What is the ideal wife. What should be a wife. "She will share my values ​​and ideals"

A wife is a special status of a woman. It is in the family that a woman reveals herself, but at the same time, she can fade. Keeping a balance is the main task of a woman-wife. According to men, in order to be an ideal wife, a woman must have the following qualities.

Love him

Every man wants to be loved. He wants the feelings of his chosen one for him to be disinterested. Everyone is pleased when they love you not for achievements, car or status. And for your human qualities.

Respect his relatives

If at the initial stage of the relationship this point can be smoothed out with a fire-breathing passion for each other, then after a while the wife’s unwillingness to get along with her husband’s family can become the reason for constant showdowns. Every man wants his closest people not only to maintain relationships, but sincerely enjoy communication.

To be beautiful

Beauty is a relative concept, however, what man does not want to go hand in hand with a luxurious woman? At the very least, a wife should never forget that she is, first of all, a woman, and taking care of herself is her direct responsibility.

be able to cook

Some men, especially those who can afford regular lunches and dinners in a restaurant, are cunning when they say that the ability to cook deliciously is not the most important female quality. Everything changes when a woman becomes a wife. Therefore, never neglect this point, but study the cookbook!

love sex

Of course, this is one of the main components of marriage. A wife who completely satisfies her husband in bed may not worry about his mistresses.

Have good health

A well-known saying says that the wife should be healthy, and the sister should be rich. We will not discuss the latter, but the presence good health at the wife - point weighty. What husband wants to have a wife who constantly complains about something. The ideal wife is rarely sick, always cheerful and cheerful!

be faithful

And not only the body, but also the soul. A man should see support in you, even when his decisions are contrary to the opinion of the majority. She will not leave in difficult times, will not betray. She will cheer up and inspire hope that everything will be fine. Next to such a woman, a man wants to grow, develop and change for the better.

Be a person

A wife should not be mired in household chores. Then she simply ceases to be interesting to her man. The fact that the wife has a job is not the most important condition, while the presence of versatile hobbies is a must!

Be able to control emotions

A neurotic wife will never become an ideal for a man. Calmness and the ability to smooth out sharp corners - that's what is important for a man. Perfect wife she will not be jealous of her husband if he said that he is at a meeting, he will not beat the dishes and scream when he once again comes long after midnight and is not completely sober. And from communicating with her, a man will receive only positive emotions.

be smart

Who cheats his wife a fool? None. But the mind, as well as beauty, is a broad concept. It is known for sure that not a single man wants to see a woman smarter than himself next to him. At least a little, but a man still has to be smarter. But in this you can play along with him.

What a wife should be: 15 essential qualities + 10 appearance tips + 6 tips from psychologists.

Natalya, one of my friends, recognized in our girls' company as "the smartest of the smartest, the wisest of the wisest wives," once said in a conversation:

"Do you think your husband married you to eat every day delicious meatballs? Not! My husband got married to throw leaves with you in the autumn park and fool around in the bathroom.

What began after this phrase! ..

The controversy about what a wife should be, dragged on until 3 in the morning, until the excited husbands "dismantled" their beauties home.

Let us and we reflect on this burning topic.

15 qualities of an ideal wife: what should a wife be like in the kitchen, living room and bedroom?

Desperate Housewife: 5 Skills You Must Learn

As much as one would not like to talk about the kinship of souls and the special “chemistry” between spouses in a dispute about what a wife should be, in family life indispensable without:

    Cooking skills for husband(at least at a basic level).

    Of course, no one will demand a daily stewed rabbit with bechamel sauce, and an ideal tiramisu for dessert, but you still have to learn how to harp the soup.

    Well, if you were lucky enough to be born in a family where you had three nannies, two governesses and a personal chef, then it's time to learn cooking using the Internet and buy a slow cooker.

    The main thing - do not forget to clear the search history in the Internet browser, so that the spouse does not inadvertently find out that the vaunted family recipe for cabbage pie was taken from the Web.

    Let it remain in happy ignorance!

    “My husband and I have been living together for 35 years, and I still remember my first borscht, which looked like porridge for piglets, and I wonder how he ate them and even praised them?

    This, probably, is love for a wife in its purest form.- Alla, the housewife, says with a laugh.

    Sadness and sadness cover you from having to spend half the day off in “Cinderella mode” (washing, rubbing, scrubbing and vacuuming)?

