Syphilis in the mouth: ways of infection, signs and auxiliary symptoms, treatment. Why does syphilis appear in the mouth, how to treat it? Chancre in the mouth

Syphilis in the mouth is an infectious disease caused by Treponema pallidum. The mucous membranes of the oral cavity and larynx are affected at any stage of the disease. Syphilis can be congenital, when infection of the fetus occurs during fetal development, or acquired - the bacterium enters the body through wounds on the skin or mucous membranes upon contact with sick people or contaminated objects.


Pale treponema can enter the body when using non-sterile medical instruments, during injections or surgical interventions. The main way of transmission of syphilis is sexual. Localization of rashes depends on the stage and form of the disease. Mouth ulcers occur anywhere, it can be:

  • language;
  • cheeks;
  • gums;
  • tonsils;
  • sky.

Syphilis in the oral cavity develops in several stages, and each of them has certain symptoms. usually lasts 21–30 days, after which it forms chancre in the language. In certain cases, more time passes from the moment of infection to the appearance. For example, in the treatment of other infections with antibacterial drugs.

Primary and secondary syphilis

At the first stage, the syphilitic rash looks like ulcers that are present for 1-2 months. Before the appearance of a hard chancre, the mucous membranes turn red and swell. In the future, a seal appears and begins to increase, which is an inflammatory infiltrate (see photo). Red erosion is formed in the center. A fully formed chancre looks like a dense ulcerated elevation of a rounded shape with pronounced borders. It can be found on the tonsils, mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks.

On last step development of the chancre looks like a small seal, towering above the level of the mucosa. When damaged or in the presence of a secondary infection, the seal turns into a painless oval ulcer with clear boundaries. Chancre can be found on the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks, soft and hard palate, the formation has different kinds: rounded affect the tongue and lips; oblong - gums; cracks - corners of the mouth.

The pharynx develops 2 months after infection. At this stage, spots and papules appear in the mouth. Such syphilitic rashes are considered the most contagious. affects the sky or tonsils and has a bright red color. If untreated, the rash disappears after a month.

Papular syphilis on the mucous membranes of the larynx is a characteristic symptom of the secondary stage. Rashes affect the entire oral cavity, the elements have a round shape and a dense base, most often covered with plaque, after the removal of which erosion remains. Syphilis on the tongue contributes to the disappearance of papillae and smoothing of the skin. Papules on the gums can merge and form continuous foci. The appearance of a specific seizure in the corners of the mouth is accompanied by severe pain.

How is tertiary syphilis manifested?

This period begins with and tubercular syphilides. What does such a rash look like? Gumma has the appearance of a deep-seated nodule, which gradually grows and becomes dark in color. With the collapse of the central part of the seal, an ulcer is formed, surrounded by a dark rim.

With syphilitic lesions of the oral cavity discomfort not observed, sore throat may appear when the disease passes into the form of a sore throat. After the healing of the gumma, a retracted scar remains.

Tubercular syphilides appear in the lips. They are brown in color and dense in texture. Differ in multiple character and absence of inflammatory process. Syphilomas quickly disintegrate, after which small erosions remain. This period of the disease in the absence of treatment can last for years. Scars after healing of ulcers remain forever.

Diagnosis and signs

The diagnosis of syphilis of the throat is made when a pale treponema is found in the tissues of syphilis or in nearby lymph nodes. Serological tests give positive results only a few weeks after infection. The first signs of syphilis are found when examining the patient's oral cavity and skin. Further applied:

  • Wasserman reaction;
  • Treponema pallidum DNA test.

Symptoms of syphilis in the first stage will be as follows:

  • general weakness;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • leukocytosis.

Primary chancre should be able to distinguish from a traumatic wound that does not have a solid base. From the usual angina, syphilitic differs in one-sided lesion and the absence of unpleasant sensations in the early stages. Chancre on the lips can be confused with herpetic eruptions, which are accompanied by swelling. Differential diagnosis is carried out with a severe form of aphthous stomatitis, in which ulcers form.

The chancre in the mouth is similar to the manifestations of a malignant tumor at the decay stage, but it affects deeper tissues than syphilis. Cancer ulcer has uneven bleeding edges. It is quite difficult to identify secondary syphilis of the oral cavity. An important sign is the absence of pain, the inability to eliminate the rash with medicines. Confirm the diagnosis by performing serological tests.

