Social norms and values. Social norms and values, their role in modern society. Need help with a topic

social values- these are life ideals and goals, which, according to the opinion of the majority in this society, should be achieved. The value system of a social subject may include various values:

  • meaningful life values ​​- ideas about good and evil, happiness, purpose and meaning of life;
  • universal values ​​- life, health, personal security, welfare, family, education, qualifications, law and order;
  • values ​​of interpersonal communication - honesty, disinterestedness, goodwill;
  • values ​​of public recognition - diligence, social position;
  • democratic values ​​- freedom of speech, conscience, parties, national sovereignty.

Social norms are formed on the basis of social values.

social norms

Social norms - rules of conduct established in society that regulate relations between people, social groups, public organizations.

Signs of social norms:

  • They are general rules for members of society.
  • They do not have a specific addressee and operate continuously in time.
  • Aimed at regulating social relations.
  • Arise in connection with the volitional, conscious activity of people.
  • Arise in the process of historical development.
  • Their content corresponds to the type of culture and the nature of the social organization of society.

Ways to regulate people's behavior by social norms:

  • Permission is an indication of behaviors that are desirable but not required.
  • A prescription is an indication of a required action.
  • Prohibition - an indication of actions that should not be performed.

Types of social norms

Social norms are diverse in form and content, as are the social relations they regulate. The main types of social norms:

customs- Mass models of actions approved by society, which arose as a result of their repeated repetition.

Traditions(in essence, they are a kind of custom) - values, norms, patterns of behavior, ideas, social attitudes, etc., inherited from predecessors. Traditions refer to cultural heritage; they tend to be revered by most members of society.

moral standards- rules of conduct, which express people's ideas about good or bad, good and evil, etc. Compliance with moral rules is ensured by the authority of the collective consciousness, their violation is condemned in society.

Legal regulations- established or sanctioned by the state rules of conduct, expressed in official form and binding.

Corporate regulations- rules of conduct established by public organizations.

Political norms- rules of conduct that regulate political activity, relations between citizens, the state, social groups.

Religious norms- rules of conduct formulated in the texts of sacred books or established by religious organizations.

Etiquette - formal rules of behavior in predetermined situations, norms of communication, cooperation.

Aesthetic standards- ideas about the beautiful and the ugly in art, as well as in people's behavior, everyday social practice.

The implementation of norms, depending on their type, is controlled by public opinion, the relevant social institutions and official organizations, and the internal psychological attitudes of the individual.

According to the degree of mandatory execution, the following types of norms are distinguished:

  • motivating (stimulate the activity of the individual desirable for society);
  • forbidding (indicate actions that cannot be performed, determine the boundaries of what is permitted);
  • binding (indicate mandatory rules of conduct and methods of activity);
  • recommendatory (indicate desirable, but not mandatory behaviors).

According to the criterion of formality, such social norms are distinguished as:

  • written
  • unwritten.

Written norms are formally fixed in legal acts (constitutions, criminal law, etc.), their observance is controlled by the state. Unwritten norms are rules of conduct, the observance of which is not guaranteed by legal acts.

Class: 11

Target: to form an idea of ​​social norms and values, of social control as a special mechanism for maintaining public order.

Lesson type: learning new material.

During the classes


  1. Social values ​​and norms.
  2. social sanctions.

I. Learning new material.

Creating the human race, the gods took care of it with truly divine generosity: they gave reason, speech, fire, abilities for craftsmanship and art. Everyone was endowed with some kind of talent. Builders, blacksmiths, doctors, etc. appeared. Man began to get food, make beautiful things, build dwellings. But the gods failed to teach people how to live in society. And when people got together for some big deal - to build a road, a canal, fierce disputes broke out between them, and often the case ended in a general collapse. People were too selfish, too intolerant and cruel, everything was decided only by brute force ...

And the threat of self-destruction hung over the human race.

Then the father of the gods Zeus, feeling his special responsibility, ordered to introduce shame and truth into people's lives.

