Companies for the reconstruction of buildings and structures. How to breathe new life into an old house? Order the reconstruction of the building! Reconstruction projects for different parts of the facilities

In the field of construction building reconstruction and buildings occupies a special place. Building reconstruction is necessary in many cases - for example, when the customer wants to change the functional purpose of the building (reconstruction of factories into office centers), or when the building has become unusable or obsolete, as well as in many other situations when a change in the configuration and dimensions of the building is required, redevelopment of the building , building rebuilding, storey additions, extensions, etc.

Obviously, building reconstruction- this is a complex of organizational and construction measures and construction and installation works associated with a change in the functional purpose of the building, a change in the quantity and quality of internal premises, the need to increase the total area of ​​​​the building and its capacity, etc.

Reconstruction of buildings in the course of their operation has become the main and perhaps the most significant issue in the construction industry. After all, the costs of operating dilapidated buildings that require constant repairs here and there are much more than the funds that can be invested in reconstruction of objects.

It should not be forgotten that reconstruction- this is a very responsible job that requires knowledge and experience in the production of similar works. After all, an incorrectly carried out reconstruction of the house will entail irreversible consequences - cracks in the facade, ceilings, destruction of the foundation, up to the destruction of the building. Therefore, when reconstruction of a house (especially a residential one) it is important to comply with the reconstruction technology and building codes. Here, the experience and professionalism of the workers of the company with which you cooperate are of no small importance. The working team of our company consists of highly qualified specialists in this field, so by choosing our company, you can be sure of the quality of the work performed.

Reconstruction of an old house may include the following options:

  • reorganization and re-equipment of the interior of the building;
  • construction and installation work in order to change the useful area of ​​​​the house - these can be: extensions to the building, building floors, construction and reconstruction of the attic floor;
  • basement extension;
  • strengthening of all load-bearing structures.
  • reconstruction of brickwork, screeding of facade cracks.
  • Our company provides complete package of services for the reconstruction of buildings is:

  • creation of project documentation;
  • coordination of the reconstruction project in all state institutions;
  • change of purpose of the object of reconstruction;
  • reconstruction of premises with partial or complete replacement of ceilings;
  • replacement of all communications, installation and commissioning;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • increase in the electrical capacity of the building;
  • design and installation of ventilated facade systems;
  • landscaping and asphalting.
  • It should be noted that building reconstruction and structures is work, in many cases more complex and delicate than new construction. Since the reconstructed building, as a rule, is already inscribed in the existing industrial or residential environment, and is closely connected with it technically and aesthetically. Therefore, any reconstruction requires an individual approach to each object.

    Foundation reconstruction

    The order of any reconstruction of buildings implies a certain sequence of work - the beginning of reconstruction must fall on the foundation.

    The main reasons for the need reconstruction and strengthening of the foundation, are:

  • weakening of the laying of foundations;
  • decrease in the bearing capacity of soils;
  • increased load on foundations.
  • Deformation and collapse of buildings occurs in most cases due to unstable ground. That is why when reconstruction of residential buildings great attention should be paid to the reconstruction of foundations and the integrity of engineering communications.

    Soil strengthening and strengthening of foundations carry out by specialized teams extremely carefully with grips (usually no more than 2 m) so as not to damage adjacent sections and overlying parts of the building.

    The increase in the density and bearing capacity of the foundation soil is carried out by various methods: cementation, bituminization, silicification, electrosilicification, heat treatment, resinization, the installation of stuffed piles and tamping of crushed stone.

    If you do not pay attention to the foundation for a long time and do not strengthen it in a timely manner, the walls and the supporting structure of the building can crack, which will damage the decor and facade finish.

    The most important thing when foundation reconstruction is their unloading. That is, an increase in the bearing area of ​​​​the foundation and a decrease in pressure on each square meter of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the structure. Only highly skilled workers can cope with this task.

    Reconstruction of the building box (walls of the building)

    An equally important stage in the reconstruction of the building is wall reconstruction.

    The decrease in the bearing capacity of the walls of the building occurs as a result of the same factors that affect the foundation. This is the general settlement of the building, cracks and erosion on its walls, as well as the destruction of the overall frame of the supporting structure.

    Reconstruction of buildings focuses on the need to restore walls, not only as decorative and enclosing parts of the structure, but also as its main bearing elements. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the load not only on the foundation of the structure, but also on the walls. This can be achieved by strengthening the wall structures and unloading the upper structures, including the roof.

    In this case, it is advisable to add iron structures and elements to the frame of the structure to enhance the strength of the walls and increase their bearing capacity. It is also possible to add new masonry along the entire surface of the walls, old walls are attached to it with anchor bolts.

