The cheapest hedge. Perennial evergreen hedge in our garden. Aronia chokeberry and irga

A fast growing, perennial, evergreen hedge is a good option replacement of a conventional fence on your own suburban area.

Such a fence will appeal to people living in their home all year round.

In order for her to please the owners, it is necessary to choose and plant the plants correctly, so that after that she does not have to suffer to give her beauty.

Pros and cons of hedges

An evergreen hedge will help give the site an attractive look and save the family budget on building a fence and caring for it (painting, applying an anti-corrosion agent). Live fencing has the following advantages:

  • good protection of the site from curious passers-by;
  • saving money;
  • continuous production of oxygen;
  • positive impact on the mental state of a person;
  • protection of the site from dirt, noise, dust, wind;
  • the ability to divide the site into zones (summer kitchen, beds, sauna, etc.);
  • a barrier to the entry of unauthorized people and animals into the site;
  • improvement of the microclimate;
  • giving the site an attractive appearance.

In addition to the advantages, the live fence also has disadvantages:

  • requires constant care;
  • it will take time for the plants to grow.

You can buy already grown plants for a live fence, but in this case you will have to pay more for them.

Hedge Vegetation Requirements

In modern landscape design, vegetable fencing is widely used in the design of sites. With its help, zonal separation is made, used as an element of decoration around some buildings, framing paths and paths on the site. AT recent times such a fence began to be used as an alternative to the usual concrete, metal or wooden fence.

When working with evergreens for hedges, it is possible to experiment and grow a tall, compact, or low hedge.

You can create a high, living fence of plants with thorns, then no hooligans will definitely be able to get into someone else's plot. When choosing a height, the owner of the site has no restrictions, as for the width, it should not exceed 0.8 m.

A dense high hedge can become a full-fledged fence

When choosing vegetation, it is necessary to take into account some parameters: with a large perimeter of the fence, you need to make sure that the selected plant is not whimsical and does not need constant care. It will be very difficult for the owner to care for each planted plant if there are 100 of them, and sometimes much more.

With the wrong choice, you will have to spend all your free time on caring for the hedge, and not on rest or beds and fruit trees.

People living in cold climates need to choose not only unpretentious plants, but also frost-resistant ones, so that in the future they do not have to dig up frozen plants and plant new ones instead. In this case, the owner will have to constantly spend money on buying bushes.

In addition to the above parameters, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • how long the selected plant will grow;
  • can it be shaped;
  • whether there are fruits or flowers on it;
  • number of growing seasons;
  • and it is desirable that they be constantly looked after.

You can choose plants that curl or weave for fencing. Tapestries are built for them or simply left to curl along the fence present, thanks to these bindweeds, a beautiful green fence will turn out. About which fence is better to choose, see in this video:

Curly fencing will take up a small amount of space in width. This plant also does not need much time to grow, in about a year it will grow and completely hide the site from curious neighbors. Deciduous, climbing and coniferous plants are very popular in creating hedges.

climbing plants

Bindweeds are the fastest growing plants that can grow more than 1 m per season and form a dense fence. For people living in harsh climatic conditions, the choice of climbing vegetation is quite small, because most vines are not able to tolerate frost.

In cold latitudes, it is better not to use loaches for a fence.

Euonymus has a large number of varieties of varieties, among them there is also a climbing plant. You can pick up and varieties with the original color of the leaves. This plant needs loose soil and sufficient watering. This plant does not tolerate overflow and stagnant water. When choosing a non-monochrome variety with variegated shades, you should choose a sunny place to plant. If you plant a plant in the shade, it will not acquire variegated shades, but will be green.

If the choice fell on a variety with yellow or white leaves, they must be planted in the penumbra side so that the leaves do not burn out in the sun.

You do not need to choose this perennial if there are children in the family because of its toxicity.

When landing, you must wear gloves to protect your hands. Before planting the euonymus stalk in the soil, it must be rooted (about 2 months) under a film cover and only after this procedure should be placed in a prepared place. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between plants of about 0.2 m and install supports along which the euonymus will curl. In the summer, bindweed must be fed once every 2 weeks with fertilizers of mineral origin. Plant pruning should be done in early spring. In winter, a covering material is applied to the euonymus, in the first few years this is a must.

For a periwinkle hedge, trellises are a must

Periwinkle is a climbing shrub that is widely used to create high hedges (1.5 m). This is a frost-resistant plant that always looks great. Periwinkle usually blooms with large, light blue or blue flowers, but other colors can also be found. The plant feels great in any soil, can tolerate dry weather. When cutting the stems, they can be planted in moist soil, they will take root and grow.

by the most best time for landing is considered the beginning of September.

To create a hedge, it is imperative to build trellises of the required height so that the periwinkle does not creep along the ground. In order for the plant to have an attractive appearance, the soil must be loosened during planting and fertilized with fertilizers of organic origin. Between seedlings, you need to leave a distance of 0.2 - 0.3 m. You need to cover the bindweed only in the first winter season, in subsequent winters, shelter is not required. Top dressing is recommended to be done every few years. The plant tolerates pruning well, but it is better to pinch it.

Ivy. This bindweed grows up to 3 m in height, has many varieties, with a variety of shapes and shades. To maintain beauty, ivy needs regular watering and top dressing. He does not tolerate overflow and drought, and you cannot overfeed him, otherwise the vine will not look attractive. Pruning and cleaning of plants from old, damaged leaves and shoots is carried out in the autumn.

