Why do people watch TV shows. Why do people watch TV? TV reduces speech development

How does watching TV affect the abilities and health of our children?

Today, millions of people spend several hours a day watching television. At the same time, many viewers get the same pleasure as when using psychoactive drugs (drugs, alcohol). Scientists have shown that, indeed, there is a "television" addiction, similar to drug addiction, and getting rid of it is sometimes quite difficult. The results of research by American specialists can serve as proof of this. Several families were selected and paid several hundred dollars a month to not watch television. The results of the experiment showed that, as in the case of heroin, withdrawal symptoms in avid TV viewers appear in a rather severe form after 5 to 7 days. These symptoms include feelings of aggression, anxiety, depression, and difficulty making use of the free time.

In addition, avid TV viewers have been shown to experience guilt due to the high number of hours spent in front of the screen. The survey showed that 2 out of 5 adults and 7 out of 10 teenagers themselves admit to spending too much time watching TV.

Why do people still watch TV for many hours?

Studies conducted among a large number of TV viewers have revealed several basic motivations - the desire to escape from boredom Everyday life, the desire to get those sensations that you can talk about with other people, the pleasure of observing people and compare with your own experience, the desire to be aware of the news. Mostly behind the screen, long hours are spent by people who are deprived real life be part of interesting events.

Physiologists explain the bewitching power of the blue screen by the orienting reflex, which Pavlov described in 1927. This is the whole complex of body reactions to the presentation of a new stimulus. A typical orienting reflex is manifested by such symptoms - dilation of the blood vessels of the brain, slowing of the pulse, narrowing of the blood vessels in the main muscle groups. All activity of the brain is aimed at collecting information, and the rest of the body is resting. With the help of this reflex, the entire body system is mobilized to quickly assess the situation and make a decision.

The inclusion of an orienting reflex when the TV is turned on depends on the frequency of the camera rotation when demonstrating one scene. If special tricks with the camera are performed once per second, the orientation reflex is activated all the time.

This can explain the replicas of viewers like "If the TV is on, I can't take my eyes off the screen."

TV is a source of a large flow of information. On the screen you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. But is it always positive? We really enjoy learning new things. Most of this new information comes in visual form. This is a large volume. In terms of its capacity, the visual range is much superior to other ways of presenting information. According to experts - 1 picture replaces 1000 words.

This factor is both positive and negative. We all understand positive action. But the negative effect is ignored by many. It means overload. Especially when it comes to children. Watching TV for two hours is like reading several thick books. The child is not able to absorb such a volume of information in a short period of time, he gets tired. We see examples of this all the time. Probably, each of us noticed that after watching TV, our children can hardly cope with homework, they are absent-minded, complain of fatigue, headache etc.

Another important negative effect of TV for children is the impact on the development of figurative memory and thinking. The peak of its development falls precisely on the primary school age. And if not to develop it, and to allow the child to spend a lot of time watching TV, then in the future, the possibilities of visual memory will be minimal. The fact is that the ability to visually retain any picture for a long time characterizes the capabilities of our visual memory. The longer we hold it, the better our memory. When watching TV, a new frame extinguishes the previous one. And all this happens very quickly, while visual memory is not trained. Our children watch a lot of TV, and it is precisely with this that many of them have practically no figurative thinking. One can often hear teachers complain that modern schoolchildren cannot visualize a single model of the structure of any substance or geometric figure.

Television also inhibits the development of the imagination. When a student looks art films, he creates a specific external image of the hero. An opinion is being formed that this hero can only be the way he looks on the screen. This makes it impossible to create your own visual image; the authority of television puts pressure on the child. And he is very big. It is believed that what is seen from the screen is all right and it simply cannot be otherwise.

How does television affect student performance?

Studies by many authors show that there is a relationship between the time spent watching TV and its academic performance. So children who watch TV shows for more than two hours a day, as a rule, study worse. Reading is especially difficult for them. Those children who spend more than four hours in front of the screen are distinguished by very low academic performance. In adults, the same pattern can be traced between the level of education and attitudes towards TV. The lower this level, the more time, as a rule, a person devotes to TV.

