Presentation on the topic "violations of the norms of the literary language." Presentation on the topic "Orthoepic norms of the modern Russian language" presentation for a lesson in the Russian language (class) on the topic Presentation literary Russian language norms of their variability

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“Language is the first tool of labor, the first machine that helps a person to transform the world. Performing logical operations for us, it serves man and enslaves him. (M. Gorky.) "Our language is expressive not only for high eloquence, for loud poetry, but also for gentle simplicity, for the sounds of the heart and sensitivity." (N. Karamzin.) -What general idea unites these statements?

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ORPHEPIC STANDARDS. Persuasive argument, English aristocracy, upper bourgeoisie, social activity, make a contract, get rusty from dampness, phone rings, useful invention, rubber plantations, new residential quarter, work as a combine operator, firm intention, relieve pain, place in the stalls, express condolences, means of communication , porcelain cup, new owners, apply for enrollment in courses. Read the phrases. (One student reads, the rest follow the pronunciation. Find and correct inaccuracies in speech).

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Persuasive argument, English aristocracy, upper bourgeoisie, social activity, make a contract, get rusty from dampness, phone rings, useful invention, rubber plantations, new residential quarter, work as a combine operator, firm intention, relieve pain, place in the stalls, express condolences, means of communication , porcelain cup, new owners, apply for enrollment in courses. Check yourself!

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I. In which word is the stress on the last syllable? 1. astrakhan fur 2. cakes 3 put 4. accepted II. In which word is the stress on the first syllable? was not 2. was not 3.waited 4.cement III.Which word is stressed correctly? 1. obituary (2nd syllable) 3. facilitate (2-syllable) 2. fight (1st syllable) 4. plum (1st syllable) IV. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted? 1. created 3. started 2. catalog 4. cakes Test task.

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I. In which word is the stress on the last syllable? 1. astrakhan fur 2. cakes 3 put 4. accepted II. In which word is the stress on the first syllable? was not 2. was not 3.waited 4.cement III.Which word is stressed correctly? 1. obituary (2nd syllable) 3. facilitate (2-syllable) 2. fight (1st syllable) 4. plum (1st syllable) IV. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted? 1. Created 3. Started 2. Catalog 4. Cakes Test yourself!

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LEXICAL REGULATIONS. Moon Evening Shining stars Magical mood Dream What associations arise when reading these words? Try to "create a picture of what is happening."

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I. Which of the following words means “strong excitement, excitement; struggle of interests around something”? 1) courage 3) excitement 2) mirage 4) entourage II. Which of the following words means "a specialist in the production of ballet dances"? 1) conductor 3) ethnographer 2) choreographer 4) concertmaster III. Which of the following words has the meaning of "a science that studies the origin, material and spiritual culture, features of life different peoples peace? 1) mythology 3) ethnography 2) folklore 4) bibliography IV. Which word is misunderstood? 1) DEMONSTRATE - go on a demonstration 2) POPULAR - well-known, recognized 3) PRESS SECRETARY - representative of the press authorities 4) PRIVATIZATION - transfer of property to private hands Test task.

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V.. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly? 1) BRANCH - a part of some enterprise of the institution 2) TRILLION - a number represented by a unit with 12 zeros 3) INTERNSHIP - A PERSON undergoing a probationary period 4) SOUVENIR - a birthday present VI. . In which sentence, instead of the word LIFE, should you use LIFE? 1) They were sisters, but their LIFE paths diverged so much that they did not correspond for years. 2) Early spring, when everything comes to life and gains LIFE FORCE - this is the content of this picture. 3) This operation is needed for vital indications. 4) He dreamed of living far from civilization in order to get away from the LIFE noise and hardships. VII. In which sentence, instead of the word ETERNAL, should CENTURY be used? 1) long autumn evenings the master did not leave the room, and in his unchanging dressing-gown, with an ETERNAL pipe in his teeth, sat by the window. 2) Dense thickets of bushes alternated with ETERNAL oak groves and birch forests. H) Among the ETERNAL human values, the most important for him was honesty. 4) In areas permafrost houses are built according to special projects.

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Check yourself!

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Pathway………. a hawthorn bush, and the forest immediately ……… to the sides: in the middle of a clearing in white, sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, ……. oak. It seemed that the trees respectfully parted to give the older brother ……… full force. Its lower branches are a tent …….. over the clearing. Snow……… into deep wrinkles of the bark, and a thick, three-girth trunk seemed to be stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried up in autumn, almost did not ………, the oak tree was covered with leaves in snow covers up to the very top. Here is an excerpt from Yu. Nagibin's text "Winter Oak". Try to restore it by inserting verbs.