    Reconstruction of facades

    In our harsh climate, it quickly becomes necessary to carry out reconstruction of the facade of the building. Now it is not difficult to do this, because with the advent of modern materials and technologies in facade production, it is possible to easily dismantle the facade, strengthen the masonry, or hide damage behind a hinged facade. to events for reconstruction of the facade of the building include the following works:

  • arrangement of a separate entrance, repair of the old,;
  • increasing the size or number of windows;
  • arrangement of the winter garden;
  • extension of premises, etc.
  • For reconstruction of the facade of the building, permission is required for renovation work. So that when developing a new reconstruction project, it is necessary to take into account the appearance of the building so that your original ideas do not violate the unified architectural appearance of the building.

    Reconstruction of the facade may include such types of work as:

    In order to qualitatively repair the plaster on the facades, it is necessary to find out the reasons that caused its damage and eliminate them. The materials used for plastering must comply with GOSTs. Damp plaster is to be removed, as well as having efflorescence, gray and resinous spots on its surface.

    After plaster repair and cleaning, the surface of the facades turns out to be heterogeneous due to the different texture of the old and new plasters, therefore, to level it, it is puttied with preliminary priming.

    Facades are painted with spray guns. Window slopes, narrow rods, platbands, rustication seams, individual stucco details are usually painted with brushes. The paint is applied to the surface in an even layer, without smudges. The facades are painted according to the grips.

    Painting is carried out at an outside air temperature of at least +5 ° C, except for those cases when compositions are used that can work at a negative temperature.

  • Reinforcement of stone (brick) masonry
  • In some cases, it is necessary to reinforce the masonry by enclosing it in a cage. The masonry in the holder works under conditions of all-round compression, while its resistance to longitudinal force increases, and transverse deformations are significantly reduced.

    The clip consists of vertical steel corners, which are installed at the corners of the walls or pillars on cement mortar, and clamps made of flat or round steel (step up to 0.5 m).

    The gaps between the elements of the cage and the masonry are carefully caulked or injected with cement mortar. The injection is carried out by injecting a liquid cement or polymer cement mortar into the damaged masonry under pressure. In this case, a general monolithic masonry occurs, its bearing capacity is restored.

    Ventilated façade is a modern solution for any case of facade reconstruction. It will not only hide the imperfections of the walls of the building, but also give them additional insulation and increase the protective properties.

    Even the walls of an old and dilapidated house can be covered with a hinged facade, the house will not only look like new, but also its performance will increase, and it will be able to last longer. Hinged ventilated facades effectively solve energy saving problems, and besides, there are dozens of different materials of various colors and textures that will suit your building.

    Roof reconstruction

    The final stage building reconstruction is its very top - The technical condition of the roof, its performance has a great impact on the premises below.

    The roof itself and its top layer - the roof - are constantly exposed to many physical, chemical, mechanical and aggressive factors.

    Roofs and roofs must be constantly in the field of view of the maintenance staff. Character roof reconstruction its

    If defects are found during inspection of the roof, it is necessary to proceed with their elimination. , affected by rust, should be painted, worn sections of pipes and gutters should be replaced with new ones. If the roof is covered - in case of minor damage, patches are put in, in case of wear, the entire coating is removed, a complete roof reconstruction.

    With a complete change of the old, worn-out roof, the entire coating is cut and dismantled.

    Reconstruction of industrial buildings

    Reconstruction of industrial buildings(reconstruction of factories, reconstruction of an enterprise, reconstruction of a warehouse) provides for the reorganization of the facility, changes in dimensions and technical indicators, capital construction, construction and reconstruction of engineering systems and communications, and other changes.

    For the main types of work reconstruction of industrial buildings include:

  • strengthening the foundation;
  • reconstruction of the "box" of the building;
  • change in the number of floors of the building;
  • basement extension;
  • change in architectural appearance;
  • repair work inside the building (flooring, ceiling finishing, partitions, flights of stairs, doors, windows, etc.);
  • production of additional insulation of floors, roofs, building cladding with various materials (facing brick, lining, siding, natural stone, etc.);
  • manufacturing, installation and repair of engineering equipment.
  • Our specialists will perform the whole complex of works on reconstruction of industrial enterprises, will hold

    In the reconstruction of buildings, an important role is played by design work and various kinds of coordination, which often fall on the shoulders of the customer. We are also ready to assist in these matters.

    1. Basic concepts

    Production technology is a set of methods for conducting construction, installation and repair work

    Organization of labor is a system of preparatory and technological measures that ensure the performance of work by industrial methods.

    Restoration - giving structural elements their original qualities and characteristics.

    Overhaul - a repair performed to eliminate a malfunction and completely restore the resource of a structural element or object with the replacement or restoration of any of their parts, including the basic ones.

