When to stop watering carrots. How often to water carrots in the open field after planting? During the growth of young plants

This mandatory procedure is performed in different ways, depending on the time of year and weather conditions. Particular attention should be paid to summer soil moisture, since during this period the formation and ripening of root crops occurs. It is also important to understand how often you need to water carrots in the open field in the heat.

How is summer watering different from moistening at other times of the year

The sweet orange fruits are harvested by gardeners who put in some effort and take the time to properly water their beds. Otherwise, with a lack or excess of moisture, vegetables become bitter, lose their external attractiveness and become diseased.

  • . This is an important and crucial moment in the life of vegetable crops. Immediately after planting the seeds and covering the bed with a film, it is not necessary to water at all, since the covering material accumulates a sufficient amount of condensate.
  • Summer watering is divided into several stages. During the period of the formation of roots and the development of green mass during the month, it is necessary to moisten the beds less often, 1 time in 6-7 days. During the set of mass root crops, watering should be increased. In August, soil moisture is reduced, as mass vegetables have already gained and the ripening period begins.
  • Carrot beds do not need to be watered 15 days before harvesting. On the eve of the collection, you can slightly moisten the dry earth for easy fruit extraction.
  • In autumn, as a rule, carrots are not watered. Even before winter planting, the ground is saturated with moisture from autumn precipitation and the seeds do not need to be soaked or watered.


In order for the fruits to grow juicy and even, the time intervals between waterings should be the same. Water consumption rates may vary, depending on weather conditions and the ripening period.

How to determine that a root crop needs watering

The soil in which carrots ripen must be constantly loose and crumbly, this is the only way to keep moisture from evaporating. By hard-crusted soil indicates that the garden needs irrigation. The appearance of carrots speaks of the need for water procedures. The fruits look drooping and dull.

The tops look lethargic, the juicy emerald color changes to dark green, the carved leaves curl around the edges. These signs indicate that carrots need to be watered urgently. So that dehydrated plants do not experience shock, soil moisture must be carried out in several stages.

Summer watering instructions

With consistent implementation of the rules of cultivation and watering, the crop will meet all expectations.


To moisten the land when growing vegetables, each gardener must have the appropriate equipment.

Basic equipment you will need:

  1. Large watering can with spray nozzle;
  2. Flexible reinforced hose;
  3. Various nozzles on the hose to adjust the spray;
  4. Container for sludge irrigation water;
  5. Several buckets.

A drip irrigation system is best suited. If it is not possible to use this device, it is better to moisten the beds from a watering can.

Watering time

Time must be determined depending on the weather:

  • If the weather is hot outside, carrot plantings should be watered only in the morning or evening hours. Never splash vegetables in the midday heat. Water that gets on the foliage heats up quickly, which can lead to sunburn. The hot surface of the earth does not allow moisture to get inside and the liquid immediately evaporates, forming a solid earthen crust.
  • If the weather is normal with a comfortable air temperature, the best time is in the evening.
  • If the weather is rainy, then carrot beds do not need watering.

When there is a steady heat outside, the roots of plants are not able to absorb too cold water. If this nuance is not taken into account, root crops will suffer from dehydration, despite the regular introduction of water.

Frequency and profusion

The amount of moisture consumed by carrots depends on the stage of development of the vegetable and on climatic conditions. The average volume of liquid consumed is calculated for the summer months with low rainfall.

  • In June, it is necessary to carry out from 4 to 6 irrigation measures per month with a water consumption rate of 12 liters per 1 sq.m. During this period, the root crop is formed. The soil must be constantly moist so that the plant does not start to release lateral roots in search of moisture and oxygen.
  • July is the month of summer, when the vegetable crop is gaining mass of fruit. How to water in July: the frequency of moisturizing should be reduced to 5 times a month, and the amount of water should be increased to 16 liters per 1 sq.m.
  • In August, the period of ripening of root crops begins and moisture must be reduced so that the carrots are poured, and not the tops or the root system of the plant. Vegetables are watered once every 2 weeks with a water consumption of 6 liters per 1 sq. m.

