Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: how to do cardio workouts for the heart? Gymnastics for cores: basic rules and a list of exercises

Under the influence of regular physical exercises, the overall endurance of the body increases, the heart goes into an economical mode of operation - the frequency of contractions decreases and at the same time their strength increases. Dosed activity leads to an improvement in the nutrition of the myocardium with blood, an increase in the rate of metabolic processes in it. The correct dosing of the load in the presence of cardiac diseases is carried out after ECG diagnostics with functional tests.

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Why you should do exercises for the heart

The underlying layer of the heart is a muscle that contracts continuously throughout life. It is adversely affected by both excessive physical activity, for which a person is not ready. Therefore, in order to maintain the heart and blood vessels in optimal shape, a daily load in the form of special exercises is required. With adequate duration and intensity of training, the following changes occur in the body:

  • the intensity of metabolic processes increases;
  • body weight is normalized;
  • the volume of the lungs increases;
  • stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate;
  • normal rhythm is restored;
  • the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decreases;
  • improves central and peripheral circulation.

Is everyone allowed to exercise?

For patients with a cardiological profile, an individual approach to classes is necessary. In order to determine changes in the heart muscle under the influence of the load, an electrocardiological study is performed at rest and after walking on a treadmill or riding a bicycle ergometer. The data obtained can help in choosing the degree of exercise intensity that is not manifested by ischemic processes in the myocardium.

Basic rules for training

In order not to cause an exacerbation of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as to benefit from classes, you need to follow some rules:

  • measure blood pressure and pulse rate before exercise;
  • determine the optimal physiological range of heart rate;
  • engage in no earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours after eating;
  • stop training if there is pain in the heart, dizziness or severe shortness of breath;
  • cardio exercises (walking, running, swimming, cycling) are most suitable for strengthening the heart;
  • the pace of classes is preferably slow or medium, and the duration is at least half an hour a day;
  • sudden movements and increasing the level of intensity without prior preparation are prohibited.

To determine the intensity of the lesson, they are guided by the pulse rate. First of all, you need to determine its maximum. For this, age is subtracted from 220. It is absolutely impossible to go beyond this limit. To obtain a good training effect in a satisfactory condition, it is recommended to adhere to 50 to 75% of the maximum number of contractions.

Useful exercises for the heart muscle

A properly composed gymnastics complex consists of a 5-10 minute introductory part - a warm-up. At this time, simple exercises are performed on all major muscle groups. This is done in order to prepare the joints and muscle tissues for training.

This is followed by the main stage lasting from 15 to 25 minutes. After it is carried out, you need to walk at a calm pace and stretch until the heart rate is restored to its previous limits.

To strengthen the heart

First, you need to carry out 5-8 respiratory cycles, the duration of inhalation and exhalation is equal to the maximum comfortable duration. This is followed by a cycle of exhalations, which are 2 times longer than inhalation. For example, inhale for 3 counts, exhale for 6 counts. The total duration is approximately 5-7 minutes. After such loads are easily tolerated, exercises with holding the breath begin - first after inhalation, and then after exhalation.

Each stage should gradually increase in time. The main thing is to carry out such classes every day and without excessive stress.

About breathing exercises that are aimed at preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, see this video:

For a healthy heart

Particular attention in the initial stages of coronary blood flow disorders is given to exercises on the shoulder girdle. It should be borne in mind that if there are pains in the heart, then classes can be started only after an ECG study.

Physiotherapy exercises to improve blood circulation in the myocardium may consist of the following exercises:

  1. Rotation of the arms in a circle of large diameter in a standing position.
  2. Dumbbells weighing from 500 g (an alternative is plastic water bottles) are raised, bending the arms at the elbows in the direction from the bottom up to the shoulders.
  3. Lowered hands with dumbbells are raised from below to shoulder level, after mastering they are reduced above the head.
  4. Push-ups, starting with 5 times from the wall. Hands emphasis at shoulder level. As you train, gradually the height of the stop should decrease. Don't hold your breath.
  5. Squats at a comfortable level.

Initially, the number of repetitions can be 10 or even less, but then, with regular exercises, it must be brought up to 50.