    Modernization - a complete reorganization of the building, taking into account new requirements.

    Moral obsolescence - depreciation of buildings suitable for use due to socially necessary production costs in the process of creating similar funds and the emergence of new, more modern ones.

    Expansion of enterprises - construction of additional and new production facilities, expansion of existing workshops and facilities for the main, auxiliary and service purposes.

    Reconstruction - a set of construction works and organizational and technological measures associated with a change in the main technical and economic indicators of a building or its purpose, carried out in order to improve conditions.

    Reconstruction of the building - a change in the space-planning structure of the building, as well as its design and technical solutions in order to eliminate physical and moral deterioration.

    Reconstruction of buildings - a change in the planning structure of territories in order to increase the efficiency of its functioning.

    Repair - a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of structural elements, restore their resources.

    Renovation - partial or complete demolition of the housing stock (building) with subsequent preparation of the territory (site) for new construction on the released territory.

    Current repair - repair of a building in order to restore the serviceability (operability) of its structures and systems of engineering equipment, as well as to maintain operational performance.

    Technical re-equipment is a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of individual industries, workshops and sections based on the introduction of advanced equipment and technology, mechanization and automation, modernization and replacement of outdated and worn-out equipment with more productive ones.

    Physical deterioration is the gradual loss of the original qualities of the materials from which the building is built, as a result of which their performance properties deteriorate and the cost decreases.

    Reinforcement - giving structures quality and characteristics that are increased compared to the original ones.

    2. Classification of repair work

    The system of scheduled preventive repairs (PPR) is a set of organizational and technical measures for the maintenance and repair of structures, sanitary systems, engineering devices and equipment, carried out according to pre-drawn plans.

    There are two main PPRs: current and capital; they are subdivided respectively into scheduled preventive (preventive) and emergency (unforeseen) current repairs and scheduled preventive (complex) and selective overhaul.

    Current repair consists in systematic and timely work carried out to protect parts of buildings and equipment from premature wear and to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions.

    The main type of current repair is scheduled preventive (preventive) repair(TPR). Up to 75 ... 80% of the appropriations allocated for current repairs are allocated for its production. TPR works include repair and painting of roofs, painting and partial replacement of drainpipes, partial repair of doors, windows, etc.

    Back to work ongoing emergency repairs(THR) includes urgent repairs of minor accidental damage (for example, in heating systems, water supply), replacement of broken glass, etc. 20 ... 25% of the cost of current repairs is provided for the production of these works.

    Overhaul consists in replacing or restoring the performance of all structures, sanitary systems, engineering devices and equipment due to their physical or obsolescence and destruction.

    Complex overhaul(KKR) covers the entire building as a whole or its individual sections to eliminate moral and physical deterioration.

    In accordance with current regulations, after nine years from the start of operation of the building, the roof, facades with joint sealing, staircases, hot water systems, etc. are repaired. After the next nine years, i.e. 18 years after the commissioning of the building, except of the scope of work listed above, they also repair heating, cold water supply and sewerage systems, partially floors, electrical equipment and some landscaping elements.

    Selective overhaul(WRC) provides for the replacement of individual worn-out structures, equipment or their elements, the repair of which is caused by significant wear and tear and cannot be postponed until the next scheduled preventive (complex) repair. The frequency of WRC is 5 ... 6 years.

    Reconstruction (modernization) of a building is its reorganization with a change in purpose, internal or external appearance.

    So the reconstruction of buildings is conditionally divided into complex and partial. At complex reconstruction at the same time, the tasks of increasing the capitalization of the building, landscaping and increasing the usable and living areas are being solved.

    At partial reconstruction are usually limited to redevelopment of the interior without replacing the floor and significant re-laying of the walls. Partial reconstruction is appropriate for buildings with little physical wear.

    During the reconstruction of a building, in addition to major repairs, work related to new construction is also carried out.

    Reconstruction of a building is a concept that denotes repair work carried out in a building in order to improve its performance, eliminate physical and moral wear and tear and increase the degree of its improvement.

    Strengthening of structural elements occurs most often during reconstruction work and is associated with the provision of load-bearing capacity, rigidity and stability by structures.

    Reconstruction system of buildings and buildings

    3. Factors causing the need for repair measures

    residential buildings.

    - architectural and urban planning solutions- the reconstruction of the city in the plan is associated with overcoming the chaotic arrangement of buildings, with the creation of a clearer arrangement of streets, squares, courtyards.

