Proper installation of a storage water heater. How to install an electric storage water heater: connection and installation, video. Schemes for connecting the water heater to the mains

Today we will tell you how to install a water heater at home with your own hands.

About the signs of living comfort

The presence of hot water in the house is one of the main signs of a comfortable home.

In apartment buildings, hot water supply is often centralized. Water is heated separately in the boiler room and is supplied to all apartments.

However, now such water supply is economically inefficient, moreover, it has many disadvantages in the form of a possible shutdown of the hot water supply during pipeline breaks or maintenance work in the boiler room.

The owners of private houses, however, are not able to provide such provision with warm water, so they have to solve the problem with the supply themselves.

The solution is to use autonomous hot water supply. A water heater is installed in the house, which provides heating.

This method of providing hot water is becoming so popular that apartment owners often abandon centralized supply in favor of an autonomous one.

Water heaters provide housing with hot water in the right amount, it is available at any time, and this is cost-effective.

Types of water heaters

The main types of water heaters currently in use are electric and gas.

In turn, electric water heaters are divided into storage and.

However, they have one method of heating water - with the help of heating elements.

In gas heaters, the increase in water temperature is carried out due to the combustion of gas.

It should also be noted that the installation of a water heater in the house is not so complicated, it is quite possible to do it yourself, having not very many tools and equipment at hand.

Of course, the situation with gas water heaters is somewhat more complicated, but more on that below.

Positive and negative qualities

By installing your own water heater, you can save a lot of money, this is the main advantage. But self-assembly has other advantages.

Since the work is carried out by the owner of the house himself, when servicing or needing to replace a faulty water heater, it will not be necessary to understand the connection system.

In the future, replacing the heater will be completely simple. In addition, installation work will increase skills in performing various household tasks.

Among the disadvantages of self-installation of a water heater, one can note the possible occurrence of problems with connecting both to the water supply system and to energy or gas supply.

In addition, incorrect work can lead to the fact that the system will not work.

There are several factors to consider before installing a water heater.

1. You need to immediately decide on the type of water heater.

An electric storage heater, also known as a “boiler”, consumes less electricity, but it has rather large dimensions, so you should immediately decide whether there is a place for its installation.

A flowing electric water heater is much more compact and it is easier to find a place for it. But it consumes more electricity.

2. When choosing a storage heater, you should immediately decide whether the wall on which it will be located will withstand a significant weight.

3. Immediately you need to ask. If it is old, then it is unlikely to withstand a large load. Therefore, it may be necessary to replace the electrical network at home.

To calculate whether the wiring can hold the load, the wire size will help.

So that the wiring can withstand the load created by a 2 kW boiler, a wire with a cross section of at least 2.5 mm is required. If a flow heater is installed, the wiring must be even thicker.

4. You should also take an interest in the water supply system. If, when laying it, separate conclusions were provided for connection, then this is very good.

If they are not there, but the system consists of plastic pipes, then it is not so difficult to insert the leads. The most difficult thing will be with metal pipes.

Required tools and materials

If the wiring of the house is quite capable of working with water heaters and it is possible to connect it to the water supply system or make a tie-in, then you can start work.

Of the tools you need:

  1. Perforator with a drill of the required thickness;
  2. Roulette;
  3. Keys set;
  4. Screwdrivers;
  5. Pliers;
  6. Hammer, etc.

Additionally, you may need a soldering iron for plastic pipes or a die for threading metal pipes.

These tools are needed if necessary, tie-in with the water supply system.

You will also need the following materials:

  • Tow with paste for sealing the joint or fum-tape;
  • Stopcocks (quantity - from 1 to 3 pieces);
  • Tees (plastic or metal);
  • Mounting hooks;
  • Connecting hoses (if they are not included);
  • Safety valve (for boiler);
  • 3-core cable (its length should be enough to the meter);
  • or socket.

Installation of instantaneous water heater

The first will be flow type water heaters. These heaters are divided into portable and stationary.

With portable water heaters, installation problems should not be at all. Often, water is supplied to them from a shower hose with a previously removed sprayer.

To install, just select its location. Then measure the attachment points. In this case, you need to take into account the length of the wiring, it should be enough to the nearest outlet.

After that, hang the heater on hooks, connect the hose from the shower to the inlet outlet and connect it to the outlet.

This completes the installation. Below are examples of work.

The complexity of installing a stationary instantaneous water heater depends mainly on the water supply system at home.

If only a pipeline enters the house with cold water, then installation will be easier, and if with cold and hot, additional work will be required.

Let's first consider the first case.

The first step, again, will require determining the location of the heater. But here you need to focus on the pipeline with water, the heater should be located not far from it.

If the pipeline with water has an outlet with a shut-off valve for connection, then it will not be difficult to provide water supply.

It is enough to connect a flexible hose to the stopcock and to the supply outlet of the heater itself.

But you should also worry about the outlet of the heater. A flexible hose must also be connected to it, and the other end to the mixer.

If there are several water intake points, then it will be necessary to lay plastic pipelines to them, and then connect the hose from the heater to this pipeline.

If there is no separate output in the support system, then you will have to make it.

If the pipes are plastic, then from the tools you will additionally need a soldering iron for plastic pipes, scissors for cutting them, and from materials - a tee and a stopcock.

Before starting work, you need to shut off the water supply to the system and drain its remnants.

Then cut the pipe in the place closest to the location of the device.

Using a soldering iron, solder the tee into the cut, and connect the tap to it. Then connect the hoses to the device.

If the pipes are metal, then for tapping you will need a die for cutting threads on pipes.

The sequence of work is the same as for plastic ones: the pipe is cut, threads are cut at its ends, a tee is screwed in, and a stopcock is screwed onto it.

After installation, check the tightness of all connections. To do this, the water supply is turned on and the connections are checked for leaks.

Second case.

