Peppers treatment for diseases. Signs and methods of treatment of pepper diseases. Control and prevention measures

Sweet pepper is grown mainly in greenhouses and greenhouses. Despite the efforts expended, not everyone manages to grow sweet peppers - illnesses do not allow it. Although any vegetable grower wants to get a decent harvest in his garden.

When grown, this delicious vegetable can be affected by bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. Consider the most common of them.

bacterial cancer disease develops at a temperature of 25-35°C and high humidity. This also contributes to the compaction of seedlings and watering by sprinkling. Shoots, foliage and fruits of the vegetable are damaged.

Dark brown spots appear on the foliage with a light color in the center. Then they all merge and a crust appears.

The fruits are covered with small brown spots with a light border, which then merge into large spots up to 3 cm in diameter.

Bacterial rot has the following symptoms of the disease: the color of the plant changes, the stems become hollow, brown watery depressions appear near the stalk. Pepper fades - first individual branches, and then the whole plant. The disease develops due to prolonged warm and damp weather.

Symptoms of bacterial spot can be found on foliage, stems and fruits. The first signs are small watery spots on the back of the leaves. Over time, they enlarge and become dark brown or black and are visible on the surface of the foliage. If nothing is done, the leaves will begin to fall off.

Spots on fruits are saturated with water. As the spots increase, the fruits crack.

Viral diseases

They are characterized by: dwarfism of plants, small leaves, atrophy of some parts of the vegetable, spots in the form of rings, the coloring of the leaves is similar to a mosaic.

The most famous viral diseases:

  1. Cucumber mosaic.
  2. Internal fruit necrosis.
  3. Tobacco mosaic.

Dampness and poor lighting contribute to the spread of the virus. Symptoms of the disease are varied and depend on the strain of the virus, growing conditions, variety, stage of development of the plant.

The main symptom is variegated leaves, mixed dark green with yellow and light green, reminiscent of a mosaic. In addition, the leaves are deformed, turn black and begin to fall off. Peppers do not grow well and form ugly medium-sized fruits with brownish or yellowish spots.

But some varieties of pepper, especially hybrids, are resistant to this disease, for example, Anniversary Semko F1, Aries F1, Cardinal F1, Fidelio F1.

Cucumber mosaic appears in 4 forms:

  1. Fleeting- the vegetable dries quickly, remaining green.
  2. Buraya- during the budding period, parts of the leaves and shoots dry, and then the damaged tissues dry and turn brown. The virus spreads from the roots to the top.
  3. yellow- stems and shoots turn yellow and deform. The plant stops growing, there is no fruit set.
  4. dwarf- the plant grows poorly, the shoots branch strongly, small leaves form, the ovary falls off, and the resulting fruits are ugly.

Cucumber mosaic differs from tobacco mosaic in that the virus is not seed-borne. It is carried by hands, tools, insects.

fungal diseases

These are the most common diseases.

When growing a vegetable, a black leg is more common than others. The disease can destroy seedlings, especially with high humidity and poor lighting. The fungus is carried in soil, plant debris and seeds.

Main signs:

  • dark root neck;
  • rotting and thinning of the stem in this place;
  • wilting of the plant.

Blackleg damages both seedlings and adult plantings. But the latter have somewhat different signs of damage: the stem at ground level becomes as if depressed and dark brown in color.

Gray rot appears in greenhouses at a humidity above 80% and a temperature of + 10-15 ° C. The plant is completely damaged by the disease.

The disease is evidenced by brown wet spots with a touch of gray. Spores of the fungus spread through the soil, water, plant remains.

white rot damage to peppers in the root zone. On the stems in the places affected by the disease, a white coating with fluff is formed, and from the inside - solid black formations. Peppers affected by the fungus become soft and watery, in some places a white coating forms.

The causative agent of the disease is either in the soil or on the remains of plants.

Late blight disease develops under certain conditions:

  • sharp jumps in temperature;
  • prolonged cooling;
  • high humidity.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • rotting of the stem and root neck with the formation of depressed dark spots;
  • the appearance of large watery brown spots on the fruits and foliage;
  • desiccation of the stem.

Sweet pepper pests (video)

Disease prevention

To prevent all of these diseases, you must:

  • every year change the place of planting pepper;
  • do not plant pepper after tomatoes and eggplant;
  • after harvesting, remove all the remains of plants from the greenhouse;
  • when it is impossible to change the place of planting pepper, cultivate the land in a greenhouse or replace it;
  • take seeds only from healthy fruits;
  • before sowing, treat the seeds with potassium permanganate, then rinse and dry;
  • remove diseased seedlings immediately;
  • maintain a temperature and humidity acceptable for the vegetable in the greenhouse;
  • do not compact planting seedlings;
  • create an air cycle and good illumination in the greenhouse;
  • spray pepper with copper-containing preparations;
  • weed out in the greenhouse and near it, so that there are fewer insects - the main carriers of diseases.

So, due to cultural diseases, growing sweet peppers is not at all as easy as it seems at first.

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Mosaic disease.

Disease control measures include growing varieties of sweet peppers that are resistant to various diseases.

  • spider mite;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper is quite popular with gardeners. It, like most vegetable crops, is susceptible to various diseases. In order not to miss the initial stage and manage to prevent infection of a large number of plants, you should know the main signs of sweet pepper diseases and methods of dealing with them.
  • Soil replacement, especially after growing tomatoes or eggplant.
  • Collection of own seeds is carried out only from healthy plants. After collection, they must be disinfected in a saturated purple solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.

Bacterial diseases of pepper

Carefully collect and remove all plant debris, be sure to destroy them with your own hands.

  • Experts recommend that the land in greenhouses or hotbeds where plants have been infected with bacterial cancer should be disinfected with methyl bromide in the fall and spring, or the soil should be replaced.
  • . Timely destruction of dying and affected plant organs; observance of the optimal food area and active ventilation; greenhouse disinfection by burning sulfur briquettes.​
  • Pepper leaves become variegated due to the large number of light spots on a dark background and deformed. The fruits are covered with yellow spots. To prevent the disease, the seeds are disinfected before planting. Pepper seedlings are sprayed once a week with water with the addition of milk (: 10).

