Tablets for good stomach function. Foods to improve digestion - the path to the health of the whole organism. Features of the use of enzymes in the elderly

Proper functioning of the digestive tract and stomach affects the strength of nails, the health of human hair. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is directly affected by the number of enzymes that process food, its complete breakdown. In case of violation of the production of these substances, a person can use special drugs.

What are enzyme preparations

Digestive preparations that contain enzymes used to treat diseases of the intestines and stomach have found wide application among people. They are used, as a rule, if replacement therapy is necessary, when violations occur in the process of producing one's own enzymes. Experts distinguish two directions of action of these drugs for digestion:

  1. Reducing pain in diseases of the intestines, stomach, dyspepsia (heaviness, belching, bloating, etc.).
  2. Help with the breakdown of food in violation of the pancreas - exocrine insufficiency.

The range of application of drugs with enzymes for digestion is very wide. As a rule, they are assigned to people:

  • with pathology of the gallbladder, liver, for example, with cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, after cholecystectomy;
  • diseases of the stomach, in which secretory function is reduced;
  • intestinal ailments: enteritis, chronic enterocolitis;
  • diseases of the pancreas: cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, after resection of the gland;
  • functional dyspepsia;
  • disorders of parietal digestion: Crohn's disease, celiac disease, disaccharidase deficiency.

Due to the popularity of the problems of people with the gastrointestinal system, there are many drugs with digestive enzymes on the market. Physicians distinguish three main groups of funds:

  • made from the pancreas of pigs;
  • vegetable origin;
  • derived from the gland of a bovine animal.

Proteolytic Enzymes

In this group of medicines, the main active ingredient is pepsin. These drugs provide digestive enzymes that compensate for disruptions in the functioning of the gastric mucosa, are able to process all types of natural proteins:

  • Abomin;
  • Pepsin;
  • acidin-pepsin;
  • Pepsidal.

Digestive enzymes with bile acids

These are drugs to improve bowel function, which include auxiliary components: bile acids, hemicellulose, etc. They are involved in the breakdown of complex sugar compounds, stimulate the production of enzymes by the pancreas. The list of popular drugs in this group includes:

  • Festal;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Enzistal

The action of bile acids is aimed at improving the secretion of the pancreas, stimulating intestinal motility, gallbladder. These digestive enzymes provide emulsification of fat in the body, increasing choleresis. Peristalsis of the intestinal tract is stimulated by plant fiber. The composition of medicines includes dimethicone, simethicone, which relieve flatulence and are defoamers.

Medications for the pancreas

All effective pancreatic tablets contain pancreatin, which is the main enzyme that provides instant support in the event of a breakdown in the digestive process. The composition also includes such important lipolytic elements: lipase, amylase, trypsin. Means are made from the pancreas of cattle or pigs. Medicines of this action include:

  • Pancreatin;
  • Penzital;

Herbal Enzyme Digestion Tablets

These tablets contain specific protein enzymes that accelerate various reactions in the body and affect metabolism. Some of the enzymes are produced by the thyroid gland, the rest enter the human body with food. After some time, the natural formation of these enzymes decreases, so you need to take the following drugs:

  • Oraza;
  • Pepfiz;
  • Festal;
  • Solizim;
  • Unienzyme.

Digestion tablets with disaccharidases

The composition contains the enzyme β-galactidase, which breaks down the disaccharide lactose. This group includes such effective and popular medicines:

  • Lactade;
  • Lactase;
  • Kerulak.

Preparations to improve digestion in children

Enzymatic problems, digestive disorders also occur in children. All of the above drugs are completely suitable for the child, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the dosage of the medication, which depends on the age of the baby. The danger of taking such medications lies in the addiction of the body. After some time, dependence on medications may develop, and the production of enzymes on their own will decrease.

For children, tablet options that are coated with a special shell are better suited. This will provide protection against hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Without the shell, the activity of drugs is reduced. As a rule, such a coating does not have a specific bitter taste that kids do not like so much. In rare cases, injection of enzymes is prescribed.

