Fortune telling on wax the meaning of sperm figures. Ancient divination on wax and water: the rules of the ceremony and the meaning of the figures. Animals and insects

Fortune telling on wax is a favorite method of knowing hidden secrets. The melted wax was poured into a bowl of water, and then they turned on their imagination and looked out for figures from the resulting picture. This method is still considered one of the most reliable in obtaining information about the future.

It is necessary to choose the right time for the ritual. It is strictly forbidden to tell fortunes on the feast of the birth of Christ. Christmas time is considered an effective time for divination - the days from Christmas to Epiphany. If divination is not carried out on holidays, you need to focus on the moon - the 11th lunar day is suitable for divination on fire and wax.

The time of day is a defining part in the sacrament. With the sunset, certain forces descend into the human world, which are conductors.

It is necessary to get rid of everything that can interfere and distract in the process of divination with wax. Remove all jewelry, loosen your hair. A braided braid interferes with obtaining reliable information. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts, clear your head and comprehend the question you are about to ask.

Items that will be required during divination:

  • cold water, it is better to use holy;
  • pocket mirror 1 pc;
  • natural wax candles 2-3 pieces;
  • medium-sized bowl, metal or resistant to heat;
  • saucer or bowl for reflux.

Step-by-step instructions for predicting

So, having prepared the necessary items in advance, we begin to guess on wax and water.

  1. The first important step in the sacrament is to formulate the question. Concentrate your inner feelings and thoughts only on the subject or phenomenon that interests you. With each subsequent action, keep the question of interest in mind.
  2. Preparing wax. You need to do this only with the warmth of your own hands. Kneading the candle, we sculpt a small ball. Then we put the resulting material in a container for ebb.
  3. Let's start swimming. Arrange and light the candles around the bowl. Candles are an important part of divination on wax and water. Be sure to place one to the left of the container - it is from it that we will melt the substance. Then, slowly, we heat the bowl from a lit candle. This must be done until the mass becomes completely liquid.
  4. The central and most important part of divination is casting. We put a mirror in a pre-prepared bowl of water. And finally, slowly and carefully pour the wax into the center of the mirror. It is worth showing patience, it is strictly forbidden to intentionally draw figures.
  5. We take out the frozen wax along with the mirror.

Interpretation of the dropped figures

Starting to Interpret divination on wax, concentrate on the result. Pay attention to the sensations that you experience when looking at the image.

The first emotions and associations are a valid answer.


Elephant. A powerful symbol characterizes the fortuneteller as a strong person with a strong inner core. But the wax elephant is also a harbinger of bad events. The unwillingness to act together with other people can have a bitter effect on work, in personal relationships.

Turtle. A leisurely reptile is a symbol of patience and endurance. Is a person who seeks to speed up the course of events.

Wax horse - good sign. It promises positive outcomes in any endeavors, new stages in relationships with people.

A bear pours out during fortune-telling - the figure promises the resolution of serious problems that drag on for a long time. You will shed the baggage of difficulties with the help of an influential person.

The snake is a controversial symbol, fraught with polar meanings. Sleeping in a ball is a harbinger of a calm period in life. We saw an attacking viper - in the future we will have to learn how to control our emotions. Problems and troubles may come due to the irascibility of the fortuneteller.

Dolphin. One of the purposeful and strong signs. In the near future, expect success in everything that the hand touches.

Mouse. The sign made of wax has a warning meaning. A financial abyss is likely, and the money invested in the business will not justify itself.

Cat or cat. The figurine of a predatory beast symbolizes isolation. The fortuneteller has to go through a serious test of loneliness.

Shrimp. Symbolizes excessive frivolity in relation to people. You should become more attentive to others, do not scatter friends.

Crocodile. Dangers should be expected from close people.

Jellyfish. Give yourself a forced rest, otherwise there will be emotional burnout.

Whale. Expect big wins soon. A similar wax image, obtained during divination, can also promise recovery from severe illness.

Ram. It is necessary to act confidently and decisively - soon you will have to defend your honor.

The Dragon. Show your inner core and assertiveness.

Hare. Don't make big purchases, save your money. A worthwhile offer will appear soon.

Swan. A wax sign promises love adventures. The result of the upcoming intrigue will be a strong and lasting relationship.

A lion. The image of the king of beasts appears in exceptional, outstanding personalities. It's time to show your talents, soon they will pay attention to you.

Bird. A wax figurine promises good luck, prosperity and profitable business deals.

Fish. You will get out of any difficult situation. But do not shift responsibility for mistakes to others.

Pig. In divination, it is a symbol of envy and ambition. Get rid of these qualities, otherwise conflicts in the close environment cannot be avoided.

Dog. Stop suspecting lies and deception of a loved one. There is no change on the part of the partner.

Chicken: a frivolous lifestyle will soon bear fruit.

Camel. Show wisdom and patience in relation to loved ones.

Tadpole. Expect an inspiring period full of impressions and emotions.

Sea Horse. The wax symbol advises not to be shy in front of colleagues and superiors. Do the opposite - show assertiveness and confidence. Then the desired will be achieved.

Rooster. Get rid of selfish thoughts, go the way of honor and truth.

Scorpion. One of her close friends wants to enter into rivalry with the fortuneteller in the love field.

Owl. Spend more time on your own development, not looking at others.


Mushroom. An ambiguous wax symbol. Promises extremely unexpected events or news. Be prepared for anything - win the lottery or get into a debt hole.

Rose. Trite, but the flower in divination symbolizes an emotional upsurge, the cause of which will be love. We saw the thorns - expect a violent passion.

Wood. A symbol whose interpretation must be dealt with depending on the direction of the branches. Aim for the sun up - expect tremendous growth in life, reaching a whole new level. The fortuneteller will open previously unknown interesting ways. Wax branches are directed downwards, giving the impression of a withering and old plant - get ready to experience longing, sadness and annoyance.

Flower. Reduce emotions, otherwise you can be left alone. Learn to control your temper.


A wax figure in which the outlines of a woman are visible is a bad omen. The sign is fraught with negativity coming from society. It is worthwhile to carefully conduct secular conversations, everything you say can be used against a fortuneteller.

The child symbolizes discoveries, new achievements and feats. The future promises significant internal changes. The process of knowing your inner world will be intense.

The wax man is a symbol of grandiose upheavals. New developments will be exclusively positive. Moving to another city or even a country, a radical change in activity.

An embryo or embryo is an image that portends a good development of events.

A couple of people means that the fortuneteller will find an ally in solving problems.

Abstract phenomena and objects

Ring. This wax figurine speaks of uncertainty, hopelessness and isolation of the situation.

Boot. The image during fortune-telling symbolizes a large financial loss.

Horseshoe. In achieving goals, it is necessary to show independence, otherwise strangers can put spokes in the wheels.

Star. Soon good luck will visit your home. Feel free to take on any business, the outcome will be positive, fortune-telling portends.

Wax dress. Fun, splashes of champagne and a noisy group of friends.

A heart. Unpleasant emotional experiences are coming.

Key. The burden of past events must be shed.

The letter M. Life will present a series of obstacles, overcoming which, you will gain true values.

The letter G. The wax figure advises not to succumb to temptations. You risk cruelly paying for adventures associated with excitement.

Number 8. Fate decided to pamper the fortuneteller. Success, financial wealth, happiness family life.

Number 3. Rely only on intuition, do not take other people's advice.


Mermaid. Expect deception from a loved one.

Angel. A wax figurine portends getting rid of long-standing problems. Spelled for love - expect a positive answer to the question.

The bridge is a symbol of indecision. Show your will and take an important step.

The meaning of the figures when divining on wax has the character of recommendations, be sure to save the positive symbol. If you see a negative omen, immediately break the figurine, throw it away and forget it. And remember that you can not rely entirely on the results of divination. The real arbiter of fate is the man himself.

  1. The most favorable time for divination with wax has always been considered Christmas time, which began on Christmas Eve (January 6) and continued until Epiphany (January 19). The most successful time for the ritual is the eve of the holy holiday.
  2. It is necessary to guess at night, how the moon will rise.
  3. Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to warn those who are not participating in it so that they do not interfere and do not enter the room. Requires privacy in a quiet room with dim lighting and a tightly closed door.
  4. To get more accurate answers and better concentrate on questions, fortune telling should be done alone. Sometimes the presence of blood relatives or closest friends-girlfriends is acceptable. The main thing is that none of those present should be negatively disposed towards the ritual and not be skeptical about it.
  5. Preliminary preparation is important, both for the premises and for yourself. The fortuneteller should bathe, put on fresh clothes and leave his hair loose. Belts, bracelets and rings (everything that surrounds) are not allowed in clothes.
  6. Before you start guessing, you need to think about the questions you want to get an answer to and clearly formulate them.
  7. Since any fortune-telling is communication with other world, unrecognized by the official church, it is necessary to remove icons from the room, remove your cross and other religious attributes.
  8. During fortune-telling on wax, the posture should be “open” - you can’t cross your arms and legs.

