Textbook on the ancient Slavic letter. Ancient Slavic alphabet. Russians and Anglo-Saxons have common genetic roots


The article provides basic knowledge, rules that help in the study of the Old Slavic language. In the Old Slavic language, alphabetic characters had their own figurative meaning, sound, and some numerical meaning. The words were abbreviations. The combination of the images of initial letters in the word gave it a certain meaning. The replacement of the initial letter in the word also changed its semantic image, although the phonetics of the word could remain the same. In ancient times, initial letters were also used to write numerals. By calculating the alphanumeric code of a word, you can find out one of its deepest meanings. The article discusses the methods of interpreting words: by the images of initial letters; direct and reverse reading of the word; according to the images of syllables; according to the numerical value of the word and the alphanumeric code, made up of the serial numbers of the initial letters. A matrix of Letters with basic images and numerical values ​​has been compiled.

Old Slavonic

alphanumeric word code

deep meaning

1. Garyaev P.P. Linguistic-wave genome: theory and practice. Institute of Quantum Genetics. - Kyiv, 2009 - 218 p.

2. The role of linguistics in the study of the fundamental principles of life on earth / Shevchenko N.Yu., Neumoina N.G., Lebedeva Yu.V. // Collection of scientific papers Sworld. 2014. V. 21. No. 1. S. 18-25.

3. Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. The role of language in the spiritual development of personality // APRIORI. Series: Humanities [Electronic resource]. 2014. No. 2. URL: http://apriori-journal.ru/seria1/2-2014/Shevchenko-Lebedeva-Neumoina.pdf.

4. Linguistic picture of the world / Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. // Collection of scientific papers Sworld. 2014. V. 21. No. 1. S. 6-11.

Any word reflects a deep image. This image is multifaceted and therefore it can be conditionally represented as a cube. Each face of such a cube expresses only a part of the deep image. Unfortunately, its imagery has been lost in modern Russian. We are accustomed to perceive only one of the facets of the word (that is, to give a superficial explanation of the nature of things), without penetrating into its deep image. And what lies on the surface was previously called a “bed”, that is, a superficial perception of the image can be called a lie.

Only imaginative thinking can unite people. You need to learn to see the deep meaning of the word, its true meaning, then there will be no disagreements between people. “Look at the root” is a Russian proverb.

To understand the images of words will help the study of the proto-language, the language of Old Slavonic (Old Slovenian). Its basis is the Old Slovenian Letter.

In table. 1 shows a matrix (7x7) of the Old Slavic Letter. Spellings, names, numerical values ​​(on the right), serial numbers (on the left) and the main images of initial letters are given.

Each letter character in it has its own images. The lettering also had its own hidden meaning. The sound of drop caps creates sound vibrations that affect the world around us. It is known that sound waves have their own frequency, therefore, their own color, taste and smell.

When syllables and words are formed from individual initial letters, there is an interaction between the faces of their images and a new multidimensional, multifaceted integral image is obtained.

In order to learn to see the whole image of a word, one must first comprehend and feel each initial letter.

For example, the main image of the letter A (Azъ) is God, who lives and creates on Earth. He is the beginning, the source of our Family, which appeared in the "beginning" of time. This is our Ancestor, a man who lived according to the divine "KON", in harmony with nature and with his conscience. The expression “man is created in the image and likeness of God” says that each person is able to reflect divine qualities: love, wisdom, strength, co-creation, mercy. Now an ace is called a master of his craft, who puts his soul into his work. Start; source; origin; single; the only one; Human; motion; direction to this image; the point from which the vectors of the direction of movement went - all these are deep images of the initial letter, which have a single shape: what was, first of all. Therefore, the numerical value of the initial letter Azъ is one (1).

Table 1

Old Slavic (Old Slovenian) Letter

The shape of the initial letter and its name provide additional information about the deep image of the initial letter.

Аzъ = А (Аzъ) + Z (Zємлѧ) +Ъ (Єр).

Azъ - a person;

Zєmlѧ - planet Earth; cosmic universal structure; the soil; life form; living organism.

Єр - hardness; approved action; creation in the process (creation, connection, deeds); ongoing actions over time. Pronounced "o" is short.

From these images, we got that "Azъ", a person living and creating on planet Earth.

When considering the numerical values ​​of each initial letter that is part of the name of the letter, you can find out another hidden meaning, reveal another facet of the whole image. All images of initial letters in numerals are interconnected informationally at the level of vibrations. The numeral form was written with a numeral title, for example, the numeral nine was written as an initial letter fita with a title. Numbers 11-19 were written in the following order: first ones, then tens. The number was written as it is pronounced, for example, seven-over-tsat, seven is above ten:. The rest of the numerals were also recorded by sound. For example, twenty-one: .

Let us determine the numerical value of the word Аzъ using the numerical value of each of the initial letters indicated in the upper right corner of Table 1.

Аzъ = 1(А) + 7(Z) +0 (Ъ) =8 (, below) - Connection, unity with nature, balance, harmony.

No. 1 (A) + No. 10 (Z) + No. 33 (b) \u003d 44 \u003d 40 + 4.

The number 40 (forty) corresponds to the letter M (Thinking) - Thinking, thought, wisdom.

Number 4 (four) - letter D (Good): goodness, development, prosperity, accumulation, prosperity.

Therefore, Аzъ (Азъ), a person (A), living on earth (Z) and creating (b), thinking (M) about good (D), living in harmony and unity with nature (I).

Initial letters Z (Zєmlѧ); Ъ (Єр) are also words and considering them according to the images of initial letters, we get other facets of the word - the letters A (Аzъ).

Let's calculate the numerical value of the initial letters included in the word "Azъ".

A (Azъ) \u003d 1 (A) + 7 (Z) + 0 (b) \u003d 8 () - harmony, balance;

Z (Zєmlѧ) \u003d 7 (Z) + 5 (Є) + 40 (M) + 30 (L) + + 0 (Ѧ) \u003d 82 \u003d 80 + 2 () peace of mind, or obtaining knowledge in a state of peace of mind.

Ъ (Єр) \u003d 5 (Є) + 100 (Р) + 0 (b) \u003d 105 \u003d \u003d 100 + 5 () - delimitation (ordering) of the space of being. Let's unite all received images of initial letters.

8 (I) +82 (PV) + 105 (R Є) = = 195 = 100 + 90 + 5 () - differentiation (separation, selection of certain facets, ordering) of the facets of being. For example, the separation of good from evil, the divine from the earthly, etc.

Therefore, a person can receive universal wisdom (B) only in a state of peace of mind (P). In a state of rest (P), a person comes to harmony, balance (I) and is able to streamline (RF) being (Є) in accordance with the knowledge gained (B).

As can be seen from the above example, it is possible to learn the deep meaning of a word almost endlessly.

To understand how images interact in a syllable and a word, Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Connection of initial letters in a word

Each initial letter, or rather its whole image, will be represented as a ball, then the areas of intersection of the spheres will show the interaction and influence of initial letters in a syllable and word on each other.

ABV = Аzъ (source) - Gods (God) - Vedi (wisdom).

Letter B (Gods). Initial letter image: set; superior form; dominance over something. The initial letter "B (Gods)" has no numerical value, since the set cannot be specified.

In (Vѣdi). The spelling of the initial letter shows that the vertical bar connects two spheres (two structures). There was a relationship, fullness. Vedi is wisdom; knowledge; the whole spectrum of everything: colors, smells, tastes, sensations. The numerical value of the initial letter corresponds to the number of connected systems "and is equal to two (2).

From fig. 1 it follows that God (B) connects the source (A) and wisdom (C). God (B) is the conductor of wisdom (C) through the source (A).

There is a rule: the second letter in a word (syllable) is both the cause and effect of the first, and the first letter is the road (ladder) to the second (to the second floor).

The last letter in the word is the ultimate goal, and the first is the means to achieve it; but when interacting with other letters.

In the Letterhead and in the runic forms of writing, each subsequent image influenced the previous one. Therefore, the words were read in two rows (from left to right and from right to left).