    Catch two simple as five kopecks, but effective "life hacks":

    • divide all home "hard labor" into weekday evenings,
    • feel free to give the household "magic pendels" in the direction of the bucket and mop.

    After all, it's not just the wife who pigs here?

    Timely "washing".

    Believe me, the absence of a pair of clean socks from a husband will not contribute to family harmony and spiritual kinship.

    Especially if in the morning he rushes to an important business meeting, where there is an opportunity to earn a warm coat for his beloved wife.

    The ability to calm a raging child.

    Yes, we understand that you are still far from Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky, and no one expects your child to look like a robot or a well-trained soldier of the American army.

    However, the husband has the right to count on the fact that the wife will be able to stop her son's tantrum in the toy store, will not allow him to yell on the train and saddle the neighbor's dog.

    Elementary medical knowledge.

    A good wife should not panic at a temperature of 37.3 in one of the household and plunge into a stupor the need to prepare a chamomile decoction.

    And sometimes a strong kiss from his wife and a drop of sympathy will be enough for a husband. Well, isn't it a home witch?

What a wife should be like outside the home: 5 traits of a real socialite

Reveling in each other's company 24 hours a day, of course, is very romantic, but this crazy world also keeps talking about what a wife should be like, fluttering out of her husband's arms:

    Have your own interests and social circle.

    At least in order not to die of boredom when the husband goes fishing for everything. Show that you are not born with a bast!

    Let`s go to the theatre, pool, exhibition or just hang out with your girlfriends! Then also bet who spent the weekend cooler.

    “When I told my husband that the girls and I decided to organize a book club, that is, to read the same books and then discuss them, at first he laughed like crazy.

    And now, the cunning one, he asks for advice to read “something like that” and, pouting with pride, tells his friends about his bookish wife.– Muscovite Svetlana shares her experience.

    A great wife should have a wardrobe for all occasions.

    And for this it is not at all necessary to have a closet the size of half Africa and a lot of money, like the wife of an Arab sheikh.

    Suffice it to recall the unforgettable secretary Verochka from Office Romance, who said: “The main thing is combinatoriality!”.

    Strive to be educated and / or constantly engaged in self-development.

    At least in order not to clap at the party with beautifully made-up eyelashes at the phrase “android collider” and not to faint when other wives mention Martin Scorsese films.

    Maintain "human" relations with the husband's parents.

    In order for Shakespearian passions to bypass you with your mother-in-law, you should not be sarcastic about her crazy eggplant hair color, but in the kitchen say that “it’s wrong for you, Uncle Fyodor, to eat a sandwich ...”

    Must be nice to others and know the basic rules of etiquette.

    Who knows, maybe you live with the future mayor of the city or even be the first lady of the country?

    Do you want your neighbor to tell reporters about how the president's wife 5 years ago grabbed his hair for cigarette butts scattered around the entrance?

Intimacy without drugs, but only with rock and roll: what kind of wife should be in bed?

Bedding experts (sexologists) suggest what a wife should be like in the bedroom so that the thought of a mistress does not even enter her husband’s bright head:

    He does not skimp on his marital duty for no reason and does not punish misdeeds by "excommunication" from the body.

    This is a legal wife who sees a bald spot in her hair and a beer belly, and a “sworn” friend sees in your husband “a man in his prime.”

    You don't want someone else to warm it up, do you?

    A good wife should not behave in bed like a captured German under interrogation, but should be moderately relaxed.

    This is your own man! Whom to be ashamed of? Whom to fear?

    A wife should not behave like an experienced worker in the Dutch sex industry.

    Have pity on your husband!

    Thoughts about your "combat" past, he, that look, will bring himself to a heart attack.

    The perfect answer to the question "How many men did you have before me?" sounds like this: “It doesn't matter at all. Everything real in my life began with your appearance!

    Combine with a smile and innocently downcast eyes.

    An "advanced" wife should be ready for experiments.

    And we are not talking about putting into practice all the knowledge gleaned from the "Kama Sutra" and "50 Shades of Grey", but don't you want to diversify your usual sex with a "sandwich" with a couple of new positions?

    Wife should not discuss intimate life with anyone.

    An exception may be perhaps a doctor or psychologist, with whom you decided to deal with the problems of your sex life with your husband.

10 "must to by" in the appearance of the wife, so that the husband loves with his eyes

Even if 20 years have passed since the wedding, the husband still dreams of what a wife should be like in order to seduce him “breathing in spirits and mists”:

    Healthy teeth and the absence of bad breath from the wife are welcome.

