Where there is a lot of calcium in foods. What foods contain the most calcium and why is it needed? calcium in cheese

I think many of us know foods containing calcium since everyone hears from childhood: "In order for the bones to be strong, you need to eat fish, cottage cheese, cabbage, carrots, greens, etc."

Numerous studies of various foods prove that all these foods containing calcium also have other substances (vitamins D and C, phosphorus, inositol, magnesium, vegetable acids) that improve its absorption in our body. They are also useful for us because they contain the necessary minerals in the right proportions - this is very important for the absorption of such a capricious mineral as calcium.

Well, the significance of this substance is clear to everyone - it is calcium (Ca) that plays a major role in the formation, development and strengthening of bone tissue. The body of an adult weighing 70 kg contains approximately 1.5 kg of calcium. The most interesting thing is that the mass of other mineral substances is also approximately 1.5 kg, but already all taken together.

Even this quantitative ratio of minerals makes us think about the need and importance of calcium for our body. To ensure bone mineral density, we need about 800 mg of calcium daily. This value, of course, is an average - someone needs more, and someone needs less. It all depends on your weight, age, health and living conditions.

Products containing calcium - table:

Food (100 gr) Calcium content, mg % DV (800 mg)
Poppy 1500 mg 187%
Sesame seeds 1400 mg 175%
parmesan cheese 1200 mg 150%
Emmental cheese 970 mg 121%
Gruyère cheese 950 mg 118%
Wheat bran 950 mg 118%
Edam cheese 770 mg 96%
Dutch cheese 760 mg 95%
cheddar cheese 720 mg 90%
Nettle 710 mg 89%
tahini 680 mg 85%
plum-core 600 mg 75%
brie cheese 540 mg 67%
sardines in brine 540 mg 67%
Soya beans 510 mg 63%
Dry malted milk 430 mg 53%
Dried seaweed, noria 430 mg 53%
carob powder 390 mg 48%
sunflower seeds 360 mg 45%
cherry-core 300 mg 37%
Condensed whole milk 290 mg 36%
Almond 270 mg 33%
Salted herring 250 mg 31%
mustard seed 250 mg 31%
Nutmeg 250 mg 31%
Parsley 240 mg 30%
Dill 220 mg 27%
Milk chocolate 220 mg 27%
chickpeas 190 mg 23%
Spinach 170 mg 21%
Hazelnut 170 mg 21%
Beans 150 mg 18%
Cottage cheese 150 mg 18%
Dried figs 140 mg 17%
oysters 140 mg 17%
Whole wheat bread 120 mg 15%
Persimmon 120 mg 15%
Milk 120 mg 15%
Yogurt 120 mg 15%
Horseradish 120 mg 15%
beet leaves 120 mg 15%
dried pineapple 120 mg 15%
Tempeh 120 mg 15%
Green onion 120 mg 15%
Meat (average) 120 mg 15%
Shrimp boiled 110 mg 14%
Walnut 95 mg 12%
Dried apricots 90 mg 11%
dried peas 90 mg 11%
Barley 90 mg 11%
Garlic 90 mg 11%
Salad 80 mg 10%
Sour cream 80 mg 10%
Turnip 75 mg 9%
Peanut 75 mg 9%
Celery 70 mg 8%
Buckwheat 70 mg 8%
Dates 65 mg 8%
Dried rosehip 65 mg 8%
Beans (pod) 65 mg 8%
Raisin 60 mg 7%
Cereals 55 mg 6%
Chicken eggs 55 mg 6%
beans 55 mg 6%
Carrot 50 mg 6%
Cabbage 50 mg 6%
Sorrel 45 mg 5%
Grape 45 mg 5%
Raspberries 40 mg 5%
strawberries 40 mg 5%
Cherry 40 mg 5%
Lemon 40 mg 5%
Beet root 40 mg 5%
Orange 35 mg 4%
Black currant 35 mg 4%
Bulb onions 35 mg 4%
Apricot 30 mg 3%
Plum 30 mg 3%
Green peas 30 mg 3%
white mushrooms 25 mg 3%
Cucumber 25 mg 3%
Rice 25 mg 3%
Pasta 20 mg 2%
Butter 20 mg 2%
Pear 20 mg 2%
Apple 20 mg 2%
Peach 20 mg 2%
Watermelon 15 mg 2%
Tomatoes 15 mg 2%
Potato 10 mg 1%

The data in the table, of course, is very average. The calcium content of plant foods often depends on the soil in which they grow. The more calcium in the ground, the more plants can store it. On soil depleted of this mineral, respectively, less.