Where to buy and how much are enzyme preparations to improve digestion

All these drugs are sold only in pharmacies, it is strictly not recommended to buy in other places (except for the official websites of pharmacy chains) in order to avoid acquiring a fake without useful properties. The average price of medicines with enzymes depends on the number of tablets in the package, for example:

  • Mezim 20 pcs. - from 80 rubles, 80 pcs. - from 280 rubles;
  • Pepsin - from 160 rubles;
  • Creon - from 270 rubles;
  • Lactraz - from 230 r.


The digestive system ranks second in incidence after the cardiovascular system. Improper nutrition, stress, poor environmental conditions lead to its imbalance. Therapy is carried out with medicines, diets, proper and balanced nutrition. Let's consider these aspects in more detail.

6 ways to improve bowel function

There are many ways to make the intestines work, from taking fermented milk products to drug treatment (if nothing else helps). Consider methods and recommendations, which will help the digestive system to work normally, and you can do without a visit to a specialist:
  • eat more fiber, both from a pharmacy or supermarket, and as part of fruits and vegetables;
  • on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink raw or boiled water in the morning;
  • thorough chewing of food in the oral cavity is a guarantee of good digestion of food in the stomach and intestines;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances (specialized teas, herbal infusions, etc.);
  • it is recommended to eat more foods that contribute to the release of a large amount of bile (sour cream, chicken yolk, boiled carrots and beets);
  • you need to eat more fruits (melons, watermelons);
  • you need to allocate time for rest and relaxation;
  • prevent the occurrence of pathological processes in the intestines and stomach (constipation, diarrhea);
  • the use of medications is recommended (Senade and Fitolax are considered the safest);
  • create your own meal times;
  • consume more dairy products.
  • carry out specialized movements for the abdomen (massage).
After watching this video, you will clearly get acquainted with the technology of conducting specialized exercises to normalize bowel function at home.

How to improve digestion?

Each person in his life may face such a problem as improper functioning of the digestive organs. In this case, the intestines do not refuse to work, but simply there have been minor malfunctions in its activity.

It is possible to establish the operation of a mechanism that has failed by various means, but the question arises, will they be effective? At home, to enhance the activity of digestion, you can resort to the food that everyone has in the refrigerator, and follow these tips:

  • It is necessary to "endure" the hours after eating. If you want to eat before the due date, you must refrain from putting a new portion into your mouth, because this can lead to malfunctions in the digestion of food.
  • Categorical can not overeat, especially before bedtime.
  • It is forbidden to take food by force, when you do not want to eat, but the person forces himself to eat something.
  • It is necessary to combine animal products and vegetables (fried meat and stewed vegetables, chicken eggs and vegetable salads, etc.).

Power correction

You can activate the work of the intestines with the right diet. The usual menu is adjusted to a sparing regime, which may include cereals (oatmeal, semolina), fruits, vegetables and the complete absence of meat dishes. Many nutritionists tend to conclude that vegetarianism for some period can have a positive effect on intestinal motility.

There is a list of products that are necessary to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. It must be known to every person who has problems with a functional disorder of the digestive system. Some were mentioned earlier (“sour milk”, dry fruits, cereals, bran), but this list can be supplemented with the following products:

  • skim oil;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • chocolate with cocoa content;
  • fruits (bananas), berries (prunes, plums);
  • vegetable products (pumpkin and beets are rich in fiber).

The most effective product is kefir, especially with high fat content - 2.5%, 3%. But no less, since fat-free "sour milk" will not give the desired effect.

