Workouts for the heart and blood vessels. Breathing exercises for the cardiovascular system: preparatory exercises. Cardio stress for joy

For the prevention of coronary heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, one should not forget about a healthy lifestyle, which implies a balanced diet, regular walks, training, mediation, breathing and physical exercises. Without gentle training with adequate loads, the heart will cease to perform its functions “like a clock”, the main “motor” of the body will certainly fail.

A set of physical exercises for the muscles of the heart: rules for performing

Physical exercises for the heart occupy an important place in the prevention and treatment of diseases of this organ. As a result of gymnastics for the heart muscle, its contractility increases, blood circulation increases, including peripheral. Good blood flow, in turn, contributes to the mechanical massage of the walls of blood vessels, making them much more elastic. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, which means that the risk of formation of blood clots inside the vessels - blood clots - decreases. Exercises for the heart and blood vessels inhibit the development of atherosclerotic changes in the body - the main cause of heart disease.

The heart is a muscle like any other muscle and needs to be trained to become stronger and more resilient.

The rules for performing basic exercises for the heart can be formulated as follows:

Even with good health, you can not quickly and dramatically increase physical activity. Only commensurate it with the capabilities of the body, you can strengthen the heart. Excessive load when performing exercises for the heart muscle, overwork, will reduce its functionality; and besides, it's not safe. Excessive physical work or sports activities can cause painful changes in the heart muscle, even in perfectly healthy young people.

Classes should begin no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.

You should immediately stop exercising if you experience heart discomfort, dizziness, or shortness of breath during or after cardiac strengthening exercises. If these phenomena do not go away on their own, you must take validol or nitroglycerin and be sure to consult a doctor!

Elderly people suffering from atherosclerosis, coupled with cervical osteochondrosis, are not recommended to exercise for heart diseases with low inclinations to avoid a rush of blood to the head, rotational movements of the head and torso of large amplitude, strength exercises that impede the outflow of blood from the brain, and exercises that lead to body shaking (imitation of wood splitting, boxing).

Before starting a set of exercises for the heart, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, who, having previously taken an electrocardiogram, will determine the degree of readiness of your heart and body as a whole for physical exertion. This is especially true for those who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction, as well as the elderly.

It is very important to monitor the pulse during exercise for the muscles of the heart. It is believed that physical education has a positive effect on the body when, by the end of classes, the pulse quickens by 20-35 beats, not exceeding 120 beats per minute, and after 3-5 minutes of rest it returns to its original frequency.

The most important thing when doing gymnastics to strengthen the heart muscle is regularity. It is necessary to work out at least once a day so that breathing becomes faster. The goal should be 20-minute sessions 3 times a day.

You should gradually increase the pace, bringing it to the middle of the workout to the optimal heart rate, and gradually reduce the load towards the end.

For patients suffering from coronary heart disease, the duration of classes should be from 8 to 15 minutes. You should practice at least 2-3 times a week.

Gymnastics to strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels: physical exercises with video

These heart muscle strengthening exercises are based on the natural movements of animals and young children who start the morning with stretches, deep breaths and yawns that activate the metabolism and activity of the cardiovascular system.

It is especially useful to do exercises to strengthen the heart and blood vessels immediately after waking up, when you are still in bed:

1. Sipping. Lying on your back, stretch your legs, strongly straightening your knees and feet, touching the edge of the bed with your toes. At the same time, stretch your arms above your head, straightening your fingers and tensing strongly. Then relax completely, lowering your arms along the body. Perform 3-4 times.

2. Put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Stick out your stomach (inhale), pull your stomach in, trying to "feel" the spine (exhale). Feel your breath as you focus on how your chest expands and your abdominal muscles work. Perform 3-4 times at a slow pace.

3. Put interlaced fingers on the back of the head, elbows and shoulder blades, press to the bed. Raise your right leg slightly and bring it over the left. At the same time, slowly turn the lower body and head in different directions: moving the legs and pelvis to the right, head to the left. Perform this physical exercise to strengthen the heart muscle 2 times in each direction.

4. Starting position: arms are spread apart, legs are bent at the knees and stand at some distance from each other, feet are located as close as possible to the buttocks. As you inhale, slowly bend your knees to the right and turn your head to the left. As you exhale, return to the starting position and relax completely. Then, as you inhale, turn your head to the right and bend your knees to the left. Perform 2-4 times in each direction.

5. Starting position: lying on your back. While inhaling, lifting your head from the bed, slowly tilt it to your chest, stretch your arms forward, lift and stretch your legs. When doing this exercise to strengthen the heart muscle, stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. As you exhale, take the starting position, relax. Perform 3 times.

6. Roll over on your stomach. Bend your arms at the elbows, placing the clasped fingers under the forehead, spread the straight legs to the width of the foot. With the tips of the toes of one foot alternately rest on the heel of the other. Perform 4 times with each leg without holding your breath.

Do everything slowly, at a slow and smooth pace, carefully monitoring your breathing. All exercises are performed in the supine position.

Now watch the video of exercises to strengthen the heart muscle to better understand how they are performed:

Breathing exercises for the cardiovascular system: preparatory exercises

Breathing exercises for the cardiovascular system are specially designed to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Each breathing exercise for the heart must be performed in three stages: inhalation, movement, exhalation. The breath should be sharp, strong, through the nose. Exhalation - sharp, strong, noisy, cough-like (through an open mouth - "ha!"). The movement that is performed between inhalation and exhalation is done with full muscle tension.

Preparatory exercises:

  1. Starting position: standing on the carpet, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body, deep breathing. Inhaling through the nose, touch the nose with the fingers of the left hand. Lowering your hand to its original position, exhale calmly through your mouth (lips folded in a tube). Perform 3 times. Do the same with your right hand. Repeat the cycle several times. (From 5-6 at the beginning, to 20-30 after 2-3 months).
  2. Starting position: the same. Breath is the same. Touch your nose with the fingers of both hands at the same time. Perform 5 to 30 times.
  3. Do the same exercise, but alternately with your right and left hand. Raising your hand, inhale, lowering - exhale. Perform 5 to 30 times.

