How to write plans for school. What is a synopsis and how to write it. Methodological support of the educational process

Classes at school must be distinguished by efficiency, if possible, implement an individual approach. Time is very important to use rationally, not to force students to rush the lesson too much, but also not to leave unoccupied pauses when there are several minutes, and the main work has already been completed. The teacher needs to draw up a lesson plan that is plastic, reasonable and as objective as possible, well adapted to specific conditions. It will depend on the level of preparation of children, the complexity of the topic, the planned work. Each lesson will also need to be included in the general lesson plan, correlated with previous and subsequent lessons. Only in this way the teacher will be able to convey useful information to the students, instill in them skills and abilities, build the learning process accurately and competently. The thoughtfulness of actions, their strict schedule will create an excellent working atmosphere, give the teacher himself a sense of confidence, he will not have to rush the students, making them nervous, overstrained. The lesson will be effective and really useful.

We make a lesson plan. Universal recommendations and features of work
A well-designed lesson plan is the best assistant of every teacher. It is necessary to write plans for both novice teachers and experienced ones who have worked at the school for many years. The educational process has many nuances. Even a highly qualified specialist with vast experience may not orient himself right on the spot, make mistakes in the distribution of time and workload. The lesson plan solves almost all difficulties.
  1. Make lesson plans always, regardless of the time you have at your disposal, workloads and developments. Each lesson should be individual, special, different from the rest. A simple example: a teacher teaches a lesson on the same topic in two classes. It would seem that in this case, one plan is quite suitable for both classes. But this is absolutely not true. In the plan, it is important to take into account the level of preparation of students, build a lesson in accordance with the necessary time spent on repetition, analysis of homework, individual work with specific children, when the class does another one on its own. Therefore, for each class, the lesson plan will be special, since this is how you can not only effectively give knowledge, instill skills and do practical work, but also implement an individual approach.
  2. To correctly draw up a lesson plan, it must be correctly integrated into the overall system of classes. Pay attention to the topics of the classes that were before, be sure to take into account the upcoming lessons, their structure and the degree of stress on the children. For example, if you had a lesson dedicated to explaining a new topic, in the next lesson you will need to do a consolidation, give students training tasks. When in one lesson you saw that the students did not remember something well, did not orient themselves in the topic and practice, there were some gaps, you need not only to immediately, on the spot, repeat and once again quickly fix what caused difficulties, but also Dedicate at least a few minutes to this in your next class. Then the guys will surely remember the important point, understand all the subtleties, and in the future there will be no problems.
  3. Try to distribute the load well. If one lesson was very productive for you, the children worked hard and hard, do not plan serious loads for the next lesson. It is advisable to alternate lessons according to the level of difficulty. Despite the difficult program, a small number of hours, which is now commonly called insufficient, you need not only to give children knowledge, but also to preserve their health. When classes are held in a positive atmosphere, students know that the teacher will not put undue pressure on them, they will study better and be positively tuned in to work. In the end, the results will also please. The constant increase in workload can turn studies into a race for grades, when the more prepared children will be quite satisfied, and the less able will be left to rely on the help of tutors or receive unsatisfactory grades.
  4. Consider all the stages in the lesson plan, even if they are very small in time. Make the plan as detailed as possible so that it is convenient for you to use it. When the plan consists of two or three main positions, without reflecting the other stages of the lesson, it will not become a real support and guide for the teacher. For example, a teacher conducts a reinforcing lesson in a classroom where children have different levels of preparation. He will need to make a lesson plan, indicating in it a number of main points, stages of different sizes:
    • organizational moment (the teacher tells the children what the goals and objectives of the lesson are, what they have to do);
    • questions on homework, clarifications, possible analysis of several examples;
    • reinforcing survey of students;
    • clarification of incomprehensible points;
    • independent work of students (tasks of different levels of complexity, individual cards, consultations);
    • verification of the work performed;
    • a final brief survey (what exactly is not clear, what points have become fully available to everyone);
    • a record on the homework board, the necessary clarifications and explanations on it.
    This may look like a rough outline of a lesson plan, but a real full plan is more detailed, includes specific details and tasks depending on the topic, the composition of the class.
  5. Implement an individual approach in your plan. Now a lot has been said about its huge role, the need in the learning process, especially when teachers often note the lack of hours in comparison with the workload and the level of complexity of the programs. With all these difficulties, the lesson plan will help you cope, in which you will lay down an individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of each student when compiling. Describe in detail all the nuances of the upcoming lesson. For example, note:
    • which students should be interviewed;
    • to whom you will give individual tasks;
    • who will you call to the board;
    • who needs to pay attention, repeating the material;
    • which students may need your help, guiding questions, advice when doing independent work.
    Consider the level of preparation of the class, the number of poorly prepared students, when allocating time, describing the various stages of the lesson.
  6. Make the lesson plan more flexible, always leave a small margin of time (at least 5-7 minutes) that you will need in case of unforeseen circumstances, when, for example, students have to explain the material longer, give additional reinforcing tasks. Always have materials and assignments handy just in case you have time so you don't waste a minute.
General rules for drawing up a lesson plan
The general rules of work will also help you make a lesson plan.
  1. First, write down the topic of the lesson.
  2. Specify lesson type:
    • combined;
    • fixing;
    • control;
    • generalizing;
    • introductory.
  3. Mark the objectives of the lesson (educational, developmental, upbringing).
  4. Define the objectives of the lesson.
  5. Write down what visual aids, equipment you are going to use.
  6. Briefly indicate the methods and methods of work, general requirements for students.
  7. Describe the course of the lesson in detail and point by point. Be sure to indicate the planned time that you allocate for each stage.
  8. Designate an individual plan according to which you will form skills and abilities, taking into account the characteristics and level of training of students.
  9. Write a summary of your work.
  10. Specify homework.
Treat the plan carefully, carefully work on it. Then you will be able to rationally allocate time, and the lessons will always be effective.