Absorption of calcium from food

In products, Ca is in the form of various compounds. In this form, this mineral cannot be absorbed.

Under the influence of gastric acid, as well as various accompanying substances (vitamin D, vegetable acids, fats, lactose, etc.), Ca passes into an ionized form and easily digestible compounds. It is in this form that calcium quickly overcomes the intestinal barrier.

When there is a lot of calcium in food, then the passive absorption of this mineral is turned on. With the current of fluid in the intestine, it goes to where it is scarce - into the cells of the intestine, and from there it enters the blood.

But if there is little Ca in food, then another delivery mechanism is activated - with the help of carrier proteins. That is why this mineral is more easily absorbed from those foods where there is a lot of it.

True, it is not yet clear to scientists why some have enough of the minimum amount of this substance, while others feel good only at higher doses.

Some researchers associate the sufficiency of the minimum amount with the increased physical activity of these people and the balanced work of the neurohormonal centers. It has been experimentally proven that physical activity increases the absorption of Ca from food, even if there is little of it. And the good condition of the neuro-hormonal centers reduces the consumption of Ca in stressful situations.

In recent decades, there have been numerous evidences of the occurrence of various diseases with a deficiency of this mineral.

First of all, it is osteoporosis - a decrease in bone density. It leads to bone fragility and frequent fractures.

Osteoporosis may not be the entire backbone, but only in the articular endings. This leads to arthritis, lumbago, rheumatism, etc. Thinned bones cannot withstand stress and begin to injure and compress the nerve endings, which leads to their inflammation and the appearance of various diseases.

High blood pressure has become the norm for many people. The theory has long been put forward that the cause of hypertension is the same calcium deficiency. Sufficient experimental material has now been accumulated to support this theory.

Many suffer from periodontal disease - the cause of its appearance in most cases is also a lack of Ca.

Everyone knows muscle cramps. When examining people suffering from frequent convulsions, a lack of Ca in the body is almost always found. If you watch your diet and eat foods high in calcium, but cramps continue, then try eating crushed shells.

The shell of a chicken egg is cleaned of the inner film and dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Then dried and ground to a powder state. This can be done in a coffee grinder, in a mortar or simply with a rolling pin on the table. Use the shell powder along with lemon juice. Take 1/3 of a teaspoon of shell powder and mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice. It turns out a foamy liquid. It is drunk and washed down with water.

Drink 1-2 times a day for three months, then take a break for 3 months. After completing 2-3 courses, they switch to 1-2 times a week for prevention.

In quick-tempered and nervous people prone to hysterical behavior, calcium deficiency has long been noticed in the body.

Of course, in all these diseases the mechanism is not always clear. Some researchers associate the lack of Ca with insufficient intake from food, as well as its poor digestibility. Others - with increased excretion of it from the body - the inability of the body to retain this mineral.

But in any case, we can protect ourselves from many troubles with our health with simple recipes known thousands of years ago.

More often to be in the fresh air, getting natural vitamin D from sunlight. With its deficiency, Ca is poorly absorbed and retained by the body. Moreover, it has been noticed that there is never an overdose from natural vitamin D.

Realize that we need daily physical activity. Our brain must constantly receive information that our body is necessary for us. Then the neuro-hormonal regulation of metabolism will be at the proper level. In addition, our muscles are a kind of vacuum pump that pumps out all the toxins (metabolic products) from our body. And everything that is clean is always healthy.

Monitor your mood - our body in stressful conditions and negative emotions is not able to absorb and retain calcium. To get out of depressive states, dousing with cold water helps remarkably. But the most important thing in this method is that you can’t freeze after dousing - run, jump, squat. After all, even Hippocrates advised this method as the most effective against many diseases and absolutely free.

Use various psychological techniques, of which there are a great many on the Internet, or use the help of specialists.

And, of course, monitor your diet, trying to consume foods containing calcium daily.

Why do you need calcium. Calcium in the body is simply necessary. Suffice it to say that in the body of an adult, from 1 to 1.5 kg of calcium. Most of it is found in the bones / up to 99% / the remaining percentage is distributed throughout the body and is involved in very important metabolic processes. Calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, affects muscle contraction, including cardiac, regulates blood pressure, affects blood clotting, affects the permeability of cell membranes, and is necessary for the synthesis of a wide variety of substances in the human body. Recent studies have shown that with a sufficient amount of calcium in the diet, the risk of pancreatic and colon cancer is reduced by 70-75%.