The gods were delighted with the wisdom of the father. They asked him only one question: how to distribute shame and truth among people? After all, the gods bestow talents selectively: they will send the abilities of a builder to one, a musician to another, a healer to a third, and so on. And what to do with shame and truth?

Zeus replied that all people should have shame and truth. Otherwise, there will be no cities, no states, no people on Earth...

What is this myth about?

Today in the lesson we will talk about social values ​​and norms - the regulators of human behavior.

1. Social values ​​and norms

We encounter values ​​at every step. But how often do we think about them? The saying “Look inside yourself” suggests that the basis of our morality should be an internal dialogue, a person’s judgment on himself, in which he himself is both an accuser, a defender, and a judge. And what determines the essence of this monologue? Of course, those values ​​that move a person. What are values ​​and norms?

The class is invited to assemble a whole concept from words.

There are values ​​that the absolute majority of the inhabitants of the planet worship. What values ​​am I talking about? On universal (eternal) values:

The class is divided into three groups.

Exercise 1. Each group should make up a short story (5-6 sentences) using partially given words (values).

Task 2. After studying the material of § 6 "Social norms", make a cluster, which social norms permeate our lives.

Regulation of human behavior by social norms is carried out in three ways:

  • permission - an indication of behaviors that are desirable, but not required;
  • prescription - an indication of the required action;
  • prohibition - an indication of actions that should not be performed.

Carefully study the data in the table "Social norms" and indicate which of the presented norms is a ban? What - prescription? What - permission?

social norms




Regular meetings of graduates of the educational institution (permission)

Legal regulations

“Propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited” (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 29(2)) (ban)

moral standards

Treat others the way you want them to treat you (prescription)

Political norms

“The people exercise their power directly, as well as through state authorities and local self-government bodies” (Constitution of the Russian Federation,
Art. 3(2)) (prescription)

Aesthetic standards

The canon of proportions of the human body, established in the plastic art of Ancient Egypt, and the system of ideal proportions of the human body developed by the ancient Greek sculptor Polykleitos, which became the norm for Antiquity (ban)

Religious norms

“Do not repay evil for evil to anyone, take care of the good among all people ... Do not avenge yourself, beloved, but give place to the Wrath of God” (Introduction to the Christian Bible. New Testament. St. Petersburg, 1993. P. 173) (ban)

Rules of etiquette

Helping a child, a helpless woman... (prescription)

Fashion for sportswear (permission)

2. Social sanctions - means of establishing social norms.

Sanctions exist in the form of rewards and punishments, which can be formal or informal.

Formal positive sanctions (F+) - public approval from official organizations (government, institution, creative union): government awards, state awards and scholarships, bestowed titles, academic degrees and titles, construction of a monument, presentation of diplomas, admission to high positions and honorary functions .

informal positive sanctions (H+) - public approval that does not come from official organizations: friendly praise, compliments, tacit recognition, benevolent disposition, applause, fame, honor, flattering reviews, recognition of leadership or expert qualities, smile.

Formal negative sanctions (F-) - punishments provided for by legal laws, government decrees, administrative instructions, orders, orders: deprivation of civil rights, imprisonment, arrest, dismissal, fine, confiscation of property, demotion, demolition, death penalty.

Informal negative sanctions (N-) - punishments not provided for by official authorities: censure, remarks, ridicule, mockery, a cruel joke, an unflattering nickname, refusal to maintain relations, spreading rumors, slander, an unfriendly review, a complaint, writing a feuilleton, exposing article.

II. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Answer the questions:

  1. What social norm?
  2. What social norms exist in society? Explain their purpose.
  3. What role do social sanctions play?

Homework:§ 6, learn.

Appendix 1 . Worksheet for the lesson "Social Values ​​and Norms"

social norm (from lat. norma- a rule, a model, a measure) - a rule of behavior established in society that regulates relations between people, social life.

Signs of social norms:

1) They are general rules for members of the society.

2) They do not have a specific addressee and operate continuously in time.

4) Arise in connection with the volitional, conscious activity of people.

5) Arise in the process of historical development.