Some varieties are not able to tolerate cold weather, they are suitable for warm climates.

For propagation of ivy, cuttings are used, which must be rooted before planting. Rooted cuttings are planted at a distance of 0.3 to 0.5 m. Ivy is poisonous and can cause itching, redness and swelling of the skin. When working with bindweed, it is necessary to observe skin protection measures and, at the end of work, be sure to wash those clothes that have come into contact with ivy.

coniferous vegetation

Conifers do not grow as fast as bindweeds, but they have their own advantages. Such plants are frost-resistant, lend themselves well to shearing and are not very demanding on the soil. These hedges look good in all seasons and go well with all kinds of plants and styles in which the yard is decorated. Before purchasing a conifer, you need to decide where it will be planted. Green plants love partial shade, and conifers with a variety of shades on needles prefer a sunny area. How to make a hedge from conifers, see this video:

This vegetation should not be planted in places where water stagnation occurs. by the most the best soil for them is a mixture of sand, peat and turf in equal quantities. The landing is carried out very carefully, it is impossible to disturb the earthen clod in which the rhizome of the plant is located. In case of violation of the earthy coma or root, the conifer will take root for quite a long time, it may even disappear altogether.

The distance between seedlings ranges from 0.2 to 0.7 m, everything will depend on the intended type of hedge and conifer variety.

Conifer fences are built in 1 row. This is necessary so that each plant has enough light, otherwise the branches below will be exposed. Landing is carried out in August and September, these months are the most optimal for conifers. Healthy and strengthened seedlings can be planted in the summer, but only during cloudy weather.

After planting in the summer, seedlings should be hidden from direct sunlight, these measures will help the plant take root faster. As soon as young shoots begin to appear in the conifers, they must be watered regularly and the crown sprayed from time to time. These procedures will help strengthen the plant and increase frost resistance.

Deciduous perennials

In a large variety of deciduous plants, evergreen varieties can be found that can grow very quickly. Due to the fact that they are easy enough to cut, a neat and attractive hedge will appear on the site in a short period of time.

Barberry is a fairly strong bush, with the right formation, it can be used to create an impenetrable fence. Among the varieties you can find not only evergreen, but also fast-growing. Barberry can be combined with other artisanal perennials. Evergreen barberry should be planted in a semi-shaded place.

To make the bush look good, you need to fertilize the soil before planting.

Barberry is planted in spring and autumn, it is necessary that the root be with a clod of earth. During the acquisition of seedlings, you need to carefully examine the rhizome: if the seedling has poor, bare and small roots, then it is better not to buy it. These seedlings will not grow good plant. During disembarkation, an earthen clod with a root should be located at ground level. Whom is missed in the hole and sprinkled, the soil around the bush must be tightly tamped and watered.

In places with harsh climatic conditions, the bushes must be covered after the first frost. Pruning of bushes to remove old leaves and branches is carried out in early spring, and this should be done regularly. To shape the bush, pruning is done in the summer 3 times per season. This video will help you decide on the choice of perennial:

Boxwood is the most suitable option for creating a living fence. This plant is absolutely not whimsical, it does not require constant fertilization of the soil and watering. Almost all varieties of boxwood grow very slowly, especially dwarf species. If you do not want to wait a long time, then you need to choose tall varieties. During planting, seedlings should be arranged in 1 row at a distance of 0.15 m from each other.

Boxwood after planting must be immediately carefully watered and cut off the shoots by 2/3 of their length.

The most favorable time for planting a plant is the spring period. In the middle of 1 month of summer, 1 bushes are fed with fertilizer of mineral origin. You can cut boxwood a year after planting. Mature bushes need to be trimmed every month from mid-spring to early autumn. After shearing, boxwood should be thoroughly watered and fertilized.

To choose the right hedge plant, you need to know how the climatic conditions will be tolerated, where it is best to plant, and what needs to be done to preserve an attractive appearance. Before purchasing any seedling, you must first pay attention to the condition of its roots. With the right approach to planting and caring for a plant, a living fence will delight the owner with its appearance a sufficiently long period of time.

Looking at ordinary fences, no matter how beautiful they are, is a dubious pleasure. In order to make them look more attractive, they are decorated with all possible ways. One of the most effective is a hedge. With its help, you can not only close yourself from prying eyes, but also reduce the amount of dust in the area, as well as lower the noise level. But this is possible if the green fence is high enough and dense.

Types of hedges and plants for them

In height, the hedge can be low - up to 50 cm, medium from 60 cm to 150 cm, and high - above 160 cm. According to the composition of plants - coniferous, deciduous, flowering, according to the type of arrangement - single-row or double-row. All of them can be sheared, or they can be free-growing. Only the list of species speaks of great diversity, and a living fence can also be made up of different plants. The type of hedge is selected depending on its purpose.


A low hedge is also called a curb. It can reach a height of half a meter. Most often used as a living green frame for a flower garden or flower bed, to indicate areas on the site, simply for the purpose of decorative design. In this case, choose from shrubs, some herbaceous or flowering plants. For clipped hedges of small height fit:

If the border (low hedge) is planned to be free-growing, you can plant:

These are just some of options, but these plants form a dense wall of leaves and flowers, are relatively easy to care for, and can grow in central Russia. Just before the final choice, be sure to clarify the zoning of the selected plant, as well as the conditions and features of its cultivation. Choose according to the type and acidity of the soil, as well as the complexity of care and susceptibility to diseases.