Divination features

Fortune telling on wax is carried out by a practicing fortuneteller, but it is more interesting to do it at home. For divination, the following items are used:

  • beeswax;
  • cold water or milk;
  • white porcelain container for casting and iron for kindling wax;
  • mirror (used at will and if you have casting experience).

It is important to use natural beeswax. It stores the energy of creation, is able to record information and transmit it. Candles (including church ones) should not be used. The content of most candles is paraffin. Their energy is directed upwards, if you break the candle, it disperses in space. For divination with the help of wax, baptismal water is used. She has a special positive energy.

The simplest divination

For divination on wax at home, there is a simple sequence of actions:

  • pour water into a container (put a mirror on the bottom);
  • melt the wax, thinking through the question of divination;
  • slowly pour the melted product into cold water(to form a wax figurine, it is important to pour it in one place);
  • let the figurine freeze, take it out, examine it and independently decipher the fortune-telling on wax.

Fortune telling on wax is carried out after sunset, when the moon rises. If you follow the rules, one casting is enough. Rituals are carried out alone, but it is customary to invite friends to Christmas divination. The company should not include envious people.

Fortune telling for Christmas time with beeswax has some features. Natural candles are required. They use red, white (fortune-telling for love questions) and green (for fortune-telling for money). Do not use a black item.

For Christmas divination on wax in a large company, simplified rules are used. Pouring wax onto water is required directly from a lit candle. Each girl is given one candle.

What you need to have for the ritual

Since we will be guessing on wax, we will need the wax itself (wax candles or bee wax), as well as:

  • a container with cold, but not ice water;
  • a spoon with a non-heating handle (if there is none, you will need a mitten to hold a hot object);
  • a box of matches, a lighter;
  • candle;
  • napkins for drying wax figures.

It is imperative to take natural, and not paraffin, from which the bulk of store-bought candles are made. If you cannot find such wax on sale, you can go to the temple and buy wax candles. Remove the wick from the candles. And gently, without breaking, try to roll into a ball.

If it is possible to purchase multi-colored wax, then for each topic of divination there is a color:

  • pink or red - love;
  • green - health;
  • gold or bright yellow - finance.

It has long been known that water is receptive to information. Therefore, do not use stagnant or tap water. Epiphany water, which has been standing since last year, is ideal. If there is none, you need to pour it into a bottle of ordinary water and freeze it. Then melt, for melted good conductor information.

Wax figurines

If you guess by the rules, the result of pouring wax is a figurine. Each fortuneteller intuitively determines what exactly spilled out. Casting does not give ideal forms.

There are several types of wax figures: animals, man and parts of his body, plants, celestial bodies, geometric shapes, letters and numbers.


The result of the ritual is often figurines of animals, birds and insects. Professional fortune-tellers give the following meaning of figures on wax:

  • elephant on wax (small elephant, baby elephant) - a symbol of power, internal energy, indicates the fortuneteller or well-wisher who is ready to help in difficult times;
  • pig, boar - correctness of judgment, profit (when casting for money);
  • squirrel - if people saw a symbol, they will have to forget about rest;
  • horse, horse head - good news, auspicious events;
  • a big bear is a new friend, help and patronage of a strong person, a bear points to a betrothed to an unmarried girl; little bear cub - the desire to share kindness, a new four-legged family member;
  • caterpillar - failure, decline, life's troubles;
  • butterfly - happiness, problem solving, liberation;
  • snail - it is worth doing business slowly, keeping everything under strict control;
  • hare - for a woman, a bunny promises gifts, pleasant meetings, and a man happens to see such a sign of danger;
  • monkey - a symbol denotes unjustified hopes, hypocrisy, betrayal, lies;
  • cat - loneliness, bad relationship with the family;
  • dog - true friendship; poodle - a meeting with a frivolous person;
  • turtle - it is worth being distracted, relaxing, going with the flow, taking time for old hobbies;
  • deer - stability, harmony, travel;
  • the wolf is a strong and brave friend;
  • ram - you need to moderate stubbornness, take a closer look at your partner;
  • sheep (or sheepskin) - the fulfillment of desires, the realization of ideas that will bring material benefits;
  • cow - stability and prosperity;
  • bull - malevolence;
  • a camel is a boring but reliable partner;
  • mouse, rat - anxiety, meaningless deeds, confusion, betrayal of a loved one;
  • hamster - you should be careful and thrifty;
  • rabbit - you need to become more firm in solving cases and judgments;
  • scorpio - repentance, internal struggle;
  • snake - the need to hide, but carefully monitor the situation (reptile in a ball), active problem solving (reptile on the move);
  • lizard - an unpleasant acquaintance;
  • frog, toad - a heart-to-heart talk will help remove a stone from the heart;
  • cancer - problems in a love relationship;
  • dragon - problem solving; the dragon indicates an emotional and strong person;
  • dinosaur is a stubborn and purposeful person, it will be difficult to achieve his location;
  • lion - a symbol denotes internal forces, indicates protection, help of authority;
  • giraffe - a stupid handsome man, an unreliable partner, a long way to the fulfillment of desires;
  • hippopotamus - strong feelings that will not bring joy;
  • sea ​​horse - good news, good luck in personal relationships;
  • dolphin - unexpected help, difficulties can be resolved;
  • seal, walrus, stingray - you need to become more patient, restrained;
  • shrimp - things are not going as they should;
  • jellyfish - it is better to stop sharing secrets and learn other people's secrets;
  • swan - mutual love, happy marriage, fidelity of a man;
  • eagle - great talent, fulfillment of desires and achievement of goals;
  • dove - reconciliation, good news;
  • parrot - denotes gossip without evil intentions;
  • peacock - you need to appreciate spiritual values ​​more;
  • duck - luck, win, gift;
  • turkey is a holiday.

An owl, when fortune-telling on wax and water, is an ominous symbol that promises health problems, failures, and disturbing news. The horns of a deer, elk or bull mean treason or an unexpected unpleasant event. The bird's wing promises important news. A chick, a chicken, a duckling figurine have the same interpretation.


Plants are often the result of divination carried out by casting. Interpretation of wax figures:

  • rose - it's time to cast aside doubts, trust the call of the heart, open up to love;
  • a few flowers, a bouquet - a meeting with friends, a change for the better;
  • flower on solidified wax - good luck, joyful mood;
  • tree - fun, happiness (branches are directed to the sky), sad mood, tears (branches are lowered down);
  • tree - unexpected events, gifts, money;
  • mushroom is a surprise.

If it turned out to cast a sprawling bush, this means prospects. If you accept the proposals, then all desires will come true. A leaf of a tree indicates that it is worth paying attention to loved ones, to provide assistance.

Figures of people, parts of the human body, organs are most interesting in deciphering divination on wax. Basic values:

  • embryo on wax, child - the beginning of something new, acquaintance, the embryo often falls out of pregnancy; an embryo with an umbilical cord - difficulties in a new business;
  • baby - for a pregnant woman, this means the birth of a healthy baby, a change for the better;
  • woman - quarrels, hypocrisy, competition, inconstancy;
  • a pregnant woman is an important event, a new family member;
  • a bride in a magnificent dress - a wedding, the happiness of lovers;
  • figurine of a man - firmness and aggressive actions are required to solve the problem; for a girl, a wax man points to a betrothed, boyfriend, protector;
  • girl, boy - new ideas, easy implementation of plans, fulfillment of desires;
  • a girl dressed in a dress in fortune-telling on wax - gossip, unpleasant conversations, empty chatter;
  • hunched old man or old woman - health problems;
  • the figure of a man without a leg is an unstable position, they can be deciphered as problems in his personal life and in the field of finance;
  • profile - good luck;
  • back of the head - lack of luck;
  • skeleton - illness, material difficulties in the house;
  • skull, bones - a tragic event;
  • heart on wax - strong feelings that overshadow the mind;
  • male genital organ - if a woman has to see such a sign, she will have a new lover, for a man, divination by a candle promises competition;
  • eye - betrayal;
  • ear - it is worth listening to other people's advice;
  • nose - retribution for curiosity;
  • hand - friendship (if the palm is open), competition (the palm is clenched into a fist), patronage (a huge hand).

The figurine of a child, a baby indicates a replenishment in the family of a fortuneteller or one of his friends. A woman in the role of a bride announces someone else's wedding.

celestial bodies

A wax star promises help in a difficult matter, which will lead to a successful outcome. Full moon means mutual great love. The young month indicates material well-being. A month that is on the decline - to problems, decline.