Water should penetrate deep into the soil by 25-30 cm, for the length of the entire root crop.

Special conditions

Sometimes weather conditions make some adjustments to the usual rules.

The rules for irrigating plants with water are no exception:

  • In extreme heat, plants cannot be watered with ice water, except for harm, this will not bring anything. If water is taken from a column or well, the liquid must be poured into containers for settling and heating. Salts settle within 15 hours, after which moisture can be distributed to the beds.
  • If the weather is cold and damp throughout the summer, additional moisture should be discarded.

summer watering mistakes

Sometimes gardeners, having studied information about a vegetable crop, plant carrots, take care of them and water them all summer long. And the harvest looks deplorable. , tough and tasteless.

To avoid such a nuisance, you need to work on the mistakes or take into account the experience of other summer residents:

  • Carrots are very sensitive to the regularity of water procedures. The interval between them should be approximately the same. With irregular provision of water moisture, the fetus develops unevenly. The result is crooked and tough carrots that do not store well. .
  • If a strong drying of the soil was allowed, and then too abundant watering was carried out, the root crops stop developing and crack. Dry soil is watered with small portions of water in several stages.
  • The soil after moistening from the watering can must be loosened each time. If the soil surface hardens, the plant stops receiving oxygen and throws out many lateral thread-like roots. They grow in search of air and take strength from the main rod.

Useful video

If you do not ignore the rules of soil moisture and take into account the many years of experience of competent vegetable growers, then the time for caring for the garden will not be wasted, and the harvest will delight its owners with bright colors and ideal forms of juicy root crops.

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Moisture is critical for the growth of various root crops, tomatoes and more. But you need to know the measure in everything, and at the right time you should stop watering tomatoes, carrots, beets, etc. We have collected for you practical advice from experienced gardeners who will not let you spoil the harvest.

The amount of water is reduced by the end of the formation of ovaries. For early varieties, this period occurs at the end of June, and for later varieties, at the beginning or middle of July. After the appearance of green tomatoes, they need even less moisture. At this time, you can irrigate the land every 2-3 days after 19:00, when the sun is no longer so active.

After the ripening of the first tomatoes, they are practically not watered, it will only be enough to spray them. At this time, moisture is replaced by nutrition with various fertilizers rich in potassium and other macro- and microelements. This is due to the fact that water, especially in large quantities, causes rotting of fruits, their deformation and increases the risk of developing various infectious diseases.

When to Stop Watering Carrots

Toward the end of August, when the carrots are already clearly visible in the ground and have acquired a stable form, they are moistened less and less, no more than 1 time per week. If the weather is rainy, then this does not need to be done at all, just as with wet ground. Watering should be completely stopped already in mid-September, 1-2 weeks before harvest. This measure will preserve its firmness and sweet taste.

Nevertheless, I advise on the eve of digging up carrots to slightly water the ground with a drip irrigation system. Thanks to this, it will be easier to get out of the ground, and things will go faster.

When to Stop Watering Beets

I must say right away that this root crop can easily exist without moisture, of course, if there is no 40-degree heat on the street every day. But even if you think differently, you still have to stop watering from about the end of July. Otherwise, the beets will not grow very juicy and sweet, and will have a pale pink color. Before collecting it, you should also not irrigate the ground, because you will simply get dirty with it. For the same reason, gardeners recommend stopping watering carrots long before digging them up.

Important! After sowing seeds in open ground and the first watering, they always take a break for 1-2 weeks so that they do not rot in the ground and make their way out of it.

Everyone has their own views on this issue, but most gardeners are unanimous that beets can easily do without water. In this they, and I also think so, are completely right. Try experimenting and you will understand why. Here's what "experienced" people think about it:

Kristina, 52 years old, Krasnodar:

They correctly write that it is better to stop watering beets and carrots in September. Once I did not heed this advice and filled them with water, because I was afraid that they would simply burn out due to the heat. As a result, vegetables were born unsweetened, I would even say bitter, not bright orange, and generally some kind of tasteless. Now I have already learned, I don’t do it anymore, which I advise others to do.

