The best books on trading and investing. Library. Trading books. Investments Materials and manuals for the study of trading

You write in the Yandex search "Books on trading" and from the received "2 million results" you can get confused. How long will it take to study them? Will this knowledge be useful to me? Will this help me become a successful trader? After all, to become a successful trader, it is not enough to read and study all the books on technical analysis and fundamentals. .

If you look at successful traders, then some of them are better versed in those analysis, some are gurus in algorithmic trading. But all of them, except for technical knowledge, are united by the will to win, endurance, and they treat life and work with humor. It turns out that to become a successful trader, you need not only technical analysis, but personal qualities. And in order to develop the missing in yourself, we offer you TOP 7 books for a novice trader .

Seventh place takes "Exchange at your fingertips" Viktor Ilyin, Valery Titov. This book will help the beginner to better understand the stock market, its structure, mechanisms and principles of operation. You will find in it a lot of useful information on the development of the stock exchange, its features and the subtleties of trading on it. After reading this book, you will not only learn how to properly manage your money, but also increase it in the stock market.

On the sixth place located - "Technical Analysis of Financial Markets" John J. Murphy. This book is considered the best in the field of technical analysis. Despite the complexity of the given topic, the book is written in an understandable language, replete with a huge number of illustrated examples with a detailed explanation. It describes the main tools for analysis, price patterns, time cycles, trends, trading strategies and tactics.

On the fifth place accepts - “Trading with Dr. Elder. Encyclopedia of the Stock Game» Alexander Elder. It's just the trader's bible. The book consists of three sections that describe different aspects of trading. The main focus of the book is money management and trading psychology. You will also learn how to control your risks in the market. In it you can find detailed answers to popular questions of beginners in trading.

On the fourth place settled - "The Count of Monte Cristo" Alexandr Duma. This book makes it clear that if you want to achieve results, you need to persevere towards the goal, constantly study, keep a "cold" head, always have a strategy of action. And these are the basic principles of successful work of a trader.

Honorary third place "The Grail of the Exchange or the Adventures of the Trader Pinocchio" Alexander Gerchik and Tatyana Lukashevich. This book will help you understand the intricacies of the modern stock market. The authors talk in detail about the principles of stock trading, levels and trading algorithms. The book is written in a humorous, understandable language with a lot of examples and will be useful for everyone who wants to try themselves in the world of stocks.

On the second place sits - "The Way of the Turtles" . Written by Curtis Faith and experimented by Richard Dennis. Two traders in the 1980s bet each other for $1 that they could take a man (a "turtle") off the street and teach him how to trade. There was a competition of 1200 people. Of these, 24 people were selected. Shown one model. For 2 years these people earned 200 million dollars, in 1986 without a computer, having practically nothing. All transactions were carried out only by voice. The model implied with it a trade in which one could be wrong 11 months a year, 10% positive entries and they made money on them.

And our champion #1"War Craft" Sun Tzu. The book is an ideal guide to defeating rivals in various conflict situations. The main idea of ​​the book is that only the methods of warfare change, the nature of man and the laws of war remain unchanged. According to the author, the art of war is based on the two most important tools of warfare - tactics and strategies, using which you will win even before the "boiling point" of the conflict.

Based on this book, Dean Lundell wrote "The Art of War for Traders and Investors" , which tells how to apply Sun Tzu methods to attract profits in trading.

Of course, this is not the whole list of books for a novice trader, but this is the basis on the way to your successful trading.

But even after reading all these wonderful books and mastering all the material, you need practice to achieve the result. Practice in the most comfortable conditions for you, under the guidance of a professional trader who will teach you how to confidently plot a course in a raging exchange sea. Only in this way will you be able to hone your knowledge in practice and increase your capital.

And you have a great opportunity for this - subscribe to « which will teach you how to turn your knowledge into capital.

Trading books for beginners are a real wealth, as they really contain the most necessary and useful information regarding not only the technical aspects of trading on various financial markets, but also a description of various strategies, explanations of psychological aspects, risk management rules and much more.

And in order to achieve good enough success in trading and investing, you need to constantly improve, and for this you just need to study the material presented in books written by those who already have sufficient experience in trading.

