Exercises to strengthen the spine: Healthy spine with the MEDEX system. How to strengthen the spine at home

The five most useful exercises to strengthen the spine.

Exercises to strengthen the spine. The appearance of a person, his gait, manner of movement can say a lot about health. When the spine is healthy, a person walks easily, freely, does not feel his body. If the centering is disturbed, then this is reflected in other functions of the body: the respiratory and cardiovascular, digestive, and excretory systems suffer.

Many people suffer from headaches, they drink medicines to no avail, and the reason often lies in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, when the arteries of the cervical vertebrae are additionally pinched and the brain is less supplied with blood. By the way, vision also suffers from circulatory disorders.

Your Zest has already written how you can carry out relief exercises at the workplace to relieve tension in the cervical spine, for those who, by the nature of their work, have to sit at their desk and computer for a long time: Facilitating gymnastics in the workplace .

From sedentary work, not only the cervical spine suffers, but also the lumbar, as a result, even sciatica can worsen. Gymnastics against sciatica, which helps to strengthen the lumbar spine, you can see Effective complex for radiculitis .

Only physical exercises will help strengthen and improve the spine as a whole. When the vertebrae are normally stretched, the nerve endings are not compressed, the passage of nerve impulses to various organs improves, and tissue nutrition improves. Performing these exercises lengthens the spine, and strengthens the muscles that support it already in a stretched state. No wonder they say: lengthen the spine - lengthen youth. In this article, Your Izest wants to present the 5 most useful exercises for the spine, regularly performing which you can work out and train all parts of the spine in a variety of ways - cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, strengthen the ligaments and muscles that support it. As a result, your posture will improve, your internal organs will become stronger, and you will begin to breathe correctly. In order for the process of healing the spine and all its departments to take place, these 5 exercises must be done regularly - daily or at least every other day. The floor surface should be flat and hard, for classes you will need a mat, a thin mattress or a terry towel.

1 exercise. rifts

I.p. - sitting on the floor

pull the legs to the body, the feet should be pressed against each other. Grasp your legs at the ankles with your hands, the chin is pressed to the knees. In this position, the back of the head, neck and back form one arc. Roll back onto your back and return to the starting position. Roll over on your back 10 to 20 times, while breathing is arbitrary. Important: you need to perform rolls only on a flat floor so as not to displace the vertebrae.

Effect: this is a very useful exercise for the spine - it strengthens the spine and develops flexibility, and thus helps in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, brain diseases, and in addition exercise strengthens memory .

After the exercise, relax a bit and move on to the next one.

2 Exercise. Cobra

I.p. - lying on the stomach

the face is lowered down, the heels and socks are connected, the chin rests on the mat.

Rest your hands on the floor and raise your upper body as high as possible, while the lower half of the abdomen does not come off to the navel. Throw your head back as far as you can, eyes look up. You need to breathe through the nose, voluntarily, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

For those who can already easily do this exercise, its more difficult version:

Perform all the movements as described above - bend up and back, and then turn your head over your right shoulder so that you can see the heel of your left foot. It is important that the arms and legs remain in place, and the lower abdomen does not come off. Slowly turn your head forward and do the same, but turning your head over your left shoulder to see the heel of your right foot. Then bend up again, slowly throw your head back and return to the starting position, lower yourself down. Repeat the exercise, but observing a different sequence of movements - up, left, right, up, down.

It is important when performing this exercise to make smooth movements, to linger in each position for half a minute, for this you can slowly count to yourself up to 30.

Effect: the spine becomes more flexible, stoop and other curvatures of the spine are removed, a beautiful posture appears, the work of the entire digestive tract improves, in particular, intestinal motility increases, and this is also good gymnastics for the eyes. With the help of this exercise, you can cure sciatica.

3. Exercise. Triangle

I.p. - standing on the floor, spread your legs wide enough, the distance between your legs is about a meter. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Slowly lean to the left until you feel tension in your right side. Strive with your left hand to reach your left foot, your right arm is extended horizontally above your head, do not bend your legs! Hold this position for 5-8 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do the same on the other side - to the right. Perform 3-5 tilts in each direction.

For the more advanced - a complicated, but very useful option for the spine, since it strengthens the lumbar region and thereby treats sciatica:

Take the same starting position as described above.

