How to enter a new CPS? Setting up "1C: BGU": how to update OFK formats

Updating the classification attributes of accounts (CPS)

To update the Classification of budget revenues; sections, subsections of expenses; targeted items of expenditure; types of expenses; classification of sources of financing budget deficits; chapters on budget classification, processing "Assistant to update budget classification" is intended. "Accounting - Budget Classification - Budget Classification Update". The Update Assistant window will open. Next, you need to select the update file.

By default, it is named federal.clax and is located in the folder where the program installs (eg C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\ApplicationData\1C\1Cv82\tmplts\1c\StateAccounting\ReleaseNumber). Let's open the file.

First you need to perform a boot test to detect possible errors. Check the box "Run a download test" and tick the available updates, click the button "Next".

After some time, the program issues an error log. If you have errors, they must be corrected manually. Next, press the "Back" button. If errors were found, but you did not correct them, you can check the box "Download update even if there were errors", in which case everything will be loaded, except for those elements in which there were errors. If this flag is absent, the classifiers will be loaded only if the program does not detect more than one error.

Check the available updates with checkboxes and load the classifiers into the infobase by clicking the "Next" button.

The 1C Accounting 3.0 program contains a fairly large list of classifiers. The entire list can be seen if you perform the following actions: main menu All functions → References:

Here is a list of classifiers that are in the 1C configuration Accounting 3.0:

Classifiers in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 are auxiliary directories, they will be used to fill in the main directories. Their use provides the user of 1C 8.3 with the opportunity not to enter the same information several times. And as a result - the acceleration of the data entry process and the ability to avoid errors when entering texts. From this we conclude: the setting in 1C 8.3 begins with them.

What information do classifiers contain? The one that practically does not change over a long period and is mainly recorded in government sources of information.

How to load classifiers in 1C 8.3 - step by step instructions

Loading the address classifier in 1C 8.3

Starting with Accounting 3.0.37, . is used instead of kladr. Let's look at how you can load data into the address classifier in the 1C Accounting 3.0 database. To perform this function, select the section Administration → Support and maintenance → Address classifier → Load classifier:

Let's study the sequence of actions when loading the address classifier.

Step #1

Select the download option. The 1C 8.3 database provides two ways to download:

  • From the 1C website. In this case, you need to register on and connect to the Internet;
  • From a folder on disk. You can download the address classifier for 1C 8.3 on the ITS website in zip format:

Step #2

We select only those regions of Russia that we will use. In order not to waste time scrolling through the list of regions that we will download, simply type the number of the region or part of its name on the keyboard and press enter. Or use the Find button:

Step #3

We mark the found region with a checkmark. If necessary, repeat the previous step. After selecting all the required regions, click the Upload address information button:

Program 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 displays the following message:

Download times vary depending on the number of regions selected and the speed of your computer. Upon completion of the download, a message is displayed and the address classifier is ready for use:

What to do if in 1C 8.3 the wrong regions were mistakenly loaded into FIAS

The question may arise: “What to do if you made a mistake and downloaded the wrong regions. How to remove them? To do this, use the Clear address information command from the Administration → Support and maintenance → Address classifier → Clear address information section:

To remove regions from the 1C 8.3 database, we perform almost the same steps as when loading the address classifier. Select the regions that you want to delete and click on Clear address information:

In the 1C Accounting 3.0 software product, it is possible to use the address classifier without loading it into the database. To do this, in the Support and maintenance section, select Use the 1C web service to enter and verify addresses:

Watch our video on downloading KLADR if you are working in the old version of the 1C program:

Loading the bank classifier in 1C 8.3

The Classifier of Banks of the Russian Federation directory contains all the necessary information about banks that will be required to fill out payment orders. This information must always be up to date. This is especially important when processing payment orders in 1C Accounting 8.3. Consider several ways to load this classifier.

Method 1

Select the section Administration → Support and maintenance → Other classifiers → Load bank classifier. Here you can also check the relevance of the classifier of banks. If, when you select the Load classifier of banks command, the 1C 8.3 program displays the message “The classifier of banks is relevant”, no download is required. Otherwise, 1C 8.3 will automatically load:

Method 2

Let's look at another download option. For these purposes, select the Directories section, then on the navigation panel → Bank and cash desk → Banks. When you click the Select button, the Classifier of Russian banks window will open, then the Load classifier button.

