How to force close 1s on the server. How to close a frozen program without using the task manager. The program is not responding how to close a frozen program

Sooner or later, many users have a question about how to close the program if it does not close. In fact, the topic is not so simple. After all, frozen applications are a huge problem for users. They not only load the operating system and processor, but also interfere with normal work with the computer. The following are the best tips and tricks on what to do if you can't close an application.

How to determine that the program is frozen

Before racking their brains for an answer to the question of how to close the program if it does not close, the user must understand whether the application is really frozen. It is likely that the computer's performance leaves much to be desired, and the "close" command is simply being processed for a long time.

As a rule, if the application freezes, it stops responding to user actions, the cursor turns into either an hourglass or a small circle (depending on the operating system), and the title of the application will say "Not responding". At the same time, all attempts to terminate work with the program in the usual way (by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner of the screen) do not produce results. Also, when you click on the workspace of the program, the screen is "covered with fog". All these are signs of a freeze. How to close the program if it won't close? The best tips and tricks will be presented below.


The first tip is to wait a bit. Do not forget that the computer has a certain power. When the processor and RAM are loaded, the speed of the OS decreases. And it takes more time to process the operation.

Accordingly, you will have to wait a bit. If the computer takes a long time to respond to the actions performed in the program, all signs of its freezing are observed. The waiting period should not exceed 5-10 minutes. If after this time there are no responses to user actions, you can proceed to other methods of shutting down.

Method 1: hotkeys

So, it turned out that the program is not responding. How to close a frozen program? If the expectation fails, the user must choose one or another course of action. You can press some keys on the keyboard, as well as their combination.

When the program hangs, it is suggested to click on:

  • Ctrl+W
  • Alt+F4.

These combinations contribute to the emergency closure of many hung programs. Not the most efficient, but the way it works. But this is only the beginning. There are several more options.

Method 2: through the menu

How to close the program if it won't close? The following technique works more often than a keyboard shortcut. Users use it in practice with notable success. To close a frozen application, you can call up the action menu with the program, and then select the appropriate function there.

For this you need:

  1. Move the cursor over the program window on the taskbar.
  2. Click on the corresponding application with the right mouse button.
  3. Select "Close Window" from the menu that appears. If the system issues a warning, accept it.
  4. Wait a while.

As a rule, after the actions taken, the program closes on its own after 10-15 seconds. If this method does not help, there is no need to panic. You can try other methods. Fortunately, Windows provides quite a few ways to close applications.

Method 3: Task Manager

What exactly? How can I close the program if it hangs? When the listed methods fail, the user is prompted to proceed in a slightly different way. For example, call the task manager, and then terminate the process launched by a particular program.

This method is the most efficient. It allows you to urgently close almost any program. Doesn't work in some cases. Therefore, users often prefer it.

How to close a program that is frozen or not responding? This requires:

  1. Press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. Or Ctrl + Shift + Esc will do.
  2. Select "Task Manager" in the window that appears. If you used a combination with "Shift", this step can be skipped. The corresponding service will open immediately.
  3. Go to the Applications tab.
  4. Select the hung program and click on the "End task" or "End task" button.
  5. Accept the operating system warning (if any) and then wait a bit.

As a rule, after 5-15 seconds the program will be urgently closed. In some cases, it is proposed to send a message about the error of the corresponding application. This method can be improved a little. To do this, go to the "Task Manager" in the "Processes" tab, then select the name of the process that is running the hung program, and click on "End". This will close the application approximately 99% of the time.

Method 4: additional programs

In some situations, additional software helps. Some processes are terminated forcibly only with their help. Not the most common, but effective solution to the problem. How to close a program that is stuck? The user must download and install a special additional application for himself to search for processes running on the computer, and then repeat the same steps as in the "Task Manager". Perfect for this undertaking Process Explorer.

How to close the program if it won't close? The user will have to:

  1. Download Process Explorer.
  2. Run the program. The application does not need to be installed, which makes users very happy.
  3. Find the desired program/process in the list on the left side of the screen.
  4. Select it by right-clicking on the corresponding line.
  5. In the menu that appears, perform the "Kill" operation.