Of course, one cannot completely deny the positive influence of television as a source of information. There are a lot of interesting educational programs that not only develop horizons, but can be successfully applied in educational process. But again, television programs should complement the main learning process. Television does not require feedback from the viewer. The student looks at the screen, while he does not say anything and the impression that he learned everything from what he viewed is illusory. To prevent this from happening, after watching the program, it is imperative to discuss everything you see with the children.

Is it possible to say that the constantly flickering and sometimes annoying advertisements of various products on the screens are harmless to children?

Completely harmless! Unfortunately, it directly affects the formation of unhealthy habits, since, mainly, products are advertised to us. fast food. These are foods high in fat, cholesterol and sugar. Scientists argue that advertising has a noticeable effect on the children's audience. So, children who devote a lot of time to television buy and consume significantly more sweets, hot dogs, soda, chips than the rest of their peers. At the same time, kids seriously believe that any sweets or cereal will help them become strong and healthy. And teenagers are sure that only a can of beer will save them from the boredom of everyday life - and make them real men.

Some countries have laws that regulate advertising to children and thereby prevent malnutrition. In Holland, for example, when advertising any sweets in the corner of the screen, there must be Toothbrush, and in one of the Canadian states it is generally forbidden to address any advertising to children under the age of twelve ...

What can be advised to reduce the negative impact of the TV?

First of all, limit the time for watching TV - no more than one hour a day. In addition to limiting the time, parents should limit the number of programs that show scenes of cruelty and violence.

I would like to emphasize that television is especially harmful for younger children. school age. Of course, you can not forbid children to watch television programs at all. But you can still reduce the level of negative influence of television.

Everyone knows that spending time in front of the TV increases the risk of developing myopia. To somehow reduce, you should follow some rules. First of all, the distance to the TV screen should not be less than three meters.

Keeping a distance will also protect you from electromagnetic radiation.

Exercises that can be done during commercial breaks will also help save your eyes. Their frequent appearance on the screen sometimes causes irritation. You can use this time and do some exercises for the eyes. And, in addition, you can use advertising to train visual memory:

Look 15 seconds into the distance, then close your eyes and mentally imagine the picture you see.

You can train it in other ways as well.

Invite the children to visualize their favorite characters, let them try to visualize the details of clothing, jewelry, facial expressions, etc.

Also, imaginative thinking develops reading aloud. With expressive reading, visual images also arise. It is also important that when reading, the child gets tired much less. When a child reads, he is in a creative state, since at this time both hemispheres of the brain are working for him. While watching TV, only one hemisphere works, after a while fatigue occurs. During reading, the work of one hemisphere switches to another. Fatigue comes much later. Reading aloud develops speech. At the same time, the vocal apparatus - the muscles of the face - and the vocal cords are trained. The text is remembered better, since auditory memory is also involved. Even reading to yourself enriches vocabulary. The fact is that when reading, the child pronounces the text to himself, which does not happen when watching TV shows.

Therefore, it is much more useful if, instead of family watching endless television series, parents organize reading evenings of some interesting fairy tale or story, while there will be much more positive emotions and benefits.

Remember when there was an accident at the TV tower in Moscow, when our life suddenly changed dramatically. In the early days, many did not know how to fill the free time. A few days later, when people adapted to the new conditions, everyone felt that life had become more interesting. There was time for reading books, going to theaters, and, most importantly, people began to communicate more with their loved ones, friends. It turned out that you can live without television! Of course, you can not turn off all the TVs at once or forbid children to watch TV shows. But we must ensure that the TV is not the only source of entertainment, and even more so the way to relax.

"Blue screen" in our time is in every apartment. Often not even alone. Whole families spend all their free time around it. Why do people spend a third of their lives looking at the "blue screen"?

time eater

The old phrase "Bread or circuses!" acquired a sinister significance in our time. No one is dying of starvation in countries affectionately called "civilized". The population prefers not to choose between bread and circuses. Remote control, food and sofa are the most popular form of modern leisure.