    In the reconstruction of the city as a whole, there are three directions:

    1 - the creation of satellite cities in large metropolitan areas, in which recreation areas, residential areas, consumer services, and social and cultural institutions are located. Due to the transfer of part of the functions to satellite cities, a large city remains within its borders. The territory of the main city is being reconstructed, more comfortable living conditions are being created, subject to modern requirements;

    2 - the planning structure of the city itself is subjected to a significant reconstruction. At the same time, they strive to create such structures that could develop painlessly over time, but at the same time having compact transport communications;

    3 - a compact city is created, which, as it develops, turns nearby settlements into satellite cities. This method, as it were, combines the two previous ones.

    - departmental affiliation- this principle underlies further classification due to the fact that the level of technical operation in various departments differs significantly, especially in recent times. The level of financing for the operation of the building and the competence of the employees of the operating organization in matters and rules of operation will determine its technical condition.

    - construction period- the time of construction of the building largely determines the technical, strength and operational characteristics of the main structural elements of the building. The same characteristic predetermines an approximate list of the main activities during the reconstruction and modernization of the building. In many ways, this characteristic also influences the subsequent signs of the classification of buildings: the material of the main structural elements, architectural and planning solutions, design solutions, the level of engineering improvement, and some others.

    In our country, there are three main periods of construction, which include existing buildings:

    1 - pre-revolutionary building;

    2 - construction of 1917 - 1960s;

    3 - construction 1961 - to the present.

    architectural and planning solutions is a sign that predetermines the level of internal changes in the building, related to the layout and to the main social issues caused by the reconstruction of the building.

    The classification of buildings according to architectural and planning solutions allows us to identify the main solutions, methods and methods for the reconstruction and modernization of buildings:

    1 - residential buildings of the pre-revolutionary period of construction with high-quality apartments of 6 ... 9 rooms, living area 100 ... 150 m2, spacious kitchens and anterooms, rooms for servants, floor height up to 4 m;

    2 - sectional houses of pre-revolutionary construction and construction of the first decades of Soviet power, apartments of 2 ... 5 rooms, living area up to 80 m2, floor height up to 3 ... 3.5 m;

    3 - houses of pre-revolutionary construction of the corridor and gallery system with apartments of 10 ... 20 rooms, room area - 20 ... 35 m2, the presence of one kitchen and one bathroom; residential buildings of the corridor system with rooms of 10 ... 13 m2, floor height up to 3.5 m;

    4 - other types of buildings with a chaotic layout, turned into housing in the first years of Soviet power;

    5 - buildings of the industrial period of construction, suitable for family settlement with a single bathroom, living area does not meet modern standards, floor height 2.4 ... 2.5 m;

    6 - buildings of the industrial period of construction, suitable for family settlement with a separate bathroom, with a living area sufficient for modern standards, floor height 2.4 ... 2.5 m;

    7 - buildings of the last years of construction, with an area sufficient and exceeding modern standards, with one or two bathrooms, floor height 2.5 ... 2.7 m

    structural diagram– is of great importance in the design and organization of the reconstruction of residential buildings:

    1 - single-span with longitudinal load-bearing walls;

    2 - two-span with longitudinal load-bearing walls;

    3 - three-span with longitudinal load-bearing walls;

    4 - multi-span with transverse load-bearing walls;

    5 - mixed;

    6 - with an incomplete frame

    - material of the main structural elements of the building- this characteristic predetermines the reconstruction option: cosmetic repairs with elements of reconstruction in the form of a superstructure, extension, broadening of the hull, internal redevelopment, etc.; reconstruction combined with a major overhaul associated with the replacement of ceilings or other individual structural elements; complete demolition of the building.

    According to the type of main structural elements, all existing buildings can be divided according to the rules for calculating unified depreciation charges for full restoration:

    1 - stone, especially capital, brick walls with a thickness of 2.5 - 3.5 bricks or brick with a reinforced concrete or metal frame, reinforced concrete or concrete floors;

    2 - with brick walls 1.5 - 2.5 bricks thick, reinforced concrete, concrete or wooden floors with large-block walls, reinforced concrete floors;

    3 - with walls of lightweight masonry made of bricks, monolithic and light cinder blocks, shell rock, reinforced concrete or concrete floors;

    4 - with large-panel walls, reinforced concrete floors;

    5 - with walls and large-block or lightweight masonry made of bricks, monolithic cinder concrete, small cinder blocks, shell rock, wooden floors;

    6 - with mixed walls, wooden, chopped or cobbled.

    Such a division of buildings contributes to a simpler calculation of physical wear and tear.

    social issues- this is the biggest and most painful problem that requires especially careful study at the preliminary stage of reconstruction. In many ways, the development of all documentation for the reconstruction and modernization of a particular building will depend on the solution of this issue.

    Residents of old houses represent different segments of the population: those who have been living in this house for a long time, those who bought it recently or inherited it, who have lived since birth, but who want to get a new one. Depending on the category of tenants, there may be various options for providing them with housing after the reconstruction of this house:

    1 - return to the renovated apartment;

    2 - exchange, but in the same house;

    3 - exchange, but in the same area;

    4 - moving to another area.