The lesson is the main component of the educational process. The educational activity of the teacher and students is largely focused on the lesson. The quality of training students in a particular academic discipline is largely determined by
✓ the level of the lesson;
✓ content;
✓ methodological fullness;
✓ atmosphere.
In order for this level to be high enough, it is necessary that the teacher, during the preparation of the lesson, try to make it a kind of pedagogical work with its own meaning, plot and denouement, like any work of art.



How to make a lesson plan?

Lesson - the main component of the educational process. The educational activity of the teacher and students is largely focused on the lesson. The quality of training students in a particular academic discipline is largely determined by

✓ the level of the lesson;

✓ methodological fullness;

✓ atmosphere.

In order for this level to be high enough, it is necessary that the teacher, during the preparation of the lesson, try to make it a kind of pedagogical work with its own meaning, plot and denouement, like any work of art.

1. The first thing to start preparing for the lesson:

✓ Clearly define and formulate its topic;

✓ Determine the place of the topic in the curriculum;

✓ Identify the leading concepts on which this lesson is based;

✓ Designate for yourself that part of the educational material that will be used in the future.

2. Define and clearly articulate for students the goal setting of the lesson - why is it needed at all?

In this regard, it is necessary to identify the teaching, developing and educating functions of the lesson. Lesson objectives should be as specific as possible.

THE PURPOSE OF LEARNING involves the formation of new concepts and methods of action in students, a system of scientific knowledge, etc.

✓ Ensure that students learn the laws, signs, properties, features;

✓ Generalize and systematize knowledge about ... (or on a specific topic);

✓ Develop skills (what?);

✓ Achieve students' assimilation of some concepts (questions).

THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATION involves the formation of certain personality traits and character traits in students.

✓ education of patriotism;

✓ education of internationalism;

✓ education of humanity;

✓ education of labor motives, conscientious attitude to work;

✓ education of learning motives, positive attitude to knowledge;

✓ education of discipline;

✓ education of aesthetic views.

THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPMENT mainly involves the development in the lesson of the mental qualities of students: intelligence (thinking, cognitive, political skills), will and independence.

DEVELOPMENT OF THINKING - the ability to identify essential features and properties, establish common, common features and properties of the whole, draw up a plan of the material being studied, the ability to qualify facts, draw generalizing conclusions, highlight common and essential features, distinguish non-essential features and abstract from them, develop skills to apply knowledge on practice.

DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE SKILLS - highlight the main thing, draw up a plan, theses, take notes, observe, make experiments.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKILL OF STUDY WORK - the development of the ability to work at a proper pace, to read, write, calculate, draw, take notes.

DEVELOPMENT OF WILL AND INDEPENDENCE - development of initiative, self-confidence, development of perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties to achieve the goal.