TV is like a drug. It is impossible to stop: the series, then, and behind them the movie. Time flies unnoticed. Also imperceptibly absorbed unhealthy food. Watching TV, people eat without noticing either the quality or quantity of the food they eat.

The average resident of the country comes home from work at 18 o'clock and immediately turns on the TV in the kitchen, turning it off only after midnight. On weekends and holidays, the TV in some homes works around the clock.

It has already been estimated that people spend a THIRD of their lives watching TV! And at the same time they constantly complain about the lack of time.

health thief

Now it is fashionable to be healthy and athletic. At the same time, the characters of the series lead an unhealthy lifestyle: they smoke, drink and even use drugs. So at a subconscious level, the idea is laid that health care is not necessary.

Watching television for a long time worsens your eyesight. Our eyes are adapted to constantly change focus, looking at the world. TV deprives them of this opportunity.

In addition, all diseases called "epidemics of our time" are associated with physical inactivity. Hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. Obesity and diabetes. Diseases of the veins and joints. Osteoporosis. The reason for these diseases is that people move less and less. And at the same time, they eat more and more near the TV.

Spending at the "blue screen" several hours a day, children and adults earn muscle atrophy. As a result, they find it difficult to sit, stand, and run and move at all. Endurance decreases. Most simple steps are given with difficulty. In this case, fatigue appears not only physical, but also psychological.

Lost values

Few people think that TV cannot reflect real life. To give the plot an exciting line, the authors of the scripts resort to unexpected twists in the fate of the characters. In real life, many people lack vivid sensations. But instead of making their own life interesting and exciting, people follow the lives of others, complaining that their fate was not successful.

When the hero of the series achieves success, the illusion is often created that the person himself did not make any efforts and got everything “just like that”. Illusions are also created by various kinds of "star stories". The promotion of each "character" is usually thought out to the smallest detail. But lovers of peeping through the keyhole do not think about it.

Some television viewers begin to compare their children or spouses with television characters. Indeed, on the screen, a positive hero often has no flaws. The search for the "ideal" partner, similar to the hero from the series, ends in conflicts and loneliness.

Voluntary loneliness

Loneliness is bad. But after all, the TV locks the viewer in four walls. Moreover, people become “recluses” quite voluntarily and consciously. Some turn off the phone to "talk" to the TV.

AT modern society television has replaced all forms of leisure for many people. Where do parents send their children when they are reluctant to solve their problems? To TV! A small child can be “fixed” for a long time in front of a luminous screen. So the TV replaces the child's mom, dad, games, books, physical activity, walks and friends.

Not a single drug, not a single disease is capable of isolating a person from society so quickly and so firmly. In some families, they practically do not talk - watching TV together replaces communication. In front of the screen, people become passive. The sense of time perception is disturbed. Reality is distorted.

Distorted Reality

The data stream from the screen is processed in a special way. He unconsciously imposes certain values ​​on people. Ask a teleman - why does he watch the news every day? He will answer that he wants to be aware of what is happening in the world. In what world?

On TV they constantly talk about war, death, catastrophes, misfortunes, natural disasters .... For one positive news, there are up to 7 negative ones. Such a stream of negativity is harmful to health. And why do you need to know about what is happening in Africa if you do not see what is happening in your own home?

The language of television is "picture" and sound. They are perceived by the right hemisphere, which controls the subconscious. Television reality changes him, causing addiction, imposing stereotypes of behavior and thinking.

Teleman portrait

Telemans are different. Some watch endless series. Others are looking for "educational" programs. The third cannot be dragged away from the criminal chronicle. There are fans of talk shows and fans of TV shows. The most addicted do not turn off the TV day or night. It works all the time, "for the background". At the same time, people can do something else at the same time.