Let's read the first line of the Initial Letter (Table 1) "ABVGDE" in two strands.

When reading from left to right:

1) A-B - arising at its source (A), a person begins to perceive divine categories (B)

2) A-BV - God is a colossal source of knowledge and wisdom for man.

3) A-BVG - cognizing divine wisdom, a person begins to transmit this wisdom

4) A-BVGD - by transferring the received divine knowledge, a person confirms this knowledge in practice in the form of good deeds.

5) A-BVGDE - by doing good deeds, a person better knows the obvious world (Є).

6) А-БВГДЄ - deeper knowing the obvious world and embodying good deeds in it, a person comes to expanding his worldview.

When reading from right to left:

1) - Є - more multidimensional worlds of Slavi () determine the processes that take place in the explicit world (Є).

2) E-D - the clear world is the basis for the creation of good deeds.

3) ED-G - good deeds are the basis for the transfer of divine knowledge for the world of Reveal.

4) EDG-B - when transferring knowledge, wisdom is accumulated.

5) EDGV-B - through wisdom comes the realization of the divine essence. (The way to God lies through the acquisition of wisdom).

6) ЄDGVB-A - Gods are in our source. (In the multidimensional world of Slavi () there are our patron gods who give people the wisdom of knowledge).

Consider some of the meanings of frequently occurring syllables.

For example: the syllable "not" consists of initial letters: H (Our) + Є (Is).

The main image of the initial letter N (Our) is ours, native: what was known to our ancestors.

The image of the initial letter Є - being, the obvious world, the form of life on earth.

According to the rules for reading words, the last letter in a word (in our case, in a syllable) is the end result of the action, the goal. The means to achieve this goal is the first letter.

In the syllable "NOT", the goal is being, and the means of achieving this goal are the knowledge of the ancestors. So, from the point of view of mundane perception (Є), people are trying to understand the lofty knowledge of their ancestors (H). Therefore, there is a lack of understanding, a wrong approach to the ancient heritage. This means that the word "not" does not mean a form of negation, but a form of non-perception, isolation. This is a foreign form, "not ours."

Let us consider in more detail how the syllable "NOT" affects the image of the word.

Non-existence is not our existence. A life alien to us, unfamiliar.

Weakness - not ours is power (strength) - weakness (not strength).

Examples of reading other syllables.

The syllable PE means: delimitation, repetition, ordering (P) of the manifest world of being (Є). Image: repetition of something (reconstruction); one of the facets of something (religion); sorting form (middle).

RO (OR) - ordering (P) of an independently existing structure (O), that is, strength, power.

For example, OR-DA - the power of God's goodness (order).

Rb is the accepted decision.

The syllable Yes is good (D) coming out of the source (A). Image: fulfillment of life purpose; deed of God.

HELL - the original (source) is above the predominance (D). Therefore, Hell can be translated as deviation from life's purpose.

The syllable DU - good deeds (D - what is being done now), which bring (U) closer to something (relationship). Image: two or more, multiple structure.

GA is a stream coming from its source. Image: path, movement (for example, a leg is the movement of our structure).

Therefore, the ARCH is a multiple structure emerging from its source.

AG is that which is below our source. Image: no way.

GO - a divine structure (O) from where knowledge (G) was transferred to us so that by knowing this wisdom we would expand the measure of our understanding of celestial structures. Image: life lesson.

Example: grief - re-passing a life lesson.

GOR - desire for something; strength in motion; the vector along which the force moves.

RA - radiance, light. Recommended (P) by the source, beginning, God (A), is light. For example, the word rainbow means "radiant arc". And in syllables: radiance (RA), which has a multiple (DU) flow structure (GA). RAINBOW - the transmission of the image when we see many shining paths.

AR - space for human creativity; cultivated land.

ARRA - the earth in which the light (soul) is embedded; improved land.

AR - protector, keeper (for example, the primer retains the form in which all images exist), belonging to a profession (baker, doctor, plowman, etc.).

AL - accommodating a multitude; all that is; volume density and all image information. English - all and German - ale, are translated as "everything". The material embodiment of fullness, density is a stone, for example, a diamond.

AM - guard.

UR - inhabited land. For example, the Amur River is the guardian of the inhabited land of the UR.

BA - surprise at contact with something big. Divine source.

BO is a divine structure.

Software - harmonious (P), consistent with the given sphere (O). For example, if strength is power, then in its absence, we need to transfer it to another sphere. The word is help.

TA - what is approved by the source; doing something right.

TAI - top; completion (example, taiga is the limit of movement).

Bb - ready-made wisdom, i.e. intuition.

BE - incomplete, mundane, not deep perception of knowledge.

SVA - the word of wisdom came from the source. From the runic script it is translated as heaven.

MA - thoughts are consistent with the source, and their materialization occurs. Image: manifestation of thought; materialization process.

SHA - expanse (space) original; space. The ability to work with this space (shaman: a person (man) who knows how to work with space).

Let's take the word SCIENCE.

1. According to the images of initial letters:

N - ours; what was known to our ancestors;

A (Azъ) - a person living on earth;

U (Uk) - call; message; approximation;

K (kako) - comparison, volume, enlightenment; touching the divine flow.

The image of the letter K (Kako) - touching the divine stream (i) follows from its spelling (Fig. 2). i - the flow of divine energy;< прикосновение к нему. Следовательно, при прикосновении к божественному потоку наступает просветление (информация становится знанием).

The dot above the initial letter i (izhei) can be represented as a lantern, from which a stream of light comes down. Approaching this flow gives reflected light in two directions (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Figurative representation of writing the initial letter K (kako)

The second syllable (ko) in the initial letter “Kako” indicates that a person eventually receives volumetric (O), deep perception (judgment).

Therefore, another image of the letter K (Kako) is volume, full perception.

A (Azъ) - source, beginning.

The image of the word SCIENCE: what was known to our ancestors at the beginning brings us closer to enlightenment, to knowledge of the source.

2. Let's analyze the word SCIENCE by syllables. Consider the meanings of syllables: -na; -y; -ka.

The syllable HA: N (Nash) + A (Az) - our source, partially perceived by man, i.e. superficial judgment.

U (Uk) - approximation.

The syllable KA \u003d K (Kako) + A (Az).

The syllable KA is taken from the runes and means union, connection, unity into an integral system. The syllable "KA" at the beginning of a word occurs as a form of concealment. For example, Karuna - hidden runes. The syllable KA at the beginning of a word can also mean the conjunction form "as".

Therefore, the syllable "KA" can be deciphered as a complete, integral perception of the source, which is now hidden from us.

If KA is at the end of a word, then it means something specific, a specific goal, one of the sets.

The image of the word "science", compiled according to the images of syllables: a flat (not deep) judgment about one of the sets.

Each science is engaged in the study of one phenomenon and opens one of the many facets of the universe. That is why most discoveries occur at the intersection of different sciences (metaphysics, linguistic genetics, etc.), when the image of a phenomenon is obtained as a result of the intersection of its various faces.

Parsing the word by letter and syllable reveals only one layer of the hidden (deep) image. To reveal the second layer, it is necessary to carry out a numerical analysis of the word.

Let's continue the analysis of the word "science". According to Table. 1, we write the numerical value of the initial letters and, adding them up, we get a new image.

SCIENCE = 50 (Our) + 1 (Azъ) + 0 (Ukъ) + 20 (Kako) + 1 (Аzъ) =72 () = 7+2 = = 9 () - the divine structure of knowledge (OV) is concentrated in nature ( ).

Those. a person can get all the necessary knowledge by studying the elements of nature and nature itself, its laws.

Another image of the word "science" can be found by adding up the serial numbers of the initial letters located in the 7 × 7 matrix (Table 1, upper left corner).

SCIENCE: No. 18 (H) + No. 1 (A) + No. 24 (U) + No. 15 (K) + No. 1 (A) = 59 () - our harmony with nature = 5 + 9 = 14 () - practical experience \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5 () - being.

Only in the process of harmony with nature () can one get practical experience of life (Dİ), the multiplication of goodness (D) and divine knowledge (İ).