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The path rounded a hawthorn bush, and the forest immediately resounded to the sides: in the middle of a clearing in white, sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. It seemed that the trees parted respectfully to let the older brother turn around in full force. Its lower branches spread like a tent over the clearing. It snowed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed to be stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried up in autumn, almost did not fly around, the oak tree was covered with leaves in snow covers to the very top.

Compare your text with the original

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1. Indicate the error in the formation of the word form. 1) more beautiful 2) name day 3) less than seventy-five rubles 4) go tomorrow 2. Find a mistake in the formation of the word form. 1) younger 2) lie down 3) without gold epaulettes 4) in two hundred steps 3. Indicate the error in the formation of the word form. 1) more than fifty rubles 2) their children 3) five saucers 4) lie on the sofa 4. Indicate the error in the formation of the word form. 1) after reading the story 2) less significant Z) in the year 2005 4) go home MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS

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5. Indicate the error in the formation of the word form. 1) in seventy ways 2) one hundred tons 3) run one hundred meters 4) the most interesting of all 6. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form. 1) delicious cake 2) at the airport H) younger than his brother 4) three hundred meters away 7. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form. 1) coastal boats 2) will get well soon 3) three brothers 4) with new shoes

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Check yourself!

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1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence When traveling by bicycle, 1) the muscles of the legs and back develop. 2) Requires a lot of stamina. h) you get great pleasure. 4) my headlight broke. 2. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm). 1) Schedule repair work in the shops of the plant was violated contrary to the instructions of the director. 2) Those who sat on the banks of the river more than once experienced incomparable bliss. H) A visitor, apparently a tourist, asked a passer-by if there was a post office nearby. 4) My sister likes to play the piano and sing in the choir. syntactic rules.

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3. In which sentence can the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by participle turnover? 1) Princess Marya looked at Rostov with her radiant gaze, which made her forget the ugliness of her face. 2) The era of reaction that came in Russia after the Decembrist uprising gave birth to people like Pechorin. 3) The troops of the First Russian Army, with which the sovereign was located, were located in a fortified camp near Drissa. 4) Among those present, Margarita immediately recognized Azazello, who was standing at the head of the bed. 4. In which sentence can the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by participial turnover? 1) The largest and noisiest company was formed around Nina Semyonovna, a teacher elementary school, who met all these guys on the threshold of the school ten years ago. 2) The stones that now form the peaks of the Alps or the Himalayas were once formed under water. 3) The main source of energy for all living beings that inhabit our planet is the energy of sunlight. 4) Both in summer and winter, the panorama that opens from the steep bank of the Tsna is unique in its beauty.

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Check yourself!

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1. Select texts where you can violate the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. 2. Compose your text using the words: the sea is a house, with boarded-up windows, an edge covered with flowers, a light 3. Compose tests

The concept of speech culture

What is a "culture of speech"?

  • the ability to clearly, clearly, competently express one's thoughts, the ability to influence listeners;
  • as a special linguistic discipline, it is such a quality of speech that ensures the most effective communication while observing linguistic, communicative and ethical standards.

The concept of speech culture


Language Component

Communicative component

Language norms (spelling, etc.)

Ethical Component

Communicative norms (compliance with the requirements of accuracy, intelligibility, purity of speech, possession of speech styles)

Etiquette of business writing, etiquette of oral communication

The concept of language norm

The language norm is the main feature of the literary language.

The norm is understood as a set of rules for the use of words, their grammatical forms, rules for pronunciation, word formation, operating in a given period of the literary language; word usage rules.

  • Accent (accent)
  • Orthoepic (pronunciation of sounds and their combinations)
  • Lexical ( right choice words according to their meanings)
  • Phraseological (correct use of stable combinations)
  • Word-building (formation of words and their structure)

  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Grammatical (rules for using morphological forms different parts speech)
  • Syntactic (rules for linking words in a sentence and a phrase)
  • Stylistic (style affiliation of language elements)

1) sent to the store

2) old

1) ailment

3) flint

2) bent

1) dobela

3) will give a medal

4) nursing

2) heretic

1) started

2) called guests

4) plum

3) redeemed

3) gas pipeline

4) started

4) to the top

Orthoepic norms

In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

2) Souvenir - a birthday present.

