Pump type selection. How to choose a circulation pump for a heating system and install it correctly - an overview of models with prices. What is a heating pump

Circulation pump?

Circulation pumps are mainly used in heating systems with so-called forced circulation. They move the coolant (water or gas) in closed pipelines and help it overcome significant pressure.

To pump of this type, it is necessary first of all to calculate its approximate performance. This is required in order to estimate its maximum load. In addition, the operating conditions of the circulation pump must also be taken into account. The main ones among them are the temperature of the coolant and the diameter of the pipeline. The higher they are, the more expensive and reliable pump you will need.

To choose the right pump, it must be filled with water before starting

Surface pumps are used to pump water from wells up to 8 meters deep. They are divided into so-called self-priming pumps and pumps with normal suction. The first are designed to supply water directly from its natural source; the latter are used to artificially increase pressure in the water supply leading from the source.

To choose the right pump, it must be filled with water before purchase. Especially for this, surface pumps are equipped with a small hole with a plug. After that, it is necessary to evaluate the pressure created by the pump, its performance. It is not recommended to use a surface pump in a well, the pressure in which exceeds its capacity: it can easily fail.

Choosing the right pump is quite difficult.

Submersible pumps are used for pumping water from a depth of 3 to 10 meters. However, unlike surface pumps, submersible pumps are characterized by a more complex design and high power. At the same time, it is more difficult to take care of them. At least once every six months, the submersible pump must be cleaned by disconnecting its hose.

When choosing a submersible pump, pay attention to its power. It is a key parameter for this type of pump. The higher it is, the more reliable the pump.

The lack of central water supply on suburban land necessitates the organization of water supply independently. For this purpose, a well is built or a well is drilled, depending on the needs. This raises the question of choosing a pump for the well.

What to know when choosing a pump

Daily water consumption

One of the main characteristics that influences the choice of a pump for a well is the number of appliances in the house. It is important to determine how many units can be turned on at the same time and the duration of continuous operation. All these factors determine the required volume of water that the pump needs to supply to the water supply system.

These data are found out from the passport attached to a particular device. To obtain the value of the maximum water intake, add the data for each of them and add the water requirement for irrigation.

It should be understood that all existing consumers in the house will not work at the same time, but only for a certain period of time. Thus, it is necessary to determine the short-term water flow per minute and the long-term one for several hours (most often, no more than 6 hours).

Accurate Source Depth

Determine the depth of the well

The passport data of the pump indicates, among other characteristics of the device, the maximum depth for which this model is designed. It is important to find out whether the technical capabilities of the equipment correspond to the actual depth of the well.

In the absence of accurate data, the depth of the well is measured independently. For this purpose, a load is fixed on a rope or twine, followed by its immersion in the well cavity until the moment when this object reaches the bottom. Then the load is taken out, and measurements of the wetted section of the rope and its dry section are carried out. The height of the water column will be equal to the length of the wetted area, and the distance from the water surface to the top of the shaft will correspond to the dry section. The sum of them will give the depth of the well.

The rate of filling the well with water

Well productivity indirectly characterizes its type and static water level. More important is the flow rate of the well, which represents the volume of water that can be taken from it without dropping below the critical level. The unit of measure for this parameter is the number of liters pumped out per hour.

The result of the calculation of the flow rate, obtained on the basis of only the depth of the well and the water level in it, will be erroneous. Obtaining data close to the actual state of affairs is possible only empirically. To obtain a reliable result, water is pumped out with a powerful pump for a sufficiently long time.

Casing pipe diameter

Pipe diameter

The size of the well diameter largely determines the choice of pumping equipment capacity. If drilling was carried out by a specialized organization, then the data is contained in the well passport. If such information is not available, then you can easily get it yourself, and convert the result to inches.

As a rule, the pump is calculated for wells with a diameter of 4 inches. Much less often, the device is calculated for operation in three-inch wells. This circumstance may require the selection of the pump according to the catalog.