Preparations for the normalization of the intestines

Pharmacies offer a wide range of products that affect the functioning of the digestive system. To improve intestinal motility, the following types of drugs are used:
  • "Bifiform" ("Bifidumbacterin"). The drug has a positive effect on peristalsis and intestinal motility. It allows you to activate a non-working organ of the digestive system due to the microorganisms that are present in its composition.
  • "Enterol". The tool activates the intestines.
  • "Lineks". The drug is especially popular among the female part of the population. It has a positive effect on the condition of the intestines. Enhances its peristalsis and digestion of food masses thanks to the microorganisms that make up its composition.
  • "Hilak forte". The tool has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

Before using any drug to improve bowel function, you should consult your doctor for side effects and tolerability of the components of the drug.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine can normalize bowel function. Recipes are usually based on the preparation of decoctions, infusions, which are consumed mainly in the form of tea during the day. Some tools are used raw (e.g. seeds, bran). Consider some the most popular means:
  • They have a good effect on the work of the intestines. They are pre-ground until a mushy mass is obtained and consumed raw in the morning on an empty stomach. You can eat throughout the day, but no more than 2-3 times. Plantain seeds improve intestinal motility and its work in general.
  • Cut off wheat. Basically, dry bran is bought, which is consumed in a tablespoon once a day in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • To normalize the function of digestion, a decoction of herbs of anise, mint, fennel, chamomile and buckthorn bark is prepared. Take 20 g of all ingredients, brew with boiled water, filter and consume throughout the day after meals.
  • Tea is made from the fruits of bird cherry and blueberries. Mix all the ingredients, pour boiled water and strain. It is recommended to use after meals 3 times a day.

How to normalize bowel function in adults?

Adults very often face the problem of disruption of the intestines (frantic rhythm, inability to cook healthy food, etc.). It is possible to normalize the work of the digestive tract in adults by all the methods that were described earlier. You can also add the following items to them:
  • indulge in toilet mode, if you want;
  • try to go to the toilet “for the most part” at certain hours (make a routine for the body);
  • fully eat (even at work you should not “interrupt” with snacks).

How to improve the functionality of the intestines in children?

The intestines in children are highly susceptible to various variable situations. If a child has problems with digestion, parents face the question: how to help their child get rid of such an ailment? Many pediatricians in this case give the following advice:
  • drinking plenty of water, because it stimulates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exclusion of tea and coffee drinks from the child's drinking regimen;
  • it is necessary to observe personal hygiene (wash hands not only after the street, but also before eating);
  • mandatory sanitization (washing with water) of fruits and vegetables before consumption;
  • it is not recommended to eat salty products, fried foods, sausages during poor bowel function;
  • it is required to sanitize meat and dairy products before consumption (most often at high temperatures);
  • It is not recommended to give the child hot milk.

What to do with constipation?

Activate the work of the digestive organs with constipation will help elementary rules that everyone can follow:
  • it is recommended to give up bad habits and unhealthy diet (spicy food, carbonated and strong drinks);
  • consume a large amount of vitamins or biologically active substances, mainly group B;
  • you need to eat 4-5 times a day, but in small portions (the diet should include exotic foods, vegetables, fruits - peaches, apples, kiwi, cucumbers, cabbage, etc.);
  • you can drink castor or vaseline oil;
  • refuse medications that could become etiological factors of constipation;
  • in case such a situation arose against the background of stressful situations, it is required to drink soothing herbal preparations;
  • experts in the medical field do not advise pushing hard with constipation, because this can contribute to injury to the hemorrhoid and the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

For constipation, laxatives can be used, for example, Bisacodyl, Guttalax. Before use, be sure to consult a pharmacist or your doctor.

Sometimes they resort to the use of boiled beets. It improves intestinal motility.

In order to normalize the work of the intestines with constipation, sometimes they resort to the use of enemas. They can relieve constipation and improve stool. Enema cleansing is done only as a last resort, because frequent use can damage the small intestine.

Used as a liquid component water or decoctions of herbs:

  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • eucalyptus.
To prepare a decoction, each ingredient is taken in a ratio of 3: 1 - 3 tablespoons of grass and 1 liter of water.