Slowly bend down while turning at the waist, while the right hand moves towards the right leg until it touches it, the left hand is raised up. The gaze is directed to the fingertips of the hand raised vertically upwards. It is important to keep your legs and back straight during the exercise! Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

Repeat tilts in both directions at least 3 times.

As you can see, in this exercise in the lumbar region, not only is it stretched, but also twisted, the vertebrae move more and this helps to relax the intervertebral discs. The lumbar region is better worked out and at the same time strengthened.

Effect: The exercise strengthens the muscles that hold the spine, its flexibility develops, in the first version the lateral surfaces of the body are stretched, which is useful for the waist, and in the second version, the lumbar spine is well worked out and strengthened.

4 Exercise. Onion

I.p. - lying on the stomach

legs bent at the knees, stretch your arms, put them behind your back and grab your ankles - inhale. Then at the same time slowly raise your head, legs, torso as high as possible from the floor, throw your head back while holding your breath. Return to the starting position - exhale.

This exercise also has a second option, for advanced, it is more difficult, but with time, you will also be able to perform it:

Perform all movements as described in the exercise above and then, while holding your breath, do 4-5 swings back and forth, return to the starting position, relax.

Effect: the exercise strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, forms a beautiful bust in women and strengthens the chest, and most importantly, it eliminates all shortcomings in the development of the spine.

5. Exercise. Rybka

The exercise consists of two parts - the first is aimed at stretching the spine, and the second part consists of vibro-gymnastics for the spine, as a result of which the intervertebral discs are worked out, the cells are cleansed of toxins, blood circulation is normalized.

I.p. - lying on your back, arms raised up and outstretched, lie behind your head, legs are straightened forward, pull your socks over you. Start stretching your legs alternately, slightly moving your heels forward - then left, then right, slowly counting to yourself up to 5.

Make a few of these pleasant, sipping movements. Then put your hands behind your head, under your neck, your elbows lie on the floor, put your legs together, pull your socks over you. Begin to oscillate to the right and left in this position, like a fish in water. This exercise is useful to do 2-3 minutes in the morning and evening.

Effect: the exercise contributes to the formation of individual vertebrae in their places, eliminates scoliosis and other curvature of the spine, enhances intestinal motility, and normalizes blood circulation processes.

You can include these exercises in your morning exercises. By regularly performing these exercises to strengthen the spine, after a couple of weeks you will feel that its condition will improve significantly, the pain will pass, it will become easier for you to bend and unbend when bending over. In addition, you will acquire the correct posture and breathing, become more resilient.

Do not try to immediately perform the recommended number of repetitions, start small - with 2-3 repetitions of each exercise. Remember that all movements must be performed at a slow pace, fixing and lingering in each position (start with 5 seconds and work up to 30 seconds) in order to make the muscles stronger and stronger, able to better support the spine. If your muscles are sore and tired the next day, then reduce the number of repetitions, but do not stop exercising. After a few sessions, muscle pain will pass, as they become more trained.

Only daily work aimed at working out the main parts of the spine will help you cope with sciatica, cervical osteochondrosis, and other problems of the spine. Remember to devote at least half an hour a day to keeping your spine in good condition. After all, a beautiful posture, a flying gait, the state of all internal organs and systems in the human body depend on his health.

"Beautiful and Successful" will give some tips on how to strengthen the spine, because this "inner core" of ours is easy to damage, but difficult to restore. And given the rampant wrong lifestyle of many modern women, the risk of problems with it is significantly increased.

We will tell you what exercises should be performed to strengthen the spine and how to eat right to provide vitamins to the vertebrae, make them strong and flexible.

The age of a woman is given out not only by her hands or the skin of her face, but by her posture and gait. Our spine can be healthy up to 70 years, the main thing is to provide conditions under which it will not be heavily overloaded and at the same time remain motionless.

Signs of weakness in the spine and even damage to it can be persistent back pain and poor posture. Thanks to such “failures”, you can even get chronic back diseases, for example, which will be difficult to get rid of.

Talking about how to strengthen the muscles of the spine, the site will not remind you that you need to sit correctly, as well as periodically stretch and bend over when working at a computer for a long time.

We only add that before getting out of bed, do not forget to stretch well and restore blood supply throughout the body, and after that, be sure to do a little warm-up. The morning “five-minute” must necessarily include tilts, rotations of the hips and swings of the arms.

