Profits from the sale of shawarma. What you need to know to open a shawarma stall? Which place to choose for the shawarma trade

This type of business is considered one of the most promising among small businesses. The main difficulty lies in the fact that there are no specially developed norms and rules governing this type of activity. And when opening and operating a kiosk for the preparation and sale of shawarma, you will have to be guided by the requirements of public catering. Although even the auditing structures admit that it is almost impossible for an enterprise of this size and focus to comply with all the requirements.


  • RF GD No. 322 dated 06/30/04 (as amended on 09/20/17) - a resolution considering the protection of consumer rights.
  • ZoZPP No. 2300-1 - law on these rights.
  • No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 - on the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
  • SP (as amended in 2016) - requirements for catering organizations.

With regard to the latter document, the sanitary services recommend following paragraph 16, which describes the requirements for temporary catering organizations.

Requirements for fast food establishments

Before opening your business, make sure that there is no SanPiN in your area that regulates the work of fast food organizations at the local level. If not, discuss with the reviewing authorities whether it will be sufficient for your organization to clearly comply with the requirements of SP (paragraph 16). Usually this is enough.

The requirements are as follows:

  • restroom or staff toilet no further than 0.1 km from your outlet;
  • containers with lids for collecting garbage;
  • agreements on waste disposal and measures to ensure the epidemiological well-being of the outlet (deratization, disinfection, disinfestation);
  • refrigeration equipment for storing food that can quickly deteriorate;
  • cutlery and crockery for customers must be disposable;
  • drinks can be prepared with bottled water of appropriate quality.

For points of this magnitude, it is allowed to do without a central supply of water and a tie-in to a centralized sewer network. But water must be supplied uninterruptedly. The staff of your outlet must strictly follow the rules of LH (personal hygiene).

According to P chapter II, your stall can be mounted as a stand-alone temporary modular structure. According to the requirements of SP, supplementing the specified document, modern equipment should be used. This means that exhaust emissions should not affect the living conditions of the population in the houses adjacent to your stall for the worse. These are the main points that the sanitary services pay attention to during checks.

Like any catering organization, a shawarma kiosk must have a consumer corner.

Employee Requirements

Your employees are required to have sanitary books, undergo a medical examination both upon admission to work and in the process. The medical books should contain the conclusions of the medical board and attestation information about the knowledge of each employee in sanitary standards and hygiene. Shawarma sellers must wear disposable gloves when preparing dishes.

Requirements of the State Fire Supervision

According to the documentation of the fire inspection, kiosks include structures up to 20 m 2. If your enterprise is planned in such a size, you can appeal to NPB 103-95. These standards apply to free-standing structures.

Basic standards

  • SNiP 2.01.02-85* (PP norms);
  • SNiP 31-05-2003 (public buildings);
  • SP 42.1330.2011 / SNiP 31-06-2009 (urban planning).

Kiosk Requirements

Fire resistance for kiosks of 20 m 2 is not described by the regulations. The distance from your enterprise to the nearest structure is taken in accordance with urban planning standards.

If there is waste that can burn, the places for their collection and temporary storage will be placed 15 m from the kiosk (no closer). Your kiosk should have space for storing containers and packaging, it is allowed to allocate up to 5 m 2.

Electrical equipment and lamps

The equipment connected to the mains, which you install in your kiosk, must be brought into line with the PUE.

Fixtures are used:

  • in the case of ordinary "Ilyich bulbs" under special caps that protect personnel and food from fragments;
  • or non-starter options.

The device provided for disconnecting the equipment in the kiosk is mounted on a solid, non-flammable base.

Fire alarm and extinguishing media

All kiosks are equipped with an alarm system with an audio signal output (siren) on the front part of the structure (facade) or inside the kiosk. Each such institution is equipped with at least two fire extinguishers.

Fire extinguishers must be valid, certified (as evidenced by the tag on each of them). Fire extinguishers come with instructions.


Workers must comply with the safety measures, know the instructions you have for these measures, be able to use fire extinguishers and know what to do in case of fire. All employees of your kiosk should be instructed about the rules of the PB, which should be recorded in the briefing log. When checking the State Fire Service (Fire Inspectorate), a check log must be available.

Opening a shawarma is an attractive way to make money. It is clear that in addition to selling, they are also involved in cooking.

The organization of a business begins with or a legal entity in the tax service. It is necessary to inform about the start of work in several state social funds, the statistics department. The documents from the Federal Tax Service on the registration of an entrepreneur indicate the types of activities. Within this, they choose whether to trade in shawarma or something else.

You will need a room or a stall.
The first option involves communicating with the fire department and SES and obtaining permits. In the case of the second, these problems disappear, and the sanitary and epidemiological station checks the stalls after a year. Before opening, notify the service, as well as the supervisory organization for consumer protection. Rospotrebnadzor and SES are conducting an inspection based on a client's complaint.

After receiving the documents in the tax copy of the certificate of registration and registration, they are distributed to all other bodies.

When choosing a stall, the question arises of where to find a plot for business. When you manage to find one, agree with the local administration on the lease.

How much you have to pay for rent depends on the region, prices are 15,000 rubles in one. per month and above, in Moscow - from 30,000.

Which place to choose for the shawarma trade

Focus on crowded: central streets, educational institutions, bus stops. And without the presence of competitors - or, another institution.

cooking secrets

Shawarma is being prepared different ways. Think over the menu that you will provide to customers, and which ones you will have to purchase.
The difference between the types lies in the filling methods, they use chicken, pork, beef.