The wax sun is a symbol of leadership and emotionality.

If a person decides to tell fortunes on wax, and he comes across simple figures, this also has a certain meaning. Sign decoding:

  • the line is a new business, the second meaning is an unhindered path to the goal;
  • points - profit;
  • circle - stability, several circles - completion of an important matter;
  • spiral - understanding what was previously inaccessible;
  • triangle - good luck in money matters, an important meeting.

Geometric wax figures have positive interpretations, but negative symbols can accompany them.

Letters and numbers

Candles are perfect for divination. If the girls are guessing at the betrothed, the letters indicate the name. The numbers show important dates.

Some letters and numbers mean:

  • nine - a repetition of the event that occurred on the 9th;
  • figure eight - cyclical repetition of events;
  • the letter “M” is the designation of the word “Husband”, another meaning is success in work.

The letters "D" and "H" mean "Yes" or "No".

Other symbols

Fortune telling with wax gives other figures. Interpretation of some symbols:

  • arrow - if the tip is directed upwards, the answer to the question is positive, if downwards - negative;
  • dress - a fun holiday;
  • pear - new interesting relationships, discoveries;
  • apple - recovery, love, joy, a happy future;
  • egg - new hobbies, ideas and dreams;
  • a wreath - a dream come true;
  • kettle - family happiness;
  • bow - celebration;
  • snowflake - good news, new hope;
  • the key is the storage of trusted secrets;
  • boots - a long journey, a change of scenery;
  • vase - the secret of the fortuneteller will be revealed;
  • horseshoe - successful implementation of plans;
  • wave - rapid change;
  • arch - unexpected joy, crazy love, wedding (wedding arch);
  • ring (wedding ring in divination on wax) - marriage and family;
  • bell - news from afar;
  • boat, boat - avoiding trouble;
  • icon - it is worth going to church, confessing sins, cleansing the soul;
  • nipple - the birth of a child;
  • shell - improving financial well-being;
  • trace - you need to be careful;
  • hell - problems;
  • mermaid - an insidious woman, temptation.

Often fortune-telling on wax castings gives out combinations of symbols. Their interpretation depends on the essence of the issue and the mood of the fortuneteller. Tree and butterfly, flower and star, are auspicious combinations. Devil and bones, skull and cross promise bad news and sadness.

Divination on wax. Daria Mironova. TV channel "Raz-tv"

Fortune telling on wax and water, wax casting - deciphering the meaning of the figures

Fortune telling on wax. Candle free divination online on wax

The technique of the ceremony

Having prepared all the necessary items and retired to the room, you can start fortune telling on wax.

  1. We take a whole candle and set fire to it.
  2. Put a piece of prepared wax in a spoon.
  3. Hold the spoon over the candle flame until the wax in it melts.
  4. Quickly tip the spoonful of wax into a container of water.
  5. We wait until the figure cools down (you can’t blow or touch it until then).
  6. We get the figurine.
  7. We turn over and begin the interpretation.

However, today they practice another - more simple technique divination. The wax of a burning candle is simply dripped into the water as shown in the video.

Before starting fortune-telling, you need to pay attention to how the candle was lit. This will help you understand if the time is right. Meaning of candle behavior:

  • it lit up instantly and it has a medium-high flame - a favorable sign;
  • strongly sparks or hisses - important answers will be received;
  • the wick does not ignite well, and the flame is low and weak - a bad time, it is better to postpone fortune-telling if there are no important questions;
  • the flame did not flare up on the first attempt - the ritual should be stopped immediately.

To get a clearer answer, you can put a mirror on the bottom of the water container and pour the wax from the spoon only over its surface.

Complexity of interpretation

In order to determine what form the wax has taken, all your imagination will be required. And not only yours.

Try to reach out to your loved ones for help. As in the case of determining who caused the damage, the meaning of wax figures in divination is a complex matter. And often a fortuneteller sees what he wants to see, and not what is.

Therefore, it is so important to show the figure to someone you completely trust. If he sees what you see, then that's the way it is. It is only necessary to involve another person in fortune-telling after the ritual itself. Then, when the wax has cooled and taken its final shape.

It is clearly seen in the video that the interpretation of a shapeless wax stain and giving it some meaning requires an unusually large imagination.

For girls who conduct divination on wax, the designation of the figures is of the greatest importance. It is on the basis of the resulting figure that you can try to predict your future.

After the wax has got into the water and hardened, it is necessary to carefully study its shape and determine which particular object it is closer to. It is very important to give free rein to your imagination. The wax figurine can be viewed directly in the bowl or taken out of the water and examined from different angles. Having decided on the type of figure obtained, you can begin to interpret this symbol.

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. Such a fortune-telling result suggests that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendships. You yourself always strive to help loved ones, so you can safely count on support in any situation. The wax dog acts as a hint: it's time to recruit a team (if you haven't already) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

The figure of a dog standing on its hind legs means that some loved one needs your help.

Seeing such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another related to water. In addition, after such fortune-telling, acquaintance with foreigners becomes more likely. The silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, laconic and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it will not be easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems can bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability, we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unshared.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. Auspicious sign foretelling happy love, can be considered a distinct heart shape with sharp borders. If the heart is veined, the shape is indistinct or consists of several parts - this is a bad, alarming sign that warns of a possible danger.

The wax figure in the form of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol indicates that you are a strong person with a significant supply of vital energy. You are walking with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you must not ignore the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your duties and problems onto their shoulders.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, it is worth being prudent and avoid using your exceptional strength to the detriment of others.

If during fortune-telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your luck, and you will definitely share with every piece of your luck.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very auspicious sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what wax flowers turned out during divination, they always talk about your spiritual inescapable joy, with which you easily share with people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to talk with you. Flowers are a symbol of your beautiful and happy future.

If a girl conducts divination on wax, a rose may seem to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of a fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, don't be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

A sign that gives hope, indicating that there is enough internal resources to achieve the set goals. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving problems that arise.

snake - cobra

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone's treachery, for which your personal relationships may become a target. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

The embryo speaks of any deeds conceived and the desire to bring them to life.

A wax embryo can also represent pregnancy (not necessarily yours), as well as the birth of a new relationship, a new job, new friends, a new social circle.

Since the squirrel is a thrifty animal, its fortune-telling figure speaks of your love for everything material, as well as your tendency to predict everything and prepare for everything in advance so that difficulties are not taken by surprise. Such a habit in life can be very useful, and sometimes even saving.

The figurine of a mermaid warns of possible deceit, temptation. Every care must be taken so as not to fall for the hook of cunning.

Beware of false friends. And also the danger of losing something important due to enmity. Haste, swiftness, attack.

It is always interesting to know what fate has in store for us. There are many ways to find out, and one of them is on the wax that has cooled. This way to find out fate is the most truthful and accurate.

Such a ritual was one of the favorite fortune-telling in Ancient Russia. Often, experienced old witches were present during fortune-telling - for beginners, fortune-telling was considered dangerous, because two opposite elements participated in the process - water and fire.


For fortune telling you will need:

  1. matches;
  2. a vessel for melting wax: a tablespoon or a small bowl, a coffee cezve;
  3. (at the same time, the color of the candle may be important: for this, take a red candle, on - yellow, - green);
  4. bowl of cold water. Some witches claim that water has a "memory" that can affect the result of divination. Therefore, it is recommended to use Epiphany or melt water, because under the influence of freezing, the liquid changes the energy-information field.

Tips for divination on wax and water:

  1. examine the resulting picture first in the water, and then carefully remove it. Try not to damage or break the figure;
  2. some experts advise considering the shadow of the figure. Turn off the light in the room, light a candle and bring it to the wall so that the image casts a shadow. Turn the figure, peer carefully and do not forget to give free rein to the imagination;
  3. while the wax hardens, look closely at its modernization. This may help in interpreting the main element;
  4. in order to make it easier for you to interpret, use the dictionary of images.