The main symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body. Calcium in the human body is in two forms, associated / in bones, teeth / and free / in blood plasma /. If we receive less calcium from food, it begins to be consumed from bones and teeth, which leads to increased bone fragility and tooth decay. There is also weakness and fatigue, pain and cramps in the muscles, pain in the bones, decreased immunity, bruises. With a chronic lack of calcium, bone fractures, damage to the joints of the bones and the spine can occur. Excess calcium is also dangerous for the body, but most often it occurs in violation of calcium metabolism and excessive intake in the form of tablets.

Calcium intake per day. k The amount of calcium that we need to get from food directly depends on age and gender. The total daily dose for an adult is 1000 to 1300 mg per day. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 2500 mg.

Calcium requirement table

AgeDaily intake of calcium, mg / day
babies up to 6 months 200
7 - 12 months 260
Children 1 - 3 years 700
4 - 8 years 1000
9 - 13 years old 1300
Men and women 19 - 50 years old 1000
Men 50 - 70 years old 1000
Women 50 - 70 years old 1200
Men and women over 71 years old 1200
14 - 18 years old 1300
Pregnant and breastfeeding women 19 - 50 years old 1000

What foods have the most calcium? Most calcium in dairy products, but it should be noted that it is in unpasteurized products. Therefore, if possible, purchase farm dairy products. Champions in the content of calcium cheeses. 100 grams of cheese contains a daily dose of calcium.

Lots of calcium in legumes, even more in nuts. But calcium from nuts is less well absorbed. A variety of greens are rich in calcium.

Table of foods high in calcium per 100 grams


Calcium content
(mg per 100 g of product)

milk, eggs

Cow's milk 2.5-3.5%

Skimmed milk 125
Soy milk 80
Kefir 120
Sour cream 80
Egg 1 piece 58

Cheese and cottage cheese



Russian cheese 1000
Latvian cheese 900
Hard cheeses 800-1200
Roquefort cheese 750
Goat cheese 500
Fat-free cottage cheese 120







leaf lettuce

Green onion

Canned green olives









White cabbage


savoy cabbage




Fruits, berries (dried fruits)

A pineapple


Date fruit









Dried figs

Dried apricots







Soya beans


Nuts, seeds



Sunflower seeds













Nika Sestrinskaya -site-specific

Everyone knows that calcium is a very important and useful element in the human body. To understand how calcium is absorbed, you need to know what foods it is contained in.

Calcium is a macronutrient necessary for the structure and functioning of all cells of the human body. The greatest amount of calcium is found in hard tissues: bones and teeth. Calcium is needed by the muscles for their work, is involved in blood clotting. The influence of this mineral is essential in the conduction of a nerve impulse.

How Much Calcium Should You Get From Food?

The daily intake of calcium by a middle-aged person (men 25-60 years old, women 25-50 years old) should be about 800 mg. Men over 60 and women over 50 need 1,200 mg of calcium per day to function properly.

There are special requirements for children: newborns up to six months need 400 mg of calcium, children under 1 year old - 600 mg. As the child grows, more calcium will be required: after 1 year to 10 years - about 800 mg, and from 11 to 25 years - 1200 mg.

Foods High in Calcium

For the normal functioning of the human body, you need to know about the proper use of calcium-containing foods.

What foods are high in calcium? Record holders for calcium content are seeds (poppy, sesame), nuts, lettuce, greens and legumes, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat fish, milk. But, in everyday life, each person has his own preferences in food. Someone does not like fish, and someone does not tolerate milk, but prefers vegetables and fruits.

Below is a table of calcium content in foods that satisfy a variety of tastes.

A sufficient amount of calcium in the body is a guarantee that in old age such a disaster as osteoporosis will not happen to us. At the same time, it is recommended to carefully monitor the calcium content in food and blood at any other age, starting from the earliest.

What is calcium responsible for in the human body?

  • Maintaining healthy, strong bones
  • Normal functioning of nerves and muscles
  • Blood clotting

When does the need for calcium-rich foods increase?

  • Frequent bone fractures
  • Muscle pain or spasms
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet
  • Bone deformities and growth retardation in children

What foods contain the most calcium?

  • Foods rich in calcium are .
  • Very good molasses, chard, yogurt, broccoli, cheese, cottage cheese and milk- cow and goat.
  • They are also excellent sources of calcium.
  • Contains a large amount of minerals dried fish.

And now - in more detail:

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body, accounting for approximately 1.5% of total body weight. At 99% it is concentrated in the bones and teeth, and 1% is distributed in other areas.

Insufficient intake of calcium-rich foods, poor absorption or excessive losses in the urine and faeces cause a deficiency of the mineral. What are the most dangerous symptoms of calcium deficiency.