3. Clarification of the type of lesson.

Lesson types

Types of lessons

1. Lesson learning new material

1 - lesson-lecture;

2 - lesson-conversation;

3- lesson using educational film;

4 – a lesson in theoretical or practical independent work (research type);

5 – mixed lesson (a combination of different types of lessons in one lesson)

2. Lesson in the formation of skills and abilities

1 – lesson of independent work (reproductive type - oral or written exercises);

2 – lesson-laboratory work;

3 – lesson of practical work;

4 - lesson-excursion;

5 - seminar

3. Generalization and systematization lesson

This includes the main types of all five types of lessons

4. Lessons for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities

1 – oral form of verification (frontal, individual and group survey);

2 – written check;

3 - offset;

4 – credit practical and laboratory work;

5 – control (independent) work;

6 – mixed lesson (a combination of the first three types)

5. Combined Lessons

They solve several didactic tasks.

4. Structure of the lesson

Lesson structure for learning new material:

  1. Organizational moment: preparing students for the perception of new knowledge, communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson.
  2. Checking homework:
  • checking the completion of a written task by walking in rows;
  • reading by students of solved examples, tasks;
  • reconciliation of the answers of the solved problems, made calculations;
  • selective check of abstracts;
  • verification of the fulfillment of the task of drawing up various schemes, making posters, models, layouts;
  • frontal conversation to check the progress of solving the problem.
  1. Repetition of the material covered.
  2. Presentation of new material according to the plan.
  3. Independent assimilation of new knowledge:
  • work with the textbook;
  • watching a movie;
  • TV viewing;
  • performing laboratory work;
  • work with visual aids;
  • work on basic notes, signals, diagrams.
  1. Fixing new material:
  • repetition by the teacher of the most difficult, important questions;
  • repetition by students of the main provisions of the topic;
  • answers on questions;
  • performing oral and written exercises;
  • problem solving (qualitative, quantitative, cognitive, training, developing);
  • conducting experiments.
  1. Independent work of students:
  • work with a textbook, reference books, writing theses, taking notes;
  • drawing diagrams, sketches, graphs;
  • written frontal work;
  • individual independent work (on cards);
  • test tasks;
  • dictations;
  • solving examples and problems;
  • derivation of formulas;
  • writing essays, creative works;
  • resolution of problem situations.
  1. Summing up the lesson:
  • systematization and generalization of knowledge;
  • analysis of students' assimilation of program material;
  • setting and correcting grades;
  • analysis of the work done in the lesson;
  • behavior in the classroom.
  1. Homework:
  • highlighting the main thing in homework;
  • studying material on a new topic;
  • doing exercises on a new topic.
  1. Individual tasks for students:
  • preparation of abstracts on various topics;
  • collection of material, documentation and so on;
  • implementation of visibility (graphic, three-dimensional, natural);
  • experimental work (experiment, observation, making models).

The structure of lessons for the formation of skills and abilities:

1 – goal setting for the lesson

2 – repetition of the formed skills and abilities,being the backbone

3 - holding test exercises,

4 – familiarization with new skills, showing a sample of formation,

5 – exercises based on

6 – strengthening exercise,

7 – training exercises according to the model and likeness, algorithm, instructions,

8 – exercises to transfer to a similar situation,

9 – creative exercises,

10 - the result of the lesson,

11 - homework.

The structure of the lesson to consolidate and develop knowledge, skills and abilities:

1 – communication by students of the purpose of the upcoming work;

2 – reproduction by students of the knowledge, skills and abilities that will be required to complete the proposed tasks;

3 – performance by students of various tasks, tasks, exercises;

4 – verification of work performed;

5 – discussion of the mistakes made and their correction;

6 – homework (if necessary).

The structure of the lesson of control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities:

2 – showing the use of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities in life situations;

3 – verification of knowledge of factual material, frontal conversation, individual survey;

4 – checking knowledge of basic concepts, laws and skills to explain their essence, written work;

5 – checking the depth of understanding of knowledge and the degree of their generalization, independent comparison of generalized tables, written survey;

6 – application of knowledge by students, practical tasks;

7 – performance of complex creative works;

8 - the results of the lesson;

9 – homework.