It is possible to increase (i.e. obtain) divine knowledge about the world order only through balance and harmony with nature. Therefore, scientific discoveries should be in harmony with nature, and not destroy it. Science should be done by highly moral people.

Conclusion: it is necessary to teach people to think deeply, returning the true meaning to words. Only a return to figurative thinking will restore harmony and mutual understanding of people.

Bibliographic link

Lebedeva Yu.V., Shevchenko N.Yu., Neumoina N.G., Korbakova T.V. ELEMENTS OF THE OLD SLAVIC LANGUAGE // Successes of modern natural science. - 2014. - No. 11-1. - P. 98-103;
URL: http://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=34325 (date of access: 04/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


In ancient times, two languages ​​were used: internal figurative syllable and external phonetic (letter by letter).

The phonetic language describes the outer superficial visible world of the physical I-personality, i.e. the literal meaning of words. This language is very simple and is used as a communication of ordinary people. Figurative language describes the inner world of the Astral Essence, i.e. Divine language. Such a language is very complex and requires a consistent multi-level recoding of information.

Magi, sorcerers, sorcerers, priests spoke figurative language in their communion with God RA. In the Old Slavic figurative language, each letter of the ABC had its own internal image (meaning).

Letter "A" - image AZ means God ( Ra) or Essence of the Creator of life.

Letter "B" - image GODS (BUKI) means that many different Gods (physical, ethereal, astral, mental, causal, buddhic, atmic) participate in creation at different levels of consciousness of the Essence.

Letter "B" - image LEAD means that a person knows (knows) the true Essence

Creator of life.

Letter "G" - image VERB means that the Essence speaks (transmits) its knowledge to a person, etc.

At the second level, the image of the "WORD" is formed, which is a syllable-by-syllable one, made up of the images of the letters included in it.

At the third level, the image of "OFFER" is formed from the images of words.

A syllabic language consists of a combination of two syllables: a vowel (G) and a consonant (C). Here, each letter is a syllable (abbreviation) expressing its inner image. In this case, the main syllable is a consonant letter expressing an agreement, i.e. the inner meaning of the image. The vowel expresses a surface phonetic sound, i.e. proclaims the image. In the ancient language, only consonants were recorded, and in the process of pronunciation, various vowels were substituted that did not distort the internal image (the words Rus, Ros, Russia, Raseya had the same internal image). The use of two consonants and vowels in a row was not allowed. For example, the word "Boyarin" is a distortion of the ancient word "Bolyarin"; the word "Grad" is a distortion of the word "City"; "GAME" - a distortion of the word "IGORA", etc.

At present, in accordance with the Basic Rules of the game (life), we have forgotten the rules of the post-syllabic language and in the phonetic (literal) meaning of words we began to use unambiguous invariable compounds in words of vowels and consonants. Words began to be used in which vowels were omitted (the words Look, Nonsense, Yard and many others).

In the Russian language, many words have been preserved that point to the internal images of the Astral Essence embedded in them. It follows that words are abstract symbols (signs). On the one hand, they act as information units that describe superficial formal knowledge (thought forms, information) in a phonetic language. On the other hand, as keys that reveal the internal images of the Essence (knowledge in the form of a holographic three-dimensional thought wave), describing true knowledge in a syllable-by-syllable language.

The key word "IMAGE" in the Old Russian (Old Slavonic) language meant:

O - designation (sign);

B - being (life);

RA - God (Essence);

З - knowledge of Essence (thought).

The word "IMAGE" on the spiritual plane means that the Essence Man or God RA in his thought-creativity transforms (imagines, creates) his knowledge of being in the form of an idea with the help of signs - words of the language, into the information of the intellectual mind of the I-personality.

The word "FAITH" on the spiritual plane means:

B - to know (to know);

E - unity;

RA is the four-dimensional Astral Essence Man, who created the entire infinite set of three-dimensional physical I-personalities.

The internal image of the word "FAITH" means - "a person is aware of his unity with the Astral Essence."

Such knowledge belongs to the divine astral plane of the Essence and is perceived by the intuitive mind of man. The physical I-personality with its intellectual mind does not perceive true knowledge, which for it is meaningless, absurd.

The word DISSOLVE is perceived by the intellectual mind as a process of destruction, annihilation of physical forms of life.

On the spiritual plane, the word "DISSOLVE" means an internal image - "God RA creates physical worlds with his thought."

Word " JOY” on the spiritual plane means an internal image - “God RA gives life to all forms, endowing them with his knowledge (consciousness)”.

The word "WORK" on the spiritual plane means an internal image - "A person communicates with God RA", where the syllable "WORK" means - to communicate, to speak.

The expression used in the criminal world has been preserved - "Bot on a hair dryer."

The word "FEAR" on the spiritual plane means:

C - connection;

T - firmament (physical world);

RA - God;

X - being (true life).

The word "FEAR" on the spiritual plane means an internal image - "The Essence Man connects in his mind the physical world with the spiritual world."

On the physical plane, the I-personality with its formal discrete one-dimensional intellectual mind completely distorts the Divine knowledge of the Essence. I-personality interprets it in the form of information (formal knowledge) as an imperfect, hostile manifestation of the external world in relation to it, in which evil triumphs over good.

The word "FAMILY" on the spiritual plane means seven levels of consciousness of the Essence of Man, which unfold into seven planes of existence of life forms of I-personalities, like a set of nesting dolls.

The word "GAME" on the spiritual plane means:

IGO - management (creation);

RA - God or Essence.

The internal image of the word "GAME" means - "Government of God RA".

Therefore, the word "IGOR" on the spiritual plane means - "Ruler".

The word "CHARACTER" on the spiritual plane means:

HA - the personification of the Essence Man - I-personality;

RA - God;

ACTOR- mask, role, mask.

The internal image of the word "CHARACTER" means- "The essence of Man plays all his roles, like an actor, using the I-personality as a conductor of his consciousness."

The word "ERASE" on the spiritual plane means - "Improve, purify":

C - thought (meaning) conveyed by words;

T - creation;

And - connect;

RA - God;

b - the life of the physical form I-personality.

The internal image of the word "ERASE" means - "The creation of God RA is connected with the creation of physical forms of life."

The word "ENEMY" on the spiritual plane means:

B - to know;

RA - God;

G - to speak.

The internal image of the word "ENEMY" means - "A person knows that the Essence speaks (transfers, communicates with him) his spiritual knowledge."

The word "SEVENTY" on the spiritual plane means:

K - the unification of man with God (the connection of the physical and spiritual worlds);

RA - God;

MOLA - prayer (appeal to God).

The internal image of the word "SEVENTY" means - "In his prayer to God, a person unites with him in his mind."

The word "FOOL" on the spiritual plane means:

D - spirit (good);

U - message (creation);

RA - God;

K - the connection of man with God.

The internal image of the word "FOOL" means - "Man receives the message of God, that he is connected with the spirit of Essence." Such a message is an impulse to awaken a person from a spiritual sleep.

The word "FREAK" on the spiritual plane means:

U - message;

ROD - the beginning of life (birth).

The internal image of the word "FREAK" means - "Message about the origin of life on the physical plane." Recall the expression: “There is a black sheep in the family”, which in the ancient language meant - “The first-born, the successor of the family”.

Each 3D physical I-personality says, "I am human." This means that each I-personality unconsciously intuitively knows that it lives in the consciousness of the four-dimensional Essence Man. Having lost the knowledge of the connection with the Astral Essence, we, in our Everyday life we use absurd expressions of spiritual knowledge and are not aware of it. We say, "Thank you," which is a corruption of the ancient saying, "Thank you." More precisely - the Essence gives people its benefit. Osho spoke about gratitude: Gratitude - best prayer. The expression "Thank you" is a distortion of the ancient expression - "God save you."


Ancient Slovenian Letter - the oldest treasure of the Slavic people

The initial letter or the Slavic Alphabet is the greatest storehouse of worldview wisdom, which is the perfect form of conveying the deep essence of the Universal processes interacting in all its diversity of life forms. This is a special programming language of our universe written by Rod and used by Onym as a world-forming and world-ordering tool.