The choice of a pump for a well will be incorrect if it is made without taking this parameter into account. It is determined by adding the number 30 to the depth of the well (in meters). The result is the height of the water column. It is recommended to increase the result by 10%, and in accordance with the figure obtained, the choice of equipment is carried out.

Drilled well quality

When drilling a well with your own hands or when there are doubts about the quality of the work of the drillers, a pump specifically designed for wells may be required. The cost of universal pumping equipment is lower, and its efficiency is sometimes insufficient.

Water sources that are built by non-professional drillers or long-term wells run the risk of being washed out by sand. This circumstance adversely affects the operation of the equipment and leads to clogging, and also reduces the life of the pump. A unit designed specifically to work in well conditions is less susceptible to the negative impact of well quality deterioration.


It is important to take into account the possibility that water may dry out at the horizon of the pump. A device model that does not have protective systems will inevitably fail.

With comparable parameters of well flow rate and pump power, the latter must have the ability to automatically shutdown in automatic mode. This is because there is an abundance of water in a freshly drilled well, but over time the flow rate is reduced. Pumping equipment with a higher cost must have protection; cheaper models may not have it.

We select the pump according to the features of work

Surface pumps

Understanding the principles by which surface-type units operate will greatly facilitate the choice of a pump for a well. Devices of this type operate as follows:

  • The motor shaft is connected to the pump, which has holes for water intake and supply.
  • Water is taken from the source using a hose or sleeve that has a check valve. The quality of this element of the system must ensure reliable operation and prevent the possibility of depressurization.
  • It is important to monitor the condition of the pump in terms of a constant supply of water to it. Otherwise, idling may cause damage to the pump.
  • In order to increase the depth of the fence more than 9 meters, an ejector is used. This device is immersed together with a hose, as a result of which water is partially lowered into it. Thus, the pressure increases and, accordingly, the pressure value. The use of such additional equipment leads to a significant increase in the noise level, which limits the time of its operation.
  • Installation of equipment consists in installing the pump near a water source, immersing the hose in it and turning on the pump in the electrical network.
  • To install the pump, it is recommended to organize a special warm room or use an insulated container.

Centrifugal pumps

These pumps are characterized by the fact that they have the ability to work when the system is "aired" or when air locks. Heavily contaminated water can cause damage to the equipment. To prevent accidents, it is imperative to organize a filter on the suction pipe. Such equipment during operation creates high level noise.

Centrifugal pump

Self-priming pumps

The self-priming pump is a centrifugal pump equipped with an ejector. The presence of this improvement leads to an increase in the efficiency of the device. With an internal location of the ejector, it is possible to lift water from a depth of 5-6 m. Installing an ejector outside allows this indicator to reach a level of 25-30 m. Such pumping equipment is used for water supply to private houses quite rarely, which is associated with low-rise buildings.

vortex pumps

vortex pump

The power of such pumps for a well makes it possible to create significant pressure in the water supply system of a private house. This indicator exceeds the similar parameter centrifugal equipment 5-7 times. The use of vortex pumps is advisable when the distance from the source to the consumer is large. The noise level of the units is at an acceptable level.

With increased power, the efficiency of pumping equipment does not exceed 45%. Reliable operation can only be ensured if the water purity is sufficiently high. Therefore, it is important to organize highly efficient water purification and constantly monitor the condition of the well, which requires more frequent cleaning.

Submersible units

Vibratory pumps

This type of equipment can only be used in sand wells, the depth of which is 40-50 m. It has a relatively low cost.

Submersible pump

The design of such pumps is equipped with a rubber flexible membrane. On one side of it there is a chamber with water, and on the other side a part is installed that vibrates during operation. Due to vibration, the volume of the chamber alternately changes up and down and, therefore, the pressure in it changes alternately. A decrease in pressure causes the intake valve to open and water to be sucked in. With an increase in pressure and reaching an excess value, the liquid is pushed out with pressure.


The design of pumps for centrifugal wells is a modern and expensive type of equipment. These pumps are universal in terms of performance.