The structure of the knowledge test lesson:

1 – organization of the beginning of the lesson. Here you need to create a calm, businesslike environment. Children should not be afraid of tests and tests or be overly worried, as the teacher checks the readiness of children for further study of the material;

2 – assignment of lesson objectives. The teacher tells the students what material he will check or control. Asks the children to remember the relevant rules and use them in their work. Reminds students to check their own work;

3 – presentation of the content of the control or verification work (tasks, examples, dictation, composition or answers to questions, etc.). Tasks in terms of volume or degree of difficulty must correspond to the program and must be feasible for each student;

4 – summarizing the lesson. The teacher selects good students' work, analyzes the mistakes made in other works and organizes work on the mistakes (sometimes it takes the next lesson);

5 – identification of typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, as well as ways to eliminate them. Improving knowledge and skills.

The structure of the lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge:

1 – message of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson;

2 – repetition and generalization of individual facts, events, phenomena;

3 – repetition and generalization of concepts and assimilation of the corresponding system of knowledge;

4 – repetition and systematization of the main theoretical positions and leading ideas of science.

The structure of a combined lesson, which, as a rule, has two or more didactic purposes:

1 – organization of the beginning of the lesson;

2 - check homework, setting the goal of the lesson;

3 – preparing students for perceptionnew learning material, i.e. updating knowledge and practical and mental skills;

4 – learning new material, including explanation;

5 – consolidation of the studied material in this lessonand previously passed, related with new;

6 – generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills, connection of new ones with previously obtained and formed ones;

7 – summing up the results and results of the lesson;

8 - homework;

9 – preparation (preliminary work) necessary for students to study a new topic (not always).


verbal methodsare divided into the following types:story, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book.

Visual teaching methodscan be conditionally divided into two large groups:illustration method and demo method.

illustration methodinvolves showing students illustrative aids, posters, tables, pictures, maps, sketches on the board, flat models, etc.

Demo Methodusually associated with the demonstration of instruments, experiments, technical installations, films, filmstrips, etc.

The method is illustrative and demonstrative throughthe use of a visual aid such aspersonal computer

Practical Methodsbased on the practical activities of students. These include:

Exercises - repeated (multiple) performance of a mental or practical action in order to master it or improve its quality. Exercises are used in the study of all subjects and at various stages of the educational process.

Laboratory works- this is the conduct by students, on the instructions of the teacher, of experiments using instruments, the use of tools and other technical devices, i.e. This is the study by students of any phenomena with the help of special equipment.

Practical workare carried out after studying large sections, topics and are of a generalizing nature. They can be carried out not only in the classroom, but also outside the school (field measurements, work on the school site).

Classification of teaching methods depending on
on the nature of the cognitive activity of students

Summary of the method

The activity of the teacher

Student activity

1. Explanatory-illustrative method (information-receptive).The main purpose of the method is to organize the assimilation of information by trainees by informing them of educational material and ensuring its successful perception.

1. Communication of educational information using various didactic means: words, various manuals, including films and filmstrips, etc. The teacher makes extensive use of conversation, demonstration of experiences, etc.

1. The activity of the trainees consists in the perception, comprehension and memorization of the reported information

2. Reproductive method.The main purpose of the method is the formation of skills and abilities to use and apply the acquired knowledge

2. Development and application of various exercises and tasks, use of various instructions (algorithms) and programmed learning

2. The activity of trainees consists in mastering the methods of performing individual exercises in solving various types of problems, mastering the algorithm of practical actions

3. Problem method (problem statement).The main purpose of the method is to reveal various problems in the studied educational material and show ways to solve them.

3. Identification and classification of problems that can be posed to the student, formulation of hypotheses and showing ways to test them. Statement of problems in the process of conducting experiments, observations in nature, logical conclusions.

3. The activity of the trainees consists not only in the perception, comprehension and memorization of ready-made scientific conclusions, but also in following the logic of evidence, the movement of the trainee’s thoughts (problem, hypothesis, proof of the reliability or falsity of the proposed proposals, etc.)

4. Partial search method, or heuristic method.The main purpose of the method is the gradual preparation of students for independent formulation and problem solving.

4. Leading trainees to formulate a problem, showing them how to find evidence, draw conclusions from the facts presented, build a fact-checking plan, etc. The teacher makes extensive use of heuristic conversation, during which he poses a system of interrelated questions, each of which is a step towards solving the problem.

4. The student's activity consists in active participation in heuristic conversations, in mastering the methods of analyzing educational material in order to formulate a problem and find ways to solve it, etc.