    And you would hardly want to kiss the reincarnation of Shrek.

    The wife should be dressed in neat and fashionable clothes.

    Send robes of dubious colors and styles to Sharik's bedding, or make floorcloths out of them.

    Lack of hair on the face, in the bikini area and armpits.

    Hide hair removal products.

    Let the husband think that he lives with a fairy whose skin becomes smooth, like a baby's bottom, with a wave of a magic wand.

    And let the whole world wait with its natural beauty boom.

    The wife should eat more or less properly.

    Hair should be of natural texture and color.

    What if the husband, in a fit of tenderness, puts his hand in your hair, and just gets stuck in curls “cemented” with foam and varnish?

    All romance will disappear in the blink of an eye!

    The wife should have a smooth gait.

    You should not move with a marching step or mince, posing as Marilyn Monroe.

    In order not to laugh like a hyena who found carrion, it is worth practicing with a voice recorder.

    And even a scandal with a husband, a wife should not break her voice on an ultrasound!

    Healthy skin, not hidden behind layers of cosmetic "plaster", will become a real decoration for the wife.

    You don't perform in Japanese Kabuki theatre, do you?

    For daytime makeup, a little powder, a little mascara and a couple of drops of lip gloss are enough - voila - and you are a real beauty!

    A normal wife should have natural nails.

    No extended vanes, peeling rainbow-hued nail polish, or streaks of dirt!

    Better than the usual "French" or delicate pastel shades.

    After all, you yourself later complain that your husband stopped kissing his hands.

    A wife should not “bother” too much about being overweight, but should be satisfied with herself and life.

    No, one and a half centners of fat or protruding bones are, of course, too much.

    But it is unlikely that 3-5 kilograms will lead to a divorce from her husband and maiden name.

    And if something does not suit the wife, it is better not to “endure” the husband’s brain, but sign up for fitness.

What a wife and any woman should be like in terms of cinema: 15 amazing films for you and your husband

A lot of interesting films have been shot about what a beloved girl, wife, a real Woman with a capital letter should be.

No. p \ pNameCountry, year of release
1 "The Stepford Wives"USA, 2004
2 "Desperate Housewives"USA, 2004
3 "Amelie"France, 2001
4 "Breakfast at Tiffany's"USA, 1961
5 "Home Sweet Hell"USA, 2015
6 "Road of Change"USA, 2008
7 "Mona Lisa Smile"USA, 2003
8 "Proper Wife"USA, 2015
9 "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"USA, 2005
10 "Pretend my wife"USA, 2011
11 "The Time Traveler's Wife"USA, 2008
12 "Window opposite"Italy, 2003
13 "The Artist's Wife"Denmark, Sweden, 2012
14 "The Astronaut's Wife"USA, 1999
15 "The Iron Lady"USA, 2011

15 great books about what a wife should be for her husband: a read that is hard to put down

No matter how skeptical you are about advice from books on psychology about what a wife should be like and examples from fiction, we still advise you to take a look at the following selection of literature for you and your husband:

No. p \ pAuthor, title
1 H. Brown “Ladies' etiquette. A guide for the modern woman"
2 E. Shatskaya "School of a real bitch"
3 V. Sheinov “Woman + man. Know and Conquer"
4 L. Olcott "Little Women"
5 D. London "The Courage of a Woman"
6 A. Golon "Angelica - Marquise of Angels"
7 A. Blok. Diary of a Woman Nobody Loved
8 C. Bukowski "Women"
9 D. Austin "Pride and Prejudice"
10 M. Kundera "The Incredible Lightness of Being"
11 F. Fitzgerald "Tender is the Night"
12 L. Olcott "Good Wives"
13 P.Rakov "50 rules of smart durra"
14 O. Novoselov "Woman: a textbook for men"
15 A. Sviyash "90 steps to a happy family life"

About what should be ideal woman, the men themselves will tell:

6 great tips from psychologists about what an ideal wife should be

    A wife should not speak to her husband in a commanding voice.

    Maybe, of course, you will train him like a German shepherd, but we doubt that this will bring you the notorious family happiness and a sense of a reliable shoulder.

    Let your husband feel like a man next to a fragile wife.

    The wife should not criticize and reproach 50 times a day, even if the spouse regularly throws out some tricks.