    - level of engineering improvement- the presence or absence of landscaping elements affect the level of comfort and attractiveness of a particular building. Therefore, when solving issues of reconstruction and modernization, this issue is of no small importance. The lack of certain types of improvement very often determines the need for major repairs or reconstruction.

    - environmental issues, responsible for the quality of the building as a whole and specific rooms in this building: thermal comfort, insolation of rooms, sound comfort, visual comfort, etc.

    The best prices for the reconstruction of buildings this month!

    Name of works Cost, rub. Unit rev.
    Dismantling of partitions from gypsum concrete135 m2
    Dismantling of brick partitions (up to 1/2) 150 m2
    Dismantling of partitions made of reinforced concrete, thicknesses 8 cm 500 m2
    Cleaning the ceiling from paint, putty 160 m2
    Cleaning walls from paint, putty 100 m2
    Cleaning walls from plaster 160 m2
    Plaster ceiling cleaning 220 m2
    Installation of decorative beam structures with antique sanding and varnishing1000 m2
    Installation of 2-layer partitions from GKL400 m2
    Installation of 4-layer partitions from GKL500 m2
    The device of partitions made of bricks 1/2450 m2
    The device of partitions from blocks400 m2

    Do you want to increase the area of ​​​​a private house and add a floor to it? Or maybe you need a grand redevelopment of an apartment building or office? That's just who to entrust it to - you don't know? Order the reconstruction of the building in our company, and do not worry about anything else! Be the first to know what tasks are successfully solved by the reconstruction of buildings and structures, and why it is better to entrust this kind of work exclusively to professional builders!

    Building renovation works: what are they?

    Reconstruction of buildings and facilities is the performance of certain construction works aimed at modernizing the building and improving its performance.

    The construction and reconstruction of buildings for industrial and industrial purposes is carried out in order to modernize and improve its functionality, increase production capacity, change the range of products and improve their quality. If we talk about the reconstruction of residential buildings, then in this case its main tasks are to extend the life of houses, expand the usable area by creating attics, extensions and superstructures, as well as increase the level of comfort.

    After the repair and reconstruction of buildings, the finished building must fully comply with the current technical, environmental and sanitary requirements and standards.

    Why can't major repairs and reconstruction of buildings be entrusted to people without building experience?

    The operation of buildings subject to reconstruction is usually associated with high costs - as a rule, it is better to pay an impressive amount for a competent reconstruction once than to constantly pay for the maintenance of a dilapidated building. The latter option will eventually be the most expensive - that is why the reconstruction of the premises in the building remains one of the most important building functions. The construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures requires a high level of qualification and a professional approach to each stage.

    Incorrectly performed capital reconstruction of buildings can cause not only the appearance of cracks in floors and facades, but also deformations of the foundation structure and even complete destruction of the building!

    Without compliance with SNiPs, technical and environmental standards, it is impossible to carry out a competent reconstruction of a non-residential building or a residential building. By entrusting the building reconstruction project to amateurs, you will not save money, but waste it, since such an approach to work will soon force you to look for contractors for urgent overhaul. To organize the reconstruction of buildings, it is worth choosing a company with many years of experience, which employs qualified specialists, and experienced builders are involved in the work.

    Reconstruction of buildings, especially residential and public, can significantly extend their service life, lengthen the life cycle. In a number of Western European countries, the costs of reconstruction exceed the costs of new construction. On the contrary, in our country the costs of modernization and reconstruction are several times less than the costs of new construction (see Table 39.2), despite the fact that the degree of depreciation of fixed assets is about 48%.

    Table 39.2

    Structure of investments in fixed assets, billion rubles

    * Excluding small businesses; ** including investments in intellectual property.

    In urban areas, refurbishment is generally more profitable than demolition and new construction, although in specific cases a feasibility study is necessary. So, in Moscow, for a number of reasons, it was considered expedient to demolish five-story houses of the K-7, 11-32, 1-464, 1MG-300 series, etc., and 9- and 12-story buildings of the P-49, P-57, 1605-AM and others are subject to reconstruction.

    Reconstruction can be carried out with or without a change in the space-planning solution (spans of workshops, apartment structure), with the replacement of roofs, ceilings, other structures, improvement and insulation of facades. The first option is usually more expensive, but significantly increases the price of the property.