Tamara, 65 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

I have one problem with beets - always some unsweetened, pale, small, and often generally soft. A neighbor once told me that it was because I watered it too often. And indeed, I think it is not advisable to fill the beds with water once a week if there is no heat outside. Thank God, at least this year the harvest did not disappoint. In general, I advise you not only to stop watering the beets, but also not to start doing it too actively. I recommend resorting to moistening the earth only if the vegetables begin to wither.

Fedor, 67 years old, the village of Razvilnoye, Rostov Region:

Many people complain about the poor harvest of tomatoes, and when I ask how you water it, they say that every evening, until the very last tomato, they fill it with water from a hose - they put it directly on the ground and pour it into the beds. And what's so good about that?! This is necessary only at the very beginning, in the process of forming ovaries. And when the fruits have already begun, there is no need for this. I completely stop watering the tomatoes at the beginning of August, and they grow, nothing, tasty, sweet, whole.

Water is very useful for vegetables, but you should not abuse it, you need to learn how to stop in time, and then you will be able to enjoy a rich harvest.

To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to observe uniform watering during the entire growing period. Many novice gardeners think about how often to water carrots immediately after planting the root crop. The answer is simple: this should be done from the moment the seeds are planted until the harvest. If the soil is dry, the fruits will grow sluggishly and become hard and rough. Therefore, you need to water quite often, but at the same time avoid sudden changes from dryness to abundant soil moisture. Otherwise, the carrot will begin to deteriorate right in the soil.

Proper soil moisture during planting seeds largely determines the fate of the crop. Water the beds either before planting or immediately after it. It is impossible to fill the land that has just been sown with water with a hose: a strong pressure will wash all the seedlings.

Often gardeners worry that watering carrots after planting will spoil the seeds. In order not to risk, you can water the ground immediately before sowing. After that, pour the seeds into the prepared grooves and compact them a little.

If the weather is rainy outside, you can do without watering at all. Use a covering material or polyethylene. Leave the bed covered until the seeds germinate. Using this method allows you to save moisture and promotes rapid germination of carrots.

How often should I water after planting outdoors?

Watering carrots after planting should be frequent, but not plentiful. The best option for watering is from a watering can, on which a spray nozzle is installed.

Rules for caring for the crop after planting

  1. Watering should begin at an early stage and end at the time of root ripening, when a second thinning is necessary (after the appearance of 5-6 leaves).
  2. In spring, when there is a constant temperature difference from frost to warming, after planting carrots, it must be covered with polyethylene, leaving a gap at the base of the bed.
  3. After 10 days after disembarkation, it is necessary to make a slight loosening of the upper layer of soil - 1-2 cm deep.
  4. After you have thinned a vegetable for the second time, it is not recommended to water it, even if the sun is scorching in the sky.
  5. If you water carrots too often, they become covered with hairs, crack and do not store well.
  6. The optimal soil condition is moderately moist and moderately dry.

Until when should carrots be watered after planting?

Ripe fruits also need watering. You can determine the maturity of the plant by the size of the fruit: its diameter must be at least 6 mm. At this stage, you need to water the root crop often and abundantly. But don't let the ground get too wet.

It is necessary to irrigate already almost ripe carrots so that water can penetrate the ground to a depth of 25-30 cm (approximately the length of the finished fruit).

  • If it is rainy and cloudy outside, watering should be stopped 15-20 days before the planned harvest.
  • If it is hot outside, you need to continue watering until the carrots are harvested.

To protect the crop from pests, cover germinated seeds with lutrasil or other similar material and water directly through it. It is necessary to remove the covering material a few days before digging up the crop.

Hilling and soil moisture: what is the connection?