Let's say right away that today you can find a lot of all kinds of people who have decided to devote themselves to trading. We offer you a review of the literature for novice traders, which is the most popular and is distinguished by intelligibility of explanations.

The book "Intermarket technical analysis"

We want to start the literature review for novice traders with the book " Intermarket technical analysis by John Murphy, America's Leading Technical Analyst.

One of the most striking lessons of the 1980s is that absolutely all markets are highly interconnected. The markets for currencies, bonds, stocks and commodities are closely intertwined. The markets of all financial centers (London, Frankfurt, New York, Tokyo and others) are constantly influenced by each other.

And Murphy's book explains market relationships in the most accessible language, while demonstrating numerous examples of how to use them in practice. We note right away that when studying the material on trading presented in this book, You do not need any special training regarding, as everything is stated in the most intelligible and simple language.

For beginners in trading, the author reveals aspects of the four main sectors of the market - currencies, commodities, bonds and stocks. This book provides a large number of various charts that clearly illustrate the relationship and interaction of different markets.

This unique visualization shows how the theoretical foundations actually work in real situations.

By studying this book, you will, among other things, learn why the US currency tends to move in the opposite direction to the commodity markets, make sure that there is a very tangible feedback between the CRB indices and bond prices, and much more.

For beginners who are not yet familiar with technical analysis, there is a special glossary at the end of this work, designed to explain the technical tools used and the principles that the author used in writing it.

Book "Trading with Dr. Elder"

A review of literature for novice traders continues the book " Trading with Dr. Elder”, written by Alexander Edler, which is often called the “Bible of trading” for a reason. The material presented in the book is mainly focused on a professional approach to the process of trading and proper money management.

Here you can find everything you need to achieve visible and tangible success in the financial markets - mass crowd psychology, stock trader psychology, trading systems and, stop order placement, risk control and much more.

Edler's book provides specific instructions for organizing your marketplace and keeping records so that you can learn from both mistakes and victories. Published in the book are the diaries of several transactions that the author conducted personally, will make it possible to track the course of his thoughts, as well as observe how he made decisions to sell or buy step by step.

We note right away that this publication includes a special problem book with 100 questions and detailed answers to them, which the author tied to specific chapters. All this will give you the opportunity to test your own level of preparation before risking real money.

The book "Technical analysis of financial markets"

The Next Trading Book for Beginners « Technical analysis of financial markets” was written again by the famous American analyst, the classic of technical analysis John Murphy. In his work, the author reveals the features of all existing types of charts, and also explains how to use them in market trading.

This book on trading is considered one of the best, recommended for beginners and not only for them, which reveals all aspects of technical analysis, as well as describes the main tools for its implementation, graphical figures, indicators, and the like. The main topics covered in this book are: price patterns, including reversal and continuation patterns, the basics of technical analysis and charts, what are the components of charts, market indices, time cycles, tactics, strategies, and much more. In the book you will find a huge number (several hundred) of different charts with detailed explanations for them.

Book "Trading - your path to financial freedom"

The literature review for novice traders continues with an outstanding book by an equally outstanding author, Dr. Van Tharp, “ Trading is your path to financial freedom”, which in a simple and easy way will help you transform your own ideas about what constitutes successful trading.

By studying this book, you will be enriched with knowledge about the most important aspects of the market, including the psychological foundations and six key elements that are essential for making a profit on the exchange. You will learn how to independently develop your own strategies for conducting successful trading, which will correspond to your goals, as well as your character.

This book is recommended for mandatory reading not only for beginners, but for all traders, as it covers the most important elements in the development of profitable techniques and strategies that are successfully used in any type of market.

We will continue the review of literature for novice traders without a doubt with a unique book “ Road to trading”, written by a professional trader from the UK, John Piper. What is its uniqueness?

First of all, this work covers almost all trading aspects of the market, from the simplest trading models to all the intricacies of technical analysis.

Secondly, the uniqueness of this book lies in the very author's approach to the way the topic is disclosed. The hallmark of this book is that, unlike most well-known market luminaries, Piper does not impose his own methods of trading on the reader, he only informs and at the same time lays a solid practical foundation.

The author here does not appear in the role of a soulless and old teacher, he rather acts as an older comrade wise in life, who is ready to help and give valuable advice at the right time. After all, it is not for nothing that the title of the first section of this book is “Philosophy of Trading”, where the author does not just present the theories of financial markets and shares his own experience, he also teaches you to think and feel like real traders.

