Summary of a teacher's lesson using information and communication technologies for children of senior preschool age “Visiting Kompik” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Summary of OOD in the form of a lesson using ICT technology

Organization: MADOU No. 23

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Armavir

Target: to bring children to an understanding of what friendship is.


Educational: to form in children ideas about friendship; reinforce children's knowledge of positive and negative situations; to achieve the assimilation by children of the ability to evaluate the actions of their peers, in joint games and situations.

R developing: development of constructive relationships in the peer group.

Educational: cultivate goodwill, the skill of cooperation.

Methods and techniques: conversation, game, exercises, presentation viewing.

Material and equipment: a ball, an envelope with a letter, a drawing paper with painted bags, pictures with situations, green-red traffic lights, circles with a diameter of 4-5 cm on one side are green, on the other - red.

Educational technologies:

    game training (game reception "Tangle", exercise "Dark and light bags", exercise "Traffic light");

    health-saving technologies (physical education minute "Mood");

    ICT (DER: multimedia presentation, audio recording of songs).

preliminary work: familiarization with proverbs about friendship, reading fiction, looking at pictures.

The course of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment:

Educator: Guys, I brought a magical ball, and it is magical because now each of you will be able to express good thoughts and feelings to your peers.

Game reception "Tangle".

What does a ball look like? (sun, bun. The children sit in a circle, the first child unwinds the ball, and the end of the thread clamps and passes it to the person sitting next to him, while calling his name and talking about the good qualities of a comrade (I really like to play with you, you are so kind, we are good friends and etc.) and so unwind the ball.)

Educator: It's great how many wonderful words you said. You are all great!

The “Song of Friendship” is turned on, the children come up to the teacher and stand around her.

Educator: What do you think, who knows how to make friends, he cares about his comrades and tries to do something good for them?

Children's answers.

2. Preparation for the development of program material through the updating of basic knowledge.

Knock on the door (the postman brought the letter)

Hello, group “………” You will receive a letter and sign it, please.

The teacher reads the letter : “Attention, attention, alarm! The insidious witch Zlyuchka is approaching our kindergarten "Ladushki", she wants to steal our happiness. Help urgently needed! Guys, don't let this happen!

caregiver: Guys, what are we going to do? After all, our help is urgently needed.

Children's answers.

Educator: To help us, we need to find out what is the happiness that Angry wants to steal? And these pictures will help us with this.

3. Acquaintance with new material.

1st slide(group of children playing together)

Educator: do you think they are friends? And how did you guess?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done guys, you understood everything correctly, look how happy they are, they feel good together. No wonder it says: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends."

Educator: Let's see how friendship begins. ( with a smile)

2nd slide(children with smiles on their faces)

caregiver: Guys, what do you think is more pleasant to communicate with the person who smiles or who is angry and gloomy?

Children's answers.

Of course, right, with those who smile, look at their happy faces.

caregiver: There is a phrase: "Smiling will make everyone brighter."

3rd slide(one child helps another in need)

caregiver Q: What can you say about this picture?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, friends should help each other. Listen to this saying: "A friend in need is a friend indeed" and a true friend will always come to the rescue.

4th slide(children play with each other)

caregiver: Do you guys think it's more fun with friends or better alone? why?

Children's answers.

Educator: After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Together is more fun!”. And you guys know that a person can also have a bad mood, but I know what to do with it and I can teach you.

Children stand near their seats.

Physical education "Mood".

The mood has dropped

(spread arms to the sides and down, shrug sadly)

Things are getting out of hand...

(hands up and down slowly)

But it's not all gone yet.

(finger left - right)

If there is a good friend.

(point to friend)

Let's do it together,

(put hands on friend's shoulders)

Let's breathe a sigh of relief

Let's raise the mood

(sit down, stand on tiptoes and raise your hands up)

And shake off the dust!

(shake off hands)

4. Primary comprehension and consolidation of the material in practice.

Educator: Now I know that you know how to cheer up, you can play.

Game exercise "Dark and light bags" and "Traffic lights".

Two large bags are drawn on a piece of drawing paper, we take out pre-prepared pictures that depict good and bad situations and invite the children to individually distribute these situations into “dark” and “light”. At the same time, “dark” will be understood as those situations that interfere with living peacefully and happily, both for the person himself and for his environment. Accordingly, under the "light", those situations that help. Each child is given a picture. In turn, the child goes to the board with his picture and determines which bag his situation belongs to. Also, the children are given green-red “traffic lights” - circles from whatman paper, green on one side, red on the other, about 4-5 cm in diameter. When one child goes to the board, the other children show with a “traffic light” whether he correctly identified the situation or no. "Yes" is green, correct. "No" - red, not correct.

Educator: You guys are great, I saw only the right answers.

5. Summing up the organizational type of activity.

caregiver: Guys, do you think we did it?

Children's answers.

caregiver: We proved to Zlyuchka how friendly we are! Friendship is our happiness and we will not give it to anyone!

The teacher reads the poem while showing the slides.

Friendship warms in the fierce frost,

With a friend, even a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btears dries up.

Friendship is a bright star in the sky!

Friendship is happiness for everyone, everywhere, always!

Educator: Guys, did you like our lesson?

Children's answers.

Educator: What new did you learn today?

Children's answers.

Educator: Please come to the table and take the "traffic lights" and if you liked the lesson, then we will turn on the green light, and if you did not like it, then the red light.

Children perform.

Educator: And now I suggest that you finish our lesson with the performance of the "Song of Friendship" ( to the soundtrack, the children perform "Song of Friendship").

Educator: Thank you guys for the lesson, you are all great!

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30" Shatursky municipal district, Moscow region

Synopsis OOD in the form of a lesson using ICT technology

on the topic: "Learn by playing"(preparatory group)

Maminova Natalya Alexandrovna

teacher psychologist

Explanatory note to the presentation

"Learn by playing"

Purpose of using the presentation:

  • Development of elements of logical thinking and the ability to generalize
  • Teaching preschoolers to "work by the rules".

Presentation methods:

- slide show

- definition with the help of the presented slide of the form of work (work one by one, in pairs, all together)

determination with the help of the presented slide of the type of work (dynamic pause, visual gymnastics, finger exercises, game)

- holding the game "The Fourth Extra"

Synopsis of OOD using ICT in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Learn by playing"

Integration of educational areas:

cognitive development, social and communicative development

Direction - developing;

The form of organization is frontal, steam room.

Class type - complex;

Time - 30 minutes;

Educational and methodological support:

  • Sharokhina V.L. "Psychological preparation of children for school";
  • Artsishevskaya I.L. "Psychological training for future first-graders";
  • Rudenko T.A. “Psychological preparation for school. One year before school. From A to Z";
  • Tsukerman G.A., Polivanova N.K. "Introduction to School Life".

.Target: preparation of older preschoolers for schooling through the formation of universal prerequisites for educational activities and the necessary skills and abilities.


v Educational:

ü Exercise in the ability to find common things in objects, to name a generalizing word.

ü To form the ability to "work by the rules."

v Developing:

ü Develop mental operations (the ability to classify and generalize).

ü Develop cognitive processes (logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech).

ü Develop hand-eye coordination.

ü Develop visual-spatial orientation.

ü Develop self-assessment skills .

ü Develop fantasy and imagination.

ü Develop fine motor skills

v Educational:

ü To educate preschoolers in a positive attitude towards themselves, towards others and towards the school.

ü To cultivate independence, the ability to work in a team, in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

ü To increase the interest of children in developing activities in preparation for schooling by working with multimedia equipment.