The worst thing is when a person becomes a “zappingomaniac” and endlessly switches TV channels, sending a mess of images and sounds to his brain. These people often cannot remember what they watched, although they spend 24 hours in front of the TV.

Fans of serials, on the contrary, often remember all its details. And consider the events quite plausible,

Real passions?

Many people are sure that the series accurately reflect reality. However, this is not the case at all. Television characters too often lose children, die in accidents, get sick, get attacked or die.

According to studies, more than 4% of the heroines of modern TV series die during childbirth. In fact, already in 1847-1848, after Dr. Simmelweis introduced the practice of washing hands by doctors before giving birth, the death rate of mothers in maternity hospitals was reduced to 2.5%! In the 19th century in the Moscow maternity hospital named after. Apricot maternal and infant mortality was less than 1%. And in our time, the death of a child during childbirth is less than half a percent and occurs only with such a pathology, in which earlier it did not reach childbirth at all.

So, the serials are far from the real display of events. Some people are so zombified by series and news that they transfer TV events into their own lives. Or vice versa, they go into the series completely, forgetting about real life.

We're leaving...

TV is a convenient way to get away from the real problems of your life. A woman may not be satisfied with her relationship with her husband or children. But she just goes ... to the TV. The same can be said about men - lying in front of the TV, you can not notice that their marriage or business is crumbling.

TV is a convenient means of psychological protection - a certain stereotype of behavior that protects from psychological troubles. Looking at the screen, you can forget about the existence of the problem and the need to solve it. But the problem won't go away. Sooner or later, a decision will have to be made. Or someone will take it without you. And it may not suit you. And the TV will be to blame.

How badly am I stuck?

Many people experience a real psychological “breaking” when they refuse to watch TV. They experience pain in the most different parts body. They do not find a place for themselves, do not know where to go and what to do with themselves. TV subjugated their psyche.

To understand how much you personally depend on the TV, try to stop watching it. How long can you not approach him at all? Day? And two? What about a week? What about a month? Can you not watch it at all? You may have to spend some time looking for an interesting activity as an alternative to watching TV. But your life is worth it.

Sourced from Medee website

Hello dear readers! Let me guess, are you watching TV right now? And not only now, but also in the kitchen during lunch and in the evening on the couch? 80% of people consider watching movies and TV programs to be the best vacation. So in this article I will prove the opposite to you and tell you whether you can watch TV.

TV and propaganda

Every day a person is exposed to a huge flow of information: at work, at the university, on the radio, from outdoor advertising. At best, the brain is able to filter this information and take only what it needs, but often this flow negatively affects mood, thoughts and state of mind. It is not for nothing that there is a science of mass communications, where they teach how to influence the masses, on the consciousness of a person and through what channels.

These channels are TV and the Internet. But the problem is that on the web we ourselves are looking for what we want. In the case of television, it is more difficult to reject information.

Let's remember the times of the USSR. Then there was little to see on TV, the information was strictly filtered. This was propaganda - the main tool for influencing the decisions and worldview of a person.

On TV, they impose not only political views on us, but also create an ideal world. We learn that our relationship is not as fabulous as in the movies. House and life are not in such order. Work and lifestyle itself want to be better. All this is influenced by beautiful and bright advertising.

The top skill of advertisers is when they create an artificial need for a person for their product. For example, before you did not think about how many microbes live under your toilet rim and what military plans they build against you. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to clean up, but until there were funds from companies known to us, there was no need to fight microbes. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

So let's figure out whether the TV is useful for at least something or one negative from it.

Positive and negative aspects of the issue

Because the TV has big influence per person, it is worth comparing all the points and deciding whether you need it or not.

Benefits of watching TV

1.Easy access to information
Of course, everyone should be aware of the events taking place in the world. That's what news broadcasts are for. The TV allows you to find out all the news that you can find while changing channels. But this leads to a minus called propaganda. And so that this plus does not turn into harm, you need to be able to distinguish truthful information from imposition and manipulation. More on this later.