    Husband brought toothpaste with fluoride instead of calcium, forgot to feed the cat and filled your favorite flowerpot half to death with water?

    Relax, this is not a reason to ruin nervous system and relationships with your significant other.

    Be interested in at least a little professional activities of her husband.

    Even if he repairs cars or sells securities.

    Let him pour out his soul about work troubles to you, and not to a secretary with a fourth breast size.

    A good wife should not argue with her husband in public.

    Our grandmothers also knew that you should not take dirty linen out of the hut.

    An excellent wife knows how to sincerely enjoy attention, gifts, money, and in general any piece of “mammoth” that her beloved man dragged into the “cave”.

    And then you won’t see, like your ears, no beads, no shoes, no charming red dress from the sale.

    A wife should not give rise to jealousy, no matter how playgirl she wants to feel.

    To die at the hands of a jealous husband is a beautiful but sad end for a wife!

Oh, how difficult it turns out to be a wife, the legal keeper of the heart, hand and credit card of your beloved husband! But who said that the road of family life is strewn with pretzels?

But the correct approach to solving the problem " What should a wife be like?? guarantees that after the end of your wedding fairy tale (“They began to live, live and make good money”), a real horror movie will not begin ...

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Victoria Larina

Do you want to become the perfect wife for your husband, but don't know what exactly it should be? It seems to you that you are just such, but at the same time, various problems sometimes arise in your family? Let's find out what qualities the wives of modern men should have!

The ideal image of a woman for a man

Even before marriage, male representatives create their ideal female image, which, in their opinion, the future wife should correspond to. Relations between a man and a woman are always complex, so that everything goes smoothly in the family, it is important to cooperate with each other.

Knowing what an ideal wife should be like, you will learn to bypass quarrels and family troubles, and your relationship with your husband will become harmonious and warm.

Everyone knows that ideal people do not exist in nature, we create them for ourselves. Based on this, with very little effort, you can become an ideal for your loved one. What is needed for this? Become a little smarter, smarter and wiser!

Each man has his own ideal of a girl, but sociological studies show that most representatives of the stronger sex have the same ideas about what a future wife should be. First of all, they want to see a woman with certain qualities next to them.

Criteria for an ideal woman

Thinking about marriage, a young man tries to find a girl who at least a little matches his ideal female image. So, let's find out what our chosen ones expect from us!

TOP 10 qualities of an ideal wife:

Not everyone wants to see smart wives near them, but many people want to see wise ones. A wise wife will always find the right words for her beloved, and her actions will be appropriate and correct. Femininity, tact, kindness, decency, honesty - she should also have such qualities.

In order for the spouses to have something to talk about, their interests should coincide at least a little, take this into account when choosing a life partner. In addition, in order to forever bind your husband to you, you must become his best friend, give him advice, rejoice and experience with him.

Mastering the hard science

After you already know what a man expects from his woman, you can try to become just that. True, knowing what real wives should be is not enough, in addition, not everyone can learn this. You need to try to be perfect even before marriage, so that your chosen one can recognize the ideal in you before you become his wife.

In principle, we figured out what real wives should be, however, remember that this ideal largely depends on the religion of a man, do not forget about this when getting married.

Orthodox wife

If you marry a deeply religious person, you should be prepared for the fact that more serious requirements will be presented to you. What Orthodox wives should be can be learned from the Bible. First of all, you need to remember that a woman should never allow herself some things - to humiliate her husband, laugh at him, flaunt and discuss with others their family relationships.

The Lord decided so, he placed a man hierarchically higher, which an Orthodox woman must humbly put up with. What other qualities should a spouse have? She must be an obedient, honest, modest, faithful assistant to her husband. You yourself understand that in the Orthodox world there can be no talk of treason, only a faithful woman can find happiness in marriage.

Is it easy to be a Muslim wife

Now Orthodox girls are increasingly marrying Muslim men, accepting their religion. Many of them do not really understand what this responsible act obliges them to do. For a Muslim, it is important that his girlfriend be a virgin, in principle, they do not marry others.

Probably, the eternal dispute of men about how they see their ideal chosen one will never fade away. Every woman wants to become not just a good wife, but an ideal one. However, first you need to figure out what are the main qualities that the same perfect girl? After all, in different eras, in different countries these concepts may not coincide or even be radically different, everyone sees the ideal in their own way. There are several iron rules that every wife who wants to get closer to the ideal or become it should know and adhere to.