At the lesson, technologies are used: health-saving, gaming, information and communication.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, laptop, letter from Dunno; sheets of paper divided into 9 cells; simple pencils, colored pencils, a set of figures for the task "The most unlike", petals of 3 colors (red, yellow, blue).

Throughout the lesson, icons appear on the slides with tasks (according to Zukerman G.A.), using them the guys determine what type of work awaits them (we work one at a time, work in pairs, work all together).

Lesson progress:

Organizational and motivational part: (3 min.)

The psychologist asks the children to stand in a circle. Draws attention to the projector, to which they will turn throughout the lesson (see slides).

Exercise "Separate into pairs" (1 min.)

Target: setting the mood for work.

Children are given cards with drawn halves of various objects (for example, carrots, cucumbers, apples, etc.). If you find a soul mate with your neighbor, you get a whole item.

At the command of the psychologist, the children look for the second halves of their pictures and stand together. Thus, pairs are formed.

Exercise "Let's say hello" (1 min.)

Target: creating an emotionally positive mood in the group.

Psychologist: “I suggest you say hello, greet each other. We will greet in pairs, as you stand, but in an unusual way. When I clap my hands once, you need to shake hands, when twice - say hello with your backs, when three times - hug. Be careful!" ( children perform)

Psychologist: “Great! Well done!"

Game situation "Letter from a fairy-tale hero" (1 min.)

  • introduction of preschoolers to the "school world", a message about the upcoming work, the development of fantasy and imagination.

The teacher-psychologist shows the letter, opens and reads.

“I propose to go to the land of knowledge,

Various tasks await you along the way.

Be able to deal with them

Be bold and don't be shy!

And I will help you along the way

The road of knowledge is worthy to go!”

Psychologist: “Did you guys guess who this letter is from?” ( children's version)

Psychologist: "How did you guess?" ( Dunno is drawn on the envelope)

Psychologist: “That's right, this letter is from Dunno. And he invites you to complete tasks. For each completed task, you will receive a flower from him, on which a letter is written on the back. When you collect all the letters, you will be able to make a word and find out which country of knowledge was mentioned in Dunno's letter.

Main part: (25 min.)

1. The game "Guess the description" (slide 2)(3 min.)

  • development of attention, observation, visual memory.

The group work icon appears on the screen and one at a time (the psychologist draws the attention of the children to the icons; asks what they mean; then sums up that in this task we play with the whole group, but the task is performed by one leader whom we have chosen, the rest do not help)

Teacher - psychologist: “The first task that Dunno offers us to do is to check how attentive we all are and know each other well. Mindfulness exercise.

Imagine that you are in a forest and get lost. How can they find you? ( children's version) That's right - according to the description. We are all different. We have different hair color, eyes, height, we dress differently. I suggest you play the game "Guess the description".

Now take a close look at each other. Then we will choose a leader who will turn away, and I will describe one child. The facilitator should learn from the description of the child in question.

If the leading child does not guess, he is invited to turn around and look at everyone, find the child who was discussed.

Note: for the completed task, the guys receive a flower with the letter "K" from Dunno.

  1. Exercise "The fourth extra" (slide 3,4,5,6,7,8,9)(3 min.)
  2. development of elements of logical thinking and the ability to generalize .

Sets of pictures (for example, a pencil, a pen, a pyramid, a notebook) appear in front of the children on the projector screen. Children must guess which of the items will be superfluous, explain their choice.

Note: for the completed task, the guys receive a flower with the letter "L" from Dunno.

2. Kinesiology exercises.(slide 10)(2 minutes.)

The Work Together icon appears on the screen.

Target: activate the activity of the brain, preparing it for the perception of sensory information, improve mental activity, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, promote memorization, increase the stability of attention, and the development of motor skills.

1) "Fist, rib, palm"

The child is shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. Palm on the plane, palm clenched into a fist, palm edge on the plane of the table, straightened palm on the plane of the table. The child performs the test together with the teacher, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. The test is performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together. When mastering the program or in case of difficulties in performing, the teacher offers the child to help himself with commands (“fist-rib-palm”), spoken aloud or to himself.

2) "We were playing patty..."

Children put their hands on the table: one palm up, the other palm down. Then, under the words of the quatrain, the children change their palms: the one that was down - becomes up, the one that was up - is placed down.

We played patty

Fried pancakes.

So let's fry, turn around,

And we'll start playing again.

3) "Ring"

Alternately and as quickly as possible go through the fingers, connecting the index, middle, etc. into a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in the forward (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order. At first, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then together.

Teacher-psychologist: “What do you think Dunno offers us to do?” ( children's version)

3. Visual gymnastics "Let's help the eyes."(slide 11)(1 minute.)

One, two, three, four, five! ( rub your palms warmly)

Let's help the eyes

fall asleep quickly put palms on eyes for 1-2 seconds),

And now they're awake massage the eyes),

Left - turned right ( eye movements to the left - to the right without turning the head)

And smiled! ( open your eyes wide, smile)

  1. Game "Pictogram" (slide 12)(5 minutes.)

The one-by-one operation icon appears on the screen ( children respond by raising their hand.

  • development of mediated memorization, fine motor skills.

Children are offered a sheet of paper, divided into cells, and simple pencils.

The psychologist reads words and phrases. Children make small sketches for this word or phrase. Then they need to remember all the named words and phrases according to their sketches. Suggested words ( kid, hard work, fun day, forest, winter, gift, favorite toy, night, sad person).

Note: for the completed task, participants receive a flower with the letter "O"

  1. Dynamic pause "Ear, mouth, nose ..." (slide 13)(1 minute.)


  • development of auditory attention of preschoolers, prevention of fatigue, stress relief .

Children stand in a circle.

Teacher-psychologist: “One, two, three, four, five.

We start playing!

You guys don't yawn

And repeat after me.

Do what I say

Not what I show you."

Children show the named parts of the body together with the psychologist, but the teacher sometimes shows them incorrectly. The task of children is to listen and show correctly what the psychologist said, and did not show.

  1. The game "Instant construction" (slide 13)(3 min.)

The work together icon appears on the screen .

  • development of independence, memory and attention, communication skills with each other, strengthening the ability to work in mini-groups.

The guys should stand around the psychologist, as follows: a few - in front, a few - behind, on the right, and on the left. Children remember their location relative to the psychologist and relative to each other. After the psychologist spins around in place, the guys must remember their location and take the right place. The game is played multiple times.

Note: for the completed task, participants receive a flower with the letter "Sh"

  1. Exercise "The most unlike" (slide 14)(3 min.)

The working in pairs icon appears on the screen .

  • : development of elements of logical thinking and the ability to generalize. Strengthening the ability to work in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

Psychologist: “Before you are sets of geometric shapes. Divide them into groups

Working in pairs, children need to determine by what signs it is possible to decompose geometric shapes into two groups. Then, they must agree and decide who will be responsible for what criteria they have spread out. ( children perform)

Teacher - psychologist: “A figure is drawn on a separate card. You need to find out of all the shapes the one that will be completely different from the figure on the card. Then explain why you think so. ( the figure should not be similar in shape, color and size)

Note: for the completed task, participants receive a flower with the letter "A"

  1. Exercise "Make a word" (slide 15)(2 minutes.)

Children make up a word from the resulting letters.

Get the word - SCHOOL.

  1. Reflection "My assessment".(2 minutes.)

Target : the formation of elementary self-esteem skills.