The initial letter is wisdom for the Slavic people! In the Drop Letter, a huge number of processes visible and invisible to us are written, weaving the fabric of being and connecting all the many-sided variety of forms in which the Almighty arrives.

For example, let's take the pantheon, where each name of God is a specially structured literal code that programs or, in other words, directs the owner of the name given to him by Rod in the right way. And the very name “Rod” is a kind of alphabetic and numerical matrix that forms the essence of its manifestation in the Universe.

An initial letter can be represented as a set of colors, consisting of forty-nine colors, and our world is a kind of canvas on which their interaction is carried out, giving rise to more and more new combinations of colors and shades. You can also draw an image of an orchestra of forty-nine musical instruments played by the Almighty, where each instrument has its own special purpose and is responsible for filling the sound amplitude assigned to it.

One of the main features of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter is its indispensable applied and constantly functioning readiness, which can be applied right here and right now. Let's take a look at the Initial Letter, the symbols of which are arranged in a seven by seven square, where each of the lines is a multivariate matrix of the Universal processes. These rows and columns, arranged both vertically and horizontally, contain the common truths of the universe, and their main feature is naive simplicity and elementary ease of understanding for a Slavic person. This letter code can be used by any person, regardless of the direction of activity chosen by him, since the Initial Letter is universal and able to harmoniously accompany in any craft, whether you are even a God or a Magus, a Narrator or a Programmer, a Carpenter or a Machinist.

To begin with, let's put on the guise of God and take a look at the Letter from this high bell tower. For example, let's take God Svarog and imagine him in the Heavenly Forge forging new world. Pay attention to the first line of the Initial Letter, located horizontally, now we will consider the image through the prism of this line. The source itself and the original space, or the first blow to the anvil, or even Svarog himself, can be denoted by the letter "Az". “Gods” we will have Fire and the Free Wind that inflates it, Charmed Living Water and Dense Matter from which forging is made. Under the letter "Vѣdi" one can designate the wisdom and depth of knowledge of his craft, which is carried out by Svarog, and the letter "Verbs" is his ability to apply this knowledge in practice, that is, "Verbs" is "Vѣdi" in motion. “Good” is the very action created by Svarog. The initial letter “Is” will denote the manifestation and external visual and tangible readiness of the just forged World, and the initial letter “Ԑсмъ” can be represented as a multidimensional and multifaceted structure of the newly created World, like all tangible and intangible forms and mental images that Svarog put in the process of creation .

Now let's look at the Magus through the prism of the Drenlesloven Initial Letter and designate it with the initial letter "Az". The “Gods” will be structures of a higher order, to which the Magus turns and draws wisdom from the Gods, that is, “Lead”. “Verbs” is a way of transmitting wisdom and knowledge, because when people come to the Magus, he speaks to them or passes on the knowledge he has received, and this, in turn, is “Good”, and so on.

More can be cited modern example. Let's say a programmer created his first application for a smartphone (Az), basing his work on the example of the highest level of development of programmers (Gods), the basis for the creation was their knowledge (Vѣdi), which they conveyed in a book dedicated to one of the programming languages ​​(Verbs), and the program made by him, the programmer simply posted for free on GooglePlay (Dobro), which eventually gained demand and contributed to sponsoring the release of paid content (Yes), on many consoles including Apple (Ԑсм).

From the above examples, it follows that our Initial Letter is the living language of the Universe, which can be applied at any convenient time and succeed in any business that is important to us, based on the common truths of the Family. Moreover, this system of worldview is able to miraculously put the brains shifted by a narrow-minded modern system into place and thereby contribute to the development of figurative thinking. As well as the development of sensual connection and empathic contact with ongoing processes of constant transformation and improvement of the Universe.

Also, the Letter is able to awaken the dormant facets of the Spiritual awareness of oneself, one's life path and destiny, which lays down as a pattern on the tablecloth of the Universe, woven by the Goddess-Fate-spinner Makosh herself. In order to live harmoniously, develop and move towards the goals set, a person must be healthy both spiritually and physically. The spiritual line completely depends on the model of a person's worldview, which, in turn, is subject to Family, Tribal or even social norms and moral characteristics of the people. The people are the language, and the language is the people. It follows from this that the spiritual wealth of a people is directly proportional to its linguistic heritage.

Many people know that the writing of the Slavs has existed since ancient times and that the Greek figures have absolutely nothing to do with it, except for cutting off the already existing language model. But we will not focus on this, because our Letter is alive and unharmed again. We will only draw the conclusion we need that linguistic and symbolic density is capable of influencing all aspects of the life of a people, and its circumcision and the loss of key truths contribute to a decrease in the Spiritual potential of the speakers of this language system.

I propose to analyze this situation using the example of a comparison and an equal sign between a healthy human body and a full-fledged Initial Letter, with all forty-nine images. Let's imagine that one of the images was removed from the Initial Letter - this is identical to the fact that the kidney failed in the body. They removed the other - the hand became numb. The third one is blind. Etc. The same thing happens in the Spiritual worldview of a person and his moral characteristics, and in this case, the Letter Letter can act as a visual aid to identify dormant and atrophied facets of worldview that affect the quality of a person’s Spiritual development. That is, ignorance of the figurative and semantic content of any of the initial letters directly indicates that this aspect of the universe is not recognized by us, forgotten and lost, although it was given to us from the very beginning!

See for yourself, the letter “I” (Izhei), which is responsible for the downward flow of the Generic connection, has disappeared from circulation, and this flow has disappeared with it. Or the initial letter "Ѣ" (Yat), the image of which is the harmony of Spiritual aspirations and Earthly Explicit life, the disappearance of which led to an exclusively material perception of reality. The letter “Ѳ” (Fita) can also be an example, its figurative content is a merger with the world of Nature, and in fact we have a reduction or in some cases a complete absence of pastime in unity with Nature. And so on, as many as sixteen key disappeared images of the worldview that directly affect the way of life and the Spiritual path of a Slavic person.

Fortunately, one can easily improve one's Spiritual health by awakening the dormant initial letters, and it is best to fully master this worldview system of our Ancestors. After all, it contains everything that our people now need for a quality awakening after the Night of Svarog, acclimatization in the new era of the Wolf and just the beginning of a real happy life.

And now, my dear Relatives, Brothers and Sisters, I propose to familiarize ourselves and revive the entire alphabetic series, to recall the figurative and semantic meaning of each of the initial letters, or rather, each of the facets of this Magical World, inherited by us from Our Gods and Ancestors:

Ancient Slavic Letter - a brief description and meaning

Az- the figurative meaning of this initial letter is the source, the beginning, the root cause, the first step or the beginning of any action; perhaps this article will serve as a starting point for someone in learning a new and well-forgotten native language.

Gods- in this initial letter, the highest level of development of entities that surpass us in their power are coordinated; who has discovered the Letter Letter for himself is able to better understand the Native Gods, whose names contain enormous powers accessible only to those who know.

Come on- this letter contains all the wisdom and depth of knowledge; this is the entire information space of the Universe, including the knowledge that will be revealed to you as you immerse yourself in the Letter.

verbs- it is a way of transferring accumulated knowledge; including the text that you now see in front of you; it is a technique of information exchange skills that a student of a given knowledge system is able to obtain.

Good- this initial letter is the action itself; these are deeds that improve karma; this is a higher quality level of creation of the one who is able to apply the Initial Letter in practice.

There is- this initial letter is the being of the Explicit World; it is a receptacle for Good deeds; this is a clearly manifested text of this article visible to you; this is your successful materialization of the intention to master this language system.

Ԑcm- this initial letter shows the versatility, the multi-manifested multidimensionality of space; this is a set of variations of using fonts for writing this material; this is the expansion of consciousness and your ability to use the initial letter located in many spatial and out-of-spatial dimensions of this Universe.

belly- this is life in all its diversity of life forms; this is the revival of all kinds of manifestations of the forgotten language of our Ancestors; this is a living letter walking, running and flying around us.

