Tape shallow foundation on swampy soil. How to build a foundation in a swampy area. Which foundation is better to choose

In the process of erecting any building, first of all, you should lay the foundation. On soil with high density and low heaving, almost any foundation option can be equipped. However, for soil with a swampy composition, certain foundation options are suitable, while the technology for their construction will differ from the standard. On the features of the construction of the foundation in the swamp, we will consider further.

How to make a foundation in a swamp: varieties and technology

The construction of a foundation on swampy soil will require more material and physical costs than the construction of a conventional foundation. In order for the foundation to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to take care not only of its insulation and waterproofing, but also of reinforcement and the creation effective system drainage.

There are three main options for the foundation:

  • slab foundation;
  • tape type foundation;
  • pile foundation.

Each of them is suitable for swampy soils, however, the technology for their construction differs from the standards. The foundation in the swamp is better, we'll talk about this later.

The most reliable foundation for a house on marshy ground is a slab foundation. This version of the foundation has the form of a monolithic slab reinforced with metal. The slab foundation is being built both for large houses and for garages, outbuildings or frame houses.

The main advantage of the slab foundation is high bearing capacity, which are not affected by the soil underneath. The slab foundation is also called floating, because even with small soil movements, such as shrinkage, it moves with the soil, so there is no destructive effect on the building. With technologically correct arrangement of this type of foundation, the house will be reliably protected from moisture, heat loss and other negative environmental factors.

Another advantage of the slab foundation is its ability to be not only the foundation of the building, but also play the role of the floor on the ground floor of the house. There is no need to build a screed, the floor is insulated and its fine finish is performed.

Despite this, slab foundation it requires very large material investments for its construction, in comparison with other types of foundations, in order to build a slab - it will take 4-5 times more money and time for concrete to harden.

The thickness and size of the slab depends on the weight of the building, the number of floors in it, the functional purpose, the material from which it is built, etc. All calculations are carried out individually.

The tape version of the foundation for a house in a swamp is the most common, however, it is rarely used on swampy soil. To lay this foundation, you should first of all calculate the depth at which groundwater occurs. The thickness of the foundation must be greater than this value. Therefore, this foundation should be chosen only if you plan to equip the basement or basement in the house.

However, building a basement on soil with swampy characteristics can lead to flooding, even with carefully planned waterproofing. Therefore, the strip foundation is not the best way for such soil.

In some cases, a foundation is erected, the thickness of which is higher than the freezing level of groundwater. This version of the foundation is called shallow. Its construction will require less money and time than for a deep foundation. In order to construct shallow foundation it will be necessary to equip the pit, ensure its complete waterproofing, install a sand and gravel cushion at the bottom of the trench, which will remove moisture from the house. Due to the insulation, the ground near the foundation will not freeze, and moisture will be removed through the sand. Among the advantages of a strip foundation in a swamp with your own hands, in comparison with a slab one, we note:

  • higher speed of work;
  • lower cost;
  • high level of reliability;
  • solidity and strength.

The construction of a foundation in a pile-type swamp is fast and low cost. This option is the simplest of the above, however, it is only suitable for low-rise construction.

In the standard installation of piles, it is recommended to install them below the freezing depth of the soil. For swampy areas, there are technological aspects, according to which it is necessary to initially examine the soil, and then install the piles.

The upper part of the swampy soil is a peat bog or subsiding soils. First, the thickness of the peat layer at the pile installation sites should be determined. Next, you should install them at the same distance from solid soil. Otherwise, the house is deformed due to the high pressure on the piles and on the peat soil.

Installation of pile and column foundations is carried out exclusively on solid ground. Piles can be different in length, the main condition for their high-quality functioning is installation on solid ground.

In order to find a solid support for piles, you should first examine the soil. It is best to entrust this process to specialists. If the house is made of wood, then it is enough to examine the soil to a depth of 5 meters. In the process of building a stone house, the soil is studied 10-15 m deep into the swamp.

It is best if the soil assessment is carried out in the laboratory. In relation to the type of material used, during the construction of a pile foundation, there are several varieties of it:

1. Construction of a foundation in a swamp from screw piles.

The screwing of these elements is carried out by mechanized equipment or by hand. This foundation is very quickly mounted, literally within a few hours. Two or three people are required to complete the installation work. Installation of piles is carried out both in summer and in winter. After installing the foundation, you do not need to wait for time to build a house.

