How to build a canopy over a table in the country. Canopies for a summer house for cars, gazebos, porches, photos of simple buildings. Canopy for a bench in the country

A dacha is a country house designed for a pleasant pastime in nature. I want to spend it with benefit and comfort, so everyone is trying to improve their site. In the article, we will share practical, original examples of what kind of sheds are in the country, how to equip a recreation area and a utility block.

Let's analyze the question of what is more profitable: to buy ready-made or to build canopies for a summer residence with your own hands, photos will illustrate creative, inexpensive and ergonomic ideas. We will tell you which materials are better and easier to build from.

Overview of awnings for summer cottages

For auto

For the porch

For gazebo

for firewood

Canopies for the dacha are not just needed, but urgently needed, they provide shelter from rain, sun and wind, and indoors you can comfortably spend time even in the cold season.

The easiest and most budgetary way to arrange a canopy in the country with your own hands: a frame and a fabric roof

The functionality of the buildings is varied:

  • car parking;
  • entry group;
  • roof over the barbecue;
  • gazebos, pavilions;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • pool covers;
  • shower cubicles;
  • facilities for firewood and storage of tools;
  • extensions to the house, garage or bathhouse by the type of veranda or terrace;
  • covered "living" recreation areas, planted on the sides with climbing plants, grapes - pergolas, rotundas, galleries.
  • playgrounds equipped with a light roof;
  • visor over the well and many others. others

Sheds for summer cottages made of polycarbonate on a metal profile frame for barbecue - simple, durable, reliable, safe

All canopies for summer cottages can be divided into three large groups:

  • Open - buildings on vertical supports under a light roof, along the perimeter they are often planted with greenery: bushes, grapes, climbing roses.

A simple canopy for giving from improvised materials and plants

  • Semi-closed - the most common type of canopies, frame structure, crowned with a roof, a parapet is provided on the sides, and the openings are closed from bad weather and the sun with thick moisture-resistant curtains, a decorative grille, and soft glazing.

Covered gallery - a universal solution for small areas in front of the house, can serve as a carport in the country or a place to relax

  • Covered - comfortable, practical. These are stationary canopies for summer cottages, the openings of which are glazed or sheathed with sheet material, for example, polycarbonate.

Semi-closed canopy in the country, attached to the main house as a veranda

Design features

Mobile canopy in the country for a shower


Let's start the review with the simplest canopies for the dacha, the designs are fully consistent with the dragonfly's motto: ... "under each bush, both the table and the house were ready." These are light, summer, mobile products that you can buy in the store:

  • swing with a canopy;
  • mini-arbors - a monoblock with a roof, a table, benches;
  • awnings;

Marquise - convenient for organizing recreation areas

  • umbrellas, often complete with a folding table;
  • prefabricated tents, on an aluminum or metal-plastic frame, with an awning roof and fabric curtains on the sides, for convenience, some models are equipped with soft windows and a mosquito net.

The tent reliably protects the place of rest from rain and sun, can be used as carports in the country, it is important to choose the right size

Temporary structures are convenient in that they are easily laid out, moved, and removed, but not everyone wants to spend time and energy on the installation and installation of prefabricated products.

Universal collapsible canopy for summer cottages, the design can serve as a gazebo, greenhouse, parking for cars and shelter for the pool

Stationary canopies for summer cottages

More practical owners prefer to equip permanent sheds in the country, they can be ordered according to an individual project, buy a standard design or build it yourself. Such structures include: terraces, verandas, canopies over the entrance, carports, gazebos, greenhouses, summer houses and other outbuildings.

Good to know: For the construction of stationary buildings, it is required to equip a site or make a foundation, they can hardly be moved to another place, but they are more comfortable and ergonomic compared to mobile structures.

A simple idea on how to make a wooden carport in the country with your own hands

What to build a canopy in the country

Before you build country sheds with your own hands, you need to complete the construction project, select a site, determine the size and materials.

Shower in the country on a metal frame, sheathed with a profiled sheet, the material can be replaced with an awning

The canopy should harmoniously fit into the overall architectural ensemble, not clutter up the site, overlap with landscape design, to be convenient, reliable and practical.