3) Actual - very important, topical.

4) Disinform - to report distorted or false information.

Lexical norms

The lexical meaning of which word is formulated incorrectly?

2) Absolute

3) Perfect

4) Flawless

Lexical norms

What word has the meaning "unconditional, independent of anything, taken beyond comparison with anything"?

2) Convey in your own words

3) See with your own eyes

4) Do it yourself

Phraseological norms

What phraseological phrase has the meaning "independently, without anyone's help"?

2) Country, sincerity, roll up

3) Grounded, suede, stutter

4) Ferment, splinter, bosom

Word-building norms

In which row does the prefix stand out in all words behind- ?

  • K_leidoscope, met_morphosis, euk_lipt, am_ralny
  • St_tistics, floor_zherka, light_marine, p_stament
  • K_ravan, concert, p_ntomima, f_milia
  • P_radox, tr_mplin, r_rmonia, sh_mpignon

Spelling norms

In which row in all words is the letter written A ?

  • Liberated village, defective goods, loaded gun
  • Lined notebook, mighty road, snake venom
  • Trained dogs, clay pot, scatter toys
  • Armored car, risky act, straw hat

Spelling norms

In which row is NN written in all words?

  • Reading is the best teaching.
  • Genius is patience.
  • His life is like a legend.
  • Live to serve the Motherland.

Punctuation norms

Which sentence should not include a dash?

  • A person probably needs to know all the delights of civilization in order to come to such an understanding of happiness.
  • However, our meeting took place under very strange circumstances.
  • The earth seemed to have increased its gravity many times over.
  • On one side the mountains were silent, on the other side the sea was noisy.

Punctuation norms

Which offer does not introductory structures?

1) lie down on the ground

2) kilogram of waffles

1) more fun than everyone

3) five hundred seventy-six reviews

2) five saucers

1) two hundred kilograms

3) go to the prince

4) the strangest case

2) name day

1) burning wood

2) in three hundred steps

4) fifty-five ways

3) more firmly

4) with fifty soldiers

3) more beautiful performance

4) kilogram of pasta

Grammar norms

Give an example with an error

in word form formation

After reading the professor's article,

1) we had many questions about the premises of the theory.

2) the originality and simplicity of the concept delighted Stanislav.

3) Natalia had a desire to personally discuss with the author some aspects of his work.

4) I was struck by the boldness of the expressed idea to the depths of my soul.

Grammar norms

Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence

1) In the epic novel "War and Peace" there are many battle scenes.

2) Those of us who skied on this cold winter day got frostbite on our face and hands.

3) According to the traditions that have developed in the fleet, the passage through the equator is a significant event for the team.

4) Heinrich Mann is rightfully considered one of the greatest realist prose writers who lived in the twentieth century.

Grammar norms

Find a sentence with a grammatical error (violation of the syntactic norm)

There are about 200 types of cells in the human body. Since its inception, microscopy has been the leading method for studying cells. Most of the cell components are transparent, so they are not visible under a microscope. To make them visible, the cells are stained by first treating them with special solutions that, while preserving the structure of the cell, make it permeable to the dye.

Stylistic norms

Determine the style of the text, name the words,

which can be replaced by more appropriate to this style

  • language protection function (norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and comprehensibility, protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargons, and vernacular)
  • the function of reflecting the history of the language (norms reflect what has developed in the language historically)


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“The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.” A.I. Kuprin

Orthoepy is a set of rules that establish a uniform pronunciation of individual sounds, combinations of sounds, grammatical forms and individual words.

1. Pronunciation of vowels a) reduction: a quantitative and qualitative change in the pronunciation of a sound in a speech stream, depending on how far it is from the stressed syllable. b) absence / o / in an unstressed position: milk - m / a / l / a / ko gold - angry / a / t / a / expensive - d / a / r / a / g O th.

c) transition /i/ to /s/ in position after solid consonants: without /s/gloy d) pronunciation of /s/ after /w/, /w/, /c/: w/s/t, sh/s/ t e) squealing: in / a / yes, p / a / ethic hiccuping: l / and / aunt