Sѣlo (Zelo)- this is the unknown, the unknown, something beyond the limit of understanding; for many, this is the capital letter itself and what you are currently unaware and unfamiliar with about it.

Earth- this is a cosmic form of consciousness created for the passage of experience and our learning; this is our home, our Motherland; when you arrive on Earth you can read my article or even master the Initial Letter.

Izhe- this is a state of balance necessary for staying in peace and harmony with the space around us; The initial letter is able to align and balance the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, which are necessary for both the figurative and logical use of this language system.

Izhei (Izhei)- the image of this initial letter is the flow of the Universal knowledge or the Generic connection; the inclusion of this initial letter in the mind contributes to the restoration of the lost connection with the Family.

Їthread (Init)- is a link it is a thread penetrating the entire universe; knowledge of the Old Slovenian Letter unites us with generations that lived thousands of years ago.

Ћѣrv (Gerv) is an emotional outburst; this is the moment of awakening after the Night of Svarog and finding the roots of your people; this is a state of absolute jubilation and emotional ecstasy from the images of the Native Letter revived inside.

Kako is the volume; this is a colossal archived amount of knowledge contained in each of the initial letters and partially disclosed by me for the understanding of the reader.

People- this is the world of people or society; this is the cosmic consciousness for which the secrets of the Old Slovenian Letter are intended.

Thoughts- it is a way of cognition or even the basis of cognition; this is your comprehension of what you read, which contributes to assimilation, because in order to assimilate food we chew it, and in order to assimilate the initial letter, you need to comprehend it.

Our- this initial letter bears the image of what our Ancestors bequeathed to us; this is Our language and Our Letter, with the help of which one can perceive the world inherited from the Ancestors in a qualitative and full way.

On- this is the transcendent Divine form; this is the Supreme Rod, one and many-manifested, He created this Letter, He taught others the Letter, He wrote an article about this Letter, and now he is reading what he wrote and created.

chambers- this is a state without movement, a halt, a dream; this is a stop of all motor processes, necessary in order to calmly concentrate on reading the article devoted to the Initial Letter.

Retsy- the image of the initial letter is the structuring and ordering of space; this is our craft; The initial letter is able to tighten and put in order many aspects of our life.

Word- this initial letter carries the image of the birth of a thought and its manifestation in the Explicit World; who has mastered this system of knowledge, the power contained in the Word will be revealed.

Firmly- the image of this initial letter is the hardness of beliefs, or the hardness of stone and any other material; it may be the unchanging point of view of a man who stands firm in his positions; this is a firm intention in the need to master the linguistic heritage of their people.

UK- this initial letter calls for unity or approximation to something; for example, Ukraine, which is located near the edge and, what is most interesting, was recently located or was close to the edge of the abyss; this is the inner call of the roots, calling for the study of the Initial Letter.

Ɣкъ (Оук)- the image of the initial letter will be a sensual connection, a premonition; you can also consider the initial letter as Conscience, “As it sinks, so it will respond”; this is the purity of thoughts and the strength of your intention, which is necessary for a full-fledged sensual immersion in the Letter;

Firth- this letter denotes a sense of pride and nobility; this is what the reader experiences at the moment of realizing the depth and grandeur of his native language, its significance and personal ability to master and be a full-fledged carrier of this language system.

Khѣr- this initial letter draws a beautiful and harmonious image of the coexistence and movement of many life forms; this is the movement of cosmic bodies without interfering with each other; is the movement of cars at the intersection; this is my personal vision of the Initial Letter, which rightfully coexists with yours, harmoniously complementing it.

Ѿ (Ot)- the image of the initial letter is the achievement of a certain limit, after which new horizons open; this is the ability to achieve the task and complete all the work to the end; this is your knowledge of this worldview system, from the first to the last Letter, after which higher degrees of Spiritual immersion and mastery of the higher possibilities of our language will be opened.

Tsѣ- this initial letter carries the image of goal-setting, proper formation and successful achievement of the tasks set for itself; this will be the choice of the vector of movement for those who decide to master this system of knowledge and set off to achieve their goal with a confident royal step.

Chervl- one of the facets of the initial letter is the primordial beauty, and the other facet will be the very selection of the faces as such; these are beautiful features; this is the versatility of the Initial Letter, which will gradually be open to you and manifest itself as an opportunity to examine this system of knowledge from different angles, from different applied facets of being.

Sha- the image of the initial letter will be the ability to interact with spatio-temporal structures; this is a shaman who calls Spirits and fumigates the area around the fire; this is the ability to tune in to the interaction with the Initial Letter, which will be open to the successor of this language.

Wha- this initial letter carries the image of the initially approved space; this is 1 hectare under the family homestead; these are the approved dimensions of the A4 sheet format; this is a return of the initially approved possibilities of human consciousness, which were granted to us by the Almighty and are written in the Letter Letter.

Ъ (Єръ)- this letter draws an image of the creative process; it is creation itself happening right now; this is the approach to the study of the Initial Letter, which will allow you to most harmoniously master the Native language system.

Y (Єry)- the image of this initial letter is joint collective creativity; this is an opportunity to study and master the Initial Letter together with people close to you; these are comments that you can indicate below this article and thereby provide co-creation by supplementing my vision of the possibilities of our Great language.

b (Єр)- the semantic and figurative content of this initial letter, this is what has already been created; this is the Letter, it already exists, it was created by the Higher structures and it no longer needs to be created anew.

Ѣ (Yat)- this initial letter denotes a harmonious combination of Heavenly and Earthly; it is the ability to live and use Earthly blessings, while developing Spiritually and learning the Universal foundations of the universe; the awakening of the initial letter Yat will allow you to see and apply Divine wisdom in the conditions of the Earthly incarnation.

Yun- the image of the drop cap is the loss from the main stream; this is the ability to move by gaining roots through the study of the native language, while the main stream of the population is rapidly forgetting, or putting the study of foreign language systems at the head of the table; another facet of the image of the initial letter is the basis of the Slavic world, a society that can rightfully be called the face of our people, these are masterpiece people following Kona and living in harmony with Conscience, and a society that prefers to live in ignorance simply falls out of the Family Stream.

Ҩr (Ar)- the image of this initial letter is a homogeneous space; this is the feeling of homogeneity and unity with our initial letter, which you already feel and which, as you dive into the depth of the images, will become more and more vivid.

Yodo (Edo)- this letter keeps in itself the image of touching the original; this is a special gift for those who master the Initial Letter and will be able to draw knowledge from the primordial space surrounding us.

Ѡ (Ohm)- the image of the initial letter is responsible for enlightenment; this is a creative insight and an opportunity to shed light on areas of being unknown to the village; this is a guaranteed enlightenment through the means of cognition of the disappeared images of our Letter.

Ѧ (Yong)- this letter is responsible for figurative perception; this is a long-awaited return to figurative thinking, without which a full-fledged knowledge of the Old Slovenian Letter is impossible, but at the same time, our Letter is a way to awaken the vision of the World of Images.

Ѫ (Od)- the image of this initial letter is the wisdom handed down to us by inheritance; this is the sacred storehouse of the accumulated experience of our Ancestors, which is waiting for its heir and right holder, who lives according to Conscience and in harmony with Nature, who is able to multiply and pass on the dowry to his descendants.

Ѩ (Yota)- this initial letter speaks of the possibility of reading and transferring knowledge due to the development of figurative thinking; this is the ability to possess mental images or even telepathic interaction with the universe, which is able to acquire the knowledge of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter.

Ѭ (Ota)- the image of the initial letter contains the ability to refuse things that are known, but at the same time unacceptable to us; it can be a rejection of meat food when comprehending and understanding the fact of corpse-eating; this is the ability to give up bad habits and confidently walk through the expanses of a sober consciousness, in which the Initial Letter and, in general, the entire Native culture opens up in brighter and more iridescent colors.

Ѯ (Xi)- the image of the initial letter is Spirituality; it is a necessary manifestation of volitional qualities and the power of the Spirit in striving to master the deep images of the native language.