It is advisable to do exercises for the prevention of heart disease without interruption, starting each movement with a small squat. At first, do 3-5 repetitions, and then, gradually, over 2-3 months, bring their number to 30. Do gymnastics at least 3-4 times a week.

Breathing exercises for the heart: basic exercises with video

All basic breathing exercises are performed in a standing position.

  1. The arms are lowered along the body. Inhale. With tension, raise straight arms through the sides up. Exhale-inhale. Lower your arms down to the sides. Exhale-inhale. Bring your straight arms in front of you, palms facing each other. Exhale-inhale. Spread your arms out to the sides with your palms back. Exhalation.
  2. Clasp the hands with closed fingers to the lock to your left so that the left palm is pointing up and the right palm is pointing down (the right hand is above the left). Inhale. Make a sharp turn of the body to the right. Exhalation. Change the position of the hands so that the right palm is pointing up and the left palm is pointing down. Inhale. Turn your body to the left. Exhalation.
  3. Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, palms at the chest. Inhale. Throw your left hand forward with a bent brush, as if pushing the air away. Exhale-inhale. Return your hand to your chest with your palm facing you. Exhale-inhale. Throw your right hand forward. Exhale-inhale. Return your hand to your chest. Exhale-inhale. Throw both hands forward, palms away from you. Exhale-inhale. Return to starting position. Exhalation.
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows at waist level. The hands are directed forward, palms down. Inhale. Straighten your left arm along your thigh, pushing air with your palm. Exhale-inhale. Do the same with your right hand. Exhale-inhale. Do the same with both hands at the same time Exhale.
  5. The next movement imitates grass mowing. Starting position: hands lie calmly on an imaginary braid handle. Inhale. Movement "oblique" to the left with simultaneous exhalation. Inhalation is done slowly, while returning to the starting position. After making a few movements to the left, start doing the same movements, but to the right.
  6. "Chopping wood". Starting position: hands clasped in a “lock”, raised above the head. Make movements, sharply bending as low as possible. Inhale. Raised hands with clasped hands, sharply lower down. Exhale-inhale. Raise your arms to the starting position. Exhale-inhale.
  7. Imagine that you are shaking out a heavy blanket, holding it by the ends. Inhale. Sharp shaking. Exhalation.
  8. "Stork". Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. Bend your elbows and bring your palms to your face, while raising and bending your leg at the knee with a pulled toe. Fix the movement while maintaining balance. Inhale. Raise your arms and left leg. Exhale-inhale. Lower your leg and arms. Exhale-inhale. Raise your arms and right leg. Exhalation.
  9. "Bird". Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. Raising your arms out to the sides, take a slow, very deep breath. Holding your breath, make three full and slow strokes of your wing arms. Sharp exhalation. Perform 3 times.
  10. Legs shoulder width apart. Inhale. Straining your legs, stand on your tiptoes. Slowly lower your heels to the floor. Sharp exhalation.

A set of physical exercises for coronary heart disease

All physical exercises for coronary heart disease, as well as breathing exercises, are performed in a standing position.

  1. Starting position: arms along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. On the count of 1-2, raising your hands up (through the sides or interlocked “in the lock” in front of you), rise on your toes and stretch. At the expense of 3-4 - return to the starting position. Perform 5 times.
  2. One hand up, the other down. Change the position of your hands for each count. Perform this exercise for coronary heart disease 10 times.
  3. Hands on the belt (you can hold on to the back of the chair with one hand), feet shoulder-width apart. Swing your legs back and forth. Perform 5 times with each leg.
  4. Starting position: hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. At the expense of 1-2, lean forward, at the expense of 3-4 - return to the starting position. When tilting, take a deep breath, while straightening - inhale. Perform 10 times.
  5. Starting position: arms along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. On a count of 1-2, raise your hands up, on a count of 3, lower your arms in arcs down and back, while slightly bending your legs. On a count of 4-5, continuing to put your hands behind your back, lean forward, straightening your legs. On count 6 - start moving your arms forward, bend your legs a little, straighten your torso (the position is as if you are going to sit down). At the expense of 7 - raise your arms in arcs up, straighten your legs. Performing this exercise from the complex for coronary heart disease, stretch up, rising on your toes, and return to the starting position. Perform 6 times.
  6. The arms are straight, in front of the chest, the legs are shoulder-width apart. For each count, you make jerky movements with straight or bent elbows with your arms (it is possible with a simultaneous half-turn of the body). Perform 8-10 times.
  7. The starting position for this exercise from the complex for heart diseases: hands behind the head, legs together. On count 1 - lean to the right, at the same time lunging with your right foot also to the right (you can simultaneously stretch your arms up), on count 2 - return to the starting position, on count 3 - lean to the left, simultaneously lunging with your left foot to the left, on count 4 - return to starting position. Perform 5 times in each direction.
  8. Hands along the body, feet shoulder width apart. Start doing squats at your own pace. At the moment of squatting, put one hand behind your head, keep the other on your belt. Change the position of your hands the next time you squat. Perform 8 times.
  9. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Rotate the pelvis (left, forward, right, back), first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Perform 5 times in each direction.
  10. Starting position: hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. At the expense of 1-2, spread your arms to the sides and slightly turn the whole body to the right (inhale), at the expense of 3-4 - return to the starting position (exhale). Perform 4 times in each direction.
  11. Legs together, hands on the belt. Perform jumps in place. Legs together - legs apart. Feet together - one foot forward, the other back. Do it for 30-40 seconds. Then go to the fast step.
  12. Jogging on the spot or around the room for 5 minutes with the transition to a quiet walk.

Before starting, watch the video "Exercises for the heart" - so you can clearly imagine how the complex is performed:

Classes aimed at training the heart muscle have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels and other organs. A dosed load helps to form reflex connections between the brain and the organs of the human body. As a result, the nervous system becomes stronger, it successfully copes with various kinds of stress, helping the whole body to rebuild and overcome any obstacles.