The principle of operation of the pump is based on the rotation of the wheel placed on the shaft. It consists of two discs, which are connected by means of blades. The latter are bent in such a way that their direction is opposite to the direction of rotation of the wheel. When water enters the body of the device, the interblade space is filled and centrifugal force is activated. As a result, a zone with reduced pressure appears in the central part of the body, and the peripheral regions are characterized by the presence of increased pressure. This circumstance is the cause of the pressure difference. Water is drawn in by the rarefied area, and is ejected through the outlet pipe.

Centrifugal pump

Features of the operation and operation of submersible devices are the reason for their division into the following types of devices.

Deep pumps

Deep pump

The purpose of this pumping equipment is to pump water from wells of various types and containers with process fluids. Essentially, they are centrifugal pumps, which have small dimensions, the ability to create high pressure and high performance. The pump is a narrow cylinder with a sufficiently long length, which allows them to be successfully placed in wells of various diameters. The use of high-tech solutions in the design of this device leads to an increase in its cost.


The main difference between well pumps and well pumps is the narrowing of the scope. They can be used to pump water from shallow wells, wells or other bodies of water. Well pumps can work trouble-free with water, which has a significant amount of mechanical impurities.

The diameter of these devices is larger than that of deep-well pumps. This circumstance limits the capabilities of the apparatus, but allows more efficient use of the technical capabilities of the electric motor.

The operation of a well is impossible without the use of a mandatory component of its arrangement - a pump. After all, a bucket is absolutely not suitable for taking water from a narrow trunk. In addition, it would take too much time and effort to lift from the depth and transport the water manually. You don't want to waste either one or the other, do you agree?

Properly selected pumping equipment will fill the containers in the bathhouse, house, garden in a matter of minutes. Now there is an opportunity to purchase equipment for servicing an object of any scale. On its basis, you can easily build an automatic plumbing system that does not depend on centralized supplies and the participation of owners in the pumping process.

We will tell you in great detail how to choose a pump for a well, what you need to take into account and provide for the future owner of the device. A scrupulous explanation of important points for the user is supplemented by photo and video guides.

Before purchasing a suitable pump for a well, it is necessary to clarify a number of indicators of its structure:

  • static level;
  • dynamic level;
  • debit;
  • bottom base mark;
  • pipe diameter.

In houses outside the city, it is almost impossible to have a central water supply. Usually this function is taken over by a well or a well drilled by the owners. In any case, you will have to rack your brains on how to raise water from the mine. There are fewer problems with the well: I threw the bucket and pulled it out! But with a well, such a number will not work. The bucket simply will not fit into its design. The only option is to install a water pump. But they differ in the principle of action. It is advisable, before choosing a pump for a well, to study their range and features of work, as well as the characteristics of the casing for which you select equipment. About some nuances, like these, we will talk today.

There are several parameters that affect the selection of a specific pump model for a well. And you need to analyze each of the parameters as accurately as possible.

Daily water consumption

Before you start choosing a pump, you need to calculate how much water you use per day. The power of the unit and its performance will depend on this. If your family is small (3-4 people), and there are no large gardens, you can stop at a unit that produces 60-70 liters per minute. If there are a lot of flower beds and beds on the site, where required frequent watering, it is necessary to select a pump more powerful.

Casing pipe diameter

If the well is still being planned, then it is better to make it a four-inch one. For designs with this diameter of pumps, a great many are sold, which cannot be said about three-inch ones. They are drilled less often, and therefore little equipment is produced for them.

You can measure the diameter of the casing pipe with a construction tape, and then convert centimeters to inches (1 inch is approximately equal to 2.54 cm)

It is easy to measure the diameter of the finished well yourself (in centimeters, and then convert to inches), or contact the workers who drilled the structure for you.

Drilled well quality

If you drilled the structure yourself or are not sure of the professionalism of the drillers, then look for pumps designed specifically for wells. Universal units, of course, will cost less, but they are less effective. The fact is that unprofessional or long-used sources are often washed out with sand, and it will interfere with the operation of the equipment. You will have to clean the pump often, and its service life will be reduced. If the unit was created specifically for wells, then blockages in the liquid are not so terrible for it.