I liked the lesson and everything worked out for me - a red petal;

I liked the lesson, but I did not succeed in all the tasks - a yellow petal;

I didn’t like the lesson and I didn’t succeed - a blue petal.

Final part. (2 minutes.)

Children stand in a circle. The teacher-psychologist says that our lesson is over and it's time to say goodbye. In accordance with the text, the children repeat the movements.

Target : maintaining a positive emotional mood in the group.

Clapped their hands together

(clap hands)

stamped their feet together

Everything we played here

We remember with you

(participants take their hands on their heads and shake them from side to side)

"Goodbye!" - everyone was told

(everyone is waving)

Ekaterina Timofeeva
Abstract of the lesson using information and communication technologies and interactive equipment

Topic: "What is Mile the Turtle Hiding".

Duration: 25 minutes

Group: older


interactive board


portable projector


Occupation"What is the tortoise Mile hiding?" Designed for preschool children.

Target lessons: to teach children to understand the mood of others, to realize and convey their own emotional states, to understand the emotional experiences of others.

Short description: occupation held in the office informatics. The teacher brings the parcel. In it, the children discover Mila the turtle toy sent by the Turtle Queen. In the package, the children also find a letter that lists the tasks of the Queen.

In the course of performing tasks, children learn to understand the mood of others, to recognize and convey their own emotional states, to understand the emotional experiences of others. For classes used musical ritual moments of beginning and end lessons, a multimedia presentation of facial expressions, emotions and play "Who Feels What", "Draw the Mood", mime game "Guess the mood of the bunny". In preparation for classes used the author's technologies of Glenn Doman, musical accompaniment by E. Zheleznova.

Topic lessons: "What's Mile the Turtle Hiding"

Main goals lessons:

1. Learn to understand the mood of others, develop a sense of empathy.

2. Expand children's knowledge of emotions (sadness, fear, joy, id) and express them through facial expressions.

3. Develop social behavior skills, a sense of belonging to a group.

4. Activate the dictionary on the topic.

5. To instill in children a culture of communication, a desire to support friends, take care of them.

Course progress.

Educational psychologist: Musical greeting ritual.

Educational psychologist: A parcel with a letter arrives. Guys, look, a package has come to us, let's open it. Look who's here? Who is this?

Children: Turtle.

Educational psychologist: There is also a letter here. Let's read.

"Hello guys. The turtle queen is writing to you. I am sending you task games and Mila the turtle toy. Only my turtle is not simple, but magical, be careful and careful with it.

Educational psychologist: let's see where they hid in the box of the game. Guys, they're not here. Probably the turtle hid all the games and tasks. Let's see what the turtle Mile is hiding.

Educational psychologist: Let's open the pockets one by one and start with red

Children open the first color.

Educational psychologist: Guys, here question: What is the person's facial expression?

Children: answers children: sad, funny, evil ...

Educational psychologist: Show me, please: angry face, kind face, cheerful face, surprised face.

Educational psychologist: now let's see what other expressions there are. (slide show facial expression)

Children open the second purple color.

Educational psychologist: More here question: What can we guess from facial expressions?

Children: about the mood of a person.

Educational psychologist: Looking at the face, we can understand what emotions a person is experiencing. Let's see them. (Emotion slideshow)

Children open the third blue color.

Educational psychologist: Here we have exercise: "Draw the Mood". Let's sit down at the tables, pick up pencils and draw a joyful mood (sad mood).

Children open the fourth blue color.

Educational psychologist: let's see what we have there. Today I suggest you "cook" joy in a pot.


Today we will cook the mood.

Let's put a little mischievous fun (smile, wipe your face with your hands and send it to the bowler hat)

100 grams of pampering, (wave hands up)

200 grams of a good joke (tickle each other)

And let's cook it all for 3 minutes. (hand stirring)

Then we will add blue from the sky (pulled up, stand on tiptoe, reach for the sky)

And a couple of sunbeams (grab bunnies on the right and left)

Let's put some more of our best dreams (fold hands, put head on hands)

Let's take a look under the lid.

We don't have jam!

There is our great mood!

Let's stir it well, try it and show what joy it turned out to be.

Educational psychologist: Well, let's open the next color.

Children open the fifth green.

Educational psychologist: Well done! Now we are going to play a game “Guess the mood of the bunny?”

I will guess the mood of a bunny for you. One of you wakes him up, without words, but only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the guys will guess. I will show you the first mood. The teacher shows the mood, for example, "Merry Bunny".

Cheerful bunny.

Frightened Bunny.

Evil bunny.

Upset Bunny

Curvy bunny.

Good bunny.

Children open the sixth yellow.

Educational psychologist: Let's see what we have here. Here we have a game that called: "Who feels what?"(Slide show "Who feels what?")

4 picture.

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. What is the girl's face like?

3. What is her mood like?

5 picture

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. How does the boy feel?

3. How did you guess that he is afraid?

4. What parts of the face indicate that he is afraid?

6 picture

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. What are the children thinking about?

3. How do children feel?

7 picture

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. What happened?

3. How does the boy feel?

4. How do girls feel?

5. Have you been in this situation?

6. What did you feel at that moment?

Educational psychologist: Well, let's open the last color.

Children open the seventh orange color.

Educational psychologist: there is no pocket here.

Educational psychologist: So you and I found all the games and tasks that Mila the turtle hid from us. What have we learned today? We learned that facial expressions can be used to understand the mood and feelings of a person. We learned to find out what a person feels when they get into one or another situation.

Educational psychologist: Musical ending ritual lessons.

Integrated lesson using ICT in the senior group.

Theme "Mysterious space".
Program content:
Consolidate children's knowledge of space (star, constellation, solar system, planet);
Clarify knowledge about the study of the Universe, astronauts;
Expand knowledge about the planet Earth;
Develop attention, memory, logical thinking;
To form the ability to apply signs for their intended purpose,
Develop orientation in space;
To cultivate independence, activity, accuracy, desire and ability to work in a team.
Preliminary work:
Examination of illustrations on the theme "Space", a conversation about space, drawing "Space fantasy", watching a movie on the topic.
Materials and equipment for the lesson:
Multimedia system, slides on the topic, didactic game "Collect and guess the planet", origami blanks, 2 panels for teamwork (background of the night sky depicting planets, the Sun, the Moon), a ball, cuts of space music, a film

The teacher with the children enters the hall, greet the guests.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

At a meeting, greet: - Good morning!

Good morning! Sun and birds!

Good morning! Smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, trusting...

Let the good morning last until the evening.

Hello sun!

Hello sky!

Hello, my whole Earth!

We woke up very early

And welcome you

Guys, today our meeting is dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics, which is celebrated on April 12.

We have an unusual job. We will go to the world of mysterious space. And the magic screen will help us. So
- Tell me, do you like to look at the night sky? … (Yes, of course we love to look at the night sky)
What can you see in the night sky? ... (In the night sky you can see the stars, the moon) (slide number 1)
-Guys, if the moon is so big and round, how can we tell about it? (full moon)
-Now look at the next one (slide number 2)
-Here you can see a small piece of the moon, why do you think? ...
(because the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon.)
- And what do we call a piece of the moon? ... (month)
(slide number 3) There are countless stars in the sky. What is a star?...
(- A star is a huge hot ball of gas;
- It shines, but does not warm, because it is far from us;
- If you look at the sky, the stars seem very small).