2. Installation of pillars.

For the manufacture of these elements will require a drill. With its help, it is necessary to equip elements in the form of holes of a certain size. On swampy soil, it is recommended to use specialized drilling rigs, since in some cases the drilling depth reaches ten meters.

3. Columnar foundation of stuffed piles.

These elements are used in multi-storey construction. The principle of their construction is to install a reinforced concrete pile inside a previously made recess. For the manufacture of such a foundation, the availability of specialized equipment is mandatory. Therefore, the choice of this foundation option is impractical in a swamp.

How to make a foundation in a swamp: technology for building a slab foundation

The simplest, but at the same time, a reliable foundation built in a swamp is its slab version. Since the groundwater level of such an area is at a high level, the plate will help protect the building from moisture. The slab will also help distribute the weight of the building evenly. Due to its solidity, the slab copes well with heaving of the soil, quicksand and all sorts of negative consequences of too wet soil.

The base under the slab must be perfectly flat, otherwise, it will begin to slide to the bottom and the house will be deformed. In addition, the cost of working on the foundation is quite high; pouring it will require a lot of concrete mortar, reinforcement, specialized equipment, such as a concrete vibrator, a concrete mixer, etc.

After leveling the surface under the foundation, the process of laying a sand cushion under it follows. The thickness of the layer in this case is about 20 cm. After laying every 3 cm, the sand should be carefully compacted. Next, you should ensure proper waterproofing, this will require geotextiles.

After that, the arrangement of the concrete cushion under the slab is carried out. To do this, pour about 10 cm of concrete solution. After the concrete has hardened, a rolled waterproofing is laid on its surface. After that, you should proceed to the main process of pouring the foundation in the swamp.

For this, concrete of at least 300 grades is used, in addition, reinforcement is required. The minimum thickness of the base is 30 cm. To calculate this parameter, the dimensions and number of storeys of the future building, as well as the material from which it will be built, should be taken into account.

If there are a large number of peat inclusions on the surface of the swamp, the thickness of which exceeds 1 m, then care should be taken to remove them. Otherwise, a house that is built of stone or brick can simply sag in a swamp. With a greater depth of peat on the surface of the swamp, care should be taken to further strengthen the foundation with the help of bored piles.

How to build a foundation in a swamp: features of building a pile foundation

Installation of a pile foundation in a swamp is possible in any case, even during the construction of multi-storey buildings. The main condition for the quality functioning of such a foundation is the correct calculation of the number and depth of piles.

Before you put the foundation in the swamp, you should study the soil under it. Installation of forgetful piles is carried out using specialized equipment and machinery. This equipment sets the piles until they touch the hard ground beneath the marsh.

The installation of bored piles requires the arrangement of a drainage system under them. A casing pipe is installed in the soil, then soil is extracted through drilling through it. Inside the well, a reinforcing cage is installed, which is poured with a concrete solution.

In order to get rid of air bubbles in the concrete solution, a concrete vibrator is used. After the concrete has hardened, the casing is removed. Please note that in the process of making this foundation, the piles should be lowered to solid soil, which will easily remove moisture from it.

To make a foundation in a swamp with your own hands, you will need specialized equipment. In addition, this method is relevant in the case when massive multi-storey buildings are being erected in a swamp.

The second version of the pile foundation is great for making it yourself, as it is relevant in low-rise construction. Depending on the design project, piles are installed inside the soil. A steel frame is welded on their surface using steel corners. The following is the process of manufacturing side formwork. This is followed by the process of pouring a conventional strip foundation. If the house will be built of wood, then the process of pouring the strip foundation is replaced by the installation of a massive bar on which the entire building is held. This version of the foundation has the following advantages:

  • the building is above the ground, so it does not affect the house, the lower part of the building does not need additional waterproofing;
  • since there is a gap in the lower part of the house, the building is constantly ventilated, while preventing the appearance of mold or fungus;
  • before installing screw piles, it is not necessary to level the area under the house.

In addition, this foundation is easy to install, all work is carried out quickly. Upon their expiration, the construction of the house immediately continues, without waiting for the foundation to shrink. To build piles, it is enough to weld them to each other. However, the quality of welding must be high.

