What is the configurability of the 1s enterprise system. Accounting and management of operational activities of the enterprise

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Chelyabinsk 2013

Configurability of the 1C: Enterprise system.

1C:Enterprise is a universal system for automating the economic and organizational activities of an enterprise.

1C:Enterprise can "adapt" to the specifics of a particular area of ​​activity in which it is applied. The term configurability is used to denote this ability.

  1. What are the main parts of the system?

Logically, the entire system can be divided into two large parts that closely interact with each other: the configuration and the platform that manages the operation of the configuration.

To make it easier to understand the interaction of these parts of the system, let's compare it to a CD player. As you well know, the player serves to listen to music. “There are no comrades for the taste and color,” therefore, there are many different CDs on which musical works for every taste are recorded. And in order to listen to any composition, you need to insert a CD into the player, and the player will play the piece of music recorded on it. What's more, a modern CD player will even let you record your own selection of music, ie. create a new CD.

The player by itself is completely useless without the CD, just as the CD itself cannot do us any good (except as a coffee holder) if we don't have a player.

  1. What is a platform and what is a configuration?

Returning to the 1C:Enterprise system, we can say that the platform is a kind of “player”, and the configuration is a “CD”. The platform makes the configuration work and allows you to make changes to it or create your own configuration.

There is one platform (1C:Enterprise 8.0) and many configurations. For the functioning of any application solution, a platform and some (one) configuration are always required.

By itself, the platform cannot perform any automation tasks, as it is designed to provide some kind of configuration. The configuration itself is also useless, because in order for it to perform the tasks for which it was created, it is necessary to have a platform that controls its work.

  1. When should you use the term configuration and when should you use the term application solution?

Both of these terms denote that part of the 1C:Enterprise system that runs under the control of the platform and which all users “see” (it happens, of course, that users also work with the platform tools, but these are “advanced” users).

The use of one or the other term depends on the context in which the presentation is being made. If we are talking about the actions of the developer, then the term configuration is used, since this is the exact term of 1C:Enterprise. The term application solution is more common and understandable for the user of the 1C:Enterprise system.

  1. Why are different launch modes of the 1C:Enterprise system used?

Since automation tasks can be very different, 1C and its partners produce application solutions, each of which is designed to automate one specific area of ​​​​human activity.

As examples of existing applied solutions, we can cite the “Trade Management” solution, designed to automate the tasks of operational and managerial accounting, “Personnel Management”, designed to implement the company's personnel policy, or “Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, covering the main contours of accounting and management at a manufacturing enterprise .

The application solution is, as far as possible, universal in order to meet the needs of a wide variety of enterprises operating in the same field of activity. And this is good. On the other hand, such universality will inevitably lead to the fact that not all the capabilities of the applied solution will be used at a particular enterprise, and some capabilities will be lacking in it.

This is where the configurability of the system comes to the fore, since the platform, in addition to managing the configuration, contains tools that allow you to make changes to the configuration used. Moreover, the platform allows you to create your own configuration from scratch, if for some reason the use of a typical configuration seems inappropriate.

The 1C:Enterprise system has different operating modes: 1C:Enterprise and Configurator.

Mode 1C: Enterprise is the main one and serves for the work of users of the system. In this mode, users enter data, process it, and receive output results.

Configurator mode is used by developers and database administrators. It is this mode that provides the tools necessary to modify an existing or create a new configuration.

  1. What is a configuration tree?

The configuration tree is the main tool a developer works with. The configuration tree contains almost all the information about what the configuration consists of.

  1. What are configuration objects?

The configuration is a description. It describes the data structure that the user will use in 1C:Enterprise mode. In addition, the configuration describes various algorithms for processing this data, the configuration contains information about how this data should look on the screen and on the printer, and so on.

In order for the 1C:Enterprise system to be quickly and easily configured for the required application tasks, the entire description that the configuration contains consists of certain logical units called configuration objects.

  1. What does the system create based on configuration objects?

Configuration objects are details of the constructor from which the configuration is assembled. Usually in the designer there is some set of details. Details can be of different types: long, short, square, rectangular, etc. We can connect parts to each other in various ways.

The same is true for configuration objects. We can only create objects of certain kinds. But we can create as many of each type of objects as we need. Objects of one kind differ from objects of another kind in that they have different properties (more precisely, a different set of properties). Objects can interact with each other, and we can describe such interaction.

  1. What are the ways to create a configuration object?

First way. You need to place the cursor on the type of configuration objects that you are interested in, and in the command bar of the configuration window, click the Actions, Add button.

The second way. You can use the context menu, which is called by pressing the right mouse button. Place the cursor on the type of configuration objects you are interested in and press the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, select Add.

Short description

To make it easier to understand the interaction of these parts of the system, let's compare it to a CD player. As you well know, the player serves to listen to music. “There are no comrades for the taste and color,” therefore, there are many different CDs on which musical works for every taste are recorded. And in order to listen to any composition, you need to insert a CD into the player, and the player will play the piece of music recorded on it.

Print (Ctrl+P)

1C:Enterprise is a universal enterprise automation system. This is a development and execution environment that includes a set of tools, mechanisms and services that provide everything necessary for the development of applied solutions, their operation, administration and maintenance. Due to its
versatility, the 1C:Enterprise system can be used to automate various areas of the economic activity of an enterprise: accounting for commodity and material assets, mutual settlements with counterparties, etc.

Configurability 1C

The main feature of the 1C:Enterprise system is its configurability.
The 1C:Enterprise system itself is a set of mechanisms
designed to manipulate various types of domain objects. A set of objects, structures of information arrays, algorithms for processing information corresponding to the task in hand is determined by a specific configuration. Together with the configuration, the 1C:Enterprise system acts as a ready-to-use software product focused on certain types of enterprises and classes of tasks to be solved.
The configuration is created and accompanied (maintained) by regular means
systems. The configuration is usually supplied as a typical for a particular area.
application, but can be changed, supplemented by the user of the system, as well as
re-designed. The 1C:Enterprise system provides support for standard
configurations using standard tools.

