But really he is. Highlighting introductory words, introductory sentences and plug-in constructions in writing. Chameleons don't change their skin color to blend in with their surroundings.

1. Introductory words and phrases are not part of the offer. With their help, the speaker expresses his attitude to the content of the statement (confidence or uncertainty, emotional reaction, etc.): Unfortunately, he did not have watercolors.

The same function can be performed by introductory sentences:

Me, dare I say, fell in love in the house- by structure, a definite-personal one-part sentence;

In life, do you know there is always room for exploits- by structure, a two-part sentence;

We, if you want to know , claim came- according to the structure, a conditional one-part clause.

In writing, introductory words, phrases and sentences are usually separated by commas.

2. Ranks of introductory words by value

Values Introductory constructions Examples
1. Evaluation of the reported in terms of reliability, etc.:
1.1. Confidence, credibility Of course, of course, undoubtedly, undoubtedly, without a doubt, certainly, really, in fact, really, naturally, naturally, naturally and etc. Undoubtedly, someone is sucking the life out of this strange girl who cries when others in her place laugh.
The heroine of this novel needless to say was Masha.
1.2. uncertainty, speculation, vagueness, assumption Probably, it seems, probably, in all probability, right , in some way, in some way, suppose, suppose, suppose, if you like, anyway and etc. She is, maybe, still drinks coffee with cookies in the morning.
A life, seems hasn't started yet.
free bread, it is seen, to taste .
My head hurt a bit. Must be, to bad weather.
2. Different feelings:
2.1. Joy, approval Fortunately, for happiness, for joy, for joy, for the pleasure of someone, what is good, what is even better and etc. Fortunately, Alekhine left the house an hour earlier and managed to catch the steamer.
2.2. regret, disapproval Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the shame of someone, to regret, to annoyance, to misfortune, as to misfortune, as if on purpose, a sinful deed, which is even worse, which is insulting, alas and etc. I, unfortunately, I must add that in the same year Paul died.
2.3. Surprise, bewilderment Surprisingly, surprisingly, surprisingly, surprisingly, strangely, strangely, incomprehensibly and etc. Naydenov, to Nagulny's amazement , in one second brushed off his leather jacket, sat down at the table .
2.4. Fear Irregular hour, what good, God forbid, just look and etc. That and look, the oar will vomit and throw itself into the sea .
2.5. The general expressive nature of the utterance In conscience, in fairness, in fact, in essence, to the soul, in truth, in truth, in truth, it is necessary to tell the truth, if the truth is told, it is ridiculous to tell, to tell honestly, between us, there is nothing to say in vain, I confess, except jokes, actually and etc. followed him, truth, some weaknesses.
I, I confess, I don’t like this tree too much - aspen.
3. Message source According to someone's report, according to someone's opinion, in my opinion, in your opinion, according to someone, according to someone's expression, according to rumors, according to a proverb, according to legend, from someone's point of view, I remember, hear, they say, they say, how they hear, how I think, how I think, how I remember, how they say, how they think, as it is known, as it was indicated, as it turned out, as they used to say in the old days, in my opinion and etc. At Pesotsky, they say, apples with a head, and Pesotsky, they say, a garden amassed a fortune.
Calculation, to my mind, was mathematically accurate.
Twenty years ago
4. The order of thoughts and their connection Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, vice versa, for example, for example, in particular, in addition, besides, to top it all, in addition, moreover, on the one hand, on the other hand, by the way, by the way, in general, in addition, therefore, the main thing, by the way, by the way, by the way and etc. The forest air is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and, finally, it turns the mechanical and sometimes difficult process of breathing into pleasure.
5. Evaluation of the style of utterance, manner of speech, ways of formulating thoughts In a word, in a word, in other words, in other words, directly speaking, roughly speaking, actually, in fact, in short, in short, rather, it is better to say, to say directly, easier to say, so to speak, how to say, so to speak, what is called and etc. Word, Storeshnikov every day more and more firmly thought to marry.
Shortly speaking, this is not a master in science, but a worker.
6. Evaluation of the measure, the degree of what is being said; the degree of generality of the stated facts at least, at least, to some extent, to a large extent, as usual, as usual, happens, happens, as usual, as always, as it happens, as it happens, as it happens sometimes and etc. spoke to me, at least as commander of an army.
Behind the counter as usual, Nikolai Ivanovich stood almost the entire width of the hole.
7. Attracting the interlocutor's attention to the message, emphasizing, underlining Do you see (whether), know (whether), remember (whether), understand (whether), believe (whether), listen, allow, imagine, imagine, can imagine, believe, imagine, admit, believe, believe, do not believe, agree, notice, do me a favor, if you want to know, I remind, we remind, I repeat, I emphasize what is important, what is even more important, what is essential, what is even more significant and etc. You were afraid confess when my fellows threw a rope around your neck?
Imagine, our young are already bored.
We, if you want to know , claim came.
Where is it let me, It was?

3. According to their grammatical correlation, introductory words and constructions can go back to various parts of speech and various grammatical forms:

    nouns in various cases with and without prepositions:

    without a doubt, happily, fortunately and etc.;

    adjectives in short form, in various cases, in the superlative degree:

    right, to blame, most importantly, in general, the most important, the least;

    pronouns in indirect cases with prepositions:

    besides, besides, in the meantime;

    adverbs in the positive or comparative degree:

    indisputably, of course, probably, in short, rather;

    verbs in various forms of the indicative or imperative mood:

    think, do you believe, seemed to say, imagine, have mercy;

    infinitive or combination with infinitive:

    see, know, admit, funny to say;

    combinations with adverbs:

    to tell the truth, to put it bluntly, to put it bluntly;

    two-part sentences with a subject - a personal pronoun and a predicate - a verb with the meaning of will, speaking, thought, etc.:

    as long as I can remember, I often think;

  • impersonal suggestions:

    she thought we all remember well;

  • indefinitely personal proposals.

    so they thought of him, as they usually spoke of him.

4. HIt is necessary to distinguish between introductory words and homonymous forms and constructions.

Depending on the context, the same words sometimes act as introductory (hence, not members of the sentence), then as members of the sentence. For example:

This is truth . — Truth sometimes it's not too much fun to wander the back roads.

During the summer he maybe become attached to this weak, verbose creature, get carried away, fall in love.You, maybe They thought I was asking you for money!

Listen, we right went? —We, right, we'll get along, if we sit next to each other.

In order not to be mistaken, you should remember what:

a) a question can be put to the member of the proposal;

b) the introductory word is not a member of the sentence and has one of the meanings listed above;

c) introductory words can usually (but not always) be removed from the sentence;

d) in a number of cases, the criterion for distinguishing between introductory words and sentence members is the possibility of adding a word speaking.

By the way, he never came.("By the way"); You really shouldn't have come.("as a matter of fact"); In short, the book is useful.("shortly speaking"); I really don't want to go back to what I said.("in truth").

Words are never introductory and are not separated by commas: as if, as if, hardly, hardly, allegedly, almost, even, exactly, after all, only, certainly, just, nevertheless, necessarily, suddenly.

5. Definition of syntactic function and punctuation marks for some words.

1) Word maybe is introductory in the sense of "probably, apparently": The sisters are probably already asleep.

Word maybe is a member of the sentence in the sense of "undoubtedly, exactly": If I know(as?) maybe that I must die, then I will tell you everything, everything!

2) Word finally is introductory:

  • if it indicates a connection of thoughts, the order of their presentation (in the meaning of “and more”) completes the enumeration: Opekushin was a native of the common people, at first self-taught, then a recognized artist and, finally, an academician. Often a word finally precede with homogeneous members of the word Firstly Secondly or on the one hand on the other hand , in relation to which the word finally is a trailing enumeration;
  • if it gives an assessment of a fact from the point of view of the speaker's face or is used to express impatience, to strengthen, emphasize something: Yes, go away, finally!

Word finally is not introductory and performs the function of a circumstance in the meaning of “at the end”, “finally”, “after everything”, “as a result of everything”: Gave three balls annually and squandered at last. In this sense, the word finally particle can usually be added -then(with an introductory word, such an addition is impossible): Finally got to the station(Finally got to the station). — You can finally turn to your father for advice(adding a particle -then impossible).

3) Combination delimitation eventually as an introductory and as a member of the sentence - the circumstances are similar in terms to the word finally: After all, in the end, we have not yet decided anything definitively! (eventually denotes not time, but the conclusion reached by the speaker as a result of a series of reasoning). — Finally agreement has been reached(the meaning of the circumstance "as a result of everything").

4) Word but is introductory if it is in the middle or at the end of a simple sentence: Heat and fatigue took, however, their;How clever I am, however.