Canopy in the country from a bar and a decorative lattice

The most popular materials for self-construction are metal and wood. It is difficult to say what is cheaper and easier to work with, we will weigh the pros and cons of each material.

A simple canopy for a well in the country


A wooden building is appropriate for any suburban area, it does not stand out from the concept of natural composition. A wooden canopy in a country house for recreation can be built from timber, rounded logs, boards, tree trunks. This does not require professional skills, you can work with household tools. They decorate a canopy for a summer residence, depending on the chosen style, with natural materials - snags, stumps, decorative lattices, carvings, curly poles, balusters.

An example of how to make an original canopy for firewood in the country with your own hands

And even if you brought the material completely free of charge from the forest, the tree does not tolerate moisture well, it is susceptible to damage by fungi, rodents, small insects, rotting, so it must be treated with special protective compounds, and this entails additional financial costs.

How to make a canopy in the country with your own hands, a photo of a structure from tree trunks and an unedged board decorated with snags


To build a metal canopy in the country with your own hands, you will need welded equipment and skills to work on it. The frame is made of round or profile pipe different diameter. In order to protect the structure from rust, it should be well cleaned, primed and painted. You can decorate a metal canopy for a summer residence with stamped forging, openwork lattices, but more often the structure is sewn up with polycarbonate - this is practical, looks easy and does not require large cash injections.

The simplest do-it-yourself buildings for erection are shed canopies for cars in the country house made of polycarbonate

Other options

Creative and creative site owners often use improvised materials: bottles, glass or plastic, rubble stone, rods for wicker structures, straw for canopies in the country house in ethnic style, PVC pipes, awnings, etc.

The simplest canopy for giving from pvc pipes and shower curtains

Combined buildings look very nice, for example, metal poles under a polycarbonate roof, lined with decorative stone, this is how they usually build a canopy for barbecue in the country with their own hands. Wood, stone, brick and sculpted concrete blend well, the buildings look very original and add originality to the landscape design.

Photo example of how to make a canopy in the country for relaxation

How to build a canopy in the country with your own hands

Building a canopy in the country with your own hands is quite simple, you need to make a frame, and figure out how to cover it. But in order for the building to serve more than one season, it is necessary to complete a number of important stages during construction.


For large and medium buildings, it is recommended to lay a strip or column foundation. The site inside can be paved with paving slabs, stones, lay a wooden floor, lay decking, concrete, sprinkle with gravel or pebbles. If the site is uneven, located in swampy area, then a pile foundation should be arranged; for terrain with rocks or quicksand, it is better to make a slab. To equip small sheds, you can simply remove the soft layer of soil and place concrete blocks or flat stones under the base.

Canopy to the house, support-beam structure on a column base

Good to know: When equipping metal structures, vertical racks are best concreted into the ground according to the principle of a columnar foundation. Wooden frame supports should be mounted on column foundation using special fasteners.


The roof may have a wooden truss system or a metal truss. The easiest way is to build a shed canopy with a slope of 12-30 about with your own hands. Metal structures are more often arranged under an arched roof, this is especially true when a carport is being built in the country, photo below.

Photo of a carport in the country, this design will protect transport and provide a comfortable entrance to the house during rainfall

Roofing material can be any:

  • awning, moisture-resistant fabric, polyethylene - suitable for temporary structures, should be removed for the winter;

Playground with fabric roof

  • polycarbonate - easy, fast, reliable, relevant for all types of buildings, transmits light, which is indispensable in shady places and for structures adjacent to the house;

The polycarbonate roof lets in enough light, but at the same time protects from the sun.

  • profiled sheet - simple, profitable, convenient for outbuildings;
  • roofing material and soft tiles- inexpensive, easy to install with your own hands, but requires a continuous crate, which is not always convenient for sheds;
  • slate - budgetary, time-tested, but difficult and inferior in aesthetics to other materials.


Open canopies can be inexpensively and easily closed if curtains are made of awning, moisture-resistant fabric or polyethylene.

Even light curtains will significantly increase the comfort of rest.

For strength, it is better to glue the edges, and use special hooks to fix it on the frame.

This clothespin is suitable for fixing curtains on metal carcass along the lower belt of the farm

For wooden canopies in the country, in order to decorate them with curtains, you can screw the holders along the top trim, as shown in the picture below.