Piles are quite light, easy to transport, reliable and durable in operation. In order to prolong the life of the pile foundation, steel piles should be treated with an anti-corrosion solution.

In the process of screwing the pile into the soil, it compacts it, thereby creating a solid foundation under itself. However, such piles are installed only under small buildings. They are not suitable for multi-storey buildings. If we compare a pile foundation with a slab foundation, then the use of the first option in independent execution will be cheaper both in terms of material resources and faster in time.

Foundation in the swamp video:

If your site, which you plan to use to build your house, turned out to be marshy soil, you should not be upset. Modern technologies make it easy to lay the foundation even in difficult conditions. The main rule will be right choice base type. You can’t make a mistake, because the life of not only the foundation itself, but the entire building will depend on this.

What is swampy soil?

Before you start building a foundation in a swamp with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with this type of soil. It is a heterogeneous multilayer structure, which provides for the presence of:

  • sandstone;
  • peat;
  • clay.

The swamp is always supersaturated with moisture and has fine-grained particles in large quantities. They are pretty weak in compression. The soil is unstable, so it is quite difficult to determine the limit loads.

Swampy soil is one of the most difficult to build. Before determining the depth of the foundation, the type of foundation and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure, it is necessary to study the geological situation.

Features of construction in a wetland: geological research

If you decide to lay a foundation in a swamp for a house, then at the first stage you must carry out geological research. They are necessary to determine the indicators of the soil. It will be necessary to find out what the volume of soil water is, to what level freezing occurs, the type of soil, as well as the surface proximity of groundwater.

A hand probe must be used to sample the soil. Wells are drilled on the site, which are located at the corners of the future foundation. Carry out research better in winter when the soil is most saturated with moisture. Soil sampling provides the following information:

  • layer thickness;
  • physical properties of the soil;
  • formation depth;
  • soil change in recent years.

For a wooden house, 5-meter wells are drilled, while if you are planning to build a stone or brick house, then the depth of the well must be increased to 10 m.

Before starting construction on a wetland, it is necessary to determine the depth of soil freezing. If the foundation is laid to an insufficient depth, then later this may cause its destruction. As a result of engineering and geological research, you will receive information that will allow you to determine the type of soil.

What is the best foundation to choose?

The most time-consuming and expensive process in building a house is the work on arranging the foundation. The cost of these manipulations will be 1/3 of the total cost estimate for the construction of the building. After a few years, any foundation in the swamp begins to collapse, but only if it does not reach the depth of seasonal freezing.

On the south side, the base begins to bulge if the work was done incorrectly. In order for the structure to last as long as possible, it is necessary to make a drainage system. It will remove excess moisture from the site. On swampy soils, three types of foundations are used, one of them is a pile foundation.

This design is the most suitable, as it has the following advantages:

  • relatively low cost;
  • the possibility of construction in any terrain;
  • increased durability;
  • high stability and strength;
  • excellent corrosion resistance.

Screw piles for the foundation can be started in any weather. Construction times are very short. You can complete the foundation device in 2 days. If you use supports of different heights, you can smooth out surface irregularities.

The main part of the foundation is a pile, which can be installed vertically or with a slight slope into the ground. The supports are combined with a grillage, which is a pillow in a reinforcing cage.

Screw piles for the foundation are one of the varieties of supports used in swampy areas. These products are protected from corrosion by zinc coating or mastic. Screwing is carried out using a special lever. Piles can be reinforced concrete, they are hammered with a manual pile driver. An alternative solution is complex combined piles that are placed in the casing. They are removed after the installation of supports and concreting of the site.

based on bored piles

The foundation in the swamp may consist of bored piles. It is being built using one of several technologies, among them:

  • with waterproofing;
  • with fixed formwork;
  • with removable formwork.

Covers are installed in the drilled wells, which are welded from a polyethylene film. The walls are laid out with roofing material, and concrete is poured inside. When creating a pile, you can use a removable formwork made of metal or plastic. 2 hours after pouring, the strength of the concrete will be sufficient to preserve the structure. The formwork is pulled out after the mortar has solidified.

Such supports have one drawback, which is expressed in the fact that they do not have protection against moisture. But the impact of the frozen layer can be leveled by creating a pillow of sand.

