Damn kids. Ghost child Children contact with the other world? Is it possible to study the phenomenon

The death of a child always causes horror and shock, because children should not die! No wonder there are so many stories about the ghosts of children whose lives were tragically cut short. They seem to be stuck between the real and other worlds, unable to leave the place of their death.

Ball of Azzurina

Montebello Castle in Switzerland is famous for the legend of the ghost of a girl named Gwendalina. She lived in the 14th century and was the daughter of the owner of the castle. Gwendalina's trouble was that she was born an albino. She had marble-white skin, completely white hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and transparent eyes.

In that era, albinos were declared demonic offspring and could even be burned at the stake. Therefore, the parents tried to dye their daughter's hair. But there were no permanent dyes at that time, and in order to change the color of the hair, tinctures of some herbs were used. As a result, the girl's hair only acquired a blue tint. And the baby was nicknamed Azzurina, which meant "blue girl."

The owners of the castle took care of their daughter, fearing that she would be in the hands of the Inquisition. She was not allowed anywhere, she was constantly guarded by servants...

But one day Azzurina was playing with her leather ball, and it rolled down the stairs to the basement. The girl ran after him. The servants heard a blow, then a child's cry - and everything was quiet. When they went down to the basement, neither the girl nor the ball was found there.

There is a version that Gwendalina broke her neck by falling down the steep steps, and the servants, fearing punishment for negligence, hid the body and made up a story about the disappearance. According to another version, the girl's father himself gave the order to kill the child, fearing that he would be declared "an accomplice of the devil" and sent to the stake...

Be that as it may, every five years (Azzurina was exactly that much at the time of her disappearance), a ball slapping on stone steps and a child's voice are heard in the castle. Sometimes weeping and screams of horror are heard.

Frozen nephew

In Sweden, not far from Stockholm, stands Haringe Castle, built in the 11th century. Now it houses a hotel. It is said that several ghosts live there, and one of them is a little boy Axel Horn. He, according to legend, froze under the walls of the castle - a cruel aunt drove him out into the cold and did not let him back.

Once, one of the hotel guests saw a boy next to her bed. In the darkness, she mistook him for her nephew and offered to lie down in her bed to warm up. She was surprised that the boy's body was cold as ice. The next morning, the lady discovered that the "nephew" had disappeared, and the real relative was sleeping peacefully in his bed.

The girl from Tarragona

In the Spanish city of Tarragona stands the Castellarnau mansion, the building of which now belongs to the local history museum. For some time the house was empty, and it was then that rumors spread that the sounds of the piano could be heard from the building at night, and the shadow of a girl appeared at a boarded-up window or on the balcony.

They say the girl's name was Karolina, she was born at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the family of a wealthy businessman, who at that time owned a mansion. Since childhood, Carolina suffered from a mental disorder, and her parents were forced to keep her locked up. The girl spent whole days in her room, playing the piano, and only for a short time she was let out for a walk in the lower courtyard with the colonnade.

Carolina died at 16. In her former room, a portrait of a girl hangs over the piano, and at night she comes out of the frame, sits down at the piano and begins to play. Museum guards say that sometimes they really hear music at night.

Little Princes from the Tower

The gloomy corridors of this gloomy British prison-fortress are rumored to be sometimes haunted by the ghosts of children: the young Prince Edward V (1470-1483) and his brother Duke Richard of York (1473-1483) walk through the corridors, dressed in white and holding hands.

Although everyone is accustomed to blaming King Richard III for the death of princes (thanks to Shakespeare for popularizing this version of the disappearance of children), there is no direct evidence that it was Richard who gave the order to kill the princes.

Yes, and the remains of the princes, allegedly discovered under the stairs of the White Tower of the Tower, and now buried in Westminster Abbey, the experts failed to fully identify, according to an examination conducted in 1933, these are the bones of teenagers 12-15 years old, but even the sex of the deceased can be accurately determined scientists have failed.

Schoolboy who fell off the roof

In Goshen, New York, USA, there is an abandoned building that used to house a Catholic school. In 1964, an accident occurred here: one of the students, nine-year-old Paul Ramos, fell to his death, falling from the roof of one of the educational buildings.

Many years later, they tried to investigate this tragic death and found out that someone had to push the child so that the body fell so far from the building. But finding the killer after so many years, of course, was unrealistic. Meanwhile, Paul Ramos reminds of himself with a ghostly silhouette that appears at night in the windows of the former school.