    Meanwhile, the very concept of reconstruction is not clearly defined in the legislation. In accordance with Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, reconstruction includes a change in parameters, a superstructure, restructuring, expansion of an object, as well as replacement or restoration of supporting structures. In this case, the replacement or restoration of individual elements of load-bearing structures is a major overhaul. How to distinguish a structural element from a structure is not entirely clear. In addition, the terms “equipment modernization” and “technical re-equipment” are absent in the Russian Civil Code, so it is not clear whether these processes are reconstruction or repair. Further, the terms "re-planning" and "reorganization" are introduced in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Since they are not in the RF GK, it is also unclear whether they relate to major repairs or reconstruction.

    Meanwhile, the difference here is significant, especially when financing construction at the own expense of enterprises. The costs of capital and current repairs are made at the expense of the repair fund of the enterprise, i.e. due to cost. Reconstruction costs are investments, i.e. produced from profit; financing reconstruction at the cost of production costs is a gross economic mistake.

    During the overhaul, the requirements for project documentation have been significantly reduced, in particular, the composition of the documentation is determined by the customer, its examination is not mandatory. It is also not necessary to obtain a building and commissioning permit.

    Please note that since 2011, the expansion of the facility (i.e. the construction of additional workshops, sections on the same site) in the GK of the Russian Federation refers to reconstruction, while before that it was usually equated to new construction. Since the same year, a separate concept has been singled out "reconstruction of linear objects", which is characterized by a change in the class, category, performance of the line, a change in the boundaries of the right-of-way or security zones.

    Reconstruction of residential buildings should be aimed at improving the comfort and standard of living of the population, improving the operational reliability of engineering networks, maintaining landscaping, and improving the planning structure. Therefore, in cities it is advisable to carry out the reconstruction not of individual buildings, but of quarters or microdistricts as a whole.

    Survey work during reconstruction, however, as well as during major repairs, largely consists of procedures for examining the condition of the foundation and supporting structures of a building or structure (see Chapter 38). In the absence of design and working documentation, it is necessary to restore the drawings of the building according to the actual dimensions, apply a conditional grid of axes, carry out measurements and check the characteristics of engineering systems.

    Design work during the reconstruction is carried out in full. In necessary cases, state or non-state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results is carried out. It is also necessary to draw up a town-planning plan for the land plot. Upon receipt of technical conditions for connection (connection) to engineering networks, it should be determined whether the facility's demand for water, gas, energy after reconstruction exceeds the corresponding values ​​before reconstruction. A building permit should be obtained on a general basis, as with new construction.

    The organization of reconstruction, as well as during major repairs, can be carried out with or without stopping the enterprise (in housing construction - with or without eviction of residents).

    An extreme option for the reconstruction of the building can be considered the replacement of floors (for example, wooden with reinforced concrete). In this case, the roof is dismantled, engineering systems are dismantled, partitions, internal doors and ceilings are demolished; the exterior doors and windows are often changed as well. Only load-bearing walls, stairs and foundations remain. In the event that the bearing capacity of the walls is insufficient for new loads, they are reinforced by methods known in construction technology.

    In addition to the usual requirements, in the projects for the production of work on the reconstruction of industrial facilities, the procedure for combining construction and installation work and industrial production should be determined. The construction plan shows the location of buildings and structures to be reconstructed and preserved, communications to be maintained, dismantled and relocated, ways for the safe passage of construction workers and workers of the main production. They mark areas of increased danger that require the issuance of work permits.

    The technological maps show the operating conditions of machines near buildings and structures, the means of protecting structures, equipment and communications from damage during construction and installation work. They indicate measures for the preservation of landscaping and landscaping elements, restrictions on the movement of construction and transport vehicles.

    Construction and installation works performed during the reconstruction of industrial buildings and structures can be:

    • dismantling of ventilation and plumbing systems, process equipment and pipelines;
    • excavation of pits and trenches, removal of soil and construction waste;
    • dismantling of partitions, filling openings, dismantling or strengthening of building structures;
    • strengthening of foundations, in necessary cases - strengthening of foundations;
    • dismantling or strengthening of foundations for technological equipment;
    • backfilling and soil compaction;
    • construction of new building structures;
    • replacement or reinforcement of roof structures, roof replacement;
    • arrangement of partitions, filling of openings;
    • installation of floors, ceilings, finishing works;
    • installation of technological equipment and pipelines;
    • plumbing and electrical work;
    • installation of devices and means of automation.

    Everything said above about commissioning, warranty testing, complex testing and acceptance of the object can be repeated for the case of reconstruction. After the completion of the reconstruction, in the cases established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to obtain a permit for commissioning, as well as after the completion of new construction.

    • Afanasiev A. A., Matveev E. P. Reconstruction of residential buildings. M., 2008.
    • Oleinik P. P. Fundamentals of organization and management in construction. M.: ASV, 2014.

    Polishchuk Vadim Igorevich,

    Project manager

    Overhaul and reconstruction: Many people mistakenly understand these terms as synonyms. Actually, it is not. There is a significant difference between the reconstruction and overhaul of any building. What it is - will be explained in this material.

