Cash register in 1s 8.3. Account cash warrant. Setting the cash balance limit

Cash documents in 1C 8.3 are drawn up, as a rule, in two documents: an incoming cash order (hereinafter PKO) and an outgoing cash order (hereinafter RKO). Designed for registration in the program of accepting and issuing cash to the cash desk (from the cash desk) of the enterprise.

I'll start the review with PKO. As the name implies, this document documents the receipt of money at the cash desk.

In 1C Accounting 3.0, the following types of operations can be issued with a PKO document:

  • Receiving payment from the buyer.
  • Return of funds from an accountable person.
  • Receiving a return from a supplier.
  • Getting money from the bank.
  • Return on credits and loans.
  • Repayment of a loan by an employee.
  • Other cash receipt operations.

Such a division is necessary for the correct formation of accounting entries and the book of Income and Expenses.

First of all, I want to consider Payment from the buyer, Return from buyer and Settlements on credits and loans, since they are similar in structure and have tabular parts.

All these three types of PKO in 1C have the same set of fields in the header. it Number and the date(further for all documents), counterparty, Check accounting and Sum.

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  • Number- is generated automatically and it is better not to change it.
  • the date- The current date. It should be noted here that if you change the date to a smaller one (for example, the last day) than the current one, when printing, the program will issue a warning that the numbering of sheets in the cash book is violated, and will offer to recalculate them. It is desirable that the numbering of documents during the day is also consistent. To do this, you can change the time of the document.
  • counterparty– An individual or legal entity that deposits funds into the cashier. I will immediately note that this field indicates exactly counterparty for which settlements will be made. In fact, money can be deposited at the cash desk, for example, by an employee Organizations - Contractor. It is selected from the directory Individuals in field Taken from. In this case, the full name, from whom the money was received, will be written in the printed form of the PKO.
  • accounting account- in 1C postings, as a rule, account 50.1 is used (more about the settings in the article -). The offsetting account depends on the type of transaction and is taken from the tabular part of the PKO.

Now I want to pay attention to the design of the amount of money deposited. Payment from the buyer, Return from buyer and Settlements on credits and loans can't be done without a contract. Moreover, the receipt of funds can be done simultaneously under several agreements. That's what the spreadsheet is for. Amount of payment is formed from the amounts in the rows of the tabular section. It also indicates Settlement account and Advance Account(corresponding accounts). These accounts are configured in the information register .

Other types of operations should not be difficult. They do not have a tabular part, and all filling in the PKO comes down mainly to the choice of the Counterparty. It can be an accountable person, a bank or an employee.

Other operations on receipt of funds reflect any other receipts to the cash desk of the enterprise and generates its own postings. An arbitrary offsetting account is selected manually.

Account cash warrant

The registration of cash registers at the checkout is practically the same as the registration of cash registers. In 1C Accounting, there are the following types of cash withdrawals from the cash register:

  • Issuance of payment to the supplier.
  • Issuing a refund to the buyer.
  • Issuance of funds to an accountable person.
  • Issuance of wages according to the statement or separately to the employee.
  • Cash to the bank.
  • Issuance of credits and loans.
  • Carrying out Collection.
  • Issuance of deposited wages.
  • Issuing a loan to an employee.
  • Other transactions for the issuance of funds.

Separately, I would like to focus only on the issuance of wages. This type of operation has a tabular section in which one or more payrolls must be specified. The total amount of RKO will be formed from the sums of the statements. Without specifying at least one statement, it will not be possible to conduct an RSC.

The activity of any business entity is accompanied by situations where cash is required. They are used to perform urgent mutual settlements with customers, suppliers, accountable entities, they pay salaries, pay expenses, etc. Control of accounting of funds in the institution is carried out thanks to the cash book, expenditure and receipt cash orders.

In the cash desk of the enterprise, money appears as a result of mutual settlements with buyers, from the bank, returns from suppliers, accountable entities, obtaining a loan or loan, and other income transactions. The main document that draws up the receipt of cash is a cash receipt order (PKO).