Crying in the theater

In the theater "Rialto Squea", located in Joliet (USA, Illinois), children's voices are regularly heard at night. There is a legend that once a little boy was hit by a car in front of the theater building.

And since then, his spirit has settled here. Theater staff even nicknamed him Kevin. Psychics who recently arrived here managed to make contact with the phantom. "Ghostbusters" really heard the voices of children. There was no one else in the room but them.

Oddly enough, something similar is happening in the building of Vladimir Nazarov's Moscow theater, which was built for the 1980 Olympics and where the basements are equipped as a bomb shelter.

For seven years now, children's cries have been heard from the theater cellars. The first time they heard it, the guards thought it was a little girl who was lost. Having examined the basement, they did not find anyone, and the crying continued ...

Usually mysterious sounds are heard after midnight and continue for several hours. They are heard by those who at this time are behind the stage or in the dressing rooms. But as soon as someone goes down to the basement, everything subsides.

Psychics were invited to the theater, who suggested that it was the soul of a child crying, who lived in a village located on the site of the current theater, and died a violent death.

Mysterious "friends"

The Philadelphia Press, in its issue of June 15, 1889, published amazing story. It was about an old New York mansion near Stuyvesant Square Park. After the house had been vacant for several years, it was acquired by a certain family, consisting of a husband, wife and little daughter.

While the house was being set up, the parents allowed the girl to play on the mezzanine, where there was a fireplace. When the rooms were finally furnished and the baby was allowed to play in the nursery, she continued to run upstairs. In response to parental inquiries, the girl admitted that she was playing on the mezzanine with a little boy.

The grown-ups carefully searched the room upstairs, but did not find a single nook there where anyone could hide. The daughter claimed that her friend appeared from behind the mantelpiece.

The parents said that the girl was lying and threatened to punish her. However, the child continued to insist on his own. The girl even described the appearance of her friend, including a jacket with copper buttons.

An investigation by the head of the family showed that an English family named Cowdery with three children used to live in the mansion. One of the boys was mentally retarded from birth. By official version, he drowned, falling into the East River, and the family moved after that.

Being a man of no timidity, the captain decided to break the wall behind the fireplace and found there the mummified body of a child dressed in a dark blue jacket with four rows of copper buttons. The little boy died from a blow to the back of the head. The owner of the house did not report to the police, he simply buried the remains of the murdered man, after which he found another place for the family.

A similar story happened in 2002, also in the USA. The Adams family moved into a new home. Soon, the youngest son, Robert, began to tell his parents that he had become friends with a boy named Sean. However, when he was offered to invite Sean to visit, Robert replied that he was unlikely to accept the invitation.

The adults began to make inquiries, but it turned out that none of the neighbors had heard of any Sean, and after some time the eldest daughter of the Adams accidentally found out that five years ago a car accident happened near their house, in which seven-year-old Sean Farry died .

Parents tried to forbid their son to communicate with a suspicious friend, but Robert began to refuse food, and they were forced to back down.

After a couple of years, Robert stopped talking about Sean: apparently, he was simply not interested in spending time with a seven-year-old kid. After all, a ghost cannot grow.


Children perceive the world in a special way, sometimes they demonstrate such amazing abilities and skills that it causes amazement and the question - how can they know this? When born, up to five years old, sometimes older, children retain an invisible connection with the astral world. This may manifest itself to one degree or another. Mostly children have the ability to see and hear ghosts, spirits, angels, brownies, that is, everything that adults do not see.

Does the child see and communicate with the other world?

Parents of babies are often faced with the fact that the baby can look with interest at a certain place in the room, smile there and tell something. Older children, who can already speak, point to an empty place in the house and inform their parents that “there is an uncle” or “aunt”. What is this? Does the child see and communicate with the other world?

Naturally, such behavior of children alarms fathers and mothers, and they are worried - is everything okay with their baby? But this happens to almost all children.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the brownie, the invisible spirit of the dwelling, lives side by side with people. If he likes the owners, then he will help look after the children, soothe and entertain them. Our ancestors believed that the brownie could fly, and was usually on the ceiling or under the threshold. This looks quite plausible, given that most often young children "talk" to something that is on the ceiling, and laugh when they look there. Based on this, parents explain this behavior of the child precisely by the fact that children see and hear ghosts, spirits, angels, brownies and other representatives of the other world.