Changes in the body under the influence of training

Jumping rope helps to train the heart muscle.

The cardiovascular system:

  • increase in energy produced by cells;
  • growth of capillaries, improvement of blood supply to the heart;
  • increased myocardial contractility.

Respiratory system:

  • an increase in lung capacity, that is, the volume of inhaled air;
  • improved oxygen uptake.

Neurohumoral regulation:

  • increased synthesis of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-stress and other effects;
  • decrease in insulin production, creation of a reserve capacity of the pancreas;
  • weakening the release of insulin in response to food intake, which smooths out fluctuations in blood glucose levels during the day;
  • suppression of the synthesis in the liver of "bad" cholesterol - low density lipoproteins.
  • improvement of muscle contractility;
  • strengthening the valve apparatus of the veins;
  • activation of peripheral circulation.

The result of cardio training is an increase in the body's resistance to any damaging factors.

Aerobic exercise (endurance training) puts the body in the mode of maximum efficiency while reducing energy costs.

We hope we managed to convince readers of the benefits of such exercises. Consider the main types of training available for home use.

Class mode

Cardio training is any exercise at a fast pace. You can take small breaks for rest, but they should not exceed a few seconds. Particularly effective is the alternation of fast and slow pace of exercise (for example, a minute of fast running - a minute of slow). You can exercise on simulators, perform gymnastic exercises or go in for walking, running.

The best option would be a 30-minute workout every day. It should be performed two hours after eating. Before starting the exercises, you need to perform a small warm-up, stretching and warming up the main muscle groups. The same stretching exercises after a workout will help to avoid painful muscle cramps the next day.

After the end of the lesson, you should not eat for two hours. You can drink as much as you want, better than ordinary water, mineral table water, dried fruit compote without sugar, rosehip broth.

Of course, it is necessary to eat rationally, eliminating refined carbohydrates from the diet and limiting animal fats.

The main types of training sessions:

  • jumping rope, exercises with dumbbells, expander;
  • classes without additional equipment: push-ups, tilts, lunges, jumps and others;
  • use of simulators: stepper, bicycle ergometer, ellipsoid or treadmill;
  • outdoor training: walking, Nordic walking, running, swimming, cycling, roller skating, skiing.

Each person can choose the type of training that suits him best. The main thing in exercises is not to overload the heart, allowing it to work exactly in the mode that it tolerates without excessive load.

Well-Being Control

Before starting classes, it is advisable to visit a doctor and undergo simple examinations: take a general blood test, urine test, chest x-ray and an electrocardiogram. The therapist will tell you if it is possible to practice on your own, and if so, with what intensity.

The basis for monitoring the activity of the heart is counting the pulse. It can be done in the usual way, putting the fingers on the wrist of the other hand and counting the number of heart beats in 20 seconds, and then multiplying the result by three.

However, if you seriously decide to do cardio training, you need a special fitness bracelet - a heart rate monitor. It automatically counts the pulse, displaying the value on the screen. As a result, you don't have to stop while exercising. Focusing on the heart rate, you can reduce or increase the intensity of exercises during training.

The maximum allowable heart rate during exercise is 200 beats minus the person's age in years. This is the so-called submaximal frequency. So, if a student is 35 years old, then his heart should not beat more often than 165 times per minute. Of course, this heart rate should not be maintained during the entire workout. This is a signal to reduce the load. The optimal heart rate for training would be 80% of the submaximal, in our example 165 x 0.8 = 132 beats per minute.

Sometimes the heart rate is determined by the formula "220 beats minus age in years", however, with such frequent contractions of the heart, the risk of oxygen deficiency and the development of heart rhythm disturbances increases significantly. Achieving such high rates is only possible under the guidance of an instructor in the fitness room.

Another simple test that helps assess exercise tolerance and effectiveness is breath holding. Inhale, exhale deeply, inhale again and hold your breath. In well-trained people, this figure reaches 60 seconds. When overtrained, it drops sharply. By monitoring and recording the breath holding time at least once a week, you can see how effective cardio training is and evaluate the improvement in your health over time.

Contraindications for training

Do not perform cardio under the following conditions:

  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • furuncle, especially on the face;
  • angina;
  • exacerbation of arthritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, thrombophlebitis;
  • acute allergic disease;
  • sharp pain in any part of the body;
  • the first days of menstruation, uterine bleeding;
  • increase in blood pressure above 130/80 mm Hg. Art.
  • poor health, lack of strength for training.

Remember that the main thing is not to harm your health. Training should be fun and not cause irritation and laziness. It is believed that after 21 days of repeating the same action, it becomes a habit. We advise you to develop a commitment to cardio training, this will keep your body young and strong, help you recover from stress, reduce weight and find harmony between an excellent internal state and an excellent external physical form.

Which doctor to contact

If you decide to start training on your own, we recommend that you check your health status with a therapist or family doctor. A cardiologist will help you choose the intensity of the load, if necessary, by prescribing a bicycle ergometry or a treadmill test. With the help of these studies, it is possible to accurately establish the permissible level of load for each person.

The simplest - the usual homework in an apartment or in the country. Washing floors by hand, working on beds (squats), wiping dust on remote areas of shelves, working with a shovel or rake (tilts to the sides), vigorous walking around the house or plot allows blood to circulate better, faster. Energetic "casts" of blood into the cardiac sections improve their elasticity, and therefore qualitatively affect the conductivity of the cardiac organ.

Train your heart!

According to most experts, the occurrence of many diseases is the result of a sedentary lifestyle. High blood pressure, high cholesterol in the blood, and other stagnant processes in the vessels are the result of uneven active and passive life.

Being a purely muscular organ, the heart first of all suffers from a lack of movement, a sufficient amount of contraction of its own structures. How to "rejuvenate" the heart and improve its healthy performance? It is necessary to perform a number of simple steps.