With heart disease

To restore the normal functioning of the heart muscle in the presence of a pathology of the heart and blood vessels, one of the options is such a complex:

  • The preparatory stage - circular movements of the ankle joints in a sitting position, lifting on toes and knee movements while standing, rotating the pelvis in a circle and tilting the torso to the side. Each exercise is repeated 8 times in both directions.
  • Walking on the inside, outside of the foot. Then walking in place or a walk in nature from 15 minutes. Gradually, you can add a high knee lift or movement in a semi-squat.
  • The final stage is 10 minutes of restorative breathing.
Therapeutic exercise for IHD

During movement, the pulse should not rise more than 100 - 120 beats per minute. You can increase the intensity and duration of training only after 2.5 months. After six months of regular exercise, walking is replaced by light running.

Physical activity in diseases of the heart and blood vessels should be strictly dosed, before starting it, you need to get advice from your doctor and undergo an ECG. To strengthen the heart, therapeutic complexes are recommended with a gradually increasing duration and intensity. Breathing exercises can be used even in old age and in the presence of a moderate degree of circulatory failure.

Useful video

For exercises for heart disease, see this video:

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  • And today there are even athletes among the cores. However, for such people, it is more useful not sports, but physical education. Moreover, it is simply necessary for many of them.

    Proper exercise and exercise is beneficial for people with hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and other heart conditions. They improve the quality of life, slow down the progress of the disease, prevent the development of heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and other serious complications. If there is no exacerbation or decompensation of the disease, then moderate exercise is not only contraindicated, but also necessary. But it should be understood that the level of load depends on the state of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, pulse rate, pain syndrome. And only a doctor can accurately determine it. Therefore, if you are planning to do physical education, it is better to consult with him.

    How much and how best to do it? Here are some tips for hypertensive patients from the influential professional medical organization, the British Heart Foundation:

    Try to practice every day.

    Your goal is at least 2.5 hours of class per week.

    One lesson should last at least 10 minutes, and physical activity should be of moderate intensity. That is, the breathing rate and pulse should be faster than usual, and you should feel warm. This happens when brisk walking, cycling, swimming.

    Lifting weights and working with weights is undesirable, with them the pressure rises higher.

    A set of exercises for people with heart disease

    Warm up(7-10 minutes): brisk walking, light running, various stretches and bends. You can do all this by changing positions - standing, sitting, lying down.

    Main part:

    • Sitting on a chair
    • Standing
    1. Legs shoulder width apart. Raise your arms up through the sides (inhale) and lower them in the same way, leaning down and exhaling heavily and waving your arms.
    2. Initial - hands on the belt. Alternately raise one arm up and over the head, tilting the torso to the side.
    3. The original is the same. Turns the torso to the sides, then - rotation of the pelvis.
    4. Legs are wider. Alternately, squatting on each leg, we transfer the weight of the body to it.
    5. One leg in front, the other in the back. We bend the front leg at the knee (resting on it with our hands above the knee), transfer the load of the body onto it and spring it 3-4 times. Then for the other leg.
    6. Feet at body width, arms forward and horizontal. We raise legs alternately to them (straight or bending at the knee).
    7. Squats with arms outstretched forward.

    Ending(5-10 minutes): Slow walking with deep breathing, raising and lowering the arms. Smooth tilts and rotations. Stretching of the body and limbs. Shaking of arms and legs.

    Each exercise is done 5-10 times, the pace of movements and amplitude are arbitrary, depending on your capabilities and condition.

    Expert opinion

    Cardiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Functional Diagnostics and Scientific Secretary of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A. I. Evdokimova Yuri Vasyuk:

    Physical exercise is beneficial for most patients with cardiovascular disease. Exceptions are mainly associated with the period of exacerbation of the disease or its decompensation. Physical education is important even with heart failure, which can be the outcome of any disease of the heart and blood vessels. In this condition, the contractility of the heart decreases, and it pumps blood worse, over time, a person develops shortness of breath, swelling, and other symptoms. Physical exercise is recommended for all patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) if the disease is stable and there is no need for emergency treatment.

    Studies have shown that regular physical training for three months improves exercise tolerance, improves the absorption of oxygen by the body. But these positive effects disappear after three weeks if you stop exercising. Therefore, patients with chronic heart failure are recommended to engage in physical education constantly. This is recorded in the official "National guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of CHF".

    Core fitness can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and increase fat loss. People with heart problems are not prohibited from leading an active lifestyle. The main thing is not to overdo it.

    We asked Julia Skrimskaya, the champion of Europe and Ukraine in the Model Fitness category, about which exercises are good for the core and how to perform them correctly.

    What exercises can be performed by people with cardiovascular diseases to maintain the health and tone of the whole body?