If a hedge will grow near the house permanent residence, more attentive and thorough care is possible for her, therefore, you can select from slightly more capricious varieties. In the country, it is definitely necessary to choose unpretentious plants. This principle is preserved when choosing plants and for medium and high green fences.

medium height

If a fence of plants up to 1.5 meters high is required, they talk about a fence. It can use both flowering and fruiting shrubs, some types of trees. If such a fence performs a protective function, thorny shrubs can be used in it - barberry, wild rose, tall roses, dogwood. In addition to the plants already mentioned without pruning, you can also plant:

  • fruit-bearing - irga, dogwood, hazel, honeysuckle (common, blue, Tatar), golden currant, bright red pyracantha;
  • blooming - lilac, forsythia, mock orange, hydrangea, hawthorn, derain, yellow acacia
  • with dense foliage - privet, euonymus, cotoneaster, evergreen boxwood, Vangutta spirea;
  • conifers - western thuja, Canadian spruce, green, blue, Siberian fir, yew berry, juniper;

A green hedge is often used only to mask the main fence or complement it. In such cases, the surface of the fence can be used as a support for plants - this is if it needs to be completely masked.

One point: if you are going to cover with plants, you will have to try very hard: it heats up very much in the sun, because of which all plants at a decent distance simply burn out. If you do plan to plant a hedge, you will have to somehow protect the plants from the heat. At least knock down the wooden shields that will temporarily stand along the landing line, reflecting the heat.

High - living walls

For tall hedges (more than 1.5 meters), plants are more often used, although some tall shrubs may well grow up to 2 meters and above:

  • evergreen and coniferous - spruce, fir, thuja, yew, juniper (columnar, medium, Chinese), high varieties of evergreen boxwood, pea-bearing cypress;
  • fruit trees and berry bushes - berry apple, cherry plum, shadberry (Tatar, spike-flowered), buckthorn, viburnum;
  • deciduous - small-leaved linden, pedunculate oak, maple;
  • flowering - lilac (tall varieties), honeysuckle, mock orange;

fast growing hedge plants

Plant hedges are very beautiful, but it takes years to form a full-fledged fence. Conifers grow especially long and slowly. For example, thuja will grow to a height of 1.5 m for about 5 years, and berry yew in general 8, but they are pleasing to the eye all year round. Some shrubs grow more than others in a year - from 50 cm to 1 meter, and they can be used for planting and quickly forming a living fence.

  • Siberian hawthorn Crataegus sanguineawith yellow flowers - up to 1 meter per year;
  • shrub willows;
  • blackberries, wild roses, weaving roses (requires support);
  • spreading hazel - up to a meter or more per year;
  • viburnum viburnum - under favorable conditions, shoots grow up to 1 m;
  • deren.

Planting a hedge and care

Creating a green fence starts with the selection of plants. Please note that they must all be of the same age. This is the only way to form an even line. If these are deciduous plants, the age of the seedlings is 2-3 years, if conifers - 3-6 years. If planting is planned in a shaded area, the age of plants for planting in a hedge is more - 7-8 years. In such conditions they grow very slowly, and more or less mature plants will immediately give some kind of appearance.

hedge typeDistance between plants in a rowDistance between rows
High sheared fence (2-6 m)0.8 - 1.2 m1m
Medium trimmed hedge (from 0.6 to 1.5 m)0.4 - 0.6 m0.8 - 1 m
Free growing tall hedge (2 to 6 m)1 - 2 m2 - 3 m
Free growing medium (0.6 - 1.5 m)0.8 - 1 m1 - 1.5 m

Hedge planting distances

In the middle lane and closer to the north, landing begins in the spring, in the south it can be planted before winter - in the fall. It all starts with the formation of landing trenches.

  • According to the markings, trenches are dug 50-60 cm deep.
  • Pour a layer of fertile soil of a suitable composition.
  • At the required distance (see the table above), seedlings with a wrapped root system are laid out. Unfold it just before landing.
  • In order for the plants to take root well, the existing clod of earth does not need to be broken. Soil is poured around the root system and compacted. How exactly to plant: deepen or, conversely, plant on a hill - depends on the type of plant. Check before work.
  • Immediately after planting, the plants are watered, and the soil is sprinkled with mulch - peat, humus, crushed bark. This will keep moisture in.

Further, the first year of care consists in regular watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds, and periodic fertilizing. All activities are prescribed in the recommendations for the care of a particular type of plant. These are the ones you need to follow.

In the fall, pruning may be necessary. Even if the hedge is free-growing, it does not mean that it does not need to be formed. She does not need to be given the correct geometric shape, and pruning is also required for her, as well as for a sheared one.

Rules for trimming an unshaped hedge

As already mentioned, even free-growing green hedges require pruning. The first one is carried out immediately after landing. In this case, powerful side shoots are formed, and by the end of summer the bushes become more branched. The second pruning - goes in the fall and then for 3-4 years the bushes are pruned quite shortly until the required shoot density is reached.

One of the effective ways is pruning by the coppice culture method. She uses the ability of all deciduous shrubs to activate dormant basal buds. The stages of pruning the first year are shown in the photo below.

When planting, weak, thin shoots are cut off almost completely, and strong ones are shortened to the first strong bud. By autumn, new shoots will appear from the root, and those left in the spring will give new ones.