The spine is made up of 24 vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

It is important not to damage any of these elements, otherwise all other "components" of the spinal corset begin to work poorly.

Strong muscles that support the spine, allowing it to work properly and withstand daily loads, are one of the main components of back health in general.

How to strengthen the muscular corset of the spine?

The best way to make any muscle strong is regular exercise. The only exception is that you cannot load the spine at a time when you are experiencing back pain.

The following exercises increase the tone of the spine:

  • static stretching (especially before the next set of exercises);
  • strength exercises (barbells, dumbbells);
  • aerobic exercise.

Exercises that strengthen the spine

  1. Lie face down on the floor, lift your legs and arms, knees and chest off the floor and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then alternately raise your left leg and right arm and vice versa.
  2. Lying on the floor, on your back, pull your knees up to your chest and hold for five seconds.
  3. Standing with your hands on your waist, bend back and stay in this position for five seconds (you should feel the balance and comfort).
  4. Stretch your arms up, then slowly bend over with your arms extended forward. The back should remain straight.
  5. Lie on your back and bend your knees, put your hands along the body. Raise and lower the pelvis in the rhythm of breathing about 30 times.
  6. Twisting on the oblique muscles: swing the press, turning the right elbow to the left knee, and vice versa. This is one of the most effective exercises that strengthen the spine well.
  7. Sitting bends. Feet apart, reach for your toes with your hands - this is a good stretch for the legs and back at the same time.
  8. Bend down with straight legs, take your hands back and up. Stay like this for a few seconds.
  9. Sitting on your knees, bend over and stretch your arms forward, relax and rest in this position for a few minutes - this will relieve tension from the back muscles.

From yoga, pay more attention to the “downward-facing dog” pose and the “cat” exercise, as well as all kinds of twists (including sitting cross-legged), because this oriental gymnastics is a proven way to strengthen muscles and the spine.

During the day, according to experts, our spine “sags” by about a couple of centimeters, so after work or before going to bed it will be useful to hang on the horizontal bar for a couple of minutes. You can also walk on all fours with an arched back or stretch your back in waves, as animals do - first the front “paws”, and then the back ones.

How to strengthen the muscles of the spine with the help of sports and diet?

Aerobic exercises improve blood circulation, promote the flow of oxygen into the body, and therefore are also beneficial for the back muscles. The most effective ones are easy running, cycling, dancing, swimming and intensive walking.

In terms of nutrition, the most beneficial element for bones is calcium, which is found in:

  • almonds
  • walnut
  • dairy products
  • garlic
  • beans
  • oatmeal
  • barley groats
  • hazelnuts
  • mustard

Intervertebral disc tissue cells actively attack oxidants. Vitamins C, A and E will help reduce the harm from their influence. Look for these substances in citrus fruits, carrots, fish oil, broccoli, parsley, flaxseed, rose hips, corn, cod, germinated wheat grains.

Before you strengthen the spine, consult a doctor about existing changes so as not to cause harm. After all, the back is an area where you can easily overdo it.

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Strengthening your back muscles is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, exercises are the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the spine (scoliosis, etc.). By maintaining good muscle tone, energy and metabolic processes in the body improve.

With sedentary work or a sedentary lifestyle, the spinal cord, which is one of the most important nerve centers, suffers. While maintaining correct posture and a strengthened muscular frame, its blood supply improves, a person experiences less fatigue, feels cheerful. Light physical are used as a means of relieving stress after a working day. It has long been proven that the hormones of happiness increase after exercising in the gym, at home, in the pool, etc.

How to strengthen back muscles?

In order to bring yourself into good physical shape, it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money or effort. All exercises can be performed independently at home at a convenient time. The following are developed by an American fitness trainer based on many years of work experience.

The main rule on the way to strong back muscles is the regularity of training.. Preferably even at the same time of day. Muscle tissue has a kind of memory, therefore, with irregular training, the result is achieved much longer. Also, training takes place more energetically in the company of a friend or in group classes.

Exercises to strengthen the back at home

Many find it difficult to start exercising on their own at home. After all, when a person comes home after work, in most cases he wants to lie down and relax. And then there are household chores.