5. Research method.The main content of the method is to ensure the mastery of the trained methods of scientific knowledge, to develop and form the features of creative activity in them, to provide conditions for the successful formation of motives for creative activity, to promote the formation of conscious, quickly and flexibly used knowledge. The essence of the method is to provide organizations with the search creative activity of students to solve new problems for them

5. Presenting new problems to students, setting and developing research tasks, etc.

5. The activity of the trainees consists in mastering the methods of self-statement of problems, finding ways to solve them, etc.

Informatics Lesson Analysis Scheme

1. General information.Date, class, school, last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher. Lesson topic.

2. Safety Complianceand sanitary and hygienic standards for working with a computer.

3. Structure of the lesson. The main stages of the lesson, purpose and duration. A combination of self-management and teacher management. Individual, pair, group and joint class work. Stages of repetition and consolidation of the material, methods.

4. The goals that the teacher planned for the lesson, their achievement.

5. Comparison of the content of the lesson with the material of the school textbook.

6. Evaluation of the content of the lesson in terms of general didactic principles:

  • scientific - taking into account the latest achievements in computer science in the classroom;
  • visibility – use of computer presentations, graphic information, tables, etc.;
  • subsequence- the logical harmony of the material presented, the absence of gaps in the presentation, the cyclical nature of the study of complex concepts;
  • connection with practice– applied tasks, content orientation to the requirements of life in the information society.

7. Methods of the teacher's activity in the lesson.Problem-search, verbal-visual, practical. Engaging students to prepare resources for the lesson. Preparation of computer technology at the beginning of the lesson (or before it). The freedom of the teacher in the possession of the material. The moment of answering current questions (during the lesson or at the end). Individualization of learning - different levels of tasks, attracting strong students to help the weak, etc. Teacher's techniques for keeping attention, actions when an error is found on the board, in the program, in the report.

8. Methods of formation and consolidation of interest in the material being studied.Stimulation of mental activity of students. Source of tasks (from the textbook, additional literature). Other well-known and non-standard teaching methods used in the lesson.

9. The work of students in the lesson.The degree of interest in the material being studied. Activity and independence of trainees. Consciousness of assimilation of the studied material. Accessibility - standard terminology, taking into account the level of preparedness of the class, the allocation of levels of assimilation.

10. Learning effectiveness- the saturation of the study time, the absence of extraneous material.

11. Relationship between teacher and students:authoritarian, liberal, cooperation.

12. Organization and discipline of studentsin the lesson - attitude to computer technology, compliance with safety regulations when working with a computer. The ability of students to independently acquire knowledge with the help of reference material, a computer, a textbook.

13. Feedback. Student's knowledge control system.Using a computer to test knowledge - control programs, self-control, mutual control with a friend. Objectivity of knowledge assessment. Possibility of automation of the control system.

14. Educational effect of the lesson.Character traits and personality traits of the teacher, which can serve as a guide for students. Educational methods and techniques.

15. Conclusions:

  • implementation of the lesson plan;
  • achievement of the objectives of the lesson;
  • especially interesting and instructive in the lesson;
  • What made the biggest impression on the lesson?
  • what changes should be made when re-conducting a lesson on the same topic;
  • lesson evaluation.

Both an experienced and a novice teacher, regardless of the subject he teaches, quite often puzzles over how to properly allocate the time of his lesson. It is necessary to plan the lesson in advance - this will help to avoid hasty and indistinct explanations, as well as extremely undesirable pauses. Many experienced teachers argue that a properly drawn up lesson plan is an order of magnitude more useful and effective than focusing only on existing experience.

Lesson plan

Let's figure out how to make a lesson plan, and how to allocate the allotted time. At the very beginning, it is necessary to take a little time to interview students on the material that was learned earlier. It should be related to the topic that will be presented in the current lesson. Often, the survey takes 3-5 minutes, and in its process, students, remembering the passed stage, will be able to better learn the new one.

This is followed by an explanation of the new topic, which is given 20-25 minutes. The use of diagrams, layouts, video-audio materials, examples and tables helps to understand and assimilate new material much better. Remaining 10-15 min. must be left in order to consolidate the past.

Before you make a lesson plan, decide which option suits you best: self-compilation or a ready-made plan. Both the first and second are acceptable. It is often easier for a novice teacher to use ready-made methodological materials. But over time, preference, nevertheless, is given to plans drawn up with one's own hand. In any case, if you have a properly drawn up plan, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of the lesson, as well as rationally use the available time.