Popular chicken. It is possible to process on your own or take ready-made pieces from the supplier that have undergone the necessary processing.
With self-cutting, pickling, frying, this will help save money.

When an entrepreneur has a good trade turnover, he acquires a ready-made semi-finished product from special organizations, which only needs to be fried.

The decision to abandon self-processing is made when there is confidence that the mass of goods will not be delayed while waiting for the buyer, and sales volumes will cover additional costs. The quality of the prepared dish is important, and this should not be overlooked, otherwise people will turn their backs on you.


  • Grill (read the article:).
  • Refrigerator for storing meat and additional products;
  • food processor;
  • accessories for the cook.

Do not buy new equipment, used equipment will do. The savings will be big. It is possible to purchase a fully stocked stall.

money question

Preparation of one shawarma costs 60 rubles, the buyer pays 100-120 rubles. The amount to start trading is 100 thousand rubles. Half is spent on new equipment.
We wish you good luck in business!

To make the business of selling shawarma go uphill, learn how to cook it like this:

Modern people constantly have to hurry somewhere. In the daily routine, it is difficult to find time for a full meal, and therefore fast food comes to the rescue for many.

Shawarma is a famous dish from Turkey, consisting of a mixture of vegetables and fried pieces of meat, which are wrapped in thin pita bread. The demand for this dish is extremely high.

The current shawarma is classified as a universal type of dish that has historical roots, but at the same time instantly adapts to the needs of the present, changing the design and ingredients of the filling.

At some points, fitness shawarma is sold, which does not contain meat, and the filling consists exclusively of vegetables. In European countries, the product is often served with pork, which in general contradicts all the origins of the dish, but fully satisfies the demand of the buyer. Large chains of fast food restaurants offer so-called rolls stuffed with meat, which are wrapped in a flatbread made from wheat flour.

As you can see, shawarma easily changes ingredients, satisfying market demand and saving the main advantages - the uniqueness of taste, the rapid satisfaction of hunger, the uselessness of cutlery and the budget cost.

Therefore, this is an extremely profitable business niche that does not require large investments for a successful start. It remains to understand how to open a shawarma sale.

Initially, you need to determine the location of the stall. Such a decision is of great importance, because if you make a mistake with the choice, you can be left without profit. To sell shawarma, it is better to choose places where streets cross, at public transport stops, or not far from educational institutions. In large cities, it would be logical to install a stall near the metro station. A walk-through place for a kiosk is the first step so that the shawarma business idea does not burn out.

You will also need to conclude a contract for the lease of a place for trade. For a stationary stall, the rental amount can be from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. In addition to renting a place, you will need to take care of obtaining permits from the SES authorities and fire authorities. The preparation of such a package of documents will cost approximately at 10,000 rubles.

The next step is to purchase the required equipment:

  1. Grill gas or electric type- the price fluctuates 35-45 thousand rubles.
  2. Grill burner - price equals RUB 5,000
  3. Refrigeration equipment - the cost is not less than 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Hood - the price fluctuates within 5-8 thousand rubles.
  5. Grill contact type (heating products) — from 3000 rubles.
  6. Dishes - at least 2,500 rubles.
  7. Washstand - the cost is about 2,000 rubles.
  8. Tables for production operations - the price is 12-15 thousand rubles per unit.

Important!The above prices are indicative. The cost of the necessary equipment can be significantly reduced by purchasing Chinese products, or significantly increased by purchasing high-quality branded equipment. The price directly depends on the country of origin.

On the last step you need to decide whether you will trade yourself, or hire a qualified seller. If it is planned to hire an employee, then his salary must be included in the associated costs - not less than 30 thousand rubles. Also, do not forget about paying for electricity - about 4000 rubles per month.

It so happens that in order to open your own business for the sale of shawarma, at the first stage you will need about 130 thousand rubles (the seller's salary is not included). This amount will be much more if you buy shawarma products in batches, and not buy them daily.

Also, the cost of legalizing a business, that is, opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, will need to be included in the amount of initial costs. Here, everyone decides for himself.

It should be noted that the payback of such a business is quite fast - with the right organization of the business All costs will pay off in 3-5 months.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma? You can roughly calculate the payback period. When the kiosk is functioning, for example, 12 hours a day, selling 10 units of shawarma per hour with a price tag of 70 rubles, daily profit will be equal to 8400. Will stay clean 6500-7000 rubles (deduction for spent products). In a month it will be possible to earn 195 thousand rubles. Of these, you will need to pay taxes, rent a place or premises, bill for consumed electricity, salary to the seller, purchase a new batch of products and leave a certain amount at the kiosk cash desk (for unforeseen situations and giving change to buyers). About 100 thousand rubles will remain net for the owner.

The amount of net income can be reduced if the owner rents the stall or takes out a loan.

At the first stage, it is necessary to legalize the shawarma business. For this case, the best option is opening an IP - will cost the owner only 800 rubles for paying the state fee.

You can also open an LLC, it will cost a little less, but it will take at least 2 times more time to open it. It is recommended to open an LLC when you are planning a serious expansion of your business, which involves attracting third-party investors to open a whole network of stalls.

Important! For a business selling shawarma, it is recommended to use the UTII taxation system, it is extremely simple and transparent.

After registering the legal form, you need to conclude an agreement for the lease of a place for trade or premises. At the next stage, permits are obtained from the SES authorities and the fire service.