(slide number 4) -What is the name of the hottest star? (The hottest star is called the Sun)
- The Sun has a family - these are nine planets, their satellites, comets, meteorites, asteroids. They form the solar system. The sun revolves around itself, and the planets revolve around the sun along their route. This route is called ORBIT (slide number 5, show)
Please swear. (Gymnastics for the eyes).

I propose to go on a journey through the universe. What is the universe?

Children's answers: the universe is space, it's all that surrounds us.

Educator: we need to visit all the planets of the solar system. Let's remember all the names in order and the poem and riddles will help us.

Riddles about the planets and completing tasks.
I will give you riddles about the planets, and you will guess them. Listen carefully. (Children guess the planet and its image appears on the screen (slide number 6)
1. This planet is so hot.
It's dangerous to be there, friends! ... (Mercury)

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun
It is flooded with rays of hot light,
He gets so many rays
That this planet of others is hot!

(arrived on the planet Mercury. Task for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Help the rockets get to the planet. Circle the dotted line)

2. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Named after the goddess of love and beauty - Venus. Venus is covered with thick layers of clouds that hide the surface of the planet. It's sizzling heat here. It is so hot there that you can bake a cake in a few seconds without an oven. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky.

(Arrived on the 2nd planet Game "Say the other way around"

And now I suggest you play the game “Say the other way around” to find out what a real astronaut should be like (Children pick up the opposite word).
- Lazy - ... hardworking;
- evil - ... good;
- weak - ... strong;
- slow-... fast;
- slovenly - ... neat, neat;
- old - ... young;
- cowardly - ... brave;
- clumsy- ... dexterous.
All these qualities that you have listed are inherent in an astronaut.

3. And this planet is dear to all of us
The planet gave us life ... (Earth)

Third planet from the Sun
Our Earth is smaller than the Star.
But she lacks warmth and light,
Clean air and water.
Isn't life on earth a miracle?
Butterflies, birds, a bug on a flower...
You will find life on earth everywhere -
In the farthest, most remote corner.

Look how beautiful she is.
(Attention exercise "Identical Rockets" - find the same rockets and connect them.)

4. Mars is a mysterious planet.
It is slightly larger than the moon,
Because of the blood red color
The planet was named after the god of war

We fly.

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land.
But he can do it,
Make fast ... (rocket)

( It is necessary to complete the task: "Assemble the image of the rocket according to the sample."
On the screen (slide 3): Schematic representation of the rocket.

5. And this planet is proud of itself
Since it is considered the largest ... (Jupiter)

Jupiter is the largest of all planets
But there is no land on the planet.
liquid hydrogen everywhere
And bitter cold all year round!

(The task will be to name the neighbors of the number, ordinal and countdown from 1 to 10).

6. The planet is surrounded by rings
And that's what made her different... (Saturn)

Saturn is a beautiful planet
And rings of stones and ice
She is always surrounded.

(game "Collect and guess the planet" - puzzles)

7. And this planet is greenish-blue in color ... (Uranus)

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. This is the only planet in the solar system that revolves around the sun, as if lying on its side. It is called the "lying planet".

(Next task "Space quiz")

And now "Space Quiz". You must choose the correct answer (slide number 11) (the teacher reads, the children choose the correct answer)
1. Who was the first astronaut? (The first cosmonaut was Yuri Gagarin)
2. What animals have been in space? (There were dogs Belka and Strelka in space)
3. Who studies the stars? (The astronomer studies the stars)
4. Who in ancient times predicted fate by the stars? (In ancient times, an astrologer predicted the fate of the stars)
5. What is the name of a group of stars? (A group of stars is called a constellation.)
6. What is the Sun? (The sun is a big star)
Guys, would you like to fly into space? (Yes, we would really like to fly into space)
What is the name of the profession of a person who flies into space? (A person who flies into space is called an astronaut)
What do you think astronauts do during the flight?
(- study the surface of the earth, the moon, other planets;
- report hurricanes, typhoons;
- tell us the weather forecast;
- conduct medical and technical supervision;
- provide us with radio communications, satellite communications, etc.)
-The first woman to fly into space? (Valentina Tereshkova).

The next riddle is attention!

8. The king of the sea gave the name to that planet
He called her his name ... (Neptune)

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. Named after the Roman god of the sea, Neptune, because it is cold and blue. This is a huge ball consisting of gas and liquid.

PHYSICAL MINUTE "Planets" is being held (slide No. 10)

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.

9. And this planet was bound by a terrible cold,
Didn't the sunbeam get her heat? …. (Pluto)

Distant Pluto rushes through space,
He is barely sanctified by the rays of the Sun.
And now we will draw with you.

Well done guys, you got the job done.
Let's take another look at the planets of the solar system (slide)

Did you enjoy our trip? (Yes)
I think maybe one of you will become an astronaut in the future and will explore the mysterious space.

Target: clarify and generalize knowledge about space.


Educational :

    To form the concept of "space", "outer space", "solar system";

    Enrich the speech dictionary with words on the topic;

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the planets of the solar system;

    Learn to identify yourself.


    Develop logical thinking;

    Develop children's creative imagination;

    Improve skills in working with glue and brush;

    Develop fine and general motor skills;

    Learn clearly and answer the questions.


    To cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of an astronaut;

    Cultivate a sense of pride in their native country.

We have seen the planets of the solar system. All planets revolve around the sun. They are also called the Solar Family. What planets do you remember?

- (children's answers)

Did you know that the Astrologer lives on the Moon, who counts the planets. It's such a game. I suggest you play Stargazer.

Children stand in a circle and say a counting rhyme, while passing a star to each other. The chosen stargazer moves to the sound of the tambourine in leaps around the circle. As soon as the tambourine stops, the astrologer stops and stands between two children who stand with their backs to each other, and at the expense of one-two-three - run! - run around the circle in different directions, trying to be the first to return to the starting point and pick up the star from the astrologer. The game continues 3-4 times.

An astrologer lived on the moon.
He counted the planets.
Mercury - one, Venus - two,
Three is Earth, four is Mars,
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,
Nine is Pluto farthest...
Who does not see - get out!

We are earthlings and live on planet Earth. Tell me, please, does anyone else live in outer space?

- (children's answers)

Perhaps you are right, and aliens do live in space.

Knock on the door. A child dressed as an alien enters.

Guys, look, an alien visitor has arrived to us. Let's say hello.

It seems to me that this is not quite an adult alien, but still a child. And, probably, he, like you, loves to play.

- (foreign) I want to make riddles for you.

Among the field of blue -
The bright brilliance of a great fire.
Slowly the fire is walking here,
Earth - mother bypasses,
Shines cheerfully in the window.
Well, of course, this is ... (the sun).

clear nights
Mom walks with her daughters.
She does not tell her daughters:
- Go to sleep, it's late! -
Because the mother is the moon,
And daughters ... (stars).

Letter A, letter A
Alphabet head.
Vova knows, Sveta knows,
“A” looks like ... (rocket).

- (foreign) I really like to dance. Dance with me. I will dance an alien dance, and you repeat the movements after me.

Phys. minute Dance of the alien.

Purpose: prevention of fatigue, postural disorders, vision and psycho-emotional discharge.

- (foreign) I have to hurry home, goodbye!

Children say goodbye to an alien guest.

Well, the alien visitor has flown away. Who else flies into space?

- (children's answers)

And who knows the name of the first cosmonaut?

- (children's answers)

Sunny morning April 12, 1961. The rocket quickly rushed into the sky, leaving behind a fiery trail of burning fuel. Thus, the first spacecraft in history with a man on board was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

The poem is read by a child.

