Report "Universal report (on registers, documents, directories)". How to use the universal report Universal report on registers 1s 8.2 way

The report "Universal report (by registers, documents, directories)" allows you to display the data of documents, directories, their tabular parts, accumulation registers and information registers and their virtual tables.

The data type is selected in the "Data type" field, and the list of objects of the selected type is presented in the "Object" field.

If a document or reference book is selected, the first tabular part is automatically substituted in the "Table" field. If there are no tabular parts, the "Table" field is absent and the report will be generated according to the directory itself.

If a negotiable accumulation register is selected, "Turnover" is substituted in the "Table" field. The report will be generated according to the virtual table "Turnovers".

If the balance accumulation register is selected, "Remains and turnovers" is substituted in the "Table" field. The report will be generated according to the virtual table "Balances and turnovers".

For periodic accumulation registers in the "Table" field, you can select "Slice of the last" (set by default) or "Slice of the first".

For accumulation and information registers, in addition to selecting virtual tables, you can select the register table itself - the empty "Table" field.

The report was developed based on the settings of the Report of the magnificent Elena Gryanina from the BukhExpert8 website (the resource is very useful and of high quality, I advise you to register if you are not there yet)

So, in order.

We form a report.

If everything suits us, we save the report version. Click the button More - Report Options - Save Report Variant...

ATTENTION!!! If the above method did not work. Open the application in the thick client. Then go to the section% Taxes and contributions - Reports on taxes and contributions - Universal report. We select the accumulation register Calculations of taxpayers with the budget for personal income tax. Press the button More, Edit schema (Won't open in thin client!). In the window that opens, go to the Settings tab, Load settings from file, select the file. Screenshots below.

  1. For the report to work correctly, it is necessary in the payment documents (Statement to the bank, Statement to the cashier, etc.) to expand the Payroll and transfer of personal income tax block by clicking on the link of the same name. Fill in the field Payment document MANDATORY! according to the model: "Document 29.12.2016 No. 123". Important, the date must start with the 10th character.

In the "Reports" section, there are many different reports for each type of activity. Basically, they are enough for everyday accounting. But sometimes, in order to analyze a particular problem, it is necessary to dig deeper, up to comparing, for example, records in a document and in the registers that it affects. And there are times when standard reports are simply not enough.

For such a deep data analysis or to create your own report in the 1C 8.3 program, there is a "Universal Report". I am going to consider its possibilities in this article.

General description of the universal report in 1C 8.3

First, let's figure out where to find a universal report? If you go to the "Reports" menu, and then click the "Universal Report" link, we will see the following window:

Let's briefly go through its controls.

Finished with the top line.

  • Below the most interesting button is the "Show Settings". Here it is better to show with an example.

Instructions for setting up a universal report 1C 8.3

Since we are working in the 1C: "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" program, we are primarily interested in accounting registers. In configuration 3.0, only one is available to us - “accounting and tax accounting”. We select it. Let's see the turnover on 10.01 "Materials" account.

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We choose a period. It will be the whole of 2012 for me. Next, click the "Show Settings" button:

To get the names of the materials, select the grouping by the 1st subconto. It is in it that the name is stored, more precisely, a link to the nomenclature.

Go to the "Selections" tab:

Here we need to specify that we only want to see the score 10.01.

If you wish, you can specify here as many selection conditions as you like.

Let's press the generate button and see what we got:

It can be seen that there are too many unnecessary columns in the report. Such as currency accounting, tax accounting and so on. I do not keep these records, and I want to remove these columns from the report.

We go back to the settings and immediately - to the "Indicators" tab:

We remove the flags from those columns that we do not need to display.

On the "Generate" tab, you can specify the field by which sorting will occur. For example, I want my materials to come out alphabetically:

So we came to the creation of a report on the register of accumulations. This article is a continuation of the previous two, so to speak Part 3. In the first two articles, we created a register of accumulations, made movements of income and expense. Now we need to create a report. In which you will see the balances in the savings register.

Let's take a look at what we did. We had a Goods Arrival document, we created an accumulation register in which we accumulated information about receipts to the warehouse. Next, we made another document Release of goods from the warehouse. Just made the movement only this time the expense. That is, it turned out that the Goods receipt document added information to the register, and the Goods issue document removed its receipt/expenditure.

Part 1 An article on how to create a savings register income.
Part 2 An article on how to create an expense in the savings register.