The functioning of the 1C system

The functioning of the system is divided into two processes - development (description of the model
subject area by means of the system) and execution (data processing of the subject
During the development stage:
● formation of the structure of processed information;
● creation of forms for entering initial data, viewing various lists of data;
● organizing the storage of entered and final information;
● writing reports and processings;
● formation of command interfaces for various user groups;
● formation of a list of users;
● assigning specific rights to users.
The result of development is a software product (configuration) that
is a domain model.
In Configurator mode, you can create new configurations, edit existing ones, and compare and merge multiple configurations.
At the development stage, the system operates with such universal concepts (objects) as a document, a document journal, a reference book, requisites, a form, a register, and others.
The totality of these concepts determines the concept of the system. In turn, the process
configuration is divided into several components (the division is conditional
character) that determine the sequence of writing and the purpose of the description volumes.
This is a “visual” configuration (creation of a configuration structure, dialog forms and output documents, a mechanism for users to work with data (interface) and rights
access of various user groups to various information) and writing programs
in the built-in 1C:Enterprise language for processing input and output data.
At the system level, the concepts of objects themselves and standard operations for their
processing. Configuration tools allow you to describe the structure of information,
included in these objects, and algorithms that describe the specifics of their processing, for
reflection of various features of accounting.
The information structure is designed at the level of types provided in the system
processed objects of the subject area (constants, directories, documents,
registers, enumerations, etc.).
During execution, the system operates with specific concepts described in
configuration stage (directories of goods and organizations, invoices, waybills, etc.).
When a user works in 1C:Enterprise mode, information processing is performed
both by standard means of the system and by using algorithms created on
configuration stage.

Basic concepts of the 1C system

This section discusses the basic concepts that the system operates on.
"1C:Enterprise". This section will be useful for those who are not yet familiar with the system
The description of certain mechanisms will be accompanied by examples. It is possible that in
the description will contain concepts and terms that are still unfamiliar to you. Keep reading: the meaning of the terms used will become clear as you go along, and for more information, you can always refer to the relevant chapters of this Guide.

The concept of configuration 1C

The basis of the concept is the concept of "configuration".
A configuration in 1C:Enterprise is a set of interrelated
constituent parts:
● subsystems;
● the structure of credentials, their input forms, selection, printing;
● the composition of mechanisms for accounting for final data and accounting data movements;
● composition of various reports and treatments;
● command interface;
● set of roles (access rights);
● a set of common procedures and functions (application module, managed application module, outer connection module, session module, common modules), spreadsheet document layouts, etc.;
● auxiliary objects:
● functional options and their parameters;
● storage settings;
● Web tools (Web services, WS links, HTTP services);
● various supporting information (pictures, templates, styles, etc.).
In fact, the configuration structure is a domain model. Creation
configuration is done using the configurator. Created configuration
used by the 1C:Enterprise system to implement the software environment,
suitable for performing the necessary accounting tasks.
Roles in the 1C:Enterprise system determine the permissions of users to work with
information processed by the system. The set of provided
The user of authority is determined, as a rule, by the scope of his duties.
The operation of assigning roles to a user solves two main tasks:
● on the one hand, the circle of users of confidential information is limited,
which, of course, is always present in any accounting system;
● on the other hand, the prohibition of performing certain operations (primarily
data deletion and correction operations) allows to some extent
prevent potential loss of information.
All components of the configuration are closely related and require, as a rule,
consistent changes (especially for user rights).
For example, role assignment can only be performed on existing objects.
configuration (specific documents, magazines, directories, reports). Adding to
the configuration structure of the new object must be accompanied by the introduction
corresponding changes in role.
The system takes into account the assignment of rights to objects when building a command interface. If, for example, the user is prohibited from viewing any directory, then the command to open the list form of this directory will be removed from the command interface automatically. Forms also automatically honor rights when displaying forms.

Configuration objects 1C

A configuration object in 1C:Enterprise is a formal
description of a group of concepts (subject area, means of user interaction with
system) with similar characteristics and the same purpose.
Let's take an example. Directory configuration object in 1C:Enterprise
is designed to maintain lists of homogeneous data elements - directories,
file cabinets, normative collections, etc. The use of configuration objects of this type allows you to organize the maintenance of any directories necessary to automate the activities of an enterprise.

As a rule, configuration objects of the Directory type are computer analogs of types of directories that actually exist in the enterprise, for example, an employee directory or a product range, although they can also be used to organize lists that do not have explicit physical analogues.
Keep in mind that the configuration object does not describe a specific value, but

1 . General characteristics of the 1C:Enterprise system

1C:Enterprise is a software system designed to automate various areas of economic activity of enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their type of activity and form of ownership, with different levels of accounting complexity. Due to its versatility, it is used to automate various areas of the enterprise's economic activity: accounting, personnel, operational trade, warehouse and production accounting, as well as payroll, accounting of commodity and material assets, mutual settlements with counterparties.

1C:Enterprise is a system of applied solutions (configurations) built according to the same principles and on a single technological platform.

Technology platform determines the potential capabilities of the system for solving the problems of automation of customer enterprises.

Configurations focused on the automation of a certain area of ​​economic activity, they work on the basis of appropriate technological platforms.

An enterprise can purchase the configuration that meets its actual needs. 1C products are mainly focused on creating programs for small and medium enterprises.

Depending on the goals of automation, the following can be distinguished: 1C:Enterprise functions :

1) Analysis and management of enterprise performance.

This function is focused on the head of the enterprise and on managers responsible for the profitability of the business and its development.

Its purpose is to provide managers with up-to-date information necessary for assessing the situation and making decisions.

For example:

Budgeting (planning financial activities and comparing plans with actual data);

Analysis of the profitability of production activities;

Analysis of the sale of goods and products;

Sales forecasting.

2) Accounting and management of the operational activities of the enterprise.

This function is aimed at managers and employees directly involved in trade, manufacturing or service activities.

It ensures the efficient daily operation of the enterprise:

Preparation of documents;

Goods movement management;

Working with XML documents.

The presence of a single platform allows you to create specialized solutions based on standard ones, adding only differences that take into account the specifics of a particular enterprise.

§ Benefits of having a single platform :

§ - low cost of industry and individual solutions (since the cost of their creation is lower than the cost of developing a program "from scratch");

§ - high speed of development and modification of applied solutions (since the functions of standard solutions are used to the maximum).

§ - high speed of user training (having studied courses on "1C:Enterprise" or having experience with any of the programs, the user quickly masters the capabilities of specialized or individual solutions);

§ - ease of system administration

(Administrative functions are practically independent of the specific configuration. Most system administrators and automation specialists already have experience in administering and modifying 1C:Enterprise application solutions. Usually, mastering these functions takes place very quickly - within a few days).

The majority of enterprises currently use platform version 7.7. To date, several hundred configurations developed by 1C are being produced on its basis. In 2003, a new generation of the technological platform (version 8.0) appeared, it replaced the current version 7.7, while solving a number of main tasks: increasing performance and scalability, expanding functionality and increasing the efficiency of the development process.

3) Component structure

The 1C:Enterprise platform has a component structure - it includes 3 components.

Some of the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise system are basic, that is, they are supported in any system delivery option. These are, first of all, mechanisms for supporting directories and documents.

Other (additional) features are implemented by the system components.

The composition of the installed components determines the functionality of the system.

In total there are three main components: "Accounting", "Operational accounting", "Calculation". Each component extends the capabilities of the system with its information processing mechanism. These components are the basis, the basis for everything that is developed.

