25th frame for weight loss. Healthy food. How to move to the right place

Surely you have already heard about the magic of frame 25. And they certainly wanted to experience the effect for themselves more than once. Is it really just one program or one video that can get rid of excess weight? Let's figure it out.

The history of the 25th frame

I must say that the technique was developed back in 1957. A well-known specialist in the field of psychology and advertising at that time conducted an experiment in a cinema. Food commercials were broadcast on the screen at the time of the film's screening. During a break in the cafe at the cinema, a sharp increase in sales was recorded. However, after the organizer himself said that the data was not real.

What is a methodology?

By analogy with the film, the number of frames broadcast per second is 24. In this case, the human eye perceives the image normally and continuously. But if you add another frame, then only the subconscious can perceive it. It is it that will perceive the encrypted information, and the person will begin to follow it. For example, if a 25 frame video for weight loss was shown, a person will unconsciously begin to lose weight.

Modern video broadcasting technologies make it almost impossible to use frame 25. However, there are alternative ways, manipulating pictures, using special programs, watching the video “25 frame for weight loss with Louise Hay affirmations”. Today, 25 frames can mean anything.

Slimming with 25 frames

Anyone can find on the Internet right now a lot of methods and weight loss programs using the 25th frame. Is it really possible to lose weight this way? Many modern researchers in the field of psychology do believe that the subconscious can be influenced in this way, since this area has not yet been sufficiently studied. Numerous lovers of easy ways to get rid of excess fat agree with them. Maybe they are right. The 25th frame weight loss technique can be compared to the placebo effect when a patient takes a pseudo-drug, but he gets better.

However, many are sure that the effect of frame 25 is a common deception. The inventor of his method also agrees with them. After all, he himself admitted that the desired effect during the experiments could not be achieved. But if the desire to lose weight while sitting in front of a TV or monitor is very great, then do not deny yourself the pleasure. The only thing we have to warn people who are predisposed to epileptic seizures, as well as those who suffer from frequent dizziness: the use of frame 25 weight loss techniques can be dangerous.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 6 minutes


Losing weight with the help of 25 frames - a reality of the XXI century?

Each era has its own standard of female beauty, it is due to different circumstances, but the very fact of a change in what is considered beautiful is undeniable. The beauty standard of the female body of the twenty-first century is the thin, slender female body. And since this is the standard, then women strive to match it.

And the choice of methods for losing weight and bringing your figure into proper condition is incredibly large. Someone gives, physical activity and healthy eating, others count calories, someone chooses a certain kind of diet, someone loses weight with the help of pills, someone is looking for other methods.

The 21st century is the time for the development of new technologies, which, to date, have been actively introduced into our lives.

Most people no longer imagine their Everyday life without a computer, therefore, not the fact of the appearance of the “25 frame” weight loss technique is quite natural.

What is frame 25? The essence of the weight loss system for frame 25

Many people are familiar with the 25 frame effect. Human visual perception responds only to 24 frames per second. If you insert frame 25, then it will not be perceived by a person visually, but only subconsciously.

Slimming method 25 frame represents special program, which is installed on your computer, launched and insisted. After that, the psychological impact on your subconscious begins. By the way, they use the program less often than for weight loss.

How does the 25 frame program work?

On what basis is the program made? Frame 25 can be compared to hypnosis or coding, only its effect is more effective, since it happens all the time. And at the same time, frame 25 does not distract you from working at the computer. You can type text, play and games, correspond and lose weight at the same time. The only thing you may notice is the flickering of the monitor.

Program settings. In the program settings there are certain phrases that are the most. You can easily replace them in the settings with your chosen phrases and customize the program individually.

What else can 25 frame? With this program, you can not only lose weight, but also set it up, for example, to quit smoking or acquire some useful skills.

How long does it take to do it? You can also choose the time of the program yourself, on average it is 1-3 hours. You can also set the program to a specific weight that you want to lose. After all, someone has only 2-3 kilograms extra, while someone wants to lose 10.

A little about personality. However, one should not forget that such an area as the human subconscious has been little studied, and in fact the 25th frame is designed to influence it specifically. Therefore, this technique may not be suitable for everyone. Someone's subconscious is easily suggestible and this technique will easily help such a person cope with overweight. Someone is completely unreceptive to suggestion and this technique will not have any effect on such a person. Someone's psyche with rejection will perceive such an impact from the outside.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame 25.