If the well was drilled by non-professionals, then it can be washed out with sand. Therefore, it is better to buy specialized pumps designed specifically for wells, rather than universal ones.

Special selection parameters should be considered when choosing a pump for a fountain in the country:

We select the unit according to the features of work

When all of the above has been analyzed, you can begin to familiarize yourself with the types of pumps. Based on the characteristics of the work, all systems are divided into 2 subgroups: surface and submersible (otherwise - deep). Let's consider their differences.

Surface pumps

This type of equipment is installed on the ground, without immersion. The pump pumps liquid by suction. The deeper the water column is, the harder it is to lift the liquid, the more powerful the system is selected. It is recommended to buy surface pumps for wells in which the distance to the beginning of the water column does not exceed 8 meters. Do not buy a rubber hose for pumping water. When the equipment is turned on, it will begin to compress the walls due to rarefied air and will not let water through. It is better to replace it with a pipe with a small diameter. The most important plus of the surface pump: easy to install, dismantle.

A surface pump can be installed right next to the well, and to reduce its growl, you can make a box out of wood and hide equipment there

Submersible units

If you have a deep well, then the option with a surface pump will not work. We'll have to look among the submersible units.

The technique is immersed directly into the pipe, into the water column. The systems work on the principle of liquid ejection. Determine which pump is needed for your well, according to the size of the well. More precisely, it is necessary to calculate to what height the unit will have to push the water jet. To do this, remember the measurements that you took earlier. The length of the dry rope with a weight is the height to which the pump will have to raise the water. Add 3-4 meters to it, because the pump is immersed a couple of meters deeper than the beginning of the water, and you will get the final figure. If it does not exceed 40 meters, then you can buy simple, low-power pumps. Look in the passport for information on the maximum depth at which the system can operate.

Finding more powerful submersible pumps is easy: they appearance larger than that of low-powered “brothers”, and they are heavier in weight

By the way, if, according to your calculations, the height of the water rise is 60 meters, and this depth is the maximum for the pump, then it is better not to take this model. The equipment will work at the limit of its strength, because with each meter in depth, productivity decreases, and the load increases. Look for pumps designed for 70 meters of depth. This will help the equipment work without unnecessary stress and be better preserved.

Advice! Take models with automatics. If the motor overheats (from a long running time or clogged water) or all the liquid is pumped out, the pump will turn itself off. Otherwise, the motor will simply burn out until you find the problem.

Of the two types of deep-well pumps (centrifugal and vibration), it is better to stop at the first. Vibrating ones are too sensitive to dirty water, and in the process they destroy the walls of the well.

It is important to know the parameters for pumps designed for watering the garden:

A centrifugal pump captures water with blades, and not with a vibration of the membrane, like a vibrating one, so it hangs motionless and does not destroy the walls of the well

The pump is selected for a long time, so look for models released by well-known, well-established manufacturers. Then it will be easier for you to find a service center to repair and maintain your system.

Choosing a pump, if you do not have special knowledge, is not an easy task. In this review, we will try to help you decide what type of pump you need. Pumps are conditionally divided into several groups.

These are submersible, i.e. directly immersed in water (for wells and wells, drainage, and removal of feces) and surface, working above the surface of the water (various garden and country pumps, pressure, circulation, and pumping stations).


They operate with partial or complete immersion of the pump body in water, which requires reliable isolation from the contact of bare wiring and control electronics with water. The construction uses materials such as stainless steel, various "water-resistant" and durable polymers.
Well pumps (or deep wells) are used to lift water from artesian wells and are characterized by high pressure. The nature of the use of devices imposes significant restrictions, primarily on the diameter of the case and the material from which they are made. These are usually stainless steel cylinders less than 100mm across and between 500mm and 2500mm long.