A good income can bring a stall with shawarma. The business plan shows this. To open such a business in 2017, the following documents are required:

  1. Business license.
  2. Company details.
  3. Certificate of decision on tax accounting.
  4. A contract for the lease of a place or premises.
  5. Permitting documents SES.
  6. Permits from fire departments.
  7. Seller's medical record (in the absence of one, one's own).

As mentioned above, at first you can open a cheap shawarma stall. Subject to the purchase of Chinese or used equipment, without buying a new kiosk (used rental) and without hiring employees. In this case, opening a point will cost approximately at 130 thousand rubles.

If the seller is hired, this amount will increase for 30-35 thousand rubles., subject to the purchase of a new or restored stall - for 300-350 thousand rubles., and when buying high-quality branded equipment for 100-140 thousand rubles.

Plus, this will need to include the opening of a legal form and the payment of taxes for the first month of activity. For a place near an educational institution, shawarma will be an excellent product. It will not be possible to open a business from scratch, there are costs.

Shawarma is a full-fledged dish of oriental cuisine, which has become a favorite type of fast food for people all over the world. It's delicious, filling, inexpensive, and easy to grab on the go. The Russians also managed to appreciate the benefits of this product, and now shawarma outlets can be found in any city in our country. This type of business is considered to be very profitable, highly profitable and does not require large investments, if it is carried out according to a well-thought-out plan.

How to start a shawarma business from scratch

Shawarma - a dish of pita or pita bread stuffed with grilled meat with spices, fresh vegetable salad and sauces.

It is worth immediately dispelling the myth that opening a shawarma stall is easy. Indeed, if you compare the launch of a shawarma point with the organization of a large-scale food production or the purchase of a store, the process will seem simple. But this does not mean that any newcomer will cope with the launch of the stall, and soon it will be possible to expand into a whole network of fast food establishments on a profit from one point.

Is it worth it to open a point with a shawarma

In order not to waste your savings or, even worse, borrowed funds, you need to carefully consider the decision to enter the fast food business. To begin with, you should evaluate how successful the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bopening a shawarma stall in your city will be. The following factors deserve attention:

  • the population as a whole and in individual districts;
  • average age of residents;
  • the patency of the street where the stall is supposed to be installed;
  • the presence of similar outlets in the district;
  • income level of residents of the settlement;
  • Availability of suppliers willing to offer profitable terms cooperation;
  • preferential taxation conditions in the region,
  • the opportunity to rent, buy or make a stall to order.
  • Then you should evaluate the amount of capital investments and draw up a detailed business plan.

    There is one more important point worth thinking about - will you yourself think through all the details of your business “from scratch” or buy a franchise and “go on the knurled track”. Both options have their pros and cons, but buying a franchise will substantially increase the costs.

    It is necessary to have a cash reserve in case it takes some time for your outlet to be known. At first, you should not expect significant profits, because such establishments receive 80% of their revenue from regular customers.

    Before thinking about what you need to open a shawarma, you should evaluate the prospects for organizing such a business.

    Where to get money to implement the idea

    After assessing the risks, you can start looking for sources of funding. If we are talking about personal savings that I would like to invest in a business in order to increase capital, then the question of money disappears. When there are no savings, start-up capital can be received:

  • in a banking institution (a loan to start a business is unlikely to be issued to a novice entrepreneur, so you should try to take a consumer loan);
  • from an investor (money is invested in projects that have shown their effectiveness, so it is easier for a beginner to find a wealthy business partner);
  • at the Employment Center (if you have your own funds, you can register with the Employment Service and participate in the small business support program by submitting your business plan to the expert commission and proving its prospects - if approved, the future IP will receive 58 thousand rubles and compensation business expenses).
  • Now that you have sufficient funds, you can think about which trading format you prefer:

  • from a separate stall;
  • from a kiosk that would stand on the same territory as similar outlets selling other types of fast food (an option for cities with a high level of competition in the field of catering - food courts and "islands" of stalls attract more attention than single kiosks);
  • from a mobile kiosk.
  • Photo gallery: types of stalls with shawarma

    How to start a business

    An important stage is the search for a suitable place to install a stall. This event should be taken responsibly, because a good place guarantees half the success of street trading.

    You can rent a ready-made kiosk with equipment, but in most cases the owner refused to conduct business on his own precisely because of the poor location. So this is not the right place for you.

    A kiosk usually requires 10–12 m2 of space. The land can be found:

  • at the announcement of private owners (as a rule, plots near the road in sparsely populated areas are offered);
  • through the administration of the locality (the lease agreement is concluded in the city property management committee).
  • Before submitting an application for participation in the auction and concluding a land lease agreement with the authorities, you should familiarize yourself with the urban development plan (you need to apply for it to the committee on urban planning and architecture). It may turn out that at the end of the term of the contract it will not be possible to extend it, since, for example, a road will be laid through the area on which the stall is located.

    When the issue is resolved with the place and the stall, you need to purchase equipment, hire staff and issue permits, without which it is impossible to cook and sell shawarma. Due attention should be paid to the concept of the institution, its uniqueness and attractiveness for the client.

    Before opening a shawarma from scratch, think about whether it will collect a sufficient number of customers

    Analyzing the market and competition

    Currently, the market is quite filled with fast food establishments, but not oversaturated. Every year new cafes, stalls and food courts open, as well as branches of already famous fast foods - it becomes more and more difficult to find your client.