If a pipeline with hot water also enters the house, then in addition to connecting the supply to the heater from the pipeline with cold water, it will be necessary to install two additional shut-off valves and one tee.

The tee cuts into the hot water supply pipe. Before it, the first valve is installed, and the second - at the outlet of the heater.

This will ensure the connection and disconnection of hot water from different sources.

When using hot water from a centralized supply, the taps at the inlet and outlet to the heater are closed.

If water heated by the device is used, then the taps leading to it open, and the tap installed in front of the tee, embedded in the pipeline with hot water, is blocked.

Installing a storage water heater

The installation of a storage water heater is approximately the same.

First, the location of the boiler is selected. It must have good access for maintenance.

Then all measurements and drilling of holes for mounting mounting hooks are made.

Additionally, it may be necessary to install safety bolts.

Then the water supply is connected. If only a pipeline with cold water enters the house, then a tee crashes into it, and a shut-off valve is already on it.

A safety valve must be located on the inlet outlet to the boiler, which ensures that the required pressure in the boiler is maintained.

Since this valve has a water outlet, a silicone tube will need to be connected to it, the end of which should be connected to the drain.

A hose is connected to the outlet of the boiler, through which hot water will be supplied to the pipeline leading to consumers.

Therefore, it is desirable to lay this pipeline in advance.

After the heater is connected to the electrical network. The connection is best made to the junction box located closest to the meter. Now you can already use for these purposes, but you need to know models that can withstand a heavy load.

It is desirable to lay the wire in a strobe with its subsequent termination. A circuit breaker must be installed in the wiring near the boiler.

Schematic diagram of the installation of the boiler.

If a pipeline with hot water also enters the house, then it will be necessary to insert the outlet pipe from the boiler into this pipeline and install another tee and two additional taps.

After you need to pump the heater with water. To do this, you need to open one of the taps of the point of consumption, and after that - the tap for supplying water to the heater.

If there is a connection to the centralized hot water pipeline, the valve installed in front of the tee must be closed and the valve at the boiler outlet must be opened.

Water, filling the system, will push out the air in the system and it will exit through the tap of the point of consumption.

During injection, all piping connections should be inspected for leaks.

If necessary, the connections can be tightened. If the leak persists after tightening, it is better to repack the connection, having previously closed all supply taps and drained the water from the system.

Boiler Installation Examples .

Installing a gas water heater

With gas water heaters, everything is somewhat more complicated. If such a heater has not been used before, it will not be possible to install it yourself.

Installation will require coordination with the relevant authorities, the installation of the water heater is also carried out by them.

But it is quite possible to replace a faulty gas water heater yourself. Moreover, all connections are already in place.

To replace it, you will first need to completely shut off the gas supply to the water heater.

Usually, when installing such a heater, a valve is installed in front of the gas pipeline entering it.

You also need to turn off the water taps and drain the remaining water.

Then the faulty water heater is removed, and a new one is fixed in its place.

It is important to ensure that the fit of this pipe is tight.

If there is a gap and it is worn loosely, it may need to be replaced with a pipe with a smaller diameter.

To do this, you may need a special rubber hose with adapters at the ends.

After connecting, you should immediately check the connections. To do this, they need to be moistened with plenty of soapy water and open the gas supply valve.

If the connection is made correctly, no bubbles in the soap solution should appear at the connection points.

If they are, you need to shut off the gas supply, and tighten the connections and re-check.

The last connection to the heater is water pipelines. You can do this earlier, but the water supply must be shut off.

Again, after installation work with pipelines, they should be checked for leaks and, if necessary, eliminate it by tightening the connection or completely repacking.

These are all the main points that are important when installing and connecting different types of water heaters on your own.

Of course, certain nuances may arise when connecting one or another type of water heater, but most of them depend on various factors.

These are the installation sites, the layout of the apartment, the features of the water and power supply system.

Many of us, having bought a boiler, are wondering: is it possible to install it with our own hands, and how complicated is this process? If you have little skills in plumbing and electrics, installing a boiler yourself should not cause you serious difficulties. In addition, installing a heating device yourself will help you save money that could be spent on paying for the services of specialists. However, the work will require strict adherence to safety regulations and, of course, the availability of the necessary tools.

What is a boiler and how it works

A boiler is a heating device that makes life much easier for people when they are faced with a preventive shutdown of hot water in city apartments, and provides comfort in the country, where the water heater works on an ongoing basis.

The water heater may have a storage or flow device. The advantages of flow-through boilers are considered to be small size and low weight, which allows them to be mounted even on not very strong bases, for example, drywall. On the other hand, to ensure the required rate of water heating, flow-through boilers are equipped with very powerful heating elements that weak electrical wiring cannot withstand.

For fast water heating, flow-through boilers are equipped with very powerful heating elements.

Storage devices are in the greatest demand because they have a larger volume, cost less and consume less electricity. In addition, during their installation, electrical wiring is not subject to such high requirements as when installing flow-type water heaters.

Storage devices are in high demand because they are more cost-effective and do not require powerful electrical wiring.

Storage water heater device

The device of the storage water heater is similar to the design of a household thermos. The inner tank is separated from the outer walls of the body by a rigid heat-insulating polyurethane layer to minimize heat loss. The water entering the tank is heated by a heating element (thermal electric heating element). To set the required water temperature, a thermostat integrated into the design is used.

The role of the magnesium anode in the water heater and the scheme of its operation

The internal tank of the water heater is the most vulnerable structural element, since it is constantly exposed to temperature changes and the negative effects of substances contained in the water. A magnesium anode helps protect this part from corrosion.

It is made in the form of a thin round rod with a diameter of 14–25 mm and a length of 140–660 mm with a magnesium alloy layer up to 15 mm thick applied to the surface. In the immediate vicinity of the heating element, the anode is fastened with a threaded stud located in the center of the rod. Sometimes the anode is placed on the top wall of the inner tank.