Component "Accounting" It is intended for conducting any sections of accounting. It allows you to reflect business transactions occurring at the enterprise in accounting. Fully automates accounting from input of primary documents to reporting. Supports different accounting systems, allows you to keep records of several enterprises in one information base.

Provides maintenance of charts of accounts, entry of transactions, receipt of accounting results, reporting. It uses concepts such as accounting accounts, transactions, and postings. The capabilities of the "Accounting" component allow you to keep records in parallel in several charts of accounts, to keep multidimensional and multilevel analytical accounting, quantitative and currency accounting.

Component "Operational Accounting" is designed to account for the availability and movement of inventory and cash in various sections. It is focused on working in real time (automatically keeps up to date the current balances of commodity and cash).

The Operational Accounting component supports the mechanism of registers, which provides recording of movements and receipt of balances. This allows you to automate the accounting of mutual settlements with customers, inventory of goods and much more. Most often, this component is used to automate the accounting of warehouse and trade operations, material assets, accounting in the service sector, etc.

Component "Calculation" designed to perform complex periodic calculations. It allows you to perform calculations of varying complexity (including with recalculation of the results "backdating"), maintain an archive of calculations for past periods. Areas of use:

accounting for the movement of employees of the enterprise, the calculation of their wages and various compensations;

personnel accounting;

Accounting for the range of products and services produced, calculation of their cost;

registration of clients and calculation of the cost of orders performed for them;

accounting of materials and IBE;

Accounting for goods, services and production;

accounting of mutual settlements with organizations, debtors, creditors, accountable persons;

accounting for payroll;

Accounting for budgeting;

other sections of accounting.

The 1C:Enterprise system has flexible accounting options:

Synthetic accounting according to a multi-level chart of accounts;

accounting for several charts of accounts;

currency accounting and currency coverage accounting;

· multidimensional analytical accounting;

· multi-level analytical accounting for each dimension;

Quantitative accounting

accounting for several enterprises in one information base.

Entering information in 1C:Enterprise can be organized with varying degrees of automaticity:

mode of manual input of operations;

mode of typical operations;

· the mode of automatic formation of operations on documents.

An important difference between accounting accounts and other types of data is the ability to create the accounts themselves both in the configuration and in the infobase itself. The inclusion of specific accounts in the configuration is used if the configuration itself is created using these accounts and their specific properties, for example, if the configuration defines automatic generation of postings on these accounts by documents.

Key features of the Operational Accounting component

The Operational Accounting component of the 1C:Enterprise system is a universal system for accounting for the availability and movement of funds and can be configured for various schemes for accounting for warehouse stocks, mutual settlements, funds on current accounts and in cash, loans, consignments, etc.

The 1C:Enterprise system provides a solution to a wide range of various tasks of operational accounting, for example:

accounting of warehouse stocks of goods and their movement;

accounting of mutual settlements with customers and suppliers;

Reservation of goods and control of payment;

Accounting for money in current accounts and at the cash desk;

§ materials

§ production accounting

§ Accounting for foreign exchange transactions

§ mutual settlements with organizations

§ calculations with accountable persons

§ payroll

§ Settlements with the budget.

1C:Accounting allows you to automate the preparation of any primary documents:

§ Invoices and invoices

§ acts, invoices, requirements, powers of attorney

§ other documents.

1C:Accounting includes a set of standard reports that allow an accountant to obtain information for an arbitrary period, in various sections and with the required level of detail. All generated reports can be printed.

Tools for working with documents allow you to organize the input of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any document by various criteria: number, date, amount, counterparty.

2) Typical configuration 1C: TRADE AND WAREHOUSE 7.7
Component "Operational accounting")

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" is designed to account for any type of trading operations. It automates the work at all stages of the enterprise.

Key features:

§ separate management and financial accounting

§ accounting on behalf of several legal entities

§ batch accounting of inventory with the ability to choose the method of writing off the cost (FIFO, LIFO, average)

§ separate accounting of own goods and goods taken for sale

§ registration of purchase and sale of goods

§ automatic initial filling of documents based on previously entered data

§ accounting of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers with details on contracts

§ formation of primary documents

§ reservation of goods and control of payment

§ accounting of funds on settlement accounts and at the cash desk

§ Accounting for trade credits and control of their repayment

§ accounting of goods transferred for sale, their return and payment

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" provides the following features:

§ setting for each product the required number of prices of different types, storage of supplier prices, automatic control and prompt change in the price level;

§ work with related documents;

§ automatic calculation of write-off prices for goods;

§ fast introduction of changes with the help of group processing of directories and documents;

§ keeping records of goods in various units of measurement, and cash - in various currencies;

§ obtaining a variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money;

§ automatic generation of accounting entries for 1C: Accounting;

§ work with commercial equipment: cash registers, receipt printers, scanners and barcode printers, POS-terminals, etc.

3) 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7
(Component "Calculation")

The program "1C: Salary and Personnel" is designed for payroll and personnel records. It can be used both in commercial enterprises and in budgetary organizations. It allows you to keep records of employees, register official movements, receive statistical information on personnel.

Main functionalities:

1) Payroll calculation:

      Various systems and forms of remuneration Accounting for hours worked Accounting for northern and regional features

2) Automation of personnel records

      Maintaining the staffing table Storing information about the time worked Registration of official movements Registration of orders for admission, vacation, dismissal, personnel movement Input and calculation of sick leave; Registration of dismissals with the calculation of vacation compensation, severance pay.

3) Formation of reports for submission to the tax authorities and to the PFR offices (information on the income of individuals, individual information of insured persons)

4) Accounting for the characteristics of budgetary organizations

4) Complex configuration "Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel"

It retains the capabilities of the main configurations "Accounting", "Trade and Warehouse" and "Salary and Personnel" and provides integrated accounting:

      Unified system of reference information; Automatic reflection of trade and warehouse operations and payroll in accounting; Financial accounting for several legal entities
      ; Unified management accounting.

6. 1C:Enterprise program launch modes

When you start the 1C:Enterprise system, you can select one of 4 operating modes - 1C:Enterprise, Configurator, Debugger, and Monitor.

"Configurator" mode- entry into the module for configuring (rebuilding) the working program.

In the configuration mode, the structure of the infobase is formed, the composition and properties of various system objects are changed in accordance with the needs of a particular enterprise. At the configuration stage, you can change existing or create new directories, documents, report forms, algorithms for calculating various accounting and analytical indicators.

When configuring the system, you can also create sets of data access rights corresponding to users of different levels. The Configurator provides the ability to customize the system interface (menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts). In addition, in the Configurator, you can create a list of users for a specific organization, as well as assign different user interfaces to different types of users (managers, accountants, personnel officers, etc.).