To download the All-Russian Classifier of Banks (OKB), you can use the Rosbusinessconsulting (RBC) website, or for subscribers to information technology support (ITS), download the latest bank classifier for 1C 8.3 from a disk or from the ITS portal. Select the appropriate option and click the Download button.

If instead of the Select button we press the Create button, then before opening the Classifier of banks of the Russian Federation window, the 1C Accounting 3.0 program will display the message “It is possible to select a bank from the classifier. Pick up?" You must answer "Yes". If you answer “No”, then the bank information will have to be entered manually:

Loading the classifier of units of measurement in 1C 8.3

So, we got acquainted with the loading of classifiers, which are used by almost all users of 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0. Next, consider the remaining classifiers.

Loading the classifier of types of economic activity in 1C 8.3

Let's use the main menu command All actions → Reference books → Classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED). In the window that opens, using the More button, select the Select from classifier action:

If the search was not successful, then click the Cancel search button and set other criteria for the search.

Loading the All-Russian Classifier of Products (OKP) in 1C 8.3

Loading this classifier is similar to loading OKVED. We perform all the same actions of the main menu All actions → Reference books → OKP classifier. Further Selection from OKP. We search and select the desired type of product:

Loading classifiers OKPD, TN VED, OKUN in 1C Accounting 3.0

All of the listed OKPD, TN VED, OKUN classifiers are loaded into 1C 8.3 in the same way as the OKP classifier.

OKPD classifier:

TN VED classifier:

OKUN classifier:

Loading ENAOF and OKOF classifiers in 1C 8.3

The need to download ENAOF classifiers arises for those enterprises that have fixed assets on their balance sheets. Performing an action - main menu All actions → Reference books → ENAOF classifier or OKOF classifier:

The file must have an xml extension. This ENAOF classifier can be downloaded:

  • From the ITS disk;
  • On the working computer in the directory where the database templates are located;
  • In the Internet.

Now you need to select the desired OS groups and the Load button:

At the end of loading the classifier in 1C 8.3, the message "Downloading of the ENAOF is completed" is displayed.

All of the above is also true for loading the OKOF classifier:

From January 01, 2017, the new OKOF and the updated tax classification of fixed assets by depreciation groups will apply. The approach to determining useful lives in accounting will change. Determining a new OCOF is often difficult and time consuming. We invite you to a workshop on the transition to a new classifier.

For more information on how to download the classifiers of depreciation rates for fixed assets of the ENAOF and the classifier of the fixed assets of OKOF into the 1C information base, see our video:

Updating and configuring 1C programs is not as difficult as it seems. You can always do it yourself by following simple instructions.

The specialists of our company have prepared a series of training videos on working in the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution" ("1C: BGU") version 1.0 and 2.0. For your convenience, we have translated the video into a text format of cheat sheets with step-by-step instructions. We hope this information will help you figure out how to set up 1C:BSU on your own and save time.

Of course, in one article it will not be possible to cover all the functionality of the program, nevertheless, some common questions on setting up "1C: BGU" version 1.0 will be considered here.

From the article you will learn:

  • How to update the OKOF directory?
  • How to update the exchange rate?
  • How to update OFC formats?
  • How to update the address classifier?

Setting up "1C: BGU": how to update the OKOF directory?

  • Open the top menu item "OS, NMA, NPA", click on the item "OKOF".
  • In the window that appears, click the "Load classifier" button.
    • website of the company "1C";
    • folder on your computer.
    • if you choose to update the classifier from the "ITS" disk, you will need to insert the disk into the computer's drive.
    • if you select a folder with files on your computer, it will be enough to indicate in the program the location of the folder where the files for updating are stored.
  • Click the Next button, wait until the loading bar reaches 100%, click the Finish button.
  • The all-Russian classifier of fixed assets in your "1C: BGU" 1.0 has been updated!

Setting up "1C: BGU": how to update the exchange rate?

  • Open the top menu item "Treasury / Bank", hover over the item "Operations in foreign currency", then click on the item "Currencies".
  • In the window that appears, click the "Download Courses" button.
  • We select the currencies whose rates we would like to update, as well as the download period, and click the "Download" button.
  • Exchange rates in 1C:BGU 1.0 or 2.0 have been successfully updated!