The foundation on bored piles in a swamp can be created by the third method, when the formwork is not removed. In this case, it will perform the function of waterproofing. The technology involves the use of pipes from the following materials:

  • special cardboard;
  • asbestos cement;
  • metal.

This method allows you to protect the piles by eliminating height differences and creating a layer of sand between the supports and Before installing the structure, the water from the well is pumped out by a pump. The lower part of the pipe, which acts as a formwork, is filled with waterproofing concrete per meter in height.

Such a foundation in a swamp requires an increase in the strength of the support. For this, frames made of metal 1.2-cm rods are used. You can also use triangular designs.

Should I choose a slab foundation?

One of the most expensive, but reliable is the slab foundation. It is able to withstand heavy loads and sudden changes in temperature. The weight of the building will be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure, which will eliminate the possibility of subsidence. Under the slab is a sand and gravel pad that allows groundwater to pass through, preventing damage to the foundation.

Carrying out construction on a swampy area. Slab foundation - is it suitable?

If there is marshy soil on the territory, then you can equip a slab foundation. At the first stage, a shallow pit is dug, and then it is drained using pumps or drainage. Layers of sand and gravel are laid on the bottom, which are well compacted and covered with several layers of roofing material.

Formwork is installed to pour concrete, and a reinforcing frame of 1.2 cm rods is also constructed. The prepared site is poured with a solution, and then left for several days to dry. After that, the formwork can be dismantled.

Such a foundation in a swamp is poured at a time, a strip base can be installed on top. It is carried out on its own, is durable, and when shrinking, it protects the walls from cracking. This technology is relevant for those who want to have a basement in the house.

Alternative option - shallow strip foundation

The strip foundation in the swamp is one of the cheapest, but is relevant only for buildings made of metal frame or wooden beam. Such a foundation requires a good drainage system, since the structure is laid above the freezing of the soil. The tape must be capable of resisting ground heaving.

The structure will rise and fall evenly with the soil. The tape will need a sand cushion, as well as thermal insulation of the base. Such a foundation in a swamp can be poured independently, observing the technology. The work is not too difficult.

Construction of a strip foundation

If you decide to build a strip foundation, then first you need to dig a trench of the desired shape. A pillow of sand is laid at the bottom, and then a reinforcing cage is installed.

If water appears at the bottom, then it should be disposed of by constructing drainage. Next, the formwork is installed and the mixture is poured, which should be left until it solidifies. When everything dries, the surface is covered with waterproofing.


Peatlands and wetlands are some of the most difficult soils to build. Waterlogged soils are oversaturated with moisture and prone to the formation of unstable quicksand. In winter, such soil is subjected to frost heaving, and in spring - erosion. The solid layer lies at a considerable depth, which excludes the possibility of using some types of foundation.

For wetlands, it is best to use floating bases, which are also called monolithic slabs. The design will turn out to be solid, thanks to this there will be no partial shift of the house, while distortions and destruction of the walls will be excluded.

Foundation construction is one of the most expensive stages in the construction of a private house. In swampy areas, this process is complicated by soil instability and the need to perform additional work: backfilling access roads for construction equipment, installing a drainage system, due to high humidity - high-quality waterproofing of all building elements.

A solid foundation for wetlands

The developer can choose either reinforced concrete or steel screw piles as the foundation for their home. Swampy soils are characterized by a high level of groundwater, so concrete, which has the property of gradually breaking down from moisture, must be protected from its effects. For this purpose, water repellents can be used, which will increase the service life of piles by 10-12 years. These are Akvasol, Elakor-MB4, Hydrotex-F impregnations, bitumen-based waterproofing mastics. The foundation of screw piles is more reliable and durable, but it also needs additional protection: it is recommended to cover these products with anti-corrosion primers or paints.

Piled foundations in swampy areas are advantageous for several reasons: firstly, these supports can be installed in the deepest, most stable layers of the soil, bypassing the viscous soil, which will ensure the foundation is reliable. Secondly, piles allow you to build a house on a terrain with a difficult terrain, where there are significant elevation changes. Thirdly, steel or reinforced concrete supports are able to flawlessly withstand the load not only in the form of a private low-rise building, but also more massive buildings.