Since John Piper is an adherent of such a segment of financial markets as, and is sure that it is speculation in derivative securities that can bring the greatest profit, he makes the main bias in the book in this direction.

Book "Trader's Trading System: Success Factor"

Completes our review of the literature for novice traders, the book by V. I. Safin, commonly called “ Trader's Trading System: Success Factor". As you understand, any business requires a systematic approach to it, and when trading on the currency markets, it is simply impossible to do without a systematic approach.

After all, random actions that are based on the advice of "good uncles" or on your inexperienced intuition of a stable income simply will not bring you. It can, of course, be lucky a couple or more times, but the number of defeats will be many times greater.

Sooner or later, any of the market participants comes to the conclusion that for successful trading it is necessary to engage in the formation of your own trading system. It is at such a moment that the book "The Trader's Trading System: A Success Factor" will help him.

The book by V. Safin tells in detail what trading systems are and how to build them. In addition, here you will find a lot of not only interesting, but also very useful information about the RUMUS software and how to use it for. Since there is a lot of information about the market and it is not at all easy to track it with the naked eye, it is necessary to use special software.

The book "Trader's Trading System: Success Factor" will help you understand the principles of one of these programs "RUMUS", its interface, system requirements, and learn how to work with it by studying the examples given by the author.

I won't speak for everyone, but I have my own opinion about books. The first trading book I read was written in the ABC style. This means that everything in it was chewed to the smallest detail, but the information was for beginners.

After reading it, I got on the forums, where many wrote that the authors of the books pursue other goals than to teach a beginner, etc., etc.

I believed, and if I took up reading literature, I was skeptical about it, not trusting a single word. After reading the book, of course, I opened the terminal and tried to find those moments that the author wrote about, but without getting the result, he was disappointed and began to engage in introspection.

Time has passed. Now I understand the market, I see many combinations, patterns, traps. And what do you think, returning to the books I read earlier, I am convinced that everything was written on the case, and it was not the author who described the wrong situation, but I could not get to the bottom of the true reasons for writing.

Trading Books Must Read

At the moment, I have clearly defined for myself: "Books on trading are a must read." Lately, I have read a lot of books. And now, when I have learned to understand the market, the books I read do not seem to me so mediocre and not worthy of attention.

Of course, there are delusional books that it would be better not to read, but even they very often lead to reasonable conclusions.

What will you find in my Trader's Library?

At the very beginning, I wrote that I had read a huge number of books about trading. In this regard, I made up my personal bookshelf and named it Trader's Library. I do not pretend to be perfect, but the fact that these are the best books on trading for me is a fact.

On my shelf you will find books about:

  • Trading books for beginners.
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  • Psychology books.
  • Books on the study of technical analysis.
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  • Books on the study of Japanese analysis.
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Read books about trading, only in them you will find the true path to success.

Literature for traders is a great way to study the market, learn how to trade on stock exchanges and learn all the secrets of successful and popular people who made their fortunes by trading. Here is a selection of 22 best books for traders that are worth spending time on.

Imagine two lawyers, one has a whole wall in books on legislation, and the second has only family photos, a vase and souvenirs. Which one do you have more confidence in? For a trader, as well as for a representative of any profession, it is very important to create your own library. Below you will find books for beginner traders, books on analysis and trading methods, tips from experienced traders and a lot of useful information.

Professional books for traders

  1. "Technical analysis. Full course.

Published by a well-known expert in the field of finance, this textbook gives the reader the most complete understanding of the field of technical analysis - the most important aspect of the financial market. Jack Schwager reveals the main terms, methods, various trading tricks, indicators and market systems. The peculiarity of this manual is that most of it is devoted to the practical use of methods in direct work on the stock exchange. In the first part, the author proposes to get acquainted with classical analysis, and in the second - to apply what has been learned in practice.

  1. How to play and win on the stock exchange.

The selection of “Books for Traders” continues with Alexander Elder, a master in the field of technical analysis, a professional financier and a talented stockbroker. Alexander Elder believes that successful work in the conditions of the exchange is based on three main factors - they are considered in the bestseller, which has become international in a short time. Elder seems to communicate with the reader, teaching him disciplined trading and money management on the account. He talks about how to properly look for profitable trades using computer indicators, charts and other analysis tools.