Yoga is a good exercise for heart health. Stretching all the muscles of the body has a positive effect on the entire circulatory system of the body: elastic vessels transport blood more easily, and the heart is easily filled with it and then released.

Available asanas (exercises) can be slow bends forward and backward, with maximum tension in the muscles of the back and arms. Learning the basics of proper breathing also has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the cardiovascular system. If such exercises to strengthen the heart muscle seem complicated, you can use more accessible forms of activity.

Simple walking will be useful. At the same time, it is important not to limit yourself to a walking step for 10-15 minutes - that physical activity, the duration of which is at least 30-50 minutes, and the energy close to high, will be considered healthy for the heart.

Each of us wants to have a beautiful body, but few of us care about our hearts. By pumping triceps and biceps, we put our heart under a lot of stress, and if it is not strengthened, then soon there will simply be no one to enjoy an excellent figure.

The heart is a large muscle, surprisingly strong and enduring. In terms of the number of contractions, it has no equal among other muscles. It is the heart that maintains blood circulation throughout our body and for this it has to create incredible pressure. That is why the heart muscle must be put in the foreground before other muscles in the process of your training.

A trained heart means increased endurance, which is an invaluable contribution to your life path. It is worth noting that one should not confuse a person's endurance with his physical strength. These are different things. A person may have enough strength to lift a 300-kilogram barbell, but if he has low endurance, then it will be impossible to realize his full potential.

The more time a person spends in the gym, the more actively he gains muscle mass. And with the growth of muscle mass, it becomes more difficult for the heart to cope with loads, for the reason that every three kilograms of muscle requires supply from the heart

additionally about one liter of oxygen per second. A lot, right? It is for this reason that with a large muscle mass, but a weak heart, a person’s endurance is much reduced, he simply does not have enough oxygen (in simple terms, a person begins to suffocate).

There is only one way out of this situation - to train the heart, thus increasing its volume. Only in this case it will cope with all loads without problems and, accordingly, wear out less. True, there is one BUT! Make sure that it is the volume of the heart that grows, but not its size! That is, the walls of the heart, when gaining its mass, should stretch, and not become thicker, because the consequence of thickening of the walls of the heart is a heart attack.

How to follow you ask? Just get your classes right. You only have to make sure that the number of heartbeats per minute is within 110-140 beats. If the rhythm is higher than these values ​​\u200b\u200bit harms the heart, rest a little. With the regularity of proper training, the volume of your heart will increase, and you will become healthier and more resilient.

With constant training for six months, you can achieve an increase in heart volume of about 40%. In total, it can be increased in size almost twice.

The easiest way to achieve such results is to actively engage in running. You can, of course, during regular workouts with barbells and on simulators. All in all, it will be necessary to reduce the load (working weight), try not to rest on duty, thereby increasing the heart rate to 140 beats per minute.

If you overdo it, then your heart will not have time to rest between contractions, as a result of which the overstrain will increase. This overexertion will not do you any good, as heart cells will die. This is not noticeable to a person, but very serious. It is this overvoltage that leads to the frequent death of athletes as a result of cardiac arrest during training. Dead cells of the heart do not disappear anywhere, but continue to hang like a "dead weight" without participating in the overall work of the heart.

In general, if you keep a balance and properly approach training, then you will maintain your health, and besides, you will become much more resilient.

Who knows what exercises, complexes, besides running, to strengthen the heart muscle?

How to Train Your Heart: Cardio Workouts (1 of 2)

Everyone wants to live long and no one wants to get sick. To see your great-grandchildren, you must first of all protect your heart and take care of it, you need to start from a young age. The key to cardiovascular health is regular exercise. How to train the heart so that it beats in the chest as long as possible, this article will tell.

First, daily cardio workouts: jogging in the fresh air in the morning, cycling, swimming, or exercising in the fitness center. Everyone chooses for himself what kind of sport he likes.

Life after a heart attack - the main thing is to strengthen the heart

After a heart attack, people, as a rule, lead a sedentary lifestyle, unfairly offended by relatives, household people who allegedly do not take into account their difficult condition. All kinds of medicines are used in large quantities. Such a lifestyle leads to a significant deterioration in well-being. The heart muscle needs to be trained - gradually, then the chances of its recovery are very high.

Some rules will help strengthen the heart after a heart attack.

1. Let your thoughts about the future be filled with optimism.

2. Try to eliminate all worries, especially over trifles.

3. Regularly, every day, perform a set of exercises for morning exercises, adhere to a proper and balanced diet. To improve blood flow, shake your hands and rotate your feet several times a day. Do not forget to regularly, for several minutes, spend rubbing the little fingers on both hands.

Here is a set of simple exercises to a large extent will help strengthen the heart muscle and increase the tone of the body. Do not get hung up on work, alternate it with rest. Try to avoid overworking as much as possible. Sometimes, it is useful to be completely alone, listen to soothing music.

An extremely strict diet after a heart attack is not expected. The most important condition is to eat more foods high in potassium. It is allowed that the nutritious diet, once a week, includes fish and lean chicken meat, preferably boiled. Fermented milk products, a variety of cereals, fresh vegetables will undoubtedly be able to provide their benefit. Raisins are considered an excellent prophylactic agent with which every “core” should make friends. It is recommended to eat two teaspoons of raisins per day, chewing them thoroughly.

Indispensable for the heart and vitamin E, which is especially abundant in corn oil, carrots, wheat germ. Pasta made from durum wheat is highly recommended as it has a higher magnesium content. And, as you know, it helps to perfectly strengthen the heart and is indispensable for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

How to train the heart

I was looking for myself how to start training the heart muscle correctly and found it!

Here is the article:

Heart training

Let's start with the fact that the heart is also a muscle. And it develops, like other muscles, according to the principle of recovery and beyond recovery after artificially created stress (for example).