    In recent years, the country has been in a state of economic crisis, and people are trying to save money. Fast food is a delicacy, variety, a snack with friends and a way to quickly satisfy your hunger if it's not too soon to be home for dinner. But this is inferior food and certainly not cost savings.

    In large cities of Russia, there is a shawarma stall on almost every corner, while in a small settlement there may not be a single kiosk. Therefore, when analyzing the market, you should always focus on the features of your locality. At the same time, attention should be paid to all other types of fast food.

    In the Russian capital, shawarma first appeared in 1989 at the Bako-Lebanon restaurant.

    If the competition in the city is small, this does not mean that the businessman will succeed. Perhaps no one here needs such an institution, which is why entrepreneurs do not dare to open a shawarma stall. This issue should be approached comprehensively: spend several days in the car, watching the flow of people in the places where the kiosk is supposed to be installed. It would be useful to determine the average age of the inhabitants, because shawarma is especially popular among young people - schoolchildren and students, but older people rarely spend money on street food.

    If there are competitors, and their stalls have been operating for many years, then there is a demand for the product. It remains to stand out due to better and tastier shawarma, quick service, a special attitude towards regular customers, or something else. Do not be stingy, personally try the shawarma of all competitors in the area - the costs will be small, but the benefits from them are huge. Correct the mistakes of competitors, and people will go to you. However, you should not stand out due to the price and underestimate it too much: it will be more suspicious than attractive. Rate the product fairly. Don't mark up too much and don't add expensive ingredients.

    Hot baking outlets are the main competitors of shawarma stalls

    Learning the Laws Regarding Trade

    As a business owner, you need to understand the current legislation. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2009 No. 381-FZ “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trading Activities in the Russian Federation”. For individual entrepreneurs involved in food products, sanitary norms and rules are also the most important materials for study.

    You should familiarize yourself with the conditions and terms of storage of products, the labeling of finished products and raw materials, the rules of the commodity neighborhood. If you plan to keep accounts without the involvement of a full-time specialist, you can entrust the preparation of reports and tax calculations to a third-party audit company or study the necessary principles of accounting. Errors in financial reports and tax returns will result in fines, penalties, suspension of activities for a certain period or forced closure of the IP.

    What documents should be in the trade tent

    Even in a small stall, according to the law, a buyer's corner should be placed, where the following should be in the public domain:

  • book of reviews and suggestions;
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On consumer protection";
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On the quality and safety of food products";
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population";
  • rules of trade, consumer services, public catering;
  • a copy of the certificate of state registration;
  • address and phone number of the consumer protection unit.
  • The stall must contain documents that a tax inspector may request during an unscheduled audit, and magazines reflecting the results of measures to comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the fire department, the tax service, Rostrud and other government agencies.

    Before proceeding with the preparation and sale of shawarma, it is necessary, among other things, to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Before submitting an application to the TU of Rospotrebnadzor, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the guidelines for obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

    Properly designed corner of the buyer will avoid the claims of regulatory authorities

    Choosing the right kiosk location

    Since shawarma is a product that is bought to have a bite to eat right on the street, the most promising places for the location of the stall are through passage and crowded streets. And if the owners of mobile kiosks can, in case of an unsuccessful choice of location, move the outlet to another street, then for the owner of an ordinary stall, a bad location will turn into bankruptcy.

    The key to success is renting space at a crossroads, on the corner of a busy street, near markets, in business centers and near shopping centers that do not have food courts. Being located near the metro is a good idea, but hardly feasible due to the massive demolition of similar facilities in Moscow. It is likely that other cities will take note of such measures.

    But putting a stall at a bus stop is a bad idea. Firstly, often the kiosk is simply not visible to pedestrians on the other side of the street due to the congestion of people waiting for the bus. Secondly, those who are waiting for public transport will not buy shawarma, so as not to enter the salon with food or skip their minibus in order to be able to eat on the street. Thirdly, for many people, the stop will be the last one, which means that they are already a stone's throw from home, where a full dinner awaits them.

    Owners of mobile kiosks can be advised to stay near the business center and the university at lunchtime, and in the evening go towards the square, square, embankment, where people relax after a hard day. If you don't feel like moving during the day, the best choice business centers and educational institutions will work from Monday to Friday, and in places of recreation - on weekends. It would be useful to start a page on social networks and notify subscribers about the time of arrival, so that customers do not wait in vain on the street.

    If you draw up a competent business plan, over time, a mobile kiosk with shawarma can be turned into a full-fledged stationary point

    Step-by-step instructions for registering a business

    To open your own business and make a profit legally, you need to register a business. There are two options for its design:

  • open IP;
  • register a legal entity.
  • If you are looking for the most convenient and inexpensive option, a sole proprietorship will suit you. If the possibility of business development is important, or you would like to answer to creditors only with the amount within the authorized capital, you should register a legal entity.

    Be sure to inquire with your local tax office about the availability of tax incentives in the region. These can be “tax holidays” for newly opened enterprises or a reduced tax rate (in most cases, the simplified tax rate varies, based on the difference between income and expenses of an individual entrepreneur).

    To better understand the existing taxation systems and decide which one is right for you, it is recommended to read the FTS guide "Create your own business", available on the official website of the tax service. In general, an entrepreneur should regularly visit this resource, since laws and requirements for doing business change regularly, and ignorance of the laws, as you know, does not exempt from responsibility.