The meaning of the figurines

The meanings of the most common variants of divination figures on wax:

  • car or bus- to a long journey (travel or business trip);
  • angel- a harbinger of pure love; resolution of difficult situations; happy events are coming;
  • drum- to important news, both bad and good;
  • - a good sign that promises you getting rid of annoying problems;
  • squirrel- the symbol has a double opposite meaning: to rest or vacation; many small but difficult things. Interpret the image according to the circumstances;
  • bouquet of flowers- symbol a better life, wait for good news; ;
  • waves- to abrupt changes and quick decisions;
  • mountain- promises an increase in the career ladder;
  • mushroom- to an unexpected event;
  • house or any other building- to the onset of good changes, better times. For unmarried girls - to;
  • germ- to the emergence of new plans and ideas;
  • star- portends a solution to all problems, perhaps not without the help of supernatural forces;
  • snake or- danger warning;
  • umbrella: an open umbrella portends some difficulties, but you can easily overcome them; closed umbrella - to big trouble, be prepared to take the blow of fate;
  • droplet - ;
  • dagger- danger from a loved one, perhaps jealousy. Your task in this case is to direct all love in the right direction;
  • whale- no matter what plans you make for the future, don't worry: your friends and partners will help;
  • - forthcoming marriage;
  • ship- to travel, change;
  • crown- to new victories, promotion;
  • bones- you will cope with any difficulties that will arise on the way. Do not despair in difficult situations, remember the result of divination;
  • - betrayal of a loved one;
  • cross- to or difficult situations;
  • swan- a symbol of a calm family life;
  • ladder- portends changes in life for the better;
  • a boat- promises a short trip;
  • bag- to money;
  • scissors- a sign that you need to leave the old alone and strive for the new; to a quarrel with a loved one;
  • cloud- soon you will be calm; the sign portends the resolution of all problems;
  • glasses- wax advises to reconsider your attitude to any situation so that it can be corrected;
  • the dress- to a magnificent celebration;
  • horseshoe- portends a successful deal,;
  • ghost- you are looking for relatives or old friends, friends;
  • - to the news;
  • - promise a prosperous period for new beginnings;
  • fish- to good news, to new acquaintances;
  • boot- change of residence or way;
  • a heart- a sign that friendship can soon develop into great love;
  • track- warns you of danger;
  • snowflake- an encouraging sign, promises good news;
  • dog- next to you now is a very faithful and devoted friend; you can count on the support of friends in difficult times. If the dog stands on its hind legs, then soon your friend will need help;
  • wall- a wall of misunderstanding has arisen between you and your loved ones;
  • telephone- soon you will learn important news;
  • axe- to a quarrel or bad relations, to the outcome of any actions. The absence of an ax handle promises you a difficult, almost impossible task;
  • flag- to the successful completion of a complex project; to meet old friends; sometimes a sign warns of injury - be careful;
  • numbers and letters- Interpret on the basis of your question;
  • Human- to upcoming important events, unrest;
  • egg- to the emergence of new plans and thoughts, to the emergence of new projects;
  • turtle- portends a feeling of slowing down time; do not rush the development of events;
  • rooster- promises the beginning of any action; advises not to be afraid and boldly proceed to your plan, not to give up;
  • - means that soon you can hit the road and find stable well-being, which is resistant to external circumstances;
  • crocodile- warns you about deceit from people close to you, be careful;
  • caterpillar- warns you of possible failures, be enterprising and vigilant;
  • pig- all your ideas about the current situation are correct and will soon be confirmed. When fortune-telling for money - deferred, but sure profit;
  • - to illness, failure and disappointment.

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How to guess on wax:

Fortune telling on wax can reveal all the nuances of our future. This is one of the most truthful ways of prediction. Water is a powerful information carrier and, in contact with it, wax forms a figure that conveys what awaits us. It is not always possible to correctly decipher the symbols and in desperation a number of rash acts are committed that create even greater problems. It is not necessary to painfully perceive the results of divination, it is important to carefully study the cast figure in order to understand what exactly it depicts before reading its meaning.

Features of divination on water and a candle

It is best to resort to divination for the future at the beginning of some new stage in life. This may be another place of residence, new job, new year, new love, as well as Christmas time. It is advisable to start fortune telling after sunset. Candles should be used instead of lighting. When lighting them, it is important to notice whether the wick flared up easily, whether it burns brightly, whether there is cod. A brightly burning candle means that the moment for divination has been chosen successfully. The hissing or crackling of a candle promises failure, it is better to postpone the fortune-telling session for another time.

Comment! Wax for divination is recommended to use only natural. Synthetic candles will not work. Dishes for melting should be metal: a spoon, a ladle, a bowl.

The color of the candle is chosen depending on the purpose of divination:

  • for love - a red candle is used;
  • for money and prosperity - a green candle;
  • for family well-being - a white candle;
  • for the future - a blue or blue candle.

The resulting wax symbols must be carefully considered so as not to be mistaken in their interpretation. It is advisable to keep the figurines symbolizing success and love for yourself, and those carrying negative information must be disposed of by burying them in the ground. You can’t keep them in the house, they will attract a lot of trouble.

How to guess on wax and water

You can’t start fortune telling if there are doubts or distrust, this destroys the sacred mood. Purchase candles in advance, prepare a container for melting wax with a long handle and a glass of cold water. Stored water should not be placed near waste, a TV or a sink with dirty dishes. The water will soak them up. negative energy, which is then transferred to the wax. The question that will be asked when divining on wax and water is recommended to be carefully considered. You can ask about the most important or disturbing events only 1 time.

It will not be superfluous to mentally prepare for fortune-telling. What happens can shock or disappoint, you need to be prepared for this. A rite performed out of curiosity is not valid.

A warning! Anxiety, jealousy, bad mood - this is a reason to abandon fortune-telling. In this state, a person will definitely see what worries him, and not what actually happened. Hasty actions will negatively affect his present.

Maximum concentration and consistency in actions will help to correctly perform the ritual of divination and find out the whole truth about the near future.

  1. Retire, turn off the phone and TV.
  2. Light a candle that will serve as lighting in the room.
  3. Curtain the windows, leaving the one in which the moon is reflected uncurtained.
  4. Close up with thick cloth icons.
  5. Change into loose clothing that does not restrict movement. Avoid belts, rings, chains, bracelets.
  6. Take off the cross.
  7. Let your hair down, they will serve as a transmitter of the energy of the Higher powers.
  8. Get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  9. Take a fortune-telling candle of the desired color, carefully cut lengthwise and remove the wick.
  10. Warm it with your hands and, slowly, roll up a lump of wax.
  11. Put it in the prepared bowl for melting. The amount of wax is chosen at your discretion, but you need to consider that some of it will settle on the dishes.
  12. Melt. If melting wax in a spoon, then it is necessary to hold it over a candle until the entire mass is melted.
  13. If the container is deep, then the wick from the candle does not need to be removed. It is set on fire and left to melt. The amount of wax required for divination is formed after 1 hour. The melting process must not be accelerated, the wax should not be stirred. At this time, it is better to focus on the issue. To prevent the wax from solidifying ahead of time, you can melt it in a water bath.
  14. Melted fortune-telling wax is carefully poured into a bowl of cold water, after asking a question of interest. You can do this directly from the candle without rolling it, but the casting of the figure will turn out to be inexpressive, it will be difficult to decipher it, and multiple droplets of wax violate the reliability of fortune-telling. You can not splash or express it. Uniform merging will ensure the design of a clear figure from wax, otherwise it will turn into a shapeless stain.

Advice! If the candle used for melting and the container with water are of contrasting colors, then the frozen wax figures will become more distinct.

For a white candle, dishes with a dark bottom are ideal, for colored candles - a light or transparent container.

They carefully peer into the outlines of the hardening wax - this is the answer to question asked. Often the most important fortune-telling prediction is formed in the first few seconds, and the rest of the symbols only complement it. For example, letters or numbers were formed from wax, which means that it is on them that you need to focus attention, they are the main meaning of fortune-telling. Sometimes one figure gradually forms another. It is necessary to observe the whole process in divination and memorize the details, recording the sequence of their appearance.

The hardened wax is carefully, trying not to damage, taken out on a napkin or towel. They study the resulting figures and begin to interpret them. If the figure does not cause associations, you can postpone decoding for a few days. It doesn't have to be done immediately.

The meaning of figures in divination on wax and water

When , a variety of symbols can form on the water. It can be:

  • numbers;
  • letters;
  • circles;
  • points;
  • animals;
  • people;
  • birds;
  • other signs and figures.

But their interpretation is sometimes difficult. In fortune-telling on wax, it is necessary to take into account all individual characteristics: age, profession, character of a person and his social status. Often at this stage, people come to a standstill or read incorrect information. Experts recommend contacting them in such situations.

You can use a mirror to see the tide better. Sometimes the display in it is more visual than the piece of wax itself. You should not expect that the figures will be cast clear, understandable and beautiful, like a souvenir.

Attention! The meaning of the received symbols depends on the specifics of the question asked during fortune-telling. For example, when divining for love, the figure of a dog can be interpreted as a friend or lover.

If you need to find out what caused the disease, then it should be understood in the literal sense - a disease due to a dog (from wool, fleas or infection).