Bracket for curtains on a wooden frame

A canopy for a summer residence can be ready-made or do-it-yourself, simple or artsy, but so that it harmoniously fits into the natural landscape and does not stand out from the general ensemble, decorate it around the perimeter with fresh flowers and plants.

Convenient retractable roof on rails and rollers

Sheds in the country may need a variety of: over the porch, bench, barbecue and tennis table, over the parking lot and the firewood. They can be built from wood or metal profiles.

In this article, we will offer you different options for inexpensive and easy-to-build shelters for the purposes mentioned. Also, the main points and features of construction, both from metal and from wood, will be mentioned here.

Varieties of the most inexpensive canopies for summer cottages. Construction features

The options for visors and shelters described below can even be made from used pipes or lumber remaining after repair.

Canopies over the porch

The easiest and cheapest option for building a country canopy with your own hands is a shed construction with an independent roof that does not require the installation of support pillars. It consists of several triangular trusses, which, on one side, secure the structure to the wall. The second side - the top - is the basis for mounting the crate and roofing material. Such farms can be assembled both from a metal profile and from wood.

Note:The main advantage of an independent roof is that you do not have to change the design of an existing porch by installing support pillars on it. Also, do not forget about saving money on materials and time for installation work.

Drawing of a visor that does not need racks

The second option for a canopy for a porch in a country house is a design with a dependent roof. Here one side is tied to the house, and the second rests on the racks. It will be cheaper and easier to make a single-sided structure, as in the photo. In fact, it is a square or rectangle with several lintels and two supporting pillars. It can be assembled in the same way as an independent roof, made of wood or metal profiles.

This design has one advantage: the support posts can become a frame for mounting on the sides of the wind protection panels. That is, if you wish, you can make the porch closed, completely or partially. The disadvantage is that during the construction of the canopy, additional time will have to be laid for the solidification of the columnar foundation under the support posts.

We make a canopy in the country with our own hands: a photo of a building with a dependent roof

Canopy for a bench in the country

Most a budget option canopy to the cottage over the garden bench - tension. It is assembled literally from improvised materials. Two pieces of shaped pipe, preferably round in section, are bent with a kind of hook and concreted with straight ends behind the bench. A strip of dense fabric is pulled onto the hooks, which forms a canopy. If you take pipes that have already been in use, then such a shelter will cost almost free. The only drawback of the design is that the fabric roof will not protect against heavy rain.

How to make a canopy in the country for relaxation: a building with a stretch awning

A more expensive type of canopy to the country house, but more "capital" - polycarbonate on a frame made of metal profiles or wood. The easiest way is to assemble a shed roof, if there is a pipe bending machine - then arched, rectangular or square. It is best to make canopies for summer cottages made of polycarbonate - the material is easy to mount and does not require preliminary framing of the frame. You can also use slate sheets They are just the right size and are also cheaper.

Simple canopies for summer cottages: photo of a polycarbonate visor

Canopy for a tennis table and barbecue in the country

For a canopy in the country for relaxation, located above the tennis table, we have the following requirements:

  • Sufficient roof height.
  • The distance from the table to the supporting pillars is at least 1 meter.
  • Good light transmission of the roof.

The best option is a shed canopy with polycarbonate as a roofing material, with a simple frame. You can, of course, use slate or something similar, but in this case you will have to spend money on installing lighting above the table. It brings down no no financial benefit from replacement.

Note: it is difficult to say which is more profitable, a tree or a metal profile. It all depends on how important the aesthetic side of the issue is to you. If you just need a strong frame, and its appearance is a secondary matter, then it will be cheaper to use a simple bar. A beautiful rounded log will cost quite a lot, even more than a good profile pipe. The same applies to profiled timber - this is not a cheap pleasure.

Tennis table cover

The main function of the canopy over the barbecue in the country is to protect the fire from rain and wind. Therefore, the roof here should be either arched or gable. At the same time, from the container with coals to the edges of the slopes there should be at least 40 cm on one side and from 1 m on the other. The simplest option is a gable frame on four pillars. It is better to make a canopy for the barbecue in the country with your own hands from a metal profile or pipes. Wood is not very suitable here for fire safety reasons.

