal partitions, arches, windows and doors;
  5. Signing the name for each schematic room and the designation of the area in square meters. m.

Advantages of home planning in the program or online

  1. Perhaps, setting an unlimited number of options for area, number of floors, furnishings for a meaningful choice of the optimal layout, suitable for the purposes and needs of your family.
  2. Automatic linking of various stages of construction, incl. internal architecture of the space, laying of engineering communications, installation of boiler or boiler equipment, summing up the electrical network.
  3. The possibility of virtual planning of engineering networks and the location of the premises of the house allows you to calculate in advance the ideal place for installing a riser, determine the optimal path for supplying utility networks, and minimize the length of pipes.
  4. Ready-made packages of typical layouts that you can use without modification or create your own unique layout based on them in a few clicks.
  5. A library of images of furniture and finishing materials will help to give the architectural 3D model a residential look, which will allow you to most accurately assess the degree of convenience and harmony in the design of each room and the whole house as a whole.
  6. Convenient interface of programs and 3D editors, wide functionality for creating the most detailed layout.
  7. Lessons and practical tips on how to make the layout of the house most optimally and quickly are added by the developers of design software to increase the credibility of their product.
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