  1. "Fundamentals of stock trading".

In his textbook for those working on global financial exchanges, the author analyzes trading in the market from the initial level to the level of a professional trader, and also talks about indicators. The reader will learn about classical and computerized technical analysis of charts, the game system, and learn how to manage risks. A large place in the textbook is given to the psychology of personality and the emotional aspects of working with financial exchanges. In addition, the author talks about his own trading experience. All this makes The Fundamentals of Stock Trading one of the most useful books for beginner traders.

  1. Day Trading Tutorial.

The author of the publication talks in detail about the technique and discipline of day trading - trading on the stock exchange during the trading day without transferring transactions to the next day. The tutorial deals with choosing the best time to enter and exit a trade, as well as reviewing methods for finding partners. Borselino introduces the reader to the practice of technical analysis, pays great attention to discipline as one of the most important components of the trading process. As a bonus, the author gives examples from his own exchange practice, gives detailed comments for a better understanding of the financial system.

  1. "Trade Chaos"

In a book that is already a classic, Williams gets to the heart of the market, applying his own theory and using not quite conventional approaches to trading. The author reveals the concept of classification and defines the stages of evolution from an inexperienced trader to a professional. It provides not only theoretical but also practical information. Williams also considers the common psychological barriers of traders and talks about his own money management system, which will allow the reader to make good money on a favorable market situation. Trading Chaos is one of the best books for a trader.

  1. "Trade Chaos 2".

In this edition of his legendary financial textbook, Williams explores the latest techniques and methods for generating financial gain. He reveals the principles of trading in his updated system, not forgetting about money management. The author also uses indicators from previous books, presenting them in completely new conditions that can increase profits. From the book, the reader will learn how to predict the upcoming bear or bull markets, how to react to them correctly, and also get acquainted with the latest research that is applicable to financial markets.

  1. "Small encyclopedia of a trader".

The book discusses in detail the main methods of fundamental and technical analysis, presents a variety of options and indicators. The author also talks about the psychological foundations of successful work on the exchange and methods of working with risks. The textbook explains in detail and clearly not only the theory, but also the main points of practice necessary for successful trading. Also in his mini-encyclopedia, Eric Nyman lists the qualities that, in his opinion, are characteristic of a broker, and also offers several of his own methods for testing potential financial success.

  1. "Market Secrets". Authors: Lawrence Connors, Linda Raschke.

The authors of the "Exchange Secrets" guide tell readers about their unique experience of trading on the exchanges, share their experience based on the trial and error method, and also offer a special behavior model, thanks to which you can get the maximum profit with minimal risk. Also in the book, written specifically for people interested in trading, you can find highly effective trading strategies and money management rules. The unique secrets of successful trading presented in the publication will help both inexperienced traders and professionals in their field.

  1. “Short term trading. Beginner's Guide".

This is one of the best books for traders, its main feature is its high practical value. It talks about short-term trades and deals. Turner, a professional investor, trader and educator, tries to guide the reader through all the stages of the workflow, and in the end tells what needs to be done to achieve the best result. The author describes the technical tools that are simply necessary for a trader to win financially, reveals the psychological factors of successful trading. Turner also talks about exchange-traded funds and the new rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  1. Day trading online. Beginner's Guide".

On the pages of this guide for traders, the author introduces the reader to day trading, talks about its advantages, reveals the main secrets of survival in the stock market. After reading "Day Trading Online", the principles of operation of any financial exchange, as well as various ways of trading, become clear. The author gives examples from real situations, works on mistakes, motivating his reader to approach work on the stock exchange with all seriousness. Tony Turner offers his own testing system that will help you understand how seriously the reader is ready to engage in trading.

  1. The psychology of trading. Tools and methods of decision making”.

Reading online books about trading means improving your financial literacy and developing your intellect. But emotional self-knowledge in trading is just as necessary as intellectual self-knowledge. Brett Steenbarger, a psychologist and professional trader, in his book "The Psychology of Trading" tried to explain how to identify and neutralize the main psychological problems that interfere with profitable trading. He offers effective practical methods for changing the inner emotional world, teaches how to cope with psychological difficulties and introduces the reader to his unique trading ideas.