Option for a canopy in the country for barbecue or barbecue

Canopy for car and firewood

An inexpensive and simple version of a carport for a summer house is a shed, resting on one side on the wall or edge of the roof of the house, and on the other on the racks. The design is elementary: 2-4 supporting pillars, a beam / beam for binding to the house and a rectangular roof frame with lintels. Roofing material can be taken any:

  • Slate or metal tiles - with them you can build a relatively inexpensive carport in the country with your own hands. This will require a preliminary organization of the crate.
  • Ruberoid roofing is the cheapest option, but it will not last too long. In addition, under it will have to make a solid substrate.
  • Canopies for cars in the country from polycarbonate - the material is easy and quick to install, does not require crates. But it will cost more expensive than the first two options.

Canopy for a car in the country: a photo of a shed attached structure

A little more difficult in construction and more expensive in terms of consumables is a freestanding carport in the country. It can be on a columnar foundation or without it at all, as in the photo. Here, each truss is immediately welded onto the racks, and then the entire structure is assembled on horizontally located segments of the profile pipe. The advantage of such a canopy in the country is mobility.

Photo of a carport in the country: a gable building without a foundation

Note:for the construction of sheds for firewood in the country with their own hands, there are not many options. Here, in addition to the roof, in any case, the back and side walls are also needed, which will protect the contents from precipitation. At the same time, there must be ventilation inside. Therefore, here the design with a gable roof, on four supporting pillars and with a certain number of intermediate ones, will be optimal. Additionally, the walls are sewn up with boards with small gaps between them.

wooden firewood

Wooden and metal sheds in the country: construction features

When building canopies, both wooden and metal, several main points can be distinguished:

  1. The device of a columnar foundation, with or without reinforcement - it all depends on the dimensions of the building.
  2. Installation of supporting pillars. They are either concreted immediately, or attached to an already finished foundation.
  3. Assembling the roof frame on the ground.
  4. Installation of the roof on the supports.
  5. Treatment with an antiseptic - for wood, treatment with anti-corrosion compounds - for metal. Antiseptic treatment for wood is very important, since the duration and trouble-free operation of the building directly depends on it.

Steps 2, 3, and 4 must be done with constant control building level.

Note: even if the profile has an anti-corrosion coating, this protection will be absent at the welding points. Therefore, such points should be properly processed. First, we clean off the scale and go through the metal with emery, and then we cover the welds with an anti-corrosion compound.

After the canopy is built in the country with your own hands, all welding seams must be cleaned and treated with anticorrosive

It is not so easy to build a canopy in the country on your own. From the correctness of its construction depends on how comfortable it will be under it.

In this article we will tell you how to make a canopy with your own hands.

Types of canopies

Canopies differ in the material used, purpose and design. At the house you can build a canopy to protect from the sun.

The best option for this is an open house terrace. This design can be used as a support wall for ampelous plants.

Also, such a structure helps to maintain a constant temperature regime inside the main building. The attached carport can also be used for the car.

In addition to the attached hanging structures, there are free-standing canopies.

Do-it-yourself reed canopy

We prepare reeds. It grows near any river, lake, pond. Cut plants should be laid out in a sunny area to dry. Then we impregnate with a special solution against fire.

We determine the dimensions of the canopy. We clear the necessary space and dig holes for the subsequent installation of wood or bamboo racks in them. The depth must be at least 0.4 m.

We impregnate the base of the racks with hot drying oil to prevent decay. You can also use creosote or diesel fuel for this purpose.

Next, we pour a layer of gravel (15 cm) into the pits and fill them with concrete. After the concrete mixture has hardened, we begin to fasten the supports together. For connection we use transverse beams. The result should be a regular quadrilateral.

We use nails to nail the cross beams, and for reliability they can be fixed with metal wire. Next, we fix the floor beams.

The distance between the bars should be 0.2-0.3 m. We lay a sheet of OSB or plywood on top, nail it. Then lay a polyethylene film for waterproofing so that its edges hang down.

canopy cover

After the construction of the frame is completed, we proceed to the manufacture of the cane coating.

We tie the prepared plants with a rope. You should get bundles with a thickness of 0.1 m. Closely lay them on a polyethylene film.