Is it possible to build a strip foundation on a swampy area?

Strip foundation is a budget solution for individual construction, so many developers tend to use this option. But for swampy areas, it is not always economically viable, since the construction of a reinforced concrete tape will require the following list of expensive work: stabilize the soil to a freezing depth (build drainage communications), remove the top layer of soil (on average, up to 40 cm), backfill the site under the house with gravel and sand, level and compact it.

Due to the risk of re-waterlogging of the soil due to the characteristics of the soil, the concrete belt is built only on the basis of road slabs (which can be both new and used). It is on them that the formwork is mounted and the tape base for the house is erected. Therefore, the construction of such a foundation will be comparable in price with the installation of reinforced concrete or screw piles, which are more reliable for a given geology.

They are able to provide the building with stability, which is the main requirement for buildings on swampy soils. These soils are very heaving, therefore any foundation that is not buried below the freezing point of the soil is unreliable. Therefore, the recommendation of builders when choosing a foundation for unstable soils is unequivocal: piles.

Few people will be happy with a site located in a wetland. But do not think ahead of time that it would be better not to have it. Until the situation is completely clear, you just need to be patient. In fact, the foundation is being built in the swamp, although this is fraught with certain difficulties. First, geological studies of the soil layers are carried out, inviting specialists. Based on the results, conclusions are drawn and a responsible decision is made on the possibility of conducting construction works. Only after that, calculations are made taking into account the conclusions provided and it is determined which foundation will be installed in this territory.


Marshy soil refers to complex soils. She is:

  • has a multilayer, heterogeneous structure;
  • consists of unstable peat, heaving clay and sandstone;
  • different density and high water saturation of the layers.

In such conditions, it can be difficult even for professionals to determine which of the foundations will be better and more reliable to make on swampy soil so that it can withstand the load-bearing loads from the house. Geological studies of the area on which the problem soils are located help to clarify the situation.

For soil sampling, several wells are drilled on the site - at least four. They are usually located in the corners of the future house. If it is assumed that its sides will be too long, then more intake holes will have to be made. Sampling wells are performed using a hand probe. It is not at all necessary to buy it - the invited specialists probably have such a tool.

For a wooden house, a well is drilled at a depth of at least five meters, and for a more massive brick house, within eight to ten meters.

In the course of research work, long before the builders begin to build a foundation in a swamp, it is possible to find out the parameters of each of the soil layers lying on the construction site, namely:

  • thickness;
  • compound;
  • chemical and physical characteristics;
  • water saturation;
  • depth of occurrence.

In addition, modern methods make it possible to understand how the soil structure has changed in recent years under the influence of seasonal and climatic influences. The most important are the periods of melting snow and prolonged rains. For our latitudes, they coincide with spring and autumn. At this time, the soil, especially the marshy one, is saturated with water, which has the worst effect on the bearing capacity of the soil.

The instability of swampy soils is one of the main problems that complicate the construction of buildings on them.

An important indicator is the level of soil freezing, which directly affects the depth of the foundation, mounted on peat soil. e. The GTL value is tabular and is taken depending on the region of construction.

All received data are analyzed and then voiced in the form of recommendations. The parameters determined in the process of research are taken as initial indicators for technical calculations.

The underground part of the house under normal conditions requires almost a third of the financial costs provided for in the estimate documentation. It would be reasonable to assume that a foundation on peat would attract a significantly larger sum into the construction process. In this regard, before starting work, you should carefully weigh everything, as well as decide on your financial capabilities. Savings in such situations are inappropriate - neither in materials, nor in labor.

In order for a house built on marshy soil to serve for a long time and not rise above the planning mark as a result of seasonal freezing, it is necessary first of all to make a drainage system on a still empty site. Its functions will include lowering the water level in the built-up, and in the future - in the exploited territory. If necessary, during the period of work along the perimeter of the site, an additional trench is dug for the construction of a temporary drainage ditch, leaving it open. This will allow surface water to be diverted from the site.

As practice has shown, the most successful options for swampy soil are three types of foundation:

  • piles;
  • shallow-depth tape;
  • non-buried slab.

Let's consider each of them separately.