Magnesium anode helps protect the internal tank of the boiler from corrosion

In addition to magnesium anodes, electric, titanium and zinc analogues are used in water heaters. But the magnesium anode is the most economical, and therefore the most popular.

Most often, low-carbon steel is used for the manufacture of internal water heater tanks. Magnesium has a valence II and is a more active metal than iron, which has a valence III. When water is heated, oxygen is produced. Magnesium binds it, thereby preventing the formation of corrosion in the tank and on the steel shell of the heating element. This process is called sacrificial protection, which is why magnesium anodes are sometimes referred to as sacrificial anodes.

The magnesium anode also prevents the formation of scale on the heating element, which is a precipitate of heavy metal salts. Since magnesium is more reactive than the iron that the tank walls are made of, these substances react with it. As a result, dense scale becomes loose, easily separated from the heating element and the walls of the tank and settles to the bottom in the form of flakes, from where it is removed during the regular cleaning of the unit.

Thus, the anode-protector in the boiler performs the following functions:

  • provides passive protection of the metal tank against corrosion;
  • prevents the formation of scale on the thermoelectric heating element;
  • softens the water.

Over time, the magnesium anode is gradually destroyed and dissolved in water, without changing its chemical composition and, accordingly, without harming the health of users.

Over time, the magnesium anode gradually breaks down and dissolves in water.

And yet, the anode protector needs to be changed from time to time, without waiting for its complete destruction. The frequency of replacement of this part depends on the quality (chemical composition) of the water and the intensity of use of the water heater.

  1. If the heating device is rarely used and the water in it is rather soft, then the anode can be changed every seven years.
  2. Under less favorable operating conditions of the device, the replacement of the magnesium anode is required much more often - about once a year.

When choosing a replacement for a worn anode protector, give preference to a product from a well-known manufacturer. A poor-quality magnesium element gives the water a persistent rotten smell. To check the quality of the product, make a weak solution of food grade citric acid and place a magnesium rod in it. A protector made of cheap material, when reacting with an acid, will provoke an active release of hydrogen sulfide.

Of course, the boiler can be operated without a protector anode, but the absence of this part will significantly reduce the life of the water heater. Typically, anodes are supplied with water heaters. But for replacement, this item can be purchased separately.

Do I need permission to install a boiler in an apartment?

The need to obtain permits for the installation of a water heater in a city apartment depends on the type of device.

  1. If you want to connect an electric boiler that belongs to household appliances, then you do not need special permission for this. It is only necessary to make sure that the available free power of the electrical network is sufficient for it. For example, a 150-liter boiler that is switched on consumes 1.5–2.0 kW. It takes 3-5 hours to heat water, and it will cool down by no more than 0.5 degrees per hour. If there is not enough capacity, then you need to contact the energy company with a request for the allocation of additional resources. Naturally, you will have to pay for this.

    To connect an electric boiler, no special permit is required if the electrical network can withstand the load it creates

  2. If you are going to install a gas water heater in the apartment, then you need to obtain permission for it at the gas service service center, presenting a document on the ownership of the housing. The specialists of the center will come to you to draw up a project. This service is paid. In addition, do not forget that the installation of a gas water heater should also be carried out by gas service specialists.

    Installation and connection of the gas water heater must be carried out by specialists of the gas service service

But you will not be given permission to install a gas water heater if there is no ventilation duct in the immediate vicinity of the installation site through which exhaust gases will be removed. Most often, even in apartments with gas stoves, separate channels are not provided, and no one will allow you to bring the ventilation pipe to the outer wall of the house.

If you still managed to get permission to install gas boiler, keep in mind that the fuel consumption in your apartment will increase several times. Installation of gas equipment without permission threatens with a fine.

Art. 7.19 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

Unauthorized connection to electric networks, heat networks, oil pipelines, oil product pipelines and gas pipelines, as well as unauthorized (unmetered) use of electrical, thermal energy, oil, gas or oil products, if these actions do not contain a criminally punishable act, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of from ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to eighty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one to two years; on the legal entities- from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Therefore, before purchasing such a device, consider whether you need it, or whether you should limit yourself to an electric water heater, which is much less troublesome in terms of installation and operation.

Is it possible to install a water heater under the sink

In a small apartment, the best place to place a boiler may be the space under the sink in the kitchen or in the combined bathroom. An electrical appliance hidden in this way will not spoil the interior design. However, not all types of boilers are suitable for installation under the sink.

The boiler hidden under the sink will not spoil the interior design

Due to the limited space under the sink, a storage or instantaneous water heater with a capacity of up to 25 liters can fit. The water in such a device is heated by a heating element or an open electric heater. The gas appliance, due to its high performance and, therefore, its considerable dimensions, is suitable for mounting exclusively on a wall or on a free space on the floor.

Another feature: in a water heater designed for installation under a sink, the pipe supply must be located at the top. You should definitely pay attention to this when buying a device. A boiler with a different location for the supply of hoses will also fit in size, but it will be inconvenient to install. In addition, such a device will not function correctly and will quickly fail.

Preparatory work before installing the boiler

Self-installation of an electric water heater will cost you less than the services of specialists. On average, the job will take about two hours. But in preparation for installation and directly in the process of performing work, you must follow the safety rules.

When installing a water heater, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the electrical wiring in the house, the bearing capacity of the wall on which the device will be mounted, as well as the risers and water supply pipes.

  1. First of all, you should decide on the model of the boiler: what system it should be - flow or storage, how many liters it is designed for, how it will be mounted - horizontally or vertically, on a wall or under a sink, etc.

    Wall-mounted boilers are not only vertical, but also horizontal

  2. The next step is to create a device connection diagram on paper with the designation of hot and cold water tie-ins. Then you need to do the following:
  3. Before you start installing the boiler, you need to read the instructions to understand the features of the model, then turn off the electricity and shut off the pipes supplying hot water. It should be remembered that if you live in a multi-storey building, this will temporarily deprive residents of other apartments of hot water, so you need to carefully prepare for work in order to finish it faster.