  1. Investments and trading. Formation of an individual approach to decision-making”.

Simon Wine, one of the directors of Alfa-Bank, in his book talks about analysis methods, acceptable risks, successful strategies and increasing the chance of making a profit. The author also considers the psychological features of the internal decision-making mechanism. Simon Vine conducts a financial educational program on the history of crises, gives advice on the development of new tactics of behavior, while taking into account the events of recent decades. Critically rethinking the principles of financial theory accepted in society, he shows the reader how it works in practice.

  1. "Long Term Secrets of Short Term Trading".

Larry Williams talks about short-term trading, an approach that is actively used by many traders. The author examines the basics of successful and reliable trading, talks about the advantages of this method, highlights its negative aspects, shares his many years of financial experience. Within the pages of this manual for traders, the reader will find all the fundamental principles that define the market. He will learn about dominant cycles, and also understand how to exit a trade, maintaining an advantage to the bitter end in any chosen time frame.

  1. “Trading based on intuition. How to make money on the stock exchange, using the full potential of the brain.

Kurtis Face is a well-known trader who talks about intuition as an integral part of financial success in his guide. According to the author, it is she who is an exceptional trading tool that allows you to process a huge amount of input data in a split second. Face shows the reader how to properly trust intuition, as well as how to use, train, improve it for more insightful and successful trading. In addition, the reader will understand when to trust this unique tool, and when not to do so.

  1. "How I play and win on the stock exchange."
  1. Reuters.

This book is a practical guide that teaches the correct use of modern analytical methods for successful work with financial markets. After reading, the reader will learn to operate with the terms of technical analysis, understand how charts are built and basic price patterns are recognized, and will be able to create their own scheme of behavior in the market. In addition, the manual provides recommendations for a more effective study of theoretical information. The book is written in an accessible language, it is suitable for all people who want to learn technical analysis for beginner traders.

  1. "The Way of the Turtles. From amateurs to legendary traders.

This is a unique book about trading, the story of how ordinary people turned into successful traders and raised their first millions, all thanks to an unusual experiment. Details about him became known recently - "The Way of the Turtles" is the first book written since the end of the moratorium on disclosure of details given by the participants in the experiment. Kurtis Face made a huge fortune in a few years, and it all started when he was only 19 years old. In the book, he tells his story, shares his feelings and reveals all the secrets of the experiment. Try downloading this book of traders to learn all these secrets.

  1. "Trading is your path to financial freedom."

How can an inexperienced trader understand the system of financial markets? Why is there a huge number of failed transactions at the first stage of work? Do you need your own strategy, and how to make it profitable? How to analyze and how to learn to trust your own feelings and forecasts? Is it possible to rise to the very top on your own, from zero? These questions concern all traders who are at the very beginning of the path to stunning success. Van Tharp provides answers and also explains all the nuances of technical analysis to the reader using simple and accessible language.

  1. "New Dimensions of Stock Trading".

The narrative of the book is based on the latest scientific data on human behavior. Williams describes the trading system, talks about the technology of interpreting the state of the market, and also suggests using several separate technical analysis tools in combination. The author pays an important place to the rules for exiting a transaction - in his opinion, any trader needs to know this. Williams also identifies the psychological aspects that affect trading in one way or another - usually the emotional barriers of a trader put instant barriers on his methods of working with the foreign exchange market.

Do you want to download a book for traders dedicated to trading on stock exchanges? Take a look at this edition. "Exchange trading by trends" is a must-read literature for a trader. In it, the author invites the reader to get acquainted with a unique set of tools that will definitely be needed to determine the trend, successfully follow it and exit in a timely manner with minimization of all possible losses. Each of the tools presented in the book is described in detail by the author, examples of its practical application in the financial market are given.

  1. “One good trade. Hidden information about the highly competitive world of private trading.

Mike Bellafiore is a successful trader who is known to the general public for his unusual views on the market and his unique approach to trading. The book tells about the important experience that the author has acquired, over the past twelve years, one way or another in contact with the market. He tells several true stories, introduces the reader to his colleagues - some of them became successful, and some had to experience difficulties on the way to their dreams. This book is for those who want to learn all the secrets of private trading. The book is written for a wide audience, suitable for both inexperienced and professional traders.