    For any cardiovascular diseases in the acute stage, physiotherapy exercises are carried out in a hospital; in a subacute state - in a sanatorium and clinic. In the chronic course of the disease, you can practice at home, under the supervision of your doctor. Individually dosed physical exercises for diseases of the heart and blood vessels not only improve blood circulation in the heart muscle and blood vessels of the whole body, but also stimulate the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, regulate metabolism.

    People with disorders in the cardiovascular system should do daily morning hygienic exercises (individually selected complex), perform special exercises, be sure to walk every day before going to bed in any weather (from 30 minutes to 2 hours), actively relax on weekends, and if possible and after work (walk in the forest, ride a bike at a slow pace, etc.), eat rationally (fractionally, 4-5 times a day).

    Cores should avoid doing isometric exercises such as push-ups and squats.

    However, there are a number of issues that need to be discussed with the doctor: - Medications. New medications can make a big difference in your exercise routine. Only a doctor can tell if it is still safe to exercise. - Weightlifting. If you recently had an operation, you should not do hard housework, wield a shovel and carry weights - both in the gym and in everyday life. - Safe exercise. Get your doctor's approval before lifting weights, using machines, running or swimming.

    What should be the exercises for the cores in terms of severity?

    Gymnastic exercises should be simple, they should not impose increased demands on the nervous and cardiovascular system, especially in the first half of treatment.

    How to do core exercises correctly?

    1. Exercises should be done slowly, rhythmically, at a calm pace, without effort and tension.

    2. It is necessary to widely use breathing exercises, combining and alternating them with gymnastic ones.

    3. Do not use physical exercises that require significant effort, tilt! For good health, it is enough to devote 20-30 minutes to charging. a day 5 times a week. The intervals between exercises should be from 1-1.5 minutes. Classes should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or instructor.

    4. Heart rate monitors for patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as for athletes, allow you to set the maximum and minimum heart rate values. In the process of training or walking, the device not only constantly measures your heart rate, but also ensures that it does not go beyond the designated zone. If this happens, the device will let you know with an audible signal.

    In addition, heart rate monitors make it possible to control the number of steps that you take during a walk. They also know how to calculate the speed of your movement and the distance traveled.

    Modern models measure atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, as well as the height of the area above sea level. These indicators are important for all people. But for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, they are vital. Because in this case, if measures are not taken in advance, a sharp change in the meteorological situation can lead to fatal consequences.

    Use the advice of Yulia Skrimskaya and be always healthy!

    If you've just been diagnosed with heart disease or have had heart surgery, your doctor may have told you that physical activity is an essential part of staying in good health. Surely you are tormented by doubts: is it really safe to play sports in such a state? What exercises, in this case, are ideal?

    How does exercise help with heart disease?

    • reduce blood pressure and stress on the heart;
    • increase the level of "good" cholesterol, which transports fats from the arteries and back to the liver for processing;
    • lower the level of "bad" cholesterol, which contributes to the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries and the occurrence of heart disease;
    • significantly improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots, which are quite capable of causing a stroke and heart attack;
    • increase fat loss and promote weight loss;
    • exercises help build muscle mass;
    • physical activity also reduces stress by releasing endorphins. After a heart attack, stress and anxiety can slow recovery.

    How much exercise is considered sufficient?

    Aim to be physically active five days out of seven for thirty minutes. If it’s difficult for you, first break the recommended half hour into several sessions throughout the day.

    The best activities for the heart

    For the heart, aerobic activity is considered the best activity, since it works large muscle groups. Brisk walking, running, dancing, cycling and even gardening are aerobic activities. Swimming is one of the most popular types of aerobic activity. It is worth noting that it is better to master this sport by being trained by professionals who will tell you how to learn how to swim in the pool without risking poor health. It is also necessary to combine exercise with a balanced diet. You will benefit from unsaturated fats, carbohydrates, fiber, fruits and vegetables.

    The following questions should be discussed with your doctor:

    • certain medications may interfere with your exercise regimen;
    • whether the selected exercises are safe for you, only a doctor can say;
    • after the operation, you should not do hard work, and even more so carry weights in the gym and around the house;
    • Get your doctor's approval before you use machines, lift weights, swim, or run.

    Once approved by your doctor, find an experienced exercise specialist. If you know a synchronized swimming or race walking coach, you can take a few lessons from him or at least consult.