First cosmonaut.
On a spaceship
He flew in interplanetary haze,
Making a circle around the Earth.
And the ship was called "Vostok".
Everyone knows and loves him
He was young, strong and brave.
We remember his kind look with a squint,
His name was Yura Gagarinspace"

Integrated lesson using ICT "Space World"

(senior group)

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the history and conquest of space



Acquaintance of children with scientists and cosmonauts who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics;

Teaching children to navigate in space using various types of imitation movements


Cultivate a sense of pride in one's country;

Cultivate friendship between children


Develop movement skills to music;

Develop children's imagination.

Methods used in the lesson:

Informational, visual, verbal, game


Artistic and aesthetic, speech, cognitive, physical development

To the music, children enter the hall, sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, today our meeting is dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics. Do you know that space is a distant dream of all boys? Previously, this dream was unattainable, but today an astronaut is a well-known profession.
Today our magic screen will help us learn more about space.
So let's see.

Space presentation

1 slide: The man looked at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they are, why are they so bright? Scientists came up with special devices - telescopes and, observing the starry sky, they learned that there are other planets besides the Earth - some are smaller, others are larger. What planets do you know?

The children answer. Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and many others. People wanted to know if there is life on other planets? And if so, who lives there? But to find out about it, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away. And scientists came up with rockets.

2 slide : The scientist and inventor Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lived in the city of Kaluga. He was very fond of observing the stars through a telescope, studied them. And he decided to design such an aircraft that could fly to another planet.

He carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to do it.

3 slide: And only many, many years later, another design scientist, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite in which animals first flew around the Earth (squirrel dogs and Strelka), and then on April 12, 1961, a man flew into space for the first time.

4 slide: Who knows the name of this person? Who was the first astronaut on Earth?

It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

During the launch, a flame broke out in the rocket engines, they all started working smoothly and simultaneously. The roar rose unbelievable. But people still heard Gagarin laugh and say, "Let's go!" and at the same moment the rocket took off and disappeared into the blue sky.

5 slide: Yuri Alekseevich was the first to see the whole Earth. Not a piece, not a section, but all at once, entirely - from pole to pole. He flew and looked out the window-porthole, and beneath him floated not just mountains and seas, and not just islands and continents, the whole planet swam and turned under him.

In 108 minutes, he circled her. "How beautiful she is!" - Gagarin said on the radio to those who remained below.

6 slide: What do you think an astronaut should be like?

First of all, an astronaut must be in good health, he must be strong, hardy, because during a space flight a person experiences enormous overloads.

7 slide: After Gagarin's flight, a lot of cosmonauts went into space, among them were women - this is the world's first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.

Alexei Leonov is the first cosmonaut to go into outer space.

Many astronauts flew into space more than once and worked there for several months. Now joint flights are being made with astronauts from different countries.

8 slide: But people don't stop there. They seek to know everything distant and unknown - new planets and stellar distances.

Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer, invent a new rocket, on which people can travel long distances and discover new planets.

Physical education minute

The purpose of physical education: prevention and removal of fatigue, increase of active attention and working capacity.

We quickly got into rockets, (children perform hand movements, imitating running in place)
They flew into space together. (children raise their hands above their heads and join their palms, forming a cone above their heads)
There are many beauties around! (children spread their arms to the sides)
The earth is far away, like a point has become. (children connect the index and thumb of each hand, and then join their hands together. The connection of four fingers (the index and thumbs of the left and right hands shows how small the planet seems)
Went out into space - weightless,
It's not like home at all! (During the sound of these two lines, the children perform slow voluntary movements, simulating movement in weightlessness)
We return soon, (children perform a circular motion towards themselves with their left and right hands)
So as not to miss us without friends! (children raise index finger)

Educator: Guys, and now we will turn into pilot-cosmonauts and sing a song about it.

Left - turn right

Become an astronaut pilot.

Song "March of young cosmonauts".

Educator: And now let's check our pilots in action, how do they know how to fly an airplane?

Musical and didactic outdoor game "Pilots to the airfield"
Author's compilation of M. Rauchverger's game.
Tasks: learn to navigate in space using various types of imitative movements; develop knowledge about countries and continents, improve communication skills; contribute to the creation of a positive emotional background in the children's team
Game progress:
Children listen to the speaker and perform the proposed actions:
1. "Pilots, to the airfield!" Children sit down
2. “Start the engines!” Children, sitting (a prerequisite for an alternation of physical activity and rest) make a “winder” with bent arms.
3. "In flight!" Children depict the flight of an airplane (fly)
4. "Attention, landing!" Children squat down.
5. Next, imitative movements of animals of those countries and continents to which planes arrive are performed.
Educator: Well done, the guys almost all coped with the landing, but it's still too early for someone to become a brave pilot.

The final integrated lesson in the middle group using ICT on the topic: Space. Abstract

Synopsis Directly educational activities for the development of mathematical representations in the middle group

Compiled by: Yulia Vladimirovna Vafina, educator.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 44", Miass, Chelyabinsk region.
Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of directly educational activities for the development of mathematical concepts in the middle group.
The material will be useful to educators, parents.
The plan is a synopsis of joint activities.
Theme: "Journey to distant planets."
Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
Target: Summarize and consolidate the material studied during the year.
Educational: consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes. Improve the ability to create images using geometric shapes. Exercise in quantitative and ordinal counting up to ten. Exercise in comparing objects by length (longer, shorter, even shorter, the shortest). Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Determine the direction of movement away from you (right, left, up, down). Know the right and left hand. Exercise in the ability to draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper. To develop in children the ability to classify and generalize figures according to three properties (color, shape, size).
Developing: develop spatial thinking, attention, perception, the ability to analyze and compare objects, the ability to listen carefully and accurately follow the instructions of an adult, act independently on the instructions of an adult.
Educational: increase the cognitive activity of children due to the attractiveness of the learning process, its plot.
Equipment and material:
for the teacher: personal computer (laptop), multimedia projector, speakers, screen, multimedia presentation, space music and song Michel - Plutonchiki in mp3 format, mp3 player with light music magic ball, tables with handouts, chairs with geometric shapes glued to them, baskets, memo for parents "Rules for attending an open class."
for kids: Youngish blocks, a schematic representation of a rocket, pencils, geometric figures of different colors, sheets with tasks: “Help the rockets get to the planets. Circle the dotted line”, “Find identical rockets and connect them”, mathematical puzzle “Assemble the rocket in order”, the playing field “Space map” for orientation on the sheet and fixing concepts (right, left, up, down), “Rocket” chip , sheets of colored paper, jars, cotton wool, sparkles, colored water.
Lesson progress:
On the screen (slide 1): topic, goals, tasks. Space music sounds. Tables for children with handouts, chairs for parents nearby.

Organizing time.
Children enter.
Educator: Hello dear parents! We are glad to see you today at our final open lesson and the last parent meeting of this academic year. Today your children will demonstrate what they have learned over the past year and whether they are ready to move to the older group.
Greeting game.
Educator: guys, let's say hello to our guests:
Let's enjoy the sun and the birds
(children raise their hands up)
And also rejoice at smiling faces
(smile at each other)
And to everyone who lives on this planet,
(shake hands)
"Hello!" let's all say together (join hands)
"Hello!" - moms and dads
"Hello!" - stay with us!
Educator: we are going on a journey through the universe. What is the universe?
Children's answers: the universe is space, it is all that surrounds us.
Educator: we need to visit all the planets of the solar system. Let's remember all the names in order and the poem will help us:
On the screen (slide 2): Planets in order.