  1. "Bulls, Bears and Millionaires".

Robert Koppel tells stories from the lives of successful traders, analyzes their psychological structure, allows the reader to look into the mind and soul of professional financial market participants. Bulls, Bears and Millionaires explains how they got to where they are and what keeps them going. It is a cruel, ruthless world where everything is run by money, it is very difficult to make a fortune in it and achieve long-awaited financial success. That is why it is necessary to hone your skills in order to constantly generate profits and maintain competitive advantages.

All the books you like for a novice trader and a professional can be read online or downloaded for free. Choose one or more books for yourself and start striving to fulfill your financial dreams.

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This textbook claims to be a reference book for anyone interested in investing in US securities.

The Theory section was prepared by Tamara Teplova, professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. In fact, this is the history of the American stock market from its inception to the present day, supported by a description of financial instruments and features of exchange regulation in the United States. Thanks to the theoretical part, the book can be useful not only for a novice investor, but also for every inquisitive person who wants to understand what an exchange is and why it is needed.

Two other co-authors, Igor Klyushnev and Dmitry Panchenko, are the heads of the Freedom Finance investment company, which actively promotes investments in American securities among Russian investors. In the book, they are responsible for the "Practice" section, which explains in detail how to start investing. Klyushnev and Panchenko managed to avoid any references to their company.

Readers can learn why a personal financial plan is needed, how to trade on the stock exchange through a broker, and what the reports of American companies can tell an investor. Here you can get an idea of ​​fundamental and technical analysis, learn to understand charts and form an investment portfolio, as well as get acquainted with the success stories of famous American investors - for example, Jesse Livermore and Warren Buffett.

Quote: “An important difference between US mutual funds and their Russian counterparts, mutual funds, is that US funds regularly pay dividends to their shareholders - usually once a quarter. In this case, the investor may refuse to receive dividends in his hands, in which case the dividends will be reinvested in the fund. According to the calculations of the author of the monograph “The Economics of Investment Funds”, one dollar invested in the oldest American mutual fund MIT in the year of its foundation (1924), after 89 years (2013) would bring the shareholder $ 347 - precisely through dividends, while the estimated cost shares of MIT over this period grew only seven times ".

Stock market for beginners
Authors: Vernikov A., Markov V., Shishkina E., Podlevskikh N., Sorokina Yu., Avakyan N.
Publisher: Pero, 2015​

This guide to trading in the stock market has been prepared by professional traders and managers from Zerich Capital Management Investment Company. It is based on the training course of the School of Exchange Mastery, which works in the company and teaches trading from scratch. The authors lead the presentation from simple to complex: first, the reader learns what the stock market is and what it consists of, then what financial instruments are and how to work with them.

The book provides detailed instructions for opening a trading account and making transactions, as well as describes various types of trading and individual strategies. In the final chapter, the authors decided to talk about the services available to the client of IC Zerich Capital Management, but this is the only part of the book that contains advertising information. Other than that, The Stock Market for Beginners really does sound like a well-crafted textbook for the private investor.

One of the strengths of this book is the explanation of complex financial concepts in the most accessible language. The authors decipher for the reader such terms as roadshow, IPO, scalping, margin call and other trading vocabulary that invariably scares beginners.

Quote:“Before the placement of shares, the company holds a road show (Eng. Road Show). It consists in meetings with potential investors and analysts to discuss issues related to the development of the company. A successful road show is a good way to attract the attention of not only future shareholders, but also the media. In addition, during the road show, a book of orders for the purchase of issued shares is formed, according to which the company can indirectly judge the success of the upcoming IPO.”

Trader's guide. Psychology, technique, tactics and strategy

The translation of the bestseller by Brett Steenbarger, a well-known American psychiatrist and trader, author of a popular trading psychology blog, went through two editions in Russia, in 2012 and 2016. Although this book is not a textbook on investments in its purest form, it aims to help a novice trader take his first steps in the stock market.

As in his other books, Steenbarger focuses on the psychology of trading, telling the reader how to find the best way to trade and learn how to cope with stress during market volatility spikes. At the same time, the psychologist repeatedly emphasizes that investing in the stock market is not an occupation for everyone. The reader needs to prepare for a large number of life stories and descriptions of numerous psychological experiments. The author talks about financial instruments and the stock market itself in passing, so this book is only worth reading in addition to other trading manuals that cover the topic in more detail.