This muscle has two features:

1) the heart muscle is innervated involuntarily (we cannot artificially "strain" and "relax" this muscle). We can only create conditions in which our nervous system independently increases the activity of the heart - run faster, lift heavy weights.

2) a training injury to this muscle can cost the entire body too much. If the legs pumped during training are an indecent gait. In an extreme case, subfebrile temperature for a couple of days, then the heart can simply “break” (in case of weakness of some valve or, say, excessive density of its walls).

Conclusion: the heart must be trained very, very carefully.

What to do?

Do not smoke before aerobic training for at least half an hour (in 20 minutes, the vessels narrowed by nicotine return to their normal state).

Don't exercise with a hangover. In general, the “hangover” is well driven out by aerobic training, but the heart pays dearly for such rehabilitation.

ALWAYS buy a heart monitor. The cheapest ones can be bought for 30-40 bucks.


Side effects - tachycardia, angina pectoris, lowering blood pressure (good).

It is better to go to the doctor, ask for a cardiogram at the beginning of each training year.

General methodological principles:

Start with very light loads and gradually increase the intensity. The intensity of cardio training is measured as a percentage of the "maximum heart rate".

100% heart rate = 220 - age. At the same time, the normal heart rate at rest is 60-80 beats per minute at rest (immediately after waking up without getting out of bed). The real heart rate in people can be both 90 and 110, which, of course, is not good and requires special attention.

SMALL LOAD - 60% of the maximum heart rate. That is, for a person 30 years old, this is 114 beats per minute. You don't count it yourself, you need a heart monitor.

At the first stage, you need to accustom yourself to move (running aerobics ...) with a heart rate of 60% for 40 minutes 3 times a week. And never 2 days in a row! In this mode, you need to train for at least a month, and preferably 2-3.

Against the background of calm loads (60% MHR), short accelerations are introduced - 30-60 seconds with heart rate = 75% (at 30 years old it is 142 beats per minute). For a 40-minute workout, such accelerations can be from 3-4 in the first week to 7-10 in the fourth. In this mode, train for at least a month, and preferably 2-3.

Three workouts per week: the first is low-intensity (see p. 1), the second is interval training (see p. 2), on the third - increase the duration of the body's stay in the mode of 75-80% of the MHR. In the first week - up to 5 minutes, by the fourth - up to 20. It is desirable that after the third workout you rest for 2 days (Saturday and Sunday). After such a workout, you can not swing for at least 24 hours. In this mode, train for at least 2 months, and preferably 4-6.

FROM THE SECOND YEAR OF TRAINING, you can replace the 2nd and 3rd workouts with interval training with accelerations up to 90-100% of the maximum heart rate.

Power training

The security forces develop myocardial hypertrophy. It is clear that at the age of 30 the motor will work without problems, but what is the reason for such hypertrophy with age? Will it be possible then to “stretch” the heart with cardio loads? How harmful is long training at a high heart rate? (more than 170-180 beats / min for 1-1.5 hours)

The heart is a large muscular organ, and if you really detail it, then it is generally one big muscle. Scientists who studied the nature of the contraction of the heart came to the conclusion that this is one long flat muscle, which in a special way “twists” during fetal development into a complex configuration, creating cavities of the ventricles and atria. All this muscle hangs in the mediastinum (between the organs of the chest) on the neurovascular bundle, i.e. has one attachment point.

The heart and skeletal muscle are distinguished by many points in structure, but now let's recall one of them - blood supply. If the skeletal muscle can be entwined with vessels and capillaries without problems, then, due to its function, the heart cannot be supplied with blood in this way. For example, there are no blood vessels in the heart from the inside, because this would interfere with its contraction - cardiomyocytes that are close to the cavity of the heart receive nutrition from the blood that passes through it.

But even in the thickness of the heart muscle there are fewer vessels than in the usual skeletal muscle, because. it is very important for the heart to squeeze out maximum efficiency from a unit area - this is a muscle that works around the clock and all its life. However, this is not a problem, since the heart muscle is rather thin, and due to the fact that the outside of the heart is very tightly braided with vessels and capillaries, it is well supplied with blood.

Heart and workload

Like every muscle, the heart reacts to loads and responds to them in a certain way. The load on the heart can be of two types.

In the first type of load, volume load, blood from the body enters the heart and stretches it. Under normal conditions, this load is small, but with physical activity it increases significantly. Skeletal muscles contract and work like a pump, pumping blood to the heart. If the flow of such blood is large, and the load lasts for hours, then the heart, like any other muscle, begins to stretch - a kind of stretching.

When this large ribbon muscle stretches, the entire heart increases in volume, while its walls do not thicken, but the volume of the chambers increases. It's like inflating a balloon - under the influence of a load, it expands in volume.

If such loads are present for a long time (regular cardio training for several months or years), then traces of stretching of the heart remain and it increases in volume. The positive effect of this increase is that in one beat the heart can eject a much larger amount of blood - an increase in stroke volume and minute volume of blood (the amount of blood that the heart pumps per minute). At the same time, the number of heartbeats decreases - this is one of the reasons why athletes have a lower resting heart rate than untrained average people.

The heart can be stretched quite a lot, because. unlike skeletal muscles, which have fixed start and end points, the heart hangs from one point, and therefore has ample room for stretch. In elite athletes, especially skiers, cyclists, the volume of the heart can be a liter or more, while in a normal person the volume of the heart is 400-600 ml (naturally, this figure is proportional to the person’s height and weight). An increase in heart volume by 30-40% is a good indicator for a non-professional (let's also not forget that professional athletes train from early childhood, laying the foundation - including stretching the heart; with age, the ability to stretch the heart decreases, as well as other muscles, but at any age there is an opportunity to stretch it).

The heart is trained to stretch with the same cardio exercises in the pulse zone of 100-150 (usually 100-130) beats per minute. This is the range of heartbeats in which the heart's stroke volume increases as much as possible in response to the load.

The second type of load is resistance load. Occurs when the heart has to pump blood through effort. This happens in three main cases.