When the sap flow stops, all shoots are cut low, short stumps remain. Trim shape - as in the photo - in an arc. During the second season, the bush will become much more dense, several new shoots will appear from the root, two or three powerful branches will leave the “old” ones.

In the third year and further for another 2-3 years, pruning is carried out according to the same principle as in the second year, only branches are cut 3-4 cm higher than in the previous year. Further pruning is also strong, but about 3/4 of the length is cut off. This technique is good for those shrubs that form flower buds at the ends of young shoots.

According to this principle, you can very quickly form a dense hedge from curb - undersized plants, as well as from some medium-sized ones:

  • cinquefoil kusarnikova;
  • wrinkled rose;
  • hydrangea paniculata;
  • rowanberry;
  • white deren (decorative varieties);
  • Spirea Vaguna, Japanese;

The disadvantage of this method is that it greatly activates the formation of root shoots. Very aggressive varieties can produce abundant shoots at a distance of several meters from the bush. Therefore, it is desirable to limit the root zone even during planting by digging in a sheet of asbestos, plastic, metal.

hedge trimming

Many novice gardeners believe that before starting to form a hedge, it needs to be allowed to grow. You can only wait a year or two with conifers, deciduous trees must be cut immediately after planting, and then in the fall, otherwise after 2-3 years of free chaotic growth, it will be either very difficult or even impossible to do anything with the plant.

Before you start molding, you need to choose a shape. Note that straight top hedges need to be cut frequently or they lose their decorative effect. And since growth is the most active in the upper zone, it is here that the ideality of the lines is violated in the first place, while on the side surfaces they are still normal. If it is not possible or desirable to carry out a regular haircut, choose a shape with a rounded or triangular top. Even with a missed haircut, they look normal.

How to cut a hedge to form a "skeleton" - the first two stages

In the first year, all shoots are shortened by a significant part of the height. If these are plants that are sold with bare roots in bunches, they can be cut to half the length, if planted in container plants, cut to 1/3 of the height, or it is not cut at all. In autumn, the bush looks like in the photo, the picture is at the top right. With strong pruning, the formation of new shoots is stimulated, therefore, by the end of summer, the bushes become much thicker. This completes the first stage.

The second stage is the formation of the skeleton. If you look inside the already formed hedge, we will see a powerful frame of bare shoots, from which young ones come in large numbers, with abundant foliage. It is this frame that needs to be formed. At the same time, it should be thick enough so that the surface is dense and opaque. The process begins already in the second year after disembarkation, and continues for 2-3 years. During this period, the frequency of pruning can be up to 4-5 times per season.

The task is to achieve the required density of the “skeleton”. Pruning is done according to the selected shape. In the photo - an example of the formation of the frame. Such trimming must be followed in any final shape, only raising or lowering the top of the triangle - depending on how long and narrow the fence is planned. If it is wider, the top is lowered a little, if you need a narrow and high one, it is raised, and the base is made narrower. From year to year, pruning is done a little higher, literally by 3-4 cm. As a result, new shoots actively sprout, and those that were forming new forks, skeletal branches become more and more branched.

After the required density of shoots is reached, forcing in height begins. This is the third stage. On it, the trimming height is raised more actively - by 5-10 cm at a time. Actively growing upward shoots are pruned until the required density of lateral shoots is obtained. Filling foliage should be dense. Provided that pruning is carried out several times per season, the growth is quite active. At the same time, new shoots are also formed, but there are not as many of them as before.

The third stage of hedge formation is forcing in height

The frequency of pruning depends on the type of plant:

  • plums and hawthorn are sheared from May to October three or four times;
  • arborvitae, juniper, cotoneaster, snowberry, barberry - once in the summer (July-August), once in October.

Trimming is carried out so that along with the hood upwards, side filling is formed. To avoid gaps, it is better to “raise” the bush more slowly. Then it will be harder to fix.

The final stage of formation is giving the required shape

The last step is to give the desired shape. Next is a regular haircut that maintains shape.

For this type of hedges are very good in our conditions:

  • Teren;
  • Ottawa barberry;
  • blood red hawthorn;
  • cotoneaster brilliant;
  • snowberry white.

Willow hedge

From the willow you can grow a very special green hedge. It can be woven from freshly cut willow branches, which are simply buried in the ground. Such a landing is accepted with a very high probability. Branches can even be stuck at both ends, forming an arc. The willow will take root from both ends at once. To speed up the process, the top of the shoot is cut off, the bark is cut along in two places by a couple of centimeters. The thus prepared shoot is stuck into the ground.

Using this feature, you can weave a hedge, which will turn green in a few weeks. Prepared shoots are deepened by 15 cm, the earth is tightly pressed around, the planting is watered. To make it look more attractive - the dried ends of the branches do not stick out - bend the rods. At the intersection, they can be intertwined with each other, or they can be connected. If the branches are too thin, you can use two twigs, and periodically put props that will hold in place.

The disadvantage of such a hedge is that it has a decorative appearance for only a few years. After the shoots become stiff, the greenery practically disappears. But the fence does not become less reliable. On the contrary, it is difficult to break through such a wall - the branches are tightly woven.

Green fence in a couple of weeks

If you wait until shrubs or trees grow for a long time, then herbaceous plants plants produce abundant greens in a couple of weeks. This can be used if you need to decorate an unsightly wall or part of the fence that is in plain sight.

They make a wooden lattice, into which square containers with planted plants are inserted sideways. So that the soil does not fall out of them, the containers are covered with black agrofibre. A very small hole has been made in it, into which the plant looks out.