As mentioned above, the human subconscious is a little studied thing. Therefore, the impact of the frame 25 technique can be quite unpredictable.

Disadvantages. After downloading such a program and starting to use it, be prepared for the fact that it may not suit you due to your personality. Perhaps you do not give in to such an influence on the subconscious. In this case, this program will be a good way to check it.

Among other things, in the sections of the forums devoted to this technique, there are many disputes about whether it is worth buying the program or downloading it for free. Among the messages, there is a very large percentage of those in which people write about fraud. Many were simply sold empty discs, and as a result, people only spent their money unjustifiably. Therefore, if you still decide to buy the program, check the resource on which you are going to buy it.

Advantages. The advantages of this program include the fact that you do not need to exhaust yourself with diets and refuse food, especially if you cannot eat your favorite foods because of the diet. Consciousness during the self-regulates your appetite.

The diet does not take your personal time, you go about your business and lose weight during this. You do not need to spend time and effort on the gym.

You can lose as many pounds as you would like, you can maintain the weight at a certain level.

When using this technique, you do not need to spend extra money on losing weight.
If you want, you can lose weight for a certain period of time or permanently.

Is it possible to lose weight with 25 frames? Real reviews.

As you can see, opinions on this technique differ, it helps someone, someone does not. Someone does not want to use such a risky technique. Some people think that it is impossible to lose weight while sitting at the computer. Someone believes that nothing goes unnoticed and you can’t lose weight just like that.
Which way to lose weight to prefer - you decide.

And what do you know and think about the method of losing weight 25 frame?

    Supporters of the same method are generous in their assessments. Many of them believe that such psychological programming is a real find that can help a person or. There are two options here: either they purchased licensed videos or they turned out to be more suggestible people. Some patients just need to believe that someone is trying to make them lose weight - the placebo effect for some is quite strong.

If you decide to lose weight with 25 frames, follow these tips.

25 frame for weight loss - guide and video!

    Buy a video with 25 frames where the possibility of stumbling upon a fake is extremely small: in clinics, on sites with a proven track record, in people, in stores with licensed products.
    Be methodical. The human brain needs constant training - don't let the effect fade, don't skip the 25-frame weight loss video sessions.
    Help the body take on a new shape, by correctly adjusting sleep and nutrition patterns, so that, make the rhythm of life more active.

The main thing is a positive attitude. Believe in the achievement of the goal, make it tangible, and everything will come true! Look at our example, it certainly doesn't contain the real frame 25 (it always costs money), but it is very similar to it and carries an amazing mood for reducing appetite and losing weight!

The impact of the 25th frame on the subconscious, according to some scientists, a fictitious technique, others argue that after all, the influence of this very 25th frame on people is a network, or rather, the hidden text that is present on it.

What is the 25th frame

It is known that for the perception of the video must be at least 24 frames. Less is acceptable, but such a property of the video as the fluidity of the film is lost.

What are video frames? These are pictures that are sequentially inserted into the video sequence. Frames are sequentially interleaved at a certain frequency. If 25 frames are shown per second, then the same 25th frame display time is 1/25 sec, i.e. 0.08 sec. Indeed, it has been experimentally established that the time of 0.08-0.12 seconds is the most effective frame duration for influencing the subconscious.

In training programs or other programs that affect the subconscious of a person, using 25-frame method, this duration is used.

In fact, the 25th frame is not hidden, because each frame is marked by the eye of the beholder, but due to the inertness of vision, it merges with other frames and is not distinguished by a person. However, thanks to the same effect, it is not difficult to notice the “extra” advertising frame. For example, you can see it on the storyboard of the video or you can even read it short word, if it is in large print, as you can see them in Louise Hay's weight loss and weight maintenance affirmations video.

Below you can watch online video for weight loss with the effect of the 25th frame. These additional frames contain affirmations (settings) Louise Haycontributing to weight loss and maintaining a beautiful figure and optimal weight. Similar video techniques with a 25-frame effect are now widely available on the Internet on DVD.

In general, the term itself Slimming frame 25 "is widely known and it makes no sense for me to dwell on this particular phrase.