Multiple wax figures, located close to each other, are interpreted as follows:

  • the central symbol is the answer to the question asked in the process of divination, and you need to start from it, deciphering the rest;
  • the figures located at the top are the near future;
  • the symbols at the bottom convey the present;
  • figures to the left of the central symbol tell about the past;
  • the figures to the right of the center reveal the secret of the distant future (several years ahead);
  • more distant symbols say that upcoming events are still far away.

Turtle in divination on wax

The contour of a turtle on wax symbolizes routine, everyday affairs without emotional outbursts and bright events. It is worth abandoning sudden, rash decisions, weighing your words and deeds. Trying to destroy this tranquility by looking for thrills is pointless.

Snake in divination on wax

The snake is interpreted in divination in two ways. Rolled into a ball, it reflects a person’s doubts and indecision in actions. Wriggling, like a crawling snake, predicts illness, the appearance of enemies or temptation, betrayal is possible, the danger of a break in relations. The inactive, more like a straight line, characterizes the fortuneteller as a wise and strong person, able to resolve any difficulties in his path.

If a snake with a hood has taken a stance, this is a warning about aggression from enemies. Soon you will have to actively look for ways out of a difficult situation. Cobra can report the presence of envious people, betrayal, resentment. In divination for love, she symbolizes the accusations from the partner, the desire to lie low and transfer the blame to her soulmate.

Tree in divination on wax

Ebb on wax in the form of a shrub or tree with branches raised up promises joy, happiness in life, a strong family. If they are lowered down, it means that sadness, failure, longing awaits. A tree with a large fluffy crown portends good changes in life. New offers should be accepted without hesitation, they will bring benefits or happiness. In divination for the future, this symbolizes stability.

Heart in divination on wax

If, during divination with wax, a heart formed on the water, then this indicates a quick love - strong and long-term. Perhaps a new acquaintance. A figure with clear contours - love will be mutual and bring happiness. If it is uneven, there are cracks, then the relationship will be deeply disappointing.

Bird in divination on wax

The outline of a bird on wax means you will soon receive news. A flying bird with spread wings promises good news or a pleasant meeting with people who have not been seen for a long time. New projects in business and other fields of activity will be successful. A small bird - to many small pleasant surprises. If dots are scattered near the bird, this is a scandal.

The meaning of fish in divination on wax

A fish during fortune-telling on wax portends an acquaintance with a laconic, but important person for the one who guesses. He can help in the future. Reticence may mean that he is a foreign citizen and does not know the language well. In some cases, the fish may warn that silence (or silence of something) will negatively affect the future fate and it's time to reveal your secrets. If fortune-telling with wax is performed in connection with a move or a change of work, then the figure of the fish indicates that everything will turn out much better than expected. For calm, unemotional people of the water element, fish means that they are completely satisfied with life.

Dog in divination on wax

If a figure of a dog is formed from wax, then a true friend is nearby. It is possible that the fortuneteller does not appreciate his existence, considering it natural. The dog may also hint that it's time to ask friends for help, you won't be able to cope alone. But the dog standing on its hind legs reports that friends need help. In love divination, she symbolizes the groom. If this is a small puppy, and not an adult dog, then it's time for a group of friends to get together. Lonely puppy advises to acquire comrades and like-minded people.

Ghost in divination on wax

A ghost, a ghost is a messenger from the past, as well as doubts and fears hiding in the depths. News from old friends, not necessarily pleasant. A letter or a meeting with those who have not been seen for a long time.

Bear in divination on wax

The figure of a bear on wax prophesies an intrusion into the life of a stronger or more influential person, perhaps a complete stranger. He is benevolent and his help can change fate. For unmarried girls, the bear portends the appearance of a brave and caring man. The little teddy bear advises not to forget about loved ones, to give them warmth and care. The figure of a bear cub is often manifested in fortune-telling by people who are inclined to sympathize, empathize and have the opportunity to provide charitable assistance.

Hippo in fortune-telling on wax

If the wax has taken the form of a hippopotamus, this means that there is already love in the life of a fortuneteller. Perhaps this person cannot fully reveal his feelings, because the hippopotamus is thick-skinned and restrained, passionate feelings are not for him. But he is reliable, calm and predictable. If you want to find just such a person, you should remember him. Life with him will bring long-awaited happiness. Otherwise, love will turn into disappointment.

The meaning of the dragon in divination on wax

The dragon promises an early resolution of problems, the settlement of conflicts and disputes. The desired will surely come true, what has been started will be successfully completed.

Other symbols

If the figure of a star appeared on the wax, then the desire, which is the goal of fortune-telling, will come true. Career growth, new love, buying a home - luck and help from above will accompany everything.

The spider warns of insidious and cunning people in the environment. It is advisable to refuse any new undertakings, they will bring trouble.

The swan is a symbol of fidelity and love. The one who has cast the figure of a swan expects harmony and happiness in the family. If the swans are in a pair, then there is a meeting with a person with whom an ideal couple is formed for life. When divining to move, the swans report that the fate of the fortuneteller is there.

A crocodile when divining on wax means a betrayal of friends or relatives. Among them there is a greedy, envious and vile hypocrite. He waits for an opportunity to do harm. You should not be frank with anyone about yourself and try to avoid empty talk and gossip.

The mouse symbolizes senseless turmoil. Difficulties lie ahead that will not be resolved. Chaotic actions, restless thoughts and confusion will not be able to resolve the situation, clear, precise solutions are needed. A mouse sitting on its hind legs indicates that the source of danger cannot be found. When divining for love, it means intrigue and deceit of rivals.

Butterfly, on the contrary, brings relief from problems. There will be a feeling of carelessness and happiness. Perhaps soon love will fly into life. It is possible that this carelessness will be in a loved one. And his insecurity, inconstancy will bring a lot of pain and trouble.

If a caterpillar is guessed on the wax, this portends failure. A long line of them can lead to collapse. This cannot be avoided, but do not forget that everything in life is consistent. This means that in order to make pleasant changes in a boring and ordinary life, you need to completely destroy it and rebuild it.

The hedgehog reports the intensity of relations with a loved one, relative, colleague, friend. It is worth becoming more loyal and everything will change for the better.

A circle in divination means obsession with something. It's time to relax, change the situation and not think about anything, then everything will work out. A circle on wax can mean an established stability in life. There will be no change in fate. The oval symbolizes success in difficult endeavors. You can boldly move forward.

Lips cast on wax promise violent passion and sensuality in the near future.

Dots portend material well-being and financial success. When divining for love - easy, non-binding meetings without love.

The number 8 means the same as the infinity symbol. The sequence of events will repeat itself. It won't be easy to change anything.

The letter, when divining the betrothed, says that his name will begin with her. To get more reliable information, fortune-telling for the betrothed is best done on the night from Sunday to Monday. If the question was different, the answer to it lies in this letter: yes, no, the name of the patron, a memorable date. It must be interpreted individually.

Christmas divination reflects the future of a longer period than on other days. Therefore, in mystical practice, this time is most popular. Fortune telling on wax is no exception.

Important! Wax must not be broken before melting, it should be lightly kneaded with your hands. Gross interference distorts the prediction results. The same applies to stirring the melting wax. It is not recommended to pull the mass poured into the water, this will disrupt the natural process of divination.

When deciphering the symbols, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the castings. Taking into account all individual characteristics and the process of drawing an image, it consistently reflects all life changes.

You can bring a lit candle to a figure that cannot be deciphered and examine the shadow from it reflected on the wall.

If the results of fortune-telling pleased, you must definitely thank the Higher Forces by leaving a coin at the crossroads. If the result is disappointing, you should no longer perform magical rites. This means that the emotional background of a fortuneteller is not very stable, because starting the fortune-telling process, you need to be prepared in advance for any information and accept it as a fact.


Fortune telling on wax gives complete and reliable information only if the ceremony is carried out correctly. Any violation completely changes its meaning. Do not panic and despair if the results of fortune-telling have brought disappointment. Next time will be better.

Candles have special magical properties which, of course, could not go unnoticed. Even in Russia, divination with wax and water was popular, which was most often carried out on Christmas Eve. European women also predicted the future by wax no less actively.

Fortune telling on wax from a candle

Today, wax divination is also popular, especially among young girls. The main advantage of this way to know the future is its simplicity. Melted wax, falling into the water, solidifies and takes on the shape of a figure. To unravel the symbolic meaning of the resulting figure is the task of a fortuneteller. When conducting fortune-telling on wax, the meaning of symbols cannot always be unraveled the first time. However, perseverance in this matter will certainly lead to the desired result.