Often summer residents do not pay due attention to the hilling of carrots and process only those fruits that look out a few centimeters above the ground. Experts recommend hilling the entire garden bed. So you protect the fruits from sunburn and keep all the moisture in the ground. In addition, oxygen, which is necessary for good vegetable growth, passes through the loosened earth more easily.

You need to spud the root crop at least 4 times per season, starting after the first thinning, and then every 15 days. Fruits after hilling should be covered with earth no more than 5 cm.

Approximate watering rates for carrots by month

  • May - 7 times, 5-7 liters per m 2.
  • June - 5 times, 10-11 liters per m 2.
  • July - 4 times, 12-14 liters per m 2.
  • August - 2 times, 5-7 liters per m 2.

Carrots are a rather unpretentious vegetable, but they also require proper care. You can achieve an excellent harvest, just by observing the simple rules of watering. There is no definite answer to the question of whether it is worth covering the beds. Look at the situation and weather conditions. If the spring is cold and rainy, it is still better to use covering material so that later you do not complain that the seeds did not germinate.

And, of course, do not forget about hilling. In loose soil, an ideal balance of moisture is maintained, water after irrigation does not stagnate, but passes deep into the soil to the very tip of the root crop. Only in this case, juicy large carrots will grow on your garden bed, which will be stored all winter without losing their taste.

Since ancient times, carrots have been considered a healthy and tasty crop. Bright color and sweet taste make it indispensable in the culinary arts. And thanks to the richness of vitamins and useful minerals, the vegetable occupies a worthy place among healthy foods.

As a garden crop, carrots are not too whimsical and capricious. With proper planting and regular good care, you can harvest a rich harvest, and dishes from this root crop will become an indispensable dish on your table.

How to properly plant this vegetable in the ground? Do carrots need to be watered after planting? What actions need to be taken for its full growth and productivity? Let's find out.

Carrot. What is this fruit?

In short, carrots are a two-year-old root crop that has a high yield and a fairly long shelf life. However, to achieve this, it needs to be looked after.

True, good care is also not enough. So that the vegetable does not lose its freshness and attractiveness for a long time, so that it has pleasant taste and characteristics, it must first be properly planted in the ground.

Actions before boarding

Before asking the question "how to water carrots after planting", you need to carefully prepare for such an important matter.

The place reserved for this crop should be sunny and open. It is best to plant carrots after cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, onions. This should be done in April-May, when warm days have already been established, and the soil has warmed up to eight degrees above zero.

The earth must be loosened and fertilized in advance, and the seeds must be soaked for early germination.

Actions during planting a root crop

Then it is necessary to make shallow grooves on the beds, pour them with water and put seeds in them. They should not be placed too close to each other. It is enough to withstand one or two centimeters between a pair of seeds.

Should carrots be watered immediately after planting? Preferably. It is even recommended to cover the sowing place with a film or unnecessary things. Thus, the moisture necessary for the culture will remain in the ground.

Remember that when watering freshly sown seeds, it is better not to use a hose - the powerful pressure of the jet can wash valuable seeds out from under the ground cover.

Further care for carrots

How often should carrots be watered after planting? It is very important not to overdo it here.

Of course, if the summer is quite rainy, then the extra liquid will become superfluous for the orange fruit. However, in a dry season, life-giving moisture will benefit both the growth and taste of carrots.

It is important to water regularly and little by little, it is recommended to use a watering can with a spray. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil moisture is at the same level. Why is it important?

How often do you water carrots after planting? The life-giving moisture is therefore life-giving, because the fertility of the soil depends on it. If it is too dry, then the fruit will grow stale and bitter. If the earth is constantly wet, then the root crop will become clumsy, ugly and tasteless.

Specific watering frequency

Let's take a look at how to water carrots after planting throughout their entire ripening period.

In the first month, it is important to regularly water the vegetable every five days, since during this period there is an active formation of roots. The next month, the root crop should be watered only four to five times in the mornings and evenings.

After the final formation of large green tops, carrots should be watered again more often, as in the first month.