  1. Set a time for training. Set yourself the setting that "3-5 times a week at such and such a time I will study."
  2. Turn on energetic music to create or maintain a good working mood.
  3. Don't overeat before your workout.
  4. Do not drink alcohol or smoke before class.
  5. Record progress. You need to visually see the results, in addition to good health. This can be weighing, measuring volumes, photos, etc.
  6. Set a clear and weighty motivation why is it needed. This is a fight against illness, a desire to do more, to have good health, etc.

Now, when a person is determined and ready to work on himself, you can proceed to the classes themselves.

Exercise one - hip bridge

It is best to perform the bridge with the hips on the floor on a gymnastic or regular rug, a rigid support under the body matters.

So what should be done?

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Close your legs and bend at the knee joints to make a right angle.
  3. The arms are relaxed and lie parallel to the body.
  4. The pelvis should be raised as much as possible, while maintaining a straight back and closed legs.
  5. The position must be fixed for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

To begin with, you need to repeat the movement 10-15 times. This exercise helps relieve tension in the back after sitting. In this case, muscles are involved looking for the hips and buttocks.

Over time, you can increase the load, for this one leg remains bent, and the second is leveled so that the thighs are parallel. There is no need to pull the sock.

Exercise two - "Dog and Bird"

The exercise is so named because the poses resemble the corresponding animals. The starting position is like a dog - on all fours or knee-wrist position.


  1. The knees are placed hip-width apart.
  2. Hands are straight and palms are pressed to the floor at shoulder width.
  3. The back is straight.
  4. It is necessary to strain the abdominal muscles, but without changing the position of the back, keep the posture.
  5. One leg is extended and one opposite arm. This is a "bird".
  6. Hold the position for a few seconds and switch arms and legs.

Repeat up to 10 times. Exercise trains coordination of movements. All the muscles of the back, some of the legs and arms are involved.

Gradually increases not the number of times, but the holding time in an extended position of the limbs. Raise and lower your arms and legs slowly, slowly.

Exercise three - plank on the side

In the third exercise, you need to take a lying position exactly on your side. The hand on which the person lies is bent and rests with the elbow on the floor, i.e. the elbow is under the shoulder.

How to do?

  1. It is necessary to slowly raise the pelvis and hips from the floor.
  2. The vertebrae of the neck and back are aligned in one line.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position.

At the peak of the rise, you have to try stay for 20 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times on each side. The exercise trains the static load on the lower vertebrae, which is constantly present with a sedentary lifestyle.

If the exercise is good, you can complicate the task. To do this, the upper leg rises, forming an acute angle with the lower one. At the same time, do not bend your knees in any case.

Exercise four - lunges

The last exercise is quite simple:

  1. Take a big step with one foot. Calm, without sudden movements.
  2. Hands on the hips or on the belt.
  3. Bend the leg at a right angle so that the thigh is parallel to the floor.

Perform with each leg 10 times. The back must be even at the same time, look forward, i.e. head is raised. The exercise is also for coordination in order to use as many back muscles as possible and form a strong corset for supporting the body. To complicate the task, lunges are made not only forward, but also diagonally to the side.

Performing the above exercises will take 10-15 minutes of time, but it will be an excellent prevention of spinal diseases. For people with already formed pathologies, they are not always suitable, you need to consult with your doctor.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured my sore back on my own. It's been 2 months since I forgot about my back pain. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, lately I couldn't really walk normally ... How many times I went to polyclinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now the 7th week has gone, as the joints of the back do not bother a bit, in a day I go to the country to work, and from the bus it’s 3 km, so I walk easily! All thanks to this article. Anyone with back pain should read this!

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, helping to get rid of pain

Be sure to take into account that in the acute period, when the pain has just appeared, any load is contraindicated. This also applies to light gymnastic exercises. First you need to undergo a course of medical treatment or another, if necessary, and then proceed to restore the musculoskeletal function.

Simple back exercises

To work with a sore back, primitive sets of exercises are selected, but they restore the endurance and strength of the back as much as possible.

Basically, this is a static exercise in fixing the posture for a few seconds, since the dynamics harm the vertebrae and intervertebral discs that are not yet strong:

  • Sarpasana;
  • Lumbar twists;
  • Baby posture;
  • Stretching on a fitball;
  • Keeping the legs in static;
  • Stretching on hyperextension;
  • Stretching the hips;
  • dead thrust;
  • Exercise "prayer";
  • Hyperextension on fitball; About read here.
  • Hyperextension;
  • Raising the pelvis, etc.