At the beginning of a sentence (parts complex sentence) or as a means of connecting homogeneous members of the word but has the meaning of an adversative union (it can be replaced by the union but), so the comma is placed only before this word: However, it is desirable to knowBy what sorcery did the peasant acquire such power over the whole region?

In rare cases, however, the word is separated by a comma at the beginning of the sentence, approaching in meaning an interjection (expresses surprise, bewilderment, indignation): However, what a wind!

5) Word certainly usually separated by commas as an introductory: Fedor still worked in the rear, heard, of course, and read many times about "folk heroes".

But sometimes the word certainly, pronounced in a tone of confidence, conviction, acquires the meaning of an affirmative particle and is not distinguished by punctuation: Of course it's true!; Of course it is.

6) Word really is introductory in the sense of "yes, so, right, exactly" (usually it takes a position at the beginning of a sentence): Indeed, from the battery, a view of almost the entire location of Russian troops.

Like an adverb really has the meaning "in fact, truly, in reality" (usually it comes between the subject and the predicate): I really is as you say.

7) Word generally is introductory if it is used in the sense of "generally speaking": In general, one could agree with this statement, but it is necessary to check some data; Actually, I would like to know what really happened.

In other cases, the word generally used as an adverb with different meanings:

  • in the sense of "in general", "as a whole": Pushkin is to Russian art what Lomonosov is to Russian education. generally ;
  • in the meaning of "always", "absolutely", "under all conditions": He kindle fires generally forbade it was dangerous;
  • in the meaning of "in all respects", "in relation to everything": He generally looked weird.

This provision also applies to the all in all : Sadness, in general, nothing(introductory word, can be replaced - generally speaking). — These are the terms generally uncomplicated process(meaning "in the end"); I made a few remarks about various little things, but all in all very much praised(meaning "as a result").

8) Combination anyway is introductory if it has a restrictive-evaluative value: Anyway, his last name was not Akundin, he came from abroad and spoke for a reason; This information at least in the short term, it will be difficult to check (the entire turnover is highlighted).

In the meaning of "under any circumstances" this combination is not introductory: You anyway will be informed of the progress of the case; I was firmly convinced that anyway I'll meet him today at my mother's.

9) Combination in its turn is not separated by commas if it is used in a meaning close to direct, or in the meaning "in response", "on its part": He in its turn asked me(i.e. when it was his turn); The workers thanked their bosses for their help and asked to visit them more often; in turn, representatives of the patronage organization invited the workers to a meeting of the theatre's artistic council.

In a figurative sense, the combination in its turn acquires the meaning of introductory and punctuation stands out: Among the newspaper genres, the genres are informational, analytical, and artistic and journalistic; among the latter, in turn, stand out essay, feuilleton, pamphlet.

10) Combination Indeed in the meaning of "really" is not introductory. But if this combination serves to express bewilderment, indignation, indignation, etc., then it becomes introductory: You Indeed nothing here("really"). — What is he, in fact, pretending to be a clever man!

11) In particular , indicating the relationship between parts of the statement, is separated from both sides by commas: He is interested in particular in the origin of individual words.

But if in particular is part of the connecting construction (at its beginning or at the end), then it is separated by commas along with this construction: Many will willingly undertake this work, and in particular I; Many will willingly undertake this work, and I in particular.

If a in particular included in the design in general and in particular , then such a construction is not separated by commas: Over tea, the conversation turned to the household in general and in particular about gardening.

12) Combination mainly is introductory, if it serves to highlight a fact, to express its assessment: There was a wide alley, and it was mainly the public that walked along it.(it is impossible to form the combination “mainly to walk”, therefore, in this example, the combination mainly is not a member of the proposal); The article should be corrected and, mainly, supplemented with fresh material. (mainly meaning "most important").

Combination mainly, which is part of the connecting structure (at its beginning or at the end), is separated by commas along with it: From fifty people mostly officers, crowded in the distance.

Combination mainly is not introductory in the sense of "first of all", "most of all": He achieved success mainly due to his industriousness; What I like most about him is his sincerity.

13) Word the main thing is introductory in the sense of "especially important", "especially important": You can take any topic for the story, but, most importantly, it should be interesting; Details can be omitted, and most importantlyto be entertaining(comma after union a cannot be put, and to strengthen punctuation, a dash is put after the introductory combination).

14) Word means is introductory if it can be replaced by introductory words hence it became :People are born, get married, die; it means it's necessary, it means it's good; So, does that mean you can't come today?

If the word means close in meaning to "means", then the punctuation depends on the place it occupies in the sentence:

  • in a position between subject and predicate means serves as a means of communication between the main members of the sentence, a dash is placed in front of it, and no sign is placed after it: Fightmeans to win;
  • if the word means is between the subordinate and the main clause or between the parts of the non-union complex sentence, then it is separated from both sides by commas:

    If he so stubbornly defends his views, it means that he feels he is right; If you did not save the child, then blame yourself;

  • in other cases means is not separated or distinguished by any signs: When you ask for forgiveness, it means that you feel guilty.

15) Word vice versa in the meaning of “as opposed to what was said or expected; on the contrary" is introductory and is separated by commas: Instead of slowing down, he, on the contrary, stood on the goats and desperately twisted his whip over his head..

If a vice versa(after union and) is used as a word that replaces a sentence member or a whole sentence, then the following punctuation is observed:

  • when a member of a sentence is replaced, then before the union and no sign is placed: In the picture, light tones turn into dark ones and vice versa.(i.e. dark to light);
  • when and vice versa joins the whole sentence, then a comma is placed before the union: The closer the light source, the brighter the light emitted by it, and vice versa(replacing the whole sentence: The farther away the light source, the less bright the light it emits.; a kind of complex sentence is formed);
  • when and vice versa joins a subordinate clause, a comma before the union and not set: This also explains why what was considered criminal in ancient world considered legal in the new and vice versa(as if homogeneous subordinate clauses are formed with a non-repeating union and: ...and why what was considered criminal in modern times was considered legal in the ancient world).

16) Combination at least is introductory if it has an evaluative and restrictive meaning, that is, it expresses the attitude of the speaker to the thought expressed: One person, driven by compassion, decided to at least help Akaky Akakievich with good advice.; Vera Efimovna advised to apply for transferring her to political or, at least, to a nurse in a hospital..

If the input combination at least stands at the beginning of a separate turnover, then it is separated by commas along with it: Nikolai Evgrafych knew that his wife would not return home soon, at least five o'clock!

Combination at least is not separated by commas if it has the value "not less than", "at least": From his tanned face one could conclude that he knew what smoke was, if not gunpowder, then at least tobacco smoke.; At least I will know that I will serve in the Russian army.

17) Turnover including combination from point of view , separated by commas if it has the value "in opinion": Choosing a place to build a cottage, from my point of view, lucky.

If such a combination has the meaning "in relation", then the turnover is not separated by commas: I know that a crime has been committed if you look at things from the point of view of general morality; In terms of novelty, the book deserves attention.

18) Word about is introductory in the meaning of "for example" and is not introductory in the meaning of "approximately": I try about her, about("For example"), not to thinkimpossible. — We are about("approximately") in these tones and with such conclusions they talked.

19) Word For example associated with the following punctuation (always introductory):

  • separated by commas as introductory: Nikolai Artemyevich liked to argue persistently, for example, about whether it is possible for a person to travel all over the world during his whole life. Earth ;
  • stands out together with a turnover, at the beginning or at the end of which is: Even in cities for example in Moscow when the shallow Moscow River starts, all its banks and bridges are strewn with people; Others have also dealt with this problem, for example, I;
  • requires a comma before itself and a colon after itself, if it is after a generalizing word before listing homogeneous members: Some mushrooms are very poisonous, for example: pale grebe, satanic mushroom, fly agaric.

Exercise to the topic "Distinguishing introductory words and homonymous forms and structures"

Exercise: consider pairs of sentences; prove that in some cases the highlighted words and constructions are introductory, and in others they are not; fill in the missing punctuation marks.

1. Realizing the enormity of his talent, Mayakovsky, however, strove to always be in the “bucha of life”. - Some of the poet's predictions now seem naive, but they do not lose their charm.

2. Tsvetaeva never tried to hide from life; on the contrary, she wanted to live with people. - The gymnasium where I studied was located opposite the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

3. By the way, he is easy to remember. - He did not know how to bow by the way, to plead in time.

4. In the thin twilight of a summer night, her face seemed paler and younger. - Small pink clouds did not seem to float past, but went into the very depths of the sky.