Bacterial canker of pepper

Between varieties and hybrids of pepper, it is better to make a choice in favor of hybrids that are obtained as a result of crossing. Hybrids are resistant to diseases and certain climates. Hybrids are labeled F1, which means the first generation.​

melon aphid; All diseases can be divided into two groups, depending on what exactly is affected by the infection. Mandatory cleaning and burning of all plant residues from the greenhouse.

Compliance with the rules of crop rotation.

This disease is caused by the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Favorable conditions for its development are low illumination of plants and constantly high humidity. Infection can occur through seeds, as well as through the soil. Quite quickly, the virus can pass from an infected plant to a healthy one, when transplanting or picking, if the plant has received mechanical damage.

For self-production of seeds, use only healthy fruits.

This disease affects the entire plant: roots, stems and fruits. Bacteria penetrating into the vascular system of plants clog them, thereby depriving individual parts of the plant of nutrition. As a result, wilting begins, both of individual branches and of the whole plant as a whole.

Each gardener strives to get a good harvest of each of the grown vegetable crops on his site. Sweet, or as it is also called, bell pepper, is grown mainly in greenhouses: greenhouses or greenhouses. (See Growing Peppers). Despite the many efforts expended, not every gardener gets a decent harvest of this healthy and tasty vegetable.

On the transverse section of the stem and especially the roots, brownish vascular bundles are visible. Plants die from blockage of vascular tissues or from tissue decomposition under the action of fungal secretions. Symptoms of the disease are yellowing of the leaves, wilting of the apical shoots. Infected plants die in 5-30 days. Favorable temperature for the development of the fungus is 23-28°C, withstands 35°C and -4°C; It develops better with a soil pH of 5-7 and its moisture content of 80-85%.​

Vertex rot.

soft bacterial rot

The best varieties and hybrids are considered to be:


  • Diseases of the leaves and stem of pepper
  • Thorough disinfection of all equipment used when working with seedlings and in the greenhouse

During the cultivation of pepper seedlings, every three weeks it is watered with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

  • Symptoms of TDC can be very diverse, depending on:

Before planting, be sure to disinfect the seeds in a dark purple solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with cold running water and dry.

The symptoms of this disease are:

The most common causes of a poor harvest, or its complete absence, are various diseases of peppers in a greenhouse.

Measures to combat any form of wilting.

Black spots appear on the fruits of pepper in the apex area. Gradually rot covers more and more of the fruit. The development of blossom end rot of pepper is promoted by insufficient moisture content and excess nitrogen and calcium in the soil. The affected fruits are destroyed, and the pepper bushes are treated with a solution of calcium nitrate.

Viking yellow and Viking red. Elongated fruits of early ripening; whitefly; Verticillium wilt.

Lightning bacterial wilt

After planting pepper in a greenhouse, (See Planting seedlings in a greenhouse), foliar feeding of plants with a solution of trace elements is carried out several times.

phase of plant development;

Tip: you can disinfect seeds using preparations based on plant materials. To do this, take 3-4 cloves of crushed or finely chopped garlic for ½ cup of water, mix.

discoloration and hollowness of the stem;

  • In the process of growing pepper can be affected by various diseases:
  • Pre-sowing disinfection of seeds with foundationazole or dusting with trichodermin before sowing.
  • Sclerotinia (white rot).
  1. Santia F1. Cone-shaped red fruits;
  2. Wireworm
  3. Fusarium wilt.
  4. A solution of trisodium phosphate (sodium phosphate trisubstituted), for which it is dissolved in 1 liter of water

To prevent the occurrence of TMV, pepper bushes are sprayed with an aqueous solution of milk (1:10), with the addition of a few drops of iodine. After spraying, it is best to cover the plant with a film for some time in order to prevent the spread of viruses by contact.


  1. Then the seeds are immersed in the resulting solution. The jar is loosely closed and the seeds are left in it for an hour. After the time has passed, the seeds are washed with cold water and dried.
  2. Necrosis and chlorosis of leaves;
  • bacterial;
  • Prevention.
  • The stalk of pepper in the root zone is covered with a white coating. The fungus grows inside the tissues and forms black seals there. Peppers affected by rot soften, become watery, in some places a white coating is found in the form of flakes. To combat the disease, pepper is poured with warm water. Affected leaves or plants are completely removed.
  1. Patricia F1. The fruits are large yellow, cube-shaped;
  2. In order not to treat pepper bushes, it is worthwhile to carry out prophylaxis before planting: pickle the seeds and treat the soil with a solution of a disinfectant.

Viral diseases

Black leg.

100-120 g of the drug

  • In this viral disease that affects pepper, there are 4 main forms of manifestation:
  • growing conditions;
  • Mandatory removal of weak and diseased seedlings.
  • viral;

Destruction of plant residues of nightshade crops; compliance with the alternation of crops in crop rotation; creation of optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants; the use of varieties that are relatively resistant to these diseases.​

  1. Gray rot.
  2. Dobrynya. Red large fruits, pear-shaped.
  3. Thanks to the unusual taste and a large number of useful substances, a considerable part of gardeners grow sweet peppers. He seems to be unpretentious in care, but all kinds of diseases and pests destroy a good part of the crop.
  4. Late blight.

tobacco mosaic

Transient - the plant very quickly loses internal pressure (turgor), after which it dries up, retaining its green color.

Virus strain.

  • Compliance with agricultural practices for growing peppers in a greenhouse:
  • The appearance of watery deep brown areas near the stalks.
  • fungal;
  • It affects seedlings and seedlings. The stem of the root part darkens and rots. Adult seedlings do not take root well during transplantation. With severe damage, the plant wilts. The causative agents of the disease settle on weakened plants with excessive humidity and low air temperature. The infection persists in the soil.​

Pepper fruits are affected. At any stage of maturation, they are covered with putrefactive spots and gray mold. Rainy weather favors the development of the disease. To combat gray mold, peppers are sprayed with Barrier and other fungicides. The affected parts of the plants are destroyed.

Sweet pepper is worth taking time for preventive measures in the spring and getting a great harvest in the fall.

To know what to be prepared for, it is necessary to study the diseases of sweet pepper ahead of time. The most common are such as:

Powdery mildew.