Papular syphilitic eruptions must be able to distinguish from leukoplakia and candidiasis. With syphilis, pale treponemas are found on the surface of the ulcers. The disease can be confused with allergic stomatitis and erythema, in which the general condition significantly worsens. Syphilis of the tongue is distinguished from nonspecific glossitis, in which there are no seals and there are red spots. In the tertiary period, pale treponema is not found on the surface of the ulcers.

Diagnosis involves conducting serological studies. Gummous infiltrates must be able to distinguish from tuberculous and traumatic ulcers, cancerous tumors, aphthous stomatitis. Tubercular syphilis is similar to lupus, which is characterized by a slower development.

Methods of therapy

Treatment of a syphilitic ulcer in the mouth is aimed at eliminating pale treponema in the body, relieving discomfort and preventing complications. Antibacterial drugs should be started as early as possible:

If left untreated, treponema pallidum affects internal organs contributing to the development of dangerous complications. Over time, the symptoms of the disease may become less pronounced, and the patient may take this for recovery. In the future, there is necrosis of the tissues surrounding the chancre, bone damage, destruction of large vessels, and the development of neurosyphilis.

Prevention of infection involves the use of barrier methods of contraception. During the period of treatment, a patient with syphilis should have separate dishes, towels, hygiene items. Each person is shown an annual examination. The early stages of the disease are treatable, but the tertiary form has a poor prognosis. The patient's quality of life depends on the type of complications.

Unlike most sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis can be contracted not only through sexual contact. Quite a few cases are associated with infection in the oral cavity. For timely diagnosis and treatment, you need to know what the tongue looks like with syphilis.

The oral cavity and tongue in particular can be attacked by the causative agent of syphilis - pale treponema. This anaerobe has the shape of a spiral, which allows it to penetrate into the intercellular space without any problems.

The following factors can become the causes of infection with this dangerous disease:

Name and photo Short description

The saliva of a sick person may contain treponemas that penetrate the mucous membrane of the mouth of a healthy partner, especially if there are wounds and microcracks in the oral cavity.
oral sex

The causative agent of syphilis can be on the surface of the genital organs or secretions, in particular, semen. Unprotected oral sex is a direct route to infection.
Use of non-sterile medical instruments

This is especially true for dental offices. The doctor must use sterile instruments for each patient.
Using other people's items, in particular those intended for personal hygiene

The infection can be transmitted through a toothbrush, dishes, cigarettes and other personal items.
Close contact with an infected person in an unsafe phase

This variant of the spread of the disease is very rare, because when sneezing or coughing, shaking hands, infection of others is rare, but the contact path is not completely excluded.
Blood transfusion

Syphilis easily enters the human body if infected blood was used in a transfusion.
Intrauterine transmission of infection

A child is born with a congenital form of the disease, which may manifest itself immediately or during subsequent years of life.

Treponema can enter the oral cavity of an infant with breast milk or from the surface of the skin if there are active manifestations of the disease on the chest.

Stages and symptoms

The way syphilis looks on the tongue depends largely on the stage at which the disease is located. In total, 3 active phases of the course of the disease and the incubation period preceding them are distinguished. The features of the manifestation of each stage should be analyzed in more detail.

Incubation period

From the moment Treponema pallidum enters the human body, it often takes about 3-4 weeks before the disease reveals itself. This entire period is usually referred to as the incubation period.

The late response is due to several factors:

  1. immune response. Towards the causative agent of syphilis, the body directs antibodies, lymphocytes and macrophages. In rare cases, it is possible to completely stop the infection. But more often than not, immunity does not cope with the invasion.
  2. Slow multiplication of treponemas. The division of this microbe takes about 32 hours, and to activate the disease, it is necessary to reach a certain number.
  3. General health. Weakened by chronic diseases, alcohol, HIV infection, the body will quickly surrender to the causative agent of syphilis.

Each person has a different incubation period. In some, the disease begins to act almost immediately, in others it may take several months before the first suspicions of infection arise.


When the primary phase comes, pale treponema becomes enough for a person to notice health problems. At this stage, which can last several months, a characteristic sign of syphilis appears on the tongue (or on another part of the body - the genitals, in the oral cavity, etc.) - a hard chancre.