When configuring, both visual tools and the built-in macro language are used.

"1C: Enterprise" mode- this is the user mode, entering the work program directly for accounting, configuration execution mode.

This mode is used to enter, process, store and issue summary information about the activities of the enterprise. It is used to enter documents, fill in directories, perform calculations, generate various reports. In this mode, the user keeps records using the objects created at the configuration stage.

In this way, configuration is the development or change of the program settings in the "Configurator" mode. Accounting is working with the application in the "1C:Enterprise" mode within the framework of the current application settings.

The presence of these two modes allows you to use the program for a long time without replacing it with a new one.

Monitor mode. The system automatically captures and remembers any user actions to change data or settings. The "Monitor" mode provides access to this data. This is done so that in the event of errors, failures, the specialist, having analyzed this information, could establish the cause of the problems.

The monitor allows you to view the list of active users, i.e. those users who are currently working with the infobase. In addition, the monitor allows you to analyze the log of actions performed by users for any period of time (history of user work), as well as archive the history of the log.

"Debugger" mode - this is a mode intended for debugging the configuration being created. It facilitates the development of program modules of the 1C:Enterprise system.

Rebuilding the program may result in errors. The "debugger" is designed to find an error in your own calculations and a way to correct an undesirable result, to put things in order in the design.

The "debugger" allows you to track the execution of configuration software modules, measure the comparative execution time, and view the contents of variables.

It provides the following features:

step-by-step execution of the module;

interruption and continuation of module execution;

Possibility of debugging several modules at the same time;

calculation of expressions to analyze the state of variables;

performance measurements.

7. Basic metadata objects


The basis of the 1C: Enterprise system is the concept metadata. Metadata is a collection of objects that make up a configuration. They are configured to store and process information about the activities of a particular enterprise. It is data about data, i.e.:

Information about the structure of information databases (reference books, documents, etc.);

Forms of dialogs and lists;

Report tables;

Program modules in which the algorithms of the system operation are described in the built-in language.

The 1C program is a set of interrelated metadata objects.

Basic Metadata Objects- these are objects that are present in all components of the 1C system, i.e. these are common objects of all three components.

Basic objects:

1) Constants

2) Directories

3) Enumerations

4) Documents

5) Document logs

7) Processing

1) Constants

Used to work with constant and conditionally constant information. Constants are used to store information that either does not change at all during the operation of the system, or changes quite rarely. For example, “Name of the organization”, “VAT rate”, “Name of the chief accountant”, etc.

The convenience of using constants lies in the fact that they contain some information once, which can be reused in the future. For example, the already mentioned name of the organization can be entered into a specially declared constant, and in various forms, use the name of the constant to obtain its value - the name of the organization. In case of any changes in the name of the organization, it is enough to change it only once - in a constant - and all changes will automatically be reflected in those places where this constant is used.

An unlimited number of constants can be described in the system. At the configuration stage, a list of constants is specified and their characteristics are described. At the configuration execution stage, the values ​​of the constants themselves are set.

2) Directories

Directories are designed to work with constant and conditionally constant information with a certain set of values. Each directory is a list of homogeneous objects: employees, organizations, goods, etc. Each such object is called an element of the directory.

The use of directories allows you to exclude ambiguous input of information (when filling in the details of documents or other directories). For example, if you need to enter the name of a client organization on an invoice, selecting an item from the customer directory will help you avoid entering the name by mistake.

Any directory consists of elements, each of which has some details. For example, as elements of the directory " materials"Information about specific units of material values ​​​​appears. Accordingly, each element is described by such details as the name of the material, code, unit of measurement, price, etc.

In the accounting mode, the user can enter new elements in the directories, as well as correct or delete previously entered ones. And at the configuration stage, you can set the properties of each specific directory (for example, the length and type of code, the number of levels, support for the uniqueness of codes, a set of directory details).

In addition to the code and name, you can create other attributes to store any additional information about the directory element.

For each directory, several forms of viewing and editing can be set.

In a specific configuration, the required number of directories is created to store data about objects used in automating a given subject area. For example, these can be directories "Organizations", "Products", "Employees", etc.

System 1C:Enterprise allows you to organize multilevel directories, elements of which can be divided into groups. The use of multi-level directories allows you to store information with the required level of detail, as well as organize the maintenance of multi-level analytical accounting for accounts.

System 1C: Enterprise has a support mechanism subordinate directories. This allows you to link elements of different directories. Each element of the subordinate directory belongs to some element of the owner directory. For example, organizations and contracts with them, goods and their units of measurement, etc.

Some details of the directory may be periodic. Unlike ordinary attributes, each change in the value of a periodic attribute is fixed on a specific date, i.e. the program stores the history of the change in the value of the attribute in chronological order. If the value of a periodic attribute changes while working with the directory, then its previous value is stored in the system memory, and the new value is fixed for the current date. Due to the fact that for a periodic variable it is possible to establish what value it had in different periods of time, it is possible to correctly carry out calculations "backdating".

3) Enumerations

Enumerations are objects containing some set of values. Enumerations are used in the 1C:Enterprise system to describe permanent sets of values ​​that do not change for a particular configuration.

The composition, names and values ​​of enumerations are set at the configuration stage and cannot be changed at the execution stage.

Examples of transfers - types of payment (cash, non-cash, barter), client status (permanent, one-time). In this case, the status of the client in the program is indicated by selecting one of the values ​​of this enumeration. The configuration itself uses the existing values ​​of the enumerations and offers them to the user for selection.

Apart from the list of values, no other information is contained in enums.

4) Documents

In the 1C:Enterprise system, a document is the main accounting unit. Each document contains information about a specific business transaction and is characterized by its number, date and time.

With the help of documents, payments from the current account, cash register operations, personnel movements, movements in the warehouse, etc. are reflected.

Examples - "Payment order", "Account", "Invoice", "Invoice", "Incoming cash order", etc.

In most documents, two main parts can be distinguished: the header part and the tabular (multi-line) part. As a rule, the header part contains details that are common to the entire document and occur only once in the document. (In the 1C:Enterprise system, the header part is called hat).

The tabular part of the document is a list of similar lines with information. In most cases, the tabular part is used to form the total amount of the document.

The data entered into the document (document details) usually contains information about the event that occurred: for example, in the invoice - information about which warehouse, what goods and how much was shipped; in the order for employment - information about the employee, salary, other information.

Since each accounting operation is accompanied by some primary document, the 1C: Accounting program provides a mode for entering documents. In this case, the document can be used for several purposes:

To enter and store the information of the primary document in a computer database;

To generate postings and save them in the database;

To generate a printed form of a document that can be viewed, saved to a computer, or printed.

An important property of a document is its conducting . Holding document is an action that changes other system data based on the information of the posted document.