Mandatory chemical or thermal disinfection of seeds before planting. The most effective sequential thermal and chemical disinfection.​

Transient or "green" form of pepper infection with cucumber mosaic virus

  • The main symptom of mosaic pepper disease is a change in leaf color. As you can see in the photo, the leaves become variegated, mosaic colored. On the leaf plate, areas of yellow, dark and light green alternate.
  • optimal humidity and temperature for the culture;
  • A long period of wet and warm weather contributes to the development of this disease. Plants are infected through damage to the stem.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • Prevention.
  • Melon aphid.
  • Diseases and pests of pepper cause significant damage to the crop, up to its complete loss. Among the most common diseases of pepper are: stolbur, black leg, fusarium, late blight, bronze and cladosporiosis. No less damage to plants is caused by rot and pepper pests, such as aphids, mites and slugs. What else peppers are sick with, how to treat them and fight pests, you will learn on this page.​
  • - verticillium wilt. This disease is caused by a fungus that lives in the soil for about 15 years. During planting or processing, wounds can sometimes occur in the root system of the plant, through which sweet peppers are affected by verticillium wilt. Signs of the disease appear before the flowering of pepper in the form of deformed internodes and damage to the lower leaves by spotting. In the future, they fade, turn yellow and fall off. If the pepper is infected at an early stage of its development, then the ovary does not form, and if at a later stage, small fruits wrinkle and disappear;
  • Cercosporosis.
  • Thermal disinfection of seeds is carried out in two stages: the first two days at a temperature

Brown, in which, during budding, areas of shoots and leaves wither, and subsequently, the affected tissues dry out and become brown in color. With this form, the virus spreads from the roots to the top.

  1. Do not thicken plantings, but plant seedlings in accordance with the planting scheme recommended by scientists;
  2. It is imperative to disinfect the soil, carefully remove plant debris and carry out seed dressing. If all these measures are not carried out, then the price of such inaction will be high - the loss of the entire crop of the next season, or a very small crop of poor quality fruits.
  3. Let's look at what pepper diseases are, how they manifest themselves, and how and how you can help the affected plants.
  4. Disinfection of the nutrient mixture; loosening the soil and its ventilation, especially when the soil is waterlogged; application of dry ash to the soil (100 g/m2); rejection of diseased and weak plants when planting seedlings; prevention of thickening of crops, excessive moisture and sudden changes in temperature.​

cucumber mosaic

The pest settles on the leaves, flowers and stems of pepper. It sucks the juices out of them and causes wilting. In addition, aphids on peppers cause leaves to curl, flowers to dry out, and fruits to ugly. Abundant watering with liquid nettle fertilizer can sometimes drive out this pest in a few days. Also, to combat aphids on peppers, Karbofos, Keltan and other insecticides are used, as well as an infusion of ash with liquid soap (1 cup of ash, 1 tablespoon of liquid soap, 10 liters of water).

  • Stolbur.

- late blight. A dangerous fungal disease that affects the leaves, stems and fruits of pepper. Brown spots appear on leaves and stems with a pale green area around them. When the weather is dry, the affected areas dry up, and when the weather is wet, they rot. The development of the disease is facilitated by a significant difference in day and night temperatures, accompanied by increased humidity in the form of fog and dew at night and bright sunlight during the day;

  • Bacterial spotting.
  • +50+520С
  • Yellow. This form of the disease is characterized by yellowing and deformation of both stems and shoots. In addition, the plant stops growing and developing, does not set fruits.

In addition to the mosaic color, the leaves can become deformed and blacken, and in some cases fall off prematurely.

Creation of normal illumination and air circulation in the greenhouse.


As the name implies, this group of diseases is caused by bacteria that infect peppers in various ways. Sweet pepper plants are most commonly affected by:

Viral diseases (mosaic, streak, etc.), widespread in open and protected ground, affect leaves, stems, fruits, especially in years with moderately hot and humid summers, reducing the yield by 20-70%.

  • Spider mite.
  • Sick plants turn yellow, differ in dwarf form and irregularly shaped fruits, fade. Insects that suck sap from plants and transmit stolbur viruses at the same time contribute to the spread of the disease. To prevent this pepper disease on the site, it is necessary to weed and loosen the beds.
  • - sclerotinia (white rot). Fungal disease that develops in the basal part. It manifests itself in the form of a white coating, and inside the pepper stem - in the form of hard black formations that soften and disrupt the flow of water and nutrients from the soil. The plant withers and dies. At a later date, when the fruits are formed, they become watery-soft with a white bloom;

Internal fruit necrosis

Fern or leaf curl virus.

, and another day at a temperature

How to deal with viral diseases?

  1. The dwarf form differs in that the plant immediately lags far behind in growth and development from healthy ones, forms small leaves on strongly branching shoots. The internodes are shortened, the ovaries often fall off, and the formed fruits are irregular in shape. Plants affected by the tobacco mosaic virus often stun, and later form ugly and defective fruits, usually small in size with yellowish or brown spots. Foliar feeding of plants with biostimulants and microelement solutions for the formation of immunity.
  2. This disease affects both stems and petioles and leaves of peppers, fruits. Elongated dark-colored spots appear on the stem and petioles, and many small watery spots appear on the leaves, in the center of which there are lighter areas surrounded by darker spots, increasing over time.
  3. bacterial cancer;
  4. It appears first on young leaves in the form of blurry chlorotic spots, narrow-leaved, variegated, annular spotting. By the end of the growing season, the affected plants remain stunted and less leafy, and their flowers fade earlier and partially die off. The fruits of infected plants are small, deformed, with symptoms of mosaic, seeds have reduced germination. The virus in dry leaves persists for up to 50 years. A small insect lives on the underside of pepper leaves. Its appearance is evidenced by the web on the leaves. To destroy the pest, Actellik, Karbofos, Phosbecid, Fufanon are used. Black leg. - gray rot. Basically, the disease develops in greenhouses in violation of the humidity and temperature conditions. If, at high humidity, the temperature drops to +10 degrees, then the entire aerial part of the pepper becomes ill. Symptoms of the disease are brown weeping spots with a grayish coating; Stolbur.
  5. +75+800С

Cucumber mosaic virus, unlike tobacco mosaic virus, is not seed-borne. If you do not wash your tools or hands thoroughly when working with plants, then with your own hands you can transfer the cucumber mosaic virus from diseased plants to healthy ones. In addition, the virus can be transmitted by insects, especially aphids. TMV can also be affected by the root system of pepper, but this can only be established through special laboratory tests, there are no external manifestations. Spraying peppers with copper-containing preparations. On fruits , at first, small, oily and convex dark dots appear, which subsequently become larger. Gradually, these spots turn into sores on the fruits, which are surrounded by greenish tissues, soft bacterial rot;

The causative agents of viral diseases are carried by insects (aphids, thrips) from other plants (tobacco, nightshade, tomato, petunias, etc.). Infection is also facilitated by mechanical damage to deasthenia. The virus can be carried by gardening tools and even discarded cigarette butts.​


As with tomatoes, this disease in peppers affects the lower part of the stem. It darkens, rots and gradually dries up. Dense arrangement of seedlings, cool climate and excessive watering contribute to the development of the disease. To save the plants, they are sprayed with the Barrier, and watering is done moderately.