Given the severe limitation of the base area, to create a high head and good performance, designers have to resort to complex technical solutions (for example, a multi-stage suction system), which naturally leads to an increase in the cost of devices.
Since a conventional household pump installed on the surface is not able to supply water from great depths (its maximum height suction, as a rule, does not exceed 10 meters), then in such cases it is necessary to use borehole pumps. The action of deep pumps is based on the fact that it is easier to create enough water pressure from below to lift it than to try to lift it from above by pumping out air.
Well pumps are similar to borehole pumps and can work not only in wells, but also in special tanks or natural reservoirs. They also have the shape of a cylinder, but with a larger diameter, which allows them to more efficiently use the capabilities of the engine. Such pumps, in comparison with borehole pumps, have greater productivity and lower cost at the same power consumption and pressure.
Due to the strong draft that forms the so-called "suction cone", they cannot be brought closer than a meter to the bottom of the well (the pump itself may not deteriorate, but the water quality will noticeably deteriorate).
Well pumps are equipped with an adjustable float switch that provides offline operation.
Drainage pumps are designed for pumping water from flooded basements, swimming pools and other places that need quick drainage. Sometimes they are also used to pump drinking water, but this is not their job.
Devices of this class are very productive, but they have low pressure and, for the most part, are not able to function at depths of more than 7 meters. They are installed directly on the bottom of a container with water or on the floor of a flooded room.
The scope of fecal pumps is clear from the name. It is worth saying that the design provides for work with soft and viscous substances. Especially for such purposes, the inlets of the units are enlarged (compared to drainage pumps).


It is worth clarifying that the term "surface" means "not submerged". In other words, the body of such a pump is most often removed from the pumped liquid. Some of them, however, can be fixed on a special float (if weight and dimensions allow), for example, foam, and installed directly on the water. The need for this arises when a lot of algae accumulate near the shore or the bottom of the reservoir is silty.
Their suction height does not exceed 10 meters, so that in order to raise water from great depths, one has to resort to all sorts of tricks. One of them is to use an external ejector - a special device that is lowered into the water along with the suction hose. During the operation of the pump, part of the raised fluid flows through an additional hose back to the ejector, thereby increasing the inlet pressure. In other words, the water is "pushed" from below.

As the depth increases, the performance of the system decreases, while the power consumption and design complexity, on the contrary, increase. At depths of about 25 meters, the prices of surface and borehole pumps are equalized.
General purpose garden pumps are usually simple in design and therefore inexpensive. They are used for pumping water both for drinking and for various household needs. To ensure uninterrupted water supply, they are additionally equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and control automation.

Pressure pumps are initially equipped with the necessary automation and are designed for uninterrupted water supply even without an additional hydraulic accumulator. This is important not only in the case of water supply, but also when irrigating the site. For example, if the hose is likely to kink and the water flow stops, the pump will turn off automatically, preventing the engine from overloading. The device will "wait" until the interference is removed and continue to supply water. This fully applies to a simple tap when the pump is permanently connected to the water supply - as soon as it is opened, the unit will immediately start working.
Pumping stations are "full-fledged" systems of uninterrupted water supply, consisting of a pump, a pressure switch and a hydraulic accumulator. They are intended for stationary use only.
With a small flow rate, due to the available water supply, the engine pumping station does not turn on, due to which its resource is developed more slowly.
According to the principle of operation, pumps are divided into centrifugal and vibration.


The largest group of household pumps. The main part of the working mechanism is a rotating wheel fixed on a shaft inside the housing (sometimes there are several of them). It consists of two discs connected by blades located between them. Each of them is bent in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the impeller.
During pump operation, the cavities between the blades ("interblade channels") are filled with the pumped medium. When such a wheel rotates, centrifugal force acts on the liquid, creating a region of low pressure in the center and high pressure at the periphery. Due to the pressure difference, water from the outside (atmospheric pressure) enters the epicenter (rarefaction) of this kind of hurricane and is thrown out through the outlet pipe.


The "working body" of such pumps is a flexible membrane. On one side of it there is a cavity filled with the pumped liquid, and on the other side there is a vibrator that periodically causes the membrane to deform. Depending on the direction of its bending, the working volume changes up or down, accompanied by a decrease or increase in pressure, respectively.
First, a vacuum is created, the inlet valve opens, and water is sucked in. Then the vibrator makes the working pressure excessive, as a result, the liquid is pushed out through the outlet valve to the outside (pump "Brook").