Definition of PQS

The primary form of accounting is considered to be an incoming cash order. It is needed to keep records of cash transactions. The arrival of funds at the cash desk of the institution is accompanied by printing or issuing a receipt order. The form of the receipt is generally accepted (KO-1), it can be found in the album with unified forms for accounting for cash transactions and inventory results.

An incoming cash order in 1C was created in the form of KO-1. With its help, there is an automatic and quick accounting of the processes associated with the arrival of cash at the cash desk. The use of any form of the document is prohibited by law. The receipt cash order and the receipt attached to it are filled out in accordance with Art. 13, art. 19-21 "The procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation".

The printed form of the form must be signed by the chief accountant or another person with the appropriate authority received in accordance with the written confirmation of the head. The tear-off receipt is signed by the chief accountant, the cashier who accepted the money. On the receipt, as well as on the receipt cash order, a seal is put, then it is given to the person who brought the money to the cash desk.

Screen form of PKO in 1C 8.3

Working with a cash register in 1C begins with the creation of an incoming cash order. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • On the right side of the program screen, click on the "Bank and cash desk" tab;

Photo No. 1 "Bank tab and cash desk":

  • In the menu that appears, we find the subsection "Cashier" and in it we select Cash documents - Receipts - Incoming cash order;
  • Click on the "Accept" button. It has a rectangular shape with the inscription "Receipt" and a green cross;
  • After that, an electronic view of the document will open, as shown in Figure 2.

Photo No. 2 "Screen form of PKO":

It is worth noting that the form filled out in electronic form is printed in one copy. Any corrections in it are not allowed. After signing, the seal is put in a peculiar way - most of it goes to the tear-off receipt, and the other part is printed on the cash receipt itself. Then the credit note is registered in the journal No. KO-3. This document is also automated in 1C. You can track the movement of cash at any time using this journal of registration of PKO and RKO.

Correct filling of PKO in 1C 8.3

An incoming cash order in 1C is programmed in such a way that it can perform several operations that are different in meaning, which are reflected in accounting in different ways. If a receipt order is open on the screen, as in Figure No. 2, then you can fill it out, taking into account from whom the money is received at the cash desk. This affects the choice of transaction type and accounting account. The following example considers the transaction type "Cash in the bank".

Filling order:

  • Next, click on the "Submit" button, the document is automatically assigned a serial number. PKO numbers go strictly one after another;
  • By clicking on the Dt / Kt button, the wiring generated by the program will be visible, an example in Figure No. 5.

Photo No. 5 "Cash Receipt":

An incoming cash order in 1C has been formed. Now it can be carried out, recorded and printed by clicking on the "Incoming cash order" button, a printer icon is drawn next to the button. How the printed sample of the PKO looks like can be seen in image No. 6.

Photo No. 6 "Printed form of a cash receipt order":

Signatures and a seal are put at the bottom of the document, a receipt is separated from the cash receipt order along a broken line. The receipt, as mentioned above, is given to the person who handed over the money, and the warrant remains in the accounting department.

Returning to the section "Bank and cash desk", subsection "Cashier" - "Cash documents", the posted order will be visible. It is marked with a green checkmark. In the “Bank” - “Bank statements” subsection, as of the date the Credit Order was drawn up, at the bottom of the dialog box, you will see how much money was debited from the current account on that day and how much was received. The amount "Written off" will include 50 thousand rubles, which the organization received in cash from its bank account. See image #8.

Photo No. 8 "Cash documents":
Photo No. 9 "Bank statements":

An incoming cash order in 1C can be changed manually, for this you need to select a document, click on "Document Movement", check the box for "Manual Adjustment" and make the necessary changes and amendments to the transaction.