2. Expanding horizons
In addition to news on TV, there are a large number of educational programs that broaden one's horizons and teach something. But in this case, it is also important not to overdo it. After all, it is much more interesting to explore the world on your own than lying on the couch.

No matter how much they talk about outdoor activities Sometimes you just want to be at home and relax. TV will always help with this, because there you can watch movies and listen to music.

Perhaps these are all pluses. You will say that they are all very significant and compensate for all subsequent minuses? After all, information is important, and you also need to rest. But now let's take a look at how television negatively affects your life.

Why you can't watch TV

1.Creating virtual reality

If you say that serials and various reality shows do not affect a person in any way, but this is just a way to distract from problems, I will not believe it. This is where all the negativity lies. A person runs away from real life so as not to decide anything in it. It is much easier to lie on the couch and worry about the characters on the screen. While watching something, it seems that everything is perfect on TV, everything is so simple and always a happy ending, but in your own life everything is more and more gloomy.

Worse when envy appears. After all, a rich life is often shown on the screen. Do you think it acts as a stimulus to action? No, on the contrary. There is a feeling that this will never be achieved, because everything is bad anyway. Depression appears.

2. Influence on the psyche

Nowadays, censorship is practically non-existent. And the blue screen provides an opportunity to learn what violence, murder, theft, eroticism and other such things are. Okay, if you encounter such phenomena once a month, but, unfortunately, we see it every day. As a result, when a person have a hard day wants to relax, on the contrary, he receives a portion of negativity. This has a bad effect on the psyche, there is irritability and, again, depression.

3. Human degradation

I know many people who complain about life and yet do nothing. And what do you think is their main entertainment? Yes, sit in front of the "box" and click channels. It's already an addiction. A person loses interest in the world around him, does not want to make decisions and change something. It suits him more to follow someone else's life than to act himself. Do you have such acquaintances?

4. The destruction of families

Remember the moments when the electricity suddenly goes out? Then the whole family sits on the sofa and talks by the light of a candle: dad jokes and everyone laughs. Today the family gathers together except for dinner. Dad is at the computer, mom is watching TV, and the children are on their phones - there is no communication. Everyone is getting used to it. This is very bad. Better buy board games, arrange a dinner, invite guests - anything, just to do something together.

Here are the negatives. And that is not all

A person throughout his life must develop, learn something new, be able to plan his time. And television takes this time. Do you think that when successful and rich people say they don't watch TV, they are lying? No, its true. Instead of TV, they chose self-development.

In addition, television is bad for health. First of all, on vision and the nervous system. But the children are the most affected.

How does TV affect children?

Unfortunately, modern parents do not always find time to take care of their children. And when they are capricious, they need to be played with and entertained. But you need to cook and eat, and work. Then comes babysitting TV time. The easiest way is to seat the child in front of him and turn on the cartoons.

Do you think that nothing terrible is happening and that everyone is fine? Moreover, cartoons are educational? And here it is not. Let's take a look at what can happen to a child with constant viewing of "good" programs:

  • disorders nervous system(stuttering, aggressiveness, insomnia, headache);
  • problems with vision due to overstrain of the eye muscles, later - strabismus and myopia;
  • telemania, when a person is addicted to TV;
  • obesity - because when watching a child is bored, especially when he is alone at home, the absorption of sandwiches, chips and other harmful products begins;
  • a decrease in the intellectual level - when watching, the brain does not strain, there is no need to think.

All these problems can occur in an adult.

The negative impact in the current moment can seriously affect the future: both on the physical condition and on the moral.

I will not tire of repeating that a person, and especially a child, must develop. The ability to sit on the couch in front of the screen will not work. But other talents that are important to develop can bring success.

How to replace the TV and how to develop without it?

We have already found out why you should not watch TV. But what can be useful to replace it?

Literature is a great substitute for the constant melodrama on TV. If you want to dive headfirst into a compelling story, then the book is better than the TV series. Books contribute to:

  • expanding horizons;
  • increase in vocabulary;
  • increasing intelligence and literacy;
  • developing self-confidence.