Its edges have a dense structure and clear contours, the color of the formation is predominantly red with a bluish tint. Erosion forms in the center, the bottom of which is hard to the touch, and the color varies from bright red to brown.

Sometimes a white coating may form on the surface of the chancre, which, when removed, exposes the ulcer. With the formation of a chancre in the folds of the tongue, another problem arises - crevice erosion.

The following symptoms may also appear:

  • weakness;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • an increase in regional lymph nodes;
  • pain is most often absent or very mild.


For the secondary phase of syphilis, a characteristic feature is the appearance of external signs not only in the area through which the infection occurred, but also throughout the body. So, some patients have a syphilitic rash. At this time, a person is especially contagious to others.

Language with secondary syphilis is as follows:

  • the chancre disappears, no traces remain in its place;
  • papules and roseola form on the surface of the tongue;
  • the color of the foci of manifestation of infection can be pinkish-bluish, red, with a grayish coating;
  • the papillae of the tongue are smoothed out, these areas stand out with a glossy sheen;
  • the temperature is kept at subfebrile levels;
  • spots can spread beyond the tongue, affecting the lips, tonsils;
  • pain when eating and swallowing is absent.

Such symptoms clearly indicate a problem, but a person does not always adequately assess the situation. Some of the signs can be perceived as manifestations of stomatitis, glossitis, tonsillitis or other relatively harmless diseases of the oral cavity. At the same time, an unsuspecting patient can easily infect his loved ones with syphilis.

The total duration of the secondary stage is usually several years. During this time, the spots may temporarily disappear and then reappear.


The last phase is tertiary syphilis. Here, changes are found in the structure of the tissues of the affected organ, the disease spreads to other body systems. This stage is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Frequent stress, exacerbations of chronic diseases, and even the common cold can provoke the manifestation of the disease.

With syphilis, the tongue begins to become covered with gums, which are considered relatively safe for the surrounding formations, since they do not contain pale treponemas. However, they can provoke the formation of infiltrates and nodular inclusions.

As a result, glossitis develops, which changes the structure of the tissues of the tongue, provoking its ulceration and coarsening. As a result, the body loses its mobility, it becomes difficult for a person to speak. In addition, ulcers cause severe discomfort and can provoke malignant processes in tissues.


Very often, the manifestations of syphilis in the tongue are perceived by the patient as a symptom of another disease. This complicates the situation, as precious time is wasted.

To detect syphilis, the following methods are used:

  • ELISA;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • PCR;
  • RIBT;
  • REEF.

The instruction for qualitative diagnostics involves the use of several research methods at the same time. This will increase the chances of early detection of the problem and eliminate false positive results.

For example, the Wasserman reaction may erroneously indicate the presence of an infection in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • malaria;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • recent introduction of anesthesia.

The requirement for differential diagnosis cannot be ignored. The doctor is obliged to conduct it in relation to such diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • glossitis;
  • angina;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • mechanical injury.

When confirming the diagnosis of syphilis, it is necessary to regularly take tests during treatment so as not to lose control of the situation.

Treatment Methods

Special drugs are needed to treat syphilis. Mostly antibiotics of the penicillin group and their derivatives are used. Some patients may experience an allergic reaction to their use or poor efficacy.

In such cases, they resort to the use of tetracyclines, bismuth preparations, aminoglycosides, etc. Additionally, rinsing the mouth with solutions is prescribed. boric acid and furatsilina.

To compensate for the action of antibiotics, it is recommended to take vitamins and complexes with prebiotics to strengthen the body. This will help to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis and restore the beneficial microflora of the body.

In order to avoid risks, additional treatment is carried out for all people who have been in close contact with the patient and could become infected with syphilis.

Consequences and prognosis

With timely admission to the hospital, the prognosis is quite favorable. Today, syphilis of the tongue can be cured with the help of available medicines. The price of some of them is quite low.

It is important to have time to start therapy before the treponemas disperse throughout the body and begin to destroy the internal organs of the patient. IN otherwise complications cannot be avoided, and in the absence of high-quality treatment, a lethal outcome is not excluded.