If we are talking about a person who has already identified a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, then after stopping the acute period, he is prescribed physiotherapy. If he uses the help of a rehabilitation doctor, then meet with most of the exercises below.


Exercise Borrowed from classical yoga. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Place an emphasis on the hands at shoulder width and bend back with the head tilted back. Sarpasana is also known as the snake pose.

Lumbar twists

The name speaks for itself. The main goal is to turn the lower half of the body in one direction, and the upper half in the other. It is better to perform twisting from a supine position than standing.

Baby pose

What is the main position of the baby? The head leans forward, and the legs are drawn in.

And so the exercise is performed:

  • Lie on your back;
  • Bend your legs at the knee-femoral joints and clasp your hands;
  • Tear your head and shoulders off the floor and stretch the top of your head to your knees.

Like all other exercises, the "baby pose" requires hold the position for a few seconds.

Fitball stretches

Keeping the legs static

The easiest exercise. To perform it, you need to raise the feet and lower legs above the hips. It is done to improve the blood supply to the back and reduce pain.

Hyperextension stretches

The exercise is difficult to perform can't be done abruptly. Therefore, if you can’t do it correctly, it’s better to postpone it until later, when the muscles get stronger from other exercises. The goal is to form a straight line of the body with the legs. At the same time, the torso should be raised and lowered with the correct posture, and the arms should be crossed in front of you.

Hip stretch

To stretch the thighs you need:

  1. Lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee (lower leg parallel to the floor, thigh perpendicular).
  2. The second leg must be rotated so that the ankle joint is under the knee of the already bent leg. About that, read here.
  3. Now both legs simultaneously stretch towards the chest.


Another name - This is straight leg rowing.. With severe pain syndromes, the exercise is contraindicated, and it will cause increased pain. A prerequisite is the observance of posture with minimal flexion in the knee joint. Absolutely even legs should not be, because. there may be an excessive load on the knee joints and provoking complications.

Exercise "prayer"

It is easy to guess that a kneeling position is taken to perform the exercise.

Then you need:

  • Grasp the rope at a distance of up to a meter from the simulator;
  • Bend your back;
  • Press your hands with a rope to your head.

The muscles of the press are maximally tense when performing the “prayer”. When the torso is tilted - the exhalation phase.

Read about it here.

Hyperextension on fitball

In this exercise with the ball, you also need to lie on your stomach, but do not relax, but strain your muscles. Hands are behind the head. Definitely needed make sure the posture is stable. Then the torso and head rise up, creating a straight line with the legs and back down.


The exercise is similar to the previous one, but performed on the simulator. It is necessary, as it were, to "break" through the simulator in the belt. With a lowered back, you need to round your back a little. Then the arms are crossed in front of the chest, and the body rises smoothly. A straight line is formed with the legs and fixed for a few seconds. When lifting - the phase of exhalation, lowering - inhalation.

Pelvic lift

Lying on your back while lifting the pelvis, you need to:

  • The head, shoulders and feet must be pressed to the floor during all phases of the exercise;
  • The legs are spaced shoulder-width apart;
  • While maintaining a straight back, the pelvis rises as smoothly as possible up and down just as slowly.

Neglect of health in youth can hurt in the future. Therefore, it is worth protecting yourself from possible problems and monitoring your posture, as well as forming a muscular corset that would support the spine in the correct condition.

Already by the age of 30, many people find discomfort and pain in the spine, due to coarseness and stiffness of the muscles. If nothing is done, then the muscles that have lost their flexibility will become fertile ground for the development of formidable diseases.

In this article, we will look at simple effective exercises for stretching and strengthening the back muscles at home, and at the end of the article, you can watch a video about these exercises.

Before starting homework

If health concerns nevertheless pushed you to action, then the first thing to do is consult with a trainer or doctor about upcoming workouts.

And it doesn't matter which technique you choose: Always keep your lower back naturally straight.

And the last instruction: be sure to warm up beforehand. The back requires a delicate approach, so always prepare this part of the body for physical work.