Fortune telling with wax on the water

In order to know your fate with the help of a candle, long preparations are not needed. For such fortune-telling, a simple minimum set is enough:

  1. Large wax candle
  2. Matchbox
  3. Bowl of cold water (water should not be ice cold)

Only the patience of a fortuneteller can be added to this list. To get the result, you need a sufficient amount of melted wax, which means that the candle should burn for a long time.

Experienced fortune tellers advise choosing multi-colored candles so that it is easier to see the outline of the resulting figure against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you need to ask a question of interest in advance. The color of the candle used also depends on the nature of the question. For love relationships, a red or pink candle is suitable, for questions about health - a green one. Financial questions it is better to solve using a gold-plated candle. With this approach, the meaning of wax figures during divination will be as accurate as possible.

It is very important during divination to look at the flame of a candle. The flame will tell you something about the divination mood:

  • A candle that was lit quickly and without problems, which burns remarkably well, is a good sign.
  • A candle that hisses, sparks, or makes other noises may mean that you will receive a very important message.
  • A candle that burns very slowly and burns very sluggishly is not a good sign.
  • A candle that does not light up means that you should stop guessing and reschedule this event for another day.

To find out what awaits you in the future, you need to bring the resulting wax figure to the wall / door (any vertical surface). The shadow that will be cast will form a new figure that will signify your future.

Christmas divination on wax

You can guess on wax at any time, but the most suitable time for this is New Year's Eve and Christmas time. Formerly for Christmas divination advised to choose special places that should be to enhance the effect. The girls went to abandoned houses, a bathhouse, a barn, a basement, a canopy, an attic or a cemetery. It was necessary to guess without belts and pectoral crosses, the hair was loosened, and the knots on the clothes were untied.

Christmas divination on wax consisted of pouring molten wax into water, after which some kind of figurine was obtained. Figures with a bad value were thrown to the pigs or buried in the ground, and with a good one they were kept until the next divination.

Fortune telling on wax: interpretation of figures

For girls who conduct divination on wax, the designation of the figures is of the greatest importance. It is on the basis of the resulting figure that you can try to predict your future.

After the wax has got into the water and hardened, it is necessary to carefully study its shape and determine which particular object it is closer to. It is very important to give free rein to your imagination. The wax figurine can be viewed directly in the bowl or taken out of the water and examined from different angles. Having decided on the type of figure obtained, you can begin to interpret this symbol. When divining with wax, a variety of figures can be obtained - animals, flowers, trees, human images, the sun, mythical creatures and much more.

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. Such a fortune-telling result suggests that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendships. You yourself always strive to help loved ones, so you can safely count on support in any situation. The wax dog acts as a hint: it's time to recruit a team (if you haven't already) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

The figure of a dog standing on its hind legs means that some loved one needs your help.

Seeing such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another related to water. In addition, after such fortune-telling, acquaintance with foreigners becomes more likely. The silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, laconic and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it will not be easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems can bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability, we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unshared.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. A favorable sign that predicts happy love can be considered a distinct heart shape with sharp boundaries. If the heart is veined, the shape is indistinct or consists of several parts - this is a bad, alarming sign that warns of a possible danger.

The wax figure in the form of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol indicates that you are a strong person with a significant supply of vital energy. You are walking with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you must not ignore the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your duties and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, the wax elephant indicates your excellent physical shape and at the same time warns that intense and excessive loads are unacceptable and can harm you, depriving you of all your former opportunities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, it is worth being prudent and avoid using your exceptional strength to the detriment of others.

If during fortune-telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your luck, and you will definitely share with every piece of your luck.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very auspicious sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what wax flowers turned out during divination, they always talk about your spiritual inescapable joy, with which you easily share with people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to talk with you. Flowers are a symbol of your beautiful and happy future.

If a girl conducts divination on wax, a rose may seem to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of a fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, don't be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

A sign that gives hope, indicating that there are enough internal resources to achieve the goals set. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving problems that arise.

snake - cobra

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone's treachery, for which your personal relationships may become a target. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

The embryo speaks of any deeds conceived and the desire to bring them to life.

Since ancient times, fortune-telling on wax has been a favorite way to find out the future for all segments of the population. Peasant women, merchants, noblewomen - everyone wanted to know to look behind the veil of secrecy and find out the unknown. Of course, noble ladies could afford to visit fortune-tellers who take money for predictions, while poor girls were left with only home fortune-telling - and yet interest in wax predictions never waned.

Even now, in the age of enlightenment, we continue to turn to candles for help and advice.

General information

What is required for fortune-telling, when is it best to do it, what can and cannot be done in the process? Previously, when knowledge was passed from mother to daughter, such questions did not arise. We have to consider the whole process from beginning to end.

Reasons for the popularity of divination on wax and water

The fact that candles are used in more than half of the currently known ways to tell fortunes is hardly surprising, because they combine several powerful energy substances at once.

Wax itself is a material saturated with vitality through and through. In addition, a burning candle is also fire, and, as you know, it is the most unbridled and honest of the elements. Their combination and endows candles with their unique properties.

However, in addition to deep hidden meanings, the popularity of candle fortune-telling has a much more mundane reason: accessibility.

Unlike more complex ways to know the future, this one does not require serious material costs, but with the right approach, it gives an impressive result.

What is a casting

There are a lot of process options and interpretations. They vary depending on the purpose of the ritual, the seriousness of the approach to it and accessibility, however, they all have the main and main stage - the creation of a casting.

Casting- This is an irregularly shaped object obtained in the process of divination by pouring molten material into cold water and solidifying it in it.

In more complex versions, castings are made of soft low-melting metals, however, in our case, wax will act as a material.

Appointment of divination on a candle

First of all, in order to look behind the veil of secrecy and at least with one eye to peep into the future, to find out what dangers and obstacles lie in wait on life path what to be afraid of, what to bypass, and what, on the contrary, will bring good shoots.

This ritual has another purpose - detection and removal of damage, the evil eye and other negative energy imprints, intentionally or accidentally "sewn" to the human aura.

Suitable time for the ceremony

You can perform the ritual at any time. But if you are aimed at obtaining reliable results that are not distorted by the influence of external factors, it should be borne in mind that there are favorable and unfavorable periods for fortune telling on wax figures. When choosing the time, it is worth paying attention to some recommendations.

It's best to wait until the sun goes down night sky communication with higher powers is more fruitful.

Moon phase has the meaning. The ritual gains its greatest strength on the full moon, but another interpretation, on the contrary, calls the "blind sky" - the new moon - the most appropriate time.

There are certain days suitable for divination. Historically, it so happened that girls and women guessed at Christmas time and Christmas. It is on these days that you will be able to come closest to the secrets of fate along the path trodden by your ancestors.

Required Items

Before you start casting, you need to purchase and prepare everything that can be useful in the process. This should be taken care of in advance, communication with the Universe does not tolerate fuss and secondariness.

To conduct a fortune-telling ritual on wax and water, you will need:

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.


If candle fortune telling is nothing more than entertainment for you, you can use paraffin bought in a general store. However, if you want to get a full answer to a serious question, do not look for easy ways. Wax should be natural, absorbing the power of nature.

Perfect fit melted church candles or wax, bought directly from beekeepers. The latter option is even preferable when you are going to guess the future, because in this case it will not undergo almost any processing and will pass a minimum number of hands, which means it is less likely to acquire an imprint of someone else's energy.

On the other hand, the wax purchased in the temple is imbued with a special fertile power, and with its help it is much easier to detect the evil eye and damage.


When choosing water, the same principle applies as with wax. You can fill a vessel from a tap, and this will not lead to a catastrophe and the extinction of mankind from supernatural cataclysms. However, if you are in the mood for a serious conversation with higher powers, it is better to opt for saint, baptismal or charmed water. These options are most suitable for removing negative influences, evil eye and damage.

In the absence of these or for divination for the future, they are suitable melted snow or spring water. Such water is saturated with the energy of nature and carries a particle of universal power. But be careful - natural water can be capricious and strongly influenced from outside.

Do not place the liquid prepared for the ritual next to trash can, dirty dishes or worse, TV.

Water and melting tanks

It is better to take dishes from natural materials.

But don't get carried away. I assure you, melt the wax over the candle in wooden spoon would be somewhat problematic.

We should not forget about elementary convenience, so choose enough wide and deep water container.

For melting, take with a long handle, sufficient in volume so that the contents do not splash out, but not too large so that this very contents does not have to be scraped off the walls.

A candle that will burn in the process

The candle must be lit all the time. On it we will melt the future casting.

The sacred purpose lies in an additional connection with higher powers. In addition, the measured flickering of the light will help you tune in and concentrate, which is also important.

It would be wiser to use candles bought in the temple. They will help drive away evil forces and will not allow negative energy to affect the process.