After that, the application will be closed in an emergency. The advantage of using the program is that it displays processes and programs hidden from the standard "Task Manager".

Method 5: radical approach

How can I close the program if it hangs? The next method is radical. There is no need to hurry with it, although it is considered the simplest. The thing is that for the successful completion of programs, it is required ... to restart the operating system.

Skype won't open? How to close it? Just like all other applications. To get started, try all the methods listed above. If they did not help, then the user has no choice but to restart the computer.

Start is not recommended. After all, hung programs sometimes interfere with the implementation of the corresponding operation. Instead, you need to find the Reset button on the computer and click on it. This is an emergency reboot. This option works on desktop computers. Before using it, it is recommended to save all data in other applications. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the constant restart of the computer does not have the best effect on the performance of the device.

Method 6: for laptops

Now it’s clear how to close a program that has hung. With examples of actions in a particular case, the user could easily get acquainted. Detailed instructions will help you solve the problem.

What to do if all the previously listed methods do not help, and at the same time the person works not at a stationary computer, but at a laptop? Or if for a number of reasons the operating system refuses to reboot even after clicking on Reset?

In this case, you need to urgently shut down the operating system. But before that, save all the data on the computer. Next, press the button to turn on the laptop (or computer) and hold it for about 5-10 seconds. The operating system will shut down. Then you can turn on the computer and work with it further.

The disadvantage of this method of action is its danger to the device. Frequent emergency shutdown leads to operating system failures and hardware malfunctions. This step will not solve the problem with freezing programs. Therefore, you can use it only as a last resort.

The reader should already understand how to force close a program on Windows. All of the above methods help to bring the idea to life without much difficulty. What are some tips to help avoid app freezes next time?

Among them, the following recommendations are most often found:

  1. Make sure that it is the program that has hung, and not the computer. The list of actions in one case or another will be different. Most often, when a computer freezes, an emergency reboot or shutdown helps.
  2. Check your computer for viruses. Treat it if necessary.
  3. Reinstall the hanging program. Sometimes this method is very effective.
  4. Do not open many programs and applications when working with problematic software. The less the processor is loaded, the faster certain operations will be performed on it.
  5. Learn to wait. As already mentioned, sometimes processes just take a long time to process. And so it begins to seem that the computer program is frozen.
  6. Try all of the above methods. It is recommended to postpone restarting and shutting down the computer as a last resort.

That's all. In fact, there is nothing difficult in terminating a hung program. All of these methods are successfully used by PC users to one degree or another.

The need for a forced shutdown of the user's work mainly arises in the following cases:

  • Information base update;
  • Adding a new metadata object to the configuration;
  • Carrying out preventive and repair work on the server;
  • A hung user session that prevents the application from restarting.

In this article, we will try to tell you how to end a user session, what tools an administrator has in his arsenal to complete this task, what termination options are provided by the file, and which client-server version of 1C.

It is important to remember that when you force a session to end, you may lose data. So in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is advisable to warn users in advance about the disconnection.

Closing sessions from the configurator

When changes are made to the database structure, dynamic configuration updates become unavailable. And an information window appears on the screen (Fig. 1).

The sequence of actions in this case is obvious:

  1. You must click the "End sessions and repeat" button;
  2. Wait for the database restructuring window;
  3. Press OK.

It should be noted that changes made to the program code do not require users to shut down, but without restarting the application on each specific computer, they will not work on this device.

Ending sessions directly from the program

Most of the standard products of the 1C company of the eighth version have in their set a mechanism that allows you to easily terminate the user's work remotely and provide the administrator with exclusive access to the database. This is the "Blocking connections to the infobase" processing.

You can find it at one of two addresses:

  1. In one of the submenus of the "Service" section;
  2. By going to the Operations->Processing section.


The appearance of processing is shown in Fig.2.