    The sequence of actions for organizing trade

    In order to open an IP, follow the scheme below:

  • If you do not have a TIN, contact the tax office and fill out the appropriate application.
  • Select activity codes according to OKVED (All-Russian classifier of economic activities, products and services). If you plan to trade only shawarma and related products, it is advisable to indicate the OKVED code 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes." If you select multiple codes, the main activity should be listed first.
  • Pay the state fee for registration of IP, keep the receipt.
  • Submit an application to open an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001 (you can use the electronic service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service) and, if desired, to switch to a simplified taxation system (there is a free service for making an application). As a rule, for a shawarma stall, the most profitable taxation system is the USNO “Income minus expenses”, the tax rate depends on the area of ​​registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • Submit at the FTS office at the place of residence Required documents(a set of documents for foreigners is somewhat different):
    • completed application;
    • application for transition to USNO;
    • receipt of payment of state duty;
    • a copy of the TIN;
    • a copy of the passport ( main page and spread with registration);
    • form No. 1A in case the postal address does not match the registration address.
  • After 5 working days, pick up the package of documents:
    • an extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs (EGRIP);
    • notification of registration with the Federal Tax Service (Form 2-3-Accounting);
    • notification of registration with the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence;
    • notification of the assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat;
    • certificate of registration of the insured in the TFOMS with compulsory medical insurance.
  • If you manage to collect all the documents for starting a business, the shawarma trade will become absolutely legal

    Upon completion of the registration procedure as individual entrepreneur it will be necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur in the department of trade. Now it remains to buy and register cash equipment.

    When the stall is installed and connected to communications, it is necessary to issue certificates of compliance with the requirements of the standards for the entire range of products, conclude agreements with the laundry for washing staff uniforms and with a company specializing in disinfection, disinfestation and deratization of premises (including ventilation).

    It is necessary to install a fire alarm system, it must be periodically checked for operability. You should also purchase a fire extinguisher.

    Don't forget to place the trash can inside the stall and the trash can outside. Next, you need to agree on garbage collection services, because even if there is not much waste, it is forbidden to dispose of them on your own. Separate contracts for the export of various categories of waste should be drawn up:

  • food waste;
  • solid bulky waste;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • used fat;
  • frying oils.
  • If you plan to install a large attractive sign on the facade or on the roof of the stall, which would be visible from afar, it will need to be designed as an outdoor advertisement. Otherwise, you will only be allowed to have a small sign.

    And finally, buy a first aid kit (you can find already formed catering kits with everything you need), you will need to monitor the expiration date of the medicines in it.

    In general, for public catering enterprises, laboratory analyzes (washouts of work surfaces, ventilation flushes), measurements (insulation resistance, vibration, noise), assessment of the characteristics of the workplace (artificial lighting, air circulation speed) are provided, but not all entrepreneurs are engaged in such activities.

    After the above steps are completed, you can obtain permissions:

  • fire authority;
  • Rospotrebnadzor (SES).
  • Before starting the work of the stall, it is necessary to officially notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities.

    If in the future you plan to expand to a network of kiosks, it is worth considering the design of a trademark or trademark. This will position the business, make it recognizable, and not faceless. In addition, you will have an additional asset.

    Installing an online checkout

    Most recently, amendments to the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash settlements and (or) settlements using electronic means of payment” came into force. And now the implementation of any entrepreneurial activity (with rare exceptions) is illegal without the use of online cash registers in settlements with buyers.

    Online cash desk is a new cash register equipment (CCP) connected to the Internet to transfer information about cash and non-cash payments to the tax service through a fiscal data operator (OFD) and to the client in electronic form.

    Without concluding an agreement with the operator of fiscal data, it is impossible to start using the online cash register.

    Photo gallery: range of prices for online checkouts

    The official website of the Federal Tax Service has published a list of requirements for an established cash register and a list of fiscal data operators licensed by the tax service and a list of online cash registers suitable for installation. These requirements cannot be ignored, otherwise you will have to buy a new cash register that complies with the provisions of the law. The only case when it is allowed not to connect online CCP is the location of the company in one of the settlements officially recognized as remote from communication networks.

    We think over an individual style or choose a franchise

    In order for the buyer to return to you again, you need not only to sell delicious shawarma, but also to be remembered by him. And then the next time the client gets hungry, he will remember exactly about your stall and will not be too lazy to walk a couple of blocks to get your product as a reward. Otherwise, he can have a bite to eat at any nearby kiosk and, perhaps, he will like the competitor's shawarma. If it is located on the way to work or school, consider that you have lost the buyer.

    To become memorable, a business needs to be positioned and subsequently turned into a brand. Come up with a bright and tasty design for your first stall, let the window be wide - people should see how juicy golden meat rotates on the grill, and how fragrant steam comes from it. A small window causes distrust - the client does not control the preparation of his dish.

    When you put your kitchen on display, it needs to be perfectly clean. As soon as the buyers have dispersed - wipe the table, appliances, bring the work area to a shine. Ideally, you should hire a professional chef with shawarma experience so that he can not only prepare food, but also put on a little show.

    A professional chef who loves his job will not only make delicious shawarma, but also arrange a show out of her cooking

    In the Guinness Book of Records there is a mention of the world's largest shawarma weighing 1198 kg and 2.6 m high (the meat of 7 cows was used!). It was prepared by 10 chefs in the capital of Turkey - Ankara.

    Packaging with the company logo will help emphasize individuality. Styling shawarma bags and cups is not that expensive, but the benefits are huge. Passers-by will see branded packaging, and this will serve as a kind of advertising for your kiosk.