In addition, books help to relax and tune in a positive way.

Think of something you love to do in the evening. It is not necessary to have some kind of talent, you can learn something from scratch. It can be: design, drawing, handmade, cooking, modeling, puzzle. Such classes help develop imagination, relax, see the result of work and become more confident.

If you turn on the TV so as not to sit in silence and not be alone, it is better to replace it with live communication. Do not say that there are no friends or that they are all busy now. You can always find new acquaintances. Combine business with pleasure: sign up for a section: dancing, sports, needlework, theater, etc. There you will learn new things and make friends.

4.Radio and movies
If you cannot do without external noise, for example, while cooking in the kitchen, turn on the radio. There is music playing, and there is practically no news slag. Cinema has not been canceled either. Good cinema is the same as good book. But not a series, but a movie. And it is desirable to watch the disc so that there are no ads. And yes, don't overdo it. You should not watch three films in a row, otherwise it is also addictive.

Here is a list of good films to help you:.

How much TV can you watch?

If you do watch TV, know how to filter information. According to the results of research, it is determined how much you can watch TV:

  • children under 2 years old - you can not watch at all;
  • 2 to 3 - only 30 minutes a day, but break this time into 5 minutes;

As soon as they don’t call it: both the contemptuous “box”, and the affectionate “tel”, and the romantic “blue screen”, and the high-flown “window on the world”. Why is it so attractive to us television?

TV is a friend

Television how human: he can speak, he has a face (the faces of the hosts). Sometimes it seems that he can answer our questions and guess our state of mind. At the same time, unlike real friends, the TV can be turned off as soon as he gets bored, and he does not ask for a loan. For many women, especially those burdened with family and work, communication with the TV becomes a surrogate for friendships.

TV is a member of the family

It is placed near the table where the whole family gathers after a hard day's work. Over time, he took the place that was previously called the "red corner". TV in human life now not just a witness, but also a participant in any domestic event.

TV - intermediary

Joint leisure in front of the screen creates the illusion of closeness. At the same time, it is not required to spend energy on penetrating into the inner world of a partner. It is enough to put cookies in front of you, pour tea and exchange a couple of meaningless phrases. After the fire at the Ostankino television tower, when television broadcasting was turned off for several days, the registry offices noted an increase in the number of applications for divorce. As soon as the “blue screen” went out, people found out with bitterness that, apart from watching the programs together, nothing connects them anymore.

TV is a rival

You got a new haircut and are waiting for approval, or, conversely, you have problems at work and you need to pour out your soul. And the husband, instead of turning to the ear, pokes his head at the screen. Gradually your irritation grows, Are you jealous, and I want to break the damn unit. True, it rarely comes to direct aggression, and the TV turns into a familiar enemy, to the machinations of which you can write off all the roughness of family life.

TV - educator

Toddlers can spend hours watch without distracting adults with their whims. Teenagers hide their age-specific vulnerability by turning away from their elders towards the screen.

TV organizer

The program guide is designed to follow the natural schedule of life. In the morning you are provided with a weather forecast and information about traffic jams, in the afternoon you are occupied with “talks”, and for the coming dream they tickle your nerves with a summary of incidents. Television accompaniment is becoming so familiar that it is now difficult to figure out who is following whom: it is following us or we are following it.

Modern television has become an integral part of human life. It is with us everywhere. And at any time, not only of the day, but also of the night. Television is always ready to provide us with its blue screen, and life without it has become simply unthinkable.

Of course, all people are different. However, many are united by one thing - the morning, which begins with the inclusion of the TV. Without this, we sometimes cannot fall asleep and just read a book.

Information technology age

At present, we are witnessing a gradual transition of human society to a new kind of civilization. Many scientists call it informational. This is due to the increase in scale, the complexity of the structures and content of flows that carry certain messages and news. At the same time, researchers note an increase in the influence information technologies on the human psyche.