In the "Accounting" component, posting is used primarily to reflect in the accounting of a business transaction, information about which is entered in the document. In the process of posting the document, the postings of the operation are recorded and reflected in the accounting results.

Posting may not be used for some types of documents. Usually these are the types of documents that do not affect the accounting totals and do not make any other changes to the system data.

Subordination of documents. In the 1C:Enterprise system, it is possible to create subordinate documents, which allows you to organize chains of related documents. If a document includes links to other documents, then it is considered subordinate to those documents to which it refers. The possibility of establishing subordination relations between documents is set at the configuration stage.

Creation of new types of documents, description of their properties and structure is performed in the configuration mode. A screen form is created for the document to enter initial information. When setting up a document, you set such general characteristics as the length and type of the document number, conditions for supporting unique numbering, and many others. In addition, at the configuration stage for the document, the algorithm for its execution (rules for generating postings) and the algorithm for generating the printed form of the document are determined.

5) Document logs

Document journals are intended for entering new documents, viewing and editing already entered documents, as well as for deleting documents. Document logs store information about the entered documents, with their help you can view the entered documents.

Each type of document can be assigned to a specific journal. The document log itself does not add new data to the system, but only serves as a means of viewing the list of created documents.

Each journal allows you to work with documents related to one of the accounting sections: accounting for fixed assets, accounting for materials, bank, cash desk, etc. In a typical configuration, there are the following journals: "Bank", "Cashier", "Salary", " Goods, sales" and others. For example, the "Bank" journal automatically contains records of each payment document entered into the system, made or received by the enterprise through the current account. For cash documents, the magazine "Cashier" is provided. It is used to register receipts and debit cash orders.

In addition, in 1C programs there is a “General” journal, which allows you to work with all entered documents, regardless of whether they belong to specific accounting sections.

When configuring documents of different types, you can specify one journal, which allows you to arbitrarily group documents in journals. For example, you can create a Warehouse Documents journal that contains all receipts and internal transfer invoices.

6) Reports and processing

Reports are used to obtain summary output information in a form convenient for viewing and analysis.

Reports in 1C can be divided into 3 groups:

Standard Reports. Usually they are part of the standard configuration. They are designed to obtain generalized and detailed information on any sections of accounting. Standard reports are used in almost all organizations and for any sections of accounting. Examples: "Turnover balance sheet", "Chess", "Account Analysis", "Account Card" and others. Such reports are used directly in accounting for the analysis of accounting totals at the level of accounts, subaccounts, currencies, analytics objects, various periods and detailed postings.

Regulated reports. These are reports intended for transfer to various regulatory authorities - tax inspectorates, the FSS, statistical authorities. The composition and content of these reports are determined by various government agencies - the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Finance, etc. Their composition depends on the country in which the program is used. Examples: tax returns, balance sheets, payrolls to funds. Usually a set of regulated reports is created by 1C (updated quarterly).

Specialized Reports. They are usually created in a specific configuration directly for a given organization and solve narrower tasks. Specialized reports are usually focused on a specific section of accounting. They are created when it is necessary to obtain specific samples of information or a special type of printed form. Examples: an act of reconciliation of calculations, a certificate of income 2-NDFL.

All reports, regardless of who created them, can be modified using the configurator and have the same principles of use.

In addition to reports, the 1C:Enterprise system uses the concept Treatment. Processing is not intended to issue information, but to change any data in the infobase. They are usually used to perform some service functions (for example, to load the contents of a directory from another program).

Using processing is no different from using a report. Their properties and actions are also fully configurable.

8. Configuration

The 1C:Enterprise system uses different types of objects. A specific set of objects defines a specific configuration. Together with the configuration, the 1C:Enterprise system acts as a ready-to-use software product focused on certain types of enterprises and tasks to be solved.

The configuration is created by standard system tools. It is usually supplied by 1C as a model for a specific area of ​​application, but can be changed, supplemented by the user of the system, or developed anew (from scratch).

The configuration in the 1C:Enterprise system is a combination of 3 interrelated components:

1) metadata structure;

2) a set of user interfaces;

3) a set of rights.

1) The concept of metadata has been discussed previously (see clause 6).

2)User interface in 1C:Enterprise - a set of commands from the main menu and toolbars configured to work with specific data objects - documents, directories, magazines, etc. As a rule, a user interface is created for a specific category of users. The purpose of creating an interface is to provide users with quick access to the information that they need in accordance with their duties.

3)Rights in the 1C:Enterprise system, they determine the user's permissions to work with information that is processed in the system. The set of rights granted to the user is determined, as a rule, by the terms of his duties.

The operation of assigning rights to a user solves two main tasks:

1) Limiting the circle of users of confidential information

2) Prohibition of performing certain operations (for example, data deletion and correction operations). This allows to some extent to prevent possible loss of information.

All three components of the configuration are closely related and require coordinated changes (especially for user rights).

Thus, the assignment of rights can be performed only for existing metadata objects (specific documents, journals, directories, reports). Adding a new object to the metadata structure must be accompanied by making appropriate changes to the rights.

Commands that can be associated with user interface elements control specific metadata objects. It is clear that it makes no sense to include in the user interface commands for working with information to which the user is denied access.

9. Software module

Module - this is a program in the built-in language of the 1C:Enterprise system. Modules are called to be executed at a priori known moments of the 1C:Enterprise system operation. In the built-in 1C language, you can develop modules consisting of procedures and functions.

The program modules in the configuration are not independent programs, as they are part of the entire task configuration. Modules contain the texts of procedures and functions called by the system during execution at certain points in time.

Each individual module is perceived by the system as a whole, so all the procedures and functions of the software module are performed in one context.

Program module execution context

Global context:

    system attribute values, system procedures and functions

(for example, the CurrentTime() function returns the current system time, and the CurrentDate() function returns the current date on the computer)

    values ​​of constants and enumerations specified in the configurator.

global module is a module that is automatically executed at the start of the 1C:Enterprise system at the time of loading the configuration. It contains procedures and functions that must be performed when starting the 1C:Enterprise system, as well as global procedures and functions that can be called from any other configuration module.

The global module refers to the configuration as a whole. It is needed in order to write procedures and functions that are available anywhere in the program (in any other module). You can also create global variables that can be used anywhere in the program.

Local context is formed by that specific place in the configuration for which this particular module is used.

Types of software modules

Global module

Handbook list form module

Group form module

Reference element form module

Document Form Module

Document module

Document journal form module

Account list form module

Invoice form module

Transaction log form module

Transaction form module

Transaction journal form module

Report Form Module

Processing form module

The text of a program module consists of operators and comments. Comments start with "//"

The built-in language operators must be separated by the ";" character. The end of a line is not a sign of the end of a statement, i.e. statements can freely jump over lines and continue on another line. You can place an arbitrary number of operators on one line, separating them with the ";" character.