With syphilis of the tongue, the following complications are possible:

  • nodular and diffuse glossitis;
  • joining the infection;
  • scarring of oral tissues;
  • violation of speech function;
  • damage to internal organs and nervous system;
  • oncology;
  • death.

Primary and secondary syphilis can often be cured without serious consequences. In the tertiary form, gum scars on the surface of the tongue are inevitably preserved.

In order to ensure the success of therapy, the patient remains registered for several more years. During this time, you need to regularly take control tests, since treponemas can remain in the body in the form of cysts, waiting for favorable conditions for their awakening. If the tests consistently show negative results, you can talk about a complete recovery.


To prevent syphilis of the tongue, you must follow a few fairly simple rules:

  • give up promiscuity;
  • use a condom to protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • do not use other people's things;
  • monitor the sterility of medical instruments;
  • take tests for syphilis during a routine medical examination;
  • if suspicious signs are detected, immediately contact a venereologist;
  • do not start uncontrolled antibiotics, so as not to provoke the transition of the disease into a latent form;
  • strengthen your immunity.

If syphilis has already been detected, it is necessary to limit contact with people until the infection is stopped. It is also important that people who could potentially become infected receive preventive examinations and appropriate therapy. You can get more information on the topic from the video in this article.

With the development of a syphilitic infection in the tongue, the patient is often diagnosed with the presence of small ulcerative formations. These formations may be white or light brown in color. When pressed, fluid or blood may ooze from them.

Syphilis on the tongue photo of a rapidly progressing infection

Syphilis of the tongue in an advanced form can transform into a large ulcerative lesion that deepens into the soft tissues. Over time, these lead to the destruction of the layers of the skin and cause the spread of infection in the oral cavity.

Deep ulcerative lesions of the tongue

Spots on the tongue with syphilis can progress in the secondary stage of the disease and develop into large ulcerative lesions. Often they ooze with pus or blood, become inflamed and can provoke edema and phimosis of tissues.

Rashes in the mouth

On the question of what the tongue looks like with syphilis, it is worth knowing that chancres can often cause the development of a multiple rash in the oral cavity, which progresses and affects large areas of the skin.

Syphilis in the language of the photo in men

If ulcers on the tongue with syphilis in the mouth are not treated, do not use the recommended ones, they can often turn into inflamed wounds that release fluid and blood when pressed.

White chancres in the mouth

With the development of syphilis at the root of the tongue, the photo of the chancre becomes white and can inflame the adjacent skin.

Deep ulcers on the tongue

In the mouth it develops into large ulcerative brown lesions. Ulcers are characterized by a compacted base, may ooze pus or blood, cause phimosis and necrosis of the affected tissues.


Syphilis in the language photo of the secondary stage

Infection of the oral cavity can develop into multiple skin lesions, which are accompanied by such as rash, discharge, tissue inflammation and phimosis.

Complicated form of secondary syphilis of the tongue

At the secondary stage of its development, syphilis of the tongue provokes the appearance of multiple white rashes on the mucous membrane, which are in the form of even circles with inflamed edges and a compacted bottom.

Atypical lesions of the tongue in syphilis

Often, chancres on the tongue provoke the development of a white crust on wounds, which can be damaged when eating and provoke the spread of infection in the oral cavity.

Multiple chancres in the mouth

Secondary and tertiary stages of syphilis in the mouth can cause a white coating on the tongue, which is a concentration of spirochete bacteria and can be contagious through household contact.

Tissue inflammation in syphilis

Advanced forms of oral syphilis provoke multiple edema and phimosis of the tissues of the tongue, mucous membrane of the lips and palate.

Transitional stage of syphilis of the tongue

With syphilis in the oral cavity, the infection can often affect the lining of the patient's lips, causing swelling and inflammation of the soft tissues.

advanced stage of infection

Launched syphilis in the mouth provokes the development of deep ulcerative lesions in the oral cavity, which may be accompanied by swelling, inflammation of the lymph nodes and poor health.

Syphilitic ulcer on the background of a chronic disease

Launched syphilis in the mouth also causes a white coating or yellow crust to appear on the tongue, which indicates the transition of the infection to the next stage of development.



In the oral cavity syphilis manifests itself at the beginning, when the causative agent of the disease enters the mucous membranes of the gums, skin of the lips, the delicate surface of the pharynx, larynx and tonsils.