    If you feel that your ideas are not as original as you would like, there is an option to buy a franchise from a reputable company.

    Franchise - the right to open a commercial organization that sells goods on the basis of a license. Acquiring a franchise allows you to use the brand, trademark, technology of the franchisor.

    Photo Gallery: Shawarma Outlet Franchises

    Table: Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying a Franchise

    We hire the necessary staff

    A shawarma stall needs one cook, but it is better to hire two or even three people, because:

  • first, one culinary specialist will need help in organizing trade;
  • it is necessary to provide for a shift schedule, since a stall that is not working on weekends is doomed to bankruptcy;
  • one of the employees may fall ill;
  • with two employees, it is easier to comply with labor laws.
  • In addition to the main staff, you need to hire a janitor who would ensure the cleanliness of the area around the outlet, an agreement must also be concluded with him, otherwise it will be impossible to prove to the tax office that the cleaner was hired.

    You need to contact specialized medical institutions, undergo a medical examination and issue a personal medical book. And you should also conclude an agreement on the timely passage of a medical examination by employees.

    From the moment you hire staff, you will need to file reports for each employee, withhold income tax from their salary and transfer funds to the tax office. Paying "black" wages or not officially hiring employees at all is prohibited by law, and the individual entrepreneur will be responsible for this.

    We reduce the risks of financial losses

    To protect yourself from theft and vandalism, it is strongly recommended to sign an agreement with a private security company (PSC) and install an alarm button under the table or at the cash desk. This precaution is especially true for businessmen planning a round-the-clock operation of the stall.

    Four street lights in the corners of the stall, two security cameras and a monitor in the room - a set that allows you not only to scare off intruders, but also to see the client before he knocks on the window. Greeting the customer and saving them time will make them feel welcome and important.

    It is no secret that employees often behave dishonestly towards the employer. Theft is a common thing in the catering industry. There is always a way to sell something "past the cash register." Based on this, we can confidently talk about the need to install a camera inside the stall itself. It is desirable that it be with sound, so you can control polite communication with customers.

    Cooperation with a private security company will help to avoid the risks associated with the robbery of a retail outlet

    Choosing equipment for the production of fast food

    The main assistant to the cook in the shawarma stall is the grill for cooking meat, and therefore special attention should be paid to its choice. If at the start of a business it is vital to save on everything, you can buy used equipment, but this is not recommended. The remaining life may be very short, the grill will need repair, and it looks old apparatus not very aesthetically pleasing. And when it breaks, the work of the entire stall will be stopped, because shawarma is your main product. Having bought new equipment, in case of a malfunction, you can return it within the warranty period, you will have access to after-sales service.

    Shawarma grills are divided into 2 types:

  • gas;
  • electrical.
  • Gas equipment is most acceptable due to the low cost of gas, while electric models require large amounts of electricity. But the need to buy and replace a gas cylinder on time often becomes a problem, and therefore the best option for a kiosk is an electric device.

    The volume of a single load of the grill ranges from 10 to 90 kg, for a stall the best option will be average. There are models with manual drive and spinning automatically, the second option is more convenient.

    Let's compare the performance of three models of devices:

  • Shawarma electric "EL-2" from the company Veone:

  • In addition to the shawarma machine, you will need to purchase:

  • kitchen scales;
  • freezer for frozen meat;
  • contact grill;
  • vegetable cutter, slicer or universal kitchen machine;
  • cheese grater;
  • production table (it is better to give preference to a refrigerated table, so you will achieve the perfect freshness of the ingredients);
  • rack or several shelves;
  • washing bath (preferably double);
  • water pump;
  • ventilation umbrella or hood;
  • shawarma knife;
  • gastronomy containers;
  • knives;
  • cook chair.
  • If you plan to sell related products, you will also need:

  • refrigerator or minibar for drinks;
  • coffee machine or electric kettle;
  • microwave;
  • other equipment depending on the range of products.
  • You may also need:

  • air conditioning;
  • heater;
  • water cooler.
  • And also don't forget about cleaning equipment, an automatic soap dispenser and a hand dryer - sanitary standards require them.

    The nuances of compliance with sanitary standards and requirements of Rospotrebnadzor

    The new rules for trading from non-stationary objects establish requirements for the equipment of a bathroom and the connection of a water supply system. However, this is almost always impossible to organize due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stall and the absence of water supply at its location.

    In most cases, the owners of such establishments are limited to buying a toilet cabin, installed near the stall, and a sewer supply. Industrial water is brought to the kiosk in barrels and fed to the tap by a pump, and the water is drained through a sewer pipe. This is acceptable if the work surfaces on which the finished culinary product is located and the technical surfaces are not allowed to come into contact. You can also conclude an agreement with a neighboring shopping center or other institution for the use of a bathroom. The contract is obligatory, as it will become evidence in case of verification.

    It is strictly forbidden to save on equipment and buy, for example, wooden tables and household appliances. Firstly, such equipment will quickly fail, as it is not designed for production volumes and continuous operation during the day. Secondly, sanitary standards prescribe the use of work surfaces made of stainless steel. Only it prevents the formation of scratches and chips and the growth of bacteria.

    In addition to equipment, you need to purchase a staff uniform, since catering employees cannot work in street clothes.

    Photo Gallery: Sample Uniforms for Fast Food Workers

    We are looking for a profitable supplier

    An uninterrupted supply of high-quality raw materials is the key to the successful operation of a public catering enterprise, so the supplier must be chosen carefully.