What a woman should be: 5 qualities of an ideal wife

An ideal is a combination of many factors that change over time. At different times, the ideals were radically different, but there are several qualities that will always be relevant. The ideal wife through the eyes of a man is not just a beautiful doll with a beautiful figure and makeup, it is a combination of external and internal beauty. She should be an interesting interlocutor, partner, assistant, beautiful and well-groomed girl. Many people think that it is simply impossible to achieve all this, however, this is not so.

There are five main qualities that men value and women admire:

  • Wisdom. There is such wisdom that comes only with age, and some are able to develop it in themselves, and at the same time be restrained, meaningful, learn from the mistakes of others, constantly improve, develop. Such a girl will become the idol of many, and the wife will inspire her husband not bold deeds.
  • external data. The main thing is grooming. A man will not admire his wife with a dirty head, in stretched sportswear and sloppy manicure, so external beauty is one of the main tricks and steps towards the ideal.
  • Thrift. A skilled housewife in the kitchen will always please a man with delicious and delicious dishes, and he will appreciate her for this, love her even more. A girl should be diversified, have time for a lot.

  • Support ability. Men, although they are called the stronger sex, are by no means so. They also want female warmth, attention and support, so you need to be able to cheer them up in time, give them strength, and push them to new achievements. A girl friend is one of the qualities that will help you get closer to the ideal.
  • Enthusiasm and optimism. A constantly sad, depressed spouse is unlikely to have a positive influence on her husband. The ideal wife is cheerful, cheerful, understanding humor.

Women's wisdom

There is a saying: “There is no perfect relationship. There is female wisdom not to notice male stupidity. Perhaps this is true, because a wise wife is not only experience gained over the years, but also constant work on herself. There are several interesting factors that will help a woman become wiser and answer the question of how to become an ideal wife.

  • If you graduated from Harvard (or something like that), you have best job, you know several languages, and your husband cannot boast of such skills, then you should not demonstrate and humiliate your man. A wise girl never shouts about her experience, does not show off to her man.
  • Being a strong-willed girl, it is sometimes worth being a little weaker in front of her husband. A wise spouse will support, help in time, and when necessary, she will be a weak domestic cat.
  • The ability to listen and hear are the qualities of an ideal wife. Wisdom is to learn from others, to constantly develop, and for this you need to hear someone other than yourself.
  • The ideal representative of the weaker sex has her friends, her social circle, interests that should remain a mystery to her husband. It can be drawing, sports, learning languages ​​and much more. Wisdom is what we learn all our lives, so you should not wait for old age to acquire one of the qualities of an ideal woman.

Grooming and sexy

Not all the qualities of an ideal woman are inside us, a big role for a man is appearance his wife. If you want your husband to be proud of you and also admire you, be always on top. In the morning it is best to wake up an hour before it rises, put yourself in order, cook tasty breakfast, and not to sleep until the last minute, and then at a gallop with an untidy haircut, sleepy eyes rushes around the apartment.

Even the most practical girls who prefer a sporty style of clothing should be the owners of at least a few pairs of heels. Skinny jeans, shirt and stilettos effective method attract the attention of the opposite sex. When girls radiate sexuality, no guy can resist it. Husbands get used to seeing their wives at home, in a negligee, and if you show him a completely different side of the coin, he will appreciate such a transformation. It is important not to be afraid to be beautiful, to go for a manicure, to a beauty salon or to arrange such procedures at home.

To look perfect, attractive for your husband, throw out stretched T-shirts, bathrobes, sportswear. At home, you are the queen. Get a pair of beautiful satin shorts, T-shirts or a neat knitted dressing gown. Hair gathered in a bun is also not an ideal look, it is better to give preference to a neat ponytail, or buy a shell hairpin that will diversify your home hairstyle.

Good cooking and housekeeping skills

Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. Much changes, but an economic wife who knows how to cook is valued at all times. An ideal woman who does not know how to cook ceases to be such in the eyes of a man. It is not at all necessary to surprise your husband with Mediterranean delights, although if you have culinary talents, then such qualities will certainly be appreciated.

The smell of a baked cake, cleanliness in the house, comfort and coziness can only be created by a woman, so in order to get one step closer to ideality, do not be lazy to take care of the house, of your husband. It is important that he is always full, even if breakfast falls at 6 in the morning, therefore, in order not to torment herself with constant cooking, the ideal wife makes preparations in the evening, and in the morning it remains only to warm up.