The cause of infection is a kiss or oral sex with a sick person. Another variant of infection is the infection at the dentist's office.

Incubation period syphilis in the mouth lasts from a week to six months, the infection develops in stages, at each stage the clinical picture changes:

  • a month after infection, the first manifestations - on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity you can find a primary syphiloma, as it's called, a hard chancre. After about 6-7 weeks, the chancre will disappear. 5 weeks after infection, the size of the lymph nodes adjacent to the chancre increase. These are lymph nodes in the neck and under the jaw;
  • after about 2-3 months from the moment of infection and after 6-7 weeks from the moment of formation of syphiloma, the pathogen enters the bloodstream, causing skin rashes - syphilides. Soon thesesigns of syphilisdisappear, sometimes there are relapses;
  • syphilis symptomsin stage 3 appear after 3-6 years from the moment of infection. Mucous membranes affected in the oral cavity , skin, as well as internal organs and parts of the nervous system. At this stage of development syphilis in the mouth makes itself felt by formations in the form of tubercles and gums. Such a stage is rarely detected today, because you need to lead a completely asocial lifestyle in order to rot alive and not go to the doctor.

How can you get syphilis

Syphilis in the mouthdoes not appear on its own, infection is preceded by certain circumstances. Often these are medical procedures, when poorly sterilized medical instruments serve as a source of infection that is transmitted from one patient to another.

oral syphiliscan only settle if there is definitely damage in the form of scratches, abrasions, scuffs. Some doctors believe that throat syphilis , lips and tongue can occur even on mucous membranes that are not damaged.

Another option for potential infection is through the blood. That is, throat syphilis can be obtained from blood transfusions, injections, surgery and various procedures. Given the mode, healthcare workers are most at risk, especially those who deal with events:

  • gynecological examination;
  • dental treatment;
  • surgical intervention;
  • treatment of patients with syphilis;
  • opening of abscesses;
  • careless handling of tools.

Patients who have syphilis on the lips , in the mouth or on the genitals.

primary stage

In the first stage of syphilis in the throat manifests itself a month after the date of infection - it will be a hard chancre, which will disappear after 6 weeks.

The presence of a chancre indicatesoral syphilis, a week later, inflammation of the lymph nodes is added to the symptoms, in which the causative agent of the disease multiplies.

The occipital, cervical and mandibular lymph nodes are most often inflamed. There is usually no pain. In the oral cavity there may be one chancre or a cluster of sores. Chancre in most cases affects lips , tonsils, mucous membrane of the tongue. Less commonly, syphilomas are detected in the sky, cheeks from the inside, gums. The diameter of the chancre is approximately 5-10 mm, sometimes up to 20 mm. This is an ulcer, in the middle of which the tissue dies, a dense infiltrate is formed.

Secondary stage: new symptoms

Not everyone is concerned mouth ulcers with syphilisthat appear in the primary stage. But whensyphilis on the lipssupplemented by significant skin rashes, this is alarming.

For the secondary stage of infection, which occurs approximately 3 months from the day of infection, several symptoms are characteristic, including lesions of the mouth in the form of macular syphilides. These are red spots with a diameter of about 10 mm, which can affect the tongue, palate, tonsils, palatine arches. According to outward appearancessyphilis on the tonguesimilar to catarrhal stomatitis, only the latter is distinguished by a burning sensation and pain.

tongue with syphilispapular syphilides are affected - rashes that do not have such clear outlines as a chancre, but can be combined into a large plaque. If the patient does not fully exercise oral hygiene, then this is fraught with complications - papules turn into fusospirochetosis - this is the name of ulcers that are covered with a coating of a mixture of pus and blood.

More often, papules affect the tongue on the sides, under the influence of saliva, they turn into ulcers, erosions with a white coating. Through time syphilis of the tongue subsides, larynx and other surfaces are cleaned and the disease seems to be gone.

Tertiary stage - dangerous complications

When the disease is started and passed into the tertiary stage, then throat syphilis and the tongue is no longer manifested by chancre and papules, as in stages 1 and 2, they are replaced by tubercles and gummas. Often a single gumma is found in the mouth - a small nodule that grows up to 15 mm or more. After a while, this gumma opens up, turning into a painful abscess. Such an abscess heals for about 4 months, in its place there is a scar in the form of an asterisk or a snowflake.