What helps with diarrhea?

Diarrhea (diarrhea), as well as constipation, may indicate a persistent disorder in the digestive tract. How to normalize bowel function with diarrhea?

To do this, there is a technique that differs from the previously described methods:

  • dietary restrictions are recommended (exclude carbohydrate and fatty foods);
  • do not drink fresh milk;
  • exclude fiber from the diet;
  • limit the use of spices.

To stimulate intestinal motility with diarrhea, it is recommended to use dried foods (raisins, prunes, etc.).

Probiotic-based medications will help normalize bowel function.

How to make the "lazy" intestines work?

A sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition (fast foods, synthetic products), chronic diseases of internal organs can lead to the development of lazy bowel syndrome (dyskinesia).

What needs to be done to make the "lazy" intestines work? There are many methods of activating the digestive system of the pelvic organs. Many methods have been described earlier (movement, medications, massage), but it is worth adding the recommendations that doctors give specifically for dyskinesia:

  • diet therapy (refrain from eating foods rich in protein);
  • gymnastics or yoga (using a special set of exercises in the style of oriental medicine or visiting circles and sections with sports inclinations).
After watching this video, you will learn in detail how to do exercises for the "lazy" intestines at home.

Normalizing bowel function is not an easy task. Treatment takes a lot of effort and money, so it is best to prevent disturbances in the digestive system. Unfortunately, nowadays it is not at all possible to avoid this - a frantic rhythm, poor nutrition cannot have a positive effect on the intestines. To reduce the risk of disorders in the digestive system, it is recommended to follow the following rules:
  • active movement both on the street and at home (charging);
  • attend sports clubs (fitness, water aerobics);
  • reduce the "sedentary" lifestyle;
  • Healthy food.
You can normalize bowel function using various methods, but it is best to follow the general advice and recommendations of a doctor to prevent ailments. Prevention of problems of the digestive system will allow you to avoid such pathological conditions as constipation or diarrhea and give you a blooming look and health for many years.

Also read.

Tablets for digesting food in the stomach are medicines containing extracts of the gastric mucosa, as well as digestive tract enzymes. They help to improve the digestion process in case of insufficiency or absence of their own enzyme systems. Read on for an overview of medicines.

For all its routine, digestion is a rather complex process in which most of the digestive tract organs are involved: the stomach, small intestine, liver and pancreas. The disease of any of them will lead to a decrease in the synthesis of enzymes and chemicals (bile acids, hydrochloric acid, bicarbonates) involved in the digestive complex. Diseases leading to a violation of the breakdown of nutrients:

Digestive disorders can also occur in apparently healthy people in case of overeating, eating excessively fatty or spicy foods, irregular meals.

Preparations to improve digestion

The main function of drugs that normalize the digestive process is to deliver enzymes and chemicals to the gastrointestinal tract, the synthesis of which is reduced for the reasons described above. The choice of medical preparations of this profile is quite wide. When choosing a drug, it is important to be guided by the following principles:

How different

Depending on the direction of action, drugs that activate the breakdown of nutrients differ in their composition. They contain either predominantly gastric juice or pancreatic enzymes, as well as bile acids.

Medicines are available in various forms: tablets, dragees, capsules with microparticles. The latter option is considered the most effective, since this form of the drug contributes to the rapid passage through the stomach and its release at the site of action.

Enzyme preparations

acidin-pepsin- a medicine to improve digestion in the stomach. Increases the acidity of gastric juice, activates the breakdown of proteins in the stomach. It is used for atrophic and hypoacid gastritis. Produced in the form of tablets.

Thylactase- a preparation containing lactase - an enzyme that destroys the disaccharide lactose contained in whole milk. It is used to improve the tolerance of dairy products.

Pancreatin- dragees containing an extract of the pancreas of cattle. Improves the tolerance of fatty and protein foods.

Panzinorm forte-N- tablets containing only pancreatic enzymes, the source of which is cattle. The drug can be used in patients with acute pancreatitis.

