Sea shadow underwater vehicle. Glider (Sea Shadow)

© RIA Novosti / Arseniy Rebrov

The deep-sea silent unmanned glider "Sea Shadow", capable of overcoming underwater currents, has successfully passed tests in the Baltic Sea, Igor Kozhemyakin, head of the defense research and development department at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, told RIA Novosti.

The drone was tested by the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics (GNIITS MO) and St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University (SPbGMTU).

“In August, we conducted another successful test of the Sea Shadow glider in the Baltic Sea. A new hybrid modification of the apparatus is able to overcome currents due to the propeller. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves without making any noise," Kozhemyakin said.

According to him, during the tests, the glider worked both in closed water areas and in the open sea in the zone of currents, which is "a serious test for an apparatus that does not have a propulsion system." He also noted that "Sea Shadow" differs from previous versions with more "realistic performance, control accuracy and an expanded set of payloads."

A glider is an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle driven by hydrodynamic forces due to a change in buoyancy. Gliders move along a specific "sawtooth" trajectory in a given depth range. The device is able to be in autonomous navigation for up to six months, transmitting hydrographic information to the shore. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves due to a change in its buoyancy, practically without creating noise.

"Sea Shadow" was developed by the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and the St. Petersburg Research and Production Enterprise of Underwater Technologies "Okeanos". In August, at the exhibition-forum "Army-2017", the glider was presented to the public as part of the exposition of the main research center for robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GNIITS RT). At the moment, the State Scientific Research Center of the Republic of Tatarstan considers gliders as a possible system for studying the world ocean, whose tasks include determining the hydrophysical parameters of depths, hydrometeorological, hydrological-acoustic and environmental parameters of the coastal shelf.

The length of the apparatus is 3 meters, the diameter is 31 centimeters, the weight is 150 kilograms, the maximum speed is 2 knots, the payload weight is 15 kilograms. The complex includes a research glider, a glider-carrier of mini-devices, a glider-relay, a ship's control center, as well as relay facilities.

SPbGMTU together with JSC NPP PT Okeanos is conducting various experiments to saturate the glider with various information systems and sensors, including those of third-party manufacturers, and the possibility of transporting micro-class AUVs.

Underwater stealth robot "Sea Shadow" / Photo:

The deep-sea silent unmanned glider "Sea Shadow", capable of overcoming underwater currents, has successfully passed tests in the Baltic Sea, Igor Kozhemyakin, head of the defense research and development department at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, told RIA Novosti.

The drone was tested by the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics (GNIITS MO) and St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University (SPbGMTU).

"In August, we conducted another successful test of the Sea Shadow glider in the Baltic Sea. A new hybrid modification of the device is able to overcome currents due to the propeller. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves almost without making noise," said I. Kozhemyakin.

According to him, during the tests, the glider worked both in closed water areas and in the open sea in the zone of currents, which is "a serious test for an apparatus that does not have a propulsion system." He also noted that "Sea Shadow" differs from previous versions with more "realistic performance, control accuracy and an expanded set of payloads."

Tests of the deep-sea unmanned glider "Sea Shadow" / Photo: Arseny Rebrov

A glider is an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle driven by hydrodynamic forces due to a change in buoyancy. Gliders move along a specific "sawtooth" trajectory in a given depth range. The device is able to be in autonomous navigation for up to six months, transmitting hydrographic information to the shore. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves due to a change in its buoyancy, practically without creating noise.

"Sea Shadow" was developed by the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and the St. Petersburg Scientific and Production Enterprise of Underwater Technologies "Okeanos". In August, at the exhibition-forum "Army-2017", the glider was presented to the public as part of the exposition of the main research center for robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GNIITS RT). At the moment, the State Scientific Research Center of the Republic of Tatarstan considers gliders as a possible system for studying the world ocean, whose tasks include determining the hydrophysical parameters of depths, hydrometeorological, hydrological-acoustic and environmental parameters of the coastal shelf.

The length of the apparatus is 3 meters, the diameter is 31 centimeters, the weight is 150 kilograms, the maximum speed is 2 knots, the payload weight is 15 kilograms. The complex includes a research glider, a glider-carrier of mini-devices, a glider-relay, a ship's control center, as well as relay facilities.

SPbGMTU together with JSC NPP PT Okeanos is conducting various experiments to saturate the glider with various information systems and sensors, including those of third-party manufacturers, and the possibility of transporting micro-class AUVs.


MOSCOW, September 28 - RIA Novosti. The deep-sea silent unmanned glider "Sea Shadow", capable of overcoming underwater currents, has successfully passed tests in the Baltic Sea, Igor Kozhemyakin, head of the defense research and development department at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, told RIA Novosti.

The drone was tested by the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics (GNIITS MO) and St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University (SPbGMTU).

“In August, we conducted another successful test of the Sea Shadow glider in the Baltic Sea. A new hybrid modification of the device is able to overcome currents due to the propeller. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves almost without making noise,” said Kozhemyakin.

According to him, during the tests, the glider worked both in closed water areas and in the open sea in the zone of currents, which is "a serious test for an apparatus that does not have a propulsion system." He also noted that "Sea Shadow" differs from previous versions with more "realistic performance, control accuracy and an expanded set of payloads."

A glider is an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle driven by hydrodynamic forces due to a change in buoyancy. Gliders move along a specific "sawtooth" trajectory in a given depth range. The device is able to be in autonomous navigation for up to six months, transmitting hydrographic information to the shore. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves due to a change in its buoyancy, making almost no noise.