Ѱ (Psi)- the initial letter bears the image of Soulfulness; this is the ability to open up to new knowledge, to show communication skills and to establish Soul contact between you and the Souls of the Letters.

Ѳ (Fita)- the ability to merge with the world of Nature into a single whole is enclosed in the image of the initial letter; this is a real reward for those before whom the Nature of the Drop Cap will open its arms and show the true integrity of the language.

V (Izhitsa)- this letter, ringing with white light, draws a beautiful image of the sublime states of happiness and true bliss, because the knowledge of the language of the Universe and the ability to think in the same high and at the same time naive categories, gives the bearer of the common truths of the Ancient Slovenian Letter, the highest manifestation of divine pleasure from staying in this Magic World.

Ӕ (Izha)- the image of this initial letter stores knowledge about the elements of time and the ability to work over time; this is the effect of diving into the Drop Cap, when time loses its normal course. In such cases, they say that time flies unnoticed, and they really say, because the very process of writing this article was like a light flight of thought, in which time changed its usual course and the whole process of transferring knowledge about the Initial Cap seemed to me equal to one instant. I sincerely hope that the reader also felt this effect from being in the spatio-temporal flow of Native mental images and knowledge close in Spirit.

Slavic Initial Letter - video lessons by Andrey Ivashko

The Old Slovenian Letter is an axiom, consisting of forty-nine facts that encourage the study of the Native language. Of course, some will pass by and not everyone will have enough inner willpower and character to master the Shrine of our people, but those who dared to look through all forty-nine images and are still reading this article are quite capable of taking the next step, and maybe even going to the most exciting a journey called the Ancient Slovenian Letter.

And in this case, you can just a little orient and direct these brave men and pioneers to one of the real Aces of this knowledge system. This person's name is Andrei Ivashko and we tried to collect his lectures and video lessons in this article. This video course is dedicated to mastering the basics of a full-fledged native language and will be very useful for a quality awakening after the night of Svarog.

Alphabetical truths of the ancient Slavic letter

Ace of the Gods Knows the Verb Good, which is Life (existence)
The As Lives as the Whole Word Has Descended and Established Everywhere
As Very Wise Foundations Creating Generic in Time

Thank you for your attention and I wish you success in mastering the deep heights of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter!

