Where pondweed grows. Pod (plant) - description, useful properties, application. Application in everyday life

Under natural conditions, floating pondweed or, as it is also called, floating tolga, grows in water bodies in the European part of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. The plant can be found in the rivers and swampy ponds of Western Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkan Peninsula, North America, Central Asia, North Africa, China and Japan.

Floating pondweed is a perennial plant with a tuberous rhizome and round or ovoid leaves, located on small-branched stems, the length of which can reach 1.5 m. The main part of the plant's leaves float on the surface of the water. The leaves are relatively large, up to 12 cm long and about 3-5 cm wide. The top of the leaf is shiny, as if varnished.

Pond is a floating habitue of virtually all reservoirs. During a drought, when the reservoir dries up, the plant, as if nothing had happened, continues to grow out of the water. In acceptable conditions, the plant can bloom from July to August, releasing an emersed spike-shaped inflorescence, up to 10 cm high, with inconspicuous greenish flowers, which are pollinated in the wind. During the flowering of the plant, all its underwater leaves disappear. Floating pondweed prefers flowing water, which explains why it is more common in rivers than in stagnant water bodies. In some bodies of water, the plant grows so large that it forms a dense carpet of leaves, which in some cases interferes with navigation.

I would like to say right away that the plant is rarely found in amateur aquariums and this is due primarily to the fact that it is unattractive. All the decorativeness of this species appears when you look at it from above, which is not always possible due to the aquarium cover. Nevertheless, the plant can be successfully used, for example, in spawning aquariums, where it can serve as an excellent substrate for the spawning of many species of fish. The plant also enriches the water with oxygen well.

Water parameters must meet the following conditions: temperature 23-30°C, hardness dH 7-15°, acidity pH 7.0-8.0.

The soil should be silty, with a high content of clay.

The floating pondweed is propagated by seeds and vegetatively, by cuttings. In winter, the plant disappears, forming winter buds, which, with the onset of spring, give life to a new plant.

Characteristic. Floating pondweed (lat. Potamogeton natans) is a species of aquatic plants of the pondweed family. Popular names: water cabbage, floating tolga, surfacing. The Latin designation comes from two words "water" and "neighbor", characterizes the habitat of the plant. The floating pond grows in the Northern Hemisphere, found in standing freshwater bodies of water and in slowly flowing waters of lakes, rivers and ponds. The perennial plant is almost completely immersed in water, with many alternate leaves up to 12 cm long and up to 6 cm wide. The rhizome is creeping at first, closer to autumn it forms tuberous thickenings that are rich in starch.

The stem is hollow, rounded, slightly branched, 60 to 150 cm high, with underwater and floating leaves. Basal leaves are lanceolate, narrowly linear, on petioles up to 50 cm long, with stipules up to 15 cm long. Floating leaves are leathery, dense, green-brown with arcuate venation, oval-shaped, pointed at the ends. Peduncles with a spike-shaped inflorescence rise 10-15 cm above the water. The flowers are inconspicuous, pale green, the nut-like fruits spread over long distances through the water. The flowering period takes place in June, July, the fruits ripen from July to August. The plant reproduces vegetatively and by seeds relatively quickly; in shallow water it often completely fills the surface of a small reservoir. The pondweed is readily eaten by waterfowl and fish, the plant part can be used as a fertilizer for growing crops. For medicinal purposes, grass and leaves are harvested from June to August, first washed, then dried in the shade.

Therapeutic effect of pondweed floating. Floating pondweed is used only in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, sedative. Infusions and decoctions of leaves and stems are taken orally and used externally for ulcers and wounds, with itchy skin rashes. It is believed that the plant accelerates the healing process of various inflammations and helps with indigestion.

Chemical composition. Enough not studied. Ascorbic acid, carotenoids were found in the leaves, and alkaloids in the seeds.

Contraindications. Side effects are not known, individual intolerance is possible.

Folk recipes.

A decoction of the leaves or stems of floating pondweed.
One tablespoon of carefully chopped raw materials, brew a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain.
Method of application number 1.
Drink one tablespoon three times a day to treat diarrhea.
Method of application number 2.
For itchy skin diseases, use a decoction for washing and compresses.
Method of application number 3.
A cotton-gauze bandage soaked in a decoction is applied for traumatic pains, boils, abscesses, and various dermatitis for 5-10 minutes. The decoction has an astringent, wound-healing effect; it is also used to wash open and festering wounds.