In August, the root crop is no longer subjected to abundant water procedures. They can be done in a week and a half, since the vegetable has almost taken shape and gained the necessary mass.

What water to use?

Many avid gardeners are interested not only in the question of how to properly water carrots after planting, but also in what water this should be done.

Of course, the best moisture for irrigation is warm rain. Therefore, you can collect rainwater in large containers and slightly warm it in the sun before drinking. However, summer can be dry, so carrots can be watered with settled (during the day) water from a well or spring.

What else needs to be considered when deciding how to water carrots after planting?

First of all, it should be remembered that water alone may not be enough for a vegetable, so it is worth feeding it with a special solution. How to do it and when?

Wet dressing for carrots

A month after the first shoots, the root crop should be thinned out. To do this, a distance of two to three centimeters is left between the sprouts, after which the bed is abundantly moistened with complex top dressing.

How to cook it? Put a spoonful of potassium magnesia and urea on a bucket of water. Or they dilute slurry (in a ratio of one to fifteen) and water the soil with it.

The next feeding of the plant is carried out three to four weeks after the second thinning. The distance between root crops should be leveled to four to five centimeters, and top dressing should be carried out after abundant irrigation with water.

How to fertilize the soil this time? You can use a solution of potassium sulfate (two tablespoons per bucket) or infusion of ash (half a liter of ash per bucket). Calculate the preparation of the feed so that it takes five liters of finished liquid per meter of a regular bed in length.

In early August, the root crop should be fed again using the same means as the second time.

End of watering: when?

However, many are interested not only in how to water carrots after planting in the ground, but also in the question of when to stop watering.

There is no single answer to it. It all depends on weather conditions and the speed of fruit ripening.

If you see that the carrots have already grown enough, and it is rainy outside, then you should not water the vegetable on short, clear days. If the root crop is already almost formed, but the air is heated from the heat, it is worth continuing irrigation until the harvest.

At the same time, remember that each carrot should be watered so that water penetrates the soil to the depth of the entire fruit (twenty-five to thirty centimeters).

So, we decided on the irrigation schedule. How now to know whether each root crop receives enough nutrient moisture? This requires some small calculations.

Certain norms for watering carrots

The “How to water carrots after planting” chart (by month) is very simple and easy to use. Here is a summary of it.

In May, it is necessary to water the beds 6-8 times at the rate of five to six liters per square meter.

In June, the number of liters per square meter increases to ten to twelve, while the number of procedures decreases to four to six.

In July, the total number of liters increases again, already up to twelve to fifteen, while the number of irrigations decreases to four.

In August, the volume and quantity of irrigation are sharply reduced to five-seven and one-two, respectively.

What is crop mulching

An important way to maintain soil moisture after watering is mulching. What is it and what is it eaten with?

Mulching is the covering of the earth's surface. When the crop has risen sufficiently above the ground, its roots (or root crops) should be carefully covered with organic or inorganic mulch. What is included?

Organic mulch is a natural material made from leaves, grass, hay, needles, bark, sawdust. Inorganic is pebbles, gravel, polyethylene and so on.

It is best to use organic mulch, as it rots and becomes fertilizer for plants. But there are also disadvantages here. This coating attracts unpleasant insects, larvae and worms. It also deteriorates and needs to be replaced.

What are the benefits of mulching carrots?

  1. Moisture is retained in the soil.
  2. The number of weeds is reduced.
  3. Soil erosion is prevented, its friability is preserved.
  4. Overheating of the soil in summer and freezing in winter is prevented.
  5. Helps prevent pests, infections and diseases from entering the soil and plant roots.
  6. Saves you time by reducing the number of irrigations and the amount of liquid used.

If you decide to use mulch, it is important to remember that it needs to be changed several times per season. In addition, to thin out the root crop and loosen the ground around it, you should carefully remove the previously laid mulch and, possibly, renew it.

So, we already know how to properly water carrots, how and when. And now let's get acquainted with the common mistakes gardeners make when caring for this root crop.