  • - top rot. Like gray rot, it usually spreads in greenhouses. There are bacterial and non-infectious origins. Bacterial vertex rot appears as gray spots with a dark border on peppers, while non-infectious rot appears as watery green spots that turn into dry, rim-girdle spots. The fruits ripen earlier, but do not ripen, but rot;
  • The most common causes of these diseases are too dense planting of bushes, cold weather and excessive watering. That is why it is recommended that when the first symptoms appear, reduce the amount of water, thin out and loosen the beds. Plants heavily affected by the disease should be destroyed, and the rest should be treated with chemicals. For each disease, it is recommended to use the most effective ones: with a black leg - "Barrier", with late blight - "Barrier", "Oxyhom", 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, with spotted wilt - "Fundazol", with powdery mildew - "Radomil Gold" .​

To prevent the disease of pepper in the greenhouse with the cucumber mosaic virus, first of all, it is necessary to remove the affected plants. Be sure to remove all weeds not only in the greenhouse, but also around it, in order to destroy all breeding sites of the insect - the carrier of this virus - aphids.

  • Some wild species are resistant to tobacco mosaic, as well as cultivars and hybrids such as:
  • The causative agents of this group of pepper diseases are viruses, a feature of which is dependence on host plant cells, without which they cannot function and multiply.

As a rule, this disease occurs with a sharp drop in air temperature.

lightning fast bacterial wilt;

Sweet pepper diseases and their control

Control measures.

Sweet pepper diseases and their treatment

The pest eats, leaves and fruits of pepper and causes them to rot. To combat it, grooves are made around the beds and sprayed with lime mortar. Water the bushes carefully so that water does not flow into the grooves. In hot weather, the soil on the beds is loosened to a depth of 4-5 cm, and then sprinkled with mustard powder or ground hot pepper. To combat these pepper pests, Strela is effective against slugs.


  1. - black bacterial spot. A disease that occurs both in greenhouses and in the open field. It affects the whole plant already at the stage of germination. Black spots with a yellow border appear on the leaves. Spots on petioles and stems are black, elongated. On the fruits, the disease manifests itself in the form of dark convex dots with a watery border. In the future, the spots increase to 8 mm and turn into sores. Development occurs at high humidity and elevated temperature (about +30 degrees);
  2. Pepper fruit diseases
  3. Chemical treatment consists in immersing the seeds for 1 hour in a 10-15% solution of trisodium phosphate, or in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.
  4. ​AriesF1;​
  5. The main signs of viral diseases of pepper in the greenhouse are:
  6. up to +160С+180С
  7. black bacterial spot;
  8. Destruction of infected plants; treatment of seedlings (two or three times) with milk or skimmed milk diluted with water (1:10), with the addition of two or three drops of iodine per 10 liters of water; spraying plants during the growing season (two to three times) with a solution of trace elements (boric acid, cobalt nitrate and copper sulfate).


The leaves of diseased bushes become bright yellow. Gradually, the plant fades.

Signs of its appearance on pepper are similar to signs of damage to another culture. To combat the whitefly, the drug Phosbecid is used.

  • As can be seen in the photo, in the case of Fusarium disease, dark contours of the vessels are visible on the cut in the lower part of the stem and petioles of pepper. Sick plants are destroyed, and the remaining ones are moderately watered. The soil around them is loosened.
  • In order to protect sweet peppers from diseases, the following rules should be followed:
  • . Outwardly, it can be determined by the appearance of small spots with fluff, but basically the disease affects the fetus from the inside. Infected peppers should be removed, and the plants themselves should be treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (10 g per 1 liter) or copper oxychloride (4 g per 1 liter).
  • After the chemical disinfection procedure, the seeds must be washed for 10-15 minutes under running cold water, and then dried.
  • The streak virus (streak) can be transmitted:


Sweet pepper diseases and their control measures

dwarfism of plants;

Lightning bacterial wilt of pepper is characterized by a fairly rapid withering of the entire plant. It is this disease that is one of the reasons why the pepper turns yellow in the greenhouse. Not only the color of the leaves changes, but the lower stem part of the plant is also affected. Bacteria, multiplying, fill all the vessels of the plant, thereby blocking the access of nutrients from the soil.

As a rule, this disease affects peppers grown in film greenhouses. Its occurrence is facilitated by constantly high humidity, and high temperatures, which are kept in the range

Culling seedlings before planting; creation of optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants; protection of plants from the carrier of the pathogen (aphids, thrips); removal of weeds on which aphids overwinter.


Late blight.

Before germination, be sure to treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g of potassium permanganate per glass of water) for 20 minutes, and then rinse them under running water;

Gray rot

Preventive treatment of seedlings, every 10 days with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water).