2. Consonant pronunciation

c) assimilation of consonants to the quality of the subsequent sound on the basis of softness/hardness, deafness/voicedness: /s/neg, /f/se, pro/zb/ba

d) combinations of h as shn: boulo / shn / th and bakery, dairy and milk / shn / th, wheat / shn / th and wheat, lavo / shn / ik and shopkeeper, bakery and bulo / shn / th, plum / shn /th and creamy, i/shn/eva and barley, but kone/shn/o, sku/shn/o, yai/shn/itsa

e) in the indefinite form of the verb in place -tsya is pronounced -tstsa: smile / tss / a, developing / tss / a e) the combination of letters zzh is pronounced as a double soft / zhzh /:

3. Pronunciation of borrowed words a) hard consonants before e: in words denoting the concepts of foreign life: peer, mayor, dandy, cottage, cocktail, constable; in proper names, surnames: Chopin, Flaubert, Voltaire, La Fontaine; in terminology: interview, modernization.

b) before [e], consonants are softened if the borrowed words have already been mastered by the Russian language: k[r"]em, aka[d"]emia, faculty[t"]et, mu[z"]her, shi[n"]el c) the consonants g, k, x are always softened before [e]: ma [k "]et, [g"] eyzer, [k"] egli, s [x"]ema

Stress - highlighting a syllable in a word with greater power of pronunciation and an increase in duration.

1 . Distinguishes different words: deputy O k - z A mok, muk A - m U ka, coward I t - tr U sit, poguzh Y n n - immersed 2. Distinguishes between the forms of different words: nosh U - n O shu, circles I - circles Uzhki, arrows I - arrows, squirrel I - whites

3. Distinguishes the forms of one word: braid And those - to O sieve, nose And those - n O sieve 4. Distinguishes functional and stylistic options: laurel Ovy leaf - family of l A rovs (scientific)

1. Diversity of stress Sister, slowly, lie down, pharmacy, Optics, polyclinic, dental

2. Mobility of stress bandage - bandage doctor - doctor treat - treat, cure leaf - leaf, leaves

1. Patients of the fifteenth, sixteenth and nineteenth wards, please take your medicines at exactly twelve o'clock (from the announcement at the nurse's post) 2. First of all, my intention is to take care of you, my dear, and only then all the documents, diets, gastoroscopies, dysentery (from a conversation between a doctor and a patient)

3. Chronic ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels of the heart, angina at rest and exertion. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis (from diagnoses).

Whooping cough, analgin, anatomist, biopsy, endoscopy, aches, obituary, dumbness, force, means, catalog, surgery, pampered, hospital, contract, camphor, pantry, alleviate, anamnesis, fear, orthopedics, block, life support, sealed, call, meager, to intercede.

Adequate, adenoids, watercolor, anesthesia, benefis, prodigy, detective, delicacy, identical, interview, boarding school, computer, cream, laser, press, sweater, sepsis, tempo, timbre, thermos, dash, chimpanzee, stamp.

stress falls on A stress falls on O stress falls on E stress falls on I anatomist biopsy contract means phenomenon conspiracy drowsiness beet slander prettier an A tom s A slander n A vernacular dog Orfen Omen katal Og drem Otalom Ota means

Yuminova E.V. We master the norms of pronunciation and stress. / Russian language, No. 07, 2010. P.10-17 Dotsenko S.P. And now about the stress - Narushevich A.G. Methods of preparation for the exam in the Russian language: lesson planning, lesson organization, exercise system. Lecture No. 1. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy. / Russian language, No. 17, 2011. P.5-14. Complete guide to the Russian language. Spelling. Punctuation. Orthoepy. Vocabulary. Grammar. Stylistics: N. N. Solovieva - St. Petersburg, Onyx, Astrel, Mir and Ob, 2011 - 464 p. Russian language. Grade 10. Speech norms. "Speak so I can see you." Tutorial: N. A. Senina, T. N. Glyantseva, N. A. Gurdaeva - St. Petersburg, Legion, 2014 - 272 p.

2 An integral part of the general culture of a person is the culture of speech, i.e. the ability of a writer or speaker to express their thoughts in accordance with the content, correctly and expressively. The concept of "language norm" is one of the key concepts in the doctrine of the correctness of speech. The norm of the literary language is a socially approved rule, i.e. the generally accepted use of words, phrases, word forms, syntactic constructions, fixed in dictionaries and reference books.

4 Grammatical norms of the language Morphological norms are the norms of inflection in the declension of nominal parts of speech, in the conjugation of verbs, the norms of word formation and the definition of gender. Syntactic norms are rules for the use of syntactic constructions, ignorance of which leads to incorrect construction of phrases or sentences.