Elderly people in such cases say that it is angels who entertain children, but angels are also spirits, and it turns out that children still see beings from the subtle world, unlike adults who have lost this ability.

The child communicates with an invisible friend. How to be?

Children as young as two years old often make invisible friends and talk to them. These "invisibles" can tell the kids their name, often quite unusual, and even play with them. Naturally, parents are trying to figure out who this invisible friend with whom their child communicates.

When asked by adults about what such a “friend” looks like, children can describe adults, little boys or girls, but sometimes invisible friends take the form of an animal, often not quite ordinary.

Experts believe that such a situation occurs when a child is deprived of attention, but "invisibles" appear in friends and in very sociable and contact children, and the children do not hide their mysterious friends, but on the contrary, they try to show them to their parents and introduce them to them.

It is not always only such creatures that behave harmlessly - it happens that babies cry, due to the fact that some entities, configured unfriendly, frighten them. And now mothers often face such a situation when the child starts crying, and nothing can calm him down, in such cases, and in our enlightened time, the baby is referred to the healer, and with the help of conspiracies and special rituals, children fall asleep calmly.

My Baby Sees Ghosts: Stories from Excited Moms

- ... Tell me, is it not dangerous, not a disease? The young woman is visibly agitated, although she tries to hide her anxiety. - My three-year-old son sometimes seems to see something that is beyond the normal gaze. The child seems to see a ghost. Example? OK then. Once we arrived at the dacha, and suddenly he, pointing with his finger just above the trees, said loudly: “Mom, there is an aunt ...”

“Where is there no one?” - I'm surprised.

- No, aunt - over there ... - and with his eyes, with a pen, he accompanies something in the sky, descending behind the fence. Then he broke loose, ran to the gate to look, but I didn’t let him go further: “It seemed to you ...” However, I think that the kid didn’t come up with anything: he doesn’t know how. He even said that she was kind, all in white ... And then, a few weeks later, when he was with us at the dacha, he invariably recalled: “Where is aunt?” So I am tormented: what did my son see anyway?

A similar situation was told by Valentina Ivanovna Kolesnichenko, a resident of a small farm near the village of Bykovo, whom we met through unusual psychic abilities her six year old daughter.

Twice Yulenka told me about some woman in the sky, described her, only wondered: “Why is she bald?” I have no doubt that my daughter really sees something, but I myself think, is it not in a helmet, like astronauts, that alien arrives? At the same time, neither I nor other children noticed anything like that in the sky. It can be seen that Yulia's vision allows us to see something hidden from us ...

Are children in contact with the other world? Is it possible to study the phenomenon?

Recent studies by scientists have found that babies can perceive many more frequencies, and they hear sounds that adults cannot. Therefore, when a child “gurgles” and laughs at something, it is quite possible that he is communicating with creatures invisible to us.

Be that as it may, but sooner or later it will be necessary to study these phenomena. It must be assumed that they will not only bring us completely unexpected and unusual knowledge, but also enrich us with a new vision of the world.

Small children up to about 7-8 years old see what is beyond the control of adults: brownies, elves, ghosts, the souls of dead people, other inhabitants parallel worlds. Few doubt this. Over the years, this ability is lost.

To dream of a ghost suddenly appearing in front of you means that the health of your closest friend will be in serious danger, and you will not have an important meeting. A ghost in white robes means unexpected fright, fear or fear; in black - headache and discomfort on the road.

Talking in a dream with a ghost is a harbinger of imminent sadness, which, however, will soon be replaced by a happy time. Seeing a ghost when you are in a cemetery at night - such a dream predicts an accident with an easy outcome.

A ghost that rushes at you with a terrible howl and puts you to flight suggests that you should control your feelings and be more restrained in dealing with strangers. If a ghost claims that it is the spirit of your friend, who is actually alive and well, this portends a serious illness and a dangerous operation with an insignificant chance of success in the near future.

A singing ghost - to the fact that in reality you will not have enough money. Playing cards with a ghost means that a rather strange and inexplicable event will happen to you soon. If the ghost wins, this is good, if not, beware of the revenge of your opponent, who has been shamed by you.