The strength of the wall can be checked in the following way: mount the fasteners that come with the boiler and hang two bags of cement on it. If the mount can cope with such a load, then it will be able to withstand a water heater, which weighs half as much.

Particular attention should be paid to checking the strength of the wall when installing a large 150-liter boiler. The fastening of such a unit is made on spacer metal anchor bolts or special strong hooks. Anchors are recommended to be used with a length of 100 mm and a diameter of 10 mm.

Be very serious about checking the wiring. If overloaded, it may start to melt, which will lead to a fire.

It should be borne in mind that the installation of a water heater will require the efforts of two people, since this process is quite laborious. Typically, the boiler is mounted in the bathroom or in the toilet room directly above the toilet. As a rule, this place is not used in any way. At the same time, a free approach should be provided to it.

In a small room, to save usable space, the boiler is usually placed horizontally. A small water heater is attached to the wall, and units with a volume of 200 liters or more are installed on the floor.

If the volume of the boiler exceeds 200 liters, it must be installed on the floor

Equipment and tools necessary for self-installation or replacement of a water heater

Before proceeding with the installation of the boiler, prepare the following tools, materials and equipment:

  • plumbing linen or sealing tape;
  • tow;
  • paste "Unilac";
  • roulette;
  • safety valve with a valve with a diameter of 10 mm (supplied with the boiler);
  • two flexible water hoses with a length of at least 2 m (the length of the hoses must correspond to the distance from the boiler to the point of insertion into the water supply system);
  • metal-plastic pipes;
  • three stopcocks;
  • three tees;
  • two dowel nails with hooks at the ends;
  • cross and slotted screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • puncher or electric drill;
  • drills with a winning tip (if the boiler is supposed to be fixed to a brick or concrete wall);
  • wrench;
  • wrench.

To connect a powerful instantaneous water heater, if the wiring does not provide for the connection of electric stoves, you will need a three-core copper cable PVA 3x8, a meter that can withstand a current of at least 40 A, a socket block with grounding, a 40 A machine and an insulating tape.

Features of mounting the boiler on a thin wall

Ideally, the water heater should be mounted on solid brick, concrete or block walls, since the appliance, along with water, is quite heavy. But sometimes the device needs to be hung on a thin plasterboard, frame, wooden, aerated concrete or foam block base. In this case, it will be necessary to strengthen the wall and use special fasteners.

It is impossible to mount the water heater directly on a wooden wall for reasons of fire safety. To begin with, it must be well insulated from heat, for example, with profiled iron, which is used for roofing.

In other cases, special fasteners are used:

  • spiral nylon dowels;
  • metal fasteners for mounting boilers with a capacity of 100 liters.

If you plan to hang the water heater on a wall of foam concrete blocks, then you will need metal dowels or special chemical (adhesive) anchors for foam concrete. A chemical anchor is a versatile fastener that can withstand high loads. He is different environmental safety and resistance to low temperatures.

The expansion dowel is held in the wall due to friction forces in the expansion joint, and the chemical anchor is held in place due to the adhesion of a special adhesive composition.

Fastening to the adhesive anchor is carried out in the following way:

  1. A hole is drilled with the expansion of the channel by rotating the drill at an angle in different directions.
  2. Concrete dust is removed from the hole.
  3. The hole is filled with a quick-hardening mixture, into which a mounting sleeve or threaded stud is inserted.

The resulting cone-shaped plug provides a fairly high fastening strength.

For installation in hollow structures, an anchor sleeve is inserted into the hole, and a hairpin is already twisted into it

Video: how to hang a water heater on an aerated concrete wall

Water heater installation

Installation of a water heater of a flow and storage system is carried out in the same way. Before starting work, it is important to read the instructions that come with the device. If there is no such manual, it can be downloaded from the Internet.

Mounting the boiler on the wall

  1. Before mounting the boiler on the wall with chalk or a marker, draw on it the bottom line of the appliance. Then measure the distance from the mounting plate attached to the water heater body to the bottom line and mark this distance. When marking, pay attention to the height from the holes on the anchors to the top of the water heater. It must be less than the distance to the ceiling, otherwise the water heater will not pass in height.

    When choosing a place for installing fasteners, it is necessary to control the position of the lower and upper edges of the boiler housing

  2. Drill two or four holes, depending on the number of fasteners supplied with the boiler. To make holes in a concrete or brick wall, you need to use an electric drill with a drill bit. For drilling holes in a wooden wall, a drill with a regular tip is suitable. Its diameter should be less than the diameter of the plastic dowel. Remember that there are no such holes on the mounting plate, and anchors with hooks at the ends will cling to its edge.
  3. Install the mounting hardware: drive the dowels into the holes with a mallet or hammer, screw the metal anchor to a depth of about 12 cm (it should stop turning). Then hang the boiler.

    Anchors with metal hooks are inserted and screwed into the drilled holes, and then the boiler is hung on them.

Connection to water pipes

  1. Using flexible hoses or polypropylene pipes, connect the unit to the water supply. Keep in mind that connecting through plastic pipes will cost you more and take longer. If there are already connection points, then the work will not cause any particular difficulties.
  2. In the absence of pre-prepared bends, they will have to be made independently from metal-plastic or plastic pipes. This will take approximately half an hour. It will take more time to insert tees into a steel pipe - about two hours. This will require a die according to the size of the pipe. When connecting, pay attention to the color of the tube rings located at the bottom of the boiler: cold water will be supplied through the tube with a blue ring, hot water will be discharged through the tube with a red ring.