Quote:“Traders without experience in different areas are somewhat like partners in a marriage of convenience. Maybe the marriage will be successful; perhaps it will end in disaster. But in any case, it is unlikely that the spouses will experience pleasure. How many traders never get to the mastery stage, not because they're lazy, but because they're just doing something else?

How to make money on the exchange for dummies
Authors: Petrov K., Lukashevich T.
Publisher: Dialectika, 2016

The title of this book speaks for itself: this is another book from the famous series for beginners. Its authors are business planner Konstantin Petrov and trader Tatyana Lukashevich. They managed to fit a large amount of information into one book, telling the reader about the main world exchanges, including Russian ones, and about the tools available on them. And that's not all: the second and third parts of the manual are devoted to technical and fundamental analysis, the fourth - to various stock trading strategies, the fifth - to investments in high-risk assets.

Particularly noteworthy is the last (sixth) part, in which Petrov and Lukashevich talk about the basic rules of trading and reveal the meaning of the most important trading terms, including "flat", "glass" and so on. The only problem is that due to the desire of the authors to cover all aspects of trade, the presentation sometimes becomes generalized. Nevertheless, a beginner will find a lot of useful things in this book.

Quote:“A well-balanced aggressive portfolio is 80% stocks and 20% bonds. Such a portfolio is capable of bringing the investor an average of 12% annual profit over 20 years; in some years the profit may be higher, in some it may be lower. If your portfolio brings about 30% profit annually for several years, congratulations - you have successfully formed a portfolio. A stable 30% is a very good result!”

Successful trading in the stock market. From zero to the first million. Textbook

This is an updated edition of Dmitry Mikhnov's book. This tutorial was first published in 2014. The book is devoid of even a hint of academicism - the author simply shares his experience and builds a dialogue with the reader on an equal footing. He explains how the stock market differs from forex and other "kitchens" that try to lure newcomers, talks about financial instruments and tax laws that apply to securities.

Mikhnov pays special attention to the conclusion of transactions, describing step by step the procedures for placing orders, accompanying this with a large number of illustrations. He also explains in an accessible way what technical analysis is, and touches on some aspects of the psychology of trading. The style of presentation makes the book easy to read, but difficult terms are not always explained clearly.

Quote:“In order to start trading futures contracts, you need to open an account with a broker (an intermediary between you and the exchange) and place on it the amount you estimate is necessary for trading. This amount will be a kind of “insurance” for the exchange in case the contracts you bought went down in price. All profits from your trading will be credited to this account, and all losses will be deducted from it.

Choice of financiers

It is better to start working with the stock market with basic economic concepts, says Natalya Smirnova, CEO of the Personal Advisor consulting company. They are well described on the website, which was created by the Ministry of Finance to improve financial literacy, says Smirnova.

“When a person understands the basics of the economy, how the financial market works, what stocks, bonds are and how they differ, then you can delve into all this in more detail by reading books on the stock market. The only detail is that it must be up-to-date, that is, released this year, ”Smirnova notes.

The general director of the BCS consulting center, Viktor Romanovsky, advises reading "Secrets of Exchange Trading" by Vladimir Tvardovsky and Sergey Parshikov. Despite the title, this book is aimed at novice investors, because it talks not only about the methods of technical analysis, but also about the functioning of the market, says Romanovsky.

In addition, he recommends Eric Nyman's Little Trader's Encyclopedia. “The author explains in detail how to trade, in what situation to buy different instruments, explains the basics of technical analysis. It can be read to an unprepared person,” agrees the financial adviser of Alor Broker Sergey Korolev.

Korolev also recommends the book Stock Trading by Jesse Livermore - there is a place not only for dry numbers, but also for philosophy, he says. The head of the analytical center of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, Pavel Pakhomov, also advises not to limit yourself to textbooks. In exchange trading, it is not theoretical training that is more important, but the psychology of the investor, he says, so books that describe interesting situations and people's behavior in the market will be useful. As an example, Pakhomov cites the book "The Hedger Came Out of the Fog" by Barton Biggs.

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