To reflect the content of the educational material, the stages of the lesson and homework, each teacher should have a plan-outline, the content of which depends on the type of lesson and the subject being taught. However, the basics of such an outline are basic for any discipline. But how to draw up a plan-outline of the lesson, we will now step by step and analyze.

Outline plan

First you need to decide on the main topic of the lesson, which, as a rule, follows from the curriculum for a particular subject and the thematic plan. Then we indicate the type of lesson (select the one you need):

  • consolidation of the material covered;
  • familiarization with new information;
  • iterative-generalizing lesson;
  • combined lesson;
  • control lesson.
  • educational (obtaining new information, going deeper than the material covered, practical consolidation of the theory);
  • developing (development of creative imagination, observation, thinking, etc.);
  • educational (development of industriousness, independence, aesthetic education).

Now we indicate the tasks of our lesson, with the help of which a way to achieve all of the above goals is selected. Do not forget to also indicate the material and technical equipment that you and the students may need during the lesson: visual aids, computer programs and videos, illustrations, posters, and task cards.

After that, we describe the course of the lesson, in which you need to indicate the techniques and methods used in teaching, as well as the requirements for students. To study new concepts and theoretical information, it is necessary to highlight most of the lesson. Then we indicate your plan for the formation of skills and abilities, generalizing conclusions, as well as future homework.

If you are still not sure that you know how to write a lesson plan correctly, you can read it to take something for yourself and understand the general scheme of conducting classroom activities. In any case, only you can make the most appropriate plan for your lesson and conduct it as you see fit.

In the first place, the name of the subject on which the abstract was drawn up is written: the topic of the lesson, who conducts (last name, first name, patronymic in full), the name of the group, course, faculty, university.

At the beginning of the abstract, the purpose of the lesson (teaching, developing, educating), its type, methods of conducting, methodological equipment are formulated: visual aids, sources of information, TCO, ICT.

lesson plan and used literature.

There are several stages of the lesson:

    Organizational moment: checking attendance, students' readiness for the lesson, mobilizing attention.

    Updating of basic knowledge. Testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students (taking into account the content, types and form of testing), questions are formed for students: what previously studied concepts, laws need to be activated in the minds of students in order to prepare them for the perception of new material, methods of class activation; the independent work of students is thought out (its volume, meaning: creating a situation of success, creating a problem situation, etc.), ways of developing students' interest in the topic, in the subject and forms of control over the work of the class, individual students. Further, summarizing the results of the knowledge test is prescribed; a verbal description of the students' answers is given.

    Explanation of new material: the content of this part of the lesson is recorded in detail, in accordance with the plan. Independent work and its content (didactic purpose), problematic and informational issues, options for solving the problem are prescribed.

    Definitions, the most important provisions are underlined, highlighted intonation, offered for recording and filling.

    Consolidation of knowledge on a new topic is carried out both in the course and in the second part of the lesson. The summary contains test tasks in which students must use new knowledge, indicates the methodology for consolidating them, types of oral and written independent work, exercises, methods of "feedback", the names of the students who will be interviewed.

    Homework: what to repeat and prepare for the lesson, creative independent work, the volume and time of homework (inform students).

    End of lesson. Ends in an organized manner, on call. The trainee sums up the work in the lesson.

This structure of the lesson is conditional. Only the beginning and end of the lesson are stable, its other components, depending on the goals and type of lesson, may have a different sequence.

Appendix 4

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson

Subject: Relationship of words in a sentence.


    learn how to make connections between words in a sentence.

    develop attention, logical thinking, memory.

    to cultivate accuracy, diligence.


    be able to find the members of a sentence

    be able to ask a question from the main members of the sentence to the secondary ones

    know the characteristics of letters and sounds

Lesson type: learning new material

Methods: verbal, synthetic Equipment: Textbook, poster "Members of the proposal."

During the classes:

I. Organizing time.

P. A minute of calligraphy.

Let's start the lesson with a minute for the most accurate.

The signalman holds two flags,

With flags, he's like a letter.... (TO).

Write down the sequence:

Kk kkkk

Well, you know the letters, but can you tell about them? (K consonant, hard, deaf).