    Most suppliers post information about the terms of cooperation, guarantees and prices online. You can consider the delivery of products from wholesale bases without intermediaries. So the entrepreneur will be able to personally control purchases and delivery, as well as make adjustments to the range and quantity of goods.

    Perhaps there are farms near you. To buy vegetables, chicken and meat in such a place means to guarantee the freshness of the shawarma ingredients - buyers will appreciate it.

    We organize advertising and attract customers

    A shawarma kiosk does not need a massive advertising campaign. Therefore, spending money on a TV commercial or ordering advertising from a popular blogger does not make sense. Posting ads or handing out leaflets will also not bring the expected result - people will not go far, much less go to eat.

    Your task is to attract the attention of a random passerby and become visible to passing cars. Make a bright sign with large letters and easy to read fonts. Light up the sign, even if you are not going to work around the clock - in winter it gets dark as early as 5 pm. Closer to the road, you should put a pillar or a figure made of plastic or foam plastic with a pointer. It would be appropriate to install a billboard directly next to the stall, but only if it is located near the road. So the driver can not miss the turn.

    Be sure to indicate the prices so that everyone can see them - many people think that street food is too expensive, but they are embarrassed to ask. Various promotions and bonuses will be good advertising.

    How much does it cost to open a shawarma

    The cost of opening a shawarma stall depends on the region in which it will be installed, since different levels of salaries, food prices, and installation work have been established in different cities of Russia. The cost of renting land also varies by subject of the Russian Federation. The price for the delivery of the kiosk design itself, components, equipment is affected by the distance from the manufacturer to the destination, etc.

    Table: one-time costs for opening a small kiosk

    Table: monthly costs for the operation of a shawarma stall

    Total initial investment for the opening and the first month of work: from 1,031,688 rubles.

    Business plan for opening shawarma in Russia

    So, the amount of initial investment is 1,031,688 rubles.

    Monthly expenses amounted to 326,315 rubles. Let's deal with income from the sale of shawarma and related products. First, let's calculate the average cost of 1 serving of shawarma prepared according to a traditional recipe. It would be useful to provide for several menu items - shawarma according to one recipe deprives a person of choice.

    Photo: a variety of shawarma recipes

    Adding french fries to shawarma is not a recipe, but a trick to put less meat.

    Table: calculation of the cost of one serving of shawarma

    Table: calculation of revenue and profit excluding related products

    Profit \u003d (amount of revenue - monthly expenses) \u003d 450,000 - 326,315.5 \u003d 123,684.5 rubles. (excluding taxes).

    If an entrepreneur chooses a simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% of the amount of income, then for a month he will pay approximately

    123,684.5 * 6% = 7,421.07 rubles

    Net profit \u003d 123,684.5 - 7,421.07 \u003d 116,263.43 rubles.

    ROI = 1,031,688: 116,263.43 = 8.9 months.

    Video: how to open a shawarma stall

    As you can see, opening a shawarma stall is not an easy process. But the assumptions about quick payback and high profitability were fully confirmed. The start-up capital turned out to be relatively small compared to organizing other types of business, and therefore opening a shawarma can rightfully be considered a profitable investment and an excellent option for novice entrepreneurs.

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    The business of preparing and selling shawarma is very popular today among aspiring entrepreneurs. No wonder - all the costs of opening a business, due to the high demand for "fast" food, pay off pretty quickly. And even though high level competition in this niche, everyone can build a profitable business. Start with drafting - the price of shawarma equipment should be taken into account, the right place for sale should be chosen, and a development strategy should be thought out.

    How to open a shawarma from scratch? What will an entrepreneur have to take care of so that the business eventually begins to bring consistently high profits?

    Our business valuation:

    Starting investments - from 120,000 rubles.

    Market saturation is high.

    The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

    Choosing a business format

    The choice of the direction of business is the first thing a businessman should think about. All further steps - search, premises, purchase of equipment, marketing policy - will depend on the format of the fast food establishment.

    Shawarma production as a business, you can run in a mobile or stationary stall, as well as indoors. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    • Separate room. In this case, you will have to prepare numerous documents and obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and Fire Supervision - the selected premises will be carefully checked by supervisory authorities for compliance with all rules and regulations. This option, in terms of business registration, is somewhat more complicated. On the other hand, you can place your establishment in the pavilion of the shopping center, where there is a lot of traffic. The key to success is a room in a crowded place.
    • Stationary stall. There will be few checks when opening a “street” business - you only notify the supervisory services about the start of work. And Rospotrebnadzor and SES can conduct an audit only after a year or on a specific customer complaint. But here problems of a different kind may arise - in order to put a kiosk for shawarma on the street, it will be necessary to rent a land plot from the city administration. As a rule, the rent for the land is less than the rent for the pavilion in mall– the benefits of street trading can be quite substantial.
    • Mobile stall. Shawarma on wheels will require registration of the van with the traffic police, because, in fact, it remains vehicle. Such a business will have an important advantage when compared with other formats - you will be able to change the location of the trade at least every day, choosing a more profitable point of sale. It is better to start opening a shawarma shop on wheels with a rented van - not much initial investment is required.

    Consider opening a franchise shawarma point - there are enough offers on the market. The options are - Uncle Doner, Lunch Express, FOODmix. But in some cases, the business organization system for the franchising system will require larger investments - you pay for the use of the brand and the comprehensive assistance of specialists when opening a retail outlet. A franchise of a shawarma stand or a full-fledged fast food establishment, if you choose a brand known to consumers, can bring a lot of profit.