Metal and reinforced concrete piles

The foundation on peat piles has quite a few advantages:

  • lack of large-scale earthworks;
  • device in a short time;
  • undemanding to the planning of uneven terrain;
  • carrying out work in almost any weather;
  • stability of the house subject to technological processes;
  • durability.

When building a foundation for a house, piles can be used:

  • screw;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • bored.

Screw piles do not need special mechanisms, so a small “home” team can mount a similar foundation in a swamp with their own hands. Metal products are screwed in by hand until the end of the pipe is in a strong and stable soil layer. The level of its occurrence is determined by the results of preliminary geological studies. According to the same indicators, it is calculated what height the screw piles should be, taking into account their elevation above ground level.

Reinforced concrete piles are driven by indentation or vibration. For this, unlike screw analogues, heavy mechanisms will be required. Bored piles are installed according to their technology. All the nuances are indicated in the project documentation and technological maps.

Strip foundation

Shallow structures are used for light structures, which include wooden frame houses. The belts are laid above the freezing depth of the soil, therefore, in winter, they are subjected to the buoyant effect of frost heaving forces. But this does not bring serious damage to the house, since the structure on a rigid reinforced concrete tape either rises or falls without violating the integrity of the structure.

It should be noted that a well-made sand cushion, laid under the foundation on peat, significantly compensates for the seasonal movements of the ground part of the house. The underground structure is additionally insulated, which reduces the problems associated with heaving soils.

To date, a shallow strip foundation is the most economical option for arranging a foundation on swampy soil.

slab foundation

Reinforced concrete slab is located under the entire area of ​​the house. The technology of its laying boils down to the fact that at the initial stage, a meter-long layer of soil is removed at the site of the future structure, the bottom of the pit is rammed, after which a sand and gravel cushion is laid out under the foundation in layers. In other words, there is a partial replacement of the problematic soil under the future slab.

Next, formwork is installed and a waterproofing layer is laid. Then the reinforcing mesh is mounted and the slab is poured with concrete mixture. The pillow in the slab foundation performs the function of a compensator, being between heaving soil and a plate, which, in turn, distributes the load from the structure as evenly as possible.

A slab construction for a house built on swampy soil is considered reliable. But for owners of problem areas, it costs more than the first two options for building a foundation.

Non-drying marshy soil with moisture-loving vegetation that can be systematically moistened is not the most favorable place for building a house frame. The close location of groundwater creates seasonal fluctuations in soils, especially during the period of spring warming. Modern construction technologies can solve the problem of how to organize a foundation in a swamp so that it can withstand the load of a house.

Soil analysis

What is swampy land? This is an area with a porous structure, which is 90% water. The rest of the percentage is formed by randomly located particles of minerals - peat, sand, clay. The unsystematic order of occurrence of rocks does not allow calculating the load on the soil.
Soil surveys on the site will help to identify the following characteristics of the area:

  • type of soil massif;
  • groundwater volume;
  • freezing depth;
  • distance of the aquifer from the surface.

The data obtained make it possible to determine the physical properties of the layers, their thickness and depth, and to characterize changes in the soil over the past few years. On the basis of geological expertise, it is possible to choose which foundation to build in the swampy area.

How to explore the soil yourself?

It is not advisable for summer residents to delve into the details of geodetic surveys. Private developers need to carry out a number of simple measures:

  • selection of earthen material from four wells. The drilling depth is 5 m for wood structures, 8 m for overall stone buildings. It is better to probe the surface in the spring, when it contains the maximum amount of moisture.
  • mechanical analysis is carried out by sampling a small piece of earth. It rolls out in the hands and bends into a ring. The decayed element testifies to sandstones, unstable - to loams, dense - to clay;
  • vegetation inspection. Wild rosemary, blueberry, sedge, cloudberry, horsetail and other crops are present on excessively moist marshy soils.

Research and determination of the type of soil provide for the determination of the change in GWL.

When does the groundwater level change in a swamp?