But, as they say, "although all dogs are dogs, but still a dog is a dog of strife."
Well, paraphrasing this expression in relation to the topic of this article, you can write in the same way:
"All programs weight loss frame 25 similar to each other, but still each of the programs weight loss frame 25 differs from others"

Here I talk about programs " Slimming frame 25 "in my performance. It goes without saying that I, as the author, introduced my own concept, worked out, honed by experience, into them.

Here is one example program weight loss frame 25" on the image

So, to the question "what exactly are my weight loss programs for 25 shots" - I answer.

1. You know that in principle a lot can be put into a coding system. An advertisement for a product, for example. Or worse, something embarrassing. And what? Signals are invisible...

This is where I say: I, a real person, S.N. Tremsin, candidate of medical sciences, stand behind this program. And I guarantee that I have not included anything other than the fight against excess appetite in the "weight loss 25 frame" program.

Do you feel special?

I guarantee! And this is already worth a lot.

2. I called these weight loss programs 25 frames "thinners".

The name is due to the fact that the coding of this series contains small drawings that are easily placed somewhere in the corner while working on the computer.
That is, weight loss programs are "weight loss 25 frame" programs intended for those who, by the nature of their activities, spend a lot of time in front of the monitor screen.

They are not for special coding lose weight (for this I have other developments).

Slimming frame 25 in my performance - these programs are for those who sit in front of the monitor for a long time, at least 2 hours a day.
They code "on the job" weight loss, so to speak.

3. Such weight loss programs 25 frame are not yet available. These are the first options.

I mean, they don't take time at all for coding to lose weight. They save the loser time.

Everything that I wrote above creates special requirements for "weight loss 25 frame" programs.

Most importantly, due to the long action, they should in no way have a strong effect.

You probably know that many coding programs (at least of my production), if the optimal exposure time is exceeded, can cause an overdose effect.

An overdose is expressed in a pathological lack of appetite, symptoms of malaise, etc.

But thin people - are deprived of an overdose!

There are no side effects. Sit in front of a screen for days!
This is easily achieved. Just going very soft coding to lose weight.

Soft! Do you hear?

And therefore - for those who are in front of the monitor less than 2 hours a day - thinners are useless.

In such cases weight loss 25 frame in the form of "thinners" - useless . And everything is here.

Well, for the rest - there is soft coding, as I already wrote. As if nothing special is happening. But the appetite, if it used to be excessive, harmful and painful, is significantly weakening.

This is the effect of my weight loss. They won't make you lose weight. They are way too soft.

Their task is very simple.

Slimming Frame 25 relieves hunger tension, reduces excess appetite, and allows you to more successfully engage in active weight loss.

That's all they do. It's up to you to decide if it's worth trying it out for yourself.

By the way, without exception, all slimmers (weight loss 25 frames) are free!
All! Without exception!

The program is intended for long-term daily use.

Ideal for people who spend a lot of time in front of a monitor screen.

The program takes up little space on the monitor screen and does not interfere with work.



Programmed coding to reduce excess appetite.

As a result, overweight individuals begin to lose weight.


After 7-10 days of coding, a person suddenly discovers that he no longer wants to eat something extra.

Therefore, the process of losing weight begins without hungry tension, without constant thoughts about food, easily and effectively.

Mode of application:

After downloading the program is immediately ready to work. Installation is not required.

Just run the program, a small coding window will appear. It is not necessary to look at it. Move the window to a position on the screen where it won't interfere with your work.

The action is very mild and therefore does not cause complications or side effects.

Designed for long, multi-day use.

With prolonged use, the intensity of the coding signals is dulled.

In your set, it is desirable to have at least 5 programs for daily replacement.


Authenticity (counterfeit protection):

Each time, while the thinner opens (this is 7-10 seconds of loading), an Internet page first appears, confirming the authenticity of the program.

How to use slimming

I advise you to display its shortcut in a prominent place so that you can download it with just one click of the mouse.

Slimming is loading slowly - about 10 seconds.
At the same time, the page confirming its authenticity is loaded first, and then the picture of the thin woman itself ..
Be patient and she will thank you with a good effect.

How to move to the right place

How to close

Slimming 25 frame - horizontal orientation

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