Sweet Pepper Disease Control Measures

in case of mechanical damage to infected plants during transplantation or processing;

  • Gift of the Caspian Sea;
  • The death of individual organs or parts of a plant;
  • If you cut the stem of the affected plant, then whitish mucus will flow from the place of the cut.
  • ​from +250С to +350С​
  • A ubiquitous disease provoked by uneven watering, a sharp change in weather (from dry and hot to rainy), excess nitrogen and a lack of calcium in the soil.
  • The pest is the larva of the click beetle. It is yellow-brown in color with hard integument. The wireworm gnaws through the roots of peppers and other vegetable crops. Up to 5 years stored in the soil. To destroy it, the soil in the beds is dug up in the fall. In the spring, 2 weeks before planting, a bait for larvae is immersed in the treated soil to a depth of 5-7 cm - pieces of sweet root crops strung on sticks. Every 2-3 days it is removed and destroyed along with the pest, then replaced with a new one. Between the rows of plants on the beds, another bait is laid out (small piles of straw or grass), and insect clusters are destroyed.
  • Dark spots appear on pepper fruits. Affected tissues quickly thicken and increase in size. To combat late blight, drugs Barrier and Barrier are used. Pepper bushes are sprayed with them alternately. If signs of the disease appear before flowering, the drug Oxyhom is used. You can use it for the prevention of late blight in the same period.
  • Before sowing seeds and planting seedlings, disinfect the soil by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate (5-6 teaspoons of potassium permanganate are dissolved in 10 liters of boiling water), and then with a solution of chlorine liquid (200 g per 10 liters of water);

Disease resistant sweet pepper varieties

. Often appears in greenhouses due to high humidity in it. The affected fruits must be pulled out, and the plant itself should be treated with a broad-spectrum fungicide (“Barrier”, “Rovral”) or sprinkled with ash.

Mandatory treatment (spraying) every two weeks of plants planted in a greenhouse, with skim milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, with the addition of 1 tsp. spoons of urea per 10 liters of water.

Various insects - mites, aphids, thrips;

  • Dawn;
  • ring-shaped spots;
  • As with all other bacterial lesions, an important condition for the prevention of this disease is the observance of crop rotation rules, the destruction of all plant residues, as well as the disinfection of the greenhouse and the soil in it both in autumn and in spring.

As a secondary disease, the development of pathogenic microorganisms is observed. On green fruits, a small depressed spot first appears, which, as it grows, becomes brown, dry, with concentric circles. Affected fruits remain dry, blush faster than healthy ones.

Diseases and pests of pepper: photos of diseases and pests, what causes peppers, pest control

Pepper diseases that affect seedlings and adult plants, aboveground and underground parts, fruits, provoke high humidity of air and soil at low (below 16 ° C) temperatures.

Pepper diseases and their treatment

Bronze (spotted wilt). Prevent waterlogging of the soil after the seedlings are planted in open ground or a greenhouse;

White rot Carrying out regular foliar top dressing of pepper with microelements.

Infected seeds.​Indalo F1;​

Mosaic leaf color.

To prevent pepper damage in the greenhouse by various bacterial infections, a number of preventive measures should be taken. Instructions for prevention are as follows: In addition, very dense and excessively dense planting and sprinkling can contribute to the spread of bacterial infection. A pathogenic bacterium can be transmitted through non-disinfected tools, people's hands, as well as insects.

Control measures. It appears almost everywhere and annually, sharply reducing yields.

The leaves of diseased plants are bronze or gray-purple in color. Then brown spots appear on them. They are located mainly along the main vein and are dead tissue. Similar spots appear on leaf petioles and young branches. The tip of a diseased plant usually dies. The fruits are covered with light yellow, green and brown annular spots. Most often they are located next to the stem. With this disease of pepper, treatment is carried out with the drug Fundazol. To save the crop, they stop watering the pepper, cut off the ripe fruits. Avoid sudden temperature changes in greenhouses;

. When it appears, the diseased parts should be removed, and then watering should be carried out only with warm water. It is necessary to ensure that the fruits do not fall on the ground, otherwise the soil will become infected, and then the rest of the bushes. Advice: for foliar top dressing, you can use both special formulations sold in the store, or make them yourself. This will require 10 liters of water: 2 g of boric acid, 2 g of copper sulfate, 2 g of zinc sulfate and 4 g of manganese sulfate.

Brownish-brown areas of dying tissue appear on pepper fruits. The development of this disease is facilitated by insufficient illumination of each plant, high planting density and high humidity in the greenhouse. Cardinal F1;

Rot on peppers: top, white, gray

Consider the most common viral diseases of pepper in the greenhouse: Mandatory observance of crop rotation:

This disease affects the leaves, shoots and fruits of pepper. During the period of fruit growth, spraying plants with a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. Processing is carried out several times with an interval of five to seven days.

Three forms of the disease have been established: dwarf (especially dangerous), brown and green. The disease begins with the withering of the lower leaves during the day. With the dwarf and brown form of wilting, the tissue turns brown, the leaves dry out, the turgor is lost, the leaf lobes turn yellow; with green - all leaves dry up without changing color 30-40 days after planting, most often during the period of mass fruit formation. Vascular bundles turn brown in the roots and lower part of the stem, although outwardly the roots and stem seem healthy. Cladosporiosis (leaf mold, brown spotting).

Control of aphids and other pepper pests

Regularly remove dying leaves and plants; Top rot

Regular removal of weeds from the greenhouse and around it.​Prevention and control measures for this disease are identical to those for tobacco mosaic virus control.​

FidelioF1; Tobacco mosaic.

Do not plant sweet peppers in the same place every year; On leaves affected by bacterial cancer, irregularly shaped areas are formed, painted in dark brown, the center of which has a lighter color. In the future, all the spots merge into one common one, which gradually lengthens and becomes covered with a crust.

Prevention.​ ​

Pepper diseases - the secrets of a good harvest on the Country Portal

Pepper diseases

Leaves with petioles, stalks and fruit ovaries are affected. Light spots appear on the underside of the leaves, which then turn brown and become covered with bloom. Then similar spots appear on the upper side of the leaves. The ovary does not develop and falls off. The disease appears at the bottom of the plant and then spreads upward. Affected pepper bushes die. To prevent cladosporiosis, the growing seedlings of pepper are thinned out, seedlings are planted freely on the beds. When signs of illness appear, the plants are sprayed with a 0.2% solution of copper sulfate or garlic infusion.

fungal diseases

verticillium wilt

Follow the rules for the use of fertilizers (do not allow an excess of nitrogen fertilizers);

. This disease develops due to improper care. Peppers with rot must be removed and the bush treated with a solution

Destruction of insects that are carriers of viral diseases.

Gray rot

Do not plant pepper in places where in previous

Flamenco; Cucumber mosaic.

Do not plant this plant after any representatives of the nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplants); On fruits, this disease manifests itself in the form of small brown spots with a lighter border. Gradually, many small spots merge into larger ones, the diameter of which can be from 1 to 3 cm.