Ways to regulate people's behavior by social norms:

1) Permission- an indication of behaviors that are desirable, but not required.

2) prescription- an indication of the required action.

3) Ban- an indication of actions that should not be taken.

Types of social norms

Type name His essence


social norms

customs Mass patterns of actions approved by society that have arisen as a result of their repeated repetition. New Year celebration.
Traditions Values, norms, patterns of behavior, ideas, social attitudes, etc., inherited from predecessors. Traditions refer to cultural heritage; they tend to be revered by most members of society. Regular meetings of graduates of the educational institution.
rituals(in essence, they are a kind of custom) Rules of human behavior, in which the most important thing is a strictly specified form of their implementation. Knighting Ritual in the Middle Ages.
moral standards(sometimes also called ethical standards) Rules of conduct, which express people's ideas about good or bad, good and evil, etc. Compliance with moral rules is ensured by the authority of the collective consciousness, their violation is condemned in society. “Act towards others as you would like them to act towards you” (“the golden rule of morality”), etc.
Legal regulations(laws and by-laws) Formally defined rules of conduct, established or sanctioned by the state and supported by its coercive power; legal norms are necessarily expressed in official form - in laws or other regulatory legal acts; these are always written norms; There is only one legal system in any particular society. “It is forbidden to promote social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority” (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 29, paragraph 2), etc.

Religious norms

Rules of conduct formulated in the texts of sacred books or established by religious organizations. In terms of content, many of them, acting as norms of morality, coincide with the norms of law, reinforce traditions and customs. Compliance with religious norms is supported by the moral consciousness of believers and religious belief in the inevitability of punishment for sins - deviation from these norms. “Do not repay evil for evil to anyone, take care of good between all people ... Do not avenge yourself, beloved, but give place to the Wrath of God” (New Testament. Epistle to the Romans, ch. XII), etc.

Political norms

Rules of conduct that regulate political activity, relations between the citizen and the state, between social groups. They are reflected in laws, international treaties, political principles, moral norms. “The people exercise their power directly, as well as through state authorities and local self-government bodies” (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 3, paragraph 2), etc.

Aesthetic standards

They reinforce ideas about the beautiful and the ugly not only in artistic creativity, but also in the behavior of people at work and in everyday life. They are usually of a historical nature. The system of ideal proportions of the human body developed by the ancient Greek sculptor Polykleitos, which became the norm in the era of Antiquity, etc.

In addition, there are rules universal, national, class, group, interpersonal.

According to the degree of obligation, social norms are divided into:

1) encouraging;

4) imperative (from lat. imperatives- imperative).

Functions of social norms:

1) Regulate the general course of socialization.

2) Integrate the personality into the social environment.

3) Serve as models, standards of appropriate behavior.

4) Determine the boundaries of acceptable behavior of people in relation to the specific conditions of their life.

5) Control deviant behavior.



1. Establish a correspondence between the types of social norms and the signs illustrating them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column. Write down the resulting sequence of numbers.

Social values ​​and norms. 11th grade

Target: to form an idea of ​​social norms and values, of social control as a special mechanism for maintaining public order.

Lesson type : learning new material.

During the classes


    Social values ​​and norms.

    social sanctions.

Learning new material.

(reading the myth to the music of "Sarah Brightman - Moment of Peace")

Creating the human race, the gods took care of it with truly divine generosity: they gave reason, speech, fire, abilities for craftsmanship and art. Everyone was endowed with some kind of talent. Builders, blacksmiths, doctors, etc. appeared. Man began to get food, make beautiful things, build dwellings. But the gods failed to teach people how to live in society. And when people got together for some big deal - to build a road, a canal, fierce disputes broke out between them, and often the case ended in a general collapse. People were too selfish, too intolerant and cruel, everything was decided only by brute force ...

And the threat of self-destruction hung over the human race.

Then the father of the gods Zeus, feeling his special responsibility, ordered to introduce shame and truth into people's lives.

The gods were delighted with the wisdom of the father. They asked him only one question: how to distribute shame and truth among people? After all, the gods bestow talents selectively: they will send the abilities of a builder to one, a musician to another, a healer to a third, and so on. And what to do with shame and truth?