Working with the cash book in 1C 8.3 and the cashier's report

The cash book in 1C displays all cash flows in the enterprise, both their receipt and write-off. Any organization where there is a cash desk should keep only one cash book. It is numbered, laced, sealed with a wax or mastic seal. The number of sheets in the book is certified by the signatures of the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise.

After the cashier issues or receives money to the cashier according to orders, he is obliged to make an entry about this in the cash book. At the end of each day, the cash desk employee calculates the total for the day, displaying the balance of money in the cash register on the next number. He transfers this information to the accounting department in the form of a cashier's report. This is the tear-off part of the cash book, i.e. its complete duplication for the whole day. Expenditure and receipt cash forms are given along with the cashier's report against signature in the cash book.

The 1C program has facilitated the routine work of accounting. Now the cashier's report in 1C is generated at the touch of a button. It is compiled thanks to the created incoming cash orders and RKO, on the basis of postings, where there is an account 50.01 "Cashier of the organization".

Step-by-step formation of a cash book and a cashier's report in 1C:

  • In the left column of the menu, select "Bank and cash desk";
  • In the "Cashier" subsection, select the item "Cash documents". This item displays all PKOs and RKOs, completed, deleted and not completed. It will be possible to see the currency of these transactions, the numbers and dates of documents, the names of counterparties and types of transactions;
  • Then they click on the “Cash Book” button and the printed version of the document is displayed on the screen, here the number for which the report and organization are needed is selected, an example in picture No. 10.

Photo No. 10 "Cash book":

The cash book in 1C has a unified form. This is the approved form No. KO-4. The document displays:

  • How much money was at the beginning of the day;
  • Turnovers per day, i.e. income and expenditure, it is indicated from whom the income was or to whom the funds were issued;
  • The total for the day is noted and the final balance at the end of the day is displayed;
  • Details of the organization, date of creation of the cash book;
  • Sheet numbers, full name chief accountant, accountant, cashier and head of the enterprise, places for their signatures and seals.

Figure 10 shows that the cash book is created automatically in two copies. One of them is the cashier's report in 1C, which is transferred to the accounting department, the other remains with the cashier.

When a non-specific day is chosen, but an arbitrary period for the formation of the cash book, then it will be formed for each cash day with serial numbering: sheet 1, sheet 2, etc. The report can be created separately for different currencies or general for all cash desks, but already in Russian rubles. In the event that one day is taken for the reporting period, then the amount taken from the cash desk for the payment of salary for this number is additionally displayed.

Photo No. 11 "Journal of cash documents":

The KO-4 report can also be compiled in another way. To do this, go to the "Bank and cash desk", select the subsection "Reports" - "Cash book". In this subsection, the necessary reports are not always displayed, in order to add them there, you need to click on the “Navigation settings” button at the top of the screen, it looks like a gear, and drag the necessary reports from left to right from the drop-down list. The KO-3 report is also selected here - this is the Journal of cash documents, an example is indicated above in picture No. 11.

How to issue an expense cash warrant in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (version 3.0)


To issue cash from the cash desk of the enterprise - it would seem that it is difficult? But novice accountants also have questions here when it comes to real situations in accounting. What to write in the base, what in the appendix... and so on.

Today in the lesson we will analyze the most common situations in practice in the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, edition 3.0.

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I remind you that this is a lesson, so you can safely repeat my actions in your database (preferably a copy or a training one).

So let's get started

An account cash warrant (abbreviated RKO or consumable) is a document with the help of which the issuance of funds from the cash desk of an organization is issued.

The consumable form has a unified form KO-2.

The numbering of consumables starts anew every year from one and must be continuous: 1, 2, 3...

The recipient of funds is required to present an identity card (for example, a passport), the details of which are entered in the cash register.

Consumable signed:

  • leader
  • chief accountant or a person authorized to do so
  • cashier
  • recipient of funds.

At the same time, if the signature of the head is already on one of the documents attached to the order and authorizing the issuance of money, then his signature is not required at the RKO.