Fusarium wilt (wilt)

Application of moderate doses of nitrogen fertilizers; regular moderate watering.

It affects all parts of the plant at any time of the year. On weakened plants, especially on dead parts, grayish spots develop, which then become dark gray, covered with spores. First of all, the affected areas, stems (in the lower part of the plant) in contact with the soil are damaged. The spores are quickly spread by air currents, water droplets, contaminated soil, and gardening tools. High relative humidity (90%), air temperature 10-20°C, diffused light favor the development of the gray rot pathogen. The disease is most dangerous in dense plantings, especially under film shelters, as well as during storage of fruits.

With late blight, plants are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture; Calcium nitrate or lime milk.


The video materials below will show you how to properly presow pepper seed treatment and foliar dressing, as well as how to treat plants infected with a particular disease.

​3-4 years​ Anniversary Semko F1.

Viral diseases



​do not leave any plant residues in greenhouses.​

Before proceeding with the removal of diseased plants, it is necessary to process healthy bushes in the greenhouse. To this end, healthy pepper bushes are sprayed in the morning with any copper-containing preparation, for example, copper sulfate or copper oxychloride.

At low night temperatures during the flowering period, irregularly shaped fruits are formed as a result of a slowdown in fruit formation - this damage usually occurs in the spring. A decrease in temperature during the period of fruit formation leads to the appearance of small longitudinal shallow cracks on the pepper fruits, the edges of which dry out, reducing the quality of the fruit (see photo), - such damage is more common in late summer.

All parts of the plant are affected. First, small spots appear on the leaves, they gradually increase in size and become black, yellow at the edges. Tubercles appear on the pepper fruits, and the tissues around them become watery. Gradually, they turn into sores. Sick bushes usually die. Prevention of the disease consists in observing the rules of crop rotation, dressing the seeds before planting. When black bacterial spot appears in greenhouses, disinfection or soil replacement is carried out. Gray rot is removed by spraying with garlic solution, which is prepared as follows: 30 g of garlic is crushed and settled for at least 2 days in 10 liters of water.

Noncommunicable diseases

Fruit Blossom Rot

In addition to the listed diseases, bell pepper can also be affected by pests. These are:​

Read the continuation in the article Infectious diseases of pepper in the greenhouse - part two.

Solanaceae family plants grew. Instructions for the prevention and treatment of tobacco leaf mosaic virus:

Internal fruit necrosis. In the event that it is not possible to change crops in places, be sure to disinfect the soil in the greenhouse, or even better, replace it every season.

Damage to pepper fruits due to low temperature

After healthy plants have been processed, it is necessary to remove all affected bushes.

Growing pepper fruits

Very often, in a healthy fetus, the pericarp cavity is filled with internal growths, and the seeds are practically absent. This is due to a violation of the level of growth hormones, especially with poor pollination due to unfavorable temperature and humidity conditions and low light.

Eggplant pepper seedlings What fertilizers to apply when planting pepper Sowing eggplant pepper seedlings

Growing lettuce peppers at home requires certain skills and knowledge. The enemy of gardeners No. 1 is dangerous diseases of pepper seedlings, which can destroy the fruits and the plants themselves. Some of them appear immediately after seed germination, others make themselves felt later. If you want to harvest a full-fledged crop, you should know how to save fragile seedlings and learn how to identify disease symptoms at an early stage. You need to navigate not only by the photo, but also by the descriptions.

Healthy bell pepper harvest

If there are no more than a dozen pests that can feed on the fruits and leaves of paprika, then pepper diseases in seedlings are much more common. Their appearance depends on changes in weather conditions, the nature of irrigation, the type of soil, the ingress of fungal spores and other nuances.

Diseases are fungal, viral or bacterial in nature.

It is not necessary to know all diseases, it is worth paying attention to the most common of them:

  • gray rot;
  • blackleg;
  • late blight;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • alternariosis;
  • cladosporiosis;
  • septoria;
  • sclerotinia;
  • verticella wilt of seedlings;
  • tobacco mosaic.

When you recognize the main symptoms and see photos of pepper diseases, the fight against them will become a targeted set of actions, because you will know what you are dealing with.

Healthy pepper seedlings for greenhouse

You can buy plant medicines at any seed or farm store.

Diagnostics and methods of treatment of plants

Please note that problems can arise with peppers that are grown both indoors and outdoors.

Gray rot of bell pepper

The causative agent of this pepper disease is the microorganism Botrytis cinerea. Excessive humidity in the greenhouse or on the open ground contributes to the defeat of the fungus, when the air temperature is below 20 ° C.

A sign of damage to gray rot is the appearance of watery spots on the pulp of fruits, leaves and even stems. If no action is taken in time, the spots will turn into gray mold.

Gray mold of pepper

Tips for the prevention and treatment of gray mold are as follows:

  • pick from the bush and destroy moldy peppers, including very small ones;
  • treat all plants with a fungicide, spraying even those that look healthy;
  • the development of the disease will help stop the thinning of the paprika rows so that air circulates better between the bushes;
  • if vegetables are grown in a greenhouse, it must be maintained at optimum humidity and ventilated.

Black leg - symptoms and prevention

This disease of pepper seedlings manifests itself in the form of darkening of the lower part of the leg and drying of the plant. Noticing the slightest change in the color of the stems, many begin to panic and spray the plants with everything that was found in the "gardener's first aid kit." Be careful not to harm the crop! First, carefully look at the photo of the pepper seedling disease, and start their treatment only when you are sure that you have a black leg, and not another problem.

It looks like a black leg on an adult bush

Preventive measures and treatment:

  • inspect seedlings daily, especially its root zone;
  • if darkening appears on the bushes, they should be treated with a weak solution of ordinary potassium permanganate;
  • if the plants have sprouted very densely, be sure to thin them out;
  • the soil should not be excessively damp - this leads to the development of a black leg;
  • if the greenhouse is too humid, ventilate it regularly, remembering to protect the seedlings from drafts.

As an effective way to prevent the development of a black leg, experienced gardeners recommend watering the soil in which the seeds will be planted with a solution of potassium permanganate (4-5 g per 10 l). You can also ignite the soil in the oven so that the fungi present in it die. Another way is to pour boiling water over the earth.

Black leg at the seedling

"Black leg" most often affects young shoots, after which the stem becomes thinner and they fade.