Zeus replied that all people should have shame and truth. Otherwise, there will be no cities, no states, no people on Earth...

- What is this myth about?

Today in the lesson we will talk about social values ​​and norms - the regulators of human behavior.

1. Social values ​​and norms

We encounter values ​​at every step. But how often do we think about them? The saying “Look inside yourself” suggests that the basis of our morality should be an internal dialogue, a person’s judgment on himself, in which he himself is both an accuser, a defender, and a judge. And what determines the essence of this monologue? Of course, those values ​​that move a person. What are values ​​and norms?

The class is invited to assemble a whole concept from words.(worksheet)

    All values ​​are interconnected, in unity and form a holistic inner world of a person - a pyramid of values.

    Build your own value pyramid and explain your choice.

    Do you think people can live without values? Justify your opinion.

    Values ​​are unshakable, intimate life orientations of a person. .

    Without them, man cannot exist. Another thing is that for someone the golden calf is the main reference point, and for someone the highest value is friendship.

    And yet there are values ​​that the absolute majority of the inhabitants of the planet worship. What values ​​am I talking about?

There are values ​​that the absolute majority of the inhabitants of the planet worship. What values ​​am I talking about? On universal (eternal) values:




the beauty







Exercise 1 . Each group should make up a short story (5-6 sentences) using partially given words (values).

Work with the text of LN Stolovich about universal values.

Talk about biblical values

The main human value is life. Monologue from "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky. Performed by EVGENY MIRONOV.

SLIDE №6-7 What role do these values ​​play in a person's life? (slide show)

    Therefore, any value is social in nature.

    Under social value is understood as a component of social life, endowed with a special meaning in the mind of the individual or in the public mind. Values ​​actively influence the consciousness and behavior of people.

    Give examples of the impact of social values ​​on the consciousness and behavior of people.

    Some of you will ask: do not the norms of behavior influence and determine the behavior of people? Let's try to draw parallels between value and norm.

Task 2 . Having studied the material § 6 "Social norms", handout types of social norms -make a cluster of what social norms permeate our lives.

Slide #9

Regulation of human behavior by social norms is carried out in three ways:

    permission - an indication of behaviors that are desirable, but not required;

    prescription - an indication of the required action;

    prohibition - an indication of actions that should not be performed.

Carefully study the data in the table "Social norms" and indicate which of the presented norms is a ban? What - prescription? What - permission?

social norms


Tasks from the handout

2. Social sanctions - means of establishing social norms.

Sanctions exist in the form of rewards and punishments, which can be formal or informal.

Formal positive sanctions (F+) - public approval from official organizations (government, institution, creative union): government awards, state awards and scholarships, bestowed titles, academic degrees and titles, construction of a monument, presentation of diplomas, admission to high positions and honorary functions .

informal positive sanctions (H+) - public approval that does not come from official organizations: friendly praise, compliments, tacit recognition, benevolent disposition, applause, fame, honor, flattering reviews, recognition of leadership or expert qualities, smile.

Formal negative sanctions (F-) - punishments provided for by legal laws, government decrees, administrative instructions, orders, orders: deprivation of civil rights, imprisonment, arrest, dismissal, fine, confiscation of property, demotion, demolition, death penalty.

Informal negative sanctions (N-) - punishments not provided for by official authorities: censure, remarks, ridicule, mockery, a cruel joke, an unflattering nickname, refusal to maintain relations, spreading rumors, slander, an unfriendly review, a complaint, writing a feuilleton, exposing article.

II. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Answer the questions:

    Whatsocial norm ?

    What social norms exist in society? Explain their purpose.

    What role do social sanctions play?

Homework: § 6, learn.