Names of variables, procedures and functions

The name of a variable, declared procedure, or function can be any sequence of letters, numbers, and underscores "_". The names you create must not be the same as reserved words in the language or with the names of procedures and functions that already exist and are available at the time of execution. Variable, procedure, and function names are case-insensitive.

Reserved (key) words

The language has reserved words that cannot be used as generated variable names and declared procedures and functions. Each of the keywords has 2 representations - Russian and English. Keywords in Russian and English versions can be freely mixed in one source text. The case of keyword letters is not important.

Keyword examples:









Special characters used in source text

Beginning of a comment. A comment is the entire text from the "//" sign to the end of the current line.

The vertical bar at the beginning of a line is only used in string constants. It means that this line is a continuation of the previous one (line break)

Operator separation character.

Parentheses enclose the parameter list of methods, procedures, and functions.

A comma separates the parameters of methods, procedures, and functions.

Double quotes enclose string constants.

Single quotes enclose date constants.

Decimal point in numeric constants. Separator for aggregate data types.

addition operation.

subtraction operation.

multiplication operation.

division operation.

The logical operation "greater than".

The logical operation greater than or equal to.

The logical operation "less than".

The logical operation "less than or equal to".

Assignment or logical operation "is equal to".

The logical operation is not equal.

Variable scope

The scope of variables depends on where they are defined in the task configuration.

There are 3 areas where you can declare variables:

1) In the global module variable definitions section.

If variables are defined with the Export keyword, then they will be global variables. They are available for use in any configuration software module.

2) In the variable definitions section of a particular (local) module.

These are module variables. They are available for use in executable statements, expressions, in any procedure and function of the program unit within which they are declared.

3) In a procedure or function.

These are local variables. They are available within the procedure or function in which they are declared.

If a variable is defined as global, then it is visible from all procedures and functions of any task configuration program module.

If a variable is defined within a procedure, then its scope is the given procedure or function.

Program module structure

    Variable definition section Procedure and function section Main program section

(This section can contain only executable statements. It is executed at the moment the module is launched for execution. Usually, the main program section contains statements that assign specific values ​​to variables that must be carried out before the first call to any of the procedures or functions of the module).


// Definition of variables
Variable Variable1;
Variable Variable2;

// Procedures and functions

Procedure Procedure1()

…// procedure text


Function Function1()

…// function text


// Main program section

Variable1 = "123";

10. Registers

Imagine that our organization conducts trading operations with counterparties. At the same time, we will pay suppliers for the shipped goods, and receive money from buyers for the goods sold. To enter data on business transactions in 1C, the "Document" metadata object is used. With the help of documents, we will be able to enter data on the arrival / movement / shipment of goods, the receipt / expenditure of money, but it is impossible to store the current state of balances in the warehouse and the state of mutual debt with counterparties in documents. Just for this purpose, 1C has a special mechanism. It uses the metadata object " Register" - in operational accounting (for Accounting - "Chart of Accounts", for Settlement - "Journal of Settlements").

Registers accumulate information about the availability and movement of funds - commodity, cash and others. All information about business transactions is accumulated in registers, and this information can be extracted, analyzed and presented to the user in the form of reports.

That is, we can say that registers are tables for accumulating operational data and obtaining summary information.

Data is added to the registers only when posting documents. Information from registers is used to generate reports.

The classic scheme for using registers in 1C:Enterprise is as follows:

Documents => Registers => Reports

The register is an internal configuration component. When using the configuration, it is not available to the user for direct filling, there are no standard tools for viewing it, as for other objects (documents, directories, constants, etc.). But by means of the built-in language, information can be written to the registers and subsequently retrieved.

Register dimensions and resources

The main problem in creating registers is the definition of its structure (in what sections should summary data be accumulated so that the necessary information can then be easily retrieved?). The structure of the register should be such that it is possible to extract the necessary information from it without tedious processing. In 1C, when creating a register, it is enough to simply specify in what sections and what data you want to store in it, and the system itself will ensure the recording and receipt of the necessary data (by simple language means).

Let's assume that the register Remaining goods» should contain information about the quantity and cost of each item in each warehouse. In the ideology of the 1C:Enterprise system, a register of this type is a rectangular coordinate system, on one axis of which there are warehouses, on the other - goods, and at the intersection of a specific warehouse and a specific product there are figures for the quantity of goods and the cost of goods.

Register measurements - this is the way in which information is required to be stored.

Register resources - this is quantitative or sum data that is stored in the register.

In our case:

Register: Remaining goods
measurements: Product, Warehouse
Resources: Quantity, Cost

The following information can be obtained from this register:

    the balance of a particular product in a particular warehouse the balance of a particular product in all warehouses the cost of all goods in a particular warehouse

Movements in registers

Changing the state of the registers is performed by the document module in the built-in language. When posting a document, changes are made to the registers.

Information about changes in registers is called movements registers. register movements Remains of Goods there will be income and expenses.

Register in tabular form Remains of Goods appears as follows:





One row from this table is called " movement". Movements in registers are created only when documents are posted.

In the register, in addition to dimensions and resources, you can set requisites.

Requisites- this is additional information that accompanies the movement. Using the built-in language, you can select movements with a given attribute value.

Types of registers

In the 1C:Enterprise system, it is possible to use 2 types of registers: balance registers and turnover registers. The difference between them is clear from their name and lies in the nature of the information stored: the balance registers always store information about the final state of the funds, and in the turnover registers, figuratively speaking, how this state was achieved.

If you need to quickly get the balance of something from the register at the current moment, then you need to create a register of residues. If you need to quickly receive income or expenditure of something for a period from the register, then you need to create a turnover register.

The essence of the 2 types of registers and their differences can be illustrated by the following example. Imagine a straight guide along which the slider moves. A speedometer with an indicator of the distance traveled is installed on the slider. We measure the distance from the start of the guide to the slider. The slider goes forward - this distance increases, goes back - it decreases. This is how the balance register works. It shows the current state of the slider coordinate in relation to some zero value. Analogue - stock balances. They grow if there was an arrival of goods, and decrease if there was an expense.

We also have a speedometer with a trip odometer. In whatever direction the slider moves, the number on the counter grows. This is how the turnover register works. Analog - the value of turnover in the store. Whether there is an income or an expense, the turnover is growing.

Residue registers

Let's take as an example the tracking of mutual settlements with buyers of goods that our company manufactures or sells.

In order to promptly receive information about the mutual debt of our company and the buyer, you will need the Mutual Settlements register, in which the amount of debt will be stored for each buyer. When a business transaction is performed, the state of the register will change accordingly, each time reflecting the current state of mutual settlements. The register "Mutual Settlements" is balance register.