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet -
called Pluto.
(Arkady Khait)
Main part
Educator: Listen carefully to the riddle and then we will find out what we need for the flight.
A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land.
But he can do it,
Make fast ... (rocket)

Task 1: Didactic game with Gyenysh blocks "Assemble the image of a rocket according to the model."
Educator: we need to complete the first task: "Assemble the image of the rocket according to the sample."
On the screen (slide 3): Schematic representation of the rocket.

Educator: Well done, first job done.

Reading the riddle:
The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
English: astronaut
And in Russian …
On the screen (slide 4).

We are astronauts. Take your seats.

Task 2: Didactic game "Take your place."
Educator: take seats in accordance with the pass (children are given passes - geometric shapes of different colors, the same figures on the chairs). Find a chair with the same geometry as yours. Did everyone take their seats? Why did you take this place? What is your figure? What colour?
Teacher: Are you all ready? Let's fly!
On the screen (slide 5).

Sounds like music with light effects.
(slide 6)

Educator: we arrived on the first planet - Mercury. On the screen (slide 7).
We take our jobs next to our parents.

Task 3: Development of fine motor skills of hands.
Help the rockets get to the planet. Circle the dotted line.

Educator: we arrived on the second planet - Venus. On the screen (slide 8).

Task 4: Game exercise "Identical rockets".
Find identical rockets and match them.

Task 5: Didactic game "Whose path is longer."
We lay out paths from leaves of different colors.
The track, what color is the longest, shorter, even shorter, the shortest?
Educator: We sit down in our seats and move on. We flew to the fifth planet - Jupiter. (slide 11)
Educator: we can't fly any further. The rocket is damaged.

Task 6: Didactic game mathematical puzzle "Assemble the rocket in order."

In order to get a picture, you need to collect strips with numbers in order from 1 to 10.
Educator: Well done, the rocket has been restored. Let's go on a flight. Countdown.
The next planet we flew to, the sixth planet is Saturn. (slide 12)
Educator: What do you think happened to the rocket? What could hurt her?
That's right, space junk. And where did he come from?

Task 7: Dynamic pause "Hit the target."
Let's help clean up space debris.
We crumple and throw into the basket.
Educator: space debris removed, the path is clear. Let's go further. Here is the seventh planet - Uranus. (slide 13)
Educator: on the planet Uranus, the next task awaits us.

Task 8: Didactic game for orientation on a sheet of paper "Space map".(slide 14-18)

You receive a space map. I ask questions, you put a chip - a rocket on the correct answer (we put a chip at the start - Earth. Tasks are given: 1 cell - up, 2 cells - to the right, etc.).
1 cell right (comet) - 2 cells up (ufo) - 2 cells left (cosmonaut) - 1 cell down (star).
Together we check which picture you got on? Does not light up, someone made a mistake, we check, parents help.
Educator: we fly to the eighth planet - Neptune. Nothing is visible, the whole path is covered with clouds. (slide 19)

Task 9: Exercise for the development of physiological breathing.
Can we help clear the way? We inflate the clouds (lumps of crumpled paper).
The sky is clear and we're off to the next planet.
Educator: and so we visited the last ninth planet - Pluto. (slide 20)
Task 10: Dance-game "Pluto".
Who do you think lives on the planet - Pluto, as they are called, they are as small as their planet. I propose to dance the dance "Plutonchiki", performer: Michel.
Educator: It's time for us to head back to planet earth.

Reading a poem:
Space flight,
The ship went down
in a given area,
And now the whole Pilot goes,
So that again, the earth
Take in your palms...
And in space
He only thought of her
Because of her
I flew to such distances -
And only about her
All two hundred long days
wrote in his
Space magazine!
(V. Orlov)

Reflection: What did you like the most, what happened, what did you remember in our space journey. (Answers of children and parents).
Educator: I so want to leave a piece of space as a keepsake.

Surprise moment.
Research activities: souvenir "Space in a jar".
Educator: I propose to create with your own hands a small souvenir "Space in a jar". To do this, go to our space laboratory together with your parents.
Souvenir making. Our space journey is over.
But you take with you impressions, knowledge and a piece of space.

It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, engineers. It was in our country that the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. Guys, do you know who was the first astronaut? What do you know about this person?

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first went into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call sign "Kedr" was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, making only one orbit around the Earth, this was only the beginning - the beginning of man's exploration of outer space. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time astronauts from many countries, both men and women, have been in space. The first manned flight into space opened the era of international space stations, the desire to master the planets closest to the Earth - Mars and Venus. Sunny morning on April 12, 1961. The rocket rapidly rushed into the sky, leaving behind a fiery trail of burning fuel. So from the Baikonur cosmodrome the first spacecraft in history with a man on board was launched. And the first cosmonaut of the Earth was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934. At first, there was nothing unusual in the fate of this young man. He dreamed of the sky since childhood. But which of the boys then did not want to fly on airplanes? And Yuri became a fighter pilot. And when in 1959 he found out about the recruitment of testers of new equipment into the detachment, he immediately filed a report on enrollment. The selection for astronauts was tough: out of 3,000 volunteers, only 20 were taken. Everything was taken into account: good health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technology ... Preparations began. In the pressure chamber, conditions were created that a person had to endure when launching a rocket. “Space” overloads were simulated on a furiously rotating centrifuge, testing the body for strength ... The training was very difficult. But Yuri Gagarin endured everything and even joked at the same time, encouraging his comrades. The chief designer of all the first space rockets, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, took a closer look at Gagarin and decided: “This calm, cheerful guy will be the first cosmonaut.” And so it happened.

What qualities do you think an astronaut should have? Do you want to become astronauts yourself?

Play: children, today I invite you to plunge into the infinity of our universe. And for this we will remember what planets exist in our galaxy, who was our first astronaut. Therefore, I propose to listen to a short story.

Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the Universe; develop creativity,

imagination, intellectual activity, logical thinking in the game

activities; draw stars.

Type: a complex lesson with elements of theatricalization.

Equipment: laptop, multimedia board, presentation on the topic: "Space";

disk with the cartoon "Luntik. Falling stars".


Organizing time.

Children enter the music room to the music, a presentation is on the screen. Hall

decorated with illustrations on the theme "Space". Children go and sit on chairs.


Hello guys! Today our country celebrates the Day

astronautics. Tell me, please, what do you know about space?

(Answers of children).

Slide 1. Stars.

An adult dressed as a star enters the hall.

Hello guys! I am a star who flew to visit you! I want

tell you about the stars. Do you want to know more about them? (Yes)

(Slide 2,3,4 - constellations, stars, Polaris)

Stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to ours.

Sun. Not all stars are the same color as you think. They are red

yellow, blue and white. Stars differ from each other in size. There is

Stars are dwarfs and there are giants. There are constellations in our sky - Big

Ursa and Ursa Minor. They look like a bucket with a handle. In Malaya

The polar star shines on the bear.

(Slide 5 - Moon)

The moon shines brighter than all the stars. But she does not shine herself - it is sunlight that falls on

her and illuminates her.

(Slide 6 - Sun)

Guys, you won't believe it, but the Sun is also a star. Its light and warmth give life

to all life on earth. Floating across the sky, it warms and illuminates the Earth. Without

Sun planet Earth would be dim, gloomy; there would be no flowers on it,

trees, animals. The sun caresses you with its rays. All day long it will take you

warms, and in the evening goes beyond the horizon. The sky darkens, the night falls, appears

The moon and we are stars.