On well-lit surfaces, with sufficient watering, the wall or fence will very soon become green-shaggy. If desired, you can lay out living pictures in this way - using plants with foliage of different colors.

Photo of hedges from different plants

Often, even from a general photograph of a plant, it is difficult to imagine how it looks in a hedge. We tried to find the most popular and ornamental plants. And this is a photo of hedges, not just plants.

Hawthorn Hedge - free growing and sheared

Different types of cotoneaster. One is good for a sheared live fence, the other is good for a free-growing

Now a few examples of how container planting can be used to decorate a wall or fence.

Another option is beautiful, easy to implement - sewn bags made of agrofiber that hang on the fence

Special "frames" and appropriate lighting, and even at night the wall will look magical

Flowering hedges adorned gardens in ancient Babylon and Ancient Egypt, have been widespread in Europe and in Russia since the 18th century. And even now, despite the abundance of ordinary wooden fences, economical fences made of corrugated board, impenetrable brick and concrete fences and openwork forged fences, some owners summer cottages and private mansions use tall trees and small shrubs for hedges.

Plants for tall hedges

Does it make sense to grow plants for hedges for a long time and spend time on regular care for them, when you can install a finished fence at any time from any building material- from inexpensive profiled sheets to exclusive forged fences with aristocratic monograms?

Evergreen trees and lush hedge bushes can noticeably transform your site: they will cover outbuildings, unsightly fences and ugly landscapes, create a special atmosphere on the site filled with harmony and peace, and become a great backdrop for flower beds. It is impossible not to note such useful properties of hedges as creating a favorable microclimate and protecting the site from dust, noise, prying eyes, uninvited intrusions. And of course, neither wooden nor brick fences in terms of durability can be compared with a green wall, especially if it consists of juniper, hawthorn, spruce, linden or arborvitae, living for hundreds of years.

Video about hedge plants

A green wall up to four meters high looks best in large areas. To create it, you can use: Tatar maple, western thuja, Berlin poplar, small-leaved elm, small-leaved bush linden, Siberian hawthorn and golden honeysuckle.

If you don’t want to engage in constant cutting and shaping crowns, grow an unshaped high hedge from Canadian shadberry, shadberry, common or Hungarian lilac, golden and Tatar honeysuckle, common mock orange, Siberian apple tree and common viburnum. Fast-growing shrubs for hedges are planted in a row every meter, in two-row hedges, half a meter should be kept between rows.

A green wall up to four meters high looks best in large areas

They are good because they do not lose their beauty throughout the year and, moreover, saturate the air with useful phytoncides. An excellent high hedge will be obtained from the following conifers: Lawson's cypress, common spruce, Canadian spruce, prickly, Chinese juniper, columnar, medium, western thuja, pea-bearing cypress, berry yew. The last two plants, although they are exotic, you can find winter-hardy varieties suitable for growing in Russia.

Shrubs for hedges of medium height

In most cases, a hedge up to two meters high is enough for a private plot. Such a green wall allows you to hide outbuildings and isolate yourself from the outside world, as well as protect fruit trees in the garden from winter winds.

Such a green wall allows you to hide outbuildings and isolate yourself from the outside world.

Shrubs for hedges (you can easily find photos of the listed plants on the Internet):

  • currant golden,
  • alpine currant,
  • barberry purple,
  • common barberry,
  • ginnal maple,
  • acacia yellow,
  • hawthorn,
  • derain white,
  • cotoneaster shining,
  • cotoneaster pale-flowered,
  • spirea Vangutta,
  • mock orange Lemoine.

Evergreens are also well suited for hedges of medium height - Canadian spruce, laurel cherry and western thuja. Coniferous and hardwoods can be alternated - then in winter, when there is little sunlight, your hedge will look lighter, more transparent. And if you plant the same tree species with different colors of leaves and flowers (for example, purple and common barberries), the hedge will sparkle with bright colors. Planting density for medium hedges varies from 0.4 m to 0.8 m, depending on the characteristics of the shrubs.

Evergreens are also well suited for medium-height hedges - Canadian spruce

Low growing hedges and borders

If you do not set yourself the goal of hiding your site from the prying eyes of passers-by, but, on the contrary, want to emphasize the beauty of your garden, grow low hedges up to one meter in height. For a molded low hedge, such plants are suitable: golden currant, alpine, brilliant cotoneaster, columnar juniper, common barberry (purple and green), Ginnala maple, western thuja.

Untrimmed low-growing hedges can be created from red-leaved rosehip, Lawson's cypress, rugosa rose, Bumald's spirea, snowberry. Flowering shrubs will look very beautiful: Vangutta spirea, Maak's honeysuckle, mock orange, Amur and Hungarian lilacs, Lemoine, Wilson and Amur deutsia, heather, dog rose, tree hydrangea and rose.

Video about growing a beautiful hedge

When choosing ornamental shrubs for hedges, think about whether you need thorny plants (roses, wild rose, sea buckthorn, barberry) or non-thorny ones (golden currant, honeysuckle, common privet)? Thorny shrubs will provide additional protection from unwanted intrusions into the area, but if you have small children, it is better not to grow such plants.

If you want to achieve the best visual effect and, if possible, avoid mistakes, choose hedge shrubs that are well adapted to the climate in your area and able to successfully grow on the type of soil that is characteristic of your site. It is also desirable that the plants have small foliage, and shoots form quickly.