5. They say they give balls. “They are talking about gold at the next table.

6. And if this is not there, then there is nothing. Remembering what that meant, Kashtanka jumped up on a chair.

7. He now has no one to exchange a word with. “My uncle replaced my father with himself, raised me at his own expense, and with a word did for me what my own father would not always do.

8. No, friends, it can be a hundred times worse, I know for sure. - Potugin definitely loved and knew how to speak.

9. It happens like this, but it happens and vice versa. - Instead of slowing down, on the contrary, he stood on the goats and desperately twisted the whip.

10. The time will come when everything will change your way, they will live your way, and then you will become obsolete, people will be born who will be better than you. - In your opinion, do not even dream of happiness! But if I'm happy!

11. From the first glance at his face, it was obvious that he had no permanent occupation. — The path we were following was stony, wet, and obviously a dried-up stream bed.

12. Balyasnikov made a bold speech, in which he said, among other things, that I was arrogant. - Moral women, strict judges, and by the way, Nil Andreevich aloud condemned her ..

13. It is also true that he has never had a chance to go on business until now. “It’s really disgusting on your part,” Valya said, proudly raising her upper lip, “when you returned, and did not go in.”

14. Apparently, they did not expect such a passage from me and they did not give any order on my account. It was obvious that Paul's words made a deep impression on them.

15. Their patterned edges, fluffy and light, like cotton paper, slowly but visibly changed. “Looks like you’ll have to start by examining these documents.

16. My wound healed slowly; but actually I had no bad feeling against my father. - That's actually the story, and its plot is not tricky.

17. At the present moment, conscientious and gifted popularizers are at least as necessary as original thinkers and independent researchers. “I feel that all the workers, at least the majority, will take up arms if need be.

18. On the one hand, silent distant mountains, on the other hand, the near sea rustled. - And on the other hand, Kirsanov withstood his role with the same impeccable artistry.

19. Energy comes from somewhere, and most importantly, you don’t feel tired. - She could not remember her nightly thoughts, but the main thing remained of them and filled her being with that “something”, which was, should be happiness.

20. Finally the path was found, and we cheerfully went on. Sitting down somewhere on a mound in the steppe, or on a hillock above the river, or finally on a well-known cliff, the blind man listened only to the rustle of leaves and the whisper of grass or the indefinite sighs of the wind.

21. In general, the spring turned out to be extremely protracted and not good. - He made several remarks about various trifles, but in general he praised him very much.

22. Perhaps from his point of view, he is not stupid. “I know that a crime has been committed if you look at things from the point of view of general morality.

There are rules in the Russian language, the formulation of which turns out to be rather complicated, it is difficult to reduce it to some elementary scheme (for example, the rule for spelling adverbs). At first glance, the rule for punctuation marks for introductory words, phrases and sentences consists in a single wording - they are distinguished on both sides of the letter by commas. However, in reality, the difficulties associated with the use of introductory words and phrases in texts lead to a huge number of errors in written works schoolchildren and entrants.

The standard errors associated with punctuation in introductory words are the following:
The word that is introductory is not highlighted;
A word is highlighted that is mistaken for an introductory word, but is not;
The writer inaccurately uses punctuation marks when including an introductory word in the text.
In the first paragraph of this article, you can find four cases of using the rule for punctuation with introductory words, although the introductory word in it is one - "for example." The word "however" is not introductory in the proposed context, performing the function of the union "but", the combinations "at first glance" and "actually", considered by many writers as introductory, are not such at all.

So, what words will be introductory and what are the features of using punctuation marks in introductory constructions?

Introductory words are called words and sentences that are not grammatically related to the general structure of the sentence. Introductory words are not members of the sentence, they cannot be questioned. Introductory sentences and plug-in constructions are not included in the general scheme of the sentence, they are comments that are not related or not closely related to the general meaning of the sentence. Both introductory words and introductory sentences are isolated, that is, the writer uses a distinguishing punctuation mark - paired commas, dashes, brackets.

Below we will try to understand the specifics of the rule for the use of introductory words and phrases in the text. In order for everyone to check how accurately he understood the proposed section of the rule, exercises for self-analysis will be offered after each fragment. Our exercises are somewhat different from those offered in most teaching aids. These are not separate phrases, but a coherent text, not quite traditional in content, but extremely rich in introductory combinations, which will allow you to more effectively work out the passed section of the rule.

Basic rule: the introductory word or phrase is separated by commas on both sides.

The main mistake of most writers is associated with inaccurate knowledge of the list of introductory words. Therefore, first of all, you should learn which words can be introductory, which groups of introductory words can be distinguished and which words are never introductory.


1. introductory words expressing the speaker's feelings in connection with what was said: fortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to annoyance, to horror, to misfortune, what good ...
2. introductory words expressing the speaker's assessment of the degree of reliability of what he said: of course, undoubtedly, of course, indisputably, obviously, certainly, probably, perhaps, right, maybe, should, it seems, apparently, apparently, in essence, in fact, I think ... This group of introductory words is the most numerous.
3. introductory words indicating the sequence of thoughts presented and their connection with each other: firstly, so, therefore, in general, it means, by the way, further, however, finally, on the one hand ... This group is also quite large and insidious.
4. introductory words indicating the techniques and ways of shaping thoughts: in a word, in other words, in other words, or rather, more precisely, so to speak ...
5. introductory words indicating the source of the message: they say, in my opinion, according to ..., according to rumors, according to information ..., according to ..., in my opinion, I remember ...
6. introductory words, which are the speaker's appeal to the interlocutor: see (whether), know, understand, forgive, please, agree ...
7. introductory words indicating an assessment of the measure of what is being said: at most, at least ...
8. introductory words showing the degree of commonness of what was said: it happens, it happened, as usual ...
9. introductory words expressing the expressiveness of the statement: apart from jokes, it’s funny to say, to be honest, between us…

Writers' mistakes are associated, first of all, with the incorrect characterization of the word as introductory, in other words, with the isolation of a word that is not introductory.

The following words are not introductory words and are not separated by commas in the letter:
literally, as if, in addition, all of a sudden, after all, here, out, hardly, after all, ultimately, hardly, even, precisely, exclusively, as if, as if, just, meanwhile, almost, therefore, therefore, approximately, approximately, moreover, moreover, simply, decisively, as if... - this group includes particles and adverbs, which most often turn out to be erroneously isolated as introductory.
according to tradition, according to advice ..., according to instructions ..., on demand ..., by order ..., according to plan ... - these combinations act as non-isolated members of the sentence - On the advice of her older sister, she decided to enter Moscow State University. By order of the doctor, the patient was placed on strict diet. According to the author's intention, the novel was to cover the period up to 1825.

Task 1. Put the missing punctuation marks. Try to figure out which groups the introductory words used in the text belong to.

To my shame, I do not read serious literature, preferring detective stories to it, and between us talking romance novels. Firstly, it seems that I do not always correctly grasp the author's intention, but I can follow the ups and downs of the plot of a crime story well. Secondly, I am absolutely not interested in describing the fictional experiences of the characters, so I usually skip almost half the book. Apparently, I'm just one of those people who, to put it mildly, should not read "serious" literature. In addition, this literature, in my opinion, is often written by people who have not fully realized themselves in practical activities, in other words, unemployed, and detective stories are created by former and current employees of the competent authorities, who, you see, have proven their right to understand the essence of what they describe. Of course, from the point of view of style, these novels unfortunately seem to be written off from one another, but on the other hand, the plots can, without any doubt, excite even a distinguished philologist.
For example, novels about the everyday life of police officers cannot but captivate. According to literary critics, these books are allegedly devoid of artistic merit. Therefore, reading such a work does not essentially develop our intellect, but believe me, the pleasure from the process of complicity in the investigation of a bloody crime essentially adds so much adrenaline that the intellect rises, as it were, by itself. It happens that the reader, before the heroes of the novel, guesses who, according to the author's intention, commits a crime. Perhaps it is this illusion of your superiority over the policemen participating in the action that, among other things, gives you a sense of involvement in the novel's plot, while unfortunately no one can even virtually imagine himself as one of the heroes of a postmodern novel.
Further, any detective reader knows that evil will eventually be punished and, needless to say, justice will prevail. Thus, these books provide an opportunity to hope for the triumph of good, and in my opinion this alone is a fairly good reason for the publication of such works that, in essence, do not interfere with anyone. Maybe many will not agree with me, but agree, we all know people who have never mastered "War and Peace" and are unlikely to remember the content of the novel "Oblomov", but to be honest, even my friends professors and academicians often spend their leisure time leafing through new detective.