After a full calculation, we connect all the bundles with a rope, intercepting it several times through the entire roof. We fix with nails or screws along the edges and in the center.

Let's move on to the interior decor.


We build a canopy of wood

Calculate loads. Their competent and error-free calculation ensures the safety of the structure. Therefore, for this it is better to turn to professionals.

Choosing the type of foundation

The best option would be a columnar foundation, it is economical. If the material for it is wood, then it must first be treated with special antiseptic compounds to prevent rotting and fungi.

Foundation chairs are installed in pre-dug trenches strictly vertically. For a more stable position, they can be placed on a concrete slab.

If the pillars are fixed with concrete, then they must be installed at the stage of pouring concrete into the trench. This will significantly increase the strength characteristics of the foundation. Next, we fill the trenches with sand.

We fix the supports with a special wooden cross. We install chairs at a distance of 1.5 m between them.


A columnar foundation is certainly erected in each corner of the structure and at the junction of partitions. The number of foundation pillars depends on the size of the canopy and on the expected load.

Particular care must be taken to install vertical poles. For this, supports with a cross section of 0.15 * 0.2 m are used. They must be carefully fixed.

Vertical racks are placed in pits with a depth of at least 80 cm, covered with layers of sand and gravel 5 cm thick. We install support pillars strictly vertically. To fix them, you can use stones and additional supporting structures.

After installing the racks, pour concrete into the pits. Next, we lay the logs of the enclosing structure.

The frame can be made of trusses. After completing such a frame, it is installed on a platform of wooden shields; for this, the panels are equipped with pins.

The roof of the canopy can be either in the form of an awning made of dense fabric or made of wood. For a wooden roof, it is necessary to make rafters and crate.


We lay the roofing. It can be steel, asbestos cement, tiles made of clay or metal, polycarbonate.

A canopy is a great solution for any cottage. We hope that this article will help you in its construction. Good luck!

DIY canopy photo

Sheds in the country may need a variety of: over the porch, bench, barbecue and tennis table, over the parking lot and the firewood. They can be built from wood or metal profiles.

In this article, we will offer you different options for inexpensive and easy-to-build shelters for the purposes mentioned. Also, the main points and features of construction, both from metal and from wood, will be mentioned here.

Varieties of the most inexpensive canopies for summer cottages. Construction features

The options for visors and shelters described below can even be made from used pipes or lumber remaining after repair.

Canopies over the porch

The easiest and cheapest option for building a country canopy with your own hands is a shed construction with an independent roof that does not require the installation of support pillars. It consists of several triangular trusses, which, on one side, secure the structure to the wall. The second side - the top - is the basis for mounting the crate and roofing material. Such farms can be assembled both from a metal profile and from wood.

Note:The main advantage of an independent roof is that you do not have to change the design of an existing porch by installing support pillars on it. Also, do not forget about saving money on materials and time for installation work.

Drawing of a visor that does not need racks

The second option for a canopy for a porch in a country house is a design with a dependent roof. Here one side is tied to the house, and the second rests on the racks. It will be cheaper and easier to make a single-sided structure, as in the photo. In fact, it is a square or rectangle with several lintels and two supporting pillars. It can be assembled in the same way as an independent roof, made of wood or metal profiles.

This design has one advantage: the support posts can become a frame for mounting on the sides of the wind protection panels. That is, if you wish, you can make the porch closed, completely or partially. The disadvantage is that during the construction of the canopy, additional time will have to be laid for the solidification of the columnar foundation under the support posts.

We make a canopy in the country with our own hands: a photo of a building with a dependent roof

Canopy for a bench in the country

The most budgetary option for a canopy over a garden bench is a stretch one. It is assembled literally from improvised materials. Two pieces of shaped pipe, preferably round in section, are bent with a kind of hook and concreted with straight ends behind the bench. A strip of dense fabric is pulled onto the hooks, which forms a canopy. If you take pipes that have already been in use, then such a shelter will cost almost free. The only drawback of the design is that the fabric roof will not protect against heavy rain.

How to make a canopy in the country for relaxation: a building with a stretch awning

A more expensive type of canopy to the country house, but more "capital" - polycarbonate on a frame made of metal profiles or wood. The easiest way is to assemble a shed roof, if there is a pipe bending machine - then arched, rectangular or square. It is best to make canopies for summer cottages made of polycarbonate - the material is easy to mount and does not require preliminary framing of the frame. You can also use slate sheets - they just fit in size and, moreover, will cost less.