Features of this processing:

  1. Checking and unchecking the box, and pressing the "Record" button, turns on and off the blocking of users, deleting sessions and preventing the creation of new connections;
  2. The lock end time cannot be empty or less than its start time;
  3. In the case when the “Permission code” parameter is set, it can be written in the launch line to ignore the blocking by specifying “/UC” before the code;
  4. If the "Permission code" is not specified, then it will be problematic to get into the database before the expiration of the blocking period (in the file version of work, you can try to delete the 1CVcdn file from the database folder);
  5. If instead of the “/UС” parameter and the password separated by a space, specify “/CAllow Users”, where C is Latin, you can completely disable the lock for all users;
  6. Pressing the "Active users" button brings up a window with a complete list of users (Fig. 3), from where you can open the "Registration Log" or end the session of each specific user.


The above two options work fine in both file and client-server mode. Further we will consider cases specific only for server work.

Removing users from rdp

It is important to remember that disconnecting user sessions from servers is possible only if you have certain rights to do so.

When working from a remote desktop, you can end user sessions using the standard task manager. Simply terminating sessions is a bit of a misnomer, but it works quite well.

The second option is to use the task manager - a remote connection with the ability to control each specific session and exit the program according to all the rules. This method is long, and no one guarantees that while one user is logged out, the program will not be launched by any other worker.

Removing users through the server console

Having Administrator rights for a 1C server cluster, you must:

Very often, when working in server mode, hung user sessions are not visible by means of the platform; they can only be deleted through the console.

The most radical way to terminate sessions

The situation when the above methods did not work is extremely rare. But if it occurs, there is another radical way to interrupt connections with the database: a physical reboot of the server.

Of course, users who do not have time to finish the work and save the data will be extremely outraged by such a shameless attitude, but it is fast and it is extremely effective.

All programs are written by people, which means they are not perfect and can freeze. , which hung? In general, in Windows 7/10, the developers did their best. In these operating systems, programs began to freeze much less often and it became easier to close such programs. In Windows XP, I had to restart my computer a lot more often because programs would freeze.

Let's take a look at all the available methods of how to close a program that has hung, with specific examples, and learn how to avoid such problems.

How to determine that the program is frozen?

Usually the program stops responding to user actions, and the cursor turns into an hourglass. In this case, "(Not Responding)" may be written in parentheses in the title of the program. All attempts to close the program on the "cross" give nothing, or the cross cannot be pressed. You also need to understand that resource-intensive operations require execution time. That is, if you “loaded” the entire computer with something heavy, then the programs may behave as if they are frozen, especially if the computer is weak and old. In this case, you just need to wait, but no more than 5-10 minutes.

What not to do if the program freezes

At the same time, many users do a lot of unnecessary actions, wasting their time.

Firstly, do not immediately reach for the "Reset" button or turn off the computer. Although, this is the most radical way to close the program (and all other programs :)). But are you going to restart your computer every time? You can spend all day doing this and not have time to do anything! In addition, unsaved data in other programs can be lost.

Secondly, you do not need to try to run the hung program again. It won't help the cause, but it will make the problem worse!

And thirdly, do not run other programs. This will only slow down the system even more.

How to close the program if it "hangs"

Since the program cannot be closed with a “cross”, you can try pressing “ALT + F4”. This key combination closes the active program. Or click on the program icon in the upper left corner and select "Close"

Another harmless way to close a frozen program is to right-click on the program in the taskbar and select "Close program" there.


  • In the task manager on the "Applications" tab we find our program and click on it with the right mouse button
  • In the context menu, select "End task" (or instead of the menu, press the button of the same name). If the program did not close immediately, then wait a bit, a window should appear confirming the completion of the application
  • If after confirmation the program is still “hanging”, then right-click on it again, but this time select “Go to the process”. Each running program has one or more processes in the computer's memory. If you close the corresponding process, then the program will close.
  • After switching to the "Processes" tab, the cursor should already be on the process of the hung program. Feel free to right-click on it and select "End Process" or, to be sure, "End Process Tree". The program should close almost immediately.

What to do if the program is not on the Applications tab

It may also be that by calling the task manager, our program is not in the list of running programs. Then you have to go to the "Processes" tab and find the desired process on your own. To do this, you can click on the heading of the column "CPU" (processor load), thereby sorting all processes by the degree of processor load, and see the process that loads the processor the most and terminate it.