Setting up "1C: BGU": how to update OFK formats?

  • Open the top menu item "Service", click on the item "Exchange with treasury systems and bank institutions".
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Exchange formats" tab and click on the "Load formats" button.
  • Select the classifier loading source. It could be:
    • website of the company "1C";
    • disk "Information and technological support";
    • folder on your computer.
  • Depending on the method chosen, the next steps will differ:
    • if you choose the download method through the 1C website, you will need to enter the username and password from the client's personal account.
    • if you choose to update the classifier from the "ITS" disk, you will need to insert the disk into the computer's drive.
    • if you select a folder with files on your computer, it will be enough to indicate to the 1C: BGU 1.0 or 2.0 program the location of the folder where the files for updating are stored, and also select which formats will be loaded into the system.
  • Click the "Download" button. When the download is complete, click the "Finish" button.
  • To complete the update of the OFC formats, in the previously opened window "Exchange with treasury systems and bank institutions" next to the "Format settings" field, click on the button with the image of 3 dots. In the window that opens, select the format currently used and click the "Change" button (the button shows a pencil).
  • In the window that opens, you need to click the "Fill" button, and then click on the "OK" button.
  • Congratulations, you have successfully updated OFK formats in 1C:BSU 1.0!

Setting up "1C: BGU": how to update the address classifier?

  • Open the top menu item "Operations" and click on "Registers of information ..."
  • In the window that opens, find the item "Address classifier" and double-click on it.
  • In the window that opens, click the "Load classifier" button.
  • A window for loading classifiers will open, where you will see 4 fields at once, where you can enter the path to the data file. All fields are not required. It is enough to select the path in only one field (for example, put the path to the KLADR.DBF file in the "Address classifier" field) and all other paths to the update files will be "pulled up" automatically.
  • Select the required regions from the list below. To select, move the desired region by highlighting it with the left mouse button and clicking on the button with the blue arrow to the right, then click the "Load" button. You can add all available regions at once by clicking on the double arrow to the right, but in this case, the loading time may increase significantly.
  • Congratulations - your address classifier in 1C:BSU 1.0 has been successfully updated!


The ability to independently configure 1C:BGU will save a lot of time and help you better understand the program's capabilities. We hope that our cheat sheet will become a reliable assistant in this. Of course, in one article it will not be possible to cover all the functionality of the solution. If you need help in other matters of setting up 1C:BSU, you can always contact the specialists of our company.

In any type of accounting, there are intersections with regulated directories. Such directories may be needed to upload information for filing tax returns, processing payment orders, correctly displaying codes by classifiers in primary documents (Torg12, Invoices, etc.). Program 1C 8.3 and 8.2 can download such information from external sources.

Let us consider in detail the types of classified information necessary for accounting, as well as the method of installing and loading such information in 1C.

Video - how to update the bank classifier in 1s 8.3:


The All-Russian Classifier of Currencies (abbreviated OKV) is the current state standard, the object of classification of which is the currencies in circulation, currency values ​​and currency funds of the countries of the world.

In 1C 8.2, data from this classifier is reflected in primary documents, therefore the classifier should be as relevant as possible.

To load the currency classifier, similarly to banks, you need to use the button on the Currencies list form - Selection from OKW. The system will allow you to select the ones you need from the classifier list and automatically create the currency in the directory.

All-Russian classifier of units of measurement

In 1C 8.2, the data from this classifier is reflected in the primary documents - waybills, therefore the classifier should be as relevant as possible.

To load the currency classifier, similarly to banks and currencies, you need to use the button on the Currencies list form - Selection from OKEI. The system will allow you to select the required units of measurement from the classifier list and automatically create the currency in the reference book:

Video how to create a new unit of measure in 1C:

All-Russian classifier of countries of the world 1C

OKSM is designed to identify countries of the world and is used in the process of information exchange in solving problems of international economic, scientific, cultural, sports relations, etc.

In 1C 8.3 it loads as usual, using the button Selection from OKSM on the directory list form.

OKP in 1C

The All-Russian Product Classifier is the state standard for a unified classification and coding system for product groups.

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