Simple canopies for summer cottages: photo of a polycarbonate visor

Canopy for a tennis table and barbecue in the country

For a canopy in the country for relaxation, located above the tennis table, we have the following requirements:

  • Sufficient roof height.
  • The distance from the table to the supporting pillars is at least 1 meter.
  • Good light transmission of the roof.

The best option is a shed canopy with polycarbonate as a roofing material, with a simple frame. You can, of course, use slate or something similar, but in this case you will have to spend money on installing lighting above the table. This negates the financial benefit of the replacement.

Note: it is difficult to say which is more profitable, a tree or a metal profile. It all depends on how important the aesthetic side of the issue is to you. If you just need a strong frame, and its appearance is a secondary matter, then it will be cheaper to use a simple bar. A beautiful rounded log will cost quite a lot, even more than a good profile pipe. The same applies to profiled timber - this is not a cheap pleasure.

Tennis table cover

The main function of the canopy over the barbecue in the country is to protect the fire from rain and wind. Therefore, the roof here should be either arched or gable. At the same time, from the container with coals to the edges of the slopes there should be at least 40 cm on one side and from 1 m on the other. The simplest option is a gable frame on four pillars. It is better to make a canopy for the barbecue in the country with your own hands from a metal profile or pipes. Wood is not very suitable here for fire safety reasons.

Option for a canopy in the country for barbecue or barbecue

Canopy for car and firewood

An inexpensive and simple version of a carport for a summer house is a shed, resting on one side on the wall or edge of the roof of the house, and on the other on the racks. The design is elementary: 2-4 supporting pillars, a beam / beam for binding to the house and a rectangular roof frame with lintels. Roofing material can be taken any:

  • Slate or metal tiles - with them you can build a relatively inexpensive carport in the country with your own hands. This will require a preliminary organization of the crate.
  • Ruberoid roofing is the cheapest option, but it will not last too long. In addition, under it will have to make a solid substrate.
  • Canopies for cars in the country from polycarbonate - the material is easy and quick to install, does not require crates. But it will cost more than the first two options.

Canopy for a car in the country: a photo of a shed attached structure

A little more difficult in construction and more expensive in terms of consumables is a freestanding carport in the country. It can be on a columnar foundation or without it at all, as in the photo. Here, each truss is immediately welded onto the racks, and then the entire structure is assembled on horizontally located segments of the profile pipe. The advantage of such a canopy in the country is mobility.

Photo of a carport in the country: a gable building without a foundation

Note:for the construction of sheds for firewood in the country with their own hands, there are not many options. Here, in addition to the roof, in any case, the back and side walls are also needed, which will protect the contents from precipitation. At the same time, there must be ventilation inside. Therefore, here the design with a gable roof, on four supporting pillars and with a certain number of intermediate ones, will be optimal. Additionally, the walls are sewn up with boards with small gaps between them.

wooden firewood

Wooden and metal sheds in the country: construction features

When building canopies, both wooden and metal, several main points can be distinguished:

  1. The device of a columnar foundation, with or without reinforcement - it all depends on the dimensions of the building.
  2. Installation of supporting pillars. They are either concreted immediately, or attached to an already finished foundation.
  3. Assembling the roof frame on the ground.
  4. Installation of the roof on the supports.
  5. Treatment with an antiseptic - for wood, treatment with anti-corrosion compounds - for metal. Antiseptic treatment for wood is very important, since the duration and trouble-free operation of the building directly depends on it.

Stages 2, 3, and 4 must be carried out under constant control by the building level.

Note: even if the profile has an anti-corrosion coating, this protection will be absent at the welding points. Therefore, such points should be properly processed. First, we clean off the scale and go through the metal with emery, and then we cover the welds with an anti-corrosion compound.

After the canopy is built in the country with your own hands, all welding seams must be cleaned and treated with anticorrosive

A dacha is a country house designed for a pleasant pastime in nature. I want to spend it with benefit and comfort, so everyone is trying to improve their site. In the article, we will share practical, original examples of what kind of sheds are in the country, how to equip a recreation area and a utility block.