Carrying out divination and interpretation of meanings

When the preparation for the ritual is over, you can proceed to the most exciting part - the creation of the casting and the decoding of its meaning.

Stages of fortune telling

The process of establishing contact with fate can be conditionally divided into three stages. Each of them has its own characteristics and neglecting the subtleties of at least one can lead to a distortion of the entire ritual. Therefore, it is very important to take care of every little thing.

1. Wax preparation

From a practical point of view, this stage is of great importance only when you "dissect" the candle. In this case, you need to remove the wick from it and give it a shape suitable for melting.

The secret meaning of this action is much more significant. It is at this moment that you "tune" the wax to your wave, turning it from a simple piece of material into a reflection of your thoughts, desires, and life path.

The main thing here is not to rush. Slowly warm the cast in your hands, then begin to gently knead it, making it pliable and flexible. Try at this moment to look at a pre-lit candle, this will help you escape from the worldly bustle, tune in and clear your mind.

In no case do not try to heat the wax on the battery, soften it with blows or crumble. This will instantly destroy the unity of your spirit and its physical vehicle.

When finished kneading, place the workpiece in a container for melting. From this moment the second stage begins.

2. Melting

This stage in the material sense consists in melting a softened piece in a pre-prepared dish over a candle flame.

In a spiritual sense, this is a moment of concentration on your question. Try your best articulate what annoys you. Do not forget that the more specific the question is, the easier and more accurate the transcript will be.

The worst thing you can do at this stage is to start "kicking" fate by picking out the melting wax so that it melts faster and you can proceed to the "main" part. Do not forget that the ritual has no unimportant stages. Don't rush heaven, they don't like it.

3. Casting creation

The result of this stage will be the creation of an irregularly shaped wax ingot, the deciphering of the meanings of which will be the answer to the question. However, in no case do not try to specifically cast some kind of figure, even if you really want to. You are just a conductor, a higher power directs the process.

All you need is to carefully pour liquid wax in cold water. It is not necessary to pour out all the wax at once, but there is no point in sifting in an excessively thin stream.

The method of pouring, of course, does not affect the result of divination in any way, but in the first case, there is a high probability of filling everything around with water and getting burned with wax. In the second case, you simply run the risk of falling asleep from boredom before you have time to interpret the signs of fate.

The meaning of symbols and decoding methods

When the pouring on wax is successfully completed, the most difficult thing lies ahead of you - to find out what value the resulting figure has.

It is worth remembering firmly that this way of looking into the future, like many others, is very subjective and depends entirely on your perception. If you have formulated the question clearly enough, then you do not need to dig into the meaning of each squiggle on the wax figure, the answer will come by itself and will be so obvious that you will be surprised.

The article contains only the best of the interpretations and meanings of the figures for this true divination for the New Year, Christmas and other holidays and ordinary days.

Fortune telling on wax and water as done on Christmas night, Christmas time, Christmas Eve, baptism

As you know, these days fortune-telling is the most plausible, you can easily find out your fate. It is best to use church candles. Such fortune-telling is done late in the evening, when it gets dark. Melted wax is poured into a container of water with a sharp movement. According to the resulting drawing, fate is interpreted.

Fortune telling on wax interpretation of figures fish, embryo, embryo, angel, woman, bird, flower

Fish, comfortable life.

Embryo, embryo - the conceived deeds will certainly be able to be realized.

Angel, you will be helped from outside in solving the problem.

A woman can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the situation. Can be a homemaker or a new girlfriend.

Bird, good sign. Symbolizes peace and tranquility.

Flower for the fulfillment of desires.

Fortune telling on wax symbols meaning dress, which means tree, heart, dog, scorpion

The tree speaks of your health if it is large and strong for longevity. If the tree has dried up to the disease.

The heart symbolizes love in all its manifestations.

The dog symbolizes friendship, devotion.

Scorpio, there are intrigues behind your back.

Dress for the holiday, fun.

Fortune telling on wax the meanings of the figures of a child, a chicken, a rooster, a bear, an elephant, a butterfly, a ram, a bull

A child, the birth of a new life, a new project at work, in school.

Chicken good mood in household life.

The rooster symbolizes family happiness, well-being.

Bear bad sign. Your enemy is stronger than you, smart and determined.

The elephant symbolizes wisdom.

Butterfly for changes in life.

Baran, perhaps your chosen one is not quite what he wants to seem.

The bull symbolizes stubbornness.

Fortune telling on wax what does a mushroom, camel, dragon, hedgehog, dolphin, swan, cat, horse, lion, frog mean

Mushroom for a surprise.

The camel symbolizes diligence.

Dragon, you need willpower to get what you want.

The hedgehog speaks of your "prickly" nature.

Dolphin, no matter the difficulties, you can handle everything.

Swan, good sign. It can be interpreted as devotion.

Cat, among your acquaintances there is an insidious person.

Horse, in life there will be changes for the good.

The lion symbolizes strength, reliability.

The frog expects the right decision from you.

The most truthful are divination in Christmas time. In the period from January 6, Christmas Eve, to January 19, Epiphany, magical powers are at their peak. This allows you to get reliable information about the near future.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

Today, mirrors, coffee beans, sheets of paper, cards, and rings are especially popular in rituals and rituals. But the ritual performed with the help of water and wax is considered the most truthful and accurate divination.

  1. 1. Exactly at midnight, you need to cover the floor with a tablecloth.
  2. 2. Put a container of water on the table.
  3. 3. Crumble one candle. Put the chips in a tablespoon.
  4. 4. Heat the spoon of the second candle, while asking a question of interest. If there is no specific question, then you need to say: “As this wax pours and pours, so my future opens up before me.”
  5. 5. During fortune-telling, you must constantly think about the subject of the question.
  6. 6. As soon as the wax in the spoon melts, pour it in a thin stream into a container of cold water.
  7. 7. After a minute or two, take out the resulting figure and put it on a napkin.
  8. 8. After the figure dries, you can begin to interpret them.

After divination, figures that portend positive changes should be stored in a secluded place from prying eyes. If a symbol has formed that promises negative changes, then it should be thrown away or buried.

The meaning of the figures

Animals, people, any objects, plants, numbers and letters can act as figures. Thanks to the full list of possible figures, you can find out about upcoming events. Popular interpretations of human figures, body parts, images:

figures Meaning
The maleSolving a problem through a fight, a collision. Protecting someone through long and unpleasant negotiations
FemaleProblems with others. A lot of squabbles and gossip around the name of the fortuneteller
Pregnant womanCompletion of cases. Bearing, and then the birth of an idea, an important matter
Old man or old womanProstration. Instability in business
BabyFavorable changes in life. Success in new business
HeadSoon a loved one will reveal his true face. At work, this sign can mean a promotion
A heartMeeting with the second half. Mutual sincere feelings. The predominance of feelings over reason
EyeYou need to be careful with your surroundings: someone intends to deceive or betray
LipsYou should talk less and listen more. Due to excessive talkativeness, the fortuneteller loses his vitality
HandHelp from outside. If the hand has a distinct thumb, then an influential person will help.
HeckNext to the fortuneteller is wielding devilry. Should go to church
AngelHelp from the light forces. Favorable ending

Meaning of animal figures:

Animal Interpretation
Hare rabbitPleasant events, meetings
a lionReliability, strength and confidence
WolfFeeling of loneliness, uselessness. Otherwise, too much autonomy.
BearEmergence of a strong influencer as an assistant
CatA close friend is dishonest or benefits from communicating with a fortuneteller
DogNearby is a faithful and reliable friend, ready to help at any time. It also personifies the fortuneteller as a good friend.
ParrotNews from afar. Whether they are positive or negative is too early to say.
CrowProblems, grief, an unpleasant situation, after which there will be bitter tears and resentment, disappointment.
RoosterThe time has come to carry out the plan. All undertakings will be successful
FishAcquaintance with a foreigner. Meeting with a man of few words who can teach a lot
SnakeA snake rolled into a ball indicates that the fortuneteller is in a comfort zone and does not want to leave it yet. If an aggressive cobra acts as a figure, then the fortuneteller should stop having a negative attitude towards people around him and become softer and more tolerant
CrocodileInsidiousness from friends or close relatives. It is worth refraining from frank conversations in the near future
MonkeyPossible betrayal by loved ones. You should be more attentive to your surroundings
SwanPeace and prosperity in family life. If a specific man was guessed, then, according to the interpretation, he is a reliable and good family man
ElephantIt personifies a fortuneteller as a strong, strong-willed person with a large supply of strength and internal energy. However, he should take a closer look at his surroundings: someone is seriously pulling him down.