6 Determine in which sentences there are NO syntax errors, explain your choice: 1. Several boys looked at each other in surprise. 2. The launch vehicle has been delivered into orbit. 3. The train left according to the schedule. 4. She was young and beautiful. 5. I was traveling with a group of children playing sports. 6. When you look around, you get the impression that you have already been here.

7 Syntax errors Violation of agreement between the predicate and the subject Four students participated in the game. Violation of control According to order a Violation of agreement A pair of windows covered with a curtain is visible. Violation of the way of expressing the predicate in separate constructions Everyone was happy and cheerful. Errors in the use of aspect-temporal forms of verbs I live in Lermontov and was happy.

8 Syntax errors Mistakes in sentences with participial turnover The path is covered with melting snow underfoot Mistakes in sentences with participial turnover When you started studying, you had little time. Mistakes in constructionThe book teaches me to think, which I read as a child Mixing direct and indirect speech Petya said that I do not agree with your opinion. Violation of the boundaries of the proposal. It was already night. When I got home.

9 Vocabulary - orthoepic warm-up 1). Determine the lexical meaning of paronyms: well-fed - well-fed, swampy - swampy, come to life - revive, subscriber-subscription, everyday-everyday, deed-misconduct. 2). In which sentence should the word WATER be used instead of the word WATER? 1. Land reclamation of swamps has disturbed the water balance. 2. There are many aquatic beetles in an overgrown pond. 3. Water channels have become very popular, especially among young people. 4. In the rain, plants store up moisture and can manage with their water reserves for a long time.

10 3. Solve orthoepic tasks: 1. In which word is the stress on the 2nd syllable? a/ beets b/ blinds c/ wholesale d/ briefly 2. In which word is the stress on 1 syllable? a/ otherwise b/ expert c/ drowsiness d/ sign 3. In which word is the stress on the 3rd syllable? a/ instrument b/ yawning c/ outright d/ accepted 4. Which word has more sounds than letters? a/ south b/ explained c/ hatch d/ filming 5. Which word has the sound Y? a/ nanny b/ village c/ entrance d/ wheels

11 Write down the nouns in the nominative plural: Address, director, doctor, master, professor, silk. Contract, engineer, officer, coach, driver, month, cake, hospital. Rewrite, opening brackets: a pair (felt boots, boots, boots, stockings, socks); a lot (cases, places, apples, tangerines); kilogram (oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, tomatoes); group (engineers, trainers, drivers). Decline the numbers 749, one and a half, both. Form all possible forms of degrees of comparison from the following adjectives: beautiful, bitter, sweet, deep, small. Form the form of the imperative mood of the verbs: go, kindle, lie down, erase.

12 CHECK YOURSELF Find a grammatical error in the formation of the form of the word, write this word correctly: Headmasters, a container being loaded, five kilograms, in the snow, thousands of Bashkirs, a lot of people, a lot of Georgians, all the drivers, two pairs of socks, my shoe, a few tangerines , a lot of apples, 5 kilobytes, delicious coffee, a party of cadets, the most beautiful, I manage a warehouse, I save it for later, six hundred meters, an hour and a half drive, a glass of juice, a lot of snow.