The register must keep the balance of goods in each warehouse in quantitative and sum terms.

Balance register Products

measurements: Product, Warehouse

Resources: Quantity, Cost


turnover registers

But from the register "Mutual Settlements" it is impossible to obtain information on the volume of purchases made by this buyer for any period of time, since the register does not contain such information.

In this case, the solution might be to use turnover register. In such a register - let's call it "Volume of purchases" - in the context of buyers, information on the volume of purchases (on the buyer's turnover) will be stored. When creating a turnover register, you can specify how often information will be accumulated: day, week, month, etc.

Now, when performing business transactions, it will be necessary to change not only the status of the “Settlements” register, but also the “Purchase Volume” register. In this register, each time a customer makes a purchase, information about the amount of the purchase will be entered. As a result, the "Volume of purchases" register will constantly accumulate information about the total volume of purchases of the client.


The register must store daily sales income by customers and goods.

turnover register Income

Measurements: Customer, Product

Resources: Income

Requisites: No

Periodicity: Day

11.Data types

1C:Enterprise system supports basic and aggregate data types.

To basic types include:



numeric the type can be any decimal number. Basic arithmetic operations are defined on the data of the numeric type.

Strokov the type can be any sequence of characters, including the empty one.

Type the date any valid date can be represented.

Aggregate data types are specialized data types designed to work with 1C:Enterprise objects.

To aggregate include the following data types:

Constant- a means of working with constant (or conditionally constant) values. Constants store information that does not change or changes quite rarely. For example, the name of the organization, postal address.

Directory– means for maintaining lists of homogeneous data elements.

Enumeration– a tool for working with data elements, the list of possible values ​​of which is rigidly specified (for example, for the enumeration "Form of Payment", you can set the possible values: "Cash", "Non-cash"). Document- a means for entering primary information about ongoing business transactions.

Request- a means of accessing objects (documents, registers, directories, calculation journals) in order to obtain summary information when generating output reports.

Text- a tool for working with text documents.

Table- a tool for working with tables (reports).

List of Values- a tool for creating a list of values ​​of any data with the ability to further sort and select the desired values ​​from the list.

Picture- tool for working with graphic files.

Periodic - a tool for working with periodic details of directories and periodic constants.

FS- a tool for working with files directly from the built-in language.

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It is a universal system for automating the activities of an enterprise. Due to its versatility, the 1C:Enterprise system can be used to automate various areas of the enterprise's economic activity: accounting for commodity and material assets, mutual settlements with counterparties, payroll, calculation of depreciation of fixed assets, accounting for any sections, etc.

The main feature of the 1C:Enterprise system is its configurability. The 1C:Enterprise system itself is a set of mechanisms designed to manipulate various types of objects in the subject area. A specific set of objects, information structures, information processing algorithms determines a specific configuration. Together with the configuration, the 1C:Enterprise system acts as a ready-to-use software product focused on certain types of enterprises and classes of tasks to be solved.

It is created by regular means of the system. The configuration is usually supplied by 1C as a typical configuration for a specific area of ​​application, but can be changed, supplemented by the user of the system, and also developed anew.

Component Structure
The 1C:Enterprise system has a component structure. Some of the capabilities provided by the system for solving automation problems are basic, that is, they are supported in any version of the system delivery. These are, first of all, mechanisms for supporting directories and documents. Other features are implemented by the system components: for example, maintaining a list of accounting accounts. Thus, the composition of the installed component determines the functionality of the system.

In total there are three main components: "Accounting", "Operational accounting", "Calculation". Each component extends the capabilities of the system with its information processing mechanism. These mechanisms cannot be unambiguously compared with specific tasks of domain automation, however, they have a fairly clear focus, which determines the choice of the composition of the necessary components to create a specific configuration.

Realizes the reflection of business transactions occurring at the enterprise in accounting. She manipulates such concepts as accounting accounts, . The capabilities of the "Accounting" component allow you to keep records in parallel in several charts of accounts, to keep multidimensional and multilevel analytical accounting, quantitative and currency accounting.

The "Accounting" component provides the possibility of accounting for several enterprises in one information base.

The register is a multidimensional system for storing balances or turnovers. Each register at the stage ... "> The "Operational accounting" component is designed to automate the operational accounting of the availability and movement of funds. The capabilities of the "Operational accounting" component allow you to register movements and receive information about the movements and balances of commodity, material, cash and other assets of the enterprise in real time in a variety of sections.The "Operational Accounting" component supports a mechanism of registers, which provides recording of movements and receipt of balances in various sections.Using this mechanism allows you to automate the accounting of mutual settlements with customers, inventory of goods, and much more.One of the main areas of application of this component - automation of accounting for warehouse and trade operations.

Designed to automate complex periodic calculations. The capabilities of this component allow you to perform calculations of varying complexity, including recalculation of the results "backdating", and maintain an archive of calculations for past periods. These features are implemented by the calculation journals supported by this component. One of the main areas of application of the component is payroll.

System operation
The functioning of the system is divided into two processes - configuration (description of the domain model by means of the system) and execution (processing of domain data).

The configuration result is a configuration, which is a domain model.

At the configuration stage, the system operates with such universal concepts (objects) as "Document", "Journal of Documents", "Directory", "Props", "Register" and others. The totality of these concepts determines the concept of the system.

At the system level, the concepts themselves and standard operations for their processing are defined. Configuration tools allow you to describe the structures of information included in these objects, and algorithms that describe the specifics of their processing, to reflect various accounting features.

When configuring, visual tuning tools are used to the maximum, and language (software) tools are used to describe specific algorithms.

In the process of configuration, the structure of the infobase, processing algorithms, forms of dialogs and output documents are formed. The information structure is designed at the level of the types of processed objects of the subject area provided for in the system (constants, directories, documents, registers, transfers, calculation journals, accounting accounts, operations, postings, etc.).

During execution, the system already operates with specific concepts described at the configuration stage (directories of goods and organizations, invoices, invoices, etc.).

When the user works in the configuration execution mode, information processing is performed both by the standard means of the system and using algorithms created at the configuration stage.

Brief description of the concepts (objects) of the system
This paragraph lists the main types of objects supported by 1C:Enterprise. As already noted, a number of system objects are included in the set of basic tools that are available with any set of components. In addition, each component brings to the system the ability to work with its own objects, which implement the mechanisms inherent to it.

Basic objects
To work with constant and conditionally constant information, the system uses objects of the "Constant" type. The most commonly used constants are “Name of the enterprise”, “VAT rate”, “Name of the chief accountant”, etc.

An unlimited number of constants can be described in the system. At the configuration stage, a list of constants is specified and their characteristics are described. Constants can have a periodicity flag to track the history of changing the value of the constant.