A disbursement note is not stamped, but a "Paid" stamp may be used to prevent re-issuance of money on the same order.

An account cash warrant is issued in one copy and remains at the cash desk.

Registration of RKO in 1C

To issue an outgoing cash order in the program, go to the "Bank and Cash Desk" section, the "Cash Documents" item:

In the form that opens, click the "Issue" button:

A new document form opens:

Let's analyze its filling in various situations.

Payment to the supplier

On 03/01/2016, 40,000 rubles (excluding VAT) were issued from the cash desk to V.V. Petrov. as payment under contract No. 48 dated February 15, 2016 for chairs according to consignment note No. 351 dated March 1, 2016.

Petrov V.V. acted on behalf of LLC "Supplier" in accordance with the power of attorney No. 17 dated February 20, 2016.

As an identity card, Petrov V.V. presented the passport of the Russian Federation series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Issuance to an accountable person

On 03/01/2016, 5,000 rubles were issued from the cash desk to employee Belkina Anna Grigoryevna for household expenses, according to the application written by her for the issuance of money in the report dated 03/01/2016.

As an identity card, Belkin A.G. presented the Russian Federation passport series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Payment of wages

09/10/2016 senior cashier Fyokla E.B. issued to the cashier Plyushkina I.V. 104,400 rubles for the payment of wages to employees for August 2016 according to payroll No. 1 dated 09/08/2016.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Depositing money to the bank

03/01/2016 Plyushkina I.V. received cash from the cash desk in the amount of 100,000 rubles to be credited to the settlement account of LLC "Jupiter" in the bank "BANK GPB (JSC)".

As an identity card Plyushkina I.V. presented the Russian Federation passport series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Repayment of a loan to a counterparty

03/01/2016 450,000 rubles were issued from the cash desk to Nesterenko L.P. as debt repayment in accordance with loan agreement No. 56 dated February 20, 2016.

As an identity card Nesterenko L.P. presented the passport of the Russian Federation series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Other expense

On 03/01/2016, 3,500 rubles were issued from the cash desk to an employee Nestor Ivanovich Ivashchenko as material assistance.

Application for the issuance of financial assistance Ivashchenko N.I. wrote on 03/01/2016.

As an identity card, Ivashchenko N.I. presented the passport of the Russian Federation series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form.

An outgoing cash order is a document with which you can issue cash from the cash desk. In this material, we will tell you how it is formed in the accounting program "1C Accounting 8".

The above document is used to reflect the following operations:

Payment of the necessary finances to the supplier (the type of operation is called "Payment to the supplier");

Return money to the buyer (the desired type of operation is “Return to the buyer”);

Issuance of funds under the report (the type of operation called "Issuance to an accountable person" is used);

Salary payment (the type of transaction is called “Payment of wages to employees” or “Payment of wages according to information”).

Depositing funds to a banking institution (type of operation - “Cash deposit to the bank”).

We have indicated the main ones, but there are also other operations for issuing money from the cash desk.

In order to generate an outgoing cash order in the 1C accounting program, you need to go to the tab called “Bank and cash desk”, and then in the section named “Cashier”, select a document called “Outgoing cash order”.

For a new document, by default, the operation type is called "Payment to the supplier". If you need another operation, then you can change it manually. In our example, we will issue funds to the account, so you need to select such an operation type as "Issuance to an accountable person".

After that, we proceed to fill out the document. From the reference book called “Reporting person” in the “Recipient” line, select the reporting person who will receive the finance. Be sure to include the amount of money.

In the line with the name “Cash flow item”, you must indicate “Work with accountable persons”. If this item is not in the directory, then just add it.

At the bottom of the cash receipt document, you need to indicate the purpose for which funds are issued. In our example, these are business expenses.