Interpretation of symbols, objects:

Thing Figure
HouseStability and idyll in the family
GatesNew discoveries and achievements. The road is open to the fortuneteller
ShipLong journey. In another case, the arrival of long-awaited guests from afar
MountainImmediate career advancement. However, on the way you will encounter many ill-wishers and envious people.
river, roadPeace and tranquility. Next year will be emotionally stable
CrownConstant attention of people around. Promotion or better grades
StairsImprovement in the professional field: getting a promotion or bonus
MoonImproving things in the personal sphere: the emergence of new fans, stability with the second half
HorseshoeImplementation of plans. Accompanying good luck in business
WreathFulfillment of cherished desires. For a girl - imminent marriage
car, busFate associated with constant travel or moving. If the edges of the figure are fuzzy, then you should try to change your fate
BasketGenerous gift of fate. For a woman - the imminent birth of a child
BedThe body needs rest. You should take a vacation and take care of your health and emotional state
A boatShort trip, business trip. Otherwise, someone close to you will need help.

The value of plants:

Plant Interpretation
FlowerWish fulfillment soon. It also means that the fortuneteller easily shares his kindness and joy.
BouquetFortune turned around. It is worth immediately taking on difficult cases, while the fortuneteller is accompanied by success and good luck
WoodIf the branches are directed upwards, then we should expect a favorable outcome of affairs, as well as good news from afar. If directed downwards, then nothing but sadness and disappointment should be expected from the near future.
fallen leafThe fortuneteller pays great attention to his person. He feels like everyone around him is against him.
MushroomImportant life changes. What they will be depends on the figure nearby
FruitsPleasant moments in life that will remain warm memories

Meaning of geometric shapes:

Figure Interpretation
SquareClosed life within four walls. The fortuneteller positions himself as a kind of hermit
A circleExcessive fixation on one issue or case. They will not be completed until the fortuneteller changes his views on things.
TriangleHuge influence from outside, suppression of the fortuneteller's opinion
Straight lineThe beginning of an important business that will bring a lot of joy
ZigzagIt's time to stop thinking primitively and monotonously. A fortuneteller should look at his life from a different angle. Only after that, favorable changes await him.
DotUnexpected money, big profit
CrossImminent problems and troubles that can be avoided if you are vigilant

Meaning of the numbers:

Number Interpretation
0 Favor of fate. Protection in any life troubles
1 Victory over enemies. Out of any situation with honor and dignity
2 It is recommended to pay attention to your health and do medical procedures.
3 Fast big profit, good deal
4 Increasing internal strength and energy. Excellent health
5 Feelings with the second half are not mutual. Do not continue with her relationship and wait for reciprocal love
6 Unpleasant conversations, news, after which there will be tears and long grievances
7 Auspicious sign, personifying behind the back of a strong Guardian Angel
8 Unexpected receipt of money: return of debt, bonus, inheritance
9 In any situation, the fortuneteller applies his wisdom, due to which, in most cases, he comes out the winner.

Meaning of letters:

Letter Interpretation
MAchievement of the set goals. happiness and luck
WithBreaking bad ties. Internal release
OThe course of life in a circle. The fortuneteller should reconsider his views
HGetting the opportunity to improve your life. However, before that, you will have to face a considerable number of difficulties.
GHelp from an old friend. Resumption of communication
XThe idea should be abandoned. She will not bring proper joy
FMutual feelings with the second half. Pleasant meetings. Good news
PIt is worth paying attention to older relatives. They may have serious problems
RChildren or younger relatives lack attention

In Russia, divination on wax was especially popular. The significance of the figures and images resulting from the pouring of melted candle wax into water fascinated and intrigued. This fortune-telling was one of the most exciting activities for peasant girls and ordinary townswomen on Christmas Eve.

What is Seromancy?

Fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the figures and the correct interpretation of the resulting images - this is seromancy. Such simple rituals have been practiced since the Middle Ages. Seromancy involves pouring candle wax heated in a spoon into another container filled with cold water.

The problem of modernity

Today, the medieval ritual of divination on wax is gradually being replaced by modern methods, the most effective and simple:

  • people read cards
  • girls use mirrors and rings;
  • young people tell fortunes on coffee grounds, etc.

Do not forget, please, about divination on wax. The fact is that the prediction of one's near future through casting was and is one of the most accurate and truthful. If, of course, it is done correctly.

Fortune telling on wax, in which the meaning of the figures must still be able to be correctly determined, is one of the interpretations of numerous ancient divinatory practices of casting on water. Unfortunately, modern youth often deviate from some of the rules of this ritual and use paraffin for divination. This should not be done! If you don’t have real candle wax on hand, then there’s no point in doing seromancy.

Why Wax?

In the old days, it was believed that water in combination with this substance would definitely not lie. It is the quickly hardening candle wax, instantly poured into water, that will deliver its verdict, showing a person his immediate future. The meaning of the figures when divining on wax in this case will be the most truthful.

Principles of the methodology

From ancient times, this ritual was performed by young girls directly on Christmas Eve. To do this, the young ladies had to stock up on containers of water, wax (not paraffin!) Candles. The fortune-telling ritual was carried out mainly on the night of Christmas and on the Epiphany of the Lord. Its main goal is to find out what awaits you in the near future.

Peasant and city girls found out which of them would get married and when, how many children they would have, and what the nature of their relationship with their husband would be. The practice of divination with wax on the water was noted by experienced fortune tellers, it was in great demand among housewives, nannies, and elderly women. They told fortunes mainly on themselves, but sometimes on their children and friends.

How is fortune telling on wax?

The meaning of the figures resulting from casting candle wax on water will be most accurate if you follow the simple and understandable principles of seromancy. For this ritual, it is necessary to prepare a bowl with clean and cold water, a candle, a large spoon and, in fact, the wax itself.

Before divination, you need to tune in psychologically: you must really want to see the near future. Fortune telling on wax for the sake of sports interest is strictly prohibited!

  1. Seromancy ritual should take place in a calm environment, preferably alone. In principle, it is also possible to guess together or three together, but on the condition that the rest of those present do not hold any grudges against you and do not envy you in anything.
  2. So, you need to put a bowl of water in front of you, light a candle and think only about what you are going to get an answer to in the process of divination. Get the rest of your thoughts out of your head. Maintain composure and complete silence.
  3. Put a piece of candle wax on a spoon, then bring it to the candle flame. As soon as the wax melts, and this will happen in a matter of seconds, pour the liquid contents into the water. You need to pour out all the melted mass at once.
  4. Hot candle wax will harden in the water instantly, remaining floating on its surface. All! Now you just need to correctly interpret the resulting figure.

Divination on wax. Interpretation and meaning of figures

The outcome of your ritual can be unpredictable. Figures cast on water can take the most bizarre forms, so we simply cannot physically fit the interpretation of all kinds of images and their meaning into the format of our article. The interpretation of figures when divining on wax is a delicate matter, so we will simply break into logical categories the most common and well-known symbols of seromancy.

human images

Figures of this type can predict a fortuneteller an early acquaintance, a sexual relationship, and strong relationships with relatives. The most important thing here is to understand if there is any internal rejection or internal dislike for the resulting figure. If this is not the case, and you like the figure, then this is a good sign.

A distinct silhouette of a man can prophesy for girls an early union with a loved one or some kind of romantic interest. If a figure cast in wax on water reminds you of some kind of angel, elf, mystical character, and so on, don't worry - this is a quick fulfillment of certain desires.


Everything related to banknotes, expensive jewelry, currency portends you exclusively with business success, a promotion, a long-awaited vacation or a good deal.

Crosses, locks and incomprehensible plexuses

Do not be alarmed if the wax on the water shows you a cross, a keyhole/lock, or obscure weaves of fibers. Such figures just say that your wish will not come true soon. The execution of certain plans is delayed for some time. Dont be upset!


Buses, trams, cars, ships, boats and planes cast in wax on the water indicate that a long-awaited vacation, journey, road is ahead! Some fortune-tellers give these figures another meaning: ahead is the purchase of personal vehicles. If a fortuneteller initially thought about relationships, then such figures prophesy new acquaintances, for example, on board an airplane or on the deck of a cruise ship.


This is perhaps the most numerous category of symbols that appear when you use wax divination. The value of the figures in this case will be predominantly positive. For example, a dog means a new and faithful friend, and a cat means new love acquaintances. A chicken, a sheep, a goat or a cow cast in wax predicts profit on the farm, and fish - a great catch or a big win.

But, of course, the figurines of not all animals are endowed with a good meaning. For example, snakes, owls, crocodiles and roosters warn the fortuneteller of a possible danger. If one of these animals is turned over, that is, as if struck, killed, then difficulties are ahead. If you do not panic and immediately take the bull by the horns, then you will famously overcome all the troubles!

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