Avoid unnecessary mistakes

The most important mistake of amateur summer residents is irregular or too abundant watering. This can happen due to the fact that inexperienced gardeners are trying to save time, so they either fill the garden so that the fruits rot, or forget about it for a long time, as a result, the vegetable dries up. To avoid this, it is necessary to draw up a specific schedule for watering each crop separately and stick to it.

If the soil is already dry, then it is necessary to restore its moisture slowly and gradually.

Another mistake can be a high bed. Remember: carrots should be planted on a flat surface so that it receives a sufficient amount of moisture and oxygen. However, if the garden is located on a wetland, then the arrangement of high beds will only benefit carrots.

Another mistake, as we have already said, is the use of a hose. This method of irrigation can damage not only carrots, but also all other vegetable and even fruit crops.

As you can see, it is very important to properly water vegetables and root crops. Their taste, external data and productivity depend on this.

So, you have received comprehensive information about what, when and how to water carrots after planting (and beets, by the way, too, because this is also a root crop). Caring for vegetable crops is a serious and time-consuming task, but you will be fully rewarded for your care.

Rich and delicious harvests to you!

To get sweet and juicy carrots that can be stored well for several months, you need to organize proper watering and feeding during the growth period of carrots.

How to water carrots outdoors

Carrots are quite moisture-loving root vegetables. With a lack of moisture in the soil, carrots do not develop, and with an excess, they can be affected by diseases. Therefore, it is very important to find the optimal amount of moisture for watering carrots.

Watering at planting

Planting carrots can be carried out at several times: before winter, in early spring, in summer. Autumn plantings of carrots do not require watering; plants will sprout only next spring, using spring moisture from melted snow for growth.

Most varieties of carrots are sown in late April or early May, and the soil is often still damp during this period. But when sowing with dry seeds, it is better to additionally shed the grooves.

When planting carrots with dry seeds, the grooves must be moistened from a watering can

Summer plantings require very good soil moisture before sowing seeds, especially if the weather has been very hot the previous days. 20-30 liters of water should be poured per 1 m 2 so that the soil gets wet to a depth of 20-30 cm.

If the spring weather is dry, hot or windy, then the beds with sown carrots should be covered with a spandbond and watered daily until the cotyledon leaves appear. Drying out of the soil at the time of seed germination can kill all young shoots.

Watering during growth

After the emergence of shoots of carrots, the spandbond must be removed, and the aisles should be slightly loosened - this will prevent the soil from drying out at a depth and allow the root to strive deeper into the moisture.

In particularly hot regions, where temperatures in spring and summer can reach up to +30 0 C and above, it is recommended to mulch carrots with finely chopped straw, peat, compost. Mulch is poured between the rows when the carrot leaves grow up to 5 cm.

During the period of root growth, the soil under the carrots should be moderately moist.. However, watering should be plentiful so that the soil gets wet to a depth of at least 20 cm. It makes no sense to pour 1 watering can of water onto the bed every day - it will not wet the soil, and carrots will look for moisture on the surface, branch out and grow ugly. It is better to water carrots 1 time in 5–7 days, 10–20 liters per 1 m 2.

Curved and branched carrots are obtained from insufficient watering.

After each watering, rows of carrots should be loosened, but if the bed is mulched, then loosening is not carried out.

Watering before harvest

For storage, carrots are dug up immediately after they ripen. It makes no sense to keep the root crops in the garden until October, if it ripened in August, because the carrots begin to grow new roots, become flabby and hairy. A guideline for digging can be the information on the bag with the seeds of this variety. 2-3 weeks before the date of digging, watering carrots is completely stopped.. Root crops gain sweetness and the skin on them becomes rough, suitable for storage.

Table: watering norms for carrots

Top dressing carrots

In addition to watering, carrots also need liquid top dressing. When grown on well-fertilized soils, plants can be fed with solutions of EM preparations (Baikal EM1, Vostok, Shining), this works especially well on mulched beds.

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