A very simple and convenient way to strengthen your back and form the correct posture in just 10 minutes a day:

Warm up

By completing all the steps below, you will protect yourself from potential injuries and other troubles:

  1. Holding the hands on the shoulders, we perform forward and backward rotations 10 times.
  2. Hands on the waist. We make alternate inclinations, throwing up a hand opposite to the direction of the bodily fold.
  3. Being in the same position, we make cyclic movements of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Raise each leg and rotate the foot to both sides.
  5. Bend your raised leg and rotate your lower leg. Change legs.
  6. Light jumps, as if you are doing with a skipping rope. One minute of jumping will be enough.

How to maintain a healthy posture for children

Even if all examinations did not reveal problems with the spine in the child, it is better to stop the possibility of their occurrence now. Moreover, it does not require much effort:

  • We stand straight, hands on the belt. On inspiration, the elbows are reduced back to the contact of the shoulder blades. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. We repeat up to 5 times.
  • We spread our arms to the sides and rotate them in the opposite direction up to 10 repetitions.
  • Hands on the shoulders, legs wider than shoulders. Inhaling, we lean forward, while exhaling we straighten up. We keep our back straight.
  • Clasping your hands behind your back, do up to 6 tilts to the sides.
  • Holding a stick for weighting, we lean at half a right angle. 5 repetitions.
  • Lying on your back, alternately raise your legs. 3 - 4 times.
  • Lying on the stomach, we inhale and raise the body, exhaling we relax. We keep our hands on the waist.
  • We perform jumps up, interspersed with walking.
  • In conclusion, we raise our arms extended to a height in a standing position. Exhale - spread to the maximum width, inhale - connect.

How to train back for girls at home

Now we will pay attention to how to pump up the back muscles for women. You can give the back a light aesthetic relief and make the figure feminine with the help of a simple complex.

We start with torso tilts: legs together, arms parallel to the body. We repeat 5 - 8 times. To increase the productivity of work, we arm ourselves with dumbbells. This exercise helps to pump up the muscles of the back and lose weight in the waist.

Then we kneel down, and bring our hands to our shoulders. Pull up the press. Stretching the right hand up, take the left back. We change hands.

For the next exercise, you will need dumbbells. Taking one in hand, we raise the shells and spread them at the level of the shoulder girdle. We bend our arms so that the elbows rush to the body and try to bring the shoulder blades together. The lesson involves from 2 to 3 dozen repetitions.

The last stage requires the presence of a chair. We stand facing the back and lean on it with straight arms, and place our legs at some distance. Then slowly bend, lowering the pelvis down, and return to the starting position. We repeat up to 8 times.

To eliminate pain in the muscles, it is worth taking a warm shower.

Another series of effective and simple exercises:

Watch the video of a 3-minute, but very effective exercise.

Stretching of the spinal column

Any exercises are preceded by actions that would bring the vertebral links to a safe position.

This avoids possible nerve pinching and other undesirable consequences.

  • Get into the habit of doing the following immediately after waking up. Lie on your stomach with your palms at chest level. Stretch your pelvis back as far as possible. At the same time, a characteristic sensation of positive displacement of the vertebrae is observed. Do the exercise 6-9 times.
  • Bending your knees, try to touch them with your forehead. This will relieve back tension.
  • Standing with your back from the wall at a distance of half a step, raise your hands up and look at your palms. This will stretch each vertebra evenly. Next, lightly lean your hands on the wall, press your chest and chin against the wall. You will feel how the vertebral segments move away from each other. If you do not feel anything, then stand further from the support and do the same. Having reached the optimal posture, fix it and turn your head to the right and left, touching the vertical surface with the corresponding cheek.
  • Stretch your shoulder girdle. To do this, press your left side and hand against the wall. And pull the last one along the wall behind your back. Slowly turn in the direction of the outstretched limb and hold in this position for a while. The technique is repeated for both sides.
  • Hang for a couple of minutes and focus on relaxing your back so that the vertebrae are properly stretched.
  • From a sitting position, lower your head between your knees and put your hands under them. Grabbing the back of your head, stretch your shoulder blades towards the ceiling.

The complex ends with a slight pull-up on the horizontal bar, bending the legs and bending the back back. During the final stage, take your time and do not strain, but direct your attention to the spinal muscles.