Mezim, mezim forte- the drug is available in the form of a dragee. Contains trypsin, a pancreatic enzyme. It is prescribed for mild digestive disorders, as well as for prophylactic purposes in violation of the diet.

Creon- a preparation containing pancreatin microgranules in a gelatin capsule. It is widely used in both adults and children.

Oraza- granules containing enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates. The source is a mold culture of the fungus Aspergillus oryzae.

Combined means for digestion and metabolism

Medicines in this group contain not only digestive enzymes, but also bile acids, and substances that reduce gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Panzinorm forte- tablets contain bile acids, pancreatic enzymes, extract of the gastric mucosa. The drug is widely used for long-term therapy of digestive disorders, with atrophic gastritis, for the correction of age-related disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Festal- dragee containing hemicellulase, which breaks down dietary fiber. The composition of the drug also includes trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin and lipase. It can be used during pregnancy to reduce the processes of gas formation in the intestines.

Dietary supplement to improve metabolism and digestion

Biological supplements can be used to improve digestion. As a rule, they contain various bacterial cultures and their metabolic products, which normalize the intestinal microflora and relieve the symptoms of dysbacteriosis. These drugs also include a complex of vitamins and trace elements, which activates the metabolism. Representatives of this group are:

  • Bion 3 containing probiotic cultures, vitamins and minerals.
  • Zakofalk- the composition of the drug includes inulin and butyric acid. These substances contribute to the growth of normal intestinal microflora.
  • Alginat Altox- the product contains seaweed: kelp and bladderwrack. Due to the high content of iodine, metabolism is activated. Algae polysaccharides stimulate intestinal motility and accelerate the process of food movement through the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

Preparations to improve digestion are prescribed both for therapeutic purposes (for diseases of the digestive tract), and for prophylactic purposes - before a hearty meal, a feast. The main indications for the appointment of digestive enzymes are as follows:

Contraindications for use

Enzymatic preparations are well tolerated by patients and there are few contraindications to their use. The main ones are:

  • increased levels of uric acid in the blood - taking medications will provoke an increase in its concentration;
  • diseases associated with impaired purine metabolism - gout, uric acid diathesis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Rules for taking enzyme preparations

To achieve maximum effectiveness and minimize the risk of side effects, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The easier the indigestion, the smaller the dose of the drug should be used.
  2. During drug therapy, you must adhere to the diet recommended by the doctor.
  3. Follow the dosage and regimen of medication.
  4. Do not use expired medicines.

Always strictly follow the dosage and dosage regimen recommended by your doctor. Do not use expired medicines. To achieve maximum correction of digestive disorders, follow a diet in parallel with the use of drugs.

In the presence of such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hypoacid gastritis, use enzyme preparations to prevent the development of an exacerbation when taking plentiful and fatty foods.

Prolonged and unreasonable use of means to improve digestion can lead to a decrease in the production of its own enzymes and atrophy of the digestive glands.

No matter what anyone says, but delicious food can deliver downright unearthly pleasure. Everyone knows perfectly well that dishes are so tasty that they want to eat as much as possible. And tablets for digestion will help to cope with this task, even when the body tries to prevent.

Why do we need tablets that improve digestion?

For food to be enjoyable, the body must accept and digest it. This requires special enzymes. In addition, food must meet parameters acceptable to humans. Indigestion and heaviness appear when:

  • eating too heavy food;
  • eating too much food;
  • insufficient processing of the dish;
  • eating too fast;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic problems;
  • disorders of the intestinal microflora.

Tablets to improve digestion are required by some pregnant women. Due to the restructuring of the body, they cannot normally digest even traditional food.

Mandatory drugs that promote digestion, and patients who have undergone surgery on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tablets and enzymes to speed up digestion

The main task of any drug that improves digestion is to ensure that all the necessary substances enter the body: fats, amino acids, carbohydrates. This, in turn, contributes to the production of energy necessary for normal life.