The most dangerous symptom of tertiary syphilis in the mouth is diffuse sclerotic glossitis, when the tongue enlarges, its papillae smooth out, and the surface becomes dense.

An infiltrate appears on the surface of the deformed tongue, which will eventually be replaced by scar tissue. The tongue shrinks, decreases in size and becomes less mobile, becomes covered with cracks, as a result, a person’s speech is disturbed. In 3 stages syphilis on the lips and in the mouth does not cause inflammation of the lymph nodes, as it was at first.

Diagnosis of syphilis in the mouth

If a patient goes to the doctor with complaints of some kind of rash in the mouth, this should definitely make the specialist suspect syphilis. If the suspicions are correct, then the doctor can make sure that they are correct even with a visual examination of the oral cavity - usually the affected areas are limited from tissues.

Another point that helps to detect syphilis at the stage of visual examination is a change in the color and structure of the mucosa, the appearance of erosions and sores. different size. Such symptoms often indicate syphilis, the first thing to do is to lean towards this version, check it with the help of tests. The patient needs to discuss his problems with a dermatovenereologist.

Erosions and ulcers are examined several times under a microscope in the area of ​​dark vision, which makes it possible to identify pale treponema in discharge from ulcers, or to exclude its presence in biological material.

The results of specific serological tests will be ready in about 2-3 weeks. If pale treponema is not detected in the discharge from the hard chancre, it should be checked for its presence in the local lymph nodes.

Most often, a dermatovenereologist can make a confident diagnosis based on the picture of the disease, but it is necessary to confirm suspicions with serological studies. This applies to both primary and secondary syphilis.

Another thing is the diagnosis of the late stage of the disease or its latent form, in which case it is serological tests that can confirm suspicions. A specialist in venereology uses all available diagnostic and laboratory methods to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

For microscopic examination, it is necessary to take material from a hard chancre in the mouth and send it for examination under a microscope. Mobile pale treponemas may be found in the specimen. The study of biomaterial under a microscope, doctors believe is not enough effective methodology, since the microflora in the mouth consists of a large number of different bacteria, among which it is difficult to distinguish treponema.

The serological method involves the use of the Wassermann reaction to detect antibody titers associated with syphilis. Diagnosis is highly sensitive, but does not give accurate results, since the reaction will be positive in other diseases.

This means that this method allows, in general, to make sure that there is a problem, but what exactly - you will have to find out using other methods. Doctors should be aware that pregnant women and patients with autoimmune diseases will have a false positive reaction.

To diagnose a sexually transmitted disease, a puncture of fluid from the spinal cord can be taken for analysis. Blood for syphilis must be donated with a certain regularity to everyone who is at risk, and these are:

  • medical workers;
  • drug addicts;
  • homosexuals;
  • pregnant women;
  • donors;
  • sexually active youth leading promiscuous sex life.

Before donating blood for syphilis, it is advisable not to eat food 12 hours before the material is taken, you can drink water. If the result turned out to be false positive, after a couple of days the analysis is done again.

Treatment of syphilis of the throat and complications

The goal of the treatment regimen is to suppress the vital activity of pale treponema. In addition, the patient needs to eliminate negative symptoms. Therapy is carried out with antibacterial agents from different groups, supplementing the course with immunomodulators.

A complete treatment regimen includes several courses, between which a good break is made. To relieve negative symptoms, the doctor prescribes antipyretics, medicines for wound healing and tissue regeneration (ointments, applications, rinses, lotions) to the patient. After the end of the course of therapy, control blood tests are taken for several months in a row.

If we talk about the consequences of syphilis, most of them will be with untimely treatment. Because of this, the infection can affect not only the soft tissues in the mouth, but also spread to the internal organs, worsening the patient's condition.

As for the course of the disease, sometimes patients rejoice in the disappearance of symptoms, believing that the disease has passed by itself, this is not so. Over time, the following complications can be noticed:

  • damage to bones and internal organs;
  • soft tissue necrosis in the affected area;
  • local bleeding, malfunction of the vascular, circulatory system;
  • asymmetry of the face due to damage to the soft tissues on it and the neck;
  • destruction of brain cells.