Depending on the context, the same words can either act as introductory words or as members of a sentence:

MAYBE and MAYBE, MUST BE, IT SEEMS act as introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the reported - Maybe I'll come tomorrow? Our teacher has been gone for two days; maybe he got sick. You must be the first time you meet such a phenomenon. I think I saw him somewhere. These same words can be in the role of predicates - What can a meeting with you bring me? How can a person be so optional! This should be your own decision. All this seems very suspicious to me.
OBVIOUSLY, POSSIBLY, SHOWN turn out to be introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the statement - Do you obviously want to apologize for your act? Next month I may go on vacation. You don't seem to want to tell us the whole truth? The same words can be included in the predicates - It became obvious to everyone that we had to look for another way to solve the problem. This was made possible thanks to the coordinated actions of the fire brigade. The sun is not visible because of the clouds.
PROBABLY, CORRECTLY, EXACTLY, NATURALLY turn out to be introductory when indicating the degree of reliability of the reported (in this case they are interchangeable or can be replaced by words of this group that are close in meaning) - You probably (=should be), and you don’t understand how important it is to do it on time. You, right, are the same Sidorov? She certainly was a beauty. All these considerations, of course, are only our assumptions. The same words turn out to be members of the sentence (circumstances) - He correctly (=correctly, the circumstance of the mode of action) translated the text. I don't know for sure (=probably a modus operandi), but he must have done it to spite me. The student accurately (=correctly) solved the problem. This naturally (=in a natural way) led us to the only correct answer.
BTW is an introductory word if it indicates a connection of thoughts - He is a good sportsman. By the way, he also studies well. This word does not act as an introductory word in the meaning of "at the same time" - I'll go for a walk, by the way I'll buy bread.
BTW turns out to be an introductory word, indicating a connection of thoughts - Her parents, girlfriends and, by the way, best friend are against the trip. This word can be used as a non-introductory word in the context - He made a long speech, in which, among other things, he noted that he would soon become our boss.
FIRST OF ALL, as an introductory word indicates the connection of thoughts - First of all (= firstly), is it necessary to raise such a delicate topic at all? The same word can act as a circumstance of time (=first) – First of all, I want to send greetings from your parents. It must be said that in the same phrase "first of all" can be considered as an introductory, or not, depending on the will of the author.
REALLY, DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY will be introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the reported - From this hill, indeed (= exactly, in fact, without any doubt), the most best view. Undoubtedly (=really, really), your child is capable of music. He has certainly read this novel. - or at the reception of the formulation of thoughts - That, in fact, is the whole story. The same words are not introductory if they appear in other meanings - I really am the way you imagined me (= in fact, in fact). He was undoubtedly a talented composer (= no doubt, actually). She is certainly right in offering us such a simple way to solve the problem (=very, quite right). I didn't really have anything against the school, but I didn't want to go to this one (= in general, exactly). The words "really" and "unconditionally", depending on the intonation proposed by the speaker, may in the same context be either introductory or not.
THUS, NEXT, THEN, FINALLY, IN THE END as introductory words indicate a sequence of thoughts - And, then, she turned out to be a celebrity. Next, we will talk about our findings. Thus (=so), our results do not contradict those obtained by other scientists. She is smart, beautiful and, finally, she is very kind to me. What, after all, do you want from me? Usually sentences containing the above words complete a series of enumerations, the words themselves have the meaning "and more". In the context above, the words "firstly", "secondly", "on the one hand", etc. may occur. "Thus" in the meaning of the introductory word turns out to be not only the completion of the enumeration, but also the conclusion.

The same words do not stand out as introductory in the meanings: "in this way" = "in this way" - Thus he was able to move the heavy cabinet. "Next" = "then" - Next, the floor is given to the second opponent. Usually in the previous context there are circumstances of time, for example "at first". "Later" = "then, after that" - And then he became a famous scientist. "Finally" = "in the end, finally, after everything, as a result of everything" - Finally, all things were successfully completed. Usually, in this sense, the particle "-something" can be added to the word "finally", which cannot be done if "finally" is an introductory word. In the same meanings as above for "finally", the combination "in the end" is not introductory - In the end (= as a result) an agreement was reached.
HOWEVER is introductory if it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence - It has, however, been raining for the second week, despite the forecasts of weather forecasters. How clever I am, however! "However" does not turn out to be introductory at the beginning of a sentence and at the beginning of a part of a complex sentence, when it acts as an adversative conjunction (= but) - However, people did not want to believe in his good intentions. We did not hope to meet, but we were lucky.
IN GENERAL is introductory in the sense of "generally speaking", when it indicates the way thoughts are formed - His work, in general, is of interest only to a narrow circle of specialists. In other senses, the word "generally" is an adverb in the sense of "as a whole, completely, in all respects, under all conditions, always" - Ostrovsky is for the Russian theater what Pushkin is for literature in general. Under the new law, smoking in the workplace is generally prohibited.
MY WAY, YOUR WAY, OUR WAY, YOUR WAY are introductory, indicating the source of the message - your child, in my opinion, has caught a cold. Do you think this proves something? The word "in his own way" is not introductory - He is right in his own way.
OF COURSE is most often introductory, indicates the degree of reliability of the statement - Of course, we are ready to help you in everything. Sometimes this word is not isolated if intonation is distinguished by a tone of confidence, conviction. In this case, the word "of course" is considered an amplifying particle - I certainly would agree if you warned me in advance.
ANYWAY more often it is introductory and is used for evaluation - I, in any case, would not like to remember this. These words, in any case, testify to the seriousness of his attitude to life. In the meaning of "always, under any circumstances" this combination is not introductory - in any case, I had to meet him today and talk to him.
IN REALLY, it is NOT introductory more often, speaking in the meaning of "really" - Petya is really well versed in computers. I really don't belong here. Less often, this phrase turns out to be introductory, if it serves to express bewilderment, indignation - Why are you, in fact, pretending to be a smart guy?
IN TURN, it can be introductory when it indicates the connection of thoughts or the way thoughts are formulated - Among many modern writers, Vladimir Sorokin is of interest, and among his books, in turn, "Roman" can be highlighted. Asking me to help him with his work, he, in turn, did not mess around either. The same phrase can be non-introductory in the meanings "in response", "on my part" (= when the turn comes) - Masha, in turn, told about how she spent the summer.
MEAN is introductory if it can be replaced by the words "therefore", "therefore" - The message is complex, which means it needs to be transmitted today. The rain has already stopped, so we can go for a walk. If she fights so hard with us, then she feels right. This word may turn out to be a predicate, close in meaning to "means" - the Dog means more to him than his wife. When you are truly friends with a person, it means that you trust him in everything. "So" can be between the subject and the predicate, especially when they are expressed in infinitives. In this case, a dash is placed before "means" - To be offended means to recognize oneself as weak. To be friends means to trust your friend.
On the contrary, it is introductory if it indicates a connection of thoughts - He did not want to offend her, but, on the contrary, tried to ask her for forgiveness. Instead of playing sports, she, on the contrary, sits at home all day. The combination "and vice versa" is not an introductory combination, which can act as a homogeneous member of a sentence, it is used as a word that replaces the whole sentence or part of it. - In the spring, girls change: brunettes become blondes and vice versa (i.e. blondes become brunettes). The more you study, the higher marks you get, and vice versa (i.e. if you study a little, the marks will be bad; the comma before "and" appears at the end of the sentence part - it turns out, as it were, a compound sentence, where "on the contrary" replaces its second part). I know that he will fulfill my request and vice versa (i.e. I will fulfill it, there is no comma before "and", since "vice versa" replaces a homogeneous clause).
AT LEAST it is introductory, if grades matter - Misha, at least, knows how to behave, and does not pick his teeth with a fork. This phrase can be used in the meanings of "no less than", "the least", then it is not isolated - She will at least know that her father did not live in vain. At least five of the class must take part in cross-country skiing.
FROM THE POINT OF VIEW is introductory in the meaning of "according to" - From my grandmother's point of view, a girl should not wear trousers. Her answer, from the point of view of the examiners, deserves the highest marks. The same turnover may have the meaning "in relation to" and then it is not introductory - The work is going according to plan in terms of timing. If we evaluate the behavior of the heroes of some literary works from the point of view of modern morality, then it should be considered immoral.
IN PARTICULAR, it stands out as introductory if it indicates the connection of thoughts in the statement - She is interested, in particular, in the question of the contribution of this scientist to the development of the theory of relativity. The company takes an active part in charitable activities and, in particular, helps orphanage No. 187. If the combination IN PARTICULAR is at the beginning or at the end of the connecting structure, then it is not separated from this structure (this will be discussed in more detail in the next section) I love books about animals, especially about dogs. My friends, in particular Masha and Vadim, vacationed this summer in Spain. The specified combination is not distinguished as an introductory one if it is connected by the union "and" with the word "in general" - The conversation turned to politics in general and, in particular, to the latest decisions of the government.
MAINLY it is introductory when it serves to evaluate some fact, highlight it in a statement - The textbook should be rewritten and, mainly, such chapters should be added to it ... The room was used on solemn occasions and, mainly, for organizing ceremonial dinners. This combination can be part of the connecting construction, in this case, if it is at its beginning or end, it is not separated from the comma construction itself - Many Russian people, mainly representatives of the intelligentsia, did not believe the promises of the government. In the meaning of “first of all”, “most of all”, this combination is not introductory and does not stand apart - He was afraid of writing mainly because of his illiteracy. What I like most about him is his relationship with his parents.
FOR EXAMPLE will always be introductory, but is formatted differently. It can be separated by commas on both sides - Pavel Petrovich is a person who is extremely attentive to his appearance for example, he takes great care of his nails. If "for example" appears at the beginning or at the end of an already isolated member, then it is not separated from this turnover by a comma - In many big cities, for example, in Moscow, there is an unfavorable ecological situation. Some works of Russian writers, such as "Eugene Onegin" or "War and Peace", served as the basis for the creation feature films not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In addition, after "for example" there may be a colon, if "for example" is after a generalizing word in front of a number of homogeneous members - Some fruits can cause allergies, for example: oranges, tangerines, pineapple, red berries.