Worksheet for the lesson "Social Values ​​and Norms"

social norms - images of social relations, models of human behavior, necessarily having a prescriptive nature and operating within a particular culture. The fact that social norms are characterized by relative stability, repetition, and generality allows us to speak of them as laws. And just like all laws, social norms manifest themselves and act in public life necessarily. Social norms are conditioned by human, social consciousness. It is this fundamentally important circumstance that determines the qualitative specificity of social norms, which distinguishes them from the norms-laws that operate in nature. At the same time, the connection with human (public and individual) consciousness actually finds its expression in two plans - genetic, associated with the origin of social norms, and pragmatic, relating to the management of human behavior, regulation (organization) of social relations.

The most important function performed by social norms is the management of human relationships and behavior.

Values- socially approved and shared by most people ideas about what kindness, justice, patriotism, romantic love, friendship, etc. Values ​​are not questioned, they serve as a standard and ideal for all people. Values ​​belong to a group or society, value orientations belong to an individual. Even the simplest norms of behavior embody what is valued by a group or society. Cultural norms and values ​​are closely interrelated. The difference between norm and value is expressed as follows:

Norms - rules of conduct,

Values ​​are abstract concepts of what is good and evil, right and wrong, proper and improper.

Values ​​are what justifies and gives meaning to norms. In society, some values ​​may conflict with others, although both are equally recognized as inalienable norms of behavior. Each society itself has the right to determine what is a value and what is not.

Value Orientation expresses the focus of the individual on certain norms and values. This orientation is characterized by cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. All researchers emphasize the regulatory function of value orientations that determine the behavior of the individual, his goals and motives.

The formation of value orientations is largely due to the individual experience of a person's life and is determined by the life relationships in which he is. The formation and development of the structure of value orientations is a complex process that improves in the course of personality development. People of the same age may have different values. The structure of value orientations of people of the same age indicates only the general trend of their development; in the life of each person, the ways of developing values ​​can be different. However, knowing the general trend in the development of values ​​at each age and taking into account individual experience, it is possible to direct the development of an individual's worldview and influence this process accordingly.

Value orientations, being one of the central personality neoplasms, express a person's conscious attitude to social reality and, in this capacity, determine the broad motivation of his behavior and have a significant impact on all aspects of his reality. Of particular importance is the connection of value orientations with the orientation of the individual. The system of value orientations determines the content side of the orientation of the individual and forms the basis of her views on the world around, to other people, to herself, the basis of the worldview, the core of motivation and the "philosophy of life". Value orientations are a way of differentiating objects of reality according to their significance (positive or negative). The orientation of the individual expresses one of its most essential characteristics, which determines the social and moral value of the individual. The content of the orientation is, first of all, the dominant, socially determined relationship of the individual to the surrounding reality. It is through the orientation of the personality that its value orientations find their real expression in the active activity of a person, that is, they must become stable motives for activity and turn into convictions. The semantic formations of the ultimate generalization turn into values, and a person is aware of his own values ​​only when he relates to the world as a whole. Therefore, when they talk about a person, they naturally come to the concept of "value". This concept is considered in different sciences: axiology, philosophy, sociology, biology, psychology. The values ​​condense the experience and results of the knowledge of past generations of people, embodying the aspiration of culture to future values, are considered as the most important elements of culture, giving it unity and integrity.

Everyone can have their own system of values, and in this system of values ​​they line up in a certain relationship. Of course, these systems are individual only insofar as the individual consciousness reflects the social consciousness. From these positions, in the process of identifying value orientations, it is necessary to take into account two main parameters: the degree of formation of the structure of value orientations and the content of value orientations (their orientation), which is characterized by specific values ​​included in the structure. The fact is that the internalization of values ​​as a conscious process occurs only if there is an ability to single out from a multitude of phenomena those that are of some value to him (satisfy his needs and interests), and then turn them into a certain structure, depending on the conditions close and distant goals of his whole life, the possibility of their implementation, and the like. The second parameter, which characterizes the features of the functioning of value orientations, makes it possible to qualify the content side of the orientation of a person at a particular level of development. Depending on what specific values ​​are included in the structure of a person's value orientations, what are the combination of these values ​​and the degree of their greater or lesser preference relative to others, etc., it is possible to determine what goals of life a person's activity is aimed at.

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