As part of the tablets - substances and enzymes necessary to support the body. The most popular drugs are:

And this is not the whole list of pills to normalize digestion. There are a lot of resources that support the body. Most of them are in an affordable price range.

There are practically no contraindications for enzymes and tablets to improve digestion. Means are not recommended only for patients with intolerance to their individual components. However, it is better to consult a specialist before taking the medicine.

Updated: 30.04.2019 11:13:27

Judge: Natalia Shneider

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

According to advertising, not a single feast should be complete without enzyme preparations that improve digestion. Without trying to urge readers to moderation - after all, no one is perfect - we should note: the main indication for taking enzymes is the insufficiency of the functions of various sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Abuse of enzymes for digestion in the absence of indications can lead to the fact that the body stops producing them. We present to your attention the rating of the best enzymes for digestion.

What are enzymes and why are they needed?

Only relatively small molecules can penetrate through the intestinal wall into the blood: amino acids, monosaccharides (glucose, fructose), fatty acids. All these are elementary "bricks" of more complex substances: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Enzymes break down complex substances into simple "building blocks":

  1. amylases are complex carbohydrates;
  2. lipases - fats;
  3. proteases are proteins.

Digestion, that is, the breakdown of complex substances into simple ones, begins already in the mouth, where salivary amylase is included in the work. In the stomach, where the environment is acidic, amylase activity stops, food is processed by the proteolytic enzyme pepsin, which can only work in an acidic environment. At the exit from the stomach (in the antrum), the acidic environment of the food is neutralized, and the food bolus passes into the duodenum - the initial section of the small intestine. Here it is processed with bile, which emulsifies fat - turns it into a suspension of tiny droplets. This increases the area of ​​​​contact of fats with lipases. In addition to lipases, amylases and proteases work in the duodenum. This complex of enzymes is produced by the pancreas, therefore its analogue contained in medicines is called pancreatin (Latin pancreas - pancreas).

If, for some reason, enzymes are not produced enough or they cannot be active (for example, with reduced acidity of gastric juice, proteins in the stomach do not break down), the digestion process is disrupted. Incompletely processed food components begin to irritate the intestinal walls, causing diarrhea, pain, and bloating. Half an hour - an hour after eating, there are sharp urges to go to the toilet, the excreted feces become plentiful, frothy, and have a sharp unpleasant odor.

Often a similar problem occurs in chronic pancreatitis, when cells that produce enzymes die under the influence of inflammation. Another common cause is a violation of the normal outflow of bile due to biliary dyskinesia or after removal of the gallbladder. Insufficiently emulsified fat has less contact with enzymes and is less easily broken down.

Rating of the best enzymes for digestion

Nomination place Name of product price
The Best Enzymes for Adults 1 635 ₽
2 66 ₽
3 123 ₽
4 80 ₽
The Best Enzymes for Kids 1 1 573 ₽
2 1 224 ₽
3 413 ₽
2 -
3 390 ₽

The Best Enzymes for Adults


A complex of pancreatic enzymes - pancreatin - containing amylases, lipases and proteases; placed in microspheres, which, in turn, are packed into capsules. The capsule dissolves in the stomach, the microspheres evenly mix with the food bolus, passing into the intestines and already there they dissolve under the influence of an alkaline environment, releasing enzymes. Thus, enzymes are evenly mixed with food and act as efficiently as possible.

Clinical guidelines for the treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency specifically stipulate that the only effective form of enzyme delivery to the intestines is precisely microspheres or microtablets, which are activated only in the lumen of the small intestine.

Take one capsule three times daily with meals. Given the form of release of the drug, the capsules cannot be chewed - if the shell of the microspheres is damaged, the enzymes are inactivated in the acidic environment of the stomach.

If the drug is used occasionally with overeating, a dosage of 10,000 IU is sufficient. In other cases, the remedy must be prescribed by a doctor, he will determine the required dose.