But there are cases when the disease harms already large pepper bushes. Usually the problem manifests itself as follows: the leaves begin to turn yellow, the stem at ground level changes color from green to dark brown, and its tissues in this area seem to be pressed inward. This happens due to a violation of the nutrition of plants.

Signs and prevention of late blight

Late blight, also known as Phytophthora infestans, is a disease caused by a fungus. The risk group includes plants that are in conditions of temperature changes or a sharp prolonged cold snap, as well as excessive humidity in the air and soil.

Phytophthora can insidiously infect peppers at any time during the growing season, but most often this occurs in the last phase of flowering.

Phytophthora on pepper leaves

Phytophthora looks like this on a plant:

  • large watery brown spots with a light green rim appear on the leaves;
  • watery spots form on the fruits;
  • the stem begins to rot, forming dark depressed spots on it;
  • the stalk dries out, and the root neck rots.

Phytophthora defeat of the entire bush

Preventive measures include choosing pepper varieties that are as resistant to this disease as possible, as well as disinfecting the site before planting seedlings. It is also important to observe crop rotation and carefully remove wilted plants from the garden after harvesting so that they do not become a "hotbed" for fungi.

If phytophthora is detected on the site, it is better to remove the infected plants from the garden.

Manifestations of Fusarium wilt and prevention

Unfortunately, Fusarium is a fatal disease of pepper seedlings that is not treated. When confirming its appearance, all diseased bushes will have to be destroyed, which is why it is so important to know about preventive measures. The causative agent of this dangerous lesion is the Fusarium fungus, which causes blockage of blood vessels in the stem of plants. The nutrition of the plant is disturbed, and it dies from wilting even with abundant watering.

Fusarium infection on pepper

To protect the crop from Fusarium wilt, the following measures should be taken:

  • choose varieties that are resistant to Fusarium fungus (for example, Elena F1);
  • always remove the remains of bushes from the garden;
  • treat purchased seeds with Fundazol, using 100 mg of the drug for every 10 g of pepper seeds.

Fusarium-infected peppers wither even when watered

It is possible to restrain the development of Fusarium with the help of Fundazol or Topsin-M, but this does not guarantee a cure if the fungus has already entered the vessels of the stems.

From the onset of the disease to the complete death of the fruit, it takes from 10 to 20 days, depending on the variety. If the disease affects the bushes already in the process of harvesting, then it is worth using drugs to prolong the life of the plants.

Symptoms and protection against alternariosis of pepper

Alternariosis, also known as dry spotting, is a disease caused by Alternaria solani. Its manifestation is most noticeable in the autumn, when the harvest time is approaching. Plants do not always die, but the quality of the fruit may suffer, and they will be unsuitable for sale. Most often, of course, bell pepper leaves suffer, due to which the efficiency of photosynthesis decreases.

Crop damage by dry spot

Symptoms of alternariosis (external manifestation):

  • angular spots appear on the leaves, limited by veins;
  • the color of the spots is black or dirty brown;
  • there are no patterns in the growth of spots, but their diameter, as a rule, does not expand more than 2 cm;
  • over time, dry spotting takes on a rounded forum and can move to stems and fruits;
  • on the fruits of paprika, alternariosis has several forms - at first these are watery spots, then they darken and become covered with a mold-like coating.

To prevent damage by dry spotting, the remains of fruit-bearing plants should be removed from the soil.

This will reduce the amount of infection on the ground, but for complete disinfection, you need to steam or process it. You can stop pepper seedling disease from developing for up to 3 weeks by spraying the bushes with strobillurins. During the season, this method can be used 2 times.

Alternariosis affected

Pepper damage by cladosporiosis and methods of protection

The fungus Fulvia fulva that causes this pepper disease is spread by spores. You can spread them around the site yourself, because they stick to clothes, garden tools and even the walls of the greenhouse. When the spores enter the plant, the disease manifests itself as a brown spot on the outside of the leaves, and a gray coating appears on the inside. After that, cladosporiosis leads to the death of the leaves, from which the plant may die.

Spots of cladosporiosis on a leaf

Prevention measures:

  • spring treatment of greenhouses by burning sulfur blocks;
  • autumn treatment of tools and greenhouses with a solution of copper sulfate. It is also worth treating the soil with such a solution (for 10 liters of water, 1 cup of vitriol);
  • choose varieties for growing that are not afraid of cladosporiosis;
  • do not plant pepper every year in one place (observe crop rotation);
  • treat plants with a fungicide when signs of disease occur and reduce watering.

Processing pepper with infusion of garlic will save the harvest

If you encounter cladosporiosis at the fruiting stage of peppers, you can fight the disease with natural remedies.

The treatment of plants with an infusion of chopped garlic helps a lot (infuse 3 liters of water and a glass of chopped garlic for 10 days). After that, take a glass of infusion for 10 liters of water and spray the plants.

Features of the defeat and treatment of septoria

Septoria, also known as white spot, is a fungal disease that can destroy about half of the lettuce crop. The provocateur of its spread is hot and rainy weather, when it is easiest for the spores of the fungus to get on the plants. Outwardly, you can distinguish septoria by the presence of white spots on the leaves with a small frame. A little later, they will be covered with black dots - spores. Without treatment, the leaves will dry out, and the disease will go further - to the fruits and stem.

Septoria leaf spot

First, the disease affects the lower part, giving preference to old leaves, then it passes to the upper ones. Over time, white spots merge and completely cover the surface of the leaf blade. As soon as you notice signs of septoria, spray the bushes with a preparation containing copper. Repeat the treatment after 14 days.

Remember that the pathogen will remain in the soil, so the soil must be processed in the new season.

Sclerotinia and its symptoms

The disease develops at air temperatures below 18-20°C and humidity above 80%, affecting the basal part of the sweet pepper stem. The fungus covers the tissues with a white coating, under which black formations are hidden. If the disease has affected the fruits, they become soft and also covered with bloom.

Prevention measures include creating optimal conditions for plants, timely removal of diseased bushes from the garden, and plucking diseased leaves.