Perfect for decorative and fast growing perennial hedges willow. The plant is growing really fast. The branches can be intertwined, as they are very smooth and pliable. It is possible to form a kind of hedge from natural wattle.

Willows take root in many climatic zones; any soil habitable for plants is suitable for them. In swampy areas flooded during spring floods, trees quickly develop an extensive root system.

Be sure to monitor the amount of moisture, in a dry climate, the bush must be watered regularly. Plantings can tolerate shearing, so you can give them the desired appearance.

If you plant several willows on the site, you can sort out their varieties and plant several species by designing them in size and shades. Weeping willow is most suitable for weaving branches. Purple, goat, holly willow and red willow look best when weaving branches. To make a motley fence, you need to plant several trees, avoiding repeating species, then successively form their crown or allow natural ornaments to develop.

Can be used for hedges fast growing shrubs. In addition to decorativeness, some varieties bring significant benefits. Berries grow on their branches, for which you do not have to go to the forest or to the store. You can close the jam from fruits grown on your own plot. Barberry often sits down. It grows quite quickly, it can be cut into any possible shape. Fragrant and quite tasty jam is made from its berries.

From thorns can be one of the fastest ways to form a hedge. You can not follow the conditions of its maintenance, it is advisable to water and monitor soil fertilizers during drought, however, even without proper care, the turn can not lose shape for quite a long time. Having planted bushes at the same distance, you can not engage in their further formation for a long time, since they grow quite compactly. It is very difficult to get through this fence. You can get original, tart fruits. You can make excellent jam, unusual tkemali sauce and liqueur from them.

Rosehip and tea rose include many useful qualities. You can alternate the bushes when planting through one or a certain pattern. They grow quickly, able to provide valuable vitamins for the winter. Rosehip tea will allow you to get a large dose of vitamin C, tea rose jam is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, as well as sore throats and colds. From its petals you can make a fragrant liqueur with a bright red tint.

If you leave rose hips for the winter, they will decorate the site, and also become food for birds.

Photo of a wild rose hedge.

Tall shrubs for hedges

Derain white- This is a bright, hedge that grows quickly up to 3 m, you can maintain a given height of 1.2 m. Flowers can be seen 2 times per season. Once in June, and the second in August. Flower baskets have a milky color. In the process of growth, clusters of berries, blue with a slight yellow bloom, are formed, on which birds flock.

In winter, you can see the cherry-red tint of the branches, which looks especially beautiful against the backdrop of snow. The hedge can be grown both in the shade and in the sun, requires little watering, is very hardy. The close location of groundwater does not become an obstacle to its active growth and flowering.

To prevent the hedge from spreading more than 1 m wide, it is necessary to trim its lower branches.

oval reaches 3 m in height if regular shearing is not applied. Blooms in May. Bright yellow bells form before the leaves appear. They give an elegant look to the site. In cold climates, the oval or egg-shaped forsythia are considered the most persistent. If you do not use a haircut, the crown will be oval.

privet fence ordinary reaches up to 2 m in height. It can grow up to 50 cm per year. It is quite unpretentious. Bushing immediately after cutting. Pruning should be carried out constantly, as the bush will not grow evenly without additional correction. If you let the plant take its course, it will look quite interesting, white flowers will appear, and berries by autumn, but they are forbidden to eat. The bush is so dense that sometimes it can be compared with the texture of the wall.

The plant is quite strong, so it does not need frequent and plentiful watering.

Video of a privet hedge.

Evergreen shrubs for hedges

boxwood compact and versatile. They can plant the edges of the site adjacent to the roads. It is possible to delimit several zones with a shrub for a separate planting, for example, vegetables and flowers. With it, you can create a composition with your own design.

They can be planted in dim, dark places in the garden, under trees or near tall structures. Many varieties do well in well-drained soils.

So that the leaves do not burn out from bright sunlight, in clear weather, the soil must be well moistened.

Video clipping a boxwood hedge.

Fatsia notable for bright, glossy leaves that completely cover thick, strictly vertical trunks. The shrub is quite hardy, so it is suitable for planting in shady areas of the garden. The stems are cream in color, they are placed in spherical umbrellas, they form in early autumn. Bees often flock to them, so for beekeepers this will be an excellent option.

Lavender grown by gardeners quite often, as it has fragrant flowers and interesting green foliage with a silver sheen. May be purple or pink. The shrub is quite hardy and versatile. They can be used for edging and bordering or grown in containers. Butterflies and bees flock to the flowers. Flowers create a spectacular contrast with dark-colored shrubs due to the presence of silvery, light leaves.

thorny shrubs for hedges

Hawthorn allows you to form a real thorny fence. Many of these flowers have thorns, you can pay attention to the varieties of American origin. An adult shrub grows quite high, so it can become an obstacle, for example, for neighboring animals in the country. Large-thorn hawthorn grows up to 5-6 m, if no measures are taken to cut it.

The length of each spine is on average 1.2 cm. The Siberian hawthorn does not have such impressive spines. Some plants have broad, highly spreading foliage combined with small spines.

mahonia endowed by nature with thorny leaves. Their rich green color is brightly combined with yellow, small, but frequent flowers. They appear already at the end of the winter months. Flowers are located on long racemes or ends of graceful branches. They are able to give brightness to the entire garden at a time when other plants are still sleeping. The only condition is to plant them as often as possible.