And this fact is confirmed by our daily life. Indeed, over the past decades, we have been bombarded with an unthinkable flow of information. Modern media of all kinds have turned into a single global system, located at a fantastic energy level. This can only mean one thing. Human consciousness has fallen into an artificial trap created by it, and today it is a kind of "squirrel in a wheel".

In addition, developing information psychotechnologies are acquiring more and more sophisticated methods of influence, for which nature has not prepared our brain. That is why we tend to become completely defenseless in the face of this trap.

The influence of television on a person as a whole also turns out to be unfavorable. It manifests itself not only in negative impact on his health. This question has a lot to do with psychology.

TV in our life

Sometimes it happens that living beings, striving to satisfy their basic needs, find themselves in mortal danger. This is the paradox of the struggle for survival. For example, a fish that swallows a bait immediately gets hooked. The mouse, attracted by the smell of cheese, ends up in a mousetrap. However, all the actions of representatives of the fauna are due to physiological necessity.

If we consider human behavior, then there are no reasonable explanations. It is not at all in order to survive that people indulge in destructive vices and temptations. Sometimes they are not stopped even by a direct threat not only to health, but also to life. Temptation in such cases dominates the mind.

The same can be said when considering such a problem as the negative impact of television on a person. After all, sitting at the blue screen has become the most popular entertainment of our contemporaries. Most people define their attitude to TV as "love-hate". The TV itself is perceived by them as a "box for blockheads." However, despite the realization that sometimes there is a negative impact of television on a person, the main part of the population of our planet is happy to sit on sofas and armchairs, without letting go of the remote control. Of course, parents sometimes grumble at children due to the fact that it is difficult to tear them away from the screen. However, they themselves try to remain silent about their own addictions of this kind.

Diagnosis - telemania

For several decades, scientists have been engaged in research, seeking to study the impact of television on humans. They are especially interested in the question of the relationship between the scenes of cruelty that we see on blue screens, with the realities that exist in everyday life. At the same time, researchers are trying to understand the reason why ordinary consumers still choose the latter among newspapers, magazines and television.

Who is a teleman? Psychologists and psychiatrists define pathological dependence on something as a deviation from the norm, which corresponds to signs of an inadequate response to a specific stimulus. This is a large amount of time that is given to the object of addiction, and its use is more often accepted, and the refusal to perform professional, social and family responsibilities for the sake of such a pastime, and withdrawal into oneself, as well as isolation. These criteria are perfect for those who sit at the TV screen for a long time.

Of course, one cannot say that the influence of television on a person is only bad. After all, it broadens the horizons and educates, relaxes and entertains, allows you to forget about the oppressive reality for a while and enjoy the beautiful. With the help of television, we can even make purchases in the TV store. However, even those who understand that it is necessary to reduce the time spent in front of the blue screen are sometimes unable to deny themselves the pleasure of watching television programs or interesting films.

How can you increase your chances of winning? For this, it is necessary to carefully study how the influence of television on a person is carried out.

False relaxation

The amount of time that modern man spends at the TV screen, cannot but terrify. On average, the population of large industrial cities spends three hours a day on this. This is approximately half of a person's free time, excluding household chores and sleep. This means that out of 75 years of life, people spend 9 years watching television programs and just sitting in front of a blue screen. Someone can explain this with a great love for TV. Why, then, is there concern about such passion?

Scientists have conducted a number of studies aimed at studying the body's reactions to the effects of TV. At the same time, changes were recorded that occur in the electrical resistance of the skin and in the heart rate. All these parameters were removed using special device before and after, as well as while watching TV. Similar experiments were carried out not only in specialized laboratories. Indications were also taken in natural, habitual conditions for a person. At the same time, the teleman was not just sitting on his favorite couch in front of the home blue screen. He drank and ate, slept and worked. With him there was always a device that receives sound signals. Upon receiving them, the teleman had to record everything that he was doing at the moment and how he felt.

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Debit 10 - Credit 10 accounting accounts are associated with the movement and movement of materials in the organization. For Debit 10 - Credit 10 are reflected ...