The first is work through the resistance of skeletal muscles. If the muscles of the body are compressed as a result of effort or static load, then the heart has to pump blood with considerable effort.

The second option is to work at a high heart rate (180 and above). In this mode, the heart is in pauses, when it should be filled with blood, does not have time to completely relax and fill with blood, and works too often.

The third option is overweight, when the heart constantly has to pump blood through a massive “carcass”.


At the same time, interestingly, the heart does not care what to pump through - through excess fat, or through excess muscles. The only advantage of hypertrophied muscles over hypertrophied subcutaneous fat is that if this muscle works adequately, then the heart also receives a volume load, which means it stretches. In this case, the development of the heart (a combination of stretching and hypertrophy) will be adequate to the skeletal muscles. Remember sprinters who, even with an impressive mass, can run not only for short, but also for medium and even long distances, and some jocks who have shortness of breath when they interfere with a protein shake in a shaker.

As in the working muscle, which is under load, acidification occurs in the heart under these conditions, which contributes to its hypertrophy - an increase in the thickness of the fibers of the heart muscle. Those. the heart increases in size, but the volume of its cavities does not increase, which means that the minute volume of the pumped blood does not grow. And it may even decrease - after all, hypertrophy goes not only outward, but also inward (the entire thickness of the heart wall increases), which further reduces the volume of the heart chambers.

Roughly speaking, for one contraction of a stretched heart, a hypertrophied one will have to do 2-3, i.e. the heart has to work harder - moreover, every minute, every day, all my life. That might shorten it a bit.

The second moment - when the wall of the heart becomes thicker, the blood penetrates harder into it, and the heart begins to experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients. At first, the compensatory heart will still increase in volume - oxygen deficiency leads to additional hypertrophy. However, if such conditions progress, then sooner or later everything can end with either dystrophy (painful weakening of the muscle as a result of malnutrition), or death of cardiomyocytes as a result of ischemia - this is already a microinfarction or a real heart attack.

Nevertheless, within reasonable limits, hypertrophy in combination with dilatation (expansion of the heart) can be useful - after all, the heart also needs strength. They train her with work, in which the pulse approaches 180 beats per minute. However, it should be borne in mind that the heart cannot work in this mode for a long time, ischemia and microinfarctions begin, which a person may not notice, but connective tissue forms instead of dead fibers, which over time can lead to a bunch of heart problems, up to a real heart attack.

For this reason, interval training, if used incorrectly, can do more harm than good - fortunately, most amateurs who are advised to use them as a means of "training the heart" do not have enough endurance and natural data to make the heart beat at 180 beats per minute. However, one must be extremely careful with such loads.

The second feature, interval training should not be done often - just like after intense strength training, the heart must rest. The duration of such a rest should be 4-7-10 days, depending on the intensity of the load.

Strength training from the perspective of the heart is a special case of high-intensity interval training, in which muscle resistance is also added. It is for this reason that many cardiologists are terrified of heavy strength training and do not recommend their patients to do it, because it is “bad for the heart” (they themselves often smoke and are overweight - you might think this is useful). However, subject to the correct preparation of the training process, strength training does not pose a particular danger to the heart (we will not talk about professional athletes - there is a separate song, you know which one - a requiem).

save your heart

In order to save the heart and reduce the risks, in fact, two conditions must be met.

First, you need to provide all three types of loads that I talked about in this post in the training mode.

Despite the fact that it is the cardio loads of medium intensity that stretch the heart best of all, they alone are not enough for the normal functioning of the body - the heart does not work by itself. The hormonal background of the body is also important, which determines the ability to recover, the general state of the energy systems (if the energy systems of the body cells work well, then less blood needs to be pumped to provide the cells with oxygen - the load on the heart is lower), etc.

Therefore, the concept of “running from a heart attack” from the 80s failed, slow boring running did not really help someone escape from a heart attack - you need a combination of strength, cardio and intense cardio loads.

When doing strength exercises, you need to avoid strong straining and holding a heavy weight for a long time, say, in the fight for the last record repetition. You don't need to do this at least every workout! Let's rest not only the muscles, but also the heart.

Interrupt heavy exercises with light ones, or pair two exercises for antagonists - this will help “pump out” the blood from the muscle that was just working, and reduce the severity of the load on the heart.

Do not make strength training too long - two hours of high heart rate work is not at all good for your heart, but also for the hormonal system, which is experiencing significant overload. Keep within 40-60 minutes, make your workouts intense, but fast, rhythmic, mobile.

Well, the second important condition is to get rid of excess weight if you have excess adipose tissue. And if your weight exceeds the norm due to the muscles, then make sure that they are provided with sufficient metabolic resources.

How to find out if the cardiovascular system and energy systems of the body are adequately developed? First, you must be physically able to give the body a fairly long-term load (such as running 3-5 km, or intense cycling for 30-40 minutes). Let me remind you that the standards are divided by age groups, and not by wardrobe - that's why we must strive to train the body harmoniously (taking into account specialization, of course - you can’t be a sprinter and a marathon runner at the same time, as well as a performing bodybuilder and a marathon runner).

The second indicator is the pulse at rest (you need to measure it in the morning after waking up without getting out of bed). If you have about 60-70 beats per minute, then this is normal. If below - excellent; if higher - an alarming sign that it is time to change something.

And of course, once a year or two it doesn’t hurt to visit a cardiologist - an ECG and an ultrasound of the heart will not take much time, but they can tell a lot about your heart.

The heart is the mostimportant and most enduring muscle in the human body. The quality and duration of your life depends on the health of your heart. Therefore, now we will analyze in detail such an important question: how to train the heart

The heart is like a pump, constantly pumping blood through all the vessels of our body. (collectively this is called: the cardiovascular system). It works without rest, and makes an average of 3,100,000 contractions per month. The main task of the cardiovascular system is to ensure that all the cells of the body receive enough nutrients and oxygen for life.