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    What is a major overhaul

    Capital repairs are carried out in construction if it is necessary to restore the characteristics of the object to current standards, with the restoration and (or) replacement of any parts of the construction object.

    Definition of a major overhaul according to the Town Planning Code

    Capital repairs of capital construction facilities(with the exception of linear facilities) is the replacement and (or) restoration of building structures of capital construction objects or elements of such structures, with the exception of load-bearing building structures, replacement and (or) restoration of engineering and technical support systems and networks of engineering and technical support of capital construction objects or their elements, as well as the replacement of individual elements of load-bearing building structures with similar or other elements that improve the performance of such structures and (or) the restoration of these elements (Article 1, clause 14.2 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

    Overhaul of linear facilities- this is a change in the parameters of linear objects or their sections (parts), which does not entail a change in the class, category and (or) initially established indicators of the functioning of such objects and which does not require a change in the boundaries of the right of way and (or) security zones of such objects ( article 1, clause 14.3 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

    Based on the definition, it can be seen that during the overhaul (with the exception of linear facilities) the main technical and economic indicators (building area, building volume, usable area, number of floors) do not change.

    Definitions of a capital construction object and a linear object

    Capital construction objects include buildings, structures, structures and objects, the construction of which has not been completed (with the exception of temporary buildings, sheds, kiosks and other similar objects). The objects of capital repairs are, for example, residential buildings and their parts (roofs, walls, etc.), apartment buildings and adjacent territories, structures, premises, etc.

    According to the definition of the Town Planning Code, linear objects include power lines, communication lines (including linear cable structures), pipelines, roads, railway lines and other similar structures. The overhaul of linear facilities includes, for example, the overhaul of a road, repair of a bridge and engineering systems.

    What relates to the overhaul of buildings and structures

    Major repairs are carried out when they are physically worn out and destroyed. It includes work on the restoration or replacement of components of buildings (structures) or entire structures, parts and engineering equipment.

    The purpose of the overhaul

    The purpose of the conduct is to eliminate the malfunction of all worn-out elements, including partial replacement or strengthening of foundations, load-bearing walls, frames, roofs and roofs with more durable, economical and maintainable materials.

    Types of overhaul

    Overhaul according to the principle of the quality of planning, the degree of internal improvement and the technical condition of buildings is divided into complex and selective.

    Complex overhaul- this is a repair with the replacement of structural elements and engineering equipment and their modernization. It includes work covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, in which their physical and functional wear is compensated.

    Selective overhaul- this is a repair with full or partial replacement of individual structural elements of buildings and structures or equipment, aimed at full compensation for their physical and partially functional wear.

    Related concepts

    In the City Planning Code modernization building is interpreted as the improvement of the technical and economic properties and characteristics of the object, carried out by replacing the systems and structural elements of the object with more efficient ones. During the overhaul of capital construction facilities, the building can be modernized: improving the layout by dismantling old non-bearing partitions and erecting new ones, re-equipping old engineering networks with new and modern ones. A similar situation is with linear objects. For example, during the overhaul of roads and bridges, the number of lanes for traffic does not increase, indicators of external engineering networks, such as power, pressure, voltage, do not change. But at the same time, it is allowed to replace materials with others with better performance characteristics. For example, replacing cast-iron pipes with polypropylene, aluminum cable with copper, etc.

    Technical re-equipment differs from overhaul mainly in the presence of changes in the technological process.

    redevelopment during major repairs is possible only if the structural scheme of the building changes.

    What is reconstruction

    In Russian legislation, there are several meanings of the term "reconstruction", incl. in the Tax, Housing and Urban Planning Codes.

    Definition of reconstruction according to the Town Planning Code

    Reconstruction of capital construction objects(with the exception of linear construction objects) is a change in the parameters of a capital construction object, its parts (height, number of floors, area, volume), including a superstructure, restructuring, expansion of a capital construction object, as well as replacement, redevelopment and (or) restoration load-bearing building structures of a capital construction object, with the exception of replacing individual elements of such structures with similar or other elements that improve the performance of such structures and (or) restoration of these elements (Article 1, clause 14 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation). An example of work with capital construction projects is the reconstruction of residential buildings and premises, public buildings, etc.

    Reconstruction of linear objects- this is a change in the parameters of linear objects or their sections (parts), which entails a change in the class, category and (or) initially established indicators of the functioning of such objects (capacity, carrying capacity, etc.) or which requires a change in the boundaries of the right of way and (or) security zones of such objects (Article 1, clause 14.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation). An example of work with linear facilities is the reconstruction of engineering networks (water supply and sanitation systems, electrical, gas, heat communications, etc.).