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LEARNING OLD RUSSIAN LANGUAGE! In this article, we will study the Old Russian language and, in comparison with it, Old Slovenian. The main emphasis will be placed on inculcating the rudiments of figurative thinking, and not on phonetics and morphology, as in academic textbooks on the Old Church Slavonic language. Why is that? The phonetic reading of ancient initial letters does not give access to understanding the information (meaning) contained in the text being read. After all, the ancient languages ​​are not so much a system of reading, but, basically, a system of extracting the hidden meaning from these texts. The uninitiated perceive everything written literally, and those who know the “keys” perceive what is encrypted. Therefore, phonetic reading is not a “key” to comprehend depth, but only a sound designation of readable symbols, giving us an existential understanding of the ancient text and nothing more. When reading phonetically, we are, as it were, sliding over the surface of the information array, not being able to go to the depth. And any superficial knowledge is considered incomplete, distorted, i.e. lies. In the understanding of the ancestors, “lie” (bed - phonet.): located on the surface (on the bed) - distorted, incomplete information about something. To understand something in depth, you need to master not a combination of letters, not spelling, but a combination of images, a connection in essence: why it is said this way, but it is different, and what meaning is embedded in this verb. We are always trying to tie the image to specific words, concepts. It is necessary to realize that it is not the phonetic representations of what we call the “word” that are connected, but the images. That these unified images give rise to new unified images, which, in contact with new images, give rise to even newer images. Therefore, each image, connecting with another image, creates a new image, giving rise to more and more new images that unite, responding to the call of your speech, your thought. You call them and they come. You connect them with others and more and more... The result is an EDUCATION system - the calling of an image, education, creation, and not a system of training through coaching. And when you have learned to create images, then your brain switches to figurative thinking, figurative worldview, figurative worldview. This will be the most correct: you need to know the basis in order to understand everything else. And it is not at all accidental that until 1917, primary education without fail provided knowledge of the basics of the Old Church Slavonic language. This was the beginning of education, i.e. the ability to connect and understand the meaning of letters and words. And without this skill (key), which gives access to ancient texts, the rest of the training was considered meaningless. The Russian language was and still remains the language of images of deep meaning, in contrast to European ones, which give a superficial (in breadth) understanding of the transmitted information. The very structure of simple words in the Russian language contains fundamental knowledge about everything. And anyone who knows Russian can remember them. Only the study of the deep Russian language (images) and open communication with native nature can awaken genetic memory and rid the psyche of numerous "zombie" programs. Our language has retained the basic mechanisms of native speech (figuration) by about 30-40%. The languages ​​of other peoples - for percentages and fractions of a percent. There are languages ​​that are almost completely built not on figurative principles, but on virus-bacterial codes. The words of the first speech have been preserved in different languages, but in each a little. Therefore, not all words need to be tried to be interpreted, because they are not real, but conditional contractual symbols, in which there is no figurative conceptual meaning. At modern man due to the simplification of the language and the loss of figurative thinking, many processes of the brain are damaged and inhibited. The brain of our ancestors worked far from the modern 3%, because. The first speech was informative and fast paced. Therefore, it was very different from the current systems of communication. True, the mechanisms of transmission and processing of information in the human brain have not fundamentally changed. Images are formed in the brain thanks to frequency sound codes that have their own matrix - a letter that has its own image. Two letters, connecting, form a new image (slogan). The figurative (slogan) construction of ancient mental speech provides for many synonymous words and options for the assembly sequence, because the task of the brain is to draw a holographic image of an object that is understandable. Despite the great differences between different language groups, the brain retains the holographic principle of work - imagery, at least at the level of internal communication between brain regions. When conducting experiments on the speech zone of the brain, it turned out that no matter how people of different nationalities break languages, their brain pronounces words and communicates between its departments “in Russian”. This once again shows that a white man comes from a single Genus and a single "nationality". We can understand an image as a set of versatile knowledge that combines into a specific description of an object or phenomenon. Each image carries a deep essence, which makes it possible to understand the purpose and existence of this image. The etymology of this word is far from clear. S. Ozhegov: result; the ideal form of displaying objects and phenomena of the material world in the human mind; appearance, appearance; type, character; order; the direction of something, etc. V. Dahl has a portrait, whose likeness, a policeman, a hand-written face, an icon. Among the Slavs, in addition to everything else: voluminous wooden figures of the Gods (kummirs). Reading the word "image" in the sense of initial letters also gives many etymological options: double (about) one (one-one) we create (b); he is recommended by the Gods; etc. The imagery of ancient Slovenian, and later Old Russian, comes from the runes with which our ancestors reflected the reality around them. A rune is not a letter, not a syllable. And those philologists who believe that they can read the runic text are deceived. They pick up only tops, unaware of the roots, like a character in a famous fairy tale. A rune is a secret (ultimate, deep) image of that phenomenon, event, which was displayed in the runic inscription, its essence. Each sign of the same Sanskrit, a simplified form of x, the Aryan Karuna, has up to 50 meanings. Original, i.e. Karuna (union of runes), over 144. Therefore, the decoding of these texts was carried out, obviously, not by amateurs, but by professionals who had the gift of connecting and understanding the path of the image of the runes (darrungs). The graphemes of Karuna and the Holy Russian Initial letter were written under the so-called “celestial” (“divine” - by Mirolyubov) line, but the images that they carried in themselves often did not coincide. They were superimposed on the public text (simple reading), using it as a medium. In order to identify the desired image embedded in the text, in addition to “simple reading”, three more, so-called “deep readings” (step-by-step decoding) were carried out. The result of each stage became the "key" to the transition to the next stage. All four readings were combined into a single text (simple reading - everyday wisdom; deep readings - a higher order of wisdom). And vice versa: the deep information of the matrix. It turned out a kind of "information matryoshka" for general use. Ordinary people repeated it in chants, hymns, glorifications of the Gods from century to century. So simply and reliably ensured the safety of information over time. And among the priests were kept "keys" to decipher the ancient wisdom. This was the general form of saving knowledge in the past. And now, using an example, we will show the principle of extracting information. You, of course, know the expression "primary truths." In the modern sense, this is something very simple, even primitive, known to everyone. For example, as 2x2 or as a, b, c, d, e, e, E, g, s, h (the phonetic beginning of the alphabet) - stage 1. But the letters (letters) used to have names: az, Gods (beeches), lead, verbs (verb), good, eat, am, belly, green, earth - stage 2. Combining the names of initial letters in pairs and adding their well-known images, we get a text familiar to many: I know God, saying good, saying good is being, life is great on earth - stage 3. We go down deeper, moving on to the deep images of initial letters: I know a lot, multiplying information about being, which is a form of existence of diverse life on the lands (planets) - stage 4. It must be reminded over and over again that the vast and mighty state of Russia (Rasseniya, Svyatorus) had a great history and culture, the memory of which has been humiliated for more than a century. In these lands there was also the very source of the most ancient faith of mankind: the Vedic, and therefore it is here that one should look for the very roots of the very culture of writing graphemes that carry a figurative meaning. The very one that our ancestors brought from the north from Daaria (Arctida), starting from the four most powerful primary sources of graphic display of sounds, which already at that time had an incredible temporal duration of their development and unity for us. The fact that Russia in Vedic times was unified and had a high cultural level is evidenced by the indisputable existence of a great, unified Old Russian language, which has a more developed phonetics and grammatical structure than the modern Russian language. Now there is, as already mentioned, the impoverishment (degradation) of our language. For example, the simplification of the pronunciation of letters (throat, nasal, hissing, whistling, etc.) has led to the fact that verbal combinations (conspiracies, slander) that have been tested over thousands of years have ceased to affect our body. they are now pronounced with the wrong frequency, vibration. All the "reforms" of the last centuries were aimed at its primitivization, simplification, loss of imagery. The initial letter had 49 characters. Before Peter, 6 letters were removed from it. Peter himself brought their number to 38. Nicholas II and the Bolsheviks settled on 33 letters. And they already say that further simplification is inevitable if we want to live by European standards. But who proved that their locale is higher? They have already reduced it to 24 letters! It has already been said about the loss of deep imagery in European languages, especially in English, which is being strongly pushed to the role of the world language leader. Example: many authors involved in the study of Old Russian and Old Slavic languages ​​note their conciseness due to the additional transmission of the image. The expression "prince come" was considered. We understand it to this day. In English, these two words were rendered in 11 words. In our language, all other words from the English translation are considered trash words according to the rules. So think about whether we need such a "leader" and such "reforms"? In conclusion, we can state that with the loss of imagery and the transition to a phonetic way of extracting information, our language has become ugly and, ultimately, ugly. “The death of a language means the death of the Genus,” said one Armenian thinker in the last century. Distorted language leads to distorted perception, from which distorted values ​​arise, distinctions are lost - in will and desire, form and formality, goodness and benefit, capacity and volume, etc. The genus loses its qualities and degrades (runs wild), turns into a people (layering of the genus), from which, if the process continues, the rabble (collective genus) originates. It has been noticed that closed human communities, cut off from civilization, are gradually switching to a primitive language, and even the inhabitants of neighboring villages cease to understand each other. Something similar is observed in Western Europe . Residents of various regions in Germany, Finland, for example, already speak dozens of dialects and do not understand each other well. To stop or, for starters, slow down the process of running wild, you need to return to your roots, figuratively speaking. And for this you need to know the language of your fathers, Schurs, ancestors. And not only to know, but to be, to become their full-fledged heirs, having mastered the word in full. In order to build the existence with a word, and not destroy it, depriving it further of the Image, whereby moving farther and farther away from the Rule, and closer to Navi. Our current language is only a shadow of the ancient language. How to put two eggs side by side, and they do not differ in anything in appearance, but only one is whole, and the other is eaten .... From the outside, it is the same thing, but there is no longer any content in one. The trail has caught cold ... Our goal now is to find in the "shadow" of that sprout of the not killed Ancient Language and grow it anew. This work is not easy, it is hard, but, as Bobrok Volynsky used to say in his time: “Dare, brothers!..” Until the roots withered, remind the tree of Clans to Everyone whose traces have caught a cold that they were born in Russia! With fury, the Gods give them the salt of the age-old road, So that their feet step in memory of past centuries. Well, and whoever does not understand, does not remember, the Wind will remind him. And reflected in the lake Essence - a reflection of the truth. They will start shouting earnestly: they are cursed, cursed! Released! .. In Iznovi Yet the beam brightens. Chapter 1: Types of Writing Long before the Christianization of the Rasichs (the “Indo-Europeans” of modern science) had many types of writing, about which Catherine II, attached, as the ruler of the empire, to secret information about the past, bluntly stated that the Slavs for many thousands of years before the birth of Christ had their own scripts. Notice, not a letter, but writing, i.e. various types of writing. A similar point of view was expressed by M. Lomonosov, V. Tatishchev, E. Classen. But not all, as they say, “language schools” have held and hold such views. Basically, historical science, by hook or by crook, imposes on society the idea that before Christianization, the Slavic Russians did not have their own writing. Now only “features and cuts” are recognized, and even then under the pressure of numerous finds of samples of this Slovenian folk writing. Everything else is rejected, being immediately declared "forgery, fake, nationalist nonsense." Let's not get involved in a fruitless discussion about the mission of the "solunsky brothers", because. The well-known historian N.I. Kostomarov gave an assessment of their activities. For us, it is more important that the Russian Orthodox Church initially knew that the Slavs had their own written language (in the Church-Historical Dictionary for 1889 No. it is clearly stated on this occasion: “The Rosses, a Varangian tribe, lived in southern Russia; with Byzantium they either did trade or fought. St. Cyril borrowed the letters from them.), but she preferred not to advertise her knowledge too much. This is politics, which at all times was considered an unclean activity. It is she who is to blame for the fact that the largest ethnic group in Europe has been denied identity for a century: anyone and anything, but not the Slavs (especially the eastern ones). Is it not here, as they say, that the dog is buried? Such a psychological (magical) technique our ancestors called "averting eyes", i.e. switching attention to something that does not correspond to reality. “They (the Greeks) said that they established a written language for us so that we would accept it and lose our own. But remember that Ilar (Kirill), who wanted to teach our children and had to hide in our homes so that we would not know that he was teaching our writings, and how our gods should be laid ”(Vleskniga / Patriarsi). There is a catalog of part of the runic manuscripts from the library of Anna Yaroslavna, which, after long vicissitudes, ended up in the possession of the well-known collector of the 19th century, archeographer A.I. Sulakadzev. This catalog mentions two editions of the “Book of Veles”: Yagily Gan smerd from Ladoga (“Patriarsy”) and Olekh Visherts from Cherdyn (“Krinitsa”) - “about the resettlement of old-timers and the first faith”. There were also “Kolyadnik of the 5th century of the Danube Yalovets about worshiping the Troy mountains, about fortune-telling in the caves”, “Volkhovnik” manuscript of the 6th century, “Traveler” of the 4th century, “Perun and Veles broadcasting in Kyiv temples to the priests of Moveslav, Drevoslav and others” ( 5.6 centuries), etc. An excerpt from the Sloven Veda, published by S. Verkovich in 1874: “... our grandfathers of that time were the most scientists on earth, and all the others came to ask the teachers how and what to do ... They (Greeks) from us and the plow taught, and learned crafts, both reading and writing ... When our ancestors lived in the Land of the Earth (Daaria - Arctida?), Zhiva Yuda came and taught how to write golden tablets to the Garden-King ... There were many books of that faith ... There were such books in everyone village in Daspod (Bulgaria is ours), until the Gentiles came ... and started burning those old books. But now no one is pulling it out, but hiding it in hiding places.”