Let's analyze the question of what is more profitable: to buy ready-made or to build canopies for a summer residence with your own hands, photos will illustrate creative, inexpensive and ergonomic ideas. We will tell you which materials are better and easier to build from.

Overview of awnings for summer cottages

For auto

For the porch

For gazebo

for firewood

Canopies for the dacha are not just needed, but urgently needed, they provide shelter from rain, sun and wind, and indoors you can comfortably spend time even in the cold season.

The easiest and most budgetary way to arrange a canopy in the country with your own hands: a frame and a fabric roof

The functionality of the buildings is varied:

  • car parking;
  • entry group;
  • roof over the barbecue;
  • gazebos, pavilions;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • pool covers;
  • shower cubicles;
  • facilities for firewood and storage of tools;
  • extensions to the house, garage or bathhouse by the type of veranda or terrace;
  • covered "living" recreation areas, planted on the sides with climbing plants, grapes - pergolas, rotundas, galleries.
  • playgrounds equipped with a light roof;
  • visor over the well and many others. others

Sheds for summer cottages made of polycarbonate on a metal profile frame for barbecue - simple, durable, reliable, safe

All canopies for summer cottages can be divided into three large groups:

  • Open - buildings on vertical supports under a light roof, along the perimeter they are often planted with greenery: bushes, grapes, climbing roses.

A simple canopy for giving from improvised materials and plants

  • Semi-closed - the most common type of canopies, a frame structure crowned with a roof, a parapet is provided on the sides, and the openings are closed from bad weather and the sun with thick moisture-resistant curtains, a decorative grille, and soft glazing.

Covered gallery - a universal solution for small areas in front of the house, can serve as a carport in the country or a place to relax

  • Covered - comfortable, practical. These are stationary canopies for summer cottages, the openings of which are glazed or sheathed with sheet material, for example, polycarbonate.

Semi-closed canopy in the country, attached to the main house as a veranda

Design features

Mobile canopy in the country for a shower


Let's start the review with the simplest canopies for the dacha, the designs are fully consistent with the dragonfly's motto: ... "under each bush, both the table and the house were ready." These are light, summer, mobile products that you can buy in the store:

  • swing with a canopy;
  • mini-arbors - a monoblock with a roof, a table, benches;
  • awnings;

Marquise - convenient for organizing recreation areas

  • umbrellas, often complete with a folding table;
  • prefabricated tents, on an aluminum or metal-plastic frame, with an awning roof and fabric curtains on the sides, for convenience, some models are equipped with soft windows and a mosquito net.

The tent reliably protects the place of rest from rain and sun, can be used as carports in the country, it is important to choose the right size

Temporary structures are convenient in that they are easily laid out, moved, and removed, but not everyone wants to spend time and energy on the installation and installation of prefabricated products.

Universal collapsible canopy for summer cottages, the design can serve as a gazebo, greenhouse, parking for cars and shelter for the pool

Stationary canopies for summer cottages

More practical owners prefer to equip permanent sheds in the country, they can be ordered according to an individual project, buy a standard design or build it yourself. Such structures include: terraces, verandas, canopies over the entrance, carports, gazebos, greenhouses, summer houses and other outbuildings.

Good to know: For the construction of stationary buildings, it is required to equip a site or make a foundation, they can hardly be moved to another place, but they are more comfortable and ergonomic compared to mobile structures.

A simple idea on how to make a wooden carport in the country with your own hands

What to build a canopy in the country

Before you build country sheds with your own hands, you need to complete the construction project, select a site, determine the size and materials.

Shower in the country on a metal frame, sheathed with a profiled sheet, the material can be replaced with an awning

The canopy should harmoniously fit into the overall architectural ensemble, not clutter up the site, resonate with landscape design, be convenient, reliable and practical.

Canopy in the country from a bar and a decorative lattice

The most popular materials for self-construction are metal and wood. It is difficult to say what is cheaper and easier to work with, we will weigh the pros and cons of each material.

A simple canopy for a well in the country


A wooden building is appropriate for any summer cottage, it does not stand out from the concept of natural composition. A wooden canopy in a country house for recreation can be built from timber, rounded logs, boards, tree trunks. This does not require professional skills, you can work with household tools. They decorate a canopy for a summer residence, depending on the chosen style, with natural materials - snags, stumps, decorative lattices, carvings, curly poles, balusters.