Star, do you want to play with us?


Of course I want.

Conducted didactic game "Space".


Something we sat with you. Now we will turn into astronauts.


We will go to the spaceport, (walk)

Together we walk in step

A fast rocket is waiting for us (hands overhead, keep walking)

To fly to the planet.

Let's go to Mars (hands to the side)

Stars of the sky, wait for us. To become strong and dexterous

Let's start the workout: (stop and follow the text)

Hands up, hands down

Right - left lean,

turn your head

And spread your shoulder blades.

Right step and left step

And now jump like this.


And now I invite you to sit down with me at the tables and draw my sisters

- girlfriends of stars.

Children do the work with paints on pre-cut stars, color

them. During the task, music plays and slide 7 with stars on the screen.

After finishing work, the teacher offers to place stars on the general

background - the universe.


Star, did you like visiting us?


I really enjoyed visiting you.


Asterisk, the guys want to give you the stars they painted.


Thanks a lot guys! I will take one star with me, and I want the rest

leave for you to admire during the day. (Thank you from the kids).

I have to go to my girlfriends-sisters, until we meet again! (leaves)

Summing up the lesson.

Educator: There are nine planets in the solar system. Most of them were named by astronomers after Greek or Roman gods.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Named after the winged god Mercury. Its surface is rocky and desert, there is neither water nor air on the planet.

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Named after the goddess of love and beauty - Venus. Venus is covered with thick layers of clouds that hide the surface of the planet. It's sizzling heat here. It is so hot there that you can bake a cake in a few seconds without an oven. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The planet is at such a distance from the Sun that the temperature on it is neither too high nor too low, and there is enough water, so there is life on Earth. The Earth has its satellite - the Moon.

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. Named after the god of war - Mars. Mars is the only planet similar to Earth in that it has four seasons, ice polar caps and channels that resemble dry riverbeds. Before scientists knew that there was no life on Mars, people believed that mysterious creatures lived there - Martians.

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, named after the most important Roman god - Jupiter. It is the largest planet in the solar system. It is so big that all the other planets could fit in it. Jupiter is a giant ball of liquid and gas.

Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system. Named after the god Saturn, father of Jupiter. Saturn is a large ball of liquid and gas. The planet is known for its magnificent rings. Each of Saturn's rings is made up of gases, ice particles, rocks, and sand.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Named after Saturn's father, Uranus. This is the only planet in the solar system that revolves around the sun, as if lying on its side. It is called the "lying planet".

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. Named after the Roman god of the sea - Neptune, because it is cold and blue. This is a huge ball consisting of gas and liquid. Neptune can only be seen through a telescope. The strongest winds in the solar system blow on the surface of the planet, reaching speeds of over 2000 km / h, which is 2 times faster than the speed of a jet liner.

Pluto is the ninth (most distant) planet from the Sun. Named after the god of the underworld. We know very little about Pluto because no automatic stations have been sent to it.

Educator: Guys, our session at the cinema is over, give me tickets and go to the carpet where we will do exercises for the astronauts.

Classes using information and communication technologies (ICT), on cognitive development with elements of experimentation and cause-and-effect relationships

Topic: "Water and its properties"

Prepared by: Educator of the Orphanage - boarding school No. 24

Mogilchenko O.A



Classes using information and communication technologies (ICT), on cognitive development with elements of experimentation and cause-and-effect relationships

Topic: "Water and its properties"

Prepared by: teacher

Mogilchenko Oksana Anatolievna

Orphanage - boarding school No. 24 in Moscow

Lesson objectives:

Educational:to expand children's knowledge about the properties of water and its importance in human life.

To consolidate knowledge about the aggregate states of water: grandfather - water - steam. To form ideas about the evaporation of water - the transformation of water into steam when heated. To acquaint children with cause-and-effect relationships as one of the most important conditions for the integrity of our world.

Developing: develop curiosity and skills in laboratory experiments.

Develop social skills: negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion.

To develop the ability to find, determine, manipulate "private" cause and effect.

Educational: cultivate respect for water.

Cultivate communication skills. The ability to interact with each other.

Materials and equipment:ICT was used for the lesson: a computer, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, a presentation “Water and its properties”.

Demo:slides, plot pictures, DVD film "Water of Life".

Dispensing: paints, sheets of paper, cups, tubes, caps of droplets.

Dictionary Enrichment:activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic (rises, evaporates, heats, cools)

Preliminary work:reading a fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" and fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia: "Living Water", "How a duck got the earth." Observation of ice, water. Consideration of various images of water, reproductions of paintings by I. Aivazovsky. Watching the cartoons "Grey neck", "Thumbelina". Outdoor games "What is the water" and "The sea is worried." Didactic games "Who needs water", "Where water flows." Riddles about the various states of water.

Lesson type: combined

Teaching methods and techniques:

  1. Game tricks:

Creating a game situation

imaginary situation

Riddles and riddles

Verbal methods and techniques:

Teacher's story


Search questions.

  1. Visual methods:

Demonstration of visual aids

Comparative observation

Sample display.

Lesson Plan

2. Surprise moment. Journey - search for droplets in a group.

Topic message.

3. The story of a fairy tale about a drop. (slide show)

4. Conversation on the content of the tale.

6. Experiments.

7. The game "Ice - water - steam"

8. Sedentary game "The droplets walk in a circle"

9. Classography.

10. Summary of the lesson

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Calendar.

Start the lesson with the words: Good morning! Have a good day! And from the sun, and from me!

What day of the week is today? (weekday Friday)

Name the time of day. (time of day morning)

What season is it now? (Now the season is winter)

What winter months do you know? (December January February)

Who can tell me what month it is?

The teacher selectively asks the children for the name of the winter months, the children list them. Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the illustrations depicting winter. Looking at them, the children list the signs of winter: “It is very cold in winter, there are often severe frosts, it is snowing, the whole earth is covered with snow.”

2. Surprise moment “Journey - search for droplets in a group. Topic message.

Guys, you probably noticed that in our group there are clouds and a lot of droplets.

They came to visit us, to see what wonderful guys are here. But when they settled down in a group, some droplets ran away and hid somewhere.

Let's help the sisters find them in our group.

The child walks through the group, makes a stop. In a corner of nature: near plants. He finds a drop there and tells why she hid there. (Flowers need to be watered, they are alive, they will dry out without water - they need water)

The child finds a drop near the sink in the utility room and tells why she hid there. (An assistant teacher needs a lot of water to wash dishes, floors, wipe dust, clean up in a group)

In the play corner. (Water is needed to wash dirty toys)

In the toilet room. (Water is needed so that we can wash our hands and face, and comply with the necessary hygiene requirements.)

Guys, but these are not just droplets, look, a letter is drawn on each droplet, probably having collected all the droplets, we will find out the topic of our lesson.

Children find droplets and spell out the words "Water".

That's right, guys, today we remembered why we need water, and where it can be. We also found droplets with letters that told us the name of the topic of our lesson. (Water)

3. The story of a fairy tale about a drop.

Children sit on chairs. Look who came to us? (droplet)

Listen to a fairy tale about a drop.

“She lived - there was a drop. Once she was sitting on a cloud with her girlfriends, but suddenly lightning flashed and thunder struck. The droplet was frightened and, jumping off the cloud, flew down along with other droplets. Falling to the ground, they formed a puddle. Now the drop with her girlfriends began to swim and have fun in the puddle.