In children, calcium deficiency can lead to impaired bone mineralization - rickets - a condition characterized by bone deformity and stunting. In adults, calcium deficiency can lead to osteomalacia, or softening of the bones. Osteoporosis is also a symptom of calcium deficiency. (fragility, fragility of bones).

What is the cause of these diseases, osteoporosis in particular?

Calcium plays an important role in many physiological processes, it affects blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity and cell membrane function. If you are not drinking enough foods rich in calcium, the body, in order to maintain a normal concentration of the mineral in the blood, will rely on the calcium that has already been accumulated in the bones. This leads to osteoporosis, although the lack, lack of calcium may lead to other symptoms and bone problems.

Low levels of calcium in the blood (especially one particular form of calcium called free ionized calcium) can cause a condition called tetany, in which nerve activity becomes excessive. Manifestations of tetany are muscle spasms, muscle pain, tingling and numbness in the arms and legs.

Too much calcium symptoms

Meanwhile, excessive intake of calcium (more than 3,000 mg per day) can lead to a condition known as hypercalcemia. If the blood levels of phosphorus are low and there is an excess of calcium, hypercalcemia promotes soft tissue calcification (accumulation of calcium in cells other than bones), which is highly undesirable.

Factors affecting the functions of calcium in the human body

Hyperchlorhydria. This condition, characterized by insufficient secretion of stomach acid, is especially true in old age. Hyperchlorhydria impairs the absorption of calcium.

Adequate intake of vitamin D is essential for the absorption and utilization of calcium by the human body.. If there is a deficiency of vitamin D, or if there is a failure in the mechanism for converting it from a passive to an active form, then calcium is poorly absorbed.

Interaction of calcium in the body with other nutrients

The absorption, utilization and/or excretion of calcium is affected by the following substances:

1. Vitamin D accelerates the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract.

2. High consumption potassium reduces the excretion (excretion) of calcium.

3. High consumption sodium, caffeine, or protein increase calcium excretion.

4. Dietary fiber found in wheat and oat bran can interfere with normal calcium absorption by reducing the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines. Dietary fiber also stimulates the growth of "friendly" bacteria in the gut that bind calcium, making it less available for absorption.

5. Phytic acid- found in whole grains, nuts and legumes - also reduces (slightly) calcium absorption.

6. Oxalic acid, found in spinach, beets, celery, pecans, peanuts, tea and cocoa, can bind with calcium to form an insoluble complex that is excreted from the body.

7. Calcium in foods and supplements reduces the absorption of heme and non-heme iron.

8. Magnesium and calcium compete with each other for intestinal absorption. Therefore, calcium supplements should not be taken at the same time as magnesium supplements.

What health problems require more calcium-rich foods?

Calcium may play a role in the prevention and/or treatment of the following conditions:

  • Cataract
  • colon cancer
  • High blood pressure
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Stones in the kidneys
  • Osteoporosis
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Pregnancy (for hypertension and preeclampsia)
  • Premenstrual syndrome

However, calcium is such a mineral, the appointment of which must be agreed with the doctor.

Foods rich in calcium

For most people, a balanced diet is sufficient and they will not experience symptoms of calcium deficiency even without taking supplements. Foods rich in calcium are green vegetables (especially spinach), turnips, mustard and tofu. Very good molasses, chard, broccoli, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and milk- cow and goat. Basil, thyme, dill seeds, sesame, oregano, cinnamon, dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, raisins) and almonds are also excellent sources of calcium. Contains a large amount of calcium dried fish And eggs.

The champion in calcium content is sesame seeds. Recommendations: 15-20 g of sesame seeds daily to cover the body's need for a mineral, or products sprinkled with sesame seeds and sesame oil to season food.

To prevent the symptoms of calcium deficiency, nutritionists recommend the following intake levels of the mineral:

  • 0-6 months: 200 mg
  • 6-12 months: 260 mg
  • 1-3 years: 700 mg
  • 4-8 years: 1000 mg
  • 9-13 years old: 1300 mg
  • 14-18 years old: 1300 mg
  • 19-30 years old: 1000 mg
  • 31-50 years old: 1000 mg
  • 51-70 years (men): 1000 mg
  • 51-70 years (women): 1200 mg
  • 70+ years: 1200 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (under 18): 1300 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (over 18): 1000 mg

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for Calcium

However, when consuming calcium from food and especially supplements, you need to do it wisely so as not to create excess calcium in blood.