Task 2. In the text below, punctuate the introductory words. In the phrase in italics, all punctuation marks are missing, try to arrange them and explain what rules of the Russian language you had to use.

Pupil 6 "B" class Nikita Pryshchikov was undoubtedly lazy. Naturally, his laziness led to poor grades in school, and so he was, of course, also a loser. In general, he could sometimes fight his laziness and then, to the delight of all the teachers, he received "fours", but Nikita did not often have a desire to overcome himself. By the way, his laziness extended only to doing homework and maybe even some unpleasant household chores such as washing dishes and cleaning the room. But Nikita had time and energy for pranks, computer games And definitely football. Actually, Pryshchikov had nothing against going to school, some lessons, in particular physical education and drawing, even gave pleasure, but mathematics and mainly the Russian language brought unbearable suffering. First of all, he did not always correctly understand the rule, but perceived it in his own way, as it seemed to him more precisely. Further, Nikita could not apply this rule in practice, which means he made a lot of mistakes. Perhaps he needed more time to understand the material, but Nikita did not have it. Coming home from school, he first of all turned on the computer and played at least an hour with an interesting and useful toy from his point of view. Then he ran into the yard and played football, demonstrating the dexterity and speed of reaction undoubtedly inherent in the boy. He really loved sports, and then the boy needs to run and jump, in the end he must grow up strong and strong. Sitting at home and reading boring books means becoming lethargic and weak, and this in turn can lead to illness. Isn't football really more important than books? Nikita expressed these thoughts to his father, and he, in turn, supported his son and protected him from his mother, who, on the contrary, considered the most important "five" in the diary.
Then Nikita rested, watched TV or played on the computer again. After that, there were just 30 minutes left for the lessons, because my mother demanded to go to bed no later than at 21.30. And it was precisely in those half an hour that Nikita was attacked by laziness, in any case, this state could only be called that. The boy listlessly went through the pages of textbooks, mainly trying to remember what was said in the class and convincing himself that he remembers everything, he closed the books. Thus, in the end, the lessons remained unfinished, and among the teachers the opinion grew stronger that Nikita Pryshchikov was undoubtedly a lazy person. You don't think so, do you?

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There are such turns in the Russian language that one cannot immediately say about - these are introductory constructions or members of a sentence, which, of course, creates a certain difficulty in staging. Today we will consider one such case. Is it required to separate "actually" with commas?

The very rule

Nominally there is nothing to be confused about. If the object of study is an introductory combination and it is similar in meaning to the expressions “actually speaking” and “in fact”, then commas are always put. But when the meaning is "actually" and "actually," then the commas are completely superfluous.

The reader, probably, was horrified by the subtleties of isolation or, conversely, non-isolation, let him not despair. Practice shows that the authors fiction they also prefer not to puzzle over commas and not use them in this case.

In addition, anyway, whatever one may say, it is very difficult to understand even the author himself, whether he expresses some kind of emotion, which means that he “really” stands out with commas, or states a fact that actually took place. All this is very contradictory and conditional. And okay, if there was one author. What if there is another editor who sees the text a little differently. In any case, here are some examples:

  • "Vanya actually drank a liter of milk."
  • "I actually already packed my things and came to say goodbye."

Mentally replace "actually" with "actually" in the second sentence, and nothing will collapse.

The only problem is that here, too, a double interpretation is possible. After all, the nameless hero really packed things. Therefore, whatever one may say, it is worth recognizing the wisdom of the authors of fiction who answer in the negative to the question: “Is “actually” separated by commas?”

You can eliminate the structure and forget about it

The easiest way to save yourself from suffering is to remove the introductory phrase from the phrase, even if it is not one. In many sentences where there is an object of study, the latter, of course, adds some colors, shades of meaning, but they can be neglected in order to save oneself from linguistic torture.

For example:

  • "The color of the car was actually blue."
  • "Lena could actually play Chopin."

To be honest, in the second sentence, you still want to remove the commas, and this, in turn, proves the correctness of our previous thought: in such constructions, “in fact” can be removed without any embarrassment and loss of meaning.

Another way is to strive for more clarity

Honoring language practice, you need to write sentences so that they are not ambiguous. In other words, you can get rid of introductory words, even if they are not introductory at all. In the two examples above, nothing will change if we remove "really", and the commas will be completely irrelevant - how wonderful!

If you don’t completely leave the object of study, then you can safely use it. Moreover, the tradition does not insist on its allocation, for example, in such sentences:

  • “No, Seryoga, you are not telling everything like that, in fact, everything was like this.”
  • "I didn't get a 4, I actually got a 5."

Here, after all, there is no question whether a comma is placed after “actually” or not. Everything is really obvious. And when there is no opposition between two points of view, then one can interpret it this way and that way.

Synonyms - that's salvation

The correct remedy is to replace it with a synonym, or rather, a semantic analogue. Moreover, this should not be a replacement for one for another, sewed on soap. The sentence must be shifted towards either the introductory combination, or that element of the sentence that does not need to be isolated.

But, when there is no longer the strength to choose and suffer from the question of whether “really” stands out with commas or not, you can resort to substitutions and thereby put an end to the torment. Replacement options:

  • in reality (usually does not require commas, but the author can do anything);
  • practically (does not need isolation);
  • actually (similar to the previous one);
  • turns out (may or may not stand out, depending on the context);
  • indeed (similar to the previous one).

In other words, if you can painlessly replace the object of study with the words that occupy the first three positions in the list, then commas are not needed.

Author, editor, reader

The topic is complex and ambiguous. And in fact, nothing definite can be said about it, because the will of the author decides a lot here. The reader as the addressee will accept any author's position. If he is sufficiently educated, he will find an explanation for why in one place or another “actually” is separated by commas or, conversely, is not separated. The reader in this sense is more tolerant than the editor.

The editor, on the contrary, may have a different opinion about the text that is in front of him. In the end, what matters is who is the last resort, for whom it is written.

The Russian language is so complex that almost any difficult rule has several exceptions, so you can’t choose any one way of writing. When a person is completely exhausted and cannot understand whether a comma is needed after “actually” or not, then let him turn to the word “it turns out”. True, and here it is necessary to look at the context. For example, three sentences:

  • “I call him, I call, but he, it turns out, is sleeping.”
  • “I knock and knock on him, but he doesn’t really hear.”
  • “He ends up where he always dreamed of.”

The first two cases express the attitude of the speaker, and in the third one “actually” cannot replace “it turns out”, because the meaning of the sentence will “float”.

But the good news is that, we keep repeating, tradition insists on the absence. Therefore, the final answer to main question like this: no commas needed.

adverbial expression, introductory expression, particle

1. Adverbial expression. The same as "true, exactly." Not highlighted by punctuation marks.

Kovrin spoke affectionately and convincingly, but she went on crying, shuddering her shoulders and clasping her hands, as if her Indeed suffered a terrible misfortune. A. Chekhov, Black Monk. “What was going on and why was she getting married; why did you bind a man’s fate, non-native, ”as if Indeed what a crime she did before her husband, and before her father-in-law, and before all their honest merchant family. N. Leskov, Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district.