    Do not overdo isometric exercises such as squats and push-ups. You should not exercise outdoors when it is cold, hot or damp. Humidity can cause shortness of breath, extreme temperatures can affect circulation, make it difficult to breathe, and cause chest pain. The best exercises for the heart in this case are indoors.

    Drink more water. It is important to drink water before you feel thirsty, especially on hot days. Do not take a shower or hot or cold bath immediately after exercising, as temperature changes seriously increase the workload on the heart. Do not exercise on hilly terrain. If you need to go through steep slopes, going uphill is better to slow down the pace. Control your pulse.

    If the exercise program was interrupted for a few days, you should return to your usual rhythm as soon as possible. But do not rush, just start at a lower level and gradually return to the previous level of training.

    When you push yourself hard, like carrying a bag up the stairs, your heart pumps extra oxygen-rich blood to the working parts because your muscles need oxygen to contract. Initially, the heart rate increases and the heart pushes blood (and thus more oxygen) faster to the muscles in the arms that carry the bag. However, if you carry weights every day, your heart and muscles will become more toned. The heart will begin to pump more blood per contraction, and the muscles will use oxygen more efficiently. Thus, gradually the heart gets used to work and does not need to increase the frequency of contractions in order to perform the same physical activity.

    If you are involved in any type of fitness that requires a high level of fitness, then exercise increases the size of the chambers of the heart. Larger chambers are able to expel more blood with each contraction, and thus the heart contracts more slowly and the pulse becomes slower - both during exercise and at rest.

    It is known that the heart of a well-trained athlete, as a rule, is much larger in size than the heart of a person who leads a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. At first, doctors were confused by these enlarged sizes, they mistook them for heart disease, but today any doctor familiar with sports medicine knows that strenuous exercise increases the size of the heart. In weightlifters and representatives of other speed-strength sports where explosive efforts are needed, the muscular walls of the heart become thicker. In long-distance runners and other endurance sports, the heart chambers stretch to hold more blood. In one form or another, the heart responds to stress by strengthening itself to withstand any stress.

    Strenuous exercise also helps control high blood pressure. Instead of a sharp increase in upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) pressure, which is observed in untrained individuals, only systolic pressure increases in trained individuals. This is because the aorta and large arteries are stretched to take in more blood; diastolic pressure in highly trained athletes may even drop during exercise to levels below those at rest. Thus, the blood vessels remain elastic and the heart is not overstressed.

    A study conducted at the Department of Sports Medicine at Tufts University found that endurance athletes have less dense blood plasma than people who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. (Plasma is the liquid component of blood.) This again makes it easier for the heart to pump blood through small vessels in the muscles and under the skin.

    Fitness classes also train the regulatory processes, which allows you to send additional portions of blood quickly and efficiently only to those muscle groups that perform the load, and not immediately to all parts of the body.

    Even relatively light exercise, such as walking and climbing stairs, can help dissolve potentially dangerous blood clots. A study led by R. Sanders Williams, M.D., found that regular, light exercise performed by men and women in a certain way stimulated blood vessels and released greater amounts of plasminogen activators in them than in people who were predominantly sedentary. life. (Plasminogenic activators stimulate the production of plasminogen, which dissolves fibrin, a fibrous thickening protein in the blood.) A clot in the largest blood arteries leads to heart attacks. Exercise also lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood by increasing the level of "good" cholesterol and reducing the amount of plaque already built up in the arteries.

    The sudden death of people - in most cases men - while jogging or any other strenuous physical exercise is cited as evidence that exercise is dangerous to the heart. However, Dr. Jeffrey Coplan emphasized in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1980: “Since millions of people are now jogging in America, it is likely that someone, by coincidence, will die while running. - just like some people die while eating, reading, sleeping.

    Fitness classes improve cardiovascular performance

    Research conducted by Dr. D. Hollotzi and colleagues at the St. Louis University School of Medicine showed that middle-aged runners have better cardiovascular performance than their predominantly sedentary peers; their cardiovascular fitness levels were only 14 percent lower than younger (twenty-year-old) runners, representing a four percent decline over the decade instead of the eight percent decline that the researchers had expected. Dr. R. Puffenbarger, after examining 17,000 students at Stanford University, made sure that the age advantage is maintained only if you regularly engage in fitness and keep yourself in good physical shape. People who were in great physical shape while studying at the university, but then led a sedentary lifestyle, aged at the same rate as people who constantly lead a sedentary lifestyle.

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