Exercises to correct scoliosis and strengthen posture

How often you can see a very beautiful girl who is spoiled by her stooped back. The best solution is to prevent the problem at an early age by teaching yourself to keep your back straight.

However, severe scoliosis can be corrected with the help of special classes. And exercises for a sore back without a doctor's prescription are highly discouraged. Otherwise, such therapeutic therapy will not give the desired result or even worsen the condition of the spine.

  • Straighten your back, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Repeat alternating back and forth bends, trying to reach the maximum amplitude. Do not overdo it: move slowly and follow the sensations.
  • Swimming is a popular way to strengthen the muscular corset of the back.. For these purposes, it is not necessary to visit the pool, because you can simulate the movements of a swimmer. Standing straight, depict some kind of swimming technique: frog-like, breaststroke, etc. Try to keep your back straight.
  • Take a straight position with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your hands, closed in a lock, above your head. Slowly bend to the sides for 10 repetitions.
  • Having taken the pose of a four-legged animal, reproduce the “cat” exercise. First bend, and then hunch over, after which do another 9-14 times.

A positive effect will manifest itself only with the daily implementation of techniques.

Having corrected your posture, you need to provide it with reliable support. Otherwise, the achieved shape of the spine will quickly return to a painful position.

The described complex is practiced both for the treatment of scoliosis and to achieve the desired muscle tone.

Working out with dumbbells

We lie down on our stomach and stretch our arms with dumbbells along the body. We tear them off the floor and start them back. The legs are also raised slightly. We do up to 15 repetitions.

We strengthen the area between the shoulder blades. Standing straight, we tilt the body parallel to the floor, and bend the lowered arms at the elbow. We raise the dumbbells to the sides.

We accept the position described above, but one knee and hand should rest on the bench. A projectile is placed in the other palm, which must be pulled to the shoulder without taking the elbow away from the body.

Then we stand up straight, and raise the dumbbells with shoulder movements. At the same time, the arms are relaxed, and only the neck and back are used.

If you have a fitball, then place the ball near the wall and lie on it with your stomach so that your feet rest on a vertical plane. Bending and unbending, watch the lower back muscles: they should not rest. With this method, the buttocks and back of the thighs are also trained.

We use the bar

Observe progressive weight gain. To warm up, hang on the bar, and then squat.

We stand up straight, slightly bend the limbs at the knee joints. We raise the projectile to the stomach, reducing the shoulder blades, and then slowly lower it. The first approach - 10 times, then - 15 each.

The next exercise is the deadlift. We start from a standing position with a barbell in our hands. With a straight back, slowly lower the body to a position parallel to the ground and straighten up again.

Leaning forward. We place the projectile on the shoulders, fixing it with our hands. Keep your back straight and bend down. The angle of inclination is limited to a position in which you feel a significant rounding of the lower back.

What to avoid when exercising with weight

Do not pull the bar using the momentum of the initial jerk. In this case, the back is practically excluded from the working group, and only the biceps and shoulders experience the load. It is necessary to carefully control the movement of the projectile.

Do not forget about the shoulder girdle when pulling the barbell. When the arms are extended, do not let them relax at the extreme point of the amplitude. Shoulders and back should be under constant light stress. Make sure that the shoulder joint does not fall out of work, otherwise you may be seriously injured.

Under no circumstances should you let your lower back rest. If the tense back muscles take on a semicircular shape, then the risk of injuring yourself will increase.

Action Exercises

Achieving outstanding back musculature is based on three pillars: deadlift, pull to the belt and, of course, pull-ups.

Not only weightlifters and bodybuilders need to regularly train their back. A good set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine will help form a muscular corset. This is important both for an even posture and for the prevention of deformities of the spinal column. The latter often occur in adulthood, especially in sedentary people. Giving sports only half an hour every day, you can maintain the flexibility of the spine for many years and avoid many back problems.

How to do the exercises correctly

Before starting regular back muscle training, it is important make sure there are no contraindications. If the anamnesis includes diseases or injuries of the spine, then a doctor's consultation is needed. Even if loads are allowed, a number of rules should be observed to avoid injuries to the musculoskeletal system:

  • perform all elements smoothly, without sudden jerks;
  • constantly listening to feelings in the problem area (discomfort - a signal to stop the lesson);
  • increase the load gradually, slightly increasing the number of repetitions as the muscles strengthen;
  • need to practice regularly increasing discipline and consolidating the results achieved;
  • beginners should not chase quantity made repetitions and sets, as well as set too frisky pace at the very beginning of the lesson.