2. Introductory expression, indicating that the speaker confirms something, recognizes the justice, the truth of the previous statement. It is separated by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2)

Indeed, what would happen to us if, instead of the generally convenient rule: honor the rank of rank, another was introduced, for example: honor the mind of the mind? A. Pushkin, Stationmaster. If, in fact, with us, a woman did not exist as a person, but would be completely lost in the family, there would be nothing to think about an actress. A. Herzen. Magpie thief.

3. Particle(in response). Issued as a separate offer.

“If only I could rest somewhere in a decent tavern,” Ivan Vasilievich continued no less deplorably, “I was so shaken that all my bones were aching. After all, we have already left for the third day, Vasily Ivanovich. - "Fourth day". - " Indeed ?" V. Sollogub, Tarantas.


literally, there was a sin, in fact, in the end, in the end, in nature, in essence, in reality, forgotten, really, truly, really, really, really, really, really, there is a sin, really, truly, total , in fact, in fact, in practice, in fact, in earnest, nothing to say, nothing to say, it turns out, in fact, in fact, in essence, truly, truly, positively, true, right, right word, practically, really, seriously, I agree, the way it is, exactly, in fact, formally, what a sin to hide, honestly, what is true is true, what to say, what is true, is true

See more words in "

1. Introductory words and phrases are not part of the offer. With their help, the speaker expresses his attitude to the content of the statement (confidence or uncertainty, emotional reaction, etc.):

Example: Unfortunately, he did not have watercolors.(Soloukhin).

Introductory sentences can also perform the same function.

For example: I dare say I was loved in the house(Turgenev) - in terms of structure, a definite-personal one-part sentence; In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits(M. Gorky) - in structure, a two-part sentence; We, if you want to know we came to demand(Gorbatov) - in structure, a conditional one-part clause.

In writing, introductory words, phrases and sentences usually separated by commas.

Digits of introductory words by value

Meaning Introductory Components Examples
1. Evaluation of the reported in terms of reliability, etc.:
1.1. Confidence, credibility Of course, of course, undoubtedly, undoubtedly, without a doubt, certainly, really, in fact, really, naturally, naturally, naturally and etc. Undoubtedly, someone is sucking the life out of this strange girl who cries when others in her place laugh (Korolenko).
The heroine of this novel needless to say, was Masha (L. Tolstoy).
Indeed, since my mother died ... I was very rarely seen at home (Turgenev).
1.2. uncertainty, speculation, vagueness, assumption Probably, it seems, probably, in all probability, right , in some way, in some way, suppose, suppose, suppose, if you like, anyway and etc. She probably still drinks coffee and cookies in the morning.(Fadeev).
Life, it seems, has not yet begun(Paustovsky).
Gift bread, apparently, to your taste(Mezherov).
And he dreamed, perhaps, of approaching by another way, of knocking at the window as a welcome guest, dear(Twardowski).
My head hurt a bit. Must be bad weather(Chekhov).
2. Different feelings:
2.1. Joy, approval Fortunately, for happiness, for joy, for joy, for the pleasure of someone, what is good, what is even better and etc. Fortunately, Alekhine left the house an hour earlier and managed to catch the steamer sailing to Frankfurt(Kotov).
Here, to the indescribable admiration of Petya, on the old kitchen table, a whole locksmith's workshop is arranged(Kataev).
2.2. regret, disapproval Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the shame of someone, to regret, to annoyance, to misfortune, as to misfortune, as if on purpose, a sinful deed, which is even worse, which is insulting, alas and etc. Unfortunately, I must add that in the same year Paul died(Turgenev).
2.3. Surprise, bewilderment Surprisingly, surprisingly, surprisingly, surprisingly, strangely, strangely, incomprehensibly and etc. Naydenov, to Nagulny's amazement, in one second brushed off his leather jacket, sat down at the table(Sholokhov).
2.4. Fear Irregular hour, what good, God forbid, just look and etc. Just look, the oar will vomit and throw itself into the sea(Novikov-Priboy).
2.5. The general expressive nature of the utterance In conscience, in fairness, in fact, in essence, to the soul, in truth, in truth, in truth, it is necessary to tell the truth, if the truth is told, it is ridiculous to tell, to tell honestly, between us, there is nothing to say in vain, I confess, except jokes, actually and etc. Followed him, however, some weakness(Turgenev).
I confess, I do not like this tree - aspen too much ...(Turgenev).
Nothing offends me so much, I dare say, offends me so much, as ingratitude.(Turgenev).
3. Message source According to someone's report, according to someone's opinion, in my opinion, in your opinion, according to someone, according to someone's expression, according to rumors, according to a proverb, according to legend, from someone's point of view, I remember, hear, they say, they say, how they hear, how I think, how I think, how I remember, how they say, how they think, as it is known, as it was indicated, as it turned out, as they used to say in the old days, in my opinion and etc. Pesotsky, they say, has apples as big as his head, and Pesotsky, they say, has made a fortune with his garden(Chekhov).
The calculation, in my opinion, was mathematically accurate(Paustovsky).
Twenty years ago, Linen Lake was such a wilderness that, according to foresters, not every bird dared to fly there(Paustovsky).
4. The order of thoughts and their connection Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, vice versa, for example, for example, in particular, in addition, besides, to top it all, in addition, moreover, on the one hand, on the other hand, by the way, by the way, in general, in addition, therefore, the main thing, by the way, by the way, by the way and etc. On the one hand, the darkness was saving: it hid us(Paustovsky).
Forest air is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and, finally, it turns the mechanical and sometimes difficult process of breathing into pleasure.(Paustovsky).
So, the next day I stood in this room outside the doors and listened to how my fate was decided.(Dostoevsky).
5. Evaluation of the style of utterance, manner of speech, ways of formulating thoughts In a word, in a word, in other words, in other words, directly speaking, roughly speaking, actually, in fact, in short, in short, rather, it is better to say, to say directly, easier to say, so to speak, how to say, so to speak, what is called and etc. In a word, Storeshnikov every day more and more firmly thought to marry(Chernyshevsky).
In short, this is not a master in science, but a worker(Chekhov).
We got up and went to push to the well, or rather, to the fountain.(Garshin).
6. Evaluation of the measure, the degree of what is being said; the degree of generality of the stated facts at least, at least, to some extent, to a large extent, as usual, as usual, happens, happens, as usual, as always, as it happens, as it happens, as it happens sometimes and etc. Talked to me at least like an army commander(Simonov).
Behind the counter, as usual, almost the entire width of the opening stood Nikolai Ivanovich ...(Turgenev)
It happens that my luck is happier(Griboyedov).
7. Attracting the interlocutor's attention to the message, emphasizing, underlining Do you see (whether), know (whether), remember (whether), understand (whether), believe (whether), listen, allow, imagine, imagine, can imagine, believe, imagine, admit, believe, believe, do not believe, agree, notice, do me a favor, if you want to know, I remind, we remind, I repeat, I emphasize what is important, what is even more important, what is essential, what is even more significant and etc. You were scared, admit it, when my fellows threw a rope around your neck?(Pushkin).
Imagine our young ones are already bored(Turgenev).
We, if you want to know we came to demand(Gorbatov).
Where was it, please?(Pavlenko).

2. According to their grammatical correlation, introductory words and constructions can go back to various parts of speech and various grammatical forms:

    nouns in various cases with and without prepositions;

    No doubt, happily, fortunately and etc.

    adjectives in short form, in various cases, in superlative degree;

    Right, to blame, the main thing, in general, the most important thing, the least.

    pronouns in indirect cases with prepositions;

    Besides, besides, meanwhile.

    adverbs in positive or comparative degree;

    Undoubtedly, of course, probably shorter, rather.

    verbs in various forms of indicative or imperative mood;

    I think, do you believe, it seemed, they say, imagine, have mercy.

    infinitive or combination with infinitive;

    See, know, admit, it's funny to say.

    combinations with adverbs;

    To tell the truth, in short, to put it bluntly.

    two-part sentences with a subject - a personal pronoun and a predicate - a verb with the meaning of will, speaking, thought, etc.;

    For as long as I can remember, I often think.

  • impersonal offers;

    She thought we all remember well.

  • indefinitely personal proposals.

    So they thought of him, as they usually spoke of him.

That's why it is necessary to distinguish between introductory words and homonymous forms and constructions.


Depending on the context, the same words sometimes act as introductory (hence, not members of the sentence), then as members of the sentence. In order not to be mistaken, you should remember that:

a) a question can be put to a member of the proposal;

b) the introductory word is not a member of the sentence and has one of the meanings listed above;

in) introductory words can usually (but not always) be removed from the sentence.