    In the absence of pre-prepared bends, they will have to be made independently from metal-plastic or plastic pipes

  3. A safety valve should be installed on the cold water supply to relieve excess pressure. It is done automatically. This helps prevent damage to the water heater. If this part is not included with the water heater, then it will have to be purchased separately. When installing the valve, it is important to consider the direction of water flow. To facilitate maintenance, an additional tee can be inserted in front of the valve and a tap connected to it.

    Through the safety valve, excess water pressure is released during operation

  4. Screw a sealant onto the thread, which can be used as tow, plumbing linen or FUM tape, and connect the safety valve. Screw one end of the flexible hose to it. Here you can do without a sealant, since there is a sealed rubber gasket in the hose nut. Screw the end of the second flexible hose to the hot water pipe also without using a seal.

    A rubber gasket is installed in the fastening nut of the flexible hose, so it can be screwed onto the pipe without an intermediate seal (flax, FUM tape, sealing cord, etc.)

  5. Connect the end through which cold water will flow to the water pipe through a valve or faucet. This is necessary so that the water supply can be shut off, for example, in the event of replacing boiler parts. Connect the free end of the second hose to the pipe going to the mixer.

    The pipe through which cold water will flow into the boiler is connected through a ball valve

  6. If you need a flow-type unit only for the time the hot water supply is turned off, connect it through a shower hose. To do this, only cold water is connected to the boiler:
  7. Connect the hot water outlet to the hot water faucet using a metal-plastic pipe or flexible hoses without the use of additional elements. To check the tightness of the connections, run water, fill the container and leave for about an hour. In the absence of leaks during this time, feel free to turn on the unit in the mains.

Before installing a water heater in the bathroom, make sure you have a hot water circulation system. This will help to minimize energy losses with the constant presence of hot water in the pipes.

Video: connection diagram of the boiler to the water supply

Connecting the boiler to the electrical network

Some boilers come with a cable with a plug connected to the unit. If these elements are not available, then they are purchased separately.

Always follow safety precautions when working with electricity to avoid accidents.

  1. Install a grounded outlet near the equipment. If the tightness test showed no leaks, feel free to connect the boiler plug to an electrical outlet.
  2. The power connection can be made directly to the electrical switchboard using a separate circuit breaker. In this case, the following scheme must be observed:
  3. The indicator lamp will light up to let you know that the equipment is connected correctly. Then, using the regulator located at the bottom of the boiler, set the desired temperature. After that, the installation and connection of the water heater can be considered complete.

    The temperature of hot water in the boiler is set using a smooth regulator

Video: how to connect the boiler to electricity

Boiler connection via time relay

In order to save electricity, the boiler can be connected via a time relay. This will allow you to turn off the water heating late at night or during the day when it is not needed. If a heat accumulator is connected to the water heater, it can, on the contrary, be turned on at night, when the tariff for electricity consumption is lower than during the day. During the day, it will automatically turn off.

Consider the option of connecting the boiler through the time relay ABB AT1-R. It can be either with a battery inside or without it. The battery inside the mechanism allows you to work offline for 200 hours.

The relay allows you to turn on the power of an electrical device only at certain periods of time

The line supplying the water heater will go from the shield located in the furnace room directly to the device. The time relay of this model is equipped with one contact for closing. Depending on the type of boiler, it has the ability to switch a resistive load up to 16 A.

The device has a scale indicating the values ​​​​of time intervals. Four divisions indicate intervals of 15 minutes. Thus, the time intervals can be set equal to 15, 30 and 45 minutes.

Initially, when voltage is applied to the time relay, the connected load will be in the on state. This means that with the help of the levers we will set the load off time.

To independently disconnect the load, you must move the red lever located next to the time scale to position 1.

After that, you need to set the response time. Try to choose an even hour for this, for example, 18:00 or a multiple of 15 minutes: 18:15, 18:30, 18:45. To set the time, you need to turn the drum until the desired reading on the scale matches the white lever next to the “1-0” mark.

Video: installation and connection of a water heater (boiler)

In order for the boiler to retain heat better, it must be wrapped with polypropylene foam, polyurethane foam or isolon. The insulating material is fixed with glue or wire. Thermal insulation of the entire surface of the boiler not only helps to retain heat, but also reduces the heating time of water by increasing the efficiency of the coolant. High-quality insulation will not allow the water to cool quickly.

High-quality insulation will not allow the water to cool quickly

The second way to insulate the boiler is to place a smaller container inside a large tank. The resulting space acts as a heater.

The space between the walls of the tanks acts as a heater

And yet, if you realize that you are unable to install the boiler yourself, or there is a need to replace the pipes due to wear and tear, contact the specialists. Their services will not cost you too much: dismantling an old water heater - about 500 rubles, installing and connecting a new device - about 7,000 rubles. In this case, you will be sure that the equipment is connected correctly and you will not have an accident or explosion. There is one more important point: at self installation boiler will usually void the manufacturer's warranty.

A water heater has long ceased to be considered a luxury item. Currently, such equipment is installed in almost every home. The most popular are flow and storage electric heaters water. Your attention is invited to an overview of the main advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned equipment, as well as instructions for its self-assembly and correct use.


  1. Compact dimensions. The flow heater does not take up much space. At the same time, models of heaters are available for sale, equipped with a mixer and a shower head, which allows you to save additional money.
  2. Fast heating. Unlike storage-type models, instantaneous heaters begin to produce warm water already 30-60 seconds after starting.
  3. No restrictions on the volume of heated water. The user can get exactly the amount of hot water that he needs, unlike storage tanks, the volume of which is limited.
  4. Relatively low price.


Instantaneous water heaters are best suited for houses and apartments equipped with electric stoves. In this case, the meter and wiring will already comply with regulatory requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages of storage heaters


  1. No need to modify the electrical network. The storage heater can be plugged into an ordinary electrical outlet.
  2. Profitability. On average, storage water heaters consume about the same amount of electricity per hour of operation as an ordinary vacuum cleaner. At the same time, models with the ability to control the heating power are available for sale. The time required to prepare the required volume of water at the desired temperature directly depends on the installed power.
  3. The possibility of arranging wiring for a bathroom and kitchen.