* "Dry running" (in other words, operation in the absence of water) leads to overheating of the motor, since the pumped medium, as a rule, also performs a cooling function. In addition, running dry is detrimental to the seals, which are normally "lubricated" by the liquid as it is pumped.
* Water hammer occurs when a "dry" pump is turned on - the liquid pumped into it hits the impeller blades and can damage them. The entry of an air bubble into the water intake hose during operation is also accompanied by water hammer.
Keep in mind: the working volume of most surface household pumps must be manually filled with water before operation.
* Freezing of the liquid in the case is unacceptable, as this may seriously damage the machine. If the pump is located where the temperature environment drops below 0 degrees Celsius (for example, it remains to spend the winter in an unheated room), all water must be drained from it.
* Exceeding the maximum allowable temperature of the pumped medium does not have such a detrimental effect on the pump as "dry running", but the "symptoms" are the same: at high water temperatures, heat transfer is slower and the engine overheats.


abrasive action of sand- abrasion of the surface (from the Latin "abrasio" - "scraping").
Asynchronous motor- rotor speed depends on the load and does not coincide with the frequency of rotation of the stator magnetic field. As a result, for example, a soft start of the motor is ensured.
Shaft- a part that transmits torque and maintains the rotation of other parts. In the case of a pump, this is the metal cylinder on which the impellers are mounted.
Suction height- height difference between the pump installation site and the water intake point.
Hydraulic accumulator(in other words - a membrane or storage tank) - a sealed container, blocked inside by a special rubber or rubber membrane (from the Greek "hydor" - "water" and the Latin "accumulator" - "collector"). In one part of this device, separated in this way, there is air under a certain pressure. The other is filled with water during the operation of the pump.
Impeller- a set of blades located around the circumference of the impeller and representing plates curved in the direction opposite to the water flow.
Multi-stage suction system- sequential use of several impellers.
pressure- the height to which the pump is able to deliver the pumped liquid.
check valve- a valve that prevents the outflow of water from the suction line (hose, pipes, etc.).
Pipe branch- a short pipe on the pump housing, designed to enter or exit the pumped liquid.
Working wheel- consists of two discs spaced apart from each other, between which there is an impeller connecting them.
Rotor- a rotating part (from the Latin "roto" - "I rotate"), in this case electric motor located inside the stator.
bed- the main bearing part of the machine, on which the working units are mounted.
stator- a part of the electric motor that performs the functions of a magnetic circuit and a supporting structure. It consists of a core with a winding and a frame.
Thermal relay- a device for automatic control of the electrical circuit of the pump. It consists of a relay element with two positions of stable equilibrium and several electrical contacts. The latter close or open when the state of the relay element changes (respectively, "normal temperature" or "overheating").


The circulation pump is the main element in forced circulation heating systems and forces the coolant to move inside the system, which is especially true for houses with more than one floor with an extensive piping system. The circulation pump helps the coolant overcome the resistance in the pipe. The thicker the pipe, the lower the resistance and the lower the required pump power. Circulation pumps create a certain pressure drop at the installation site. The pressure difference serves to overcome the sum of all hydraulic losses due to friction in pipelines, that is, due to it, the fluid is kept in constant motion. To determine the actual pressure, the differential pressure is added to the static pressure.

When choosing a circulation pump, you need to know: Operating conditions (heat carrier temperature, substance used as a heat carrier or its percentage in solution, pipeline diameters). Performance. When selecting a pump, it is necessary to take into account the hydraulic losses that occur in the pipelines at the obtained circulation rate.

The parameters of the circulation pump are selected in such a way that three times the total volume of the system coolant is driven through it within an hour. Performance specific model pump is determined by the pressure-flow characteristic of the second speed of rotation of the pump, with a head equal to the hydraulic resistance of the system. As a rule, due to the low circulation rate of the coolant, the value of hydraulic resistance for a private house does not lead to losses of more than 1-2 meters (0.1 - 0.2 atm). Therefore, if the calculation of hydraulic resistance is problematic, then the performance of a particular pump model is recommended to be determined at the midpoint of its pressure characteristic.