Ghost, voice speaking your mother and complaining that you offended her, warns of a disease that threatens her in reality. If, on the contrary, she is joyful and friendly with you in the form of a ghost, this is an interesting journey and a road romance with a charming man.

A lot of ghosts leading a round dance around you and singing “loaf-loaf” is a dream that promises you generous offerings and favorable circumstances. Ghosts that pick you up and take you away in an unknown direction are an omen of a new acquaintance, mutual sympathy and passionate love arising from all this.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Ghost

If you dream that you are afraid of a ghost or a ghost, then you have to obey someone else's will. This dream also suggests that you must gather all your strength and endure humiliation and resentment. It is considered a good omen to see in a dream that you were not afraid of a ghost. It means that you can overcome any difficulties in your path and get away with it.

Interpretation of dreams from
The death of a child is always a tragedy. No wonder there are so many legends about children's ghosts, from traditional "haunted castles" to "historical" mansions.

Ball of Azzurina

Montebello Castle in Switzerland is famous for the legend of the ghost of a girl named Gwendalina. She lived in the 14th century and was the daughter of the owner of the castle. Gwendalina's trouble was that she was born an albino. She had marbled white skin, stark white hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, and transparent eyes.

In that era, albinos, who were not like everyone else, were declared "demonic offspring" and could even be burned at the stake. Therefore, the parents tried to dye their daughter's hair. But since there were no persistent dyes then, tinctures of some herbs were used for this purpose. As a result, the hair only acquired a blue tint. And the baby was nicknamed Azzurina, which meant "Blue Girl".

The owners of the castle took care of their daughter, fearing that she would be in the hands. She was not allowed anywhere, she was constantly guarded by servants ...

But one day Azzurina was playing with her rag ball, and he rolled down the stairs to the basement. The girl ran after him. The servants heard a bang, then a child's cry, and all was quiet. When they went down to the basement, neither the girl nor the ball was found there.

Since then, every five years (and Azzurina was just that much at the time of her disappearance), balls hit the stone steps and a child's voice are heard in the castle ... Sometimes weeping and screams of horror are heard.

There is a version that Gwendolina broke her neck by falling down steep stairs, and the servants hid the body and made up a story about the disappearance. According to another version, the girl’s father himself gave the order to kill his daughter, fearing that because of her, he would be declared “an accomplice of the devil” and sent to the stake.

Frozen nephew

In Sweden, not far from Stockholm, stands Haringe Castle, built in the 11th century. Now it houses a hotel. They say that several ghosts live there, and one of them is the little boy Axel Horn, who, according to legend, froze under the walls of the castle: a cruel aunt kicked him out into the cold and did not let him back.

Once one of the guests saw a boy next to her bed. In the darkness, she mistook him for her nephew and offered to lie down in her bed to warm up. She was surprised that the boy's body was cold as ice. The next morning, she discovered that the "nephew" had disappeared.

The girl from Tarragona

In the Spanish city of Tarragona stands Castellarnau, whose building now belongs to the local Museum of History. For some time the house was empty, and then rumors spread that the sounds of the piano could be heard from there at night, and the shadow of a girl appeared at the boarded-up window or on the balcony.

They say the girl's name was Carolina, she was born at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. in the family of a wealthy businessman, who at that time owned a mansion. Since childhood, Carolina suffered from a mental disorder, and her parents were forced to isolate her. The girl spent whole days in her room, playing the piano, and only for a short time she was let out for a walk in the lower courtyard with the colonnade. Carolina died at 16. In her former room, her portrait hangs over the piano, and at night she comes out of the frame, sits down at the piano and begins to play. Museum guards say that sometimes they really hear music at night.

Schoolboy who fell off the roof

In Goshen, New York, USA, there is an abandoned building that used to house a Catholic salesian school. In 1964, an accident occurred here: one of the students, 9-year-old Paul Ramos, fell to his death, falling from the roof of one of the educational buildings. Many years later, they tried to investigate this tragic death and found out that someone had to push the child so that the body fell so far from the building. But finding the killer after so many years, of course, was unrealistic. Meanwhile, Paul Ramos is reminded of himself by a ghostly silhouette that appears at night in the windows of the former school.

The mysterious "friend"

The Philadelphia Press, in its issue of June 15, 1889, published an amazing story. It was about an old New York mansion near Stuyvesant Square Park. After the house had been vacant for several years, it was acquired by a certain family, consisting of a husband, wife and little daughter.