You can arrange flowers on the shore of a reservoir, near a strong shadow. Clay soils do not interfere with their excellent flowering. Bees flock to them. There are varieties that grow very low, so they can be used as ground covers.

princepia chinensis has decorative, unusual foliage, beautiful flowering. The bush is very lush, the crown is semicircular, some branches may lie scattered.

It boasts small but interesting flowers, which later turn into small berries that look like cherries. It is used in medicine as a strong tonic. Unpretentious and frost-resistant shrub, easily grown in mid-latitudes.

Photo of hedges from the bushes. Shrubs for hedges.

Proper planting and proper care of fast growing shrubs will allow significantly ennoble your own garden and any piece of land. By choosing the right variety of plants, you can decorate the yard according to your own taste.

Unlike an ordinary fence, which can be not only reliable, but also beautiful, a wall of living plants looks richer and more elegant. Is it possible to just walk, and at least not smile, past a blooming green border exuding the aroma of freshness, or not to sit down to relax in the coolness of a high shady alley.

At the same time, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, the cordon performs quite practical functions: it protects the courtyard of the estate from wind, noise and exhaust gases.

A fence is called a fence up to 1.5 m in height, it is about shrubs and trees of this growth that we will talk.

What are green fences?

It is necessary to select plants for the installation of a green wall depending on the desired result, namely:

  • border (up to 50 cm high)
  • hedge (from 60 to 1.5 m)
  • high fence (above 1.5 m)
  • blooming
  • fruitful
  • coniferous
  • deciduous

You need to decide in advance what type of cordon suits you, whether it will be free-growing or have strict geometric shapes (that is, be sheared).

For molded hedges, it is best to choose small-leaved shrubs, as they have a denser crown.

You will also need to plan the structure of the green fence. Most often, single-row plantings are used, but in some cases, multi-row stepped, color compositions are also used.

If the function of a hedge is to protect the site from uninvited guests, you can use prickly ones, for example, a pyracantha apple tree, the needles of which are quite long and sharp.

Of course, frost resistance, rapid growth and demanding care for them play an important role.

Therefore, when choosing plants for planting, it is advisable to give preference to natives acclimatized in the area, unpretentious, quickly recovering after pruning.

What fast growing plants to use for hedges

The disadvantage of a living fence is its rather long growth. For example, evergreen conifers up to a height of 1.5 m can grow from 5 to 8 years. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to fast growing bushes for hedges such as:

  • Siberian hawthorn
  • tree peony
  • rose hip
  • shrub roses
  • hazel

Under favorable conditions, these plants can grow up to 1 meter or more in a year.

Plants that can survive cold winters

One of highlights in the arrangement of the outer perimeter of the estate is the winter hardiness of the planted seedlings. The aesthetic appearance of the green fence also depends on this.

So that he is not with bald spots or gaping open holes, you need to select frost-resistant bushes for living. Among deciduous trees, the following are capable of surviving low winter temperatures:

  • rhododendron
  • heather
  • rose hip
  • hawthorn

as well as conifers:

  • Chinese juniper, scaly
  • yew berry
  • canadian spruce
  • Siberian fir

Description of hedge bushes

The list of names for hedge bushes can be quite extensive, but in this article only species that meet two requirements will be considered - they are fast-growing and frost-resistant.

  • fruit-bearing - game, hawthorn, wild rose
  • blooming - lilac, tree peony
  • deciduous - willow, acacia, etc.

Depending on the variety, the flowers are white or pink. Fruits in the form of large orange-yellow, bright red and even black berries.

Hawthorn is most often used for hedges along the perimeter of the site, since almost all of its varieties have sharp thorns 1 to 6 cm long.

tree peony at proper care reaches up to 1.5 m. height.

During the flowering period, which lasts an average of 10 days, up to 70 buds bloom on one bush.

Each reaches a diameter of ¼ m.

Terry and semi-double inflorescences are diverse with numerous bright yellow stamens in the center.

But, even after flowering, the peony remains an equally attractive ornamental plant due to its lush vegetation.

Tree-like peonies are able to survive short-term low temperatures (up to -27-30 ° C), although in extremely cold winters they can freeze completely, but soon recover due to new root shoots. The plant is preserved during the onset of the first frost by pruning the stems and covering the root collar with a layer of peat .

When constructing a hedge from a tree-like peony, it should be noted that this plant does not like drafts, scorching sun rays and excessive watering. Failure to comply with these will lead to the death of seedlings and wasted effort and money.

Peonies do not tolerate dampness, therefore, with a high occurrence of groundwater, they are contraindicated for cultivation. These plants thrive in alkaline, well-drained soils.

Peonies are also demanding for transplantation. It is desirable to root them in a permanent place from mid-August to the end of September. The root neck during planting should be at ground level.

The first 1-2 years, the seedlings are restored, so the flowering of the bush during this period is not recommended. Ripening buds must be removed before they open.

A widespread disease of tree pions - gray rot is the result of an excess of moisture or nitrogen in the soil or a strong shading of the site.

Rosehip is the most unpretentious plant for hedges. Its only drawback is a very rapidly developing root, capable of growing a considerable distance in different directions. To prevent such troubles during the laying of the green cordon, limiters must be used. Pieces of slate or corrugated board dug to a depth of at least 50 cm around the entire perimeter of the trench can act as their role.

The wild rose grows so fast that in just a couple of years a solid beautiful and prickly watchman will appear on the site, complementing the main fence or acting instead of it.