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REGIONAL STATE BUDGET PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KRASNOYARSK MEDICAL COLLEGE" Lecturer of discipline "Language literacy and culture of speech in professional activity»: A.Yu. Fedulova * Plan The concept of a language norm. Types and types of norms of the Russian language. * The concept of a language norm educated people pronunciation rules, grammatical and other language means, word usage rules, that is, the regular choice of words in speech (oral and written). The language norm is a model, it is how it is customary to speak and write in a given linguistic society in a given era. The norm determines what is right and what is wrong. It recommends some language means and modes of expression and prohibits others. These rules exist objectively, regardless of the desires of each individual person. They are formed gradually by selecting the most common forms of oral and written speech in a given period. The norm is not only essential element culture, it is a speech ideal that everyone should strive for. * Typology of norms According to the sphere of use According to the degree of manifestation of normativity Accentological Orthoepic Lexical Word-building Morphological Syntactic Stylistic Spelling Punctuation Imperative Dispositive There are two main types of norms: imperative - strictly obligatory for use only in the specified variant of use; dispositive - suggesting the existence of options. * Norms of stress on the first syllable - in all forms, except for Zh.R. - percussion KR. ADJ. VERB вр - stressed first syllable - as a rule, in all forms, except Zh.R. arrived, occupied, understood, began, took, gave, slept, but: sent, put the end - in Zh.R. ending - usually in J.R. . bitter (bitter, bitter) close (close, close) cheerful (-oh, -s), young (-oh, -s) hungry (hungry, hungry) bitter, close, cheerfully hungry, young arrived, arrived, took profit ( -o, -i), understood (-o, -i), started (-o, -i), but: will include * Norms of word usage Based on knowledge of the lexical meaning and lexical compatibility of the word with other words in the sentence. ERRORS: 1. Incorrect use of the word Ivanov was the leader (instead of “instigator”) of all the outrages. Thanks to the fire, the forest burned down (instead of “due to the fire”). weak game ... (instead of "because of") 2. Mixing of paronyms. (fact ≠ factor, effective ≠ spectacular, dress ≠ put on, well-fed ≠ well-fed...) 3. Violation of lexical compatibility. Grinev's father is a strict domestic serf (instead of a "serf-owner"). Sudden departure (instead of "sudden"); plays a role (instead of "plays a role" or "makes a difference"); to be useful; caused joy ... * Norms of word usage 4. Ambiguity 5. Extra words (pleonasm), repetition (tautology). 6. Skipping words. 7. Stamps (expressions with faded lexical meaning). 8. Style inconsistency. You can find a specialist (?) in our area. Came back; torrential downpour. May have consequences... (omitted "behind me") All children in the school are covered with hot meals. We must hurry, because we will miss the train. Grinev and Shvabrin had a duel. Joy shone in the eyes of the players. * Morphological norms 1. USE OF NOUNS IN SPEECH CASE FORMS OF noun. on -mya - with suff. -en- NUMBER FORMS: S And engineers, drivers, accountants, lecturers, tractors, contracts ... And I am directors, inspectors, doctors, professors, watchmen, cooks, boats ... FORMS R.p. Plural felt boots, boots, boots, stockings, shoulder straps, soldiers, partisans, apples, apple trees, nannies, shoulders, towels, sheets... rake time - What time is it? (impossible: “what time”) 2. USE OF ADJECTS IN SPEECH It is impossible to combine in one construction a simple and complex degree of comparison better, the most beautiful Follows: “better” or “better”; “the most beautiful” or “the most beautiful”) * Morphological norms Compare: two students - two students (bully, days), but two students by July 1, with May 9 3. USE OF NUMERALS IN SPEECH - Collective - do not combine with . - Date: the name of the month in R.p.: - In a combination of the type "two or more" + noun, the numeral controls, not the word MORE three or more gaps In a combination of a mixed number + noun. manages a fraction, not an integer: 28.4 percent, 15.7 seconds. 4. USE OF PRONOUNS IN SPEECH - Errors - in unmotivated duplication of the subject (noun) by a personal pronoun 3 lit.: - Errors - in the formation of forms: Kabanikha, she is a representative of the "dark kingdom". theirs, theirs (instead of “theirs”) must fight for her (instead of “for her”) * Morphological norms Abuse of the same forms of the verb: 5. USE OF VERBS IN SPEECH - Mistakes in the formation of some forms of verbs: - Mistakes in the choice of form, tense of verbs: - Errors in the formation of participles, gerunds want (want), lie down (lie down), flow (flow), play (play), go (go) Pugachev leaves the hut and got into the carriage. It follows: “I went out ... and sat down” or “comes out ... and sits down”) students who are able to decide ... ; toys produced by the factory, ... (Instead of "manufactured"); waiting for news (instead of "waiting" ...) Water should not be allowed to freeze in pipes. the same value - Do not mix double alliances but nevertheless; as if... only then... if Should: only then... when) as... and Should: as... so and) not only... but also, not only... ai ( Follows: not only ... but also) * Syntactic norms 1. NORMS OF AGREEMENT PREDICT - in Plural, if: Subject Predicate + Sing. ACTIVITY ACTION Three people left the entrance. Most of the