An example of how to make an original canopy for firewood in the country with your own hands

And even if you brought the material completely free of charge from the forest, the tree does not tolerate moisture well, it is susceptible to damage by fungi, rodents, small insects, rotting, so it must be treated with special protective compounds, and this entails additional financial costs.

How to make a canopy in the country with your own hands, a photo of a structure from tree trunks and an unedged board decorated with snags


To build a metal canopy in the country with your own hands, you will need welded equipment and skills to work on it. The frame is made of a round or profile pipe of different diameters. In order to protect the structure from rust, it should be well cleaned, primed and painted. You can decorate a metal canopy for a summer residence with stamped forging, openwork lattices, but more often the structure is sewn up with polycarbonate - this is practical, looks easy and does not require large cash injections.

The simplest do-it-yourself buildings for erection are shed canopies for cars in the country house made of polycarbonate

Other options

Creative and creative site owners often use improvised materials: bottles, glass or plastic, rubble stone, rods for wicker structures, straw for canopies in the country house in ethnic style, PVC pipes, awnings, etc.

The simplest canopy for giving from pvc pipes and shower curtains

Combined buildings look very nice, for example, metal poles under a polycarbonate roof, lined with decorative stone, this is how they usually build a canopy for barbecue in the country with their own hands. Wood, stone, brick and sculpted concrete blend well, the buildings look very original and add originality to the landscape design.

Photo example of how to make a canopy in the country for relaxation

How to build a canopy in the country with your own hands

Building a canopy in the country with your own hands is quite simple, you need to make a frame, and figure out how to cover it. But in order for the building to serve more than one season, it is necessary to complete a number of important stages during construction.


For large and medium buildings, it is recommended to lay a strip or column foundation. The site inside can be paved with paving slabs, stones, lay a wooden floor, lay decking, concrete, sprinkle with gravel or pebbles. If the site is uneven, located in a swampy area, then a pile foundation should be arranged; for areas with rocks or quicksand, it is better to make a slab. To equip small sheds, you can simply remove the soft layer of soil and place concrete blocks or flat stones under the base.

Canopy to the house, support-beam structure on a column base

Good to know: When equipping metal structures, vertical racks are best concreted into the ground according to the principle of a columnar foundation. Wooden frame supports should be mounted on a columnar foundation using special fasteners.


The roof may have a wooden truss system or a metal truss. The easiest way is to build a shed canopy with a slope of 12-30 about with your own hands. Metal structures are more often arranged under an arched roof, this is especially true when a carport is being built in the country, photo below.

Photo of a carport in the country, this design will protect transport and provide a comfortable entrance to the house during rainfall

Roofing material can be any:

  • awning, moisture-resistant fabric, polyethylene - suitable for temporary structures, should be removed for the winter;

Playground with fabric roof

  • polycarbonate - easy, fast, reliable, relevant for all types of buildings, transmits light, which is indispensable in shady places and for structures adjacent to the house;

The polycarbonate roof lets in enough light, but at the same time protects from the sun.

  • profiled sheet - simple, profitable, convenient for outbuildings;
  • roofing material and soft tiles - inexpensive, easy to install with your own hands, but requires a continuous crate, which is not always convenient for sheds;
  • slate - budgetary, time-tested, but difficult and inferior in aesthetics to other materials.


Open canopies can be inexpensively and easily closed if curtains are made of awning, moisture-resistant fabric or polyethylene.

Even light curtains will significantly increase the comfort of rest.

For strength, it is better to glue the edges, and use special hooks to fix it on the frame.

Such a clothespin is suitable for fixing curtains on a metal frame along the lower truss belt.

For wooden canopies in the country, in order to decorate them with curtains, you can screw the holders along the top trim, as shown in the picture below.

Bracket for curtains on a wooden frame

A canopy for a summer residence can be ready-made or do-it-yourself, simple or artsy, but so that it harmoniously fits into the natural landscape and does not stand out from the general ensemble, decorate it around the perimeter with fresh flowers and plants.

Convenient retractable roof on rails and rollers

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