But not always a frozen program will load the processor, then you need to sort the processes by name and look for a program similar to the name. You can more accurately determine the process you are looking for by learning the name of the executable file of our program. To do this, right-click on the program shortcut (whether on the desktop or in the Start menu) and select "Properties".

In the line "Object" we look at the name of the file to be launched, which ends with ".exe". This will be the name of the process to be found in the task manager and terminated.

How to close the program in another way?

You can also close the program using third-party programs, such as Process Explorer from Sysinternals. This is a lightweight and free program that does not require installation. Just download and run "procexp.exe" from the archive.

Is there another way?

For the most advanced there is another way how to close a stuck program. To do this, we call the "Run" window either through the "Start -> Run" menu, or by pressing the "Win + R" hotkeys and write "cmd" there. In the black window that opens, write:

"taskkill /f /im processname.exe /t"

where "processname.exe" is the process name of the hung program, for example "explorer.exe"

Upon successful completion, a corresponding message will be written.

As a kind of exotic way, there is the Kerish Doctor 2019 program, it has a unique Kerish Deblocker function, .

Why do programs freeze?

Instead of dealing with the question of how to close programs, it is better that they do not freeze. Here are the main reasons why programs freeze:

How to deal with some of these problems, read the article. Here we are familiar with all the ways to close the program. If you liked the article and found it useful for your friends, then share it with them using the social network buttons below the article and subscribe to blog updates by e-mail so as not to miss new interesting articles.

Dessert for today, see how well the parrot sings 🙂

Any computer user has encountered how to close a frozen program. This situation occurs quite often when working on a computer.

In the process of working on a computer, it happens that some program does not respond to user commands. The program does not respond to the mouse, to the keyboard, a window appears with the inscription "the program is not responding."

How to close a frozen program? Some users immediately press the "Reset" button, which is located on the front of the computer. After that, the Windows operating system restarts.

But this is not recommended. Rebooting may adversely affect the operation of the operating system, or individual programs running at that moment. After a new start, errors may appear in the work of the program that was running at the time of the sudden shutdown.

If defragmentation was taking place at the time of the reboot, then the files that were being processed at that time may be affected due to the reboot. And if these were any system files, then problems with the operating system may begin.

If problems with the operating system have already begun, then one of the outputs will be before the time of its working state.

What to do if the program does not respond?

Let's consider the easiest case first. The program is frozen and does not respond to commands from the computer user. You need to disable the hung program, for this you need to start the "Task Manager" by pressing the "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Del" keys on the keyboard at the same time in the Windows XP operating system.

In operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, after pressing these keys, in a new window of the operating system, in the open menu, you will need to select the “Start Task Manager” item at the very bottom, or simultaneously press the key combination “Ctrl” + "Shift" + "Esc".

In the Windows operating system, there is a more convenient way to launch the "Task Manager" - right-click on the "Taskbar", and then select the "Start Task Manager" item from the context menu (In Windows XP, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 - "Task Manager ").

In the Task Manager window that opens, go to the Applications tab. Usually, opposite the name of the hung program, in the "Status" column, the inscription "Not responding" will be visible.

Next, select the hung program, and then click on the "End task" button, or select the "End task" item in the context menu, after pressing the right mouse button. In the warning window, agree to complete the process.

After a while, the hung application will turn off. If this does not happen, go to the "Processes" tab.

Attention! In this tab, you will need to be careful. Don't look for a hung process unless you know exactly the process name!

In the "Applications" tab, highlight the frozen program, and then right-click on the "Go to Process" option.

Task Manager will automatically switch you to the Processes tab and highlight the hung application.

After that, click the "End Process" button, or select the "End Process" item in the context menu by pressing the right mouse button.

If the hung program does not appear in the Applications tab, then you need to enter the Processes tab yourself, find the process of the hung program and disable it if you can find this process correctly. If you do not know the name of the process, then do nothing in this tab!

If these steps did not help, then go to the "Users" tab, click on the "Logout" button, or after clicking the right mouse button, select the "Logout" item in the context menu.

You will have to wait a while for the system to complete all processes, and then an operating system window with your account icon will appear on your monitor. Click on this icon, and then log back into the operating system to continue working further.