While the house was being set up, the parents allowed the girl to play on the mezzanine, where he stood. When the rooms were finally furnished and the little girl was invited to play in the nursery, she continued to run upstairs. In response to parental inquiries, the girl admitted that she was playing on the mezzanine with a small boy ... The adults carefully examined the room upstairs, but did not find a single one where anyone could hide. The daughter claimed that her friend appeared from behind the mantelpiece.

The parents said that the girl was lying and threatened to punish her. However, the child continued to insist on his own. The girl even described the appearance of her friend, including a jacket with copper buttons.

The investigation conducted by the head of the family, by the way, retired sea ​​captain, showed that an English family named Cowdery with three children used to live in the mansion. One of the boys was mentally retarded from birth. According to the official version, he drowned, falling into the East River while walking with a nanny, and the family moved after that.

Being a man of intimidating ten, the captain decided to break the wall behind the fireplace and found the body of a child dressed in a dark blue jacket with four rows of copper buttons. The little boy died from a blow to the back of the head. The owner of the house did not report to the police, he simply buried the remains of the murdered man, after which he found another place for the family.

The death of a child always causes horror and shock, because children should not die! No wonder there are so many stories about the ghosts of children whose lives were tragically cut short. They seem to be stuck between the real and other worlds, unable to leave the place of their death.

Montebello Castle in Switzerland is famous for the legend of the ghost of a girl whose name was Gwendalina. She lived in the 14th century and was the daughter of the owner of the castle. Gwendalina's trouble was that she was born an albino. She had marble-white skin, completely white hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and transparent eyes.

In that era, albinos were declared demonic offspring and could even be burned at the stake. Therefore, the parents tried to dye their daughter's hair. But there were no permanent dyes at that time, and in order to change the color of the hair, tinctures of some herbs were used. As a result, the girl's hair only acquired a blue tint. And the baby was nicknamed Azzurina, which meant "blue girl."

The owners of the castle took care of their daughter, fearing that she would be in the hands of the Inquisition. They didn’t let her go anywhere, she was constantly guarded by servants ...

But one day Azzurina was playing with her leather ball, and it rolled down the stairs to the basement. The girl ran after him. The servants heard a bang, then a child's cry, and all was quiet. When they went down to the basement, neither the girl nor the ball was found there.

There is a version that Gwendalina broke her neck by falling down the steep steps, and the servants, fearing punishment for negligence, hid the body and made up a story about the disappearance. According to another version, the girl's father himself gave the order to kill the child, fearing that he would be declared "devil's accomplice" and sent to the stake ...

Be that as it may, every five years (Azzurina was exactly that much at the time of her disappearance), a ball slapping on stone steps and a child's voice are heard in the castle. Sometimes weeping and screams of horror are heard.

Frozen nephew

In Sweden, not far from Stockholm, stands Haringe Castle, built in the 11th century. Now it houses a hotel. It is said that several ghosts live there, and one of them is a little boy Axel Horn. He, according to legend, froze under the walls of the castle - a cruel aunt drove him out into the cold and did not let him back.

Once, one of the hotel guests saw a boy next to her bed. In the darkness, she mistook him for her nephew and offered to lie down in her bed to warm up. She was surprised that the boy's body was cold as ice. The next morning, the lady discovered that the "nephew" had disappeared, and the real relative was sleeping peacefully in his bed.

The girl from Tarragona

In the Spanish city of Tarragona stands the Castellarnau mansion, the building of which now belongs to the local history museum. For some time the house was empty, and it was then that rumors spread that the sounds of the piano could be heard from the building at night, and the shadow of a girl appeared at a boarded-up window or on the balcony.

They say the girl's name was Karolina, she was born at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the family of a wealthy businessman, who at that time owned a mansion. Since childhood, Carolina suffered from a mental disorder, and her parents were forced to keep her locked up. The girl spent whole days in her room, playing the piano, and only for a short time she was let out for a walk in the lower courtyard with the colonnade.

Carolina died at 16. In her former room, a portrait of a girl hangs over the piano, and at night she comes out of the frame, sits down at the piano and begins to play. Museum guards say that sometimes they really hear music at night.