Surface pumps are installed outside the source and can usually lift water from a depth of up to 7-8 m. Surface pumps, in turn, are divided into self-priming, designed to draw water directly from the source, and so-called normal suction pumps, which are used to increase pressure in an existing plumbing. Self-priming devices must be filled with water before starting; a special hole with a plug is provided for this. When selecting a surface pump, the following parameters must be taken into account: required performance head pressure loss depth of the water surface The maximum performance of a surface pump is when water is raised from a depth of up to 9 m (from a river, lake, shallow well). In order to somehow compensate for the loss of power when working at great depths, manufacturers began to equip pumps with ejectors that maintain water circulation.


A submersible pump looks very similar to a borehole pump, but is designed to lift water from a depth of no more than 10 m, and this already makes it similar to a surface pump. With the same technical specifications two types of pumps, the question immediately arises, which one is better to buy - surface or submersible? The choice depends on the depth of the reservoir. For the operation of a submersible pump, a depth of at least a meter is needed, otherwise it will begin to suck in silt and sand from the bottom, which will quickly disable it.

A surface pump can pump water from a depth of several centimeters. If you take water for drinking from a well, and for watering the site - from a river or lake, then the best way- surface pump. You can move the pump itself, or rearrange the hose. With submersible pump you won't do that. It is necessary to disconnect the hose, pull the pump out of the well, then do everything in the reverse order. To extract water only from a well, a submersible pump is usually bought. It hangs in the well, does not make noise, it is not visible. It is only important that the water level does not decrease, since running dry for the pump will quickly lead to its failure.


The pump is selected according to two main parameters: productivity (flow rate) - how many liters per minute or cubic meters of water per hour the pump can pump, and pressure - to what height in meters the pump can deliver this water. For a normal comfortable existence, 1000 liters of water per day per person is usually enough (even if you take a bath twice). Therefore, it is easy to get the required amount: multiply the number of people permanently living in this house by 1000 liters (1 m3) per day.

For example, for three people, 3000 liters is enough. An additional indicator is the maximum consumption. It is determined by the possibility of simultaneous use of several points of water consumption. For example, if you have three people who can simultaneously use: a shower (bath) - 8-10 liters per minute a tap in the kitchen - 6 liters per minute a toilet - 6 liters per minute, then the maximum water flow will be 22 liters per minute.

For a family of 4-5 people, it is enough if the maximum flow rate is 30 liters per minute (1800 l = 1.8 m3 per hour), and the total daily consumption is 3000 l = 3 m3 of water per day. We must separately consider the case pump selection if you also use it for watering the garden. Here everything is determined by the size of your farm and the weather. Usually 2000 liters per day is enough for this case. To determine the minimum pump head you need, take the height of your house in meters and add 6 meters. Then multiply this number by 1.15 (head loss factor in the pipeline).

For example, your house has a height of 10 m, then the minimum required head characteristic of your pump is (10+6)x1.15=18.4m. If you have a well, then you need a pump with a head of 18.4 m, providing a flow rate of 1800 liters per hour (30 liters per minute) at this pressure. If you have a well, then you need to add the depth of the well to this pressure. More precisely, the distance from the surface of the earth to the water surface in the well.

For example, if this distance is 30 meters, then for the considered water supply system you need a pump with a head of 30 + 18.4 = 48.4 meters and a flow rate of 1800 liters per hour at this head. If the water supply source is remote from the house, then it should be taken into account that approximately 1 meter of pump pressure is lost per 10 meters of the length of the horizontal pipeline. In fact, it is more important to correctly determine the pressure characteristic, and it is quite enough to take the flow rate based on a value of 800 - 1000 liters per hour, since the simultaneous use of all points of water consumption is very rare, and in this case it is possible to ensure maximum flow using a hydraulic accumulator.

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Olga Oledibe Presentation for children of senior preschool age: “For children about sports” For children about sports What is sport: Sport is ...
, Correctional Pedagogy Class: 7 Class: 7 Program: training programs edited by V.V. Funnel Program...