III. Working on a new theme.

Today in the lesson we will talk about the connection of words in a sentence. I ask you to be careful, because many people make mistakes when parsing sentences.

Remind me what 2 groups of sentence members do you know? (major and minor).

What are the main parts of a sentence called? (Subject and predicate).

What minor members of the sentence do you know? (Definition, addition, circumstance).

What does it mean to distribute an offer? (Add minor terms explaining the main ones).

What does it mean to parse a proposal into members? (Indicate its main and secondary members).

What are the suggestions for the purpose of the statement? (Narrative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).

The answers to these questions should bounce off your teeth.

The sentence is written on the board:

The car was driving.

Take it apart (by the board). Now distribute it. We ask questions to the main members of the proposal. For example:

The car (what?) is red.

I was driving (where?) to the city.

I was driving (on what?) along the road.

Write down the resulting common sentence. (Student writes on the board.) Let's break it down by terms and parts of speech. Pay attention to the note:

Where? Where? When? Where?

Why? What for? And How?

Case questions.

Adjective questions.

IV. Fizminutka.

Get up quick guys

Charging starts.

Allow this sign

Do it by hand like this!

We put our hands on the belt,

We will all be beautiful

Back, forward, and left, right,

We will warm up for glory.

Even though they haven't grown tall yet,

It's so easy for us to stretch.

We pull our hands up beautifully,

Maybe we'll get some sunshine.

V. Fixing a new topic.

Let's do exercise 28. Write down a sentence. (One at the blackboard). We analyze it according to the model in the textbook.

The sentence is about cranberries. (What?) Cranberry is the subject, we emphasize with one line. What is said about cranberries? Cranberry (what does it do?) grows - this is a predicate, we emphasize with two lines. Cranberries grow - this is the basis of the proposal.

We put a question from the subject: Cranberries (what?) Juicy. Underline with a wavy line. This is a minor member of the sentence, which explains the subject. We mark with an arrow the phrase juicy cranberry. We pose the question from the predicate: it grows (where?) In swamps. This is a minor member of the sentence, which explains the predicate. We connect with an arrow the phrase grows in the swamps. In swamps (what?) peat. Underline with a wavy line. This is also a minor member of the sentence, which explains another minor member. We connect the phrase on peat bogs with an arrow.

juicy cranberries grow on the same, swamps,

Did you do the same? Let's label the parts of speech above the words.

Read the task of exercise 29. What groups can be divided into? We have already talked about this today. (On the main and secondary). We write down proposals. (One at the blackboard). Let's find the main members. The fishermen did. And now we will indicate how the main members of the sentence and the secondary ones are connected. How do we know? (Let's ask a question).

VI. Summary of the lesson.

What did you learn in this lesson? How do we connect words in a sentence? (Asking a question).

Homework: p. 25, ex. 32.

A good, useful lesson cannot be held without preparation. That is why it is so important to think over its course in advance. The Federal State Standard for Basic General Education emphasizes that the educational process must be organized so that students can achieve general cultural, personal and cognitive results. Therefore, there are several general requirements for how to write a lesson plan.

What is a lesson outline?

Each competent teacher, before conducting a lesson, draws up his outline plan. What does this term mean? Since student times, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that a summary is information that has just been listened to in writing. In the teaching world, things are different. The outline (or in other words the lesson plan) is drawn up in advance and serves as a kind of support, a hint for the teacher. This is information gathered together about what the lesson is about, how it is built, what meaning it carries, what its goal is, how this goal is achieved.

Why do you need to plan a lesson?

First of all, the teacher needs a lesson plan. This is especially true for young teachers who, due to lack of experience, may be confused, forget something or not take into account. Of course, if it is carefully thought out in advance how to present information to students, with what exercises to consolidate it, work it out, then the process of assimilation will go much faster and better.

Often, lesson notes are required to be presented to the head teachers, because this is a direct reflection of how the teacher works, how the teaching methodology meets the school requirements and curriculum. According to the notes, the strengths of the teacher, as well as his methodological errors and shortcomings, are clearly visible.

Primary requirements

It is difficult to come up with general requirements that all lesson plans should meet. After all, a lot depends on the children, their age, level of development, type of lesson and, of course, the subject itself. The lesson plan for the Russian language will be fundamentally different from the lesson plan, for example, for the world around. Therefore, there is no unified unification in pedagogy. But there are several general requirements for how the outline of the lesson should look like:

What else is worth paying attention to?