Little Princes from the Tower

The gloomy corridors of this gloomy British prison-fortress are rumored to be sometimes haunted by the ghosts of children: the young Prince Edward V (1470-1483) and his brother Duke Richard of York (1473-1483) walk through the corridors, dressed in white and holding hands.

Although everyone is accustomed to blaming King Richard III for the death of princes (thanks to Shakespeare for popularizing this version of the disappearance of children), there is no direct evidence that it was Richard who gave the order to kill the princes.

Yes, and the remains of the princes, allegedly discovered under the stairs of the White Tower of the Tower, and now buried in Westminster Abbey, the experts failed to fully identify, according to an examination conducted in 1933, these are the bones of teenagers 12-15 years old, but even the sex of the deceased can be accurately determined scientists have failed.

Schoolboy who fell off the roof

In Goshen, New York, USA, there is an abandoned building that used to house a Catholic school. In 1964, an accident occurred here: one of the students, nine-year-old Paul Ramos, fell to his death, falling from the roof of one of the educational buildings.

Many years later, they tried to investigate this tragic death and found out that someone had to push the child so that the body fell so far from the building. But finding the killer after so many years, of course, was unrealistic. Meanwhile, Paul Ramos reminds of himself with a ghostly silhouette that appears at night in the windows of the former school.

Crying in the theater

In the theater "Rialto Squea", located in Joliet (USA, Illinois), children's voices are regularly heard at night. There is a legend that once a little boy was hit by a car in front of the theater building.

And since then, his spirit has settled here. Theater staff even nicknamed him Kevin. Psychics who recently arrived here managed to make contact with the phantom. "Ghostbusters" really heard the voices of children. There was no one else in the room but them.

Oddly enough, something similar is happening in the building of Vladimir Nazarov's Moscow theater, which was built for the 1980 Olympics and where the basements are equipped as a bomb shelter.

For seven years now, children's cries have been heard from the theater cellars. The first time they heard it, the guards thought it was a little girl who was lost. Having examined the basement, they did not find anyone, and the crying continued ...

Usually mysterious sounds are heard after midnight and continue for several hours. They are heard by those who at this time are behind the stage or in the dressing rooms. But as soon as someone goes down to the basement, everything subsides.

Psychics were invited to the theater, who suggested that it was the soul of a child crying, who lived in a village located on the site of the current theater, and died a violent death.

Mysterious "friends"

The Philadelphia Press, in its issue of June 15, 1889, published an amazing story. It was about an old New York mansion near Stuyvesant Square Park. After the house had been vacant for several years, it was acquired by a certain family, consisting of a husband, wife and little daughter.

While the house was being set up, the parents allowed the girl to play on the mezzanine, where there was a fireplace. When the rooms were finally furnished and the baby was allowed to play in the nursery, she continued to run upstairs. In response to parental inquiries, the girl admitted that she was playing on the mezzanine with a little boy.

The grown-ups carefully searched the room upstairs, but did not find a single nook there where anyone could hide. The daughter claimed that her friend appeared from behind the mantelpiece.

The parents said that the girl was lying and threatened to punish her. However, the child continued to insist on his own. The girl even described the appearance of her friend, including a jacket with copper buttons.

An investigation by the head of the family showed that an English family named Cowdery with three children used to live in the mansion. One of the boys was mentally retarded from birth. According to the official version, he drowned, falling into the East River, and the family moved after that.

Being a man of no timidity, the captain decided to break the wall behind the fireplace and found there the mummified body of a child dressed in a dark blue jacket with four rows of copper buttons. The little boy died from a blow to the back of the head. The owner of the house did not report to the police, he simply buried the remains of the murdered man, after which he found another place for the family.

A similar story happened in 2002, also in the USA. The Adams family moved into a new home. Soon, the youngest son, Robert, began to tell his parents that he had become friends with a boy named Sean. However, when he was offered to invite Sean to visit, Robert replied that he was unlikely to accept the invitation.

The adults began to make inquiries, but it turned out that none of the neighbors had heard of any Sean, and after some time the eldest daughter of the Adams accidentally found out that five years ago a car accident happened near their house, in which seven-year-old Sean Farry died .

Parents tried to forbid their son to communicate with a suspicious friend, but Robert began to refuse food, and they were forced to back down.

After a couple of years, Robert stopped talking about Sean: apparently, he was simply not interested in spending time with a seven-year-old kid. After all, a ghost cannot grow.

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