The only significant drawback of storage water heaters is their impressive dimensions. However, today manufacturing companies offer their consumers a large selection of heater models that save space. For example, if you wish, you can purchase a flat unit.

Installation of instantaneous water heater

The process of installing an instantaneous water heater does not require the performer to have any serious skills. There are two options for mounting such a unit: for temporary use and for permanent operation.

Temporary connection

This option is usually used when it is necessary to obtain heated water in the absence of the possibility of connecting to a central water supply. After the appearance of such an opportunity, the water heater is easily turned off or even dismantled until the next use - it does not take much time.

The most convenient for temporary use are models that were originally equipped with a mixer and a shower head.

First step. Fix the heater in a convenient place with dowels and screws.

Second step. Remove the watering can from the domestic shower hose and connect the hose to the water heater inlet.

Third step. Connect the complete watering can to the outlet of the water heater.

As a result, the cold liquid will enter the heater from the mixer, heat up when passing through it, and leave the complete watering can already warm.

Permanent connection

This option is used in situations where the heater is planned to be operated regularly. In this case, the unit is connected to the water supply system.

The connection is carried out according to the scheme already considered, however, the supply and output of the liquid are fixed permanently. For such a connection, special tees are used, as well as stopcocks.

As a result, heated water will come out of the mixer.

After installing the heater, make sure that all connections are tight and only then accept the device for permanent use.

It is important to understand not only the order of connecting an instantaneous water heater, but also the features of its use.

The main rule: the flow-through water heater can only be turned on after the heater coil is completely filled with water.

If the heater coil is not covered with liquid in sufficient volume, it will break and it will become impossible to use the device.

Regardless of the option you choose to connect the flow heater, the use of such a device is carried out in the following order:

Turning off the appliance is carried out in a similar order - you turn off the heater, wait until cold liquid starts to flow from the shower head, and only then turn off the water supply.

Installation of storage heater

In the case of storage heaters, temporary installation is not provided. Of course, you can connect an ordinary hose with a watering can to the outlet of warm water, but it will be categorically inconvenient to use such a unit.

First step. Choose a suitable place to install the water heater and check the wall.

Flow models are quite light in weight. Cumulative ones will exert a much more significant load on the wall. Therefore, when choosing a place to install a heater, you need to pay attention not only to the degree of convenience of piping, but also to the strength of the surface.

As a rule, heaters up to 200 l are fixed to the wall. Tanks of larger volume require only floor installation. If the heater has a volume of more than 50 liters, it is recommended to fix it exclusively to a load-bearing wall.

Second step. Prepare all the necessary tools for installing the water heater.

You will need:

  • puncher (if the wall is concrete) or impact electric drill (if the wall is brick);
  • marker;
  • measuring tape;
  • drill for tiles (if the surface at the place of the future attachment of the heater is tiled);
  • protective valve;
  • FUM tape;
  • dowels and fastening hooks;
  • building level.

In the presence of the required wiring with pre-mounted tees and shut-off valves, the installation of the storage heater is carried out in an extremely simple sequence.

First step. Step back about 150-200 mm from the ceiling surface and leave marks on the wall for future holes. Thanks to this gap, you can conveniently lift the water heater for hanging and removing the tank.

Second step. Armed with a drill (perforator) with a suitable drill, make holes in the wall with a depth corresponding to the length of the mounting hooks.

Third step. Drive the dowels into the prepared holes, and then screw the screws into them. Be sure to leave a gap to accommodate the water heater mounting plate.

Fourth step. Install the tank on the mounts.

Fifth step. Install a safety valve on the cold fluid inlet. With its help, excessive pressure will be removed from the system. Connect a tube to drain excess fluid to the sewer pipe. Also, this tube can be gently inserted into the toilet bowl.

Sixth step. Connect the cold water pipe to the water heater inlet. The entrance is marked blue. Connect only through the safety valve. To the outlet (marked in red), connect the ready-made hot liquid outlet pipe.

Again, pay attention to the importance of the safety valve. Without such a device, the tank can be seriously damaged or even burst due to excessive pressure during the preparation of hot water.

If there is a protective valve, the excess pressure will simply be released and the device will continue to operate under normal conditions. Also, with the help of a safety valve, you can quickly and conveniently drain water from the heater when it is necessary to perform maintenance and repair work on the equipment.

Thus, the installation of a water heater is not particularly difficult. If you wish, you can independently install and connect a storage model or a flow heater. It is enough just to follow the provisions of the presented guide and everything will definitely work out.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself water heater installation

Hot water supply in a modern apartment or private housing construction has long been considered the norm. But most houses in the private and suburban sector are still not connected to the central hot water supply. It is for this reason that many homeowners seek to equip autonomous water heating in their home. At the same time, the most simple solution It is considered the installation of a boiler, which can be done independently. Today it is difficult to find a building in which there is no electricity and therefore installing a water heater with your own hands is quite simple.

Experts distinguish two main types of boilers - flow and storage type. The main difference between such models is the principle of operation of the device and, as a result, the electrical energy consumed by the water heater. Therefore, before making the final choice, it does not hurt get acquainted with some of the nuances of installation and features of the components water heater. In flow boilers, water is heated by passing a constant flow through the heating elements. In turn, in a storage type device, the liquid is heated in a special tank in which heating elements are installed.

In order to save money in the process of acquiring a suitable model of a device for heating water, it should be borne in mind that a small 20 liter boiler is quite enough to provide hot water for a small country house where there is no shower or bath. In a country cottage or state apartment with a shower, a model of a storage water heater with a volume of 60-80 liters is quite suitable. In turn, if the residents of the house like to relax in a hot bath, then it is better to give preference to boilers with a tank of 100 liters or more. But with an increase in the volume of the water heater, you need to understand that you need more space for installation, which also should not be forgotten when choosing a suitable unit model.