After the drop was on the ground, she had to play in a puddle for a short time. It began to get colder outside, the puddle gradually froze over - and the droplet turned into an ice floe. Her friends dressed up in beautiful dresses and fell to the ground as snowflakes. The droplet became bored when the puddle froze, because now she could not move.

It was getting warmer, and soon the puddle melted, and the drop could swim freely again. But the days were getting hotter and hotter, the sun was hotter and hotter, the drop became very light and flew up, and in the sky with their girlfriends they formed a white fluffy cloud.

The drop sat on its little cloud and dreamed of returning to earth again.

4. Conversation on the content of the fairy tale.

What is this tale about?

What interesting thing happened to the droplet?

What can a drop turn into?

Guys, we learned that water can turn from liquid to solid, from solid to liquid, etc.

You guys liked the story!

5. Acquaintance with new material. slide show

Today I am going to introduce you to the wonderful world of water. You are ready?

What is in my glass?

Who knows what water is? - slide 1.

What is water like? - slide 2.

Where do people encounter water? - slide -3.

Is water good or bad? - slide 4. (Children put forward their proposals)

Well done boys! You know everything about water!

And now we will go on a trip to the research laboratory.

6. Experiments.

Imagine that our room is a research laboratory. It is necessary to prove that a snowflake, a "steam" and a drop are sisters, we need to investigate the properties of water.

Experience #1: “Water is liquid, it can flow”

Give the children 2 glasses: 1 - with water, 2 - empty. And invite them to pour water from one glass to another. “Water pouring? Why?”. Conclusion: water is liquid, pouring.

Experience #2: “The water is clear”

What color is the water? On the table you have tubes of different colors; with their help we will determine the color of the water. Compare the color of the water and the color of each strip. Is it possible to say that water matches one of their colors? (Not). What color is the water then? (Colorless, transparent). Think about how you can check the transparency of water? (Look through a glass of water).

Experience #3 “Water has no taste”

Do you know the taste of salt, sugar, lemon, onion? You are familiar with the taste of apples, potatoes, tomatoes, bread, cake. Taste the water in a glass. Is it possible to call water salty, bitter, sweet, sour? None of the familiar tastes can be attributed to water. Conclusion: water has no taste.

Experience No. 4 " The water has no smell”

When mom bakes pies and buns, you will feel the appetizing smell behind the doors of the apartment. A delicate aroma is emitted by flowers, perfumes. And smell the water, what does it smell like? Conclusion: water has no smell.

Experience number 5: “Water has no shape”

Compare the shape of the water in your glass with the water of a neighbor, a teacher. If you pour water into a container of a different shape, the water takes the shape of this container.

What can you say about the shape of water?

Experience No. 6:“ Ice is solid water”

Invite the children to pick up pieces of ice and see how they melt. What is left on the palm?

Conclusion: ice, snow - also water.

Experience No. 7:“ Steam is also water.”

Take a thermos with boiling water. Open it and show the children the pairs. Put a mirror and glass over it. Conclusion: steam is also water.

Can we say that a snowflake, a droplet and a “parinka” are sisters? (But why?

7. The game "Ice - water - steam"

Remember the game "Solid - Liquid"? And today we will play differently. Remember how we depicted ice.

Children clench their fists, press their hands to their chest, cringe

The ice will melt and then

It will come out of it ... .. (water) (Children "swim".)

If strong - strong heat,

From the water will be .. (steam). (Children depict steam with the movement of their hands - raise their hands up and rotate their hands, saying. “F-f-f!»)

If the steam suddenly cools down,

Steam will turn .... (into water). (Children swim.)

If the cold suddenly comes

From the water will be ... (ice). (Children clench their fists, press their hands to their chest, shrink.)

- Very good, well done!

And now let's play in a different way: I will show the picture, and you will “transform”.

- But first, how can you turn ice into water? (heat) how can ice be heated? (On the tile, in the sun.) Correctly!

I show you, for example, such a picture. (Demonstrates the symbol of heat - the sun). So, you must turn from ice into ... (water).

And if you depict, and I show you the same picture, then what will happen to the water? (It will turn into steam.)

The teacher shows a symbol of cold (Santa Claus against the background of snowflakes) and asks: “If you depict steam and I show this symbol, what will happen to the steam? (He turns into water). And if you freeze the water, what will happen (Ice).

Well done guys, you all did a good job with the experiments, you are real researchers.

8. Outdoor game "Droplets walk in a circle"

The teacher says that she is Cloud's mother, and the guys are her children Droplets, and it's time for them to hit the road. (Music sounds like the sound of rain). Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Mama Cloud tells them what to do. Droplets flew to the ground ... Let's jump, let's play. They got bored of jumping alone. Gathered, they together and flowed in small cheerful streams. (The droplets make up streams, holding hands.) The streams met and became a big river (the streams are connected in one chain). Droplets float in a large river, travel. Tekla - a river flowed and fell into a large ocean (children reorganize into a large round dance and move in a circle). They swam - the Droplets swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Cloud's mother ordered them to return home. And just then the sun came up. Droplets became light, stretched upwards (crouched Droplets rise, then stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to their mother Cloud. Well done, Droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t climb into the collars of passers-by, they didn’t splash. Now stay with your mom, she misses you.

9. Blotography.

Guys, we will now create a miracle from our colorful water. The drawing will be born as if by itself. We will drip droplets onto a sheet of paper, according to our plan.

And then we will inflate the droplets through a straw tube and we will get a beautiful drawing.

We take a brush in diluted water and splash it on a sheet of paper.

We take a tube and blow through it on drops of paint, they turn into blots.

The teacher shows a sample drawing.

This turns out to be such a beautiful drawing.

9. Evaluation of the quality of the product.

Children look at the work of their peers. Discuss them, and tell what each of the drawings looks like.

10. The result of the lesson.

- Guys, thank you for knowing my little sisters so well. I give you a beautiful song as a memory of myself, about a drop that will delight you.

Well done! Well done. Now let's conclude:

Who are the droplets?

What did you learn about water?

Who needs water?

The child is reading a poem.

Water travels in nature

She never disappears

Now turn into snow, then turn into ice,

It melts - and again on a hike!

Over the mountain peaks

wide valleys,

Suddenly up into the sky

Will turn into rain

Take a look around

Take a look at nature

Surrounds you everywhere and always

This sorceress WATER! Our lesson is over. Thank you!


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Slides captions:

Lesson on cognitive development with elements of experimentation and cause-and-effect relationships Topic: “Water and its properties” The work was completed by: Mogilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna Educator, orphanage of a boarding school for mentally retarded children in Moscow

Program objectives: Educational: to expand knowledge about the properties of water and its importance in human life. To consolidate knowledge about the states of aggregation of water ice - water - steam. To form ideas about the evaporation of water into steam when heated. To acquaint children with cause-and-effect relationships as one of the most important conditions for the integrity of our world. Developing: develop curiosity and skills in laboratory experiments. Educational: to cultivate a careful attitude to water, to give children basic knowledge about the water cycle in nature;

I can wash my face, I can spill. I live in faucets all the time. Well of course I…….. WATER AROUND US

What is water? Water is a clear, colorless liquid, colorless and odorless. Water is called ice and snow, and in gaseous (water) vapor.

What is water like? Water on earth can exist in three main states Solid state Liquid state Gaseous state


How does a person use water? We drink water We pour ourselves We bathe We water flowers We wash the floors We wash ourselves


Human! Remember forever: The symbol of life on Earth is WATER! Save it and take care. We are not alone on the planet!

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