Patients should be aware that stages 2 and 3 of syphilis are practically incurable. Therefore, you need to regularly visit a doctor, take tests so as not to miss the moment of infection, if there is such a risk. By the way, immunity to this venereal disease is not produced in the body, so you can get infected several times.

Summing up, it can be noted that syphilis is a dangerous disease that, if not diagnosed and treated in time, gives complications. In case of lesions of the mucous membrane in the mouth for no particular reason, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is better to be safe than to miss the onset of such a disease.

In order not to get sick, you need to avoid casual sexual intercourse, exclude the use of drugs, conduct a reasonable and healthy lifestyle life.

The development of syphilis of the oral cavity occurs against the background of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. There are the following ways of infection:

  • The entry of bacteria into the bloodstream during medical procedures, such as injections or surgery.
  • Use of non-sterile medical instruments during dental procedures.
  • During a blood transfusion.
  • Using a fork, mug, toothbrush and other items of a sick person.
  • Kiss with an infected person.
  • The congenital form of the disease is transmitted from mother to child at the stage of intrauterine development.

Doctors who often come into contact with infected patients are at risk. Most often, dentists, gynecologists and venereologists suffer. They can catch an infection during an examination, surgery, opening abscesses, and so on.

Non-sterile instrument

However, sexual intercourse is not the most common reason for the development of syphilis in the oral cavity, since there are many ways for the infection to enter the human body.

Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. There are a large number of situations depending and not dependent on a person, in which infection is possible.

However, there are cases when infection occurred without visible damage to the body. The most common situations in which an infection can spread include:

  • Domestic infection is also quite common. It occurs through the use of personal hygiene products of an infected person: towels, Toothbrush, razors. No less dangerous is the use of cosmetics and utensils, which were previously used by the carrier of the disease. As a rule, such infection occurs due to inattention or in situations where people take personal hygiene with insufficient seriousness;
  • There is a possibility of contracting syphilis when visiting a dentist or gynecologist. This is due to the use of non-sterile instruments by the doctor or when an infection enters the bloodstream through injections;
  • It is a known fact that infection is possible from mother to child, even during the period of its gestation. As a rule, provided that the mother has the disease in active state, miscarriage occurs at short terms of pregnancy.

Non-sterile instrument

Causes of infection:

  • by direct contact with an infected person, usually through sexual contact or by kissing;
  • through contact with inadequately sterilized medical instruments, often dental instruments;
  • through the blood - by transfusion, injections, etc.

Localization - mucous membranes, mainly manifests itself on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Atypical types of chancre and their diagnosis

There are two types of hard chancres:


Statistical data testify to a significant increase in the number of atypical forms of chancre, which are important to know and correctly diagnose. If earlier more than 80% of purulent formations on the skin could easily be attributed to one of several existing species, then today on the body of the infected you can find combinations of several types of chancre.

In world practice, the following classification of syphilis is used:

  • primary;
  • secondary (early and late);
  • congenital.

Each of these forms has its own symptoms of tongue syphilis.

A simpler classification is more commonly used:

  • early syphilis (easier to diagnose, more contagious, symptoms may disappear without leaving traces);
  • late syphilis (spread to all organs, although it could begin in the oral cavity).

In medicine, there is a slightly different classification of syphilis:

  • primary (seronegative and seropositive);
  • secondary (fresh, latent, recurrent);
  • tertiary (open, hidden);
  • congenital (early and late);
  • visceral.

The course of the disease is divided into four stages:

  • incubation;
  • primary;
  • secondary;
  • tertiary.

Let's consider them in more detail.

primary stage

Syphilis in the tongue proceeds in several stages, which are characterized by different symptoms. Allocate:

  • incubation period. It lasts from the moment of infection until the first symptoms of the problem appear. This period can be up to 30 days. IN special occasions signs of the disease appear already on the 8th day. Everything will depend on the age of the person, the state of his health and the amount of infection that has entered the body. The incubation period is asymptomatic.
  • primary syphilis. This stage is characterized by the formation of a chancre in the mouth. This is a small expression, the size of which does not exceed 1 cm. It has a round shape.
  • Secondary syphilis. At this stage, the lymphatic system suffers, the lymph nodes become hard. Rashes appear on the skin.
  • Tertiary syphilis. Not only the skin is affected, but also the internal organs.