Sharing chores around the house is also a great idea. Husband can be in charge of cooking meat dishes and do more complex cleaning to make life easier for his beloved wife. However, it is worth presenting this thought with imagination, serving it with the right sauce so that the man has no reason to refuse you.

Faith in a man, support of a spouse

The qualities of an ideal wife are also faith in her beloved man, support in difficult situations. The hugs of a beloved wife will warm and cheer up any man. To become an ideal wife, you need to understand your soulmate, be there, give compliments. Ridicule, humiliation - this is the lot weak women, but the wise act quite differently, finding a reason for praise in any event.

To be an ideal wife, one role of a mistress is not enough, you need to become a friend, buddy, ally. When a woman has something to talk about - this is good sign for a man, such women are valued, respected, and in combination with other positive qualities, they become ideal in every sense of the word. Do not be afraid to thank your husband, talk about how brave, smart and what right decisions he accepted.

Good sense of humor and optimism

Depression, bad mood, lack of sense of humor - these qualities have never adorned any woman. An ideal wife should be cheerful, positive, understand jokes and not be offended over trifles. Sometimes you have to play along with your husband, even if you don't quite understand his humor.

Men love positive women who know how to laugh, have fun and sometimes be reckless. Doing crazy things is good. Life is one - laugh, joke, love, do not let yourself get bored in each other's company. To diversify and add extreme sports to relationships, make unusual surprises, arrange unexpected and non-standard holidays, original dates.

Watch the video, how cool the wife organized a surprise for her husband.

It's no secret that a man wants only the most best woman. To be beautiful, and smart, and bring money into the house, and be a fury in bed. And there will be about a hundred qualities that, according to men, an ideal wife must have. But here are the most important ones.

1. The ideal wife knows how to cook. She understands that a hungry man is always angry. Therefore, they are able to cook porridge even from an ax and serve it beautifully. A woman's place, of course, is not at the stove. But she is obliged to provide her husband with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Otherwise, another young lady will do it.

2. The ideal wife does not have a headache. She does not refuse intimacy, unless the reason is really good. The ideal wife does not shy away from sex. She is happy to please her husband, ready to experiment. Sex under the covers is not for her.

3. She does not aspire to become the head of the family. With pleasure he gives this role to his spouse. After all, this is his natural position, laid down from the most ancient times. The ideal wife understands that a man should take responsibility for the whole family. She does not aspire to become a mother who takes care of her husband. A smart wife just gives him the opportunity to feel like a real man.

4. The ideal wife does not humiliate her husband in public. At home, she can say whatever she wants to his face. But in public, she will not insult or tease her husband. Taking rubbish out of the hut is a bad omen. She is threatening divorce. Or a serious showdown.

5. An ideal wife always has a clean and tidy house. She can work, raise children, and miraculously keep her house perfectly clean. The sink and toilet are always clean and there is no dust on the furniture. And always watered flowers.

6. Caring about appearance does not fade into the background. After the wedding, the ideal woman does not turn into a whore. She continues to take care of herself, keeps herself in shape. Fitness classes, beauty treatments and manicures become a traditional ritual. And the ideal wife never meets her husband from work with a stretched dressing gown and curlers on her head.

7. The ideal wife knows how to handle money. She is not a spender, she knows how to read everything. An ideal wife will not lower her husband's salary on a new handbag or a gold ring. She clearly calculates expenses and does not allow waste.

8. She leads her husband in such a way that he does not even notice it. He does not scream, does not beg, and does not stoop to threats. The ideal wife acts wisely. She pushes her husband to the right idea. It seems to him that all ideas come from himself. But in fact, the gray cardinal in a skirt runs everything.

9. The ideal wife knows how to keep secrets. If the husband shared his innermost secret, she does not rush to her girlfriends and does not discuss the trusted secret with them. A smart wife knows that the ability to keep secrets is highly valued in married life. That's why he keeps his mouth shut.

10. She builds relationships with her husband's family and friends. Shows diplomacy, finds compromises and does not complain about a bad mother-in-law. On the contrary, she will be able to improve relations even with the grouchy and dissatisfied mother of her husband. A smart wife knows how to negotiate.

Most men marry for comfort. Both in the house and in the soul. Without a wife, a man seems to be missing something. Of course, he can hire a housekeeper, dine in restaurants and buy love. But this is not all. Every man needs a keeper of the hearth, a dear and beloved woman.

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