The following set of exercises for the spine is contraindicated in chronic diseases at the acute stage, bleeding of any etiology, the presence of severe pain in the lumbar region, shoulder blades and neck.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back at home

Four simple exercises for which no equipment or skills required, with regular performance, they will help create a reliable muscular support for the spinal column:

  • Bridge hips. The element is performed from the initial lying position, while the bent legs rest with the feet on the floor, the arms are located along the torso. Exhaling, raise the hips up until the body is straightened in the hip joints, linger a little at the top point and smoothly lower the pelvis. It is desirable to perform the exercise at least 15 times. As the muscles strengthen, you can increase the load by straightening one leg at the knee while lifting the hips.
  • "Bird and Dog"- an interesting and effective exercise for all groups of spinal muscles. Standing on all fours (dog pose), you need to tighten your abs and straighten your back. The transition to the bird's pose consists in the simultaneous raising of the right arm and the opposite (left) leg. At the same time, the limbs are straightened, arranged strictly horizontally and fixed for a couple of seconds. After returning to the original position, the opposite arm and leg work (do at least 5 times for each side).
  • side plank especially useful for prolonged static load on the spine (standing work). Lying on your side and leaning on the elbow of one hand, place the other on the waist. Then tear off the hips from the surface and straighten the body, fixing in this position for at least half a minute. Repeat the element for the other side. To complicate the task, you can raise your leg in the process of execution or lean on the palm of a straight hand.
  • lunges, designed to improve coordination, are performed from a standing position. Having fixed the palms on the waist, you need to take a fairly wide step forward, bending the legs at the knee joints at a right angle. Do 10 repetitions for each leg. You can increase the load with the help of weights (hold dumbbells in your hands).

In addition to preventing deformities and diseases of the spine, this simple set of exercises will provide excellent posture. A thin waist and a graceful gait will be another nice bonus.

People whose work involves long-term static loads on the back and those who visit the gym are recommended to perform more special elements.

An additional set of exercises to strengthen the spine (video)

Exercise machines in the gym allow you to diversify the set of standard elements for the formation of a muscular corset.

  • Stretches performed on hyperextension, perfectly strengthen the rectifier muscles. From the starting position, you need to completely straighten the body, lingering for 30 seconds at the top point.
  • Deadlift- Another great element for pumping rectifiers. The exercise is intended for the prevention of disorders and is contraindicated in pain syndrome. Perform tilts and extensions smoothly, holding the barbell in your hands with a direct grip.
  • Element "prayer" is a vertical block pull performed on the knees. At the bottom point, when bending the torso, the head should touch the floor.
  • hyperextension you can do it on fitball. Starting position - lying on the stomach on the projectile with palms fixed on the back of the head and lowered torso. When unbending the body, straighten and linger for half a minute in this position.
  • Stretching with a fitball- one of the simplest, but very useful exercises for the back. You just need to lie on the projectile with your stomach and relax the muscles of the whole body as much as possible. You can stay in this position for as long as you like.

These exercises are not only guarantee of a strong muscular corset but also excellent remedy for back pain. Supplementing them with a standard training program, you can do not be afraid of scoliosis and osteochondrosis even with many hours of sedentary work in the office. At the same time, it is important to get up from the workplace every hour in order to slightly stretch the muscles and activate blood circulation.

The effectiveness of exercises for the back in diseases of the spine

Scoliosis and osteochondrosis- the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The first diagnosis is made at any age, since the curvature of posture can be earned in childhood. Wherein back muscles atrophy and hold the spinal column in wrong position. Special stretching and muscle strengthening exercises are the best way to correcting the situation.

A set of exercises for scoliosis (video)

Osteochondrosis is a more “age-related” disease, which is cartilage degradation intervertebral discs. Accompanied by impaired mobility of the spinal column, periodic pain and deterioration of tissue nutrition. In this case, you should be careful, but if the case is not very advanced, the exercises help restore mobility and relieve pain.

Training for osteochondrosis (video)

Performing a set of simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine daily, you can restore health and maintain it for a long time.

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