Now you need to find out the remaining materials in the warehouse. To do this, you need to create a report on the accumulation register.

New report on the savings register in 1C

Let's start creating a register report. To do this, go to the Configurator, look for the Reports item and add a new report. Let's call it Remains in the warehouse. We have already created a document report on how to do this, you can read.

Let's add our report to the Reports subsystem. How to create a subsystem read.

On the Data Set tab, you need to add a new set, select Add New Set - Query, then click Query Builder.

Here we are looking for our Register, since we want to see the final balance, then we need to select the Accumulation Register 1. Remains and Turnovers. From the Table window to the Fields window, transfer the Name and Accumulation Register 1 Remains and Turnovers. Quantity Final Remains and click OK.

Now go to the Settings tab and add a new grouping.

Again, leave the window blank and click OK.

Now check the Report item below and go to the Selected fields tab. We transfer from the Available fields window to the Field Name and QuantityFinalRemainder window.

Well, that seems to be all, now we need to check the correctness of our report. Let's do this in the Incoming goods document, let's make the receipt of 5 processors; in the Outgoing document, let's make the consumption of 2 processors.

And let's run our report, if you did everything correctly, then it should show the balance in the warehouse of 3 processors.

Well, here we have created a simple report on the savings register. I want to say that I showed how to create the simplest report with a minimum set of data and settings. On it you have to learn the very basics. I hope this helps you, but if you have any questions, then be sure to ask everyone I will answer and prompt.

After reading this article, you will learn how to use the universal report and be able to create your own custom reports in the program.

As an example, I will create two reports: a report on implementation documents and a report on enterprise costs.

Let's open the universal report form (section Administration):

At the top there is a settings panel, and at the bottom there is a table field for displaying data:

Sales document report

Let's start setting up a report on implementation documents. Let's choose a period:

In the next field, specify that the report will be based on documents:

In the next field, you need to select the data source in the document (the tabular parts of the document are listed + Basic data are the header details). Let's select the data from the tabular part Products to get data about the item sold:

Click below Finish and form:

The result is a linear report without any groupings. Let's complicate it a little and group the data obtained by organizations. Go to settings:

Choose extended view settings:

Go to bookmark Structure:

Here we see the only grouping of detailed records - it is in it that all data is displayed:

Double-click on it and in the form that opens, select the organization field (this is an attribute not of the Goods tabular section, but of the document, so the field will look like this: Link.Organization):

Click Close and Form:

Now for organizations, let's add a nested grouping by counterparties (select the grouping by organization, click Add and select the nested field counterparty by the field Link):

The report has changed:

But as you can see, we have lost data about the documents themselves, the nomenclature, accounting accounts, etc. This happened due to the fact that we replaced the grouping Detail records, let's add it to the existing groupings:

Now the missing data is back in the report:

To configure the list of columns, go to the settings tab Margins and sorting:

Turn off the checkboxes for unnecessary fields and rebuild the report:

Now the number of columns has decreased.

No need to think that we have made a full-fledged sales report. Firstly, reports in the program need to be done not according to documents, but according to registers (internal tables of the system) and secondly, some of the above documents may not be posted or even marked for deletion, so the picture may be incorrect. In this case, we did exactly according to all the established sales documents (for the specified period).

Cost Report

Let's create a full-fledged cost report, only now we will use the document data, and the postings. To do this, select the accounting register:

In the left field, the program proposes the data type of the posting register. The rule here is: if you are making a report that will show some balances (for example, goods in warehouses), choose the type Remains, if you need a report that will show some kind of turnover information for a period (for example, monthly sales or recorded costs), choose Turnovers. Remains and turnovers you need to choose if you want to make, for example, a statement of settlements with counterparties, which, in addition to the initial and final balances, will also show the turnover for the period.

In our example, these will be turnovers. Go to settings, Structure tab:

Add an upper grouping by organization and a subordinate one by subconto1 (these will be cost items). Bookmark Fields and sorts set only the sign of using the field Subconto turnover Dt:

On the right in the sort table, click Add and select the name of the organization and subconto1, type - in ascending order:

On the first tab, add a selection by accounts:

Click close and form:

Completed cost report. In order to be able to use it in the future (and not configure it again), you need to save the report version:

There can be any number of saved options. Thus, you can collect arbitrary information in the system in a form convenient for you.

If some points caused you difficulties and misunderstanding, watch the video at the beginning of the article, where I show everything more clearly. For a more detailed acquaintance with the configuration, I recommend

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