Fluffy white coating is a sign of sclerotinia

Verticella wilt of lettuce

In some ways, this disease resembles the tobacco mosaic virus, because in both cases the vascular system of the stem is susceptible to attack. The characteristic signs of the onset of verticella wilt are the too dark color of the leaves and their noticeably smaller size. Another warning sign is when some plants are stunted compared to others. There are other symptoms of pepper verticillosis:

  • yellow spots appear on the lower leaves, which then spread to the entire surface of the plate;
  • diseased plants do not give an ovary, and if the fungus is already struck at the fruiting stage, the peppers become shriveled and grow poorly;
  • signs of the disease spread from the bottom of the stem to the top, leading to the death of the crop.

Verticellosis of pepper kills the plant gradually

Viral mosaic of sweet pepper

Tobacco pepper leaf mosaic

Tobacco mosaic is a viral disease that is difficult to cope with. If you find affected bushes, you will have to uproot and burn them so that the virus does not spread to other plants.

Outwardly, you can recognize tobacco mosaic by changing the pattern on the leaves - they are covered with light and dark green spots, really resembling a mosaic pattern. When moving to fruits, the virus thins their skin and forms dark depressed spots.

Indented spots on pepper

Cultivation of sweet pepper can overshadow various diseases of this crop, but with proper care and timely detection of signs of damage, you will be able to get a decent harvest.

Now you know what pepper seedling diseases look like, and you will be able to respond quickly and correctly. If necessary, contact specialists to choose reliable preparations for the treatment of bushes.

If plants suffer from diseases or pest attacks, they wither, and it is simply not possible to get a good harvest from them. Therefore, summer residents need to closely monitor the condition of their pets, in time to carry out the prevention of diseases and pest attacks. So, one of the most common garden plants can be called bell peppers. They are successfully grown in Russia and are actively used in cooking. But sometimes cultivating bell peppers on your site is not so easy. So the topic of our conversation today will be pepper diseases and pests of this plant. Let's discuss measures to fight for pepper with them in a little more detail.

What are the diseases of bell pepper ?


This is a fungal disease that is localized mainly in the lower part of the stem. This area becomes black, rots, and dries up after a while. Basically, the black leg develops due to excessively dense plantings, excessive dampness, sharp temperature fluctuations and frosts. Having discovered the occurrence of such a problem, it is worth reducing the watering of the plantings until the soil dries out, and also spraying with Zaslon.


With such an ailment, bell pepper stops growing, its leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, and the fruits grow irregular in shape. This disease is transmitted by insects, so the main method of preventing its development is the systematic loosening of beds, thorough weeding, the use of folk and chemical insecticides.


With such a fungal disease, the pepper bushes become rich yellow and fade very quickly. In addition, black vascular contours are visible at the base of the stem, as well as petioles. If manifestations of this disease occur, readers of “Popular about Health” should eliminate and burn diseased plants, and near healthy ones, loosen the soil well and reduce moisture to once a week.


This ailment of peppers is also known as brown spot or leaf mold. Its development leads to the appearance of light spots on the petioles and leaves of pepper, which are then covered with a dark bloom. Also, cladosporiosis causes the cessation of the development of stalks and fruit ovaries, and then their fall.

The main method of disease prevention is a fairly free planting and systematic thinning. Having found the symptoms of cladosporiosis, it is worth spraying the plantings with a three percent solution of copper sulphate or garlic infusion.

mosaic disease

With this pathology, the leaves of bell pepper are deformed and covered with alternating dark and light marks. Flowers become sterile, stripes may be observed on emerging fruits. The main method of protection against such a disease is prevention, which consists in the use of exclusively healthy or processed planting material.

late blight

With such an ailment, the fruits of pepper are covered with dark spots. Over time, the affected areas become denser and larger. You can cope with such an ailment by using the drugs Barrier, as well as the Barrier. They must be used for spraying alternately. Having found the symptoms of the disease at an early stage of plant development - before the appearance of flowers, it is worth spraying with Oxyhom. Many gardeners use it at this stage for a preventive purpose.

Bronzing or spotted wilt

With this pathology, the leaves of diseased specimens acquire a bronze or gray-violet color. After that, brown spots are observed on them, which are mainly concentrated closer to the central vein and are essentially dead tissues. Over time, the same spots appear on the petioles of the leaves, as well as on young twigs. The upper part of the plant dies off, and light yellow, green or brown annular spots appear on the fruits, mostly closer to the stalk. If manifestations of bronze appear, it is necessary to stop watering the pepper, cut off the already ripened fruits and spray with Fundazol.

black bacterial spot

With such a pathology, small spots appear on the leaves of plants, which eventually increase and become black in color, their edge turns yellow. The fruits are covered with tubercles, the tissues around them become watery. Over time, sores form on the peppers. If bacterial black spot occurs, the affected plants must be eliminated.

Pepper rot

If black spots form in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe top of the fruit, which spread more and more, it is worth destroying them, and treating the bushes using calcium nitrate.

If a white coating is found on the stem in the root zone, it is worth watering the plants in the area with exceptionally warm water, and remove the affected leaves or peppers.

If putrefactive spots and gray mold appear on the fruits, it is worth eliminating them, and spraying the plants with Barrier or other fungicides.

Bell pepper pests

Bulgarian sweet peppers can be attacked by melon aphid, it can settle on leaves, flowers, and stems, sucking out their juices, causing drying and ugliness of the fruit. Having found aphids, it is worth spilling the plants with liquid fertilizer prepared from nettles. You can also use insecticides (for example, Keltan) and an infusion of ash with the addition of liquid soap.

When a cobweb appears on the leaves, one can judge the defeat of bell pepper by a spider mite. In this case, in order to protect the pepper crop, spray the bushes with Aktellik, Karbofos or Fufanon to control the pest.

Sometimes peppers are attacked by slugs that eat their leaves and fruit. You can cope with the problem by making grooves near the beds and spraying them with lime mortar. When watering, you need to make sure that water does not flow into such grooves. In the heat, you can loosen the soil and sprinkle with mustard powder. Also a good effect in the fight against slugs gives the tool Arrow.

When sweet peppers are attacked by a wireworm - the larva of the nutcracker beetle - the root system of plants suffers. The larvae can remain in the ground for up to five years, so gardeners need to dig up the soil well, and a couple of weeks before planting in the spring, put baits in it - slices of sweet root crops strung on sticks. Every two or three days they need to be removed and destroyed, and then replaced with new ones.

Thus, there are quite a few diseases and pests of pepper that can affect it. But most of them are quite preventable.

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