  • 0-6 months: 1000 mg
  • 6-12 months: 1500 mg
  • 1-3 years: 2500 mg
  • 4-8 years: 2500 mg
  • 9-13 years old: 3000 mg
  • 14-18 years old: 3000 mg
  • 19-30 years old: 2500 mg
  • 31-50 years old: 2500 mg
  • 51+ years: 2000 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (under 18): 3000 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (over 18): 2500 mg

The human need for calcium is relatively small, so it is categorized as a micronutrient (but a macronutrient). However, calcium deficiency, as well as its excess, is fraught with health complications.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates - traditionally, when compiling a balanced menu on your own, attention is paid to these particular nutrients. But there are still micro and macro elements, the insufficiency of which in nutrition is fraught with the development of serious diseases.

daily intake of calcium

3.5 kg of the weight of an adult normally developed person are mineral salts. Of these, about 30% is calcium.

Calcium has two main functions:
structural (98% of it is contained in teeth and bone tissue);
regulatory (required for adequate excitability of the nervous system, blood clotting, activation of certain enzymes, muscle contraction).

It indirectly affects the condition of hair and nails, sleep and mood.

The daily intake of calcium obtained from food differs depending on age and some other nuances. Specific figures (unit g per day):

  • adults - 0.8;
  • pregnant and lactating women - 1, after menopause - 1.2;
  • teenagers (9-18 years old) - 1.3.

Here we also note that in various medical sources the standards are interpreted differently (± 0.1 g).

Important nuance:

Vitamin D improves calcium absorption in the intestine

Pay attention to the important nuance of the absorption of this beneficial substance by tissues and body fluids. Optimization of the process is achieved by adjusting the ratio with other salts (in particular, magnesium and phosphates), sufficient supply of chole- and ergocalciferol (group D vitamins) is also necessary.

List of foods high in calcium

Nutritionist advice:

To meet the daily requirement of a healthy adult in calcium, ½ liter of milk (natural cow) or 100 g of cheese is enough.

For those who are not suitable for these products for some reason, they are probably wondering what else has a lot of calcium in them. Details are provided in specially designed dietary tables. We present a simplified list (mg Ca per 100 g).

TOP 3:

  • poppy (1450-1500),
  • skimmed milk powder (1155),
  • "Dutch" cheese (1040).

Vegetables and greens:

  • (713),
  • basil (370),
  • dill (126),
  • spinach and broccoli (105),
  • green onions (100),

Calcium in dairy products:

  • all types of hard cheese (from 600 to 1000),
  • cheese (530),
  • condensed milk (307),
  • yogurt and kefir with a fat content of more than 20% (120).


  • (800),
  • soy (201),
  • egg yolk (136),
  • walnuts (122),
  • (100).

Causes and symptoms of calcium deficiency

Have you ever wanted to eat a piece of chalk? Surely many readers (especially teenagers, pregnant women and nursing mothers) had such a gastronomic fad. One of the explanations for the strange desire is a lack of calcium, which can cause the development of various diseases. Another option is low hemoglobin.

The causes of calcium deficiency are various. Let us briefly characterize the most common moments (not related to diseases).

Alimentary errors. An excessive amount of fats, phytin and oxalic acid adversely affects the digestibility of the macroelement, contributes to the formation of sparingly soluble compounds.

Unbalanced (hypocalcium) diet, in which the substance simply does not enter the body.

Excessive sweating, in the absence of replenishment of the water balance.

Bad habits(abuse of coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, smoking) and factors (contact with phosphate fertilizers).

Insufficient mobility. With hypodynamia, the ability to assimilate nutrients from food decreases.

In addition to the gastronomic whim mentioned above, the alarm bells are:

  • insomnia,
  • unreasonable irritability,
  • increase in blood pressure,
  • brittle nails,
  • hair loss,
  • gum bleeding.

In such situations, it is necessary to consult a doctor (family or therapist), take tests: blood from a vein + urine according to Sulkovich.


Long-term (neglected) calcium deficiency is fraught with the development of more than 150 diseases.

Typical diagnoses in this case: osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets. The risk of diabetes and pathologies of the cardiovascular system increases.

Symptoms of excess calcium in the body

Yes, and this situation is also not excluded. This phenomenon is called hypercalcemia.

Possible causes of excess calcium;
long-term use of foods or drinking water supersaturated with this macronutrient;
oncopathology and radiation therapy;
hormonal dysfunctions;
taking certain dietary supplements and drugs.

Undigested salts are deposited in the kidneys, muscles, and form insoluble soap compounds in the intestines.

Symptoms of excess calcium:

  • appetite problems,
  • constipation,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • muscle cramps,
  • abdominal pain and myalgia.

But to draw any independent conclusions, and even more so to take action, is dangerous. It is necessary to consult a doctor, take tests, follow prescriptions and dietary recommendations.

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