"Sea Shadow" was developed by the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and the St. Petersburg Scientific and Production Enterprise of Underwater Technologies "Okeanos". In August, at the exhibition-forum "Army-2017", the glider was presented to the public as part of the exposition of the main research center for robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GNIITS RT). At the moment, the State Scientific Research Center of the Republic of Tatarstan considers gliders as a possible system for studying the world ocean, whose tasks include determining the hydrophysical parameters of depths, hydrometeorological, hydrological-acoustic and environmental parameters of the coastal shelf.

The length of the apparatus is 3 meters, the diameter is 31 centimeters, the weight is 150 kilograms, the maximum speed is 2 knots, the payload weight is 15 kilograms. The complex includes a research glider, a glider-carrier of mini-devices, a glider-relay, a ship's control center, as well as relay facilities.

SPbGMTU together with JSC NPP PT Okeanos is conducting various experiments to saturate the glider with various information systems and sensors, including those of third-party manufacturers, and the possibility of transporting micro-class AUVs.

The deep-sea silent unmanned glider "Sea Shadow", capable of overcoming underwater currents, has successfully passed tests in the Baltic Sea, Igor Kozhemyakin, head of the defense research and development department at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, told RIA Novosti.

The drone was tested by the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics (GNIITS MO) and St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University (SPbGMTU).

“In August, we conducted another successful test of the Sea Shadow glider in the Baltic Sea. A new hybrid modification of the apparatus is able to overcome currents due to the propeller. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves without making any noise," Kozhemyakin said.

According to him, during the tests, the glider worked both in closed water areas and in the open sea in the zone of currents, which is "a serious test for an apparatus that does not have a propulsion system." He also noted that "Sea Shadow" differs from previous versions with more "realistic performance, control accuracy and an expanded set of payloads."

A glider is an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle driven by hydrodynamic forces due to a change in buoyancy. Gliders move along a specific "sawtooth" trajectory in a given depth range.

The device is able to be in autonomous navigation for up to six months, transmitting hydrographic information to the shore. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track the glider - it moves due to a change in its buoyancy, practically without creating noise.

"Sea Shadow" was developed by the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and the St. Petersburg Scientific and Production Enterprise of Underwater Technologies "Okeanos". In August, at the exhibition-forum "Army-2017", the glider was presented to the public as part of the exposition of the main research center for robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GNIITS RT).

At the moment, the State Scientific Research Center of the Republic of Tatarstan considers gliders as a possible system for studying the world ocean, whose tasks include determining the hydrophysical parameters of depths, hydrometeorological, hydrological-acoustic and environmental parameters of the coastal shelf.

The length of the apparatus is 3 meters, the diameter is 31 centimeters, the weight is 150 kilograms, the maximum speed is 2 knots, the payload weight is 15 kilograms. The complex includes a research glider, a glider-carrier of mini-devices, a glider-relay, a ship's control center, as well as relay facilities.

SPbGMTU together with JSC NPP PT Okeanos is conducting various experiments to saturate the glider with various information systems and sensors, including those of third-party manufacturers, and the possibility of transporting micro-class AUVs.

Autonomous uninhabited underwater glider. Can conduct search operations, deep-sea reconnaissance. Dual purpose device. It was tested as part of promising underwater systems of the Russian Navy in the fall of 2016.

The type of apparatus is an underwater glider, which means that it moves by changing its own buoyancy. Addressed to oceanologists, oil and gas companies and the military.

The complex includes: a research glider, a glider-carrier of mini-devices, a glider-relay, a ship's control center, as well as relay facilities.


photo: CJSC "Scientific and production enterprise of underwater technologies Okeanos"

photo 2018.08, press service of the underwater robotics competition Aquarobotech-2018


St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SPbGMTU) and CJSC "Scientific and Production Enterprise of Submarine Technologies Okeanos"


Brief characteristics

Battery 70 Ah.

Battery life - 6-8 months

Speed ​​- about 1 km / h (according to other sources - 3.7 km / h), up to 2 knots.

One vertical steering wheel, two horizontal.

Cigar shape.

Length - 3 m

diameter without wings - 310 mm.

Weight - 150 kg.

Antennas up to 15 m long.

There is a possibility of emergency ascent with the help of an inflatable pontoon.

The glider is being developed in modifications - a research glider, a glider-carrier of a mini-autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle, a glider-relay, a relay facility.

When used, it does not need an escort vessel.

Housing made of composite materials


2017.06.28 . The novelty has more different payloads, control accuracy and a number of characteristics have also increased. In particular, the software of the robot has been improved. Department for Navigation and Oceanography - selected as the ordering department of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Development since 2012. Tests in the Gulf of Finland were completed at the end of October 2016. It was tested with radioisotope and thermogenerator power modules. A modified version is being developed - Glider 2.1, which will move both due to the principle of underwater planning and due to a folding propeller. This will allow the drone to accelerate sharply if necessary.


2018.08.29 The team of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and JSC "Scientific and Production Enterprise of Underwater Technologies "OKEANOS" (St. Petersburg) participated in the competition of underwater robotics "Aquarobotekh-2018" with the AUV "Sea Shadow" at the competition of underwater robotics "Aquarobotekh-2018". The team took first place in the glider class, however, there were no other participants with devices of this class at the competition.

2017.09.28 . The tests were organized by the State Scientific Research Institute of Robotics of the Moscow Region and the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SPbGMTU). The new modification of the device is built according to a hybrid scheme - it has a propeller, which allows the AUV to overcome the current if necessary.

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