Most of all, this question should be of interest to bodybuilders and those guys who want to build more muscle mass. After all, each kilogram of muscle mass gained makes the heart pump 300-400 ml more blood.


  • a large body requires a large amount of blood
  • the more the body requires blood, the moreheart must beat (or the heart should be bigger)
  • a large heart can pump more blood at a time (accordingly, it will shrink less, and the less it shrinks, the longer it can work)
  • small hearts need to beat faster to pump more blood (the more it shrinks, the less it lives)

Before jumping directly to the question: how to train the heart?, let's first consider a good(L-hypertrophy) and poor (D - hypertrophy) cardiac hypertrophy.

L - hypertrophy is an increase in the volume of the heart due to the fact that it is stretched. It is this increase that can distill more blood at a time.

D - hypertrophy - this is an increase in the heart due to the fact that its walls become thicker. The walls of the heart thicken due to its destruction(cells die, and connective tissue forms in their place, which interferes with normal work).

How does D-hypertrophy happen?

The heart begins to collapse when your pulse is off the charts (175 - 200 bpm). Because of such a frantic rhythm, the heart works to the limit (cannot fully relax). And it is precisely because of such extreme work that it begins to collapse. (cells die, connective tissue "dead tissue" appears). And the more dead tissue there is on the heart, the greater the risk that it will stop (death).

Well, now let's talk in detail about L - hypertrophy, namely a good increase.

How to train the heart?

Whatever your heartnot properly trained and stretched, it is necessary that the heart rate does not exceed 140 beats per minute (ideal condition 120 - 130 strokes). You should be in this state: 50 - 60 minutes (no less).

Such a prolonged state causes the heart to overtake a huge amount of blood. (without destroying it), and because of this, it slowly begins to stretch (increases volume and endurance).

The heart can be trained even at home. Any type of physical activity is suitable for his training: exercise bike, swimming, weight lifting, jump rope, etc.

So, to train the heart you need:

  • 120 - 130 beats per minutethat (no more no less)
  • 50-60 minute workout
  • frequent workouts (6 workouts a week can stretch your heart better than 3 workouts a week)

The volume of the heart of an ordinary person = 600 ml. If you train your heart 3 times a week, then somewhere in 5-6 months it will increase by 30-40%. And if you train it 6 times a week, then over the same period of time you can increase it by about 50 - 55%.

By the way, if you have already trained your heart and suddenly noticed that in a calm state it began to contract less (that is, it used to be 70 beats per minute, and now it's 60 beats), you don't have to worry about it. After all, the more blood your heart can pump at a time, the fewer contractions it will have at rest. (this is good, because: less cuts - more life).

Now you know how to train your heart and I hope you enjoy these tips. Healthy heart = Happy life!


The heart is nothing but a muscle, which means it can be trained. Starting with small daily loads, and then gradually increasing them, you will improve the overall condition of the body and significantly reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease. However, exercise alone is not a panacea; it must be combined with proper nutrition, monitoring blood cholesterol readings, and a healthy lifestyle.

Why train your heart?

Cardio training is most often resorted to by those who have an increased risk of heart disease. Also, exercise therapy is a mandatory part of rehabilitation after a heart attack or stroke. Why, then, a healthy person must necessarily perform cardio training?

  • The heart with powerful impulses pushes blood through every vessel in our body, thereby ensuring vital activity. To make it work as long as possible, you need to regularly repeat special exercises.
  • The quality of your life directly depends on the fitness of the heart. If from your youth you are accustomed to daily cardio loads, then in old age you will surprise your peers with energy and mobility.
  • One of the benefits of cardio is that it helps you burn fat. If you are overweight, then you need this gymnastics.

Most patients with problems in the cardiovascular system are sedentary.

The reasons to train the heart are quite weighty, but you do not need to drive yourself into many hours of training. Exercises will help only if you perform them systematically, gradually increasing the pace. Proper cardio training includes other positions.

How to train the heart muscle

Endurance training rules

Type of load. Cardio training can be a set of special exercises both with and without a simulator, as well as: running, Nordic walking, swimming, yoga, cycling. It's great if you do these activities outdoors.

Time. The main indicator of heart training is the pulse. The point is to maintain a certain indicator for approximately 20 minutes. It is best to spend 30-60 minutes exercising.

Systematic. A one-time load on the heart will not help him, but only hurt him. Exercises should be repeated, forming a cycle. It is preferable to train the heart 4 times a week.

Pulse. Each person has his own maximum heart rate, the value of which is set depending on his age. Now many sites provide the ability to calculate the maximum value of the pulse, you just need to specify your age. If you do not trust such methods, then it is better to consult a doctor.

During cardio, your heart rate should be between 60-70% of your maximum value. In order to measure it, purchase a wrist heart rate monitor, thanks to which you can track the effectiveness of training.

Warm up. Before starting the exercises, the muscles are “warmed up”. The same must be done with the heart. Perform 2-3 simple exercises, such as breathing exercises, so as not to overload the organ.

Preliminary Exercises

Remember that the warm-up should be carried out regardless of whether you are going to exercise on the simulator or without it.

  1. Sit on a chair. Spread your arms to the sides, and then lift up as you inhale. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do the exercise three times.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides with your palms up, then inhale to turn the body to the right, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
  3. Stand up, straighten your back and connect your legs. Raise your arms in front of you, straighten your shoulders. Make 15 vigorous swings with your hands, then clench your fists the same number of times. This simple exercise will help improve blood circulation in your hands and fingers.

The main set of exercises

Exercises without a simulator

If you prefer yoga, then these asanas can be included in your cardio workout:

Exercises on the simulator

Do not forget to control your heart rate while exercising on the simulator. Now many sports simulators have a built-in heart rate monitor, then the data will be displayed directly on it. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a wrist heart rate monitor or at least count heart beats by placing a finger on your wrist. Focus on a pulse of 110-140 beats per minute.