A; m. Aquatic herbaceous plant with a long stem and small floating leaves. * * * Podweed is a genus of perennial aquatic grasses of the Pond family. About 100 species, around the globe. Grow in stagnant or slowly flowing fresh or ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Potamogeton), a genus of plants of the family. pondweeds (Potamogetonaceae) of the order of naiads. Perennial b. h. underwater grasses, sometimes the upper leaves float on the surface of the water. The flowers are small, bisexual, in ears, usually located above the water; ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

RDEST, rdest, husband. (bot.). An aquatic plant with a very long stem and small oval or narrow leaves. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

RDEST, rdestnik husband. jogla plant, Potamogeton; P. natans, water cabbage; P. pusillus, surfacing, kundurak. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

A genus of perennial aquatic grasses of the family Podaceae. OK. 100 species, around the globe. They grow in stagnant or slowly flowing fresh or brackish waters, sometimes forming extensive thickets. Many types of food for fish and other animals ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

M. An aquatic plant with a very long stem and small oval or narrow leaves, immersed in water to the inflorescence or with leaves partially floating on the surface. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Generic name. plants of this family. rdesovye. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Exist., Number of synonyms: 5 flea grass (3) zhaglitsa (5) pouchinik (3) ... Synonym dictionary


  • New Russian Encyclopedia. In 12 volumes. Volume 13(2). Portuguese - Rdest, New Russian Encyclopedia (NRE) - a fundamental universal reference and information publication that presents readers with a picture of the world that reflects the current state of scientific knowledge. ... Category: Encyclopedias, reference books Series: New Russian encyclopedia in 12 volumes ("Encyclopedia", "INFRA-M") Publisher: Infra-M, Encyclopedia,
  • New Russian Encyclopedia Volume 13 Part 2 Portuguese - Rdest, Danilov-Danilyan V. (eds.), New Russian Encyclopedia (NRE) is a fundamental universal reference and information publication that presents readers with a picture of the world that reflects the current state of scientific knowledge. … Category:

Floating pondweed (from lat. Potamogeton natans) is an aquatic plant, a representative of the pondweed family, perennial. Also known as naplava, water cabbage, floating zholga, floating tolga. The Latin name is derived from 2 words - "water" and "neighbor", and indicates the habitat of the plant.

The stalk is hollow inside, round or cylindrical, slightly branched. Height 60 - 150 cm. The leaves are underwater and floating, near the roots they are lanceolate, narrow-linear, on petioles up to half a meter long. Floating leaves are oval, pointed at the ends, dense, leathery, brown-green, arcuate veins. Underwater leaves are destroyed by the flowering period. The flowering part is able to rise above the water level by 15 cm. The flowers are pale green in color, rather inconspicuous in appearance, bisexual, without perianth. Inflorescences spike-shaped, cylindrical. The fruits are nut-shaped, on the water they spread over long distances, due to the fact that they do not sink for a long time. Seeds - without endosperm, completely absorbed by the embryo. The rhizome is creeping, by autumn it forms tuberous extensions rich in starch.

Flowering period - June, July. Fruit ripening - July, August. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively quite quickly, in shallow water it often completely fills the surface of a small pond.

Habitat - fresh and slightly saline water bodies with very slowly flowing or stagnant water. It develops by attaching its roots to the bottom, it produces long shoots stretching to the surface of the water. Capable of growing in low ambient temperatures with very little daylight.

Distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, in the waters of Siberia and the Far East, in central Russia, in the CIS countries, Scandinavia, Western Europe, the Balkan Peninsula, North America, Minor, Central and Central Asia, Turkish Armenia, Iran, Mongolia, China, Japan, North Africa.

Habitat - near the coast and calm streams, lake ponds.

Procurement and storage of raw pondweed floating

Grass and leaves can be harvested all summer (June to August). Rinse the raw materials well, dry in the shade. Store in a dark place.

Application in everyday life

The floating pond is food for aquatic mollusks, many insects, waterfowl and fish. Dead shoots at the bottom of reservoirs undergo decomposition, contributing to the formation of fertile silt.

The plant part is used as feed for pigs and as fertilizer in agriculture for fields.

In the fishery, in the thickets of this plant, fish, mollusks, amphibians spawn

Formations on the rhizome of a plant similar to tubers contain starch, they are suitable for human consumption.

The composition and medicinal properties of pondweed

Floating pondweed contains:

  1. carotenoid - rhodoxanthin,
  2. tannins (0.9%) - enveloping and bactericidal action
  3. ascorbic acid (in leaves - 49.8 mg%) - strengthens the immune system, the wall of blood vessels
  4. complex aromatic substances - hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect
  5. seven types of flavonoids (orientin, homoorientin, scoparin, isoscoparin, luteolin 7-glucuronide, chrysoeriol 7-glucuronide) - influence on enzyme activity
  6. alkaloids are isolated in the seeds.

The use of pondweed floating in folk medicine

For therapeutic purposes, all parts of the plant are used as an anti-inflammatory, sedative.

Infusions and decoctions from the leaves and stems of the plant are taken orally for disorders of the digestive system, colic, spasms, diarrhea, and vitamin C deficiency. When used externally in the form of compresses, the healing process of inflammation on the skin, abscesses, boils is accelerated, skin itching subsides, lichen heals faster . You can wash open wounds. Dressings moistened with a decoction can be applied to sore joints, fractures, dislocations, sprains.

Leaf infusion for functional bowel disorders:

5 grams of dry finely chopped herbs insist in 250 ml of hot water for two hours. Take 20 grams three times a day.

Decoction of leaves or stems:

5 grams of dry finely chopped herbs insist in 250 ml of hot water for two hours.