Similar actions can be performed using the Start menu if you have access to the menu. In the Start menu, hover your mouse over the Shut Down button, and then select Log Out from the pop-up context menu.

Restarting Explorer

One way to "revive" Windows is to restart File Explorer. Windows Explorer is not only a file manager, in the operating system it is responsible, among other things, for displaying the Desktop and the Taskbar.

First, launch the Task Manager using the keys "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "Esc". Then go to the "Processes" tab, then click on the "Image Name" button, and then click on the "E" button (in the Latin keyboard layout).

The "explorer.exe" process will be highlighted. End this process using the "End Process" button or from the context menu.

After that, Explorer will complete its work, all icons will disappear from the monitor screen. In the Task Manager, go to the "File" menu, and in the context menu select "New Task (Run...)".

In the "Create a new task" window, enter "explorer" in the input field, and then click on the "OK" button.

After that, the operating system should work normally.

Removing a hung process from the command line

Run command prompt as administrator. In the command line interpreter, type the command: "tasklist" (without quotes), and then press the "Enter" key.

You will see a list of all processes running on the operating system. Each application name displays its "PID" and the amount of memory consumed next to it.

Remember the "PID" (numbers) of the hung application that needs to be disabled. in the command line interpreter window, enter a new command: "taskkill /pid ..." (without quotes). Replace "..." after PID with the value you remember. Then press the "Enter" key. The hung application will be closed.

other methods

The most difficult case is when some program or game that has been deployed to the full screen of the monitor freezes. In this case, you will not have access to the "Desktop", to the "Task Manager", and also to the "Start" menu.

In this case, try to exit the window with the frozen program on the "Desktop" using the keys on the keyboard.

Press the keyboard keys "Alt" + "F4". This key combination in the Windows operating system is used to close applications.

You can try pressing the "Esc" or "Enter" keys on the keyboard, perhaps, in some cases, you will be able to access the Desktop.

When you press the "Windows" key, you can also sometimes get to the Desktop when the program is frozen.

Try pressing the function keys "F1" - "F12" on the keyboard. In some cases, pressing these keys will open the Desktop. Which specific function key can help depends on the specific computer, it happens differently for different computers.

If the Desktop opens, then to exit the frozen application, follow the steps described above in this article.

But, there are situations when the computer does not respond to any user actions. The mouse does not work, the computer also does not react to keystrokes on the keyboard. In this case, restarting the operating system can no longer be avoided. Then you will have to click on the "Reset" button.

Article Conclusions

If the program is frozen. does not respond to user actions, try to terminate the hung application without restarting the operating system.

My friends, today I want to tell you in a short article about not using the Task Manager. Surely each of you has encountered such a phenomenon when some program or browser does not respond, what you do, of course, open the Task Manager and remove the task from the frozen program.

But you can do without the Task Manager, just create a shortcut on the desktop and after clicking on it, the process of the hung program will be stopped. But I want to say right away that only non-responsive programs (that is, hung ones) will be closed. Let's start with a standard example for those who don't know what to do if .

To remove a task from a frozen program, you need to open the "Task Manager". To do this, on the keyboard, press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Ctrl+Alt+Delete. The Windows Task Manager window will open in front of you. Select the application that you have frozen and click on the "End task" button. Everything, the hung application will be closed.

This is about the "Task Manager".

Now let's create a desktop shortcut to end hung tasks

Right-click on the desktop and select "Create Shortcut". A window will appear where you need to specify the path in the browser line. Copy this value and paste in the Browse line taskkill.exe /f /fi "status eq not responding" click Next.

Now you need to give a name to the created shortcut. Name the shortcut whatever you want, it doesn't matter. And click Done.

Well, the shortcut has been created, now let's assign a shortcut key combination for this shortcut in order to remove tasks from frozen programs. Right-click on the created shortcut and select "Properties". In the window that opens, in the "Shortcut" line, enter the key combination, press Ctrl on the keyboard and add any letter, I entered Ctrl + Alt + Q (You can enter other letters at your discretion). We press "Ok".

And the last thing that remains for us to do is to check the box in the properties of the shortcut so that it always starts as an administrator. Click on the "Advanced" button in the window that opens, check the box "Run as administrator" and click "OK".

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