And also fill out the application, where indicate the statement of the accountable person, on the basis of which a certain amount of money will be issued. It should be noted that according to the new procedure for conducting cash transactions (dated October 12, 2011 with the number 373-P), which entered into force in 2012, the organization’s employee is issued from the cash desk on the basis of an application written by him. The application must be drawn up in the approved form, which should include: a handwritten inscription of the manager of the organization, the amount of cash and the time for which they are issued, the date and signature of the manager of the enterprise.

After that, you need to post the document, view the postings and, if necessary, print out the cash receipt.

In accounting, cash documents, in most cases, are drawn up in 2 documents: (hereinafter RKO) and (hereinafter PKO). They are intended for the purpose of accepting and issuing cash to the cash desk or from the cash desk of the organization.

Repayment of a loan by an employee;

Other operations related to the receipt of finance.

Such a separation is necessary for the correct creation of accounting entries and expense books and.

First of all, we need to consider Buyer Returns, Buyer Payments, Credit and Loan Settlements, as they are similar in structure and also have tabular parts.

All named 3 types of PQS in the header have the same set of fields. These are Number and date (hereinafter for all documentation), Account, amount and Counterparty.

Number - is created automatically and it is better not to change it.

Date is the current date. Here you need to take into account that if you change the date to a smaller one (for example, the previous day) than the current one, when printing the cash book, the software product will warn that the numbering of sheets in the cash book is violated and will offer to list them. It is better that the numbering of the required documents is also consistent throughout the day. For this purpose, the time of the document can be changed.

A counterparty is a legal or natural person who contributes certain finances to the cash desk. Immediately, we note that this field will display exactly the Counterparty for which mutual settlements will be carried out. In fact, funds to the cash desk, for example, can be deposited by an employee of the Organization - the counterparty. He is selected from the directory called "Individuals" in the field named "Taken from". In this situation, the printed form of the PKO will indicate the full name, from whom the finances were received.

Account - in the self-supporting chart of accounts, this is usually "50.1", but by default it is possible to configure another one. The offsetting account depends on the type of operation itself, it can be taken from the tabular part of the PKO.

And now let's turn your attention to the registration of the amount of funds deposited. It is important to note that “Payment from the buyer”, “Return from the buyer”, as well as “Settlements on loans and borrowings” cannot be issued without specifying the contract. At the same time, it is possible to receive finance under several contracts simultaneously. That's what the spreadsheet is for. The payment amount consists of amounts in the rows of the tabular section. It also notes the settlement account and the advances accounting account, that is, the corresponding accounts. These accounts can be configured in the information register Accounts of settlements with counterparties.

Other types of operations should not cause difficulties. The last tabular parts do not have, and all filling in the PKO in general comes down to the choice of the counterparty. This may be a banking institution, an employee or an accountable person.

Other transactions for the receipt of finance reflect all other receipts to the cash desk of the organization and create their own transactions. And an arbitrary offsetting account is selected manually.

Account cash warrant

In general, the design of the RKO is almost the same as the design of the PKO. In the software product "1C Accounting" there are such types of financial issuance from the cash desk:

Issuance of payment to the supplier;

Issuance of finance to an accountable person;

Issuing a refund to a customer;

Cash to a banking institution;

Issuing salaries separately to an employee or according to a statement;

Issuance of loans and credits;

Issuance of deposited wages;

Issuance of a loan to an employee;

Carrying out collection;

Other transactions for the issuance of money.

Let's take a closer look at payroll. In this type of operation, there is a tabular section in which one or more payrolls must be specified. The total amount of RKO will be formed from the sums of information. Without specifying at least one statement, it will be impossible to conduct RSC.

When issuing a salary to an employee, it is also necessary to mark the statement, but only one.

In the case of the issuance of deposited wages, the statement is not required to be indicated.

Setting the cash balance limit

In order to set the cash balance limit in the 1C 8.3 program, you need to go to the "Organizations" directory and on the tab called "Forward" select the item with the name "Cash balance limit":

Where to press the key called "Add", where to specify from which date the restriction is valid, as well as its size.

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