Before connecting the storage electric boiler to the water supply or electrical network it is important to read the requirements, which apply to the safety of operation of the water heating device.

An important role is played by the condition of the water supply in the apartment - if it is in doubt, then it is advisable to replace the old rusted metal pipes with new metal-plastic analogues before installing the water heater.

What may be needed to install a boiler with your own hands?

Before the direct installation of a storage-type water heater begins with your own hands, you need to watch a video of the installation process, as well as stock up on a minimum set of tools and consumables:

If it is necessary to replace the old electrical wiring or lay new cables, the following materials will be needed:

  • three-core copper or aluminum cables and corrugations;
  • a powerful machine or a high-quality socket.

Only having prepared everything you need, you can proceed to the direct insertion of the storage boiler into the pipeline and connecting it to the electrical network with your own hands.

Cold water connection and hot pipe outlet

So, the water heating device is selected, the components are prepared, the tool is at hand. Do-it-yourself installation of a storage boiler does not imply obtaining any permits or drawing up a project and other nuances associated with gas equipment. In turn, the water heater installation scheme itself is simple, especially if you familiarize yourself with the video of inserting the boiler into the water supply and follow the recommendations of experts.

  1. Install a water heater only after the water meter and only pipes of the appropriate diameter.
  2. Inserting fittings and tees into the hot and cold water pipe should only occur after the water supply is shut off in the house.
  3. Tow or sealing tape is wound strictly clockwise. In this case, you should not overdo it, from 5 to 10 turns of material will suffice, the excess of which will be squeezed out during twisting.
  4. A non-return valve is mounted on the inlet fitting of the boiler to connect the cold water supply, which comes with the water heater. The valve is screwed onto the coupling, and already on it is a fitting for connecting the inlet pipe. By analogy, an adapter is mounted at the outlet of the water heater.
  5. When all fittings and adapters are in place, you can install the water heater on the wall and connect the hot and cold pipes.
  6. Metal-plastic pipes must be inserted into the fittings until they stop, having previously expanded the cut ends. In the process of tightening the nuts don't try too hard so as not to damage them.

It is better to tighten the nuts later, in the process of checking the water supply when supplying water in case of a leak. You also need to remember that shutoff valves must be installed at the outlet and inlet pipe of the boiler.

Connecting the boiler to the mains

To connect the storage boiler with your own hands, you first need to familiarize yourself with the video, electrical work. After that, you have to go to the store to purchase a copper cable with a cross section of 2.5 mm. A cable with such a cross section is able to withstand loads up to 20 amperes. At the same time, if the power indicators of the boiler are 2 kW, then the current loads will not exceed 10 amperes.

After the tank is filled and water flows from the mixer, it is blocked. The boiler filled with water creates a certain pressure in the pipeline, so after waiting a few hours you need to check all pipe joints for the presence of a leak. If the latter is found, tighten the nuts.

Features of using a flow-type water heater

Flowing water heaters due to their compact dimensions can be installed not only stationary, but also used as a portable device. A standard shower hose is suitable for temporary connection of the appliance. A tee is mounted in the cold water pipe, into which a shut-off valve is screwed and a hose is installed behind it, connecting the cold water to the flow boiler.

In the case of a stationary installation of a flowing water heater, a scheme for the simultaneous supply and intake of water is used. Installation is carried out in a parallel way to the water supply system of a private house or apartment. This method involves the installation of tees together with valves on each pipe. Due to this, if necessary flow type heater can be completely excluded from the system in-house water supply.

The cold water pipe is connected to the inlet of the boiler, and from the outlet of the device, it is connected to the hot pipe using a reinforced hose. In the case of installing a water heater in an apartment building, it is important to turn off the hot water valve on the central riser in order to prevent the heated liquid from entering the water supply of the neighboring apartment.

As you can see, installing a boiler of both a flow-through and a storage type is quite simple and, quite possibly, with your own hands. And if someone still has questions, then the article presents a detailed video on inserting a water heater into the water supply system and connecting it to an alternating current network.

Buying a water heater is not everything. It still needs to be installed, and then connected. And connect to both water and electricity. How to install a water heater depends on its type: instantaneous or storage. Depending on the size and shape, the installation site is selected. The requirements for the power supply line depend on the power, and the connection scheme to the water supply depends on the internal structure of the water heater.

Types of electric water heaters

There are two large groups: flow and storage. Instantaneous water heaters heat the water that passes through them. In this regard, they are relatively small in size, but very high power - up to 24 kW, but this is the maximum. For washing dishes and taking a shower, a power of 4-6 kW is enough, for taking a bath - 10-12 kW. So, to connect such equipment, a dedicated power line with an RCD is required.

Storage water heaters are also called "boilers", they have a reservoir and a small, compared with flowing, power - from 0.8 kW to 4 kW. However, a separate power line is also desirable for them. Boiler sizes depend on the volume of water contained in the tank. Their shape is cylindrical, and the cylinder can be located vertically (cheaper option) and horizontally (more expensive).

The place for installing the water heater is chosen mainly depending on the existing connection conditions. Most often, this is either a bathroom or a kitchen: water is supplied to both rooms. Secondly, the place is chosen for aesthetic reasons: so that the equipment is not very “striking” to the eye. From this point of view, a toilet or a bathroom is usually chosen. If space is available, this is the best choice.

How to install a boiler (storage type water heater)

Let's start with mounting on the wall, because that's where it is usually attached. Empty boilers have a solid weight, and even they contain up to 150 liters of water. Therefore, strict requirements are imposed on the mount: they must withstand twice the weight, equal to twice the capacity. That is, if you have a boiler of 80 liters, the fasteners must withstand 160 kg. In this regard, it is mounted only on bases with good bearing capacity on anchors with hooks.