Free-growing rosehip bushes can reach a height of up to 2 m. It blooms in late spring with white and pale pink flowers. The fruits are orange to red in color, round or oval in shape.

Rosehip tolerates a haircut well. It should be done in the fall after the leaves have fallen. It can be given any desired shape.

Willow the most common plant in the world. You can prepare seedlings for planting yourself. It propagates by cuttings. For cutting, 2-3-year-old shoots are required, which are easily rooted by direct planting in the ground and quickly form into healthy bushes.

Willow belongs to the trellis types of hedges, that is, for its growth, supports will be required to which fragile shoots will be attached. To create a dense fence, the cuttings are cut from the sides and connected to each other using an ordinary rope.

The fused rods form a high wall, enclosing the site stronger than any other man-made fence.

Even an inexperienced beginner can make a hedge of willow on their own. Moreover, the ease of planting and caring for it does not require any special effort.


For a green fence, young two, three-year-old bushes and three to six years old, with a well-developed crown, can easily take root in a new place, are suitable. You also need to take into account the individual characteristics of the growth of each species, soil acidity, the need for light, moisture and nutrients.

In a harsh winter, planting seedlings is best done in the spring. Of course, autumn planting of winter-hardy species is also possible, but for greater safety, young plants will need to be covered and covered with snow.

It is necessary to plant bushes for hedges at a distance of at least 2 m from the main building and 0.5-1.5 m from the fence.

It should be noted that it is best to close the metal fence from the period of growth of the green cordon with wooden shields. Warming up under the rays of the scorching sun during the daytime, iron can burn a young fragile plant.

When planting plants for fencing, certain parameters are followed:

  • 0.3-0.5 m between bushes
  • 0.75-1.5 m between trees in one row
  • 0.5 m trench depth
  • 50 cm its width with a single row landing
  • 1 m when planting in two rows

With a two-row planting, the plants are placed in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining the distance between the seedlings, depending on their intended height and crown size. Cascading multi-row living cordons look very impressive, combining free-growing trees with molded bushes.

The approximate area for planting seedlings per 1 linear meter will be:

  • 5-7 low growing shrubs
  • 4-5 medium
  • 1-2 tall trees or bushes

For free-growing plants, these parameters can be increased.

Before planting the plants, mark the location of the hedge with twine, after which the trench. The bottom is loosened and fertilized with fertile soil of the desired composition.

In no case should fresh manure be used as fertilizer when planting coniferous plants.

Having placed the seedlings at the required distance from each other, straighten the roots, fall asleep and compact the soil. After that, carefully spill the groove with water and mulch.

Which method of planting to apply, deepen or plant on a hill, will depend on the level of groundwater in the area and the type of plant. Check in advance!

Shaping, cutting and care

During the first 2 years of the life of deciduous seedlings, care comes down to regular watering, loosening and fertilizing the soil, weeding. The seedlings need to acclimatize in a new place and get stronger, after which you can begin to form a green fence.

The first step is hemping. This technique allows you to significantly compact the crown of the plant and reduce its height. The operation is carried out in autumn during leaf fall.

Only when the trunk diameter reaches 1.5-2 cm / can the top be cut off at a height of 20-25 cm from the root base. Such pruning promotes the growth of young strong shoots.

The next year after hemping, the plant should recover. Only after another season does the first pruning, which forms the skeletal branches of the seedling. The bushes are sheared, giving the hedge the shape of a triangle.

With the help of such a haircut, you can adjust the size of the living fence. For a narrow and high green fence, the top of the triangle is raised, and the width of the base is reduced, for a low one, everything is done the other way around, the top is lowered, the base is increased.

If the crown of the plant is not thick enough, then a year later, another stimulating pruning of the skeletal branches is carried out.

In the future, the profile of the green fence is increased to the desired size in height and width, annually pruning the plant 3-4 cm higher than the previous one. Achieving the density of the crown, it is better not to rush to extract the plant.

Having achieved the desired, we proceed to give the hedge the desired shape. After that, we carry out a corrective haircut 2-3 times a season.

It is necessary to shorten young shoots by no more than 2/3 of the growth, too short haircut can lead to hedge baldness.

Caring for the green cordon consists in timely watering, fertilizing the soil and keeping the tree trunks in good condition.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to enjoy a beautiful green fence for many years, not only protecting the inner world of the estate from aggressive outside influences, but also helping to clean the closed microclimate.

hedge in landscape design

Very widely green fences are used by landscape designers. With their help, original park ensembles, galleries, gazebos and even sculptural compositions are created.

But even on 6 acres country house elements can be successfully combined landscape design with the cultivation of cabbage and carrots. For arranging a personal plot, you can use a mixed type of hedge, combining plants of the same species with different colors of flowers, foliage or needles.

Densely planted trees and shrubs make for secluded greenery, a great place to relax and chat over a cup of tea.

To decorate the main fence, you can use climbing plants - blackberries, girlish grapes. Unpretentious in care, fast-growing, they will look spectacular on any dull surface, and delight the owners with their fruits. Bright red autumn vine leaves will perfectly decorate the wall of the house.

On large areas, green cordons are arranged to delimit space, creating a more comfortable, festive atmosphere.

Setting up a hedge is a creative and exciting process. The abundance of names of fast-growing and frost-resistant bushes for its creation will allow you to choose plants for any, even the most sophisticated and demanding taste.

How to create a hedge, you can watch the video:

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