Possible analogues - Ermital, Creon.


  • microgranules provide more efficient work of enzymes.


  • high price.


Economy option: the same extract of the pancreas of animals - pancreatin, as in the previous remedy, but placed in enteric-coated tablets. Enzymes are not inactivated in the stomach, they begin to act only when they enter the intestines, but given that the tablet needs time to dissolve, it is more difficult to talk about the effective interaction of enzymes with food (as we remember, the higher the enzyme activity, the higher their contact area with food suspension ).

However, given the fivefold difference in price with the previous drug from our rating, it is not surprising that the drug has many fans. Nevertheless, we would recommend it primarily to healthy people, whose quality of life does not depend too much on the effectiveness of the medication taken.

Possible analogues - Penzital.


  • low price.


  • lower efficiency in comparison with preparations containing enzymes in microgranules.


And again pancreatin, that is, amylase, lipase and protease. In combination with the enzyme hemicellulase, which breaks down fiber (normally it is produced by normal intestinal microflora) and bile components.

It is because of the complex of bile acids that we have included the remedy in the rating of the best enzymes for digestion. They facilitate the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins and correct biliary insufficiency - reduced activity of the gallbladder or its complete absence. Therefore, among the indications for the use of festal, in addition to pancreatic insufficiency and overeating, which are traditional for enzyme preparations, there are pathologies of the liver and biliary tract:

  1. alcoholic and toxic diffuse liver damage, cirrhosis;
  2. biliary dyskinesia,
  3. cholecystitis,
  4. condition after cholecystectomy.

Hemicellulase, breaking down fiber, helps to reduce bloating and flatulence. characteristic of dysbiotic conditions.

Possible analogues: Enzistal.


  • contains bile acids that correct biliary insufficiency;
  • affordable price.


  • reduced efficiency of enzymes in comparison with preparations containing microgranules.


As already mentioned, this is where the first stage of protein digestion takes place. But for gastric proteases to work, an acidic environment is needed. With atrophic gastritis, due to prolonged inflammation, the glands that produce both enzymes and gastric juice die. Insufficiency of digestion in the stomach is manifested by heaviness after eating, rapid satiety, belching of air. There are also frequent manifestations of dumping syndrome caused by the ingestion of a large amount of insufficiently processed food into the intestines:

  1. sudden weakness after eating, up to fainting;
  2. drowsiness,
  3. pallor,
  4. sweating,
  5. hiccups.

In such a situation, the doctor may prescribe Acidine-pepsin.

Contains a complex of gastric enzymes (pepsin) and betaine hydrochloride. Pepsin is an extract from the mucous membrane of the porcine stomach. Betaine hydrochloride, getting into the water, hydrolyzes (decomposes) with the release of hydrochloric acid, providing an optimal environment for the action of pepsin.

Two tablets should be dissolved in half a glass of water and taken with meals.


  • low price.


  • inconvenient way to use.

The Best Enzymes for Kids

Medicines for children have their own characteristics. Firstly, tablets are forbidden to be given to children under 3 years old, and capsules - up to 5 years old, it is believed that only at this age a child is able to swallow the medicine without choking. Children don't like taking pills. And if, say, for an antipyretic, you can use the "grandmother's" method, stirring the crushed medicine into jam, this method of treatment with enzymes for digestion is unacceptable - because if the shell of the tablet with pancreatic enzymes collapses in the stomach, the active substance will lose its activity.

In addition, for children, it is not problems with the pancreas that are more relevant, but the insufficiency of a single enzyme - lactase - without which the baby is unable to normally digest the disaccharide contained in milk - lactose.

This is manifested by a sharp bloating, seething, colic, frequent copious stools. And if an adult who cannot tolerate milk can simply not drink it, then a child, especially a baby, cannot do without milk. Of course, there are lactose-free mixtures, but they are still not breast milk, and they are not cheap. That is why we start the ranking of the best enzymes for children with a lactase-containing preparation.