Compare the following sentences in pairs:

It's true(Dostoevsky). - True, sometimes ... it's not too fun to wander along country roads (Turgenev).

During the summer, he can become attached to this weak, talkative creature, get carried away, fall in love (Chekhov). - You might think that I'm asking you for money!(Dostoevsky).

Listen, we right went? Do you remember the place? (Kassil). - Donkey shouts: we, right, will get along, if we sit next to each other(Krylov).

In a number of cases, the criterion for distinguishing between introductory words and members of a sentence is the possibility of adding a word saying.

By the way, he never came.("By the way"); You really shouldn't have come.("as a matter of fact"); In short, the book is useful.("shortly speaking"); I really don't want to go back to what I said.("in truth").

When determining the syntactic function and punctuation, in some cases it is necessary to take into account several conditions.

1) The word probably is introductory in the sense of "probably, apparently":

The sisters are probably already asleep(Korolenko).

The word probably is a member of the sentence in the sense of "undoubtedly, exactly":

If I know(as?) maybe that I must die, then I will tell you everything, everything!(Turgenev).

2) The word is finally introductory:

    if it indicates a connection of thoughts, the order of their presentation (in the meaning of “and more”) completes the enumeration:

    Opekushin was a native of the common people, at first self-taught, then a recognized artist and, finally, an academician(Teleshov).

    Often the word is finally preceded by homogeneous members of the word Firstly Secondly or on the one hand on the other hand, in relation to which the word is finally the closing enumeration;

    if it gives an assessment of a fact from the point of view of the speaker's face or is used to express impatience, to strengthen, emphasize something:

    Yes, go away, finally!(Chekhov).


The word finally is not introductory and performs the function of a circumstance in the meaning of “at the end”, “finally”, “after everything”, “as a result of everything”.

Gave three balls annually and squandered finally (Pushkin).

In this meaning, the particle -to can usually be added to the word (with an introductory word, such an addition is impossible).

Wed: Finally got to the station (Finally got to the station). - You can finally turn to your father for advice(adding a particle -then impossible).

3) The distinction between the combination in the end as an introductory and as a member of the sentence - the circumstance is similar in terms to the word at last.

Wed: After all, in the end, we have not yet decided anything definitively! (eventually denotes not time, but the conclusion reached by the speaker as a result of a series of reasoning). - Finally agreement has been reached(the meaning of the circumstance "as a result of everything").

4) A word, however, is introductory if it is in the middle or at the end of a simple sentence:

Heat and fatigue took, however, their(Turgenev); How clever I am, however(Chekhov).

At the beginning of a sentence (part of a complex sentence) or as a means of connecting homogeneous members, the word however has the meaning of an adversative union (it can be replaced by a union but), so a comma is placed only before this word:

However, it is desirable to know - by what witchcraft did the peasant take such power over the whole district?(Nekrasov).

Note. In rare cases, however, the word is separated by a comma at the beginning of the sentence, approaching in meaning an interjection (expresses surprise, bewilderment, indignation), for example: However, what a wind!(Chekhov).

5) The word of course is usually set off with commas as a lead:

Fedor still worked in the rear, heard, of course, and read many times about "folk heroes"(Furmanov).

But sometimes the word of course, pronounced in a tone of confidence, conviction, takes on the meaning of an affirmative particle and is not punctuated:

Of course it's true!; Of course it is.

6) The word is indeed introductory in the sense of "yes, that's right, exactly" (usually it takes a position at the beginning of a sentence):

Indeed, from the battery, a view of almost the entire location of Russian troops(L. Tolstoy).

As an adverb really has the meaning "in fact, truly, in reality" (usually it comes between the subject and the predicate):

I really is as you say(Dostoevsky).

7) A word in general is introductory if it is used in the sense of "generally speaking":

In general, one could agree with this statement, but it is necessary to check some data; Actually, I would like to know what really happened.

In other cases, the word is generally used as an adverb in different meanings:

  • in the sense of "in general", "as a whole":

    Pushkin is to Russian art what Lomonosov is to Russian education. generally (Goncharov);

  • in the meaning of "always", "absolutely", "under all conditions":

    He kindle fires generally forbade it was dangerous(Kazakevich);

  • in the meaning of "in all respects", "in relation to everything":

    He generally looked weird(Turgenev).

    This provision also applies to the form in general.

    Wed: Sadness, in general, nothing(introductory word, can be replaced - generally speaking). - These are the terms generally uncomplicated process(meaning "in the end"); I made a few remarks about various little things, but all in all very much praised(Garshin) (meaning "as a result").

8) Combination anyway is introductory if it has a restrictive-evaluative value:

Anyway, his last name was not Akundin, he came from abroad and spoke for a reason (A.N. Tolstoy); This information at least in the short term, it will be difficult to check (the entire turnover is highlighted).

In the meaning of "under any circumstances" this combination is not introductory:

You anyway will be informed of the progress of the case; I was firmly convinced that anyway I'll meet him today at my mother's(Dostoevsky).

9) The combination, in turn, is not highlighted as busy if it is used in a meaning close to direct, or in the meaning of “in response”, “on its part”:

He in its turn asked me(i.e. when it was his turn); The workers thanked their bosses for their help and asked to visit them more often; in turn, representatives of the patronage organization invited the workers to a meeting of the theatre's artistic council.

In a figurative sense, the combination, in turn, acquires the meaning of introductory and punctuation stands out:

Among the newspaper genres, the genres are informational, analytical, and artistic and journalistic; among the latter, in turn, stand out essay, feuilleton, pamphlet.

10) The combination really in the meaning of "really" is not introductory. But if this combination serves to express bewilderment, indignation, indignation, etc., then it becomes introductory.

11) In particular, indicating the relationship between parts of the statement, it is separated from both sides by commas:

He is interested in particular in the origin of individual words.

But if, in particular, it is part of the connecting structure (at its beginning or at the end), then it is distinguished by being occupied together with this structure:

Many will willingly undertake this work, and in particular I; Many will willingly undertake this work, and I in particular.

If, in particular, it is included in the design in general and in particular, then such a construction is not separated by commas:

Over tea, the conversation turned to the household in general and in particular about gardening(Saltykov-Shchedrin).

12) The combination is mainly introductory, if it serves to highlight a fact, to express its assessment.

For example: There was a wide alley ... and it was mainly the public who walked along it.(Bitter) (it is impossible to form the combination “mainly to walk”, therefore, in this example, the combination mainly is not a member of the proposal); The article should be corrected and, mainly, supplemented with fresh material. (mainly meaning "most important"). The combination mainly, which is part of the connecting structure (at the beginning or at the end), is separated by commas along with it, for example: From fifty people mostly officers, crowded in the distance(Pavlenko).

The combination is mainly not introductory in the meaning of "first of all", "most of all":

He achieved success mainly due to his industriousness; What I like most about him is his sincerity.

13) The word main is introductory in the sense of "especially important", "especially important":

You can take any topic for the story, but, most importantly, it should be interesting; Details can be omitted, and most importantly - to make it entertaining(a comma cannot be put after the union a, and a dash is put after the introductory combination to strengthen punctuation).

14) The word means is introductory if it can be replaced by introductory words hence it became:

People are born, get married, die; it means it's necessary, it means it's good(A.N. Ostrovsky); So, does that mean you can't come today?

If the word means is close in meaning to "means", then the punctuation depends on the place it occupies in the sentence:

    in the position between the subject and the predicate, it serves as a means of communication between the main members of the sentence, a dash is placed in front of it, and no sign is placed after it:

    To fight is to win;

    in other cases, it means that it is not separated or distinguished by any signs:

    if the word means is between the subordinate and the main clause or between the parts of the non-union complex sentence, then it is separated from both sides by commas:

    If he so stubbornly defends his views, it means that he feels he is right; If you did not save the child, then blame yourself.

15) The word vice versa means “as opposed to what is said or expected; on the contrary" is introductory and is separated by commas:

Instead of slowing down, he, on the contrary, stood on the goats and desperately twisted his whip over his head.(Kataev).

If, on the contrary (after the union and) is used as a word replacing a sentence member or a whole sentence, then the following punctuation is observed:

    when a member of a sentence is replaced, then no sign is placed before the union and:

    In the picture, light tones turn into dark ones and vice versa.(i.e. dark to light);

    when, on the contrary, it joins the whole sentence, then a comma is placed before the union:

    The closer the light source, the brighter the light emitted by it, and vice versa(replacing the whole sentence: The farther away the light source, the less bright the light it emits.; a kind of complex sentence is formed);

    when, on the contrary, it joins a subordinate clause, a comma before the union is not put:

    This also explains why what was considered criminal in the ancient world is considered legal in the new and vice versa.(Belinsky) (as if homogeneous subordinate clauses are formed with a non-repeating union and: ...and why what was considered criminal in modern times was considered legal in the ancient world).