There is a mounting plate on the back wall of the water heater at the top (sometimes there are two of them - at the top and at the bottom). It has slots through which hooks are threaded. Thus, the boiler is hung on the wall. There are two different ways note where to drive fasteners:

  • If there are assistants and the space allows you to move relatively freely, you can lean the boiler in right place to the wall, then circle the slots.
  • Measure the distance at which the bar is from the top of the water heater, also measure the distance between the centers of the mounting holes. Set aside all these parameters on the wall by finding the necessary points.

One caveat: if you are going to hang the water heater under the ceiling, it is necessary that there is a gap of at least 5 cm from its top to the ceiling. This is necessary so that it can be lifted by putting it on hooks. Otherwise, hanging the boiler will not work.

How to connect the boiler to the water supply

We will proceed from the fact that there is already a cold water supply point, as well as a hot water distribution comb. A little about how to connect the boiler outlets to the hot and cold water pipeline. It is more convenient to use flexible hoses, but not those that are just braided rubber, but flexible ones made of corrugated stainless steel. They also have different lengths, they have union nuts with gaskets at the ends, but their service life and reliability are many times higher. If the boiler hangs over the bathroom and all the connections are in the same place, then even if the hoses burst, nothing threatens you: the water will end up in the bathroom. If not, you can flood the neighbors.

Another option is to use plastic (polypropylene or metal-plastic) pipes. This option is used if hot water is simultaneously distributed to distribution points. Otherwise, it is more convenient to use flexible connectors. Only when using pipes, please note that special pipes are placed on hot water, which are usually marked in red, on pipes for cold water it may not be at all, or it has a blue / blue color.

Now directly about the scheme of connecting the boiler to the water supply. Although modern water heaters are often equipped with automatics, periodically, when heated, a sharp pressure surge occurs, which can lead to a violation of the tightness of the container. To avoid jumps, a cold water inlet is installed. When the threshold value is exceeded, a tap opens in it and some part of the water is bled off, equalizing the pressure. Therefore, when installing the faucet, make sure that the drain outlet (small socket) is directed downwards. If you want your boiler to work for a long time, put this valve in place.

It is convenient if it also has a second function - it also works as a check valve, blocking the outflow of water in the absence of pressure in the system.

If you look at the photo, there is an arrow on the body that shows the direction of water movement. If there is such an arrow, the device also works as a check valve, preventing water from pouring out. If there is no arrow, you will also have to install a check valve (above the safety valve).

For information on what functions the safety valve performs, and how best to install it if it is not located above the bath, see the video.

Another obligatory detail of the scheme is shut-off valves. They are usually placed on a branch from the riser of hot and cold water. These faucets are required. Sometimes they are also placed in front of the security group, but they are no longer mandatory, but serve only for more convenient repairs.

The safety group is a coarse filter and a pressure reducer. If these devices are not at the entrance to the house or apartment, it is very desirable to install them: they extend the life of the water heater.

See the video for an explanation of the boiler connection diagram, and typical errors in connecting to the water supply are also discussed here.

Connecting the boiler to electricity

All manufacturers of water heaters recommend turning on boilers to electricity to a separate line from which a double automatic machine and an RCD are installed. Please note that the automatic machine is necessarily double - that is, one that breaks both phase and zero at the same time. A ground connection is also required. These measures provide security, so they should not be neglected.

Instead of a bunch of RCD + automatic machine, you can put a difavtmat. It will also monitor both leakage current and short circuit, but is made in the same package. A 16 A automatic machine is enough for a medium power boiler, and an RCD leakage current of 10 mA. The cross section of the copper wire (mono-wire) is enough 2.5 mm.

How to install a tankless water heater

As already mentioned, the instantaneous water heater has smaller dimensions, therefore it is easier to find a place for it. It can be hung next to the wall, or you can hide it in a cabinet. Its dimensions are usually 15*20cm*7cm or so. In general, they are small. Weight - from the strength of 3-4 kg, so that the requirements for fasteners are minimal. Usually it is either hung on two dowels of small diameter screwed into the wall, or it has a mounting plate that is screwed to the wall, and the water heater is already hung on it. We figured out how to install a flow-type water heater, now about the connection.

Connecting the instantaneous water heater to the water supply

From this side, everything is simple. But the disadvantage is that it can only supply water to one point at a time. Depending on the installation location, either a shower head with a flexible hose or a gander for washing dishes is placed at the outlet of warm water. It is possible to put both the “gander” and the watering can through the tee (as in the picture on the far right).

In order to be able to remove the water heater if necessary and not shut off the water in the entire apartment or house, ball valves are installed at the inlet and outlet. They are required equipment. The connection from the nozzles to the tie-in point in the cold water supply line is carried out in the same way as when connecting the boiler: with corrugated stainless steel hoses or plastic pipes. Hot water to the point, if necessary, is carried by a flexible hose: here, in principle, there are no temperatures that are too high, so it must withstand.

Another feature of instantaneous water heaters is that they can normally only heat a certain amount of water. With an increase in flow or too low an inlet temperature, they do not cope with the task. Therefore, most often such a water heater is used as a temporary one - in the country or when the hot water supply is turned off for prevention (for the summer).

It is not difficult to solve the problem with an excessive amount of water (when the pressure rises above the standard one): either put a reducer at the inlet or a flow restrictor. The reducer is a more serious device and it is recommended to install it at the entrance to the apartment, and the flow restrictor is a small cylinder with a valve. It is screwed onto the cold water inlet. An example of how to install a flow type water heater and where to wind the flow restrictor is in the video.

Electrical connection

With the electrical part of the connection, everything is the same as with the boiler: a dedicated line, RCD + automatic. Others are only ratings and wire cross-section. Rated at power up to 5 kW - 25 A, up to 7 kW - 32 A, from 7 to 9 kW - 40 A. The cross section of the copper wire is 4-6 mm (monofilament).

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