Kolif drops for children

This is a dietary supplement recommended for children suffering from lactase deficiency. Available in a bottle with a dropper. 1 dose of the drug - 4 drops. Before feeding the baby, you need to express 2 - 3 teaspoons of milk, stir the medicine in them, give the child from the spoon and continue to breastfeed as usual. For a bottle-fed baby, 4 drops of the drug are diluted for the entire volume of the mixture intended for one feeding.

The medicine and the milk diluted with it can neither be frozen nor heated above 37 degrees.

As a rule, by six months in children suffering from lactase deficiency, the production of their own enzyme is getting better. therefore, by this age, you can gradually reduce the amount of funds. But sometimes the problem remains for life.

Possible analogues: Baby - doc.


  • convenient to use.


  • high price.

Creon micro 5000

And this medicine is necessary for children with impaired pancreatic function. If in adults this is usually the result of chronic inflammation, then in children it is usually a manifestation of a congenital pathology - cystic fibrosis.

Contains pancreatin (amylase, lipase, protease) in minimicrospheres, which are not placed in capsules, but simply poured into a bottle with a measuring spoon. In this form, they can be added to any acidic food. not requiring chewing: yogurt, applesauce, for babies - in expressed breast milk. In the stomach, the granules remain intact, mixing with the entire volume of the food bolus, and once in the intestines, they begin to work as intended.

The drug should never be chewed.


  • convenient form of release for children;
  • higher enzyme activity.


  • high price.


This is another dietary supplement containing lactase, this time in capsules. Therefore, you can give the remedy only to children over 5 years old at the rate of 1 capsule per 100 ml of milk.


  • easy to dose.


  • only from 5 years old.

Best Vegan Enzymes

As readers have probably noticed, most digestive enzymes are extracts from the pancreas or stomach of animals. And people who ethically refuse animal products are left with a choice: give up principles or give up health. Especially for vegetarians and vegans, there are preparations based on enzymes of plant origin.

It should be noted that these drugs are not included in clinical recommendations, therefore, those who wish to replace the animal enzymes prescribed by the doctor with vegetable enzymes do so at their own peril and risk.

A complex of enzymes of plant origin. It is interesting in that, in addition to traditional proteases, lipases and amylases, it contains acid-resistant proteolytic enzymes that improve digestion in the stomach, lactase, cellulase, which breaks down fiber, as well as plant complexes papain and bromelain. The last two are credited with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects (recall: papain is the basis of the well-known drug Wobenzym), but the medical community has not come to an unequivocal opinion.

Take 1 capsule with each meal.


  • good value for money.


  • there is no clinical evidence of effectiveness in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Coated tablets. They contain the proteolytic enzyme papain, simethicone (reduces gas formation in the intestine), fungal diastase (a mixture of amylase). That is, it breaks down protein and carbohydrates, it does not affect fats. Therefore, we would not recommend it to people suffering from chronic pancreatic pathology, in which the violation of fat digestion comes to the fore. But the tool can work well for overeating and for the prevention of bloating due to excess vegetable fiber in food.

1 - 2 tablets should be dissolved in half a glass of water and consumed with meals.


  • contains simethicone, which prevents flatulence.


  • no lipases,
  • must be dissolved before eating.

Enzymes vegan

Biologically active additive of the Russian production. Contains bromelain, papain, amylase and gingerol, a compound found in ginger root that promotes a more active secretion of gastric juice and improves peristalsis. In addition, gingerol is credited with anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects.

Despite the fact that the instructions for the product indicate the lipolytic effect of bromelain and papain, it should be noted that it is much lower than the protease activity. Therefore, again, facilitating the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates, the drug leaves fats “without attention”.

Another drawback is the relatively high price: three days of use (10 tablets) cost more than 200 rubles.


  • possibly has an anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect.


  • expensive.
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