The volume of groundwater varies throughout the year. During the thaw period, their number increases significantly. The lowest GWL was recorded in winter. A high aquifer imposes restrictions on the construction of a frame in a swampy place. Moisture concentration at the level of 2 meters or less poses a threat of flooding of trenches, pits, mold in the house, basement. A clear algorithm of work will help minimize the impact of springs on the life of the foundation.

pile frame

Base designed for wetlands. Supporting elements - piles that are driven into the soil. A pile foundation in a swamp allows you to solve the problem of heaving, instability of the upper layer of the earth, and allows you to smooth out the unevenness and inclination of the territory.
The advantages of the building:

  • low-cost, not labor-intensive process (in 2 days you can build a supporting structure);
  • mounting the frame reduces the amount of land work: garbage disposal, digging a pit, concreting;
  • the choice of building material for piles: wood, steel, reinforced concrete;
  • increased strength, long term services.

It is rational to use a pile foundation in swampy, unstable terrain with a high level of groundwater. There are several limitations to consider when choosing a support structure:

  • weak bearing capacity in horizontally mobile soil;
  • additional financial costs for the arrangement of the basement (filling voids).

The average depth of the well pit is 10-15 m. To mount the pile frame at a high level of groundwater, use poles with a length of at least 25 m. You need to drive the piles until they fit snugly into the ground.

Algorithm of work on the construction of foundations on piles

Construction work is allowed at any time of the year.

  1. We treat the tongues with an antiseptic to prevent the development of corrosion.
  2. We immerse the piles in the ground: we screw the driven piles, for the screw ones we use a special lever.
  3. Cut off the excess protruding part.
  4. We fill hollow pipes with cement.
  5. Using an electric welding machine, we mount the support platforms on the edged parts of the piles.
  6. We process the surface with a waterproofing solution.
  7. We connect the structure along the heads with a horizontal grillage.

High speed of erection, resistance to soil vibrations allow to increase the service life of the structure.

slab foundation

The construction was widely used for the construction of a monolithic stone building. Concrete slabs are resistant to temperature changes and loads.
The problem of a high level of groundwater is solved with the help of a sand and gravel pad located at the base of a monolithic slab, buried to the level of soil freezing. Rocks let spring streams pass below the place of occurrence, which prevents deformation. The sequence of technological steps will create a solid slab foundation in the swamp.

  1. We prepare the wetland, clear of vegetation, debris.
  2. Burlim wells in the corners of the future structure.
  3. We dry the trench. At GWL up to 2 meters from the surface, use pumps, from 2 and below - limit yourself to the drainage system.
  4. We will strengthen the bottom of the pit with an embankment of sand and gravel. This will protect the foundation from groundwater. From above we form a flooring from roofing material.
  5. We make formwork from lumber.
  6. Along the entire perimeter of the shaping structure, we mount reinforcement from metal rods.
  7. In several approaches, we fill the trenches with a concrete mixture. The thickness of each layer should not exceed 0.2 m.
  8. Dismantle the form for laying concrete after the mortar dries (it will take several days).
  9. We process the vertical and horizontal surface of the frame with waterproofing mastic.

The foundation in the swamp of monolithic slabs is an expensive type of construction. Changes in soil heaving will not affect the reliability and strength of the frame. Therefore, the tiled foundation is mainly used for swampy terrain.

Tape base

A shallow foundation for a house is suitable for building small timber frame structures. The peculiarity of the type of supporting structure is that the depth of the masonry is higher than the level of soil freezing. When equipping the tape, you need to take into account a number of nuances:

  • the role of the drainage system is performed by a pillow of sand and gravel.
  • during heaving of the soil, the reinforced frame rises slightly, however, the use of monolithic technology allows you to maintain its shape and prevents the appearance of cracks.
  • at the design stage, soil features should be determined. This will allow you to calculate the effect of loads on the future building, to determine the margin of safety.
  • the sequence, the technique for performing the work of arranging the foundation, which is located in a swampy area and is relevant with high groundwater damage, is identical to the laying of a large deepening tape - digging a foundation pit, forming a pillow, building formwork, reinforcement and layer-by-layer pouring of cement mortar.
  • it is advisable to install a channel for water drainage along the entire perimeter of the foundation at a distance of 1.5 - 3.00 m.

Ease of installation and low cost make the tape popular as a foundation on swampy soil.
Dampness, moisture have a destructive effect on the frame. It is difficult to predict how soil density will change over time. Use waterproofing systems to avoid the effects of heaving on the ground. When choosing the type of foundation that will be located in soft marshy terrain, be guided by the climatic conditions of the area, the type of structure and budget.

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