As a rule, the teacher, when drawing up a lesson plan, needs to think through every little thing. Up to how much time will be spent on the implementation of each of the points of the plan. It is necessary to write down all the remarks said by the teacher, and give them the expected answers of the students. All questions that the teacher is going to ask should also be clearly spelled out. It will not be superfluous to indicate separately what equipment is supposed to work with in the lesson. If some kind of handout is used in the lesson or the teacher shows a presentation, pictures, etc. for clarity, all this should also be attached to the lesson summary in printed and electronic form. The summary should end with a summary and homework.

How to make a summary?

For himself, the teacher can draw up a plan in any form. It can be just notes, individual remarks, suggestions, or a detailed script. Some schematically depict the necessary information. If you want to hand over the abstract for verification to the authorities, then the most common form is in the form of a table. It is very convenient and visual.

An example of compiling a brief outline plan

Brief lesson plan. 5th grade

Thing: Russian language.

Subject: adjective.

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the new part of speech.

Main tasks:

  • develop speech skills and abilities;
  • develop the ability to coordinate words.

Equipment: board, chalk, handouts, tables.

During the classes:

  • Organizing time;
  • checking homework;
  • explanation of new material (reading the rule, working with it, doing exercises to consolidate the material);
  • repetition of the studied material;
  • summarizing the lesson, assessing students' knowledge;
  • homework.

Please note that all points of the course of the lesson must be described in detail by the teacher, down to each cue. In addition, opposite each item you need to write the maximum time that will be allotted for each of them. So there will be no situation that the lesson is coming to an end, but only half of what the teacher planned has been done.

Not all outlines will be the same. The age of the students is very important when we talk about lesson plans. Grade 6, for example, can perceive new information in a standard form. This is when the teacher explains the rule, writes important materials on the board, and then offers a series of activities to practice and consolidate what has been learned. For class 2, this option will be ineffective. For kids, it is customary to introduce new things in a playful way or with the help of visual materials.

Let's give an example of another abstract.

English Lesson Plan, Grade 7

Subject: repetition of the passed grammatical material.

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate the acquired skills on the topic of translating sentences from direct speech into indirect speech.

Main tasks:

  • develop communication skills;
  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • to form the ability to highlight the main thing in the studied material.

Equipment: board, chalk, presentation, tape recorder.

During the classes:

  • Organizing time;
  • phonetic warm-up;
  • lexical warm-up;
  • repetition of the material covered (exercise, independent work, teamwork);
  • checking homework;
  • summarizing the lesson;
  • homework.

As can be seen from this example, the points of the lesson plan do not have a clear location. A standard homework check can be done at the beginning of the lesson, in the middle, or you can even end the lesson like this. For the teacher, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, invent and bring something new to each lesson, so that the lesson is interesting and special for children. To make them look forward to it. Depending on which type is chosen, the lesson plan will also depend. Grade 7 (unlike, for example, from younger students) allows you to build a lesson outside the box. Repetition of the studied can be carried out in the form of a game or competition. You can give students the opportunity to show their skills through independent work. The main thing is to understand what type of activity is suitable for a particular class, a particular group of students (you need to take into account both age and overall performance in the class).

Summing up

So let's summarize all of the above. A step-by-step instruction for compiling a lesson plan will look like this:

  1. Subject/class.
  2. Lesson type.
  3. Lesson topic.
  4. Target.
  5. Main tasks.
  6. Equipment.
  7. During the classes:
  • organizational moment, warm-up, etc. (we begin to prescribe in detail the speech of the teacher and students);
  • checking homework;
  • introduction of new material, its development;
  • consolidation of the past, repetition.

8. Summing up.

The stages of the lesson can be arranged in any order, can be supplemented or presented selectively during the lesson.

Do not forget that, first of all, the abstract is needed not by the authorities, not by the head teacher, not by the director and not by the students. It is a working tool and a teacher's assistant. And here it is not a matter of experience and not the ability to experiment on the spot. No one bothers to bring novelty, zest to the lesson. The teacher can joke, give an example from life (and, of course, this should not be written in the abstract). But in any case, there must be a lesson plan. You got 8th grade, 3rd or 11th - it doesn't matter! The class is active or passive, catches on the fly or long explanations are needed - it doesn't matter! Make it a rule - before each lesson, make a plan. It certainly won't be redundant.

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