students worked during the summer. (But: most worked well.) OBOR. (or other members of the etc.) ___, A number of specialists who graduated from universities are sent to the village. Most children and adolescents are brought up in the family. Most……….. MN.Ch. Most of the girls were immigrants. Plural plural * Syntactic norms PREDICIAL - SINGLE PASSIVE ACTION Three men were sitting in the sleigh. ITEMS ANIMALS (number) UNITS A number of houses have been built... Some of the machines have been sent... There are three candlesticks on the table. Five years have passed. It takes several hours. Two pigeons have arrived. People (N. youthsobir) students Sing. peasantry The youth work a lot, a little, only, a little, only... UNIT. Only five people came. Many cars passed. WHO (NOBODY. SOMEONE) SINGLE No one, even specialists, could make a diagnosis. Those. (who are young and healthy) avoid doctors]. ONE + SUSH. UNIT 21 people took part in the performances. * Syntactic norms + APPENDIX + (does not affect the agreement) __ The newspaper "Trud" published The ship "Georgia" approached the pier. A wonderful rose flower grown in a greenhouse. Predicate - after one member. Predicate - before one. member Light and heat emanated from the fire. Light and heat emanated from the fire. (Or: Light and heat emanated from the fire.) OR will divide UNITS. against unions Either fog or smoke enveloped the grove Definition + noun gen. kind of girl - a complete orphan boy - a complete orphan agrees in meaning Definition + noun doctor teacher representative professor ... The wonderful doctor Fedorova spoke. Ulanova - one of the most talented representatives of Russian ballet, (or: one of ... representatives) Application -SUSCH. + Name Im.p. in the magazine "Change" in the story "Taras Bulba" about the novel "War and Peace" and More often pl. Permissible unit and * Syntactic norms 2. CONTROL REGULATIONS It is important to choose the right case and preposition. It should be said: pay for travel (not “fare”) THANKS TO DISPARE + D.P. (to whom? what?) ACCORDING to the order to pay attention to something (not “on something”) describe something (not “about something”) advantages over someone (not “over something”) manager a library (not "libraries"), etc. by (= after) + P.p. at the end of (the performance) upon the arrival of the train, they opened fire Missing, yearning for the father, for the children (L.p.) for him (D.p sing.) for us (P.p pl.) Ambiguity should be avoided The teacher I had to explain a lot. They brought a letter to my daughter. * 3. COMBINATION OF HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS Mistakes in constructing sentences with homogeneous members: Combination of heterogeneous concepts Study mathematics and varieties of mushrooms. Lexical violation. Compatibility Surrounded by attention and help. Mixing generic and specific concepts Flowers and roses; apples, pears and fruits. Combining different parts of speech French and duel. Mixing rows homogeneous members He sought leave without pay and vouchers. Random combinations in pairs member In books and lectures, reports and magazines. Violation management case F. at one time. member: He watches and is only interested in serials. He bred and cared for rabbits. The combination of syntactically heterogeneous constructions: a member of the sentence. + adjective: The book describes the origin of religion and how it developed. involved turnover + subordinate clause: I am reading a book, talentedly written and praised by many. Syntactic norms * Syntactic norms 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SENTENCES WITH PARTICIPIAL TURNOVER Errors: Violation of the order of words (the word being defined cannot - A lecture for students stand inside the participle) Violation of the agreement of the participle. - Bazarov and people of this type, who went through the school of life with the main word, ... (Follows: past .. .) * Syntactic norms face (subject): DON'T:(= I read) (Subjects are different: "I" and "feeling") After reading the story, I had a feeling... (= I read) After reading the story, I felt... (= I read) (impersonal verb) After reading the story, I felt sad ... Djo - with the infinitive: After reading the story, you need to think (inf.) ... (= I passed) (passive = accepted by someone) Having passed the exams, I was accepted to the university ... * Syntactic norms 6. CONSTRUCTION OF SENTENCES WITH ANOTHER SPEECH Error - mixing direct and indirect speech. The student referred to being unwell and said that I was not ready for the lesson (instead of "he"). I asked my parents if you know Yesenin's poems. * Literature Alexandrov V.N. and others. Unified State Examination. Russian language: Reference materials, control and training exercises, text creation / Alexandrov V.N., Aleksandrova O.I., Solovieva T.V.; Ed. Tsybulko I.P. - 4th ed., Rev. and additional - Chelyabinsk: View, 2005.- P.182-185. Baranov M.T. And others. Russian language: Reference materials: Textbook for students / Baranov M.T., Kostyaeva T.A., Prudnikova A.V.; Ed. N.M. Shansky. - 4th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - P.263 -264. Kudinova T.A. Difficulties of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language: Educational and methodological guide. Series "Unified Exam". Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2004. - S. 87 - 127. Petryakova A.G. A culture of speech. Workshop-reference book for grades 10-11. - 2nd ed., M .: Flint Publishing House, Nauka Publishing House, 1998. - P. 6-10; 26-44; 86-95; 115-120.

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