Congenital syphilis is isolated separately, since the picture of its course is somewhat different from other varieties. The disease is conditionally divided into two periods: up to five years and after.

The first is characterized by the formation of single papules, which are localized on the red border of the lips. Cracks may form between them.

After they are tightened, the formation of scar tissue occurs. As a result, for life, the skin on the lips resembles the surface of a thimble.

Syphilis after five years is accompanied by the appearance of gums, which have similar characteristics to those that form with acquired syphilis.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed and therapy is started, the greater the chance of a successful cure. Upon discovery of the first anxiety symptoms you need to contact the experts.

Primary syphilis

At the first stage of the disease, ulcers appear in the oral cavity, which do not bring pain. At the beginning, a slight reddening appears on the mucous surface.

It gradually begins to progress. An infiltrate is formed.

As the disease progresses, the area of ​​​​inflammation increases in size, erosion is formed.

Gradually, the chancre takes the form of a dense erosive formation that rises above the surface of the mucosa. If it is injured, painful sensations appear. There is a formation of a large ulcer.

As a rule, a hard chancre is located near the lips, in the cheeks, on the soft or hard palate. More often there is one chancre, but sometimes there are two or three.

It can be of various forms:

  • Elongated. Formed on the surface of the gums. It has a bright red color. Adheres to several teeth at once.
  • rounded. Formed on the surface of the tongue or lips.
  • In the form of small cracks that are localized in the corners of the mouth.
  • The manifestation of the first stage of syphilis can also be seen on the tonsils. In this case, the chancre may be ulcerative, angina-like or combined. As a rule, only one side of the tonsils is affected. It is painted in an unnatural red color with a copper tint, increases in size, becomes dense. In this case, pain does not appear. The ulcerative variety of the disease is accompanied by the formation of small ulcers of meat and bone color. They have evenly defined edges. At the same time, the mucous surface around them is hyperpigmented. In this case, pain is felt.

The duration of the formation of the chancre is about 7 days. After that, scleradenitis appears.

There is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. In this case, there are no painful sensations.

To the touch, the knots are dense and elastic. The condition of the skin over them does not change.

Swollen lymph nodes can last much longer than ulcers.

If the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, a secondary infection may occur, for example, fusospirochetosis or staphylococcus aureus. As a result, the clinical picture of the disease is blurred.

There may be pain, the formation of necrotic plaque, a significant increase in the depth of ulcers. The total duration of the first stage of the disease can be up to seven weeks.

Secondary syphilis

Two to three months after infection, in the absence of proper treatment, the disease passes into the second stage. It is characterized by the formation of various rashes on the oral mucosa, the surface of the tongue and even the skin. At this stage, other symptoms of the disease appear:

  • Rapid fatigue, weakness.
  • Attacks of headaches.
  • Arthralgia.
  • Subfebrile temperature.

The rash may disappear at some point. But later there is a relapse. The disease is undulating. The second stage can have two varieties: spotted and papular syphilis.

Spotted syphilis is characterized by the formation of roseola. These are small spots that have clear boundaries.

When pressed, the border is erased. Roseolas form on the tonsils and palate.

Individual spots may coalesce into erythema. They can spread to the skin of the face, neck and extremities.

Their appearance is not accompanied by painful sensations.

Sometimes roseola is confused with the manifestation of catarrhal stomatitis. But in the second case, a burning sensation and soreness of the mucous surface should appear. This problem is caused by the use of certain medicines and after their withdrawal, the symptoms disappear.

papular syphilis. Most often, the second stage of the disease is accompanied by the formation of papules - these are rounded rashes.

They are localized in the tonsils, tongue, palate. They can merge and form plaques of impressive size.

Papules have a dense texture and are covered with a whitish coating. If this plaque is scraped off, then red erosion will be visible under it.

They have clear outlines. The color can vary from red-pink to red with a copper sheen.

Papules are painful. With constant injury, they grow strongly.

The resulting plaques can rise significantly above the surface of the mucosa. Often there is a secondary infection.

In this case, they are covered with a purulent coating mixed with blood. According to the clinical picture, the disease resembles Vincent's stomatitis.

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