    We do business right

    To save on initial costs, register a business as an individual entrepreneur - for a mobile or stationary stall selling shawarma or kebabs, this is quite enough.

    After registering the business with the tax office, you notify Rospotrebnadzor, the fire service, the SES about the start of your activity - government agencies, if necessary, conduct inspections. If no violations are found, the shawarma tent can begin its work. Sometimes the process of obtaining all the necessary permits drags on for many months. Therefore, it is better to start collecting all the papers in advance in order to have time to open a stall for the spring-summer season.

    Choose the location of the outlet

    Income when doing business will directly depend on which place you choose to conduct sales.

    The main rule is that the place should be crowded. Evaluate several options before entering into a lease agreement with the owner of the pavilion or land - it is important to take into account the level of competition. It’s great if there are no outlets nearby that offer the same products - then the shawarma business will bring more profit. Can't find such a place? Then you will have to stand out from your competitors in some way - lower prices, a bright sign, noticeable from afar.

    How much money you will give for a rented area in a shopping center or for a land plot on the street will depend on the “demand” of the place - the closer to the city center, the higher the monthly fee will be.

    Choosing equipment for the manufacture and sale of shawarma

    The business plan for opening shawarma necessarily includes the cost of purchasing equipment - in fact, this is the main expense item. It is better not to save on the purchase of devices - the quality of the finished product will depend on them. If your goal is to meet the minimum amount when opening a business, consider purchasing used appliances.

    You will need to buy the following basic equipment for making shawarma:

    • grill,
    • industrial cutter,
    • immersion blender for making sauces,
    • fridge,
    • tables,
    • an oven for heating (contact grill or conventional microwave) ready meals.

    The most "main" apparatus for the production of shawarma is a grill. Approach his choice with all responsibility.

    The equipment is a cabinet made of stainless steel with a certain type of heating element. Depending on the specific model, the shawarma machine can be supplemented with auxiliary elements - a tray for collecting dripping fat, a set of skewers, gastronorm containers, coasters. The device works from a network or gas.

    The first option, despite the significant waste of electricity, is the most common among the owners of establishments for the manufacture and sale of shawarma. When you open a mobile stall, you can buy a gas-type shawarma machine - you will need to purchase a bottle of liquefied gas. But its operation requires compliance with fire safety - inspections by supervisory authorities cannot be avoided.

    When choosing a grill, be guided by its following technological characteristics - performance, capacity, type of heating, the presence of a drive for rotating skewers. At first, you can buy equipment cheaper - with little power. And when the shawarma bar becomes popular and attracts large flows of customers, you can “modernize” the technical equipment.

    And what is needed if an entrepreneur plans to offer customers not only shawarma and kebabs? Everything will depend on the specific range of dishes. You may need the following equipment - deep fryer, pancake oven, waffle iron, smoothie blender.

    Buying equipment for the production of shawarma is quite realistic for 50,000-70,000 rubles. But these will not be devices of the highest power. A complete set of equipment will require more significant costs - at least 100,000 rubles.

    We hire staff and study the technology of cooking shawarma

    The production of shawarma is a simple process. Many cooks own the technology. To sell a quality product, try to find a real professional - deliciously prepared dishes will attract customers to your stall.

    A prerequisite is that employees have sanitary books! It’s better not to take risks here - at the first check of the institution by the sanitary services, you will receive a fine.

    You will need to regularly purchase fresh raw materials for making shawarma - chicken, pork, pita bread, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, mayonnaise, ketchup. A complete list of necessary products will depend on the developed menu and the recipe for preparing the main dish. Initially, shawarma was a Turkish flatbread stuffed with beef, pork or lamb, vegetables. In our country, almost every shawarma shop uses thin pita bread for cooking.

    In general, the shawarma preparation technology looks like this:

    • The meat is cut into thin pieces and strung on a vertical skewer in the grill.
    • The meat is cut into small pieces as it cooks.
    • This is followed by the “packaging” of shawarma - vegetables, meat, sauce are placed on pita bread, which is then wrapped.
    • Ready-made shawarma can be additionally fried.

    Take care of ordering branded bags and paper packaging - this is how you stand out from your competitors.

    Selling shawarma will bring high profits if you start offering customers delicious dishes made from quality products.

    We calculate the possible profit from doing business

    How to open a shawarma stall, we figured it out. And how much will a stall selling “fast” food bring profit?

    When the business pays off will depend on the investment made. To open a point of sale, you will need the following amount:

    • Registration of a business - from 10,000 rubles.
    • Purchase cash register- from 5000 rubles.
    • Purchase of equipment - from 50,000 rubles.
    • Purchase of products, packaging for the first month of work - from 30,000 rubles.
    • Rent of premises or land for the first month - from 20,000 rubles.

    Average estimates show that it will take at least 120,000 rubles to open a small stall for the manufacture and sale of shawarma. To offer customers other dishes, more costs are needed - up to 300,000 rubles.

    Before you open shawarma, consider the prices for dishes. On average, shawarma costs around 100 rubles. In an hour of work with good traffic, it is realistic to sell up to 20 ready-made dishes. If the outlet will work for 12 hours, you can earn up to 24,000 rubles per shift. Income will be greater when selling related products - juices, lemonades, pies, kebabs.

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