Reference books
To work with constant and conditionally constant information with a certain set of values, objects of the "Directory" type are used in the system.

Usually directories are lists of materials, goods, organizations, currencies, employees, etc.

The directory support mechanism allows you to design and maintain a wide variety of directories. At the configuration stage, you can describe what properties each particular directory has. Custom properties include, for example, the length and type of the code, the number of levels, support for the uniqueness of codes, a set of reference details.

In addition to the code and name, the mechanism for working with directories allows you to create a set of attributes for storing any additional information about the element of the directory. For reference details, it is possible to specify the "Periodic" type to track the history of changing the values ​​of details.

For each directory, several forms of viewing and editing can be set.

To describe subordinate entities, you can use not the multilevel nature of the directory, but the subordination of directories. In this case, in the subordinate directory, each object refers to a specific object of the master directory.

In a specific configuration, the required number of directories is created to store data about objects used in automating a given subject area. For example, these can be directories "Organizations", "Products", "Employees", etc.

Enumerations are used in the 1C:Enterprise system to describe permanent sets of values ​​that do not change for a particular configuration.

At the configuration stage, an almost unlimited number of types of enumerations can be described. Unlike a lookup, enumeration values ​​are set at the configuration stage and cannot be changed at the execution stage.

Typical examples of transfers are types of payment (cash, non-cash, ), client status (permanent, one-time).

One of the main features of enums is that the configuration itself uses the existing enum values. For example, the configuration algorithm may be oriented to the fact that each client has one of two statuses - either "permanent" or "one-time", in which case the indication of the client's status is performed by selecting one of the enumeration values. For directories, the configuration usually does not use specific values ​​(for example, the names of goods or organizations).

The documents
Documents are designed to store basic information about all the events taking place in the enterprise, and, of course, make sense from the point of view of the economy. With the help of documents, payments from the current account, operations at the cash desk, personnel movements, movements in the warehouse, and other similar events are reflected.

In the process of configuration, an arbitrary number of types of documents is configured. Typical examples of document types are documents such as "Payment Order", "Invoice", "Invoice", "Invoice", "Internal Transfer Invoice", "" and so on. Each type of document is designed to reflect its own type of events. This defines its structure and properties, which are described in the configuration.

Each type of document can have an unlimited number of details in the header and in the multiline part. An input form is created for the document - an on-screen dialog. When customizing for a document, general characteristics are also set: the length of the document number, the conditions for supporting the uniqueness of numbers, and others. All documents are characterized by number, date and time.

The system automatically maintains cross-reference logs for documents.

Documents play a central role for the basic mechanisms implemented by the components of the system. All documents (regardless of type) form a single sequence. In fact, this sequence reflects the sequence of events - as they really happened. Within a date, the sequence of documents is determined by their time, while the time of a document is not so much a means of reflecting the real (astronomical) time of entering a document, but a means of clearly ordering documents within a single date. The data entered into the document (document details) usually contains information about the event that occurred: for example, in the invoice - information about which warehouse, what goods and how much was shipped; in the order for employment - information about the employee, salary, other information. In addition to the record itself, a very important property for a document is its holding. When held, the document can reflect the event recorded by it in the mechanisms implemented by the components. For example, if the "Accounting" component is installed, the document can record an accounting transaction, reflecting the information contained in the document as entries in accounting.

Document journals
Document journals are designed to view documents. Each type of document can be assigned to a specific journal. The document log itself does not add new data to the system, but only serves as a means of viewing a list of documents of one or more types.

For example, a "Warehouse Documents" journal could be created to contain all receipts and internal transfer invoices.

Journal columns can be defined for the journal, for the convenience of viewing the details of various types of documents related to this journal.

For a journal, several forms of its visual presentation can be described.

To describe reports and arbitrary processing procedures, an unlimited number of report forms can be created at the configuration stage. Each form has its own settings dialog that allows you to define a set of reporting options. For example, to issue a warehouse certificate - select a specific warehouse.

The algorithm for obtaining a report is described using the built-in language, while the built-in . To output reports, both text and a specialized tabular report format can be used.

The system also supports the ability to develop external reports (processing) stored not in the configuration itself, but in separate files.


1C:Enterprise is a universal system for automating the activities of an enterprise. Due to its versatility, the 1C:Enterprise system can be used to automate various areas of the enterprise's economic activity: accounting for commodity and material assets, mutual settlements with counterparties, payroll, calculation of depreciation of fixed assets, accounting for any sections, etc.

The main feature of the 1C:Enterprise system is its configurability. The 1C:Enterprise system itself is a set of mechanisms designed to manipulate various types of objects in the subject area. A specific set of objects, structures of information arrays, information processing algorithms are determined by a specific configuration. Together with the configuration, the 1C:Enterprise system acts as a ready-to-use software product focused on certain types of enterprises and classes of tasks to be solved.

The configuration is created by standard system tools. The configuration is usually supplied by 1C as a typical configuration for a specific area of ​​application, but can be changed, supplemented by the user of the system, and also developed anew.

Component Structure
The 1C:Enterprise system has a component structure. Some of the capabilities provided by the system for solving automation problems are basic, that is, they are supported in any version of the system delivery. These are, first of all, mechanisms for supporting directories and documents. Other features are implemented by the system components: for example, maintaining a list of accounting accounts. Thus, the composition of the installed component determines the functionality of the system.

In total there are three main components: "Accounting", "Operational accounting", "Calculation". Each component extends the capabilities of the system with its information processing mechanism. These mechanisms cannot be unambiguously compared with specific tasks of domain automation, however, they have a fairly clear focus, which determines the choice of the composition of the necessary components to create a specific configuration.

Component "Accounting" implements the reflection of business transactions occurring at the enterprise in accounting. It manipulates such concepts as accounting accounts, transactions and postings. The capabilities of the "Accounting" component allow you to keep records in parallel in several charts of accounts, to keep multidimensional and multilevel analytical accounting, quantitative and currency accounting.

The "Accounting" component provides the possibility of accounting for several enterprises in one information base.

Component "Operational accounting" is designed to automate the operational accounting of the availability and movement of funds. The capabilities of the Operational Accounting component allow you to register movements and receive information about the movements and balances of commodity, material, cash and other assets of the enterprise in real time in various sections. The Operational Accounting component supports the mechanism of registers, which ensures the recording of movements and the receipt of balances in various sections. Using this mechanism allows you to automate the accounting of mutual settlements with customers, inventory of goods, and much more. One of the main areas of application of this component is the automation of accounting for warehouse and trade operations.

Component "Calculation" designed to automate complex periodic calculations. The capabilities of this component allow you to perform calculations of varying complexity, including recalculation of the results "backdating", and keep an archive of calculations for past periods. These features are implemented by the calculation journals supported by this component. One of the main areas of application of the component is payroll.

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