We have been taught today that the most important and widespread language in the world is English, and lately Russian has been doing nothing but enriching itself with a mass of words borrowed from other peoples. Linguist and author of sensational books A. Dragunkin proved that everything is just the opposite. He is sure that it was the Old Russian language that was the main base on which all dialects of the Earth were created.

The parent language of the world is Old Russian

A. Dragunkin tells how he came to study the topic of the origin of the Old Russian language. While teaching English, he was not satisfied with the teaching methods, and he began to compare languages ​​precisely in order to create effective methods for teaching foreign languages. More and more new ideas surfaced. In 1998, Alexander Dragunkin sat down to write the first book, which was supposed to be a guide to learning English.

The result of the work exceeded the most daring assumptions of the author himself. In the work, the author offers his own way of quickly learning English words, drawing an analogy with Russian words. While developing this method, the author literally accidentally saw the obvious that lay on the surface: English words not only look like Russian, but have Russian roots that go back to the Old Russian language.

Rules for learning foreign words from Dragunkin

A. Dragunkin deduced three basic rules for learning foreign words.

  1. You don’t need to pay attention to vowel sounds in a word at all, in a word the main thing is the backbone of consonant sounds.
  2. Consonants are clearly grouped according to linguistic pronunciation. So, the sound of L, R, N is formed by different language movements, but in one part of the palate. The linguist A. Dragunkin deduced several chains of consonants that can be combined at the place of pronunciation in the mouth, based on the rule of palatalization:
    • v-m-b-p-f,
    • l-r-s-t-d-n,
    • x-ts-k-g-z-zh,
    • v-r-x,
    • s-c-h (j).
  3. These chains of consonants go in unison from century to century, forming the basis from ancient Russian to modern. When borrowing a word from another language, it is possible to replace consonants, but only within these chains.

A word, when moving from a language to another, can become shorter, and most often the first syllable falls out. It depends on the characteristics of auditory perception: the root of the word is heard more clearly and is easier to remember. The prefix and the ending that do not carry a semantic load fall out first. More<< >>.


The word GIRL in English sounding has no explanation of national origin. The Old Russian language gives a hint: in Russia, young people were called Gorlitsy. The backbone of consonants is the same, the English word is much shorter than the Russian one - it is clear where the British got this word from.

Another example is the English word REVOLT. Translation means rebellion, rebellion, rebellion. The division of a word according to the rules of Russian grammar into a prefix, root, suffix u ending allows you to apply by analogy to an English word. The result is: prefix - RE; root - VOL; suffix - T. It can be assumed that this word got into English in the process of borrowing, and over time it was transformed according to the rules of pronunciation. In this case, the prefix: not RE, but our abbreviated PERE; L u R - consonants from the same phonetic chain - are interchangeable. Having rewritten the word in Russian letters, we get: PERE-VOR-OT. And who borrowed from whom?

There are many such examples. Why would the British, from an isolated island far from Russia, use Russian words?

Russians and Anglo-Saxons have common genetic roots

The English are direct descendants of the ancient Rus. Official data, which, as usual, are hushed up, indicate that the Saxons, the direct ancestors of the British, came from the Volga. The plural of the word "Sak" is Saxons. They were called SAKs on the Volga. According to the law of word shortening, we can conclude that the word was originally significantly longer: saki - rusaki.

Morphology reveals the secret of the origin of words

Only a person who knows several foreign languages ​​can compare the origin at the level of morphological analysis of words. Linguist A. Dragunkin belongs to this category of people, he is fluent in six European languages ​​and knows several Asian ones, he can be trusted.

The Latin word SECRET is known throughout the world, but its origin is still unknown, officially considered a mystery. In Russian spelling, this word does not lend itself to morphological analysis. The same incomprehensible suffix ending T is visible. However, written in the letters of the Old Russian language, this word is read as СъКРыТ (in accordance with the rule about vowels). It turns out the complete similarity of the meaning, a prefix appears, our root u suffix.

Old Slavonic Bukovica

So, it turns out, why we changed the Old Russian alphabet to the modern one - to hide the obvious connection of native words with the words of other languages ​​lying on the surface.

A good example is the word "HAREM". Until the time of the reign, the Russian princes had many concubines who lived in the best rooms, HoRoMachs. Replacing the consonants according to the second rule of chains of interchangeable consonants, we get GaReM.

Names of holy books

Moreover, the titles of religious books have a Russian basis. The Koran is the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad, Zeid kept it, it turns out, SO-KHRAN.

The Jewish Torah is translated even more simply: a book about T(v)or, that is, about CREATION - Torah.

The word "Bible" has a slightly different meaning. This is one of the first books written on paper, paper is made from cotton, cotton in Old Russian is called BaVeLna (in Ukrainian it is still bavovna) - the result is BiBLe.

The Indian "Vedas" come from the word to know.

Each explanation can be disputed, but the semantic interpretation is correct only with the application of the second rule of interchangeable chains of consonants.

religious names

The names of gods and servants can also be easily brought under the rule of replaceable chains. Allah is a non-Arabic word, VolKhv - WALLAH lost its first consonant sound over time, and began to correspond to the modern meaning. As you know, the Magi were the forerunners of the clergy.

The Russian root MOL is the basis of the word "pray". We involve the chain of consonant substitution, and we get: MOL - means the same as u MUL. Translated into Russian, MULLA is a person who asks God.

This also includes the name of an English priest - PrieST, to write this word in Russian letters - it means ASK.

A lot of coincidences - this is a pattern

Lots of random coincidences where words have the same meaning and similar spelling. When a word in the "native" dialect does not find a basis, origin, then the Russian rules of morphology help the word to acquire a logical meaning. What world philology cannot explain becomes a normal word in the Russian dialect! A. Dragunkin seeks to prove that he was created artificially, and it is in him that the cipher of the matrix of the entire universe lies.

Another interesting discovery is that only in the Old Russian language the names of natural phenomena from the surrounding world are described using syllables with a root of two consonants - BL, given the chain of interchangeable consonants. Ancient people created the words: Bor, Field, Sea, Swamp, Par. . .

Living beings are described using three roots that can be associated with body parts. All rounded parts are described with the root КР/ГЛ and its derivatives – Head, Throat, Eye, Lower Leg, Knee. The names of the animal world are described by the Russians according to geometric features - this is not found in any other dialect of the world, only in the Old Russian language.

Even man is singled out from the animal world on the basis of his main feature - the mind. Mental abilities are due to the intelligence that is in the head. The head was formerly called HUMAN. This is how the HUMAN AGE is singled out from the animal world, an intelligent and living age.

The language was given to man by the Creator

The ancestors knew everything from the beginning, because the language and speech were given to man from above. Even before the advent of telescopes, Russian people knew that there were stars - extraterrestrial bodies that emit light.

  • Paradise is a truncated word EDGE;
  • Hell is that which is UNDER the earth.
  • The word "star" - according to the rule of substitution of consonants, we read: light-yes.

If the language was created artificially, why was it necessary to create it? Communication could be limited to war cries when hunting mammoths. Tyutchev's words answer this question: "The thought expressed is a lie." The process of speech is signified by three verbs - to speak, to say, to expound. But in the Old Russian language, three verbs also mean lies, and the words are consonant in the composition of consonants:

  • to speak - to lie,
  • to say - to distort,
  • to lay out - to lie,
  • state - FALSE.

The language was originally created not for the exchange of information, but as a means of distorting it, a method of influencing people.
Think about the words that are considered borrowed by us from other peoples, and you yourself will see the roots of origin:

  • Galaktika - dialectal "fog" GalaGa
  • GLOBUS - KoLoBok (alternating G and K)
  • dollar - share
  • LABORATORY - WORK (L and R alternate)
  • LeDi - the ancient Russian goddess Lada
  • NeGR - Not Beautiful
  • hotel (HoTel) – KhaTa
  • smog - mgla

With knowledge and using it wisely, amazing discoveries can be made. A. Dragunkin brilliantly proved that the Old Russian language was the basis on which most of the other dialects were created. And we, Russians, can now be sure that we speak a direct descendant of the world parent language.

And about ancient writing and runes, see here.


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