  • with diarrhea - drink 30 grams 3 times a day
  • for itchy skin diseases, a decoction for washing and in the form of compresses - use externally
  • for pain associated with injuries, boils, abscesses, dermatitis - externally in the form of compresses for five to ten minutes twice a day

Infusion for skin itching:

5 grams of dry finely chopped insist in 250 ml of boiling water for two hours, strain. Drink 20 grams three times a day for up to three weeks.

Contraindications for use

  1. With individual intolerance.
  2. During pregnancy and lactation.

Floating pondweed (otherwise - water cabbage or floating tolga) is an aquatic perennial plant common in fresh water bodies (swamps, lakes, ditches, ponds) and tends to grow rapidly, especially in shallow water.

A frequenter of almost all reservoirs prefers to grow in running water, therefore it often lives in rivers. The floating pond (photo can be seen in the article) tends to grow very strongly: the dense carpet of leaves formed by it often interferes with the movement of boats and small vessels. Lime accustomed aquatic inhabitant is almost impossible.

Floating pond: description

Fixing in the ground with branched tuberous roots, such grass produces long, slightly branched shoots up to the very surface of the water. Dying, they fall to the bottom of reservoirs, where they decompose and turn into fertile silt. Or they take root, giving life to a new plant. Individual stems can break off and exist on their own. The surface part of the plant is represented by leaves and inflorescences.

The leaves of floating pondweed are alternate, have the most diverse shape: from ovoid to broadly elliptical. Margins entire, serrated or curly-wavy. On a shiny sheet plate, as if opened with varnish, the length of which is 8-12 cm and a width of 4-6 cm, parallel or arcuate veins are clearly visible. Underwater leaves are narrow, sessile, characterized by rigidity and by the beginning of flowering, which falls on the summer period, they are not preserved.

Spike-shaped inflorescences, consisting of unremarkable greenish or marsh-colored flowers, are located on leafless legs and rise above the water at a distance of 5-10 cm. The fruits of the plant are nuts or drupes, ripen in August, float on the water surface and are carried by water over long distances.


Under natural conditions, it is found in Ukraine, in Belarus, in the European territory of Russia. The rivers and ponds of North America, Japan, Scandinavia, China, the Balkan Peninsula and Central Asia are rich in such perennial grass.

Traditional medicine: the use of pondweed floating

Floating pondweed, containing in its composition a lot of useful substances, has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, bactericidal properties and improves immunity. The medicinal properties of an aquatic plant were appreciated by ancient physicians. Traditional medicine of today uses all its parts for medicinal purposes, the preparation of which must be carried out from June to August.

Preparations based on floating pondweed are used in the form of compresses and dressings in the treatment of skin diseases, ulcers, furunculosis, abscesses, itchy rashes and oncological tumors. An infusion of leaves and stems is taken internally and helps with diarrhea. To prepare it in 1 cup of boiling water for 2 hours, you need to insist 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried herbs. Take the resulting medicine 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

An aquatic plant is useful not only for humans; its fruits and surface parts are an excellent food for insects, fish, mollusks and waterfowl. When the green mass of the plant is used as fertilizer for fields and nutritious feed for pets.

in home cultivation

Pod floating in an aquarium is rare due to its own unattractiveness. The decorativeness of this type is manifested when viewed from above, and the aquarium cover does not always allow you to enjoy a wonderful spectacle. However, floating pondweed can be successfully grown in spawning aquariums; it is there that the plant will serve as an excellent substrate for the spawning of many varieties of fish. In addition, an aquatic plant perfectly replenishes water with oxygen, is able to grow at low temperatures and poor lighting, it can be bred as a landscape decor in home ponds.

In order to avoid strong growth of floating pondweed, it is recommended to limit growth: plant in containers and place them in a deep place. In winter, forming winter buds, it disappears and appears with the advent of spring as a new plant.

Pod floating: growing conditions

The optimal conditions for keeping floating pondweed are water temperature +23-30 o C, acidity - 7.0-8.0, hardness - 7-15. The soil should be silty, with a high percentage of clay.

Floating pondweed can be propagated by seeds and vegetatively: cuttings and dividing the bush. With the seed method, the seeds need to be rolled into lumps of clay and immersed in muddy soil to a depth of 1 meter. With the vegetative method, the cut stalk with a load attached to it must be lowered to the bottom of the reservoir.

When dividing the rhizome, the latter must be cut into pieces, placed in peat pots, which, in turn, should be placed at the required depth in a special container. Soil composition for container:

  • 15% clay;
  • 15% coarse sand;
  • 20% leaf land;
  • 50% silt.

Pond in nature: varieties

In addition to brilliant pondweed, other varieties of aquatic plants are widespread in nature:

  • The pondweed is pierced. It is characterized by very long branched stems with heart-shaped leaves as if strung on them. Often the stems and leaves of such a plant are wound around the screws of outboard motors and cling to the oars.
  • Common pondweed. It has strongly branched stems, narrow, like threads, leaves. Grows mainly in shallow water; its flexible stems sway even in the most minimal current and serve as a safe haven for flocks of fry.
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