16) The combination is at least introductory if it has an evaluative and restrictive meaning, that is, it expresses the attitude of the speaker to the thought expressed:

One person, driven by compassion, decided to at least help Akaky Akakievich with good advice.(Gogol); Vera Efimovna advised to apply for transferring her to political or, at least, to a nurse in a hospital.(L. Tolstoy).

If the introductory combination at least stands at the beginning of a separate turnover, then it is separated by commas along with it:

Nikolai Evgrafych knew that his wife would not return home soon, at least five o'clock! (Chekhov).

The combination is at least not separated by commas if it has the value "not less than", "at least":

From his tanned face one could conclude that he knew what smoke was, if not gunpowder, then at least tobacco smoke.(Gogol); At least I will know that I will serve in the Russian army (Bulgakov).

17) A turnover, including a combination from the point of view, is separated by commas if it has the meaning "according to":

Choosing a place to build a cottage, from my point of view, lucky.

If such a combination has the meaning "in relation", then the turnover is not separated by commas:

I know that a crime has been committed if you look at things from the point of view of general morality; In terms of novelty, the book deserves attention.

18) The word approximately is introductory in the sense of "for example" and is not introductory in the sense of "approximately".

Wed: I try about her, about("For example"), not to think is impossible(Ostrovsky). - We are about("approximately") in these tones and with such conclusions they talked(Furmanov).

19) The word for example is associated with the following punctuation:

  • separated by commas as introductory:

    Nikolai Artemyevich liked to argue persistently, for example, about whether it is possible for a person to travel around the entire globe throughout his life.(Turgenev);

  • stands out together with a turnover, at the beginning or at the end of which is:
  • requires a comma before itself and a colon after itself, if it is after a generalizing word before listing homogeneous members:

    Some mushrooms are very poisonous, for example: pale grebe, satanic mushroom, fly agaric.


Never are not introductory and the words are not separated by commas:

as if, as if, hardly, hardly, allegedly, almost, even, exactly, after all, only, certainly, just, nevertheless, necessarily, suddenly.

3. General rules for punctuation marks for introductory words, combinations and sentences.

1) Basically, introductory words, phrases and sentences are separated by commas:

I confess that he did not make a good impression on me.(Turgenev); Yes, you probably saw her that evening(Turgenev).

2) If the introductory word is after the enumeration of homogeneous members and precedes the generalizing word, then only a dash (without a comma) is placed before the introductory word, and after it - a comma:

Books, brochures, magazines, newspapers - in a word, all kinds of printed matter lay on his desk in complete disarray.

If the sentence is complex, then a comma before the dash is placed on the basis general rule separation of parts of a complex sentence:

The men drank, argued and laughed - in a word, dinner was extremely cheerful (Pushkin).

3) When two introductory words meet, a comma is placed between them:

What good, perhaps, and marries, out of tenderness of the soul ...(Dostoevsky); So, according to you, physical labor should be done by everyone without exception?(Chekhov).

Amplifying particles with introductory words are not separated from them by a comma:

This is probably true, since there are no contraindications.

4) If the introductory word is at the beginning or at the end of a separate turnover (isolation, clarification, explanation, attachment), then it is not separated from the turnover by any sign:

The swarthy, stocky captain calmly sips his pipe, apparently Italian or Greek (Kataev); Among the comrades there are such poets, lyrics or something, preachers of love for people(Bitter).

Introductory words are not separated from a separate turnover, even if they are at the very beginning or at the very end of the sentence:

Apparently afraid of snowdrifts, the leader of the group canceled the climb to the top of the mountain; Leave these new arguments unconvincing and far-fetched of course.

If the introductory word is in the middle of a separate turnover, then it is separated by commas on a general basis:

The child, apparently afraid of the horse, ran up to his mother.


It is necessary to distinguish between cases when the introductory word is at the beginning of a separate turnover, and cases when it is between two members of the sentence.

Wed: He had information seems to have been published recently (a separate turnover, the introductory word seems to be part of it). - In his hand he held a small, it seems, technical manual.(without the introductory word, there would be no punctuation mark, since the definitions small and technical heterogeneous, the introductory word refers to the second of them).

In the presence of homogeneous definitions, when there may be doubt as to which of the homogeneous members, preceding or following, the introductory word between them refers, the second definition, together with the introductory word, can form a clarifying construction.

This information is taken from the new seems special for thiscase drawn up, directory(without an introductory word, there would be a comma between homogeneous definitions); Silence and grace reigned in it, obviously forgotten by god and people, corner of the earth(specifying definition with a demonstrative pronoun this).

If the introductory word is at the beginning of a phrase enclosed in brackets, then it is separated by a comma:

Both posts (apparently recent) have received widespread attention.

5) If there is a coordinating union before the introductory word, then the punctuation will be like this. Introductory words are separated from the previous coordinative union by a comma if the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without violating its structure (as a rule, with unions and, but). If the withdrawal or rearrangement of the introductory word is not possible, then a comma is not placed after the union (usually with the union a).

Wed: The entire edition has already been printed, and, probably, the book will go on sale one of these days. (The entire edition has already been printed, and the book will go on sale in a few days.); This question has already been considered several times, but, apparently, the final decision has not yet been made. (This question has already been considered several times, but the final decision has not yet been made.); Here, not coal, but rather liquid fuel can be used. (It can be used not coal, but liquid fuel). - The calculations were made hastily, and therefore inaccurately.(impossible: Calculations were made hastily and inaccurately); Maybe everything will end well, and maybe vice versa(impossible: Maybe everything will end well, and vice versa).


Homogeneous member of the sentence, standing after the introductory words and therefore, therefore, is not isolated, that is, a comma is not placed after it.

For example: As a result, strength electromagnetic field incoming signals, which means that the reception strength increases many times over; This scheme, and therefore the whole project as a whole, needs to be verified.

6) After the connecting union (at the beginning of an independent sentence), a comma is usually not put, since the union is closely adjacent to the introductory word following it:

And imagine, he nevertheless staged this performance; And I can assure you, the performance was wonderful; And what do you think he got his way; But anyway, the decision was made.

Less often (when intonation emphasizes introductory words or introductory sentences, when they are included in the text through a subordinating union) after the connecting union, a comma before introductory construction put:

But, to my great annoyance, Shvabrin, usually condescending, decisively announced that my song was not good(Pushkin); And, as usual, they remembered only one good thing(Krymov).

7) The introductory words before the comparative turnover (with the union as), target turnover (with the union to), etc., are separated from them on the basis of the general rule:

All this seemed strange to me, however, like others; The son thought for a moment, probably to collect his thoughts.(usually in these cases the introductory word refers not to the previous, but to the subsequent part of the sentence).

8) A dash can be used instead of a comma for introductory words, phrases and sentences.

The dash is used in the following cases:

    if the introductory phrase forms an incomplete construction (any word restored from the context is missing), then a dash is usually put instead of one comma:

    Chichikov ordered to stop for two reasons: on the one hand, to give the horses a rest, on the other, to rest and refresh himself(Gogol) (a comma before a subordinate clause is absorbed by a dash);

    a dash is placed before the introductory word as an additional sign after the comma if the introductory word is between two parts of a complex sentence and can be referred to either the preceding or the subsequent part:

    The dog disappeared - probably someone drove it out of the yard(the dash emphasizes that not “the dog must have disappeared”, but that “the dog must have been driven away”).

    Sometimes an additional sign emphasizes causal or conjunctive relationships between parts of a sentence:

    It was difficult to check his words - obviously, the circumstances had changed a lot.

    Sometimes a comma and a dash are placed before the introductory word, which is at the beginning of a separate turnover, and a comma after it, to avoid possible ambiguity:

    Since there is still time, we will call someone else for the exam, for example, those who are retaken (allowable in the meaning of "suppose", "say");

    a dash is placed before the introductory word after a comma if the part of the sentence following the introductory word summarizes what was said in the first part:

    Chichikov asked with extreme accuracy who was the governor in the city, who was the chairman of the chamber, who was the prosecutor - in a word, he did not miss a single significant person.(Gogol);

    using a dash, introductory sentences can be distinguished if they are quite common (have secondary members):

    To suspect Yakov Lukich of sabotage - now it seemed to him- it was not easy(Sholokhov); Let the enemy get away, or - as it is said in the solemn language of military regulations- letting him break away is a big nuisance for scouts, almost a shame(Kazakevich).

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