    Interpretation of the concept of reconstruction in various regulatory documents

    According to the Tax Code, reconstruction includes the reorganization of existing fixed assets associated with the improvement of production and an increase in its technical and economic indicators, carried out under the project for the reconstruction of fixed assets in order to increase production capacity, improve quality and change the range of products.

    Obviously, the definitions of the term "reconstruction" given by the Tax and Urban Planning Codes differ significantly. The question arises: which of the definitions should be guided by, or one complements the other? Then it turns out that the reorganization is the reconstruction?

    However, there is no definition of reconstruction in the Housing Code, while the term “reconstruction” is synonymous with major repairs, in terms of “replacement and (or) restoration of engineering systems and engineering networks”. It turns out that the interpretation of the Tax Code contradicts the Town Planning and Housing Codes?

    Let's try to clarify. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), the institutions, concepts and terms of civil, family and other branches of the legislation of the Russian Federation used in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are applied in the sense in which they are used in these sectors legislation, unless otherwise provided by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    Thus, if the building produces products (in other words, if the building in question is for production purposes) and this product is taxed, then it is necessary to be guided by the definition from the Tax Code. That is, the reconstruction in this case will be the replacement and (or) installation of equipment with a more advanced one, which will be able to produce new products or will increase the volume or improve the quality of products. If it is planned to replace old, morally and physically obsolete equipment with new, modern, then this will be a technical re-equipment; at the same time, it is allowed to change the production technology, but it is not allowed to increase production capacities and there is no question of the quantity and quality of products.

    Related concepts

    During reconstruction, it can also be carried out modernization properties and technical characteristics of buildings, systems and elements. However, these concepts should not be confused, as they are complementary.

    The reconstruction of the building is different from technical re-equipment the optionality of changing the technological process and, on the contrary, the mandatory nature of the replacement (restoration) of supporting structures.

    redevelopment during reconstruction, it is part of the concept of reconstruction of buildings and structures and includes work affecting the position of the load-bearing walls and structures of the building.

    restoration often confused with reconstruction, however, these concepts differ mainly in that restoration includes works to strengthen and restore buildings and structures that are monuments of history, culture and art.

    The reconstruction of houses, abandoned buildings in order to adapt to modern needs is gaining popularity, which is called renovation buildings. For example, the reconstruction and restructuring of an abandoned plant or factory building in order to turn it into an office center.

    Differences between reconstruction and overhaul

    Capital repairs and reconstruction, based on the definitions of the Urban Planning Code, differ in the degree of change in the construction object. During the overhaul of buildings and structures, objects are returned to their original state, suitable for operation; during reconstruction, changes in the key technical and economic parameters of the construction object can be made.

    For example, during the reconstruction of a highway, the category of roads, the width of the carriageway change, if these are external engineering networks, then their capacity and length change. During the reconstruction of capital construction objects, it is necessary not only to eliminate the accumulated physical and moral deterioration, but also to bring the object to compliance with all applicable norms and rules.

    Most of the buildings being renovated do not comply with all applicable standards, and this is understandable, because often the age of the building is calculated in decades, and the standards change almost every year.

    Therefore, during the overhaul, some deviation from the current norms is allowed. For example, a decision has been made to repair the roof of a building; at the same time, it is not necessary to improve the adjacent territory, increase the number of parking spaces, insulate facades, etc. And if it is decided to reconstruct the building, for example, build an extension or make an attic instead of an unused attic, then it is necessary to bring the entire building to the required current standards, starting from modern architectural solutions, layouts, and ending with the requirements for the energy efficiency of the building.

    A building permit is not required during a major overhaul, and the procedure for preparing for construction and putting the building into operation will be much simpler, faster and cheaper than when reconstructing a building. Permission to renovate a building is often required by state and local governments, and the procedure for obtaining permits is lengthy and laborious. This is due to the fact that during the reconstruction of the house, new construction can be carried out, a very common practice is to build an attic on the roof of the building.

    As for the design of major repairs and reconstruction, planning and drafting of the project is necessary for each type of work. This is due to the fact that the construction work in the building or part of the building in one way or another can affect neighboring buildings in the quarter. That is why it is important to carry out the work after coordination with the master plan of the quarter. At the same time, drawing up a project for reconstruction is a more time-consuming procedure and often requires additional approvals of the design assignment and the work organization project.

    Developers are well aware of the difference between a major overhaul and reconstruction, trying with all their might to "get away" from the reconstruction of the building, since the preparation of documents can take more than a year, and in other cases - more than one year. As a result, disputes arise between local governments and stakeholders.

    In the next article, we will talk about the controversial situations that arose during the overhaul of buildings that we had to deal with in practice.

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