  • Treadmill. You have two load options. The first is running in slow mode for 20 minutes. Try to find the running speed at which your heart rate will show the desired frequency. At the beginning of training, it is better to start with 10 minutes, and then increase the running time. The second option is interval running. Alternate 1 minute of fast running with 3 minutes of slow running. It is better to carry out such a training in courses of 2-3 weeks, and then stop doing this exercise for a week. How to choose a treadmill for your home
  • Exercise bike. It is best to pedal slowly for 25 minutes. You can combine an exercise bike and a treadmill: 10 minutes on each machine. You should start with a small load of 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. See the choice of exercise bike for home in our .
  • Stepper. A kind of imitation of climbing stairs. Here it is worth paying attention to which foot you lower to the platform first. Take 10 minutes to lift on your right leg and the same amount of time on your left leg. It is good to combine these exercises with an exercise bike: 10 minutes on one, and then 5 minutes on each leg already on a stepper.
  • Rowing machine. Do 3 sets of 10 minutes of active rowing. At the same time, after each approach, arrange a 10-minute rest. It is better to start with a shorter time period, increasing it each time.
  • Orbitrek. The combination of running and cycling is called orbitrek. This is a serious physical activity even for a healthy person. Do 3 sets of 5-6 minutes. This is enough to get started. Make sure your heart rate is in the correct range. Over time, it will be possible to increase 5 minutes to 10.

After you have trained the heart and other muscles, they need to be relaxed. To avoid pain, you can do a few calming exercises at the end of your workout:

  1. Sit on a bench, raise your arms up as you exhale, and lower them as you inhale. Do the exercise several times.
  2. Walk in a circle, inhaling on every second step and exhaling on the third. Duration: at least 2 minutes.
  3. While sitting, slowly rotate your hands and feet. Do the exercise for several minutes.

Every 10 minutes it is necessary to check the pulse readings or use a special one. Remember that overloading will negatively affect the condition of the heart muscle.

Cardio training should become a habit not only for people with heart disease, but also for those who care about their health. To achieve the best effect from training, do not forget to take care of your diet. Include apples, nuts, dried fruits and young parsley. All these foods are rich in substances that fight the onset of cardiovascular disease. See articles about proper nutrition for weight loss in the corresponding section of the site -.

One of the conditions for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system is oxygen saturation at the proper level. A positive result will certainly give breathing exercises for the heart and blood vessels. Useful and accessible exercises can be performed by people of different ages with varying degrees of general physical fitness. The main condition is the regularity of classes.

The basic principle of breathing exercises for the heart and blood vessels

Our breath is an alternation of inhalations and exhalations. During the active phase (inhalation), the human bronchi expand, and blood is ejected by the ventricles of the heart. The passive phase (exhalation) is characterized by the fact that the bronchi, on the contrary, contract, and oxygen-enriched blood is absorbed by the atria. The principle of operation of the main respiratory techniques is based on artificially slowing down breathing and changing its rhythms, which improves the functioning of the entire system.

The basic set of breathing exercises for the heart and blood vessels looks like this:

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair or chair. Remove all extraneous sounds and external irritants. You need to relax. Keep your back and head straight. Close your eyes.
  2. Extend your right hand out to the side. Close the left nostril with the middle finger of the left hand. Inhale deeply through the right nostril and hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
  3. Change hands smoothly. Close the right nostril with the middle finger of the right hand and exhale slowly through the left.
  4. Learn to adjust each cycle to your heart rate. The first inhalation-exhalation should correspond to 4 beats, then gradually increase the duration to 12.
  1. Without changing the starting position, take a quick breath through the left nostril. Then the same quick exhalation through the right.
  2. Change the order.
  3. Take a quick breath in and out through one nostril, then through the other.
  4. Do the same exercise, only slowly.

Breathing exercises for cerebral vessels

The basic complex written above can also be used for breathing exercises designed to train the vessels of the brain. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

If you feel dizzy or uncomfortable, the exercises must be stopped.

To achieve the best result, gymnastics is recommended to be carried out twice a day for 10-15 minutes. One more exercise can be added to the basic complex.

  1. Take the starting position sitting on a chair. Place your hands on your knees with your palms up.
  2. Open your mouth and touch the tip of your tongue to the upper palate.
  3. Breathe evenly. On the inhale, say the word "so" (without the participation of the voice), and on the exhale - "hum".
  4. Make sure that the air flow passes both through the mouth and through the nose.

Breathing exercises for vegetative-vascular dystonia

Let's make a reservation right away that getting rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia with the help of breathing exercises alone will not work. But regular exercise will help to significantly alleviate the condition.

  1. Complete the basic complex.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  3. Breathe evenly through your nose for several minutes, trying to draw your stomach in as much as possible during each exhalation, and protrude it during inhalation.
  4. Controlling the immobility of the abdomen with your hand, breathe through your chest for several minutes. With each breath, the chest should expand as much as possible. The air flow passes only through the nose.

Breathing exercises after heart bypass surgery

After the heart vessel bypass surgery, the doctor will select an individual set of breathing exercises. Their complexity and intensity will directly depend on the time that has passed since the day of surgery.

We will introduce you to the main one, which can be used both as a preparation for the main complex, and as a self-sufficient exercise.

Gymnastics should be performed half an hour before a meal, or an hour and a half after it.

  1. Starting position - lying down. One hand is on the stomach, and the other is on the chest.
  2. Take a slow breath (2-3 seconds) through the nose, inflating the stomach. You will feel the hand on it rise. You need to exhale through your mouth for 4-5 seconds.
  3. Rest 3 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Next, we connect physical exercises. It is important to remember that straightening the body, abducting the arm or leg must be accompanied by inhalation. And the inclinations of the torso and the return of the arm or leg - exhalation. With a set of exercises, you can read in detail in another article.

The main goal of all the above methods is to improve the access of oxygen. Therefore, ideally, they